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AccuNav II INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHO IN U.S.A. 988-0129-18 EAGI PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization with CVISION's PdfCompressor[...]
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WARNING! USE THIS GPS RECEIVER ONLY AS AN AID TO NAVIGATION. A CAREFUL NAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ON ONLY ONE METHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION. CAUTION This GPS receiver, (like all GPS navigation equipment) will show the shortest, most direct path to a waypoint. It provides navigation data to the waypoint regardless of obstructions. Therefore, the[...]
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TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant.) SELECT NMENDGPS RECEIVER 36 TRUE AND MAGNETIC POSITION 38 PRESET 39 MAN OVERBOARD 39 PCF OFFSET 41 OPS MODULE SELF-TEST '13 GPS SIMULATOR c SPECIFICATIONS 44 WINDOWS SUMMARY 45 WINDOWS SUMMARY All of the window groups Used by the ACCUNaV II are shown on the following pages. To view these groups, simply press the WINDO[...]
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AccuNav II GPS RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS GPS Module Dimensions 2.5"H x 4.1W x 7" D Channels Five Parallel Four continuous for position All satellites in view tracked Update rate One second Accuracy Maximum accuracy achievable with Standard Positioning Service PositionS 25 meters CEP Velocity 0.25 meters/sec RMS Without SA PDOP<6.0 NMEA 0[...]
Seite 6
POWER CONNECTIONS OPS MODULE SELF-TEST The AccuNav II works from a twelve-volt battery system. For the best results, attach the power cable directly to the battery. You can attach the power cable to an accessory or power buss, however you may have problems with electrical interference. Therefore, it's saferto go ahead and attach the powercable[...]
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is the difference between the location shown on the present position display and the posi- tion shown on the chart. Use the right and left arrow keys to move the black box to the numberthatyou wish to change in the latitude, then enter the numbers. Use the up ordown arrow keys Position Correction flflr flFsET:NIooOO.oOO MOO' to change the lati[...]
Seite 8
Surface Mounting - Without Access PCF OFFSET If you don't have access to the back side of the mounting surface, use the "cleats" supplied with the AccuNav II. (Note: This is assuming you can "snake" the module's cable to a location that is accessable. A hole will still need to be drilled in the mounting surface for the[...]
Seite 9
The plotter display automatically shows a .1 mile display in the Man Pole Mount Overboard mode. Your position when the Man Overboard key was pressed is shown by the "S" with a circle and by the waypoint icon with a "0" Steer to the waypoint flag to get back to the position saved when the Man Overboard key was pressed. IMPORTANT![...]
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KEYBOARD PRESET The keyboard has keys arranged in two vertical columns plus a horizontal row at the bottom. The keys in the left and right columns are used to enter numbers, activate the windows feature and menu selections.. The menu key in the bottom right comerof the keyboard activates thefirst menu page. The keys along the bottom of the screen a[...]
Seite 11
The lower half of the screen shows statistics for each of the receiver's five channels. This includes the satellite number (PRN), its status (STAT), the User Differential Range Error (UDRE), Time status (TIME), _______ and if SA (Selective Availablity) CLEAR _________ is on or off. The UDRE is the _____ range error from your position to the sa[...]
Seite 12
ACCURACY DGPS (Differential GPS) BEACON RECEIVER SETUP You may have heard tales of extraordinary accuracy from GPS receivers. The DOD requires accuracy of 10 to 15 meters from the satellite system. However, only the military gets this precision. The way the military keeps us and other unauthorized people from using the more precise system is coding[...]
Seite 13
SELECT NMEA TheAccuNav II sends dataoutthewhitewire onthe powercableaccording to standards set by the NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association). This allows the AccuNav II to send position, depth, and navigation information to "listener" units, such as charting instruments, autopilots, and other marine instruments. The AccuNav II use[...]
Seite 14
CHANGE POSITION ARRIVAL ALARM Use a chart to determine your position if you don't know it. The latitude! longitude that you enter doesn't have to be extremely accurate. Typically, if you enter a position within one degree of your present position, the AccuNav II should quickly find your actual latitudeflongitude. To change your present po[...]
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black box moves over the num- bers on the right side. In the example shown atthetop of the next page, the arrival alarm is selected. Now press the key next to the "CHANGE LIMIT" label. The screen shown below appears. The current alarm value shows in a window on the screen which to .2 mile, press the 0 key, then the 2 key, then press the 0[...]
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date display will probably be wrong. Use the method shown above to set ERASING A ROUTE the time and date to their proper local settings. Once this is done, an internal clock will keep the correct time, even when the unit is turned off. The GPS system updates this clock when the unit is locked on to the satellites. POSITION/NAVIGATION DISPLAYS The A[...]
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IMPORTANT! Turning the arrival alarm off prevents the AccuNavll from sequencing to the next waypoint in the route. This, in effect, turns the route off. However, the unit will still show navigation data to the current waypoint in the route at the time the arrival alarm was turned of f. CANCEL NAVIGATION To stop the AccuNav II from navigating to way[...]
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At the bottom of the screen are the Local Time and Cross Track Error press the key next to the "CHANGE" label and enter the waypoint number Displays. Please note that you must recall a waypoint to use the Bearing and Cross Track Error displays. STEERING SCREEN The steering screen shows a pictorial view of your boat and course travelled. T[...]
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This menu lets you select the route number, name the route, and choose the waypoints used in the route. Name a Route To assign a name to a route, press the key next to the "-i-RTE" or "-RTE" label to move through the list of routes. When the desired route number appears in the window at the top of the screen, press the down arro[...]
Seite 20
To change another digital dis- play, press the left or right ar- row key. The label in the next digital display box changes as you pressthe arrow key. Again, press the up or down arrow key to change the display. The digital displays available for use are: BRG Bearing SOG DTG DEST WPT POSITION Altitude Route Name Waypoint Name Time To Go Cross Track[...]
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name. For example, to name a waypoint "COVE 1", press the number "0" key repeatedly until the letter "C" appears in the window. Next, press the right arrow key to move the black box to the next letter position. Now press the "3" key repeat- edly until the "0" appears on the screen. Repeat this pro- [...]
Seite 22
andcurrenton your boat. It also simplifies navigation. To use the plotter in this manner, first recall awaypointorstarta route. (See the Waypoint Recall sec- tion for more information.) Then press the PLOT key. A screen similar to the one at right ap- pears. PLOTTER MENU - PAGE 1 CLEAR PLOT To clear or erase the solid track menu selection. The plot[...]
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AccuNav his turned on for the first time. The available plotter ranges are.1, .2, .5,1,2,5,10, 20, 50, and 100 miles. This lets you "zoom in"to see smallvaria- tions in your course or "zoom out" to see your starting posi- tion, present position, track, course, and destination. All of the navigation displays on the AccuNav II wil[...]
Seite 24
CHANGE DISPLAY Two of these labels are win- The four digital displays on the left side of the plotter screen can be changed or customized at will. When the AccuNav Ilis first turned on, or after it's preset, the four digital displays are Distance To Go (DTG), Speed Over Ground (SOG), Bearing to waypoint (BAG), and Course Over Ground (COG). The[...]
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WINDOWS You can change the displays on the AccuNav II by using the windows feature. This lets you use different displays to suit your own fishing or boating situations. The screens available in the windows mode are divided into two or more windows per screen. Each screen of windows is called a "group". This AccuNavil givesyou 8 differentw[...]
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travelling a long distance, the track line may end prematurely due to the limited number of dots availablethat plot the track. Using a longer update time To change the update rate, press the MENU key while the unit is in the plotter mode. Now press the key next to the PLOT UP- DATE label. The screen shown above appears. The available plot update ti[...]