Seite 1
Quick Setu p Gu ide HL-2 700C N se ries Read this Quick Setup Guide before using t h e pr i n ter . Before you can use the printer, you m u s t set u p t h e hardware and install the driver. For the l at est drivers and to f i nd t he best solution f or your problem or ques tion, access th e Brother Solutions Center directly from the CD-RO M/Driver[...]
Seite 2
Warning To Use the Pr inter Safely Wa rni ng No te Hin t U ser's Guide Ne tw or k U ser's Guide Ind ic ate s wa rni ng s th at m us t b e ob se rv ed t o prevent poss ible personal injury. Indicates cautions tha t must be observed to use the pri n ter properl y or prevent da mage to the printer. Indicates notes and useful tips to remem be[...]
Seite 3
1 Table o f Cont ents Regulat ions ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ...... . ........ ....... ... 2 ■ Getting Star ted Carton Co mponents .... ........... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ...[...]
Seite 4
2 Fede ral C ommunic ation s Comm issi on (FCC ) Dec laratio n of Conformity (Fo r USA) Respons ible Party: Bro ther Interna ti ona l Corpo r at ion 100 So merset C orporate Boul evard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgew ater, NJ 08807-0911 USA Tel ephone: (908) 70 4-1700 decla r e s, that the pr o ducts Prod uc t n ame: Laser Printer HL- 2700CN Model n umber: H[...]
Seite 5
3 FD A R egul atio ns (100 to 12 0 volt Model O nly) U.S. F o od and Dru g Administ r at ion (FDA) ha s implement ed regulati ons for laser pr oducts manu factured on a nd after Augus t 2, 1976. Complian c e i s mandator y for produc ts markete d i n the United S tates. One of the follo wing labels on t he back of the printer i ndicates c ompliance[...]
Seite 6
4 ■ Getting S t ar ted Carton c o mponents m ay differ from one coun try to anot her. The power cord may be slightly different to t he one in t he di agram ab ove, depending upon which country you bought the printer in. Save all packing materials and the printer c arton. *1 The toner c artridges t h at come supplied with this pri nt er, are start[...]
Seite 7
5 Control Pane l Bu ttons 1 Job Ca nc el Button Stop and cancel the printer operation that is in progress. 2 Menu Buttons + Move forward through menus . – Move b ackward through menus. Set S elect the cont rol panel. Set the selected menus and s et tings. Back Go back one level in the menu structure. 3 Go Button Exit from the control panel menu, [...]
Seite 8
6 ■ Getting S t ar ted You can find a variety of infor m ati on on t he CD-ROM. Supplied CD-ROM 2 4 5 6 1 3 1 3 4 5 6 This scr een i s no t supported by M ac OS ® 8. 6 to 9.2. 2 Mac OS ® X 1 0.1 / 10 .2 U sers Mac OS ® 8. 6 to 9. 2 Use rs: Go t o next page . 3 1 Brother Sol utions Center The B rother Solutions Ce nter (http://solutions.brother[...]
Seite 9
7 S Do NOT connec t the inter face cable. You will be prompted t o connec t the interf ace c able during the driver instal lation. Do NOT touch the green su rf a ce of the OPC bel t or expose it to dir e c t sunlight or room l ight for any length of tim e. 1 Re move the pr otectiv e parts . 2 Open the front cover. 3 Re m o ve the prot ect iv e par [...]
Seite 10
8 Settin g Up Your Printer 7 Pull o ff th e t ape l abele d REM OVE , and the n re move t he or ang e prot ect iv e co ve r. 8 Put the t oner ca rtridge by slidin g it into the corre ct guid e. Matc h the ca rtridge c olor label t o the co rrespon din g labe l o n the print er. 9 Repe at st eps 5 thro ugh 7 for t he re mainin g tone r cartrid ges. [...]
Seite 11
9 1 Open the to p cover. 2 Re move the or ange b elt tensio n relea se pins from b oth sid es of th e OPC be lt car tri dge . Re move th e pr otec tiv e s heet . 3 Put the OPC bel t c artr idg e in to the pri nt er guides with the fl a t side facing yo u. 4 Loc k the be lt cartridg e lo ck levers . Cl ose t he top cove r. 3 Install t h e OPC Belt C[...]
Seite 12
10 Settin g Up Your Printer 1 Pull th e pape r tray c omplet ely out of the print er. 2 While pr es s ing the paper guide releas e lever, sli de the adjus t er s to f it t he paper siz e. Check that the guides are firm ly in t he s l ots. 3 Fa n th e s tac k of pap er we ll to avoi d pa per jams an d mis feeds . 4 Put paper in the pa per tray . Ch [...]
Seite 13
11 Do NOT connec t the inter face cable. Connecting the interfac e cable is done when i nstalling t he dri ver. 1 Make sure that the printe r ’ s p o we r swi tch is off . Co nnect the AC p owe r cord to the print er. 2 Plug t h e AC power cord in to an AC power out let /so cket . Turn the p rinter’ s p owe r switch o n. 3 After the pri nter h [...]
Seite 14
12 Settin g Up Your Printer 1 Press the + butt on un til SETU P is dis playe d. Press the Se t bu tton. 2 Press the Se t button again . 3 Press the + or – button to select your la ngua ge. Pres s the Set button to a cc ept. 6 Setting Your L anguage on t h e Control Panel -- MENU -- SETUP SETUP LANGUAGE LANGUAGE =ENGLISH * Go to th e next pag e to[...]
Seite 15
13 Setting Up Your Print er Windows ® USB Windows ® Pa ralle l Windows ® Networ k Macint osh ® USB Ma ci nto s h ® Network For Admini strators Installing the Driver Follow the i n structions on t his page for your opera ting system and inter face cable. The scr eens for Wi ndows ® in this Quick Setup Gui de are based on Windows ® XP. The scr[...]
Seite 16
14 Installing the Driver 1. Ins tal lin g the D riv er an d Conn ecti ng th e Pr inte r to yo ur PC 1 Make sure the USB i n t erface cabl e i s NO T conn ected t o the pri nter, an d the n begin install ing th e drive r. If you h ave alre ady conn ected t he cab le, rem ove it. 2 Inse rt the CD- R OM i n t o your CD-ROM drive . The op ening s creen[...]
Seite 17
15 7 Sele ct Local P rinter wit h US B c able , and then cli ck the Next b u tton. 8 W hen th is scree n appe ars, m ake su re the printer’ s power swit ch is on. Co nnec t the US B inte rface cab le to you r PC, and th en connect it to the printer. Click the Next b utton. 9 Click the Finis h bu tt on. For Windows ® 98 / Me use rs: Setup is now [...]
Seite 18
16 Installing the Driver Co nnec ting the Prin ter to yo ur PC and Ins tallin g the D riv er 1 T urn off the pr int er ’s pow er sw itc h. 2 Co nne ct th e par all el i nt erfa ce ca ble t o yo ur PC, an d then connect i t to yo u r printer. 3 T urn on th e pri nt er’ s p owe r swi tch . 4 Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM dri ve . Th e op eni[...]
Seite 19
17 8 Sele ct Standard Insta llation , and then click th e Next bu tto n. 9 Sele ct Local P rinter , an d t h en cl ick the Next bu tto n. 0 Sel ec t th e po rt t hat you r pr int er i s co nnec ted to, an d then click the Next but ton. A Click th e Finish bu tton. Setu p is now complete . If you want t o inst al l the PS driver, select Custom and t[...]
Seite 20
18 Installing the Driver Co nnec ting th e Pr inte r to yo ur Netw ork an d Ins tallin g th e Driv er 1 T urn off the pr int er ’s pow er sw itc h. 2 Conn ect th e netw ork inte rface ca ble to th e print er, an d t h en co nnect i t t o a free por t on y our hu b. 3 T urn on th e pri nt er’ s p owe r swi tch . 4 Inse rt the CD- R OM i n t o yo[...]
Seite 21
19 8 Sele ct Standard Insta llation , and then click th e Next bu tto n. 9 Sele ct Broth er P eer -to-Pee r Ne two rk Pri nte r , a nd then cli ck the Ne xt butt on. 0 For LPR Users : Sele ct Sea rch the n etwo rk fo r d evice s and choose f ro m a list of dis covered divices (Recommended) . Or enter your pri nt er’ s IP add ress or its no de n a[...]
Seite 22
20 Installing the Driver Ins tal ling th e Dri ver , Conne cti ng the Cable and Se lecti ng the Appr opri ate Pri nte r Qu eue o r Sha re n ame 1 T urn off the pr int er ’s pow er sw itc h. 2 Conn ect th e netw ork inte rface ca ble to th e print er, an d t h en co nnect i t t o a free por t on y our hu b. 3 T urn on th e pri nt er’ s p owe r s[...]
Seite 23
21 8 Sele ct Standard Insta llation , and then click th e Next bu tto n. 9 Sele ct t he Netwo rk Sha red Pr inte r , an d then cli ck the Next b u tton. 0 Sele ct you r print er’s que ue, an d then c lick the OK bu tton. A Click th e Finish bu tton. Setu p is now complete . If you want t o inst al l the PS driver, select Custom and then fo l low [...]
Seite 24
22 Installing the Driver Co nnec ting the Pr inte r to your Mac into sh ® & In stalling the D river 1 Make sure the pri n t er’s power switch is o n . 2 Conn ect th e USB in terfac e cable t o your Ma cint osh ® , a nd then connect i t to th e print er. 3 Inse rt the CD- R OM i n t o your CD-ROM drive . Open the Mac OS 9 folder. 4 Open your[...]
Seite 25
23 7 For Mac OS ® 8. 6 to 9.04 Users : Open th e Ap ple Ex tras folder . Open th e Apple LaserWrit e r Software folder. For Mac OS ® 9. 1 to 9.2 Us ers: Open the Applications (Mac OS ® 9) f olde r. Open th e Utilit ies folder. * The scree ns are bas ed on Ma c OS ® 9.04 . 8 Open th e Desktop P rinter Utili ty icon . 9 Sele ct Pri nte r (U SB) ,[...]
Seite 26
24 Installing the Driver C Ente r your p rinter na me (HL -2700 CN s eri es), and the n cl ick th e Sa ve b u tt on. D Selec t Quit from the File me nu. E Click the HL-270 0 CN s e r ies i con on the Desktop . F From the Pr int ing me n u , select Set D efaul t Prin ter . Setup is now complete. For USB Int erface C able U sers St ep 2[...]
Seite 27
25 Connec ting th e Printer to you r M acintos h ® & In stalling the BR-S cr ip t PPD File 1 Make sure th e printer’ s power switch is on. 2 Co nnec t the US B inte rface cab le to you r Macintosh ® , and then connect it to th e pri nt er. 3 Insert t he CD-ROM into yo u r CD-ROM dri ve. Do uble c lick the Sta rt H ere O S X icon. Fo llow th[...]
Seite 28
26 Installing the Driver 8 Click the Add Printer.. . butt on. 9 Selec t USB . 0 Selec t H L -2 700CN seri es , an d t hen cli ck th e Add bu tton . A From th e Prin t Cent er menu, select Qu it Prin t Cente r . Setup is now complete. For USB Int erface C able U sers St ep 2[...]
Seite 29
27 Macintosh ® Network Connecting t he Pr i nter to your Macintosh ® & Insta lling th e BR-Script PPD File 1 Tu rn off the p rinte r’s pow er swit ch. 2 Co nnec t the ne twork in terfac e cable t o the prin ter, a nd t hen co nnect it to a f r ee p ort on yo ur hub. 3 Tu rn on the p rinte r’s pow er swit ch. 4 Insert t he CD-ROM for Macin[...]
Seite 30
28 Installing the Driver Connecting the Prin ter to your Macintosh ® & Installing the B R -Script PPD Fi le 1 Tu rn off the pr int er ’s pow er sw itc h. 2 Conn ect th e netw ork inte rface ca ble to th e print er, an d t h en co nnect i t t o a free por t on y our hu b. 3 Tu rn on th e pri nt er’ s p owe r swi tch . 4 Inse rt the CD- RO M[...]
Seite 31
29 9 Click the Ad d Pr int er ... bu tton. 0 Sele ct Apple Ta lk . A Sele ct BRN_xxxxxx_P1_AT *1 , an d t h en click th e Add button. *1 xxxxxx a r e the last six digi ts of the Eth erne t addr ess. B From the Pr int Cen ter me n u , select Quit Prin t Cent er . Setu p is now complete . For N etwor k Inte rfac e Cab le Use rs Netw ork Use r's [...]
Seite 32
30 ■ For A dministr ators The BR A dm in Professional utility is d esigned to m anage your Br other network-co nnected device s. BRAdmin P rofessional utility can also b e used to m anage devices f rom other man ufacturers whose products sup port SNMP ( S i mple Networ k Managem ent Protocol). For mo re inform ation on B R Adm in Profe ssio nal g[...]
Seite 33
31 1 St art BRA dmi n Profes siona l, and se lect TCP/IP . 2 Sele ct Se arch Act ive Devi ce s from t he De vice s menu. BR Adm in will s earch f or new de vices automatical ly. 3 Doubl e -cl ick the new d evice. 4 Enter th e IP Address , Subn et Ma sk and Gat eway , and then clic k t he OK button. 5 The addr ess in forma tion will be s aved to the[...]
Seite 34
32 ■ Other Inf ormation Once your pri nt er ha s been set-up and used, we do not recommend that it be m oved or ship pe d u nles s abso lutely n eces sar y. Color la ser printers a r e complex pri nt i ng devices. M oving the printer o r shipping i t without properly removi ng the installe d supplies can re s ul t in SEVERE damage t o the printer[...]
Seite 35
33 The pr inter has the following optional accessor ies. You can expand the capabilities of the pri nter by addin g these items . Optio ns User's Guide Chapter 4. Lower Tray Unit Legal Tray Duplex Uni t LT -27CL L T - 27L G D X-27 00 Sec ond lo wer pa per tr ay uni t e xpands tot al inpu t capac ity u p to 530 sheets. Y ou c an p rint on l ega[...]
Seite 36
©2003 Broth er Indust ries, Ltd. ©199 8-2003 TROY Gr oup, Inc. ©1983 -2003 PACIFIC SOF T WO RKS INC. ALL RIGH T S RESER VED LM047 8001 2 Printed in Japan[...]