Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series, sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service Apple finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series, über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von Apple Power Macintosh 8100 Series widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

     Pow e r Ma cin t os h Us e r ’ s Gu i de Includes setup, troubleshooting, and important health-related infor mation for P ower Macintosh 8100 series computers[...]

  • Seite 2

    K Apple Computer , Inc. © 1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in th[...]

  • Seite 3

    iii Co m m unic ati ons reg ul ati on informati on v i Pr efa c e W el c o me t o P o w er Ma c i n t o sh i x 1G e t t i n g S t a r t e d 1 Pl u gg i ng in the computer 1 Ins ta lli ng an ex pa nsi on c ard 3 C onn ect i ng a m onitor 3 C onn ect i ng t h e mouse and k e yboard 8 C onn ect i ng ot h er equipment 9 Tu r n i n g t h e co m puter on[...]

  • Seite 4

    2G e t t i n g H e l p 1 9 Gettin g a ns wers t o y our quest ions 20 Ide n ti fyi ng ob jects on t h e screen 28 Lear ni ng u seful shortcuts 29 3C o n n e c t i n g A dd i t i o na l E q u i pme n t 3 1 Y our c omputer at a gl a nce 3 1 C onn ect i ng audi o equipment 34 C onn ect i ng v ideo equ ipment 3 9 Ex pa ndi ng m emory 4 9 Ins ta lli ng [...]

  • Seite 5

    App e ndi x A Hea l th , Sa f et y , an d Ma i n te na nce T i ps 99 Health-re lated inf or mati on about computer u se 99 Saf e t y i n s t r u ct i ons 1 0 4 Handli ng y our computer equ ipment 1 05 Cl ea ni ng y our equipment 1 0 9 App e ndi x B I ns ta l l i ng a n Ex pa ns io n Ca rd 1 1 1 In stallin g a car d with a D A V c onn ect or i n y o[...]

  • Seite 6

    vi Communications Regulation Information Co mmunic ation s reg u la t io n i n f or ma t i on FCC statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. Rad[...]

  • Seite 7

    DOC statement DOC Class B Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communications. Observation des normes—Classe B Cet appareil numérique respecte l[...]

  • Seite 8


  • Seite 9

    Co n gratul ations on t h e purcha se of y our n e w Mac i ntosh . Y our computer i s de si gned to gi v e y ou the highe st performance combined with real ease o f us e—it ’ s eas y to set up , eas y to u se , a nd eas y to e xpand. This book will gu ide y ou throu gh the setup proced ure , tell y ou ho w to e xpand y our Mac i nt osh, a nd pr[...]

  • Seite 10

    Monitor power cord (sometimes built into the monitor) Computer power cord Mouse Adapters for composite video (A V - equipped Power Macintosh only) Monitor cable (sometimes built into the monitor) Keyboard Keyboard cable (sometimes built into the keyboard as shown here) Monitor Macintosh computer[...]

  • Seite 11

    Th e illu stration on t h e f acing pa ge sho w s all the equipment y ou will need to set up y our computer and begin us i ng it. P lace y our equipment on a stur dy , fl at surf ace n ear a grounded w all outlet. B ef ore f ollo wi ng t h e setup in struct ions in this c hapter , y ou ma y w ant to read “ A r ranging Y our Of fice ” i n Ap pe [...]

  • Seite 12

    When y ou are ready t o b egin, f oll o w these steps: 1P lug the socket end of the computer’s power cord into the recessed power socket (marked with he symbol ≤ ) on the back of the computer. 2P lug the other end of the power cord into a three-hole grounded outlet or power strip. IMPORTANT Be s ure that at lea st on e end of the po wer c ord i[...]

  • Seite 13

    3I f necessary, switch the computer off. If y ou heard a t on e when y ou plu g ged in the computer , the computer ha s star ted up a nd y ou n eed to turn it of f b ef ore proceedi ng . Pres s the pow er sw itc h to tur n the computer o ff . (T h e pow er s witch i s located on t h e bac k of th e co m puter a nd is mark ed with t h e s ymbol I .)[...]

  • Seite 14

    Con ne ct i ng the mo nit o r p o we r cor d Monit ors ha ve t w o cords t o connect: a po wer c ord and a monit or cab le . T o c onnect t h e monit or pow er cor d, f oll ow t h ese steps: 1P lace the monitor next to the computer. K eep these c onsi derations in mind: m Al lo w a fe w i nche s f or ai r circul ation ar ound the computer and monit[...]

  • Seite 15

    3P lug in the monitor power cord. Some m onitor po wer c ords are de s igned t o plu g into t he bac k of y our com puter . If y ou ha v e a n App le A udioV is ion monit or , b e sure t o plu g the m onit or pow er cor d i nto t h e bac k o f the computer , not i nto an out let. So me monit or po wer c ords must be connected t o a grounded elec tr[...]

  • Seite 16

    Con ne ct i ng the monit or c able After y ou plu g i n the monit or pow er cor d, y ou connect the monit or c able t o th e computer ’ s monitor port. Y our computer ha s tw o monit or por ts: a high- dens ity monit or por t a nd a second m onitor port. T h e high-dens ity por t accepts a m onitor wit h a screen 1 6 i nches or smaller (m eas ure[...]

  • Seite 17

    To c onn ect t h e monit or c able , f oll o w these steps: 1A ttach the monitor cable to the monitor. On s ome monit ors , the cab le is alread y attached. 2A ttach the monitor cable to one of the monitor ports on the back panel of the computer. If y ou ha v e a sta ndard monit or , attach t h e monit or c able t o the second m onit or por t. If y[...]

  • Seite 18

    Con n ect i ng the mous e and ke yboard Y ou ha ve a c hoi ce of se v eral ke yboards f or y our Mac i nt osh. Th e w a y y ou c onnect t h e mou se a nd ke yboar d dep ends on whether the ke yboar d has a separate c able or a built-in c able . Con ne ct i n g a k e y boa rd w it h a sep ara te ca bl e 1P lug the mouse cable into the port on either[...]

  • Seite 19

    Con ne ct i n g a k e y boa rd w it h a b u i l t-i n ca bl e 1P lug the mouse cable into the recessed port on the back of the keyboard. The p lu g a nd t h e por t are marked with t h e ◊ ic on (s ymbol) . T h e pos itions o f th e por t a nd ic on on y our ke yboar d ma y b e dif ferent from t hose pi ctured. By t h e w ay: A por t marked with [...]

  • Seite 20

    Tu r n i n g t h e com puter on To t u r n on the computer f or the fi rst time , fo llo w the se steps: 1T urn on your monitor. S ee the inf or mati on that c ame with y our monitor f or the loc ation o f the po wer sw itc h. On A pple monit ors , the pow er s witch i s marked wit h the s ymbol I . By t h e wa y : Y ou onl y n eed to tur n on the [...]

  • Seite 21

    2 Turn on your computer by pressing the Power key on the keyboard. The P o w er k e y is mark ed with a trian gle . Its locat ion depends on whi ch keybo ard y ou ha ve . Y ou h ear a tone from t h e computer a s it star ts up . 11 Getting Started[...]

  • Seite 22

    3C heck to see what’s on your screen. m If y ou see the Mac i ntosh de s kt op , show n h ere , y our s y stem so ft w are is alread y set up cor rect l y . S kip now t o “ What ’ s Nex t?” m If y ou see a blin ki ng que sti on mark, y ou need to install s y stem so ftw are on th e co m puter ’ s hard di s k. (S y stem so ft w are is a se[...]

  • Seite 23

    Pr o b l e m s tu r n in g you r com p ut er o n? If y ou don ’ t see a n ything on the screen, c h ec k these items t o see if you c a n ide nti fy th e problem: m Is the computer plu g ged int o a pow er source? If it i s plu g ged into a po w er strip , is the po wer strip tur n ed on? m Is the computer tur ned on? T h e pow er -on li ght on t[...]

  • Seite 24

    Wh at’ s ne xt? Yo u’ ve finished sett i ng up y our computer . Cont i nue with one of t h e f oll owing steps: m If y ou are new t o the Mac i ntosh, turn to t h e nex t secti on, “ Lear ni ng t h e Basi cs . ” m If y ou are an ex p erienced Mac i ntosh u ser , tur n t o Chapter 2 , “Gett i ng Help , ” t o lear n about Mac intosh G uid[...]

  • Seite 25

    Learn ing th e basics If y ou are new t o the Mac i ntosh, y ou should be gi n by l ooki ng at t h e eas y-t o- use p ro gram c alled the Macint osh T ut orial. Th e tutori al teaches y ou the ba si c sk ills y ou ’ll n eed to u se y our computer . T o star t the tutori al, f oll ow t h ese steps: 1S lide your mouse along your mouse pad or desk. [...]

  • Seite 26

    4W hile holding down the mouse button, move the arrow until the words “Macintosh Tutorial” are highlighted, then release the mouse button. A window appears we lcomin g you t o the tutori al. Y ou can set thi s book as ide f or now and f oll ow t h e i nstr uct ions on the screen . Wh en y ou ha v e completed th e tut orial , retur n to t his bo[...]

  • Seite 27

    Tu r n i n g t h e co m pu te r o ff To tur n y our computer o f f , y ou choose S hut Do wn from t h e Speci al menu . Detailed instr ucti ons f oll ow . 1M o ve the tip of the arrow ( 8 ) to the word “Special” at the top center of the screen. If the w ord “ Spec ial” does not appear at the top o f the screen, y ou ’ re workin g in t he [...]

  • Seite 28

    Wh e r e to fi nd ans wers When y ou ha v e quest ions about u sing y our Mac i ntosh, there are se v eral pl ace s y ou can look f or a ns w ers . In this book Use this book to help you set up your computer and learn about it, or to find solutions to problems. In the Guide menu The Guide menu (marked with the h icon) is your main source of informa[...]

  • Seite 29

    Th e Gu ide menu is y our mai n source o f i nf or mation w hen you ’ re workin g with y our computer . T he menu is i dentified b y a quest ion mark ( h ) in the upper -ri ght cor n er of the screen . 19 2 Ge tt i n g He l p Use the instructions in this chapter to learn about the help available to you in the Guide menu.[...]

  • Seite 30

    Ge tt i ng a ns we rs t o y o u r q uest i o ns When y ou ha v e a quest ion w hile w orki ng wit h y our computer , y ou c a n get t h e an sw er by c hoosin g Macint osh Gui de from the Gu ide menu . 1P ull down the Application menu (in the upper-right corner of the screen) and choose Finder to make it the active application program. A c h ec kma[...]

  • Seite 31

    3N otice the three buttons at the top of the window: Topics, Index, and Look For. Maci n t osh G uide gi v es y ou three w a y s of f i ndi ng inf or mation: m Topics lets y ou choose fr om a list o f general s ub jects; it is like t h e table o f c ontents in a book. m Index lets y ou choose fr om a n alphab eti cal li st of m ore sp ecif ic s ub [...]

  • Seite 32

    2C lick “Setting Options” in the list of topics. When y ou c lic k a n y top ic area, a list o f rel ated quest ions appears on the ri ght sid e of t h e Mac i ntosh G uide window. 3C lick the question “How do I set the time and date?” and then click OK. Or double-click the question. A small window appears with instr uct ions f or y ou to f[...]

  • Seite 33

    Ge tt i ng a ns we rs w i th t he I nde x bu tt o n 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Index button. An alphabetic al list o f sub jects appears on the left s ide of t h e wi ndo w . 2S croll through the alphabetical list until the phrase “background pattern” is visible. Y ou can scro ll thr ough t h e list eit h er by dra g gi ng t h e[...]

  • Seite 34

    4C lick the question “How do I change the background pattern?” and then click OK. Or double-click the question. A small window appears with instr uct ions f or y ou to f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Maci n t osh G uide pr o v ide s step-by-step instr ucti ons to ans wer t h e quest ion y ou selected. When y ou ha v[...]

  • Seite 35

    Ge tt i ng a ns we rs w i th t he L oo k F or b utt on 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Look For button. A small bo x appears on the left s ide of t h e wi ndo w , where y ou c a n typ e tex t. 2C l i ck the arrow button to activate the text box. 3T ype “sound” in the text box and then click Search. When y ou c lic k Search, a li st o[...]

  • Seite 36

    4C lick the question “How do I change the beep sound?” and then click OK. Or double- click the question. A small window appears with instr uct ions f or y ou to f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Maci n t osh G uide pr o v ide s step-by-step instr ucti ons to ans wer t h e quest ion y ou selected. When y ou ha v e comp[...]

  • Seite 37

    Ti ps f or usi ng M aci nt osh Gu id e Here are a f ew t ips f or us i ng Ma cintosh G uide e f fec ti v el y: m Maci n t osh G uide i s a v ailable onl y when y ou are in the Finder—the de s kt op area where y ou c a n see the icons o f dis ks , f olders , a nd file s . (Other pro grams ma y als o ha ve help a v ailable in the Gu ide menu, ho we[...]

  • Seite 38

    Iden t ify i ng object s on the scre en So me ti me s y ou ’ll see a n unf amiliar item on the screen and as k y ourself , “What ’ s that?” Y ou c a n get an ans wer b y us i ng a M acintosh f eature kno wn as Ba lloon He lp . Ba lloon He lp ex pl ai ns the functi on of i cons , menu s , commands , a nd other items on t h e Macint osh scree[...]

  • Seite 39

    Learn i ng us ef u l shor tc uts Y ou can perf or m ma ny ta s ks in the Finder m ore quic kl y if y ou use k e yboar d or mou se shor tcuts . F or ex ample , i nstead of c lic ki ng an ic on a nd choos i ng Op en from t h e File m enu, y ou c a n simp l y double-c lic k the icon t o open it. Fol l ow t h es e s t eps to lear n ke yboar d and mouse[...]

  • Seite 40

    2C l i ck one of the category buttons. Another window appears , descri bi ng shortcuts for t hat cate gory . 3 Read about the shortcuts available for the category you selected. Click th e r i ght arro w i n the lo wer -ri ght cor ner of the window t o disp la y the ne x t wi ndo w (if there is one) . 4W hen you finish reading about the shortcuts fo[...]

  • Seite 41

    Yo u r c o m p u t e r at a glanc e Th e illu stration sho ws a b as ic P o w er Macint osh 8 1 0 0 series s y stem, read y to us e. Ho we ver , y ou can al so e xpand y our computer s y stem. Monitor Keyboard Mouse CD-ROM drive (optional) Floppy disk drive Hard disk drive (internal) Interrupt switch ¥ Reset switch P Power-on light 31 3 Co nn ec t[...]

  • Seite 42

    Th e illu strations on t his pa g e and the n ex t show w h ere equipment shoul d b e c onnected t o y our computer . F or i nstr uct ions on c onn ect i ng audi o or v ideo equipment , ref er to t h e n ex t two se cti ons of t his c hapter . F or i nstr uct ions on c onn ect i ng ot h er equipment , su ch a s a CD-R OM dri v e , see the ma nual t[...]

  • Seite 43

    AV - e q u ip p e d P ow er Ma ci n t o sh 8 1 00 ser ies co m p ut er Monitor power socket High-density monitor port ™ Connects a monitor to your Macintosh. SCSI port g Connects your Macintosh to SCSI equipment such as hard disk drives, scanners, and printers. Ethernet port G Connects your Macintosh to a high-speed network. Sound output port - C[...]

  • Seite 44

    Con n ect i ng au dio e quipm e nt Y our Mac i ntosh c a n pl a y a nd recor d stereo sound fr om a v ariety of s ources . Y ou can li sten to or repr od uce stereo sound b y connect i ng audi o equipment t o th e s ound i n put a nd output por ts on the computer . If you ha v e a n i nter nal CD-R OM dri v e , y ou c a n als o use y our computer t[...]

  • Seite 45

    35 Connecting Additional Equipment Th e c omputer ’ s sound ports accept an audio c onn ect or know n as a st er eo minip lu g. Th is connect or is the type used on headphon es f or a p ersonal tape pl ay er , f or ex ample . If y our equipment has a dif ferent type o f connect or , y ou ca n purcha se a n adapter at an electr onic s supp l y sto[...]

  • Seite 46

    4A ttach the cable to the audio equipment and to the appropriate sound port on the Macintosh. To h ear or recor d i ncoming s ound on the computer , connect t h e audio equipm ent to t h e sound input por t ( X ). To record t h e sound pr od uced b y the computer or pl a y that s ound throu gh ex ter nal sp eakers , connect t he audio equipm ent to[...]

  • Seite 47

    Fo llo w these steps t o connect and pos iti on the microphone: 1S hut down the Macintosh. 2P lug the microphone’s connector into the sound input port ( X ) on the back of the computer. 3P lace the microphone at the top center of the monitor, so that the microphone’s Apple ( K ) icon is facing you. If y ou c a n ’ t pl ace the micr ophone on [...]

  • Seite 48

    Con ne ct i ng ex ternal ste r eo s pea k e r s Y ou can tak e adv antag e o f your c omputer ’ s stereo sound output b y attaching exte r na l pow ered (amplif ied) sp eakers . 1 Assemble the speakers and the cable you need. Y ou n eed a cab le with stereo miniplu g s at each end t o connect one or both speakers t o the computer . (Some speakers[...]

  • Seite 49

    Con n ect i ng vi de o eq uip m e nt If y ou ha v e a n A V -equipped Po wer M acint osh, you c a n connect v ideo equipm ent so that y ou c a n disp la y , edit , a nd store v ideo ima ge s on the com puter . Y ou c a n als o v iew or rec ord t h e computer ’ s ima ge s on a tele v is ion or v ideoca ssette rec order (VCR) . No t e : On A V -equ[...]

  • Seite 50

    About y our c omputer’ s S - vide o input and output p or ts Y our A V -equipped Mac i ntosh ha s tw o S-v ideo ports. T he i n put por t bri ng s i n ima ge s from c onn ected e xter nal equipment , s uch a s a VCR . T h e output por t sends ima ge s out from t h e computer t o the ex ter nal equipment. S-video input port S-video output port Æ?[...]

  • Seite 51

    Th e S-v ideo c onn ect or is a round p lu g with se v eral small metal pins . Y ou ca n plu g thi s typ e of c onnect or i nto y our computer ’ s S-v ideo in put or output por t. IMPORTANT The S-v i de o connect or resemb les other Mac intosh c onn ect ors, su ch as t hose f or a pri nter , modem, m ouse , or ke yboar d. Don ’ t confu se the c[...]

  • Seite 52

    Tw o adapters f or R C A plu gs c ome with y our computer . T o connect a c able with R C A plu g s to y our computer , connect t h e R C A plu g t o on e of t h e adapters , and connect the adapter t o the appropriate S-v ideo por t (i n put or output) on the bac k of y our computer . Connect the end marked with the æ icon to the computer’s S-v[...]

  • Seite 53

    Con ne ct i ng vi de o eq u i pme n t f o r i n put to th e c omputer When y ou connect v ideo equipm ent to t h e P ow er Mac i nt osh 8 1 0 0/80 AV , y ou ca n v ie w v ideo on the c omputer , c apture v ideo frame s , and h ear the sound from t h e v ideo equipm ent throu gh the computer ’ s sp eaker . T he i nstr uct ions tha t fo l low are f[...]

  • Seite 54

    IMPORTANT A Y -shap ed adapter is s upplied wit h the round micr ophon e for so me m odels o f the Mac i ntosh . T his adapter is not c ompati ble with y our Powe r Ma ci n t osh . 2A t t ach one end of the video cable to the Video Out port on the VCR. Fol l ow t h e directi ons that c ame with t h e VCR. 3P lug the other end of the video cable (or[...]

  • Seite 55

    Con ne ct i n g vid e o e quip m e nt for o u t put from th e c omputer Y ou can deli v er a nd recor d a sophi stic ated presentat ion b y combining the vi deo a nd sound c apabilit ies o f y our Mac i nt osh. Th e steps that f ollo w ex pl ai n ho w to set up equ ipment f or recor di ng t h e computer ’ s output on v ideotape a nd adding v oice[...]

  • Seite 56

    The n f o ll o w th ese steps: 1 Assemble the VCR, television, microphone, and cables you need. Be sure t o use a mi crophone de si gn ed for y our model o f the Mac i ntosh, s uch as the App le Pl ai nT al k Microphone. Y ou n eed the fo llo wing c able s (a v ail able at an elec tronic s supp l y store): m Vi deo cab le wit h S-v ideo c onnect or[...]

  • Seite 57

    3P lug the other end of the video cable (or adapter) into the S-video output port ( Æ ) on the Macintosh. If the connect or do esn ’ t s lide eas il y i nto t h e por t, reali gn it a nd try ag ai n. Don ’ t use f orce , w hich c oul d damag e the computer or c able . 4P lug the dual RCA plugs on the audio cable into the left and right Audio I[...]

  • Seite 58

    Usin g a te l evisio n a s a mo ni to r The r e are tw o w a y s t o use a tele v is ion as a m onitor: m As de scribed i n the pre v iou s secti on, y ou c a n connect a VCR t o the com puter ’ s S-v ideo output por t, and connect a te lev is ion t o the VCR ’ s Vi d e o Out por t. T hen you c a n record a pre sentation on v ideotap e as it i [...]

  • Seite 59

    Ex pand i ng m emo r y Th e random-acce ss m emory (RAM) in your c omputer c a n be ex pa nded. In stallin g additional R AM adds more memory c hips to y our computer and ex pands its c apabilitie s . T he Te c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n booklet that c ame with y our computer de scribes ho w much addit ional mem ory can be i nstalled i n y o[...]

  • Seite 60

    Inst a llin g in t e r n a l d r ive s Y our Mac i ntosh c a n hold up t o four inter nal st orag e de v ice s , i nc ludi ng a flopp y dis k dri v e , a CD-R OM dri v e , and tw o hard di s k dri v es (se veral ca p a c i ti es a r e a v ailab le) . Th ese dri v es ma y already be installed. If you w a nt to add an i nter nal dri v e to y our Mac [...]

  • Seite 61

    51 Read this chapter for information on installing and working with application programs on your computer. Inst al li ng application progr ams Y our computer ha s sev eral appli cat ion pr ograms alread y installed, as w ell a s so me pro grams t hat n eed t o b e i nstalled b ef ore you c a n use them . T h e pro grams t hat come wit h your c ompu[...]

  • Seite 62

    Yo u ’ ll prob abl y w ant to bu y and i nstall additi onal pro grams . See the manuals y ou recei v e with y our pro grams f or i nstr uct ions on installi ng and u sing t h em. In m ost ca ses , y ou ’ll install a n applic ati on pro gram on y our i nter nal hard di s k from fl opp y dis ks t hat contain the pro gram. Th e illustrati on show [...]

  • Seite 63

    Wo r k i n g w i t h se v era l pr og ra ms a t a t i me Y ou can open as many app lic ati on pro grams and des k acce ss ories a s your co mputer ’ s memory all ow s . A ll open pro grams are listed in the A pplic ation m enu at the ri ght end of t h e me nu bar . T h e name o f the acti v e pro gram (the on e you ’ re us i ng ri ght now) has [...]

  • Seite 64

    Hiding an d sh o wi ng w i nd ow s on t he deskt op Y ou can hide all windo ws e x cept those o f the acti v e program b y choos i ng Hi de Ot h ers from t h e App lic ati on menu . The ot he r pr ogram s remai n op en ev en thou gh their wi ndow s are hidden . When y ou s witch t o a nother pro gram, its window s b ecom e v is ible a g ai n. If y [...]

  • Seite 65

    Usin g Powe r M a cint osh application pro gram s Y our Po w er Macint osh is c ompatib le with most app lic ati on program s int e nded f or use with M acint osh computers . But certai n pro grams are de si gned especi all y f or Po wer Mac intosh c omputers . (T h ese are s ometim es ca lled “nati v e ” appli c ations . ) Y ou ’ll find that[...]

  • Seite 66

    Usin g ol der Ma c i n t os h p ro g ra ms If y ou ex perience problem s us i ng an ol der Mac i nt osh program , it ma y b e in co mpati ble with y our Po wer Mac intosh . Y ou ma y b e able t o use y our older pro gram if y ou chan ge the Moder n Memory Mana g er setting in y our Memory c ontrol panel. F or detailed i nstr uct ions on us i ng o l[...]

  • Seite 67

    57 Consult this chapter if you experience problems using your computer. Wh e n y o u ha v e q uest i on s If y ou w a nt to kno w ho w to do a particu lar ta s k with y our computer , ref er to Maci n t osh G uide in th e Guide ( h ) menu . For instr ucti ons on us i ng Maci n t osh G uide , see Chapter 2 of t his manual. Wh e n y o u ru n i n t o [...]

  • Seite 68

    Ta k e y o u r t i m e When y ou see a n er ror me ss a ge, y ou don ’ t ha ve t o take ac ti on immedi atel y . The me s s a g e sta y s on the screen until y ou c lic k the OK butt on or tur n o ff t h e Maci n t osh . To h elp di a gnose a nd cor rect the prob lem, g ather as muc h i nf or mati on on the s itu ati on as y ou c a n b ef ore sta[...]

  • Seite 69

    59 Troubleshooting Sta r t o v er Often y ou c a n eliminate a problem s impl y b y c leari ng t h e computer ’ s memory a nd star ting o v er . If y ou c a n, sa v e a ny open do cuments b ef ore restarting t h e Macint osh. If y our sy stem is fr ozen and do es not re spond t o a n ythi ng y ou do , or if y ou ha v e a “bomb ” me ss ag e on[...]

  • Seite 70

    Re build your deskt op r eg u l ar l y A proces s know n as “re building t h e des kt op ” helps y our Mac i nt osh keep trac k of data on y our star tup dis ks . Althou gh y ou us uall y use the hard di s k in y our computer a s a star tup dis k, you c a n als o star t up from any ot h er dis k that has s y stem s of tw are i nstalled. It ’ [...]

  • Seite 71

    61 Troubleshooting So l ut io ns to c om m o n p r o b l e m s The computer is turned on but the screen is dark. One of t h e f oll owing i s prob abl y the c ause: m Y ou ha ve a screen s a v er program that dark ens the screen when the co mputer has not been used f or a cer tai n p eriod. Pre ss a k e y or mo v e the mouse t o tur n of f the scre[...]

  • Seite 72

    When you start up, a disk icon with a blinking question mark appears in the middle of the screen. Th is ic on i ndic ates t hat y our Mac i ntosh c annot find the s y stem so ft w are it n eeds t o star t up . One of t h e f oll owing i s prob abl y the c ause: m Y our computer ma y b e ha v i ng a pr oblem reco gnizi ng e xter nal equipment th at [...]

  • Seite 73

    When you try to start up from a floppy disk, a disk icon with an X appears in the middle of the screen and the floppy disk is ejected. Thi s i c on i ndic ates t hat the flopp y dis k y ou tried to start up from i s not a star tup dis k. Wa it a f ew sec onds . T h e computer shoul d star t up from its inter nal hard dis k . Make s ure y ou i nser [...]

  • Seite 74

    m If the hard di s k is y our star tup dis k, star t y our computer u sing t h e Di s k To o l s flopp y dis k or (if y ou ha v e a built-in CD-R OM dri v e) with the CD-R OM di sc that c ontai ns s y stem so ftw are . (For instr ucti ons on ho w to star t up your c omputer from t h e CD-R OM di sc , see “ Starting Up Fr om a CD-R OM Di sc ” i [...]

  • Seite 75

    When f or matting di s ks on a DO S computer , al w a y s f or mat standard double-s ided di s ks in the 7 20K format. Al w a y s f or mat high-dens ity dis ks in t he 1 440 K f or mat. If a dis k has been f or matted i ncor rect l y , use a DO S computer t o cop y its c ontents ont o another dis k that has been properl y f or matted. The pointer ([...]

  • Seite 76

    A dialog box with a bomb appears. Y our s y stem has a s of tw are prob lem. m Wr ite dow n what y ou were do i ng w h en the mes sa ge appeared, a nd write do wn the me s sa ge ’ s tex t and its numb er , if there is one . m Re star t your M acint osh. (See “ S tar t Ov er” i n the secti on “Wh en Y ou R un Int o T r oub le ” ear lier i [...]

  • Seite 77

    Check t h e star tup dis k a nd pro gram y ou were u sing w hen the problem oc cu r r ed. M ake s ure that all pr ogram s, de s k acces sorie s, a nd s y stem exte n si ons y ou ’ re us i ng are c ompatib le with the s y stem s of tw are . T ry star ting up the c omputer from the Dis k T o ols dis k or the CD-R OM disc t hat c ontains s y stem so[...]

  • Seite 78

    If the prob lem recurs , you ma y need to re i nstall s y stem so ft w are . See “Installi ng or R einstalli ng S y stem So ft w are ” later in thi s chapter f or ins tru ct i ons . m Y ou ha ven ’ t selected an y text or set t h e i nser tion po i nt ( i ). Make s ure the pro gram y ou w a nt t o typ e i n is the act i v e pro gram. Th en pl[...]

  • Seite 79

    You can’t start an application program or it quits unexpectedly. Or, when you try to open a program, you see a message that not enough memory is available. One of t h e f oll owing i s prob abl y the c ause: m The Ma c int osh ra n out of mem ory . Quit t h e program s that y ou ha v e op en and then op en the pro gram y ou w ant to use , or rest[...]

  • Seite 80

    You see a message that an application program can’t be found. The f o ll o win g di alo g box appears if y ou try t o op en a do cument that w as created with s of tw are that is not on y our hard di s k. Nor ma l ly , y ou see thi s me ss ag e if y ou try to open a document that c ame from a nother Mac i ntosh wit h so ft w are that i s diff ere[...]

  • Seite 81

    You experience problems using a document from a DOS computer. If y ou c a n ’ t op en a DOS document u sing a M acint osh program , try the fol lo w i ng : m Op en the do cument from wit hin the program b y choos i ng Op en i n the pro gram ’ s File menu . m Us e t h e PC Ex chang e contr ol pan el to c ha ng e the do cument ’ s typ e to one [...]

  • Seite 82

    You see a message that your application program can’t be opened because a file can’t be found. Powe r Ma c i nt osh program s use speci al file s c alled s har ed l ibr ari e s. An y n ece ss ary shared libraries shou ld be i nstalled aut omatic all y when y ou i nstall Powe r Ma c i nt osh program s . Fo llo w the di rect ions that c ame with [...]

  • Seite 83

    If y our c omput er ’ s per f or ma nce dec rea ses If y ou noti ce a decrease in y our computer ’ s sp eed and general p erformance afte r y ou add speci al so ft w are (a contro l pa n el, s y stem ex tens ion, or cust om utility) , it ma y be b ec ause y our sp eci al so ft w are do es not w ork we ll with Powe r Ma c i nt osh computers . m [...]

  • Seite 84

    So l v ing p r int e r p r o b l e m s m La se rW ri t er S e l ec t 3 6 0 , Las e rW ri te r P r o 6 3 0 , an d La s erW ri te r P r o 8 1 0: The se printers requi re the late st pri nter so ft w are (called a driv er ) to print properl y . If y ou use one o f these printers , i nstall the La serW riter 8 . 1 . 1 pri nter dri v er , wh ic h i s th[...]

  • Seite 85

    Choosi ng th e cor rec t netw o rk i ng s o ftw a re Us e n etw orki ng s of tw are no ol der than the f ollo wi ng v ersi ons with y our Powe r Ma c i nt osh computer . Network software Version AppleShare Server 4.0.2 Apple Internet Router 3.0.1 Inter•Poll 1.0.1 MacTerminal 3.0 Apple Remote Access 2.0 (client; personal server) 2.0.1 (MultiPort s[...]

  • Seite 86

    If y o u ha v e t ro ub le us i ng a m on i t o r w i th a n A V -eq u i pped P o w er Mac i n t os h R ead the informati on i n this sec ti on if y ou are ha v i ng tr ouble us i ng m onitors with an A V -equipp ed Po w er Macint osh. The Monitors control panel indicates that you have two monitors, but you have only one. If y ou ha v e onl y on e [...]

  • Seite 87

    No t e : If you ha v e onl y on e monitor , there are se v eral good rea sons t o lea v e it connected t o the second monit or por t i nstead of t h e hi gh-density m onitor por t: m Y ou a v oid sett i ng up t h e “ ghost monit or” s ituati on just de scribed. m Th e sec ond monitor port pro v ides m ore co lors on all m onitors 1 3 inches or [...]

  • Seite 88

    4C l i ck the picture that represents the television, then click Options. 5M ake sure the box labeled “Upon Restart Display Video on Television” is not selected. 6C lose the Monitors control panel and restart your computer. 78 Chapter 5 Click here to identify which picture represents the television. Click the picture that represents the televis[...]

  • Seite 89

    You see wavy lines or static after switching to a television from a monitor connected to the second monitor port. If the re gul ar (R GB) monit or is still c onnected, s witch b ack t o it. If the m onit or is no l ong er connected, or y ou c a n ’ t s witch b ack t o it , restart y our co mputer . T he n ex t tim e you w a nt to s witch t o a te[...]

  • Seite 90

    5S e l ect “Display Video on Television”; then select NTSC Standard, PAL Standard, or “Use flicker-free format,” and click OK. F or i nf or mati on about v ideo standards , see the “V ideo ” t opic o f Mac i ntosh Guide , a v a i la bl e i n t h e Gu ide ( h ) menu . 6C lick Switch in the dialog box that appears; then close the Monitors[...]

  • Seite 91

    81 Troubleshooting Init i alizi n g a h ard di s k Bef ore y ou c a n use a ne w dis k, the di s k must be prepared so t hat the com puter know s where t o store inf or mati on on the dis k. This preparat ion i s ca lled init ializing (or fo r m a t t ing ) the dis k. Wh e n do yo u need t o i n it ia l iz e a ha rd d i sk? Th e har d dis k i nsi d[...]

  • Seite 92

    If a bl i nki n g qu e st io n mar k ap pe ar s , or i f the c omput er s tar ts up fr om yo ur har d disk: Y ou did not inser t the CD-R OM disc qu ic kl y enou gh for t h e computer to reco gnize it as a star tup dis k. F oll ow t h ese steps: 1S hut down your computer. Th e CD-R OM disc will remain in the CD-R OM dri v e . 2T u r n t h e compute[...]

  • Seite 93

    How t o i ni tia l ize a hard di sk Y ou i niti alize an App le SC SI har d dis k b y us i ng a pr ogram c alled App le HD SC Setup, whi ch i s on the flopp y dis k l abeled Dis k T o o ls tha t came with y our co mputer . If y our computer c ame with a CD-R OM dri v e a nd y ou didn ’ t recei v e flopp y dis ks , you c a n find App le HD SC Setu[...]

  • Seite 94

    5C lick Init to initialize the hard disk. 6I f a message appears asking you to name the disk, type a name and then click OK. 7C lick Quit when you see a message reporting that initialization was successful. If a me ss a ge repor ts that initi alizati on f ailed, try ag ain. If i niti alizat ion f ails a second t ime , take t h e dis k to y our App [...]

  • Seite 95

    Rep ai r in g a d am a ged d is k Dis ks c a n b ecome dama ged b y rep eated use and handli ng . Wh en do yo u ne ed t o repa i r a d i sk? If y ou see a mes sa ge reporting t hat a dis k is dama ged or unreadable , you ma y n eed t o repai r the dis k. Tr y t hese su gges t i on s fi rst If y ou can ’ t star t up from a har d dis k or y ou don [...]

  • Seite 96

    How t o te st a ha rd di sk Y ou can test an A pple SC S I hard dis k with the App le HD SC S etup pro gram, whi ch is on the flopp y dis k labeled Dis k T o o ls th at c ame with y our computer . If y our computer has a bu ilt-i n CD-R OM dri ve , and you di d n ’ t recei v e flopp y dis ks , y ou can find the App le HD SC Setup pr ogram on the [...]

  • Seite 97

    If the test re veal s a problem , you ma y b e able t o cor rect it by us ing Dis k First Aid or another dis k repai r pro gram (see the i nstr ucti ons i n the n ext sec tion) , or y ou ma y n eed t o rei nitialize t h e dis k (see “I nitializin g a Hard Dis k” ear lier in t his chapter) . Cons ult an App le-authorized serv ice pro v ider f or[...]

  • Seite 98

    3C l i ck the icon of the disk you want to test. Dis k icons appear in a bo x at the top o f the Dis k First Aid window . 4C lick Repair to begin testing and repairing the disk. Y ou can ’ t repai r the star tup dis k or the dis k that contains the Dis k First Aid pro gram, but y ou can te st these dis ks b y c lickin g V erify . If the pro gram [...]

  • Seite 99

    If Disk Fi r st Aid c anno t c orre ct th e problem m T ry repairi ng t h e dis k ag ai n. Somet imes repeating t h e pro ces s cor rects t h e prob lem. m Us e a nother dis k repai r or reco very pr ogram . Som e dis k repai r program s let y ou reco v er i nf or mati on from a dama ged dis k. m C ons ult a computer repair sp eci alist f or h elp [...]

  • Seite 100

    90 Chapter 5 Inst a llin g o r r e in s t allin g sys t e m s o f t w a r e Sy stem so ft w are is t h e set of pro grams and other file s that y our computer u ses to star t itself up , k eep track o f y our file s , a nd r un the applic ati on pro grams y ou use . S y stem so ft w are is k ept i n the f older c alled the S y stem Fo lder. When y [...]

  • Seite 101

    91 Troubleshooting Inst al li ng sy stem soft wa r e Fol l ow t h e s t eps i n thi s secti on to do w hat is c ommonl y c alled a “nor mal” ins ta ll at i on of s y stem so ft w are . If y ou ’ re i nstalli ng s y stem so ft w are on a hard di s k f or the first time , make s ure th at y our hard dis k has been initi alized, a pro ces s that[...]

  • Seite 102

    92 Chapter 5 8 Start up your computer from the Install Disk 1 disk or the CD-ROM disc that contains system software. S ee “ Starting Up From a CD-R OM Di sc ” or “ Starting Up Fr om a Flopp y Dis k ” i n the secti on “I niti alizi ng a Har d Dis k ” earlier in thi s chapter . Th e Installer ’ s W el come screen appears . Y ou ma y ha [...]

  • Seite 103

    13 When you see a message reporting that the installation was successful, click Restart. If a me ss a ge repor ts that installati on w as not s ucce ss ful, try installing a g ain. (F oll ow t h e i nstr uct ions on the screen . ) If , after re i nstalli ng s y stem so ft w are by do i ng a normal i nstallat ion, y ou still ex pe rience problem s w[...]

  • Seite 104

    To do a c lea n i nstallat ion, f oll ow t h ese steps: 1 Start up your computer from the Disk Tools disk or the CD-ROM disc that contains system software. S ee “ Starting Up From a CD-R OM Di sc ” or “ Starting Up Fr om a Flopp y Dis k ” i n the secti on “I niti alizi ng a Har d Dis k ” earlier in thi s chapter . 2 Find and open the Di[...]

  • Seite 105

    95 Troubleshooting 8 Insert the Install Disk 1 disk into the floppy disk drive, or insert the CD-ROM disc that contains system software into the CD-ROM drive. Th e Installer ’ s W el come screen appears . Y ou ma y ha v e to doub le-c lic k the Sys t e m S o f t wa r e Installer icon t o open the Installer pro gram. 9C lick Continue. The Ea s y I[...]

  • Seite 106

    96 Chapter 5 13 Click Clean Install. 14 Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. It tak es a f e w mi nutes t o comp lete the i nstallat ion . 15 When you see a message reporting that the installation was successful, you may need to click Restart. Y ou n eed to c lic k R estart onl y if y ou i nstalled so ft w are onto t h e star tup dis [...]

  • Seite 107

    Doi ng a custom instal lati on F or most Mac i nt osh users , the Ea s y I nstall pro ced ure described in the pre v ious sec ti ons is appropri ate , b ecau se it automat ic all y i nstalls all the items y ou n eed. How e v er , if y ou ’ d li ke t o select a c ombination o f s y stem so ft w are f ile s f or y our sp ecif ic needs , y ou can cu[...]

  • Seite 108

    The Cu st om I nstall dial og bo x app ears , list i ng all a v ailable s y stem s of tw are com pon ents . 4S croll through the list of components, clicking the checkbox next to each component you want to install. To get addit ional informati on about each c omponent listed, c lic k the bo x with th e le tter i in it t o the right o f the componen[...]

  • Seite 109

    F or your o wn sa fety and that o f y our equipment , f oll ow all t h e i nstr ucti ons i n this cha p t e r . K eep these instr uct ions a v ailab le for re f erence b y y ou a nd others . Hea lt h-rel a t ed info rmat i on ab out c omputer us e Musc le sorene ss , e ye f ati gue, and other di scomforts and i njurie s s ometime s asso ciat ed wit[...]

  • Seite 110

    Musculo s k el eta l d i sco mf o r t As w i th a n y ac ti v ity that i nv ol v es s itting f or lon g p eriods o f time , us i ng a co mputer can mak e your mu sc les s ore and stif f . T o mi nimize these e f fec ts , set up y our w ork env i ronment c arefull y , us i ng t h e gui delin es t hat f oll ow , a nd take frequent breaks t o re st ti[...]

  • Seite 111

    Eye fa tig u e Ey e f a t i g u e can occur w h enev er the e ye s are f o cused on a nearby ob ject f or a lo ng time . T his prob lem o ccurs bec ause the e ye mu sc les mu st work har der to vi ew an ob ject that ’ s c loser than about 20 f eet (6 meters) . I mproper light i ng ca n ha sten the de v el opment o f e ye f ati gue . Alt hou gh e [...]

  • Seite 112

    Y ou ma y ha ve t o raise y our chair so y our f orear ms and hands are at the proper ang le to the k e yboar d. If this mak e s it imposs ib le to re st y our feet fl at on the floor , y ou c a n use a f ootrest wit h adju stable hei ght a nd tilt t o mak e up for an y g ap b etw een the floor and y our feet. Or y ou ma y lo wer th e de s kt op t [...]

  • Seite 113

    Av oiding fatigu e m Chang e y our seated posit ion, stand up , or stretch w h enev er y ou star t to f eel ti r e d. Frequent short breaks are helpful in red ucing f ati gue . m Us e a li ght touc h when typin g or us i ng a m ouse and keep y our ha nds and fi nge r s rel ax ed. m Some co m puter users ma y de v el op discomf or t i n their ha nds[...]

  • Seite 114

    Sa f et y i n st ructi ons F or your o wn sa fety and that o f y our equipment , al w a y s take the f oll owin g prec auti ons . Tu r n o f f t h e computer comp letel y a nd disconnect t h e pow er plu g (by pu lli ng th e plu g , not the cor d) if any o f the f ollo wi ng c onditi ons ex ists: m th e powe r cor d or plu g become s fra yed or ot [...]

  • Seite 115

    Ha nd l i n g y ou r co m puter e qu ipme nt Fo llo w these g uide li n es f or ha ndli ng y our computer and its components: m When setting up y our computer , pl ace components on a sturd y , flat s urf ace , a nd c arefu ll y fo llo w all setup instr ucti ons . m When connect i ng or di sconnect i ng a c able , al w a y s hol d the cab le by its[...]

  • Seite 116

    Ha nd l i ng t he mo n i t o r Fol l ow t h es e proced ures f or ha ndli ng a monit or: m Tu r n dow n the screen bri ghtn es s contr ol if y ou lea v e the computer tur n ed on f or ex tended p eriods . If the bri ghtn es s is not tur ned dow n, the imag e on th e sc r een coul d “bur n i n ” and damag e the screen. Y ou can al so u se a “ [...]

  • Seite 117

    Ha nd l i ng f l opp y di sks Ej e cting a di s k F or i nstr uct ions on eject i ng a fl oppy di s k, a CD-R OM di sc , or a remo v able media di s k, see the “Dis ks ” top ic o f Mac i nt osh Gui de , a v ailable in the Gu ide ( h ) menu . 125° F (52° C) 50° F (10° C) Keep disks dry. Do not use a pencil or an eraser on a disk or disk labe[...]

  • Seite 118

    If y o u ca n ’ t eject a f l op p y d i sk If y ou c a n ’ t eject a fl oppy di s k in the us ual w a y , try the f oll owin g i n order: m Hol d dow n the x a nd S hift k e y s and pres s the numb er 1 ke y on y our keybo ard to ejec t a dis k i n the i nter nal dis k dri v e . m Tu r n o f f t h e computer . If the dis k isn ’ t ejected, t[...]

  • Seite 119

    Cle aning y o ur eq u i p men t Fo llo w these g eneral r ule s when c lea ni ng t h e outsi de of y our computer and its components: m Us e a damp , so ft , li nt-free c loth t o c lea n the computer ’ s ex terior . A v oi d ge t ti ng m o is ture i n any openi ng s . m Don ’ t use aeros ol spra y s, s ol v ents , or abras i v es . Cle aning t[...]

  • Seite 120

    2T urn the mouse upside down and turn the plastic ring on the bottom counterclockwise to disengage it. If y ou ha v e a n older m ouse , y ou ma y n eed t o pres s the pl ast ic ring (rather tha n t ur n it) to di seng a ge it. 3T urn the mouse right side up with one hand and catch the ring and the ball with your other hand. 4C lean the three small[...]

  • Seite 121

    Y ou can install pri nted circuit boar ds (c alled ca r d s ) f or v ideo and graphic s appli c ations , n etw orki ng and communi cat ions , additi onal pro ces s i ng po w er , or other pur poses . T h e car ds fit into c onnect ors, c alled ex p a nsion sl ots, ins i de th e co m puter . Y our Mac i ntosh ha s three e xpans ion s lots , each de [...]

  • Seite 122

    Inst a llin g a ca rd w i th a D A V co n nec t o r i n y o u r A V -eq u i pped Pow e r M a c in t os h c om put er If y ou ha v e a Po w er Macint osh with built-in A V c apabilit ies , y ou c a n install a NuB us c ard t hat contains a Digital A udio and V ideo (D A V) connect or . This c onnect or pro v ide s di rect acce s s to t he sp eci ali[...]

  • Seite 123

    Nu Bus p ower re qui r e m e nts Th e c ombi n ed pow er cons umpti on of NuB us c ards mu st not ex ceed the limits specif ied for y our Mac i nt osh model. If y ou ha v e more than one NuBu s c ard in stalled, c heck t h e i nf or mati on that c ame with y our car ds t o make s ure that th ei r pow er cons umpti on is within the limits specif ied[...]

  • Seite 124

    3 Remove the cover from the computer. Sl i d e th e cov e r a w ay from t h e bac k pa n el an i nch or t w o . T h en raise the co v er strai ght up a nd of f the computer . 114 Appendix B[...]

  • Seite 125

    4 Touch the metal part of the power supply case inside the computer to discharge static electricity. Alw ay s do this bef ore y ou touc h a ny parts, or install any c ompon ents , i nsi de th e co m puter . Power supply 115 Installing an Expansion Card[...]

  • Seite 126

    5 Remove the expansion card clip. Grasp t h e c lip ha ndles with y our thumb and f orefin ger and squeeze . P ull t h e c lip strai ght out. 116 Appendix B[...]

  • Seite 127

    6P ull out the plastic cover plate behind the expansion slot you want to use, and set the cover plate aside. No t e : If you are installing a c ard wit h a D A V connect or , make s ure to u se the slo t n earest t h e center of t h e computer ’ s c ase . (See “I nstalli ng a C ard W ith a DA V Connect or i n Y our A V -Equipped Po wer Mac into[...]

  • Seite 128

    8A lign the connector end of the card with the expansion slot. 9P ress the card gently but firmly until the connector is fully inserted. m Don ’ t for ce the car d. If y ou meet a lot o f res istance , pull t h e c ard out and try a g ai n . m To s ee if the car d is pr op er l y connected, wi g gle it g entl y . If it res ists and sta y s in pl [...]

  • Seite 129

    10 Replace the expansion card clip. Pu t t h e bottom o f the c lip i n pl ace fi rst. Mak e sure t h e edg e of t h e ex pa nsi on ca rd f its i nto one of t h e groo v es on the c lip . 119 Installing an Expansion Card[...]

  • Seite 130

    11 Replace the cover on the computer. Lower th e cov e r all the w a y dow n onto t h e ca se . P ush the co v er bac k until it t ouc hes t h e bac k pan el. 12 Tighten the screws on the back panel. Y ou are now f i nished i nstalli ng t h e c ard. Y ou may turn on the computer and star t us i ng t h e n ew c ard. WARNING Al wa ys repl ace the co [...]

  • Seite 131

    121 Y our computer k e yboar d contains cer tai n sp eci al ke y s that typewriter keybo ard s don ’ t ha v e . Many o f these k e y s allo w y ou to gi v e commands t o the co mputer without us ing the mou se . F or ex ample , in ma n y applic ation pro grams , pres sin g the x (Command) k e y at the same t ime as t h e Q ke y is of ten an alter[...]

  • Seite 132

    Special keys on Apple keyboards (c ontinued) Control key In combination with other keys, this key provides shortcuts or modifies other actions. Delete key Use to delete selected material, or the character to the left of the insertion point. Enter key In a dialog box, pressing Enter is the same as clicking the outlined button. In some programs, pres[...]

  • Seite 133

    A accessory kit 90 activating applications 20 active applications, identifying 53 adapter kit, AudioVision monitors 76 adapters for devices using composite video format 33, 41–42, 43 diagram x Y-shaped 44, 46 ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) port, location of 32, 33 air circulation 4, 105 amplifier, attaching 35 Apple AudioVision monitors 3 Apple Desktop [...]

  • Seite 134

    arranging equipment 4 arrow keys 121 arrow on screen frozen 57, 65–66 moving 15 audio and video input connections, diagram 44 audio and video presentations, setup for 45–47 audio cables, with dual RCA plugs and stereo miniplug 43, 46 audio compact discs 34 audio equipment. See also sound capabilities 34 connecting external stereo speakers 38 co[...]

  • Seite 135

    computer AV - e quipped Power Macintosh, diagram for connecting equipment 33 non-A V Power Macintosh, diagram for connecting equipment 32 overheated 105 plugging in monitor power cord 5 removing cover 113–115 replacing computer cover 120 system at a glance 31 turning off 17 turning on 10–13 computer equipment, handling 105–108. See also safet[...]

  • Seite 136

    E ejecting disks 63, 107–108 electrical grounding 2, 61, 105 electrical safety 104–105 electricity, discharging static 114 electromagnetic emissions 103 Enter key 122 equipment cleaning 109–110 handling 105–108 location of ports for connecting 32, 33 for setup x erasing floppy disks 89 hard disk 81 selected material 121–122 error messages[...]

  • Seite 137

    G GeoPort Adapter, location of ports for 32, 33 glare, on screen 102–103 grounded equipment 61, 105 Guide menu. See also Balloon Help; Macintosh Guide window; Macintosh Shortcuts window and Balloon Help 28 and how to use the computer 15, 19–20 and learning shortcuts 29 H hard disk backing up files stored on 54 damaged 81 erasing 81, 89 initiali[...]

  • Seite 138

    K keyboard connecting 8–9 handling spills on 106 location of ports for 32, 33 positioning 101–102 power key on 11 shortcuts 29–30 system diagram x troubleshooting 68 and wrist pain 99–100, 103 keyboard cable x, 8–9, 68 keyboard port 8 keys, special 121–122 L LaserWriter printers, troubleshooting 74 left-handed mouse use 8 line input sou[...]

  • Seite 139

    monitor power socket, location of 5, 32, 33 mouse cleaning 109–110 connecting to keyboard with a separate cable 8 setup equipment x mouse cable, plugging in 8 mouse ports, for right- or left-hand use 8 N network, location of ports for 32, 33 networking software 75 non-A V Power Macintosh, diagram of connections 33 NuBus expansion cards and DA V c[...]

  • Seite 140

    power-on light 13, 31 PowerPC microprocessor ix power plug, damaged 104 power problems, troubleshooting 61 power socket 32, 33 power strip 2, 13 power supply, computer 108 power switch 13 location of 10, 32, 33 and losing work 17 PowerTalk program, built-in mail services 51 printer drivers, obtaining 74 printers location of ports for 32, 33 trouble[...]

  • Seite 141

    Show Balloons command (Guide menu) 29 Shrinking Macintosh Guide window 27 Shut Down command (Special menu) 17 slots, for NuBus cards 112 Small Computer System Interface. See SCSI software. See applications; networking software; system software sound. See also audio equipment; microphone; speakers listening or reproducing 34 sound and video capabili[...]

  • Seite 142

    T, U Tab key 122 tape recorder, attaching 35 television diagram for video output from computer 47 switching from 77 troubleshooting 79 using as a monitor 48 testing the hard disk 86–87 text, failure to appear on screen 67 Topics button in Macintosh Guide window 21–22 in Macintosh Shortcuts window 30 trackball, location of ports for 32, 33 troub[...]

  • Seite 143

    video and audio, setup for 45–47 video and sound connections, diagram 44 video cables, with RCA plugs 43, 46 video camera, ports for connecting 33 videocassette recorder. See VCR video equipment adapters for 41, 43 cables 43 capabilities of 39 connecting for input to computer 39, 43–44 connecting for output from computer 39, 45–47 using a tel[...]

  • Seite 144

    Apple Computer , Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California 95014-2084 408.996.1010 TLX 171-576 030-5815-A Printed in U.S.A. [...]