HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500, sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service HP (Hewlett-Packard) finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500, über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) L65500 widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    HP Designjet L65500 Printer Maintenance a nd trouble shooti ng guide (second e dition)[...]

  • Seite 2

    Lega l not ices © 2009 Hewle tt-Packard Development Company, L .P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warra nties for HP P roducts and services are set forth in the express warranty statement accompanying such pr oducts and services. Nothing he rein should be construed as constituting an additional warra[...]

  • Seite 3

    Table of contents 1 Safety precautio ns General safety gu idelines ......... ............... ............... ............... ......... ............... ............... ........ ........... ..... 1 Warnings a nd caution s ................... ......... ............... ............... .......... ................ ............. ........ ............. ...[...]

  • Seite 4

    Replace the printhead cleaning rol l and a erosol filters ................... .................. ............. ................... .. 24 Move the printer ........ ...... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ...... .......... .......... ..... ........ ......... .. 27 Printer maintenan ce kits .................. ...[...]

  • Seite 5

    10 Fro nt-pan el erro r messag es 11 When you need help Documentat ion ...... ........ ........... ........... ........... ....... ............ ........... ........... ....... ............ ...... ............ ...... 48 HP Proacti ve Support .............. ................ ............... .......... ............... .............. .......... ........[...]

  • Seite 6

    vi ENWW[...]

  • Seite 7

    1 Safety precautions General safety guid elines WARNING! Inte rnal circ uits use haz ardous voltag e capabl e of causing death or seri ous personal injury . No operator servic eable parts inside. Refer s ervicing to qua lified ser vice perso nnel. The dis connecti ng device s for ser vicing are two Branch Ci rcuit Break ers loca ted in the buil din[...]

  • Seite 8

    Fire haz ard CAUTION: The dryi ng and curi ng subsystem s of the printer ope rate at high tem perature s. To avoid the risk of fir e, take the following pr ecautions when operatin g the printer: ● Do not manipulate the heati ng modul es. ● Load subs trates that withsta nd temperature s of 125°C. Heavy substrate hazard Specia l care must be t a[...]

  • Seite 9

    Labe l Explanation Identifies the main earth terminal Danger of electric shock. Do not touch. Danger of electric shock. Do not touch. Danger of elect ric shock. In case of operation of the fuse, parts of the printer that remain energiz ed may represent a hazard during servicing. There fore, ensure that t he printer is completely turned off before s[...]

  • Seite 10

    Labe l Explanation When the printer is printing , the printhead carriage travels back and fort h across the substrate. Beware of this moving par t. Emergenc y stop buttons There ar e four e mergency s top bu ttons distr ibuted ar ound the printer. If an e mergenc y occurs , simply push on e of th e emerge ncy stop buttons to stop al l printi ng pro[...]

  • Seite 11

    2 Printer status Check p rinter status You ca n check th e current s tatus of the prin ter in the fo llowing ways: ● The HP Internal Pr int Serv er displa ys the s tatus of t he printe r, the lo aded sub strate and the ink system. The latest a lerts are summari zed at th e bottom o f the mai n window ( see Prin ter alert s on page 5 ). ● The fr[...]

  • Seite 12

    3 Printer calibration Align the printhea ds Preci se alignm ent between pr intheads i s essenti al for colo r accur acy, smoo th color tra nsitions and sharp edges in gr aphical el ements. To ali gn the prin theads, go to the HP Internal Print Ser ver and select Pr inter > Printhead alignm ent . You can se lect automa tic or manu al alignme nt; [...]

  • Seite 13

    Troubleshoot printhead alignment Automati c printh ead alignm ent may fail oc casiona lly. In som e cases, you may see th e front panel error messag e "Automatic Pr inthead Alignm ent is cancelle d because of sc anning error s". In other cas es, there i s no error message bu t the p rint quality is not sati sfactory . Here are so me possi[...]

  • Seite 14

    You ca n view and chang e the substr ate-advan ce compe nsation of the cur rently loa ded subst rate at any time fr om the H P Intern al Prin t Server by select ing the print job and then the Printing Adj. button, or by selec ting Pr inter > Printing adjustments . If you pr efer the print quality af ter changing t he figure i n the Adva nce fie [...]

  • Seite 15

    The c alibration process i s fully automat ic and can be pe rformed unattended after you hav e loaded substrate of the ty pe you wi sh to c alibrate. The proc ess take s about 1 8 minutes a nd consi sts of t he followi ng steps. 1. The Closed- Loop Color Calibr ation and In k Restri ction Test Chart is p rinted, whi ch contains s cales of patches o[...]

  • Seite 16

    Color c alibration is base d on the color meas urement of printed co lor patc hes, usin g the HP Embe dded Spectr ophotometer. So me charac terisitics of su bstra tes, such as surfac e roughnes s or transpar ency, may ma ke reflective c olor measure ment of some substrate ty pes very i naccurate. Co lor calibra tion of these subs trates will fai l [...]

  • Seite 17

    4 Hardware maintenance Maintain the ink cartridge s Duri ng the normal li fetime of a cartridg e, no specific maintenanc e is required. Howe ver, in order to maintai n the bes t print q uality, rep lace a c artridge w hen it re aches i ts expi ration d ate. An alert no tifies you when any cartridge reaches its expiration dat e. You ca n also c heck[...]

  • Seite 18

    Check the printhe ads If you b elieve t hat one or more o f the printhe ads is performing poorly: 1. Go to the HP Internal Print Server and select Pr inter > Printhead c leaning . 2. Press the Check button to perform routine cleaning. 3. If the probl em pers ists, pr ess the Print butto n in the same window to print the following displa y. Each [...]

  • Seite 19

    to the printh eads, the carri age cover may ne ed to be cleaned ab out once every two mon ths, dependin g on you r use of the print er. An al ert is d ispla yed when the co ver needs to be clea ned. 1. Go to the front panel and sele ct Cl ean c arri age co ver from the Prev entive Main tenance men u . The c arriage mo ves into the electrical compar[...]

  • Seite 20

    4. Standin g at th e front of the print er, clean th e front ra il using a lint-free c loth damp ened with is opropyl alcoho l. You can acces s the rail from abo ve. NOTE: If you are in Calif ornia, instead of isopr opyl alcohol please use a VOC-certifi ed cleaner such as a properl y diluted 'Sim ple Green ® All- Purpose Cle aner'. 5. St[...]

  • Seite 21

    9. Select Carriage beam position > Move to printing (normal) from t he front p anel's Substrate menu to low er the ca rriage bea m into its normal positio n, close to the sub strate. T his proce ss takes about two mi nutes to complete. 10. Replace the carriage o iler foa ms (see Replace the ca rriage oi ler foams o n page 21 ). Whil e repla[...]

  • Seite 22

    3. Clean th e interio r of each ink deposit with a cotto n swab or c loth damp ened with distille d water. If you c annot rem ove the d ried in k this w ay, tr y using isopro pyl alcoho l inst ead of distille d water. 4. Also clean the area arou nd the ink deposi ts; but do not try to cl ean the prin thead a rea. 5. Close the pr inthead acc ess doo[...]

  • Seite 23

    5. Reach unde rneath the line s ensor and c lean it with the cotto n swab a s shown. 6. Use a brus h to clean acc umulated d ust from th e aerosol inl ets. Do not us e the brush on any other parts. 7. Look for condens ation unde r the ca rriage, and remo ve it with a c lean li nt-free cl oth if necessar y. 8. Press th e OK button on the front pa ne[...]

  • Seite 24

    Clean the pin ch wheels If the pi nch wheel s are d irty, the y can be c leaned by advancin g the sub strate (les s than a meter). Cleaning the w heels ma nually coul d damage them, and is not recom mended. Clean the p laten The pl aten shou ld be cl eaned when ever it is visibly dirty, or when you notice m arks on th e back of the substrate . Befo[...]

  • Seite 25

    The s ensor is located between th e second and third group of three pinch es, in the middle o f the pl aten. TIP: You may need a ladder to reach t he senso r. TIP: Cleaning is eas ily done by reaching over the carriage beam in its low position. If you try to do it by putti ng your arms below the b eam in it s high posit ion, yo u will find it more [...]

  • Seite 26

    6. Use the swab to clean the lenses of bot h temperat ure sen sors (dry ing and curing) . 7. Check that th e lenses ar e clean by lookin g direc tly at the m from u nderneath the printer. Altern atively, continue c leaning u ntil the cotton s wab rem ains clea n after cleaning . 8. Press OK at the front pa nel to tel l the pr inter tha t the sens o[...]

  • Seite 27

    Replace the carriage oiler fo ams The printhe ad carria ge contains two chunks of fo am impregn ated with oil that con tinuously lubricate the carriage rails. They may need to be rep laced a bout eve ry two or three months, d epending on you r use of th e printer. Replaceme nt foams are availa ble in th e Cleani ng Kit. 1. Go to the front panel and[...]

  • Seite 28

    5. Open t he carr iage cover to acc ess the right oi ler foam. 6. Slide off the cover of the right oiler foam. 7. Remo ve the ol d foam. 22 Cha pter 4 Hardware maintena nce ENWW Hardware maintenance[...]

  • Seite 29

    8. Remove th e screw s and the oiler foam con tainer, r eplace the foam, and reattach t he contain er with the screws. 9. Close the carr iage cove r and the printh ead access door. 10. Press the OK key w hen finis hed. Replace the line senso r box An ale rt is d isplayed when the line se nsor bo x needs to be replace d. The pri nter mov es the ca r[...]

  • Seite 30

    4. Remo ve the l ine sensor box. 5. Conn ect the ca ble to the new lin e sensor b ox. 6. Place the new box into the printer and fix it in plac e with the screws. No tool is neede d. 7. Press OK at the front pa nel. 8. The pri nter turns on pow er to the carria ge and checks the sensor . Replace the printhead cleaning roll and aerosol filters The pr[...]

  • Seite 31

    3. Grip the handle and pul l the whole print head cleanin g roll assembly out thr ough the door. 4. Slide bo th rolls of f their a xles and dispos e of the r oll with the used cleaning material accordin g to the instr uctions provide d with the new rol l. Keep th e empty core to use as a takeup c ore. 5. Slide the new roll onto the upper a xle. It [...]

  • Seite 32

    9. Slide the takeup core o nto the lo wer axle. It c licks into p lace. NOTE: If the cl eaner r oll has n ot been pr operly ins talled , you may se e a messa ge about clearin g a printh ead clea ning ro ll jam. Pull the who le asse mbly o ut, wind a little of t he roll forwar d, then sl ide it back in again. The printer wil l check the ro ll again [...]

  • Seite 33

    3. Lift up the right-hand side of the filte r container ; it pivots on the left. 4. Pull the old filte r out of the bottom of its contai n er and dispos e of it ac cordin g to the instru ctions provided with the new filter. 5. Unpack the new filte rs and ens ure that the blue t abs at ea ch end of each filter a re at right angle s to the filter. 6.[...]

  • Seite 34

    4. Raise t he feet so that th e wheel s (A) tou ch the gr ound. To r aise a foot: a. Use a 30 m m wrench to u nlock the nu t at the to p of the f oot. b. Rotate t he nut manu ally down th e bolt. Leave ab out 2 cm (0.8 in) clearanc e at the bottom between nut and fo ot. c. Use a 15 m m wrench to rota te the foot upwards. Us e the flat faces at the [...]

  • Seite 35

    5 Softw are maintenance Maintain the HP In ternal Print Server The HP In ternal P rint Serv er runs un der Microso ft Window s on the computer supplied with the prin ter. In that o perating environ ment, ther e are var ious thin gs you can check in order to mainta in op timum perfor mance. Y ou can m ake these checks a fter restar ting the comput e[...]

  • Seite 36

    Update the firmware The prin ter's var ious fun ctions are controlled by softwar e that r esides in the printer, otherwi se known as firmw are. From time to ti me firmwar e updates will be available from Hewl ett-Packar d. These updates inc rease the printer' s functi onality and enha nce its features. Firmwar e updates ca n be downloade [...]

  • Seite 37

    6 Troubleshoot s ubstrate issues The substrate c annot be loaded success fully ● A substrate cannot b e loaded unless all pri nter subsy stems (e.g. the ink syste m) are r eady. ● If the printer is unaware of the carriage beam position ( after a printe r recove ry or shutdo wn), go to the front panel and select the Subst rate Managem ent icon ,[...]

  • Seite 38

    3. If fe asible, man ually mo ve the c arriage s lowly and c arefully to the side, a way from the su bstrate. If thi s is not fea sible becau se of the severit y of the jam , try rais ing the car riage beam to it s maxi mum hei ght. 4. Remo ve all substrate a nd pie ces of subs trate from the prin ting zone and from a ny oth er parts o f the printe[...]

  • Seite 39

    The substrate sticks to the p laten When the sub strate sticks to the platen, the most lik ely cause s are exce ssive heat and ex cessiv e vacuum . Therefore, try decreasing the dr ying tempe rature or the va cuum. For info rmation on how to adjust printer s ettings, see the User 's guide . The ink is still wet when the sub strate emer ges 1. [...]

  • Seite 40

    7 Troubleshoot print-quality issues Gene ral advi ce When you hav e any print-qu ality prob lem: ● To achi eve the best performan ce from your prin ter, use onl y genuine HP supplies an d accesso ries, whose re liability and performanc e have been thor oughly test ed to give trouble -free per formance and best- quality pr ints. For detail s of re[...]

  • Seite 41

    If the re are thi n white li nes across the width of the su bstrate: 1. From the HP In ternal Print Se rver, clean and check the pr intheads , and check for b locked nozzles . ● If there are bloc ked noz zles, incr ease the numb er of pa sses. ● If there is a s ubstrate-ad vance p roblem, decrease the substr ate-adva nce sett ing. 2. If the pro[...]

  • Seite 42

    If the back s ide of the subs trate varies in c olor or sh ade (for in stance, if so mething has been printed on it), you may see ban ding in p arts of your print be cause th e substr ate-adv ance se nsor ha s becom e confuse d. In this c ase, turn o ff the sen sor (in th e Loaded Sub strate windo w in the HP Inte rnal Prin t Server) and adjust the[...]

  • Seite 43

    Colors are misaligned h orizontally 1. Ensure that the s ubstrate is not skew ed. If there is any skew, r eload the substra te to cor rect it. 2. Check th e carriage beam po sition. I f it i s high and the s ubstrate ty pe doesn 't requi re a hig h positio n, lower it. 3. If the pro blem per sists, realign the printhead s. 4. If the pro blem p[...]

  • Seite 44

    a. Incr ease the number of passe s. b. Increase the dr ying tempe rature. c. Decrease t he ink l imit. For informatio n on how to a djust printer s ettings, see the User's guide . The print is smudged This indi cates t hat the ink i s not dry. The characteri stics of t he substr ate may have ch anged. Re create the s ubs trate pres et. The sub[...]

  • Seite 45

    Colors are inaccurate 1. Check tha t the sub strate ha s been correctly loaded. 2. Check tha t the load ed subst rate is the same as the s ubstrate s elected i n the HP Intern al Prin t Server. 3. Check that the ICC pr ofile us ed by the R IP is correct for the load ed substrate . ENWW Col ors are inac curat e 39 Print-quality i ssues[...]

  • Seite 46

    8 Troubleshoot ink cartridge and printhead issues Cannot insert an in k cartridge 1. Use the correct procedure to change ink cartridges , through the fron t panel. See the User 's gui de . 2. Check that th ere is no obstruct ion in th e ink car tridge connector. 3. Check th at the ink car tridge is of the correc t color. A c onnector wi ll ref[...]

  • Seite 47

    a. Turn off the printer. b. Place a piece o f paper u nderneath the car riage to collect any dir t that falls through. c. Use the b rush fro m the Clean ing Kit to cle an the elec trical conn ections g ently but th oroughly. d. Use the pne umatic air gun (prov ided for in flating the spindles ) to dislodge any rema ining dirt . You can use pape r o[...]

  • Seite 48

    9 Troubleshoot other issues The pri nte r does no t print If all is in order (substrate loaded, all ink com ponents ins talled and no file erro rs), ther e are stil l reasons why a fi le you have sent from your c omputer may not sta rt print ing when e xpected: ● You ma y have an electric al power proble m. If ther e is no ac tivity at all from t[...]

  • Seite 49

    Upgrade the HP Internal Print Ser ver TIP: When y ou have t o upgrade th e firmwar e and the HP Internal Print Ser ver, firs t upgrade the firmware and then the HP Inte rnal Print Server. To upgra de the HP Internal Pr int Server, pr oceed as follow s. 1. First u ninstall the curr ent vers ion thro ugh the Control P anel. D oing so wi ll delete the[...]

  • Seite 50

    10 Front-panel error messages Occasio nally yo u may se e one of the following messages appear on the front- panel displa y. If so, please follow t he adv ice in t he Recommen dation c olumn. If you se e an error m essage that does not appea r here, and you feel in dou bt about the cor rect respo nse, or if you have fol lowed the reco mmendatio n b[...]

  • Seite 51

    Message Recomm endation Lower lever Lower the substrate pressure handle s. See the User's guide . Maintenance #N advised. Please contact H P You are advised to contact your service represe ntative. See HP Customer Care Centers on page 49 . No substrate loaded Load substrate. Out of cleaner roll Replace the printhead cleaning roll. See Replace [...]

  • Seite 52

    Error code Reco mmendation 14.8 Emergency stop button pushed. Release all four emergency stop buttons . Turn circuit breaker ACB-1 off and then on. 14.9 Fuse error. Turn off the printer (see the User's guide ). Open the FH11 fuse holders and check the fuses. Replace any fuse if necessary. 15.1 The printer is unable to warm up t o its workin g [...]

  • Seite 53

    Error code Reco mmendation 65.04 Restart the printer. 68 This warning mess age indicates that the printer's interna l counters are not functioning c orrectly. You are re commended to res tart the printer in the near futur e. 78.1:04 The substrate preset is damaged or missing. Import or create a new preset for the loaded substrate. See the User[...]

  • Seite 54

    11 When you need help Documentation The fol lowing do cuments are pro vided with y our pr inter, an d can al so be d ownloaded from http:// www.hp.com/ go/L 65500/ manuals/ . ● Site p reparation guid e ● Site preparat ion check list ● User 's guid e ● Mainten ance and trouble shooting g uide ● Lega l informat ion HP Proactive Sup por[...]

  • Seite 55

    or cal l us on the telephone (see HP C ustome r Care Cente rs on page 49 ). To regist er your warra nty: http://regi ster.hp.com / HP Cu stome r Care Cent ers Help is availa ble to yo u by tel ephone. What to do before yo u call: ● Review the trou bleshooting su ggestions in this guide . ● Review y our RIP's documen tation, i f relev ant. [...]

  • Seite 56

    Colombi a: 571 602 9 191 / 01 8 000 51 47 46 8368 Costa Ri ca: 0 800 011 0 524 Dominic an Republ ic: 1 80 0 711 288 4 Guatema la: 1 800 999 5 105 Hondura s: 800 0 123 / 1 8 00 711 28 84 Mexico : 52 5 5 5258-9 922 Nicara gua: 1 800 0164 / 800 711 2 884 Panama: 001 800 7 11 2884 Peru: 5 11 411 2443 / 0 800 10111 El Salva dor: 800 6160 Venezue la: 58 [...]

  • Seite 57

    A Preset creation flowchart ENWW 51 Pres et cr eatio n f lowcha rt[...]

  • Seite 58

    Index A aerosol filters mainte nance 24 alerts error s 5 alert s, warning s 5 automa tic trackin g 7 B banding pr oblems 7 C calibr ation color 8 carria ge cover , cleani ng 12 carria ge oiler foam s, rep lacing 1 5 carria ge rail s, clean ing 13 cauti on 2 clean th e printe r 15 clean ing kit 28 color c alibrati on 8 color ca libratio n cancel led[...]

  • Seite 59

    substra te edge hol ders clean ing 17 substra te-advan ce sensor clean ing 8 suppo rt services HP Customer Care 48 HP Proacti ve Suppor t 48 T telephone suppor t 7 temperatu re sens ors clean ing 19 thunders torm 42 W warning 2 warning l abels 2 ENWW Ind ex 53[...]