Seite 1
Model EOS 5330L / 5330R[...]
Seite 2
2 MODEL NO . EOS 5330L / 5330R Voltage: 230-240 V olts AC 50Hz W attage: 2 .4-2 .6kW Height: 595 mm W idth: 595mm Depth: 545m m (excl uding handl es and kno bs) W eig ht: 39kg This appli ance c omplies wi th: Europea n Counci l Dir ective 73/2 3/EEC. EMC Dir ectiv e 89/336/EEC . CE Marking Dire ctive 93/68/EEC. TECHNIC A L DET A ILS[...]
Seite 3
3 Techn ical Details .............................................................................................................................. ..... 2 Contents .............................................................................................................................. .................... 3 Safet y ...........................[...]
Seite 4
4 The Fan Oven .............................................................................................................................. ............ 22 Uses of the Fan Oven .......................................................................................................... ........... 22 Selecting th e Fan Oven .........................[...]
Seite 5
5 THESE WA RN INGS ARE PROVID ED IN THE INTER ESTS OF YOU R SAFETY. ENSURE TH A T YOU UNDERST AND THEM A LL BEFORE INSTA LLING OR USING THE A PPLIANC E. PLEA SE READ CA RE FUL LY BEFORE INSTALLA TION This appliance is hea vy and care must be tak en when m oving it. Ensure that all pac kaging, both inside and outs ide the a pplianc e has been rem ov[...]
Seite 6
6 Ensure that you s upport the gri ll pan when it is in the withdr awn or partial ly withdrawn positi on. Ensure that all vents are lef t unobstructe d to ensure vent ilation of the oven cavi ty. Ensure the anti-ti lt shelves ar e put in place corr ectly. Ref er to ins tructions on page 22. Never line an y part of th e appliance with foil. Do not a[...]
Seite 7
7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW WARNINGS: · This appliance m ust be ins talled b y a qu alified electrici an/com petent person. Safet y ma y be im paired if installat ion is not c arried ou t in accordanc e with these instruct ions. · This appl iance m ust be earthed . · Do not remove t he scre ws from the earth tab extending from the oven m ains term[...]
Seite 8
8 ii. By connect ing the cook er point to the hob and then connect ing the hob to the o ven. Pro vided that the hob manuf acturer perm its it, connec t the oven to the hob to the cook er point usin g the sam e cabling as describe d in (a) a bove. Check the hob term inal block is large enough to take two ca bles and is of suita ble rating. If not b)[...]
Seite 9
9 RECOMME NDED CABINET DIMENSI ONS ( IN MI LLIMETRES ) Cross sect ion through c abinet show ing oven position ed Fig.3 Bu ilt Under Inst allation Fig.4 Built In Insta llation 570 600 560 min 570 ma x 550 min 600 595 540 5 595 5 5 5 5 570 585 540 600 min 560 min 570 ma x 550 min 2000 Recommended Cross sect ion through c abinet show ing oven position[...]
Seite 10
10 HOW TO FINISH UNPACKING · Place appliance next t o the cab inet in whic h it wil l be instal led. · Remove the appliance pack ing except f or bottom tray wh ic h sho uld be left in posi tion unti l the applianc e is read y to be fitted into its c abinet. NOTE : It is im perative that the appl iance is left in the base to pr otect both th e app[...]
Seite 11
11 · Lift cover and r emove s crew from cable clam p. See Fig. 7. CONNECTING TO MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This appliance must be earthed. · Make connec tion as s hown in Fig. 8 by proceed ing as foll ows:- · Preform wires t o the appropr iate shap e to s uit fitting int o the m ains term inal block . · Strip inner ins ulation on wir es using wire[...]
Seite 12
12 FITTING INTO THE CA BINET IMPO RTANT: Ensur e that the oven is sw itched of f at the w all before an y further w ork is ca rried out . · Using a tape m easure estab lish the in ternal widt h of the cabinet. Refer to page 7 if gr eater than 565mm . · Pos ition the ap pliance in front of the c abinet. See Fig. 9. · Tak e out all oven furnitur e[...]
Seite 13
13 WARNING: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE E A RTHED GETTING TO KNOW YOUR OVEN A - Function S elector Fan O ven Full Gri ll Therm al Grill B - Automatic Tim er C - Fan Oven / Gr ill T emperature Co ntrol D - Oven / Gril l Indicat or Neon INTRODUCTIO N B C D A[...]
Seite 14
14 RA TING PLA TE This is situated o n the lower f ront fram e of the applianc e and can be seen upo n openin g the door . Alternat ivel y the rat ing plate may also be found on the back or top of s ome m odels (where appl icable). The appl iance m ust be protecte d by a suit ably ra ted fuse or circ uit break er. T he rating of the a ppliance is g[...]
Seite 15
15 GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE The follo wing items of oven furniture h ave been supplied with the a pplianc e. If you r equire replacem ents of any of the items listed below please contact y our loca l Service Forc e Centre, quo ting the relevant part num ber. 1 grill pan (3114094 01) 1 grill pan handle (3114681 00) NOTE: If you require an addition a[...]
Seite 16
16 KEY A COOK TIME B END TIME C COUNTDOWN D TIME OF DAY E DECRE A SE CONTROL F S ELECTOR CONTROL G INCRE A SE CONTROL NOTE: The time of day must be set before the oven will operate manually. 1. HOW TO SET THE TIME OF DA Y The oven has a 24 ho ur clock . W hen the electricit y supply is f irst switched ON, the displa y will sho w 12.00 and t he &apo[...]
Seite 17
17 TO CANCEL THE COUNTDOWN If you change your m ind and want t o cancel th e 'Countdown', pr ess the S elector Con trol button until the 'Countdown' indic ator neon f lashes the n depress the decrease control (-) u ntil 0. 00 shows in the displa y as Fi g. 5. The 'Countdown' indicator neon will cont inue to f lash for [...]
Seite 18
18 B) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH OFF ONLY i) Ensure t he electr icit y supply is s witched ON and that the cor rect tim e is displa y ed, e.g. 10.00 a.m . as Fig. 9. ii) Place f ood in ove n. iii) To s et the length of c ooking time, press the Selec tor Contro l button unt il the 'Cook T i me' indic ator is il luminated. Press the increas[...]
Seite 19
19 6. THINGS TO NOTE In the event of an interruptio n of the e lectricit y suppl y, the tim er will reset it self to zer o, and a ll programm ing will be c ancelled. 7. A UTOM ATIC COOKING It is adv isable to l eave food in the oven f or as short a t ime as pos sible bef ore autom atic cook ing. Always ensure comm ercially pr epared food is well wi[...]
Seite 20
20 USES OF THE GR ILL CA UTION – A CCESSIBLE PA RTS MAY B ECOME HOT WHEN THE GR ILL IS IN USE. CHILDREN SHOULD BE KEPT A W AY. Use the ful l heat gri ll only for f oods whic h require high heat an d short co oking tim es, e.g. toast, blue/rare s teaks . Use therm al grilling to grill all other foods, e.g. bacon, ch ops, sausages , chick en joints[...]
Seite 21
21 THE GRILL PAN AND HANDLE The gr ill pan is s upplied with a rem ovable hand le. To attach the handle, plac e the wirework under the cut out in the pan so that the metal plat e hook s over the top of the grill pan. Slide the handle to the left a nd over the centra l bump on the gri ll pan. Ensure the h andle is co rrectly lo cated. It is n ot nec[...]
Seite 22
22 USES OF THE FA N OVEN The oven is heat ed by an elem ent around the f an situa ted behin d the back panel. The f an draws a ir from the oven and the element heats the air which is circ ulated into the o ven via the vents in the back pane l. T he adv antages of fan ove n cooking are: PREHE A T ING The fan oven quick ly reaches its temperatur e so[...]
Seite 23
23 HINTS AND TIPS · The top s helf posit ion shou ld be reser ved for grilli ng onl y . · Arrange the shelv es in the re quired positio ns before s witching the oven ON. Shelves are number ed from the bott om upwar ds. · W hen cooking mor e than one dish in th e fan oven, place dis hes centra lly on d ifferent s helves rather than c luster se ve[...]
Seite 24
24 The oven temperatur es are int ended as a g uide onl y. It may be nec essary to i ncrease or decrease the tem perature by 10°C to s uit ind ividual pref erences a nd requirem ents. FAN OVEN FOOD SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P (°C ) APPROX IMATE COOK TIME (m) Biscu its Bread Bread r olls/buns Cakes : Sm all & Queen Shelf 180 - 190 200 - 220 [...]
Seite 25
25 The oven temperatur es are int ended as a g uide onl y. It ma y be necess ary to i ncrease or decr ease the temper atures by 10° C to suit ind ividual pref erences a nd requir ements. ROASTING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URES – Rare : 50-60 °C; Medium : 60-70°C; W ell done : 7 0-80°C MEAT SECON D/FAN OVEN COOKING TIME Beef 160-180°C 20-35 m [...]
Seite 26
26 USES OF THERMA L GRILLING Therm al grillin g offer s an alternat ive m ethod of cook ing food item s norm ally assoc iated with conventi onal gr illing. The grill elem ent and the ov en fan operate together , circulati ng hot air ar ound the f ood. The need to check and turn food is reduced. T herm al grilling helps to m inimis e cooking s mells[...]
Seite 27
27 HINTS AND TIPS · Prepare foods in the sam e way as for conventi onal gril ling. Brus h lean m eats and f ish lightl y with a little oil or butter to k eep them moist during c ooking. · Mos t food sho uld be p laced on the grill p an grid in the 'h igh' positio n in the gr ill pan t o allo w maxim um circulation of air ar ound the f o[...]
Seite 28
28 USES OF DEFROST FEA TURE This function enables you to def rost mo st foods faster than some conve ntional m ethods as th e oven fan circulates air around the food. I t is par ticularl y suitable for delicate fro zen foods which are to be served co ld e.g. cre am filled gateaux , cak es c overed with icings or frostings, c heesecak es, bis cuits,[...]
Seite 29
29 BEFORE CLE A NING THE A PPLI ANCE A LW A YS ALLOW THE COOLING FA N TO COOL THE A PP LIANCE DOWN BEFORE SWITCHING OFF THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. CLEANING MATERI A LS Before us ing any c leaning m aterials on your applianc e, check that the y are su itable and that t heir use is rec omm ended by the m anufacturer . Cleaners that cont ain bleach s hou[...]
Seite 30
30 CLEANING THE GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE All rem ovable p arts, exc ept the gril l pan han dle can be washed in the dish washer. The gr ill pan, gr ill pan gr id and oven s helves m ay be cleaned us ing a soap im pregnat ed steel woo l pad. Soaking f irst in ho t soapy water will m ake cleanin g easier. CARE OF STAYCLE A N S URFACES Stayclean sur f[...]
Seite 31
31 CLEANING BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER DOOR GLASS Under no circumstances s hould the door assembly be detached from the product for cleaning. Pleas e refer to the cleaning instructio ns. The outer d oor glass is rem ovable for c leaning. TO REMOVE THE OUTER GLA SS 1. Open the oven d oor slight ly to gain ac cess to t he two cross head screws o n t[...]
Seite 32
32 Before c alling an Engineer p lease carr y out the follo wing check s, you m ay be a ble to sol ve the problem without the ex pense of an Engineer . If our Ser vice Eng ineer finds that t he prob lem is listed below you will be ch arged for th e call whet her or not the app liance is under guar antee. The grill, ov en and timer do not work: * Ch[...]
Seite 33
33 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your applianc e requiri ng service, or if y ou wish to purchas e spare p arts, please c ontact your local Service F orce Centr e b y telephon ing:- 0870 5 929 929 Your tel ephone cal l will be aut omatic ally routed to the Serv ice Force C entre cov ering your p ost code area. For the address of y our loca[...]
Seite 34
34 S T AND AR D G U AR AN T E E C O ND I TI O NS W e, Electrolux , undertake that if within 12 months of the dat e of the purc hase this Electrolux appliance or any part ther eof is pro ved to be def ective b y reason onl y of fault y workm anship or m aterials, we will, at our opti on repair or replace th e same F REE OF CHARG E for la bour, m ate[...]
Seite 35
NOTES 35[...]
Seite 36
IMP OR T A NT NO TIC E In line with our cont inuing po licy of res earch and d evelopm ent, we reser ve the r ight to alter models and specif ications without pri or notice. This instruction booklet is accurate at t he date of printing , but will b e superse ded if spec ifications or appear ance ar e changed. ELECTROLU X 55 – 77 H IGH STREET , SL[...]