Kodak EasyShare P712 Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung Kodak EasyShare P712 an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von Kodak EasyShare P712, sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung Kodak EasyShare P712 die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung Kodak EasyShare P712. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung Kodak EasyShare P712 sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts Kodak EasyShare P712
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts Kodak EasyShare P712
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts Kodak EasyShare P712
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von Kodak EasyShare P712 zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von Kodak EasyShare P712 und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service Kodak finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von Kodak EasyShare P712 zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts Kodak EasyShare P712, über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von Kodak EasyShare P712 widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    K odak Ea syShar e P712 zoom digital camer a User’ s guide www .k oda k.com F or inte r activ e tut o rial s , www .k odak.c om/go/how to F or help wi th your came ra, www .kodak.co m/go /p71 2suppo rt[...]

  • Seite 2

    East man Kodak Co mpany Ro chester , New Y ork 14650 © Eastman K odak C ompany , 20 06 All screen images are simu lated. K o dak and Easy Share ar e tr ademar ks o f Eastm an K o dak C ompany . Schneid er -Kreuz nach a nd Xena r are trademar ks of Jos . Schnei der Optisch e W er k e Gmb H use d u nder l ic ense by Eas tma n K odak Com pany . P/N 4[...]

  • Seite 3

    Product fe atur es www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t i Fr o nt View 1L e n s 1 1 H o t s h o e 2G r i p 1 2 F l a s h 3 Sel f- time r/Vi deo lig ht 13 Fla sh but ton 4 LED indi cat or 14 Focus bu tto n 5 Shu tter but ton 15 Strap po st 6 Mod e /Po we r swi tch 16 Spe ake r 7 Expo sur e mete ring bu tton 17 Micr op hone 8 Pro gram b utton 18 USB , A/ V O[...]

  • Seite 4

    ii www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Prod uct f eatur es Bac k View 1 Del ete bu tton 10 Set butto n 2 Tripo d soc ket 11 AE/A F loc k but ton 3 Do ck co nnec tor 12 Status butto n 4 LC D scree n 13 Rev iew butt on 5 EVF/ LCD togg le but ton 14 Joystick ( ); OK butto n (press i n) 6 Dio pter dial 15 S lot for opt ional SD or MMC c ar d 7 E VF ( Elec tro[...]

  • Seite 5

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching th e lens ca p an d st rap ..... ... ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ..... 1 Char gi ng th e b att ery ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ... [...]

  • Seite 6

    iv www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T ab le of con tents 4 Doing more with you r camera .................... ......................................... 23 Pictu re- taki ng modes .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... 23 Takin g p anor am ic pic tu re s ... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. [...]

  • Seite 7

    T a ble of cont ent s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t v Helpful li nks ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... ..... 75 Telepho ne cust omer supp or t .... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... .. ... 76 7 Appendix .............. ........[...]

  • Seite 8

    1 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the lens cap a nd strap[...]

  • Seite 9

    Setti ng up you r camera www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 2 Charging the battery Char ge the Li -I on r ech argea ble bat tery b efore fi rst use . Y ou c an a lso char ge th e b atte ry us ing a K oda k Ea sySha re p ri nter doc k or camera dock. Pu rcha se t hese and o ther acc essor ies a t a d eal er of K o dak prod uc ts o r visi t www .kodak. com[...]

  • Seite 10

    3 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Sett ing up your ca mera Turning on the camera ■ Cap ture: T ak e pic ture s an d video s . ■ F avor ites: View your F avorit es , s ee page 66 . Setting the language and date/tim e, first ti me Mo v e 1 Lan guage : Date & Time: a Language, then pres s OK . 2 Press OK to ac cept. f or pr e vious/ne xt field. t[...]

  • Seite 11

    Setti ng up you r camera www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 4 Setting the language and date/time , other times Storing p ictures on an SD or MMC card Y ou r camera has 32 MB of internal me mory . Y ou can purcha se an SD or MMC card to conven iently st ore m or e pict ures and videos . F o r best res ults , pur chas e a K oda k ca rd. NO TE: When using t[...]

  • Seite 12

    5 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 2 T aking pictur es and videos Taki ng a picture Taking a video 3 4 1 When the A E/AF indicator t ur ns green, press the S hutter b utton completely do wn. Press the Shutter b ut ton halfw a y to set th e AE /AF . 2 Au to or green—succ essful red— failed failed focus failed exposure AE/AF indicator: EVF LCD Use th[...]

  • Seite 13

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 6 Reviewing a qu ickview of the picture or video just taken After you t ak e a pict ure or vid eo , the EVF/LCD s cree n dis play s a Qu ic kview f or appr oxima tely 5 s econds . Whi le th e pi ctur e o r vid eo is di splay ed, you c an: T o view pictu res and videos any time , see page [...]

  • Seite 14

    7 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Using the auto-focus framing marks (pic t ures) When usi ng th e EV F/LCD screen as a vie wfind er , f raming ma rks in dicate where t he ca m e ra i s f o c u s in g. For t h e b es t p i c t u r e s , t h e c a m e ra a t te mp t s t o fo cu s o n f or eg r o u n d subj ects , e ven if[...]

  • Seite 15

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 8 Using the Status button In a ny Ca ptur e or Rev iew m ode , press the Stat us butto n to d ispl ay st atus i con s , settin gs , an d pict ure/vi deo in for mation on your EVF/LC D s creen. Mode Status button s cree n i nformation Sti ll Video Captur e (Aut o a nd SCN ) ■ Sta tus ico[...]

  • Seite 16

    9 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Capture icons i n liveview (default screen) NO TE: Y o ur camera screen changes when you press the Status butto n (see pag e 8 ). Capture icons— shutter pressed halfway Pictures/time rem aining Storage location White balance Exposure brac keting interv a l ISO Batter y indicato r (flas[...]

  • Seite 17

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 10 Usin g optical zoom Use op ti cal zoo m to get u p t o 1 2X cl oser to your subj ect . Y ou can ch ange o ptic al zoom befo re or d uri ng vid eo recor di ng. 1 Use th e EVF or LC D scr een to frame your subject . 2 Pre ss T el eph oto (T ) to z oom i n. Press Wide Angl e (W) to z oom [...]

  • Seite 18

    11 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Usin g the fl ip-up f lash Use the flash wh en you t ak e pictur es a t night, indoo rs , or out doo rs in hea vy shado ws . Mak e s ure y ou a re wit hin t he fla sh range . T o chang e t he fla sh se tting s , s ee pa ge 36 . Usin g an externa l flash unit Use a n e xternal flas h uni[...]

  • Seite 19

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 12 Revie wing pictures a nd video s Press Review to view and work w ith you r pic tures and v ideos . Pictures NO T E: P ic t u r e s ta ken a t th e 6 .3 MP ( 3: 2) q ua l i t y s e t ti ng ar e d i s pl a y e d a t a 3 :2 a s p e c t rat i o wi t h a b l a ck b a r at th e top and bott [...]

  • Seite 20

    13 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Multi-selection o f pictures during review Use the Set butt on to c re ate a se t of p ic tures to r eview and to pe rform vario us functi on s , for e xam ple Delete ( pa ge 17 ), P rotec t ( page 16 ), a nd Copy ( page 58 ). Single -up Multi-up Press Revie w . (Press again to e xit.) [...]

  • Seite 21

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 14 Magnifying a picture during review Us e th e Zoo m le ver t o mag nify you r pic tures . W/T Return to 1X. OK Magnify 1X–10X. View other par ts of the picture .[...]

  • Seite 22

    15 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Identifying the re view icons Picture NO TE: Y o ur camera screen changes when you press the Status button (see page 8 ). Vi deo F av orite ta g Pr int tag/n um ber of prints Protect Pictu re number Ima ge storage location Re view mode Alb um name Batter y indicator Scroll arrows Email [...]

  • Seite 23

    T a king pic tures an d video s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 16 Protecting pictures and video s from deletion PICT URE or VID EO— prot ect s t he dis playe d pictu re or video . EXI T— e xit s th e Pro tect screen . SELE CTED — pr otect s sel ect ed pi ct ures a nd videos fro m your cur re nt s torage loca ti on. ALL— pro tects all pictu re[...]

  • Seite 24

    17 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Deleting pictures and videos PICT URE or VID EO— delet es t he disp la yed pi ctur e or vide o . EXI T— e xit s th e D elete scre en. SELE CTED — d e l e t e s s e l e c t ed pi c t u r e s a n d v i d e os fr o m y o u r cu rr e n t s t o ra g e l oc a t i o n . Y ou can sc roll [...]

  • Seite 25

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 18 3 T ransferr ing and pr i nting pictur es Instal ling the softwa re CAUTION: Inst al l K o dak E asyS hare soft ware before connecting the camer a or optional do ck to the c omputer . F ailure to do so may ca use the software to load incorrectly . 1 Clos e al l so ftware appli ca tion s th a t are open on your c ompu[...]

  • Seite 26

    19 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T ransfe rring an d pr inting pi cture s Transferring pictures Y ou c an trans fer pictu re s t o your com put er usi ng a USB cable (U-8 ), Ea sySh are dock, or K odak m ulti-car d read er/K oda k SD mu ltim edia c ard read er -writer . Purch ase th ese and o th er a cce ssori es a t a de aler of K od ak prod ucts o[...]

  • Seite 27

    T r ansf erri ng and pr inti ng pict ure s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 20 Printing from a Kodak EasyShare printer dock or your computer Printe r dock —Do ck yo ur came ra to the K od ak E asyS har e pri nt er doc k a nd p ri nt di rectly wit h or wi thout a c ompu ter . F or dock co mpat i bi lity for y our c amer a, see page 22 . Pu rc hase t h[...]

  • Seite 28

    21 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T ransfe rring an d pr inting pi cture s Direct pri nting wi th a PictBridge e nabled printer Y our c amer a feat ures PictB ridge t e ch nolog y , whi ch lets y ou print d irectl y to Pict Bridg e en abled p rinte rs , w ithou t a compu ter . Y ou need: Connecting the cam era t o the printer 1 T ur n off t he ca mer[...]

  • Seite 29

    T r ansf erri ng and pr inti ng pict ure s www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 22 NO TE: During d irect print ing, pictu res are not perm anently tran sferred o r saved to the co mputer or prin ter . NO TE: If you turned the Mo de switch to F av orites , the current favori te picture is displayed. Disconn ecting the camera from the printer 1 T ur n off t [...]

  • Seite 30

    23 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 4 Doing more with your camera Picture-taking modes Use this mode Fo r Mode Swi tch— Captu re and F a vorite s. Capt ure Tak ing pictu re s and v ide os. Favorites V iewing y our favor ites (see pag e 66 ). Choose the mode that best suits your subjects and surroundin gs. Use Auto mode f or general picture-taking.[...]

  • Seite 31

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 24 Mode D ial — 10 se tt in gs. AUTO Gene ral pic ture- tak ing— off ers an excel lent ba lan ce o f im age qua lit y and ease -of -us e. Program Contro ll ing exp osu re c ompe nsa tion , f lash c ompe nsa tion (h ow m uc h light enters the cam era), and ISO speed. The camer a autom[...]

  • Seite 32

    25 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Manua l E njoy in g the h ighe st l eve l of cre ati ve contro l . You can se t t he ape rture , sh utt er s pee d, f lash co mpen sa tion , an d I SO s pee d. Ex posur e c ompens ation acts as an ex pos ure meter , rec ommend ing t h e p r o p e r c o m b i n a t i o n o f a p e r t u [...]

  • Seite 33

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 26 Scene mod es 1 T ur n the Mode di al to Scen e . 2 Move the Jo ystic k to di spla y Sc ene mode d escr iptio ns . NO TE: If the Help text turns o ff , press the OK button. 3 Press t he OK button to c hoose a Scen e mo de . Use this SCN mode Fo r Portrait Fu ll-fr ame port raits o f pe[...]

  • Seite 34

    27 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Candle light Captu res t he ambi ance of the can dle light. Fl ower Close -u ps o f fl ow ers or o the r s mal l s ubje cts in br ig ht lig ht. Text Docume nts. Manner/ Muse um Qui et oc casi ons, l ike a wedd ing or lect ure. Flash and soun d a re disa bled . Party Peop le ind oors . M[...]

  • Seite 35

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 28 Taki ng panora mic pic tures Use pano rama to “ st itch” up to 3 pi ctur es i nt o a p anorami c sc ene . NO T E: F o r best res ul ts , use a t ri po d. Indi v id ual pic tu re s are sav ed on ly wh en pan orama capt ure is can cell ed before stitch ing occ urs . (P ict ure size [...]

  • Seite 36

    29 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Using the focus button Set t he focu s fo r clo se-up and far -away s cenes . Som e set tings ma y be u navaila ble in some modes . NO T E: F o r rapi d se tti n g c h ange s , s ee page 4 0 . F ocus mode Des cr ipt ion Normal AF (default) Focu s setti ng f or g en eral p i cture- taki [...]

  • Seite 37

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 30 Usin g the drive mode for self-tim e r, burs t, exposure bracketing Some sett in gs may be unavaila ble i n s ome m ode s . NO T E: F o r rapi d se tti n g c h ange s , s ee page 4 0 . F or det er min i ng bu rst c apac it y , s e e pa ge 3 2 . R aw a nd TI FF are u navaila ble i n Bu[...]

  • Seite 38

    31 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra 1 Se t th e D rive mode to t he desir ed optio n, page 30 . 2 Press the Shutt er butt on hal fway to set th e AE/AF . 3 F or all settin g s , exc ept Burs t, pr ess the Shu tte r b utton comp letely down to t ak e the p ict ure . F or Burst setting s , press the Sh utter b utton com ple[...]

  • Seite 39

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 32 Determining the burst c apacity T he qua ntit y of burs t dep ends on th e q uality mo de and the rate of c ompr ession . F or inform atio n on pic tu re co mpressio n, see pa ge 44 . Qua lity mo de Res olut ion Compression Quantity 7.1 M P 3072 x 23 04 R AW 4 TIFF 0 Fine 8 Stand ard [...]

  • Seite 40

    33 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Using the AE/AF button NO T E: F o r rapi d se tti n g c h ange s , s ee page 4 0 . AE/AF lock mode Description (d ef ault) Exp osure s etti ng is indepe nden t of p ressin g th e Shut ter but ton. T his allows fo r creative compo sitions and exposure situatio ns. R et ains the setti ng[...]

  • Seite 41

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 34 Taking pictures using the AF lock F or speci al s itua tion s w here AF may no t w ork ( page 33 ): 1 Set t he AE /AF Lock b ut ton to AF . 2 Plac e the framing ma rks o n the main subj ect. 3 Press the AE/AF Lock b utt on. 4 Re c omp ose the pi cture and press the S hutte r butt on h[...]

  • Seite 42

    35 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Prog ram c aptur e sett ing s Press ing the Pro gram button in Ca ptur e , aft er pro gram setu p , all ows for direct acce ss to t he s ub-menu s a nd, if nec essary , r ight -hand acce ss to t he fla sh and foc us menu s . Program review settings Press ing t he Program but ton in Rev [...]

  • Seite 43

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 36 Changing the flash settings NO TE: Flash settings are preset for each picture-taking mode . Some of the f lash setting s may not be available in all Capture or SCN modes . When you change to Auto o r Red-eye in some of these mod es , it bec omes t h e de f aul t u nti l yo u chan ge i[...]

  • Seite 44

    37 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra PASM and C1, C2, C3 modes Setti ngs you c hange in C mo des a pply on ly to p ictur es ta k en in th ose mode s . F or exa mple , if y ou c hange the Col or Mode to Sepia w hile in P ASM, you st ill r etain the color set ting i f yo u ch ange t o Aut o o r SCN m ode . I f you a re in t [...]

  • Seite 45

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 38 Changing PASM or C1, C2, C3 mode settings P ASM and C mo des con trol th e f- number (apertu re), sh utter sp eed, exposure compen satio n, and flash c omp ensati on. 1 T u rn the Mode dial to P , A , S , M, or C 1, C 2, C3. 2 Use th e Com mand dial and Set butt on: ■ T ur n th e C [...]

  • Seite 46

    39 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Using expos ure metering Choo se a me terin g sy stem in P ASM o r C modes for th e app ropr iate lig hting o f your subj ect. NO T E: F o r rapi d se tti n g c h ange s , s ee page 4 0 . Ico n Ex posure meter ing options Multi-Pattern (default)— eva lua tes th e li gh ting cond itio [...]

  • Seite 47

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 40 Using the framing grid to compose a picture T he framing gr id di vid es the LCD into thir ds—vert icall y an d hor izont ally . T h is is he lpfu l if , for examp le , yo u w ant to balan ce a pi ctu re betw een w ater , earth, and sky . T o t urn on th e framing grid in Capt ure m[...]

  • Seite 48

    41 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Using the histogram I n C a p t u r e o r R e v i e w, t h e h i s t o g r a m s h o w s t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e s u b j e c t ’s b r i g h t n e s s. If t he pea k is to t he ri ght o f the graph, t he s ubject is brig ht; i f it’ s to t he left, the subj ect is dar[...]

  • Seite 49

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 42 Changing pi c ture- taking settings Y ou can c h a nge se tting s to ge t the be st re sults from you r came r a: 1 Press the Menu button (pre ss aga in to exi t). 2 Move th e Jo ystic k to high light a men u ta b — ■ Capture for general pi ctur e-taki ng set tings o f st ill s . [...]

  • Seite 50

    43 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Still menu option s Cap ture Some s ett ings are una vailable in Auto and SCN m ode s . Setting Icon Options that appea r in Liveview ( C orrect? ) Picture Size Choose a pictu re re solut io n. This s etti ng is kept acros s Auto, SCN, PASM and i ndependentl y in C1 , C2, and C3 until y[...]

  • Seite 51

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 44 File Type Compr esse d data, othe r than RAW or TIFF , t o red uc e storage (memory) sp ace or trans missio n ti mes. This s etti ng is kept acros s Auto, SCN, PASM and i ndependentl y in C1 , C2, and C3 until you change i t . Fin e— JPEG, less compression , better quali t y. Standa[...]

  • Seite 52

    45 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Video menu op tions Video Some s ett ings are una vailable in Auto and SCN m ode s . Setting Icon Options that appea r in Liveview Video Size Cho ose a vid eo re solu tio n. This sett ing r emains unt il you change i t. 640 x 480 — high e r re so lutio n and fi le s ize . V ide o pla [...]

  • Seite 53

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 46 Setup menu op tions Set up Setting Ic on Option s LCD Brightness Adju st the bri ght n es s of the LC D s cr een. 1, 2, 3 ( de fault), 4, or 5 Capture Fra me Grid Use the frame g rid to comp ose a pict ure. The gri d d ivi des the EV F/LC D sc reen in to thi rds— ver tic all y a nd [...]

  • Seite 54

    47 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Set Program Button Capture Prog ram th is bu tto n in Capt ur e mo de f or a sh ortc ut to y our f av orit e came ra set tin gs. See pag e 34 . Set Program Button Review Prog ram th is bu tto n in Rev iew mode fo r a sh ortc ut to y ou r fav or ite revi e w se ttin gs. See pag e 35 . Or[...]

  • Seite 55

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 48 Mode De scription Dis pla y th e mo de d esc rip tion s. (SCN mode desc ript ions remain act ive.) On (d efa ult) Off Acce ssory Lens En sure p rope r AF a cce ssory len s use. On Off (d efault) Date & Time Set the dat e and time . See pag e 3 . Video Out Choo se the r egio nal se[...]

  • Seite 56

    49 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra For mat CAUTION: F orma tting dele tes all pictures and videos , includin g those that are prot ected. Removin g a card during formatting may dama ge the card. Memory C ard— del etes eve ryt hing on th e card ; fo rma ts th e ca rd. Canc el— ex its wit hou t mak in g a change . Inte[...]

  • Seite 57

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 50 PASM and C1, C2, C3 menu o ptions Cap ture + T hese sett ings ar e not availab le in Aut o an d S CN mo des . Setting Icon Options that appea r in Liveview White Balance Ch oos e your ligh ting cond itio n. This set ting is ke pt across PASM and independently in C1, C2 , and C3 until [...]

  • Seite 58

    51 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra AF Control Ch oose an aut o-foc us setti ng. This set ting is ke pt acr os s PASM an d C1 , C2, and C3 un ti l you c hang e it . Continuous AF (default)— uses e xt er nal AF se nsor an d TT L-A F (T hr ough- The -Le ns). Be caus e t he ca mera is a lw ays f ocus ing , t here is no n e[...]

  • Seite 59

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 52 Slow Flash Choose w hat type of slow-flash setting is desired. This set ting is ke pt acr os s PAS M and ind epende ntly in C1, C 2 , and C3 unt il y ou cha nge i t. Front Sync (default) — synchro ni zes at the begi nnin g of the sh utt er. Ideal for night -sce ne bac kgr ound; fast[...]

  • Seite 60

    53 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Editi ng functions for Still and Video T his camera has editi ng capabi lit ies for bo th st ill and video . Still editing optio ns ■ Crop —c rop u nwanted pi ctur e i nforma tion . F or exam ple , you can r em ove to o much back gro und from a gro up-sh ot p ictur e . Y ou can also[...]

  • Seite 61

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 54 Croppin g pictures T he pic ture is copied , then c ropped . T he origi nal p ict ure is sa ved. A crop ped pictu re cann ot be cr opped aga in on th e c amera. Cropp ed pic tu re s tak e up spa ce in th e in ternal m emor y or o n a c ard. F ollow steps 1–4 of Editing functions (pr[...]

  • Seite 62

    55 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra RAW fi le development T his f eatur e le ts you dev elo p , e dit, and save a JPEG or T IFF file of t he RA W fi le th at w a s tak en wit h your ca mera. T he origina l file is not affected. RA W f iles provide 3 advant ages : ■ A digi ta l neg ativ e for f ile au th entici ty ■ Ab[...]

  • Seite 63

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 56 Viewing picture/video information Using the review menu In Revie w , pr ess the Menu but ton to acces s review func tion s . Vi ew Slid e Sh ow Album Co py Protec t Ra w File Deve lop (o nly RAW ) Edit Video Dat e Display (only Video) Red eye Red ucti on (on ly J PEG) Mul ti- up 1 2 P[...]

  • Seite 64

    57 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Maki ng a vi deo ac tion print or picture Video action p icture F rom a vid eo , yo u ca n mak e a 4 -, 9 -, or 16- up pic ture. 1 Press t he Revi ew b utton, th en pr ess to locate a video . 2 Press the Menu butt on, choo se Ac tion Pr int, then pr ess t he OK bu tton. 3 Choo se an o p[...]

  • Seite 65

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 58 Copyi ng p ictures and vid eos Y ou can c opy p ictu res and video s from a ca rd to interna l me mory or from i ntern al memor y to a ca rd. Be f or e you copy , mak e sure that : ■ A card is insert ed in the camer a. ■ T he c amer a’ s pictu re sto ra ge loc atio n i s set to [...]

  • Seite 66

    59 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Running a slide show Use the Slide Sh ow to di splay your pict ures and vid eos on the LC D scre en. T o ru n a s lide show on a t elev ision o r on a ny ext ern al de vice, see pa ge 60 . T o s ave ba tter y po wer , us e an optio na l K od ak 5 -vol t AC adapt er . (Visit www .k odak.[...]

  • Seite 67

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 60 Running a continuous slide sho w loop When y ou turn on Loo p , th e sl ide show is conti nuous ly r epeat ed. 1 On the Slide Show menu, move t o highlight Lo op , then press t he OK b utton . 2 Move to high lig ht On, t he n press th e O K but to n. When slide s how is started with L[...]

  • Seite 68

    61 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Second— on your camera 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu bu tton . 2 Move to h ighlig ht Set up . 3 Move to high lig ht Set Al bum , then p re ss th e O K but ton. 4 Mov e to hi ghl ight an albu m na me , the n press the OK butto n. Rep eat to mar k pic tures o r videos for albums . [...]

  • Seite 69

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 62 Second—o n your cam era 1 Press t he Revi ew b utto n, th en locat e th e pi ctur e or vid eo . 2 Press the Menu butt on. 3 Move to high lig ht Alb um , then pres s the OK butt o n. 4 Move to high lig ht Pic ture /Vide o , Sele cted, or A ll, then press O K. 5 Move to high lig ht a [...]

  • Seite 70

    63 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Sharing your pictures When y our p ict ures/vid eos ar e transfer re d to yo ur c ompute r , y ou ca n s hare them by: ■ P r i n t ( pa ge 63 ) ■ E m a i l ( page 64 ) ■ F avori tes , pa ge 65 When can I tag m y pictures and videos ? Pre ss the Share b utton to tag picture s/video[...]

  • Seite 71

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 64 * T o remove pr int tagg ing for a ll pi ct ures i n t he s torage l ocati on, hig hlight Ca ncel Print s , then p ress th e O K but to n. C ancel Pr ints is not availabl e i n Qui ckvi ew . Printing tagged pictures When y ou transfer t he t agged pict ures t o you r comput er , th e [...]

  • Seite 72

    65 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra 5 T o rem ove a sele ction , h ighlig ht a c heck ed a ddre s s and pres s th e OK butt on. T o remove a ll ema il sele ction s , h ighl ight Clea r All . 6 Move to high lig ht E xit, t hen press the OK but ton. 7 Press t he Sha re bu tton to e xit the menu . Third —transfer and ema i[...]

  • Seite 73

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 66 Share your favo rite pictures in 4 easy steps: NO TE: T he camer a holds a li mited number of f avorites . Use C amer a F a vorites in the EasyShare software to cust omize the siz e of yo ur camer a F avorites sec tion. V ideos tagg ed as fav orites rema in in the F avorites folder in[...]

  • Seite 74

    67 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your came ra Optional s ettings In F av or ites mode , pr ess t he Menu butt on to a cces s o ption al set tings . NO TE: Pictur es tak en at t he 6.3 MP (3:2) quality setti ng are di splayed at a 3:2 aspect ratio with a bl ack bar at the t op and bottom of the screen. ( See Pic tur e Si ze, page 43[...]

  • Seite 75

    Doing mo re w ith y our ca mer a www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 68 Printing and emailing favorites 1 T urn the Mod e switc h to F avori tes . Move to locat e a pic ture . 2 Press t he Sha re bu tton . 3 Highli ght Pri nt or Emai l , then pres s th e OK butt on. 4 Move to high lig ht Pic ture /Vide o , Sele cted, or A ll, then press t he OK bu tton . [...]

  • Seite 76

    69 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 5 T roubleshooting Camera probl ems F o r step-by-step product support, visit www .k oda k.com/g o/p 712supp ort a nd s ele ct Int eractive T ro ubl eshoo ting an d Rep ai rs . If ... T ry one or more of the following Cam era d oes n ot tur n on ■ Rem ov e batte ry and verify th at it’ s the correc t type , then [...]

  • Seite 77

    T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 70 Pic tur e or ient at ion is no t accur ate ■ Se t t he Or ient ati on S en sor to ON ( pag e 47 ). Fl ash doe s not fir e ■ Check i f exter nal flash is desi gnate d in Setup ( pag e 48 ). ■ Check the f lash sett ing and c hange as n eeded ( page 36 ). Storage location is alm ost or e ntire [...]

  • Seite 78

    71 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T ro uble shoot ing Computer/ connectivity pro ble ms If .. . T ry one or more of the following Computer does not commu nicat e with the c ame ra ■ Insert a ch arge d batt ery ( page 2 ). ■ Tu r n o n t h e c a m e r a . ■ Mak e sur e prope r USB cab le is s ecur ely con ne cted on c amera a nd compu te r por t[...]

  • Seite 79

    T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 72 Pict ure qual ity probl ems If ... T ry one or more of the f ollow ing Pict ure is too dark or u nd er expo se d ■ Repo s itio n came ra for m or e a v ai lab le li ght . ■ Use Fill f lash ( page 36 ) or cha nge your posi tion so light is not behi nd the subje ct. ■ Mov e so th at th e dis t[...]

  • Seite 80

    73 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t T ro uble shoot ing Pic tur e is no t c le ar ■ T o automa tic ally se t exposur e and focus , pr ess the Shu tter but ton halfwa y and hold . Whe n the A E/AF in dica tor tur ns green , pre ss the Sh utter bu tton complete ly down to take the pi cture. ■ Cl ean the le ns ( pa ge 89 ). ■ Mak e s ure c amer a is[...]

  • Seite 81

    T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 74 Direct printing (PictBridge) problems Still having problems? Visit www .k odak.com/go/p 712support , o r s ee Help ful lin ks , pag e 75 . F or Di rect prin tin g issu es , co ntac t the p rinte r m anufact urer . Status Solution Cann ot l ocat e de sir ed pi cture . ■ Use the Direc t p rin t me[...]

  • Seite 82

    75 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 6 Getting help Helpful links Cam e ra Email, write, or phone Ko dak www .k odak .com/ go/c onta ct Get suppo rt for yo ur produ ct ( FAQs , tro ubles hootin g inf orm ation , arran ge fo r repa irs , etc .) www .k odak .com/g o/p712 suppor t Purchase ca m era acces so ries (camer a doc ks, pr inte r d ocks , le n ses[...]

  • Seite 83

    Getting h elp www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 76 Telephone custo mer support If yo u h ave q uest ions conc ern ing t his produ ct, you may speak wit h K oda k cus tom er supp ort. Austr ali a 1 800 147 7 01 Hon g Ko ng 800 90 1 514 Sp ain 91 7 49 76 53 Austr ia 0179 56 7 357 Indi a 91 22 617 5823 Swed en 08 5 87 704 21 Belgiu m 02 7 13 14 45 Italy 02[...]

  • Seite 84

    77 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t 7 Appendix Came ra sp ecifi cations F or more s peci fica tion s , vi sit www .k oda k.com/ go/p712 supp ort . K odak Ea syShare P 712 zoom digital ca mera CCD ( ch arge -cou pled d evi ce) CCD 1/2. 5 i n. CCD , 7.4 MP, 4 :3 as pect rati o Cam er a e ffect ive pix els 7.1 MP Out p ut image size 7.1 MP: 307 2 x 2 304 [...]

  • Seite 85

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 78 Comb ined zoo m 60X Focu s s ystem TTL– AF w i th pr og ram mode s: m ulti -zon e, cen ter -zon e, 2 5 S elec tabl e zon es. W orking ran ge: 19.7 in. (5 0 cm )–inf inity @ wid e, norm al 6.3 ft. (1 .9 m )– infin it y @ tel e, no rm al 3.9–23. 6 in. (10– 60 cm) @ macr o , w ide 35.4 in.–6.6 ft ([...]

  • Seite 86

    79 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Flas h mode s Auto , Fill , Red -eye , Slow sync (f ron t, front red -e ye, re ar curt ain ), Off Exte rn al fl ash Exte nd ed f lash ra nge w ith Ko dak ext erna l fla sh uni t: Gui de no. 37 (w orki ng ra nge 4 3 f t (13 m ) @ ISO 1 00, f/ 2.8 , W ide ) Guid e no. 100 (worki ng range 88 ft ( 27 m) @ IS O [...]

  • Seite 87

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 80 Power Koda k Li- Ion rec hargeab le digi tal camera batter y KLIC-5 001 (or equi valent); 5V AC adapte r, opt ional Communication with computer/TV USB 2.0 ( PIMA 1574 0 protoc ol), vi a USB, 8-pin cable (Model U-8), EasyShar e camer a dock or pri nte r do ck, AV cab le , 8- pin (Mo de l AV -8 ) Ot he r fea [...]

  • Seite 88

    81 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Storage capacitie s Fil e siz es can v ary . Y ou m ay be ab le t o sto re more or f ewe r pic ture and vid eos . F avori tes tak es up addi tiona l space i n in terna l me mory . Picture storage c apacity—JPEG fine compression Picture storage c apacity—JPEG standard compression N u mb e r o f J P EG p [...]

  • Seite 89

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 82 Picture storage c apacity—JPEG basic comp ression Picture storage c apacity—RAW N u mb e r o f J P EG p ict u res 7.1 MP 6.3 MP (3 :2) 5.0 M P 3.1 MP 1.2 MP 32 MB inter nal memory 16 18 22 36 8 3 32 MB SD/ MMC 17 19 23 37 8 6 64 MB SD/ MMC 34 39 48 75 176 128 MB S D/MMC 70 79 97 1 53 356 256 MB S D/MMC [...]

  • Seite 90

    83 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Picture storage c apacity—TIFF Video storage c apacity Number of TIFF pictures 7.1 MP 6.3 MP (3: 2) 5.0 MP 3.1 MP 1.2 M P Reso lution : 3072x23 04 3072x2048 2592x1944 20 48x1536 1280x960 32 M B internal memory 11 1 3 8 32 MB SD/MMC 11 2 3 8 64 MB SD/MMC 23 4 6 1 6 128 MB SD/ MMC 66 8 1 3 3 4 256 MB SD/ MM[...]

  • Seite 91

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 84 Power-saving features NO TE: See EVF/LCD Stand By and Auto P ower Off in Setup on page 48 . If no action for The came ra T o turn it ba ck on 15 , 30 seco nds; 1, 2 m in utes EVF/LCD screen turns off. Press any button. 3, 5 , 10, 1 5 or 30 mi nu tes Enters auto power off. Turn camera Off/On.[...]

  • Seite 92

    85 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Accessories Item Description Wh e re to b u y Kod a k 0. 7X w ide -an gle le ns Expand s your cr eati vit y an d ph oto gra ph ic optio ns wi th th e ver sat ile 0.7 X w id e-ang le lens . www . k o dak . com/ go/p 712acc essories Ko da k 1. 4 tele c onve rter lens Ex tend s maximu m foc al l engt h up to 6[...]

  • Seite 93

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 86 Important safety instructions Using this p r oduc t ■ Read and foll ow the se in str ucti ons befo re us ing K odak pr oduct s . A lw ay s fol low basic safety p rocedures . ■ Use on ly a U SB co mpl iant compu te r equi ppe d wi th a curr en t-limi ting mothe rb oard . Con tact you r comput er m an ufa[...]

  • Seite 94

    87 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Battery safety and handling CAUTION: W he n removing batteries , allo w them to co ol first; batteries may be ho t. ■ Us e o n ly batte ries t hat are appr oved fo r thi s pro duct to av oid risk of e xplo sion. ■ K eep b atte ries ou t of th e rea ch of chi ldren. ■ Do no t allo w batt eries to t ouc[...]

  • Seite 95

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 88 Battery information Kodak battery replacement types/b attery life Ac tual bat tery l ife m ay v ary based on usa g e . W e r ecommen d u sing on ly a K o dak Li -Ion rechar geabl e di gita l ca mera batt ery KL IC-50 01. Not all manufac turer s’ 3. 7V Li- Ion rec harge able ba tteries are co mpati ble wit[...]

  • Seite 96

    89 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Visit www .ko d ak. com/g o/p712a cces sories f or: K odak E asySh are camer a do ck— powers you r camera, trans fers pic tu res to y our compu ter , a nd ch arges th e in cluded K o dak L i-Ion rech argea ble b att ery . K odak E a sy Share pr inter doc k— po wers your c amera, m ak es 4 x 6 in. (10 x [...]

  • Seite 97

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 90 Warranty Limited warranty Ko d a k wa r r a n t s Ko d a k d i g i t a l c a m e ra s a n d a c c e s s o r i e s ( e x c l u d i n g b a t t e r i e s) t o b e f r e e from m al functi on s and defec ts in bot h ma te rial s a nd wor kmans hip fo r one y ear fr om the date of purch ase . Retain th e ori gi[...]

  • Seite 98


  • Seite 99

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 92 Regula tory compl ia nce FCC co mpliance and advisory T his equipm ent has b een tested and fou nd to co mply with t he lim it s for a Cla ss B di gital device , pursu ant to P art 15 of t he FCC Ru les . T hese limits are des igned to pro vide reaso nable protec tion agai nst h arm ful inte rferenc e in a [...]

  • Seite 100

    93 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Australian C-Tick Canadian DO C statement DOC Clas s B Co mpliance — T hi s Clas s B dig ital a pparatus compl ies wit h Ca nadia n ICES-003. Observation des no rmes-Class e B— Cet ap pare il n uméri que de la cl asse B est conf orme à la norm e NMB-003 du Canada. Waste Electrical and Electronic Eq ui[...]

  • Seite 101

    Appe ndix www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 94 Engli sh t ransla tion : T his is a Cla ss B pro duc t ba sed o n the s tan dard of th e V o lun tary C on trol Cou nci l fo r Interfe ren ce f rom In for mati on T ec hnolo gy Eq uip ment (VCCI ). If this i s us ed ne ar a radio or telev ision rec eiver in a dom esti c envi ronme nt , it may ca use radio i[...]

  • Seite 102

    95 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Index 1 A A/V out, 60 abou t pic ture, vi deo, 49 abou t thi s c am era, 4 9 AC a dapter, 89 acce ss o ri es A C ada pter , 8 9 batt ery , 88 buyin g, 75 camera, 8 5 camera d ock, 89 lens, 4 8 prin ter doc k, 20, 8 9 SD/MMC card, 4 AE/AF lo ck butt on, ii, 3 3 AE/AF lock butt on s et, 46 AF contr ol, 45 , 51 album s,[...]

  • Seite 103

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 96 Inde x camera dock, 89 Canadi a n comp lianc e, 93 cand le ligh t, 2 7 capa city fo r bur st, 3 2 captur e fra me gri d, 46 capt ure m odes, 7 9 livewiew , 9 shutt er press ed ha lfw ay , 9 cari ng fo r yo ur camera , 89 CCD (char ge cou pled d evic e), 77 cente r-spot , 39 cente r-weighted , 39 char gi ng ba tter y,[...]

  • Seite 104

    97 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x downlo ad ing pi ctur es, 18 drive butt on, i drive modes exposur e brack eting , 31 first bur st, 30 last burst, 31 self-tim er, 30 shutt er del ay, 30 time la pse , 31 E EasyShare so ftware, 1 8 editi ng, s till/v ideo , 53 email ing pict ures , v ideos, 64 EV ste ps, 79 EVF/LC D st and by, 4 8 EVF /LCD togg[...]

  • Seite 105

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 98 Inde x focus system, 78 fo cus zo ne, 51 format, 49 frami ng gr id, 4 0 frami ng mark s, 7 frami ng vid eo, 57 G grid, fram ing , 4 0 grip, i guide num ber, fl ash, 78 guidel ines, ba tte ry , 8 8 H help web lin ks, 75 high c ol or, 44 highli ght c lip ping, 41 hist ogra m, 41 hot s hoe, extern al fl as h, i, 7 9 I i[...]

  • Seite 106

    99 www .kodak.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x batt ery , 2 SD/MMC card, 4 softw are, 18 lockin g A E/AF, 3 3 low co lo r, 4 4 M Macint osh , ins tal ling s oftwa re o n, 1 8 magni fying a pictu re, 14 mai ntena nce, camer a, 89 manne r, 27 manual, 2 5 memor y insert ing c ard , 4 storage ca pacities , 81 menu b ut ton, ii micro phone, i mode d escript io [...]

  • Seite 107

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 100 Inde x compression, 44 copyi ng , 58 deleti ng , 17 email ing tag ged , 6 4 print ing t agge d, 63 prot ectin g, 16 rev iewi ng, 1 2 shar ing, 63 stor age capacity, 81 tagg ing , 60, 6 1 taki ng, mo des , 23 transfe r via USB cabl e, 18 viewing infor matio n , 56 pictu re- taki ng, 5 port ra it, 2 6, 3 0 scene mo de[...]

  • Seite 108

    101 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x SCN (Scene ) modes, 26 SD/MMC card insert ing, 4 pri nting fro m, 20 slot, ii storage ca pacities , 81 selectable-zone, 39 self-portrait, 26 scene mo de , 26 self-tim er, 30 self-tim er/video light , i sepia, 44 serv ice and supp or t teleph one nu mbers , 7 6 set bu tton, ii setting AE/AF butt on, 46 AF con[...]

  • Seite 109

    www .kodak.com /go/s uppor t 102 Inde x supp ort, t echnic al , 76 T tagg ing favori tes, 65 fo r ema il, 64 for pri n t, 64 tagg ing pi ct ures for albums , 60, 61 taki ng pictu re, 5 video , 5 taki ng a pic tu re, 5 teleph one sup por t, 76 televi sion , sl ide show, 6 0 temper atu re, o perat ing, 80 te xt, 2 7 thumb nails, vie wing , 12 TIFF, 4[...]

  • Seite 110

    103 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x Z zoom combi ned , 78 digit al, 10 optic a l, 10 zoom leve r, ii , 1 0[...]