Seite 1
Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA http://www.ci sco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Installation and Upgr ade Guide f or Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 351 5 MCU1 2 and MCU24 Release 5.1 Text Part Number: OL -11897-01[...]
Seite 2
Seite 3
iii Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisc o Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 CONTENTS Preface vii Purpose vii Audience vii Organization vii Document Conventions viii Obtaining Documentation viii Cisco.com viii Product Documentation DVD ix Ordering Documentation ix Documentation Feedback ix Cisco Product Secur[...]
Seite 4
Contents iv Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 CHAPTER 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unifie d Videoconferencing 3515 MCU 2-1 Physical Description of the Cisco Unified Videoconferen cing 3515 MCU 2-1 Preparing to Install the 3515 MCU 2-2 Verifying the Pack age Contents of the 3[...]
Seite 5
Contents v Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 CHAPTER 6 Cisco Unified Videoconfer encing 3515 MCU Safety 6-1 Electrical Safety for the 3515 MCU 6-1 Grounding 6-1 High Voltage 6-2 ESD Procedures for the 3515 MCU 6-2 CHAPTER 7 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Compli[...]
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Contents vi Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01[...]
Seite 7
vii Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisc o Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface Revised: November 27, 20 06, OL-11897-01 Purpose This guide descr ibes ho w to install an d upgrade th e Cisco Unified V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and the Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferenci ng 3515 MCU24 unit. Audience This gu[...]
Seite 8
viii Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface Document Conventions This document uses the f ollo wing con ventions: Obtaining Documentation Cisco documentation and additi onal literature are a v ailable on Cisco.com. This section e xplains the product documentation res[...]
Seite 9
ix Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http://www .cisco.com Y ou can access international Cisco websites at this URL: http://www .cisco.com/public/countries_lang uages.shtml Product Documentation DVD The Product Docum[...]
Seite 10
x Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface A current list of security advisories, security noti ces, and security respons es for Cisco products is av ailable at this URL: http://www .cisco.com/go/psirt T o see security advisories, security notices, and security respons[...]
Seite 11
xi Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface T o ac cess the Product Alert T ool, you must be a registered Cisco.com user . (T o register as a Cisco.com user , go to this URL: http://tools.ci sco.com/RPF/re gister/reg ister .do ) Registered users can access the tool at t[...]
Seite 12
xii Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface Submitting a Service Request Using the online T A C Service Request T ool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service request s. (S3 and S4 service requests are those i n which your network is mini mally impaired or for whi[...]
Seite 13
xiii Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface • The Cisco Pr oduct Quic k Refer ence Guide is a handy , compact referen ce tool that includes brief product overvie ws, key features, sample part nu mber s, and abbrev iated technical specif ications for many Cisco produ[...]
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xiv Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Preface[...]
Seite 15
CH A P T E R 1-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 1 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Functionality This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Introducing the Ci sco Unifi ed V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU, page 1-1 • About Cisco Unif ied V ideoconfere nci[...]
Seite 16
1-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco U nified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Users About Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Users The Cisco Unified V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU provi des an i[...]
Seite 17
1-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 351 5 MCU Functionality Main Features of the 3515 MCU Seamless interoperability The Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferen cing 3515 MCU is b uilt on the strong foundation of the Ci sco H.323 and SIP [...]
Seite 18
1-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco U nified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Functionality Main Features of the 3515 MCU Unmatched vi deo quality The Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU deli vers exceptionally high quality vid eo and audio processing[...]
Seite 19
1-5 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 351 5 MCU Functionality Port Capacities of the 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Port Capacities of the 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 The Cisco Unified V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and Cisco Unified V ideoconfere[...]
Seite 20
1-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco U nified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3515 MCU Architecture – Unlimited number of conferences. Note When using a High Defi nition V ideo service type, only a singl[...]
Seite 21
1-7 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 351 5 MCU Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3515 MCU To pologies About Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Topologies The Cisco Unified V i deoconferenci ng 3515 MCU c[...]
Seite 22
1-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 1 Cisco U nified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Functionality About Cisco Unified Videoc onferencing 3515 MCU Topologies Figur e 1 -3 Cascaded Conf erence 200845 MCU Site 1 Site 2 Headquar ters MCU MCU[...]
Seite 23
CH A P T E R 2-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Physical Descript ion of the Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU, page 2- 1 • Preparing to Install th[...]
Seite 24
2-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Preparing to Install the 3515 MCU Figure 2-1 sho ws the front pan el of the Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU uni t. Ta b l e 2 - 1 describes the co mponen[...]
Seite 25
2-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Verifying the Package Contents of the 3515 MCU • For a Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCC P) en vironm ent, the IP address of th e Tri vial File T ransfer Protocol[...]
Seite 26
2-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Mounting the Cisco Un ified Videoconferenc ing 3515 MCU Unit in a 19-inch Rack Mounting the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Unit in a 19-inch Rack Y ou can[...]
Seite 27
2-5 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 35 15 MCU Unit Initial Co nfiguration Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Unit Initial Configuration Initial monitoring and admi[...]
Seite 28
2-6 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Unit Initial Configuration Setting the IP Address This section describes ho w to use the serial port to configure the unit [...]
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2-7 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 35 15 MCU Unit Initial Co nfiguration The network co nfigu ration Main menu appears as follo ws: Press any key to start configuration[...]
Seite 30
2-8 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Video Processing Module Initial Configuration for the 3515 MCU Connecting the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Unit to the LAN This section describes ho w t[...]
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2-9 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Video Processing Module Init ial Configuration for the 3515 MCU Setting the IP Address This section describes ho w to use the serial port to configure the unit with a[...]
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2-10 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Video Processing Module Initial Configuration for the 3515 MCU Procedure Step 1 Access the Cisco Unif ied V ideoconferencing 351 5 MCU through the serial port and [...]
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2-11 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Video Processing Module Init ial Configuration for the 3515 MCU Step 3 At the Enter user passwor d prompt, enter the ne w passwo rd and press any k ey to return t o [...]
Seite 34
2-12 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Video Processing Module Initial Configuration for the 3515 MCU Changing Advanced Configuration Settings Y ou c an use the seri al port to change the follo wing adv[...]
Seite 35
2-13 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Managing and Monitoring the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Unit Saving Network Configuration Settings Modifi ed network con figur ation settings are auto m[...]
Seite 36
2-14 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Accessing the Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Administrator Interface Performing Software Upgrades Y ou can perform software upg rades by using the Cisco[...]
Seite 37
2-15 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Registering the Online Help for the 3515 MCU Note If you try to sign in as an Admini strator and another Administrator is currently signed in, the Cisco Unified V id[...]
Seite 38
2-16 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Cisco Unified Videoconfere ncing 3515 MCU Registering the Onlin e Help for the 3515 MCU[...]
Seite 39
CH A P T E R 3-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 3 Using the Cisco Software Upgrade Utility This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Introduction, page 3-1 • Launching the Cisco Software Up grade Utility , page 3-1 • Upgrading So ftware, page 3-2 Introduc[...]
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3-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 3 Using the Cisco Software Upgrade U tility Upgrading Softwa re Upgrading Software This section descri bes how to use the Software Upgr ade Utili ty to upgrade Cisco softw are installed on Cisco de vices. Procedure Step 1 In[...]
Seite 41
CH A P T E R 4-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 4 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Cable Connections and Pin-outs This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Unit RS-232 9-Pin Serial Po rt on the 3515 MCU, page 4-1 • RJ-45 8-Pin IP Network Port on the[...]
Seite 42
4-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 4 Cisco Un ified Videoconfer encing 3515 MCU Cable Connec tions and Pin-outs RJ-45 8-Pin IP Network Port on the 3515 MCU RJ-45 8-Pin IP Network Port on the 3515 MCU Ta b l e 4 - 2 describes the pin-out conf iguration of the [...]
Seite 43
CH A P T E R 5-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 5 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Technical Specifications This section provides technical specif ications for the Cisco Unified V ideoconferencing 3 515 MCU. Technical Specifications Table for the 3515 MCU T ab[...]
Seite 44
5-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 5 Cisco Unified Vid eoco nferencing 3515 MCU Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Table for the 3515 MCU Operating Sy stem • RT O S , V x Wo r k s 5 . 4 Memory • 32 MB on-board flash memo ry for fiel d upgra[...]
Seite 45
CH A P T E R 6-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 6 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Safety This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Electrical Safety for t he 3515 MCU, pa ge 6-1 • ESD Procedures for the 3515 MCU, page 6-2 Electrical Safety for the [...]
Seite 46
6-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 6 Cisco Unifie d Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Safety ESD Procedures for the 3515 MCU High Voltage Disconnect the Cisco Unifi ed V ideoconferencing 3515 MCU unit from the po wer line before remo ving the cov er . A void an y ad[...]
Seite 47
CH A P T E R 7-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 7 Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU Compliance and Certifications This section descri bes the follo wing topics: • Safety Compliance for th e 3515 MCU, page 7-1 • EMC for the 3515 MCU, page 7-1 • T elecom fo[...]
Seite 48
7-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 7 Cisco Unified Video conferencing 3515 MCU Compliance and Certifications Telecom for the 3515 MCU • EN 55024 • EN 50082-1 • EN 61000-3-2 • EN 61000-3-3 • EN 61000-6-1 War ni ng This is a class A product. In a dome[...]
Seite 49
7-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Un ified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 7 Cisco Unified Videoconfe rencing 3515 MCU Complia nce and Certifications Telecom for the 3515 MCU Step 4 If the terminal equipment Cisco Unified V ideocon ferencing 3515 MCU causes harm to the telephone network, the tel eph[...]
Seite 50
7-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide fo r Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Releas e 5.1 OL-11897-01 Chapter 7 Cisco Unified Video conferencing 3515 MCU Compliance and Certifications Environmental Compliance for the 3515 MCU Environmental Compliance for the 3515 MCU Cisco complies with the follo wing EU Directi v es: • Restrictio[...]
Seite 51
IN-1 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisc o Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 INDEX Numerics 19-inch rack 2-4 mount unit 2-4 6-second count down 2-5, 2-7 9-pin serial-port 2-1 A ACT LED See LED indicators Administrator interface 1-2, 2-14 Advanced Configuration menu 2-8, 2-10, 2-12 architecture 1-6 audio code[...]
Seite 52
Index IN-2 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 G GK LED See LED indicators global user name 2-14 H H.235 1-3 H.239 1-3, 1-4 H.243 1-4 High Definition 1-5 I initial configuration 2-5 initialization 2-5 installati on procedur es access administrator interface 2-14 change adv[...]
Seite 53
Index IN-3 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisc o Unified Videoconferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01 P package contents 2-3 password change configuration software password 2-10 pin-out co nfiguration RJ-45 IP network port 4-2 RS-232 9-pin D-ty pe serial port 4-1 ports RJ-45 IP 4-2 RS-232 9-pin seri al 4-1 power supply 5-2 pri[...]
Seite 54
Index IN-4 Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Videoco nferencing 3515 MCU12 and MCU24 Release 5.1 OL-11897-01[...]