Seite 1
Seite 2
1 WELC OME 04 Saf ety and C ompliance 05 About the Mak erBot R eplicat or 07 2 GETTING S T ARTED 10 A cc essory Checklist 11 Unpacking the Mak erBot R eplicat or 12 Se tting up the Mak erBot Replic ator 14 3 S T ARTUP 18 The Mak erBot Replic at or Control P anel 19 Firs t St eps 20 4 MAKERBOT DESK TOP 24 Downl oading and Installing Mak erBot Deskt [...]
Seite 3
W elc ome. L et ’ s get started. VERSION 1 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING 45 Printing P robl ems 46 C onnectivity P roblems 48 Updat e Firmwar e 50 7 REFERENCE 51 Specifica tions 52 Gloss ary 53 Ho w to use Mak erBot Support 56 Conta ct 57 8 TERMS 58 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS[...]
Seite 4
WEL C OME. Let’ s Get s t ar ted . W el come t o the User Manual f or the Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D P rint er (Fih Gener ation Model). The fih g ener ation Mak erBot Replic at or is super ea sy t o use , but it’ s al so pack ed with br and-new f ea tures, so ev en if y ou’v e used a Mak erBot Desk top 3D P rint er bef o[...]
Seite 5
Wel come, let’ s get s t arted 5 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE This equipment has been t ested and f ound to c omply with the limits f or a Class B digit al device, pursuant to P art 15 of the Federal C ommunications C ommission (FCC) rul es. These limit s are designed to provide r easonabl e prote ction against harmfu[...]
Seite 6
Wel come, let’ s get s t arted 6 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE Safet y alert s ymbols prec ede ea ch safe ty messag e in this manual. These symbol s indicat e potential sa fet y hazards that c oul d harm you or others or c ause product or pr operty damage . W arning: The MakerBot R eplica tor g enerat es high temper atures. Al way s allo w the MakerBot[...]
Seite 7
Wel come, let’ s get s t arted 7 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR The MakerBot R eplica tor mak es solid, thre e-dimensional objects out of mel ted Mak erBot PLA Filament. F irst, use Mak erBot Deskt op to tr anslat e 3D design fil es into instruc tions for the MakerBot R eplica tor . Then transf er those instructions to the Mak erBot R eplicat o[...]
Seite 8
Wel come, let’ s get s t arted 8 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR 3 1 7 MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR DIA GRAMS 4 6 5 2 6. Filament Dra wer 7. Filament Spindl e[...]
Seite 9
Wel come, let’ s get s t arted 9 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR 16 14 15 14 13 12 11 10[...]
Seite 10
GettinG s t ar ted When y ou set up y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D P rint er , r emember that it w as buil t and pack ag ed v ery c arefull y at the Mak erBot fa ct ory . W e hope y ou’ll tak e y our time and be just as c are ful unpacking it and g et ting it set up . 2[...]
Seite 11
GettinG st ar ted 11 A C CESS OR Y CHECKLIS T BLUE T APE LARGE MAKERBOT PLA FILAMENT SPOOL [2 LB] POWER C ORD USB A- TO-B CABLE 1 1 5 1 1 1 MAKERBOT PRODUC T SAFETY INFORMA TION BOOKLET MAKERBOT REPLICA TOR SMART EXTRUDER BUILD PLA TE 1 The acc essory tr ay include s everything y ou need t o use your Mak erBot® R eplicat or® Deskt op 3D Print er [...]
Seite 12
GettinG st ar ted 12 2 REMOVE THE MAKERBO T REPLICA TOR UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Open the box c ontaining y our MakerBot R eplicat or and remov e the acc essory tr ay . R emove the Mak erBot R eplicat or from its pl astic bag and set it do wn on a stabl e surfac e. 1 OPEN THE BO X[...]
Seite 13
GettinG st ar ted 13 3 REMOVE P A CKA GING MA TERIAL UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR R emove the f oam piec es holding the gantry and e xtruder carriag e in plac e. 4 REMOVE CLIP S R emove the clip s that prev ent the build plat form fr om moving during shipping. Sav e these – they will be handy if y ou ev er need to tr ansport your Mak erBo[...]
Seite 14
GettinG st ar ted 14 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR Loc ate and un wrap the Smart Ex truder and press it ag ainst the back of the ex truder carriag e, with the c onnector pins f acing the ex truder carriage . Magnets will l ock the Smart Extruder int o pla ce. 1 INST ALL THE MAKERBOT REPLICA TOR SMART EXTRUDER 2a. L ocat e the MakerBot PLA F[...]
Seite 15
GettinG st ar ted 15 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR 2c. P osition the filament spool so that it will unwind count ercl ockwise and fit the spool onto the fil ament spindle . Be care ful not to l et the filament l oosen or tangl e on the spool. 2d. L ocat e the free end of the spool ed filament and insert it int o the filament guide tub[...]
Seite 16
GettinG st ar ted 16 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR 3a. R emov e the build pl at e and one sheet of blue tape fr om the acc essory tra y . 3b. P eel back about an inch of the t ape’s backing and orient the tape so that it c ov ers the entire buil d plat e. 3c. Pr ess the exposed t ape along one edg e of the build pl at e. C ontinue to pull[...]
Seite 17
GettinG st ar ted 17 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR 4a. Mak e sure the pow er swit ch is in the O position. 4b. L oca te the po wer c ord and plug it into the po wer input port at the ba ck of the MakerBot R eplica tor . 4c. Plug the po wer c ord int o an ele ctrical outl et. 4d. S witch the po wer on and pr ess the contr ol panel dial. 4[...]
Seite 18
s t ar tup The first time y ou turn on y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D P rint er , the L CD screen will s tart a setup assist ant that will intr oduce y ou t o the c ontrol panel, walk y ou thr ough l oa ding filament and l eveling y our buil d pl at e f or the first time , and pr ompt y ou to print a prel oaded ex ampl e print. [...]
Seite 19
st ar tup 19 THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR CONTR OL P ANEL The MakerBot ® R eplicat or ® is operat ed b y means of a contr ol panel at the upper right of the machine. The control panel incl udes a c olor L CD scr een, a rotary / push dial, and tw o buttons. • • T urn the dial to scroll thr ough the av ailabl e options on a screen. • • Pre ss[...]
Seite 20
st ar tup 20 The build pl at e is the base on which your print s will form. In or der to ensure tha t your prints alw ay s stick to the pl at e, it must be a set dis tance from the no zzle of the Mak erBot R eplicat or Smart Extruder . The MakerBot R eplic ator will g uide you through making sur e your buil d plat e is at the right distanc e from t[...]
Seite 21
st ar tup 21 FIRS T STEP S Y our MakerBot Replic ator us es 1. 75 mm diameter PLA fil ament to cr eat e 3D printed objec ts. Once y our spool of MakerBot PLA Fil ament is lo aded into the fil ament dra wer at the b ack of the MakerBot R eplica tor , all you ha ve to do is l oad the fr ee end of the spoole d filament into the MakerBot R eplica to[...]
Seite 22
st ar tup 22 FIRS T STEP S Now that y ou’ve l ev ele d your buil d plat e and l oaded filament int o the ex truder , y ou’re re ady to print some thing. The L CD panel will displa y some of the print fil es loa ded onto y our 3D printer’s int ernal stor age. PRINT A TES T OBJECT 1. Use the dial t o highlight one of the print files. 2. Push[...]
Seite 23
st ar tup 23 FIRS T STEP S CONNE CT TO Y OUR C OMPUTER There are thr ee wa ys to mo ve fil es fr om your comput er to y our Mak erBot Replic ator: U SB cabl e, Etherne t, and USB driv e. T o connect via U SB cable: 1. R emov e the USB cabl e from the ac ce ssory box. 2. Insert the USB-B end of the c able int o the port on the back of your Mak erBo[...]
Seite 24
Makerbo t de sk t op Mak erBot ® Desk top is a fr ee app f or prep aring 3D prints and mana ging your 3D c ont ent. Whether y ou print direc tl y t o the Mak erBot R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D Print er via U SB cabl e or Etherne t or y ou export y our print fil es t o a USB driv e, Mak erBot Desk t op is where all of y our prints will be gin. 4[...]
Seite 25
makerbo t deskt op softw are 25 DOWNL O ADING AND INS T ALLING MAKERBOT DE SKT OP 1. Open a bro wser session and g o to mak erbot.c om/ desk top. 2. Sel ect y our opera ting syst em from the dr opdown menu and click Do wnload . A sy stem-specific inst aller will do wnloa d to your c omputer . 3. Doubl e-click the MakerBot Desk top install er t o r[...]
Seite 26
makerbo t deskt op softw are 26 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP HOW IT WORK S MakerBot Desk top c onsists of f our sections: Expl ore, Library , Prepare and S tor e. Explor e gives y ou ac cess t o Thingiverse and the hundr eds of thousands of 3D printabl e objects designed b y the Thingiver se community . Use Expl ore to se arch Thingiv erse for [...]
Seite 27
makerbo t deskt op softw are 27 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP FINDING A 3D MODEL Ev ery 3D print starts with a 3D model. If y ou design a 3D model your self , export it from y our 3D modeling application in S TL or OBJ f ormat. If y ou don’t ha ve a 3D model, do wnl oad one from Thingiv erse, either thr ough the websit e at thingiver se.c om o[...]
Seite 28
makerbo t deskt op softw are 28 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP PREP ARING TO PRINT Y ou should now see the Queen Anne c oe e table model a t the cent er of a gra y rectangl e. This is MakerBot Desk top ’s repr esentation of y our 3D printer’s buil d plat e. L et’ s tak e a look at the other fe atures visibl e on the Pr epare screen. 1. +[...]
Seite 29
makerbo t deskt op softw are 29 3. View • • Click the View button or pr ess the V ke y to go int o Vie w mode. • • In View mode , click and drag with y our mouse to r otate the buil d pl ate. • • In View mode , hold the Shi k ey and click and dr ag with your mouse t o pan. • • Click the View button ag ain to open the Chang e Vie [...]
Seite 30
makerbo t deskt op softw are 30 9 . A dd File • • Click Add Fil e to open an Open Fil e dial og. • • Navig ate t o the loc ation of any S TL, OB J, or Thing fil e and sele ct the fil e to add a model to the buil d pla te. • • Y ou can add as many models t o the plat e as will fit. Use the k eyboar d shortcut • Ctrl/ C ommand + L to[...]
Seite 31
makerbo t deskt op softw are 31 PRINT SETTINGS If you w ant to chang e any settings be fore printing, click Settings. This is wher e you can spe cify options that will a ect the quality of y our printed obje ct, lik e print resol ution and object streng th. T o print with standard or pre viously specifie d settings, skip this s tep and go s tra[...]
Seite 32
makerbo t deskt op softw are 32 PRINT SETTINGS PRINTING TO THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR 4. Adv anced Click Advanc ed for additional options, including t emperatur e and object streng th. For informa tion on what the advanc ed set tings are and ho w to use them, g o to mak erbot.c om/ support. Y ou will not need to chang e any adv anced se ttings to pr[...]
Seite 33
makerbo t deskt op softw are 33 A fee d of images from the onboar d camer a is alw ay s avail abl e when you’re c onnect ed to y our MakerBot R eplica tor . T o view the feed, click the menu icon at the right side of the sta tus bar to open the monitor panel. As long a s you are c onnect ed to y our MakerBot R eplica tor via a l ocal are a netw o[...]
Seite 34
the C ontr oL p aneL The c ontrol panel on y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D P rint er all o w s you t o int er ac t with y our 3D printer . Y ou can use it t o initiat e prints, edit set tings, and a c ce ss informa tion. This chapt er describes the di er ent things y ou can do with the c ontrol panel. 5[...]
Seite 35
the contr ol p anel 35 HOME SCREEN 1. PRINT : Initiat e a print stor ed on a USB drive or int ernal stor age , or sync ed from y our MakerBot a ccount. 2. FILAMENT : Load filament int o or unl oad filament fr om the MakerBot R eplica tor Smart Ex truder . 3. PREHEA T : Pr eheat the Smart E xtruder . 4. UTILITIES: A c cess buil d pla te l eveling,[...]
Seite 36
the contr ol p anel 36 PRINT T urn the dial to scroll thr ough the list of av ailabl e loc ations. P ush the dial to sel ect the loc ation of the fil e you want t o print. Sel ect USB Sto rage to print a fil e stor ed on a USB drive ins erted int o the USB port. Sel ect Int ernal St ora ge to print a fil e st ored on the MakerBot R eplica tor . [...]
Seite 37
the contr ol p anel 37 2 ST ART PRINT • • If you sel ect a fil e from the USB driv e or internal s tor age, the c ontrol panel will displa y the file scr een. • • If you sel ect some thing from your M ak erBo t Cl o ud Libr ary , y ou will see a list of all the la youts a ssociated with the fil e. Scroll thr ough the avail able l ay outs[...]
Seite 38
the contr ol p anel 38 PRINTING During a print, you will be abl e t o view print progress inf ormation as w ell as other details about y our print. 1. P ercent age of the print compl et ed. 2. Time elaps ed and estimat ed time remaining in the print. Whil e the Smart Extruder is he ating, this are a will displa y the current and targ et t empera[...]
Seite 39
the contr ol p anel 39 3 PRINT COMPLETE If you ar e printing a file from Thingiv erse, you will be prompt ed t o share a photo . Phot os shared t o Thingiverse will appe ar on the Thing page in the I Made One! se ction. Sharing a photo is a nic e thing to do – other Thingiv erse users will l ov e to se e how your print s of their designs come ou[...]
Seite 40
the contr ol p anel 40 Sel ect the Filament ic on to l oad or unl oad filament. T o load filament: 1. 1. Use the dial t o selec t Load Filament . 2. 2. W ait for the Smart E xtruder to he at. 3. 3. Cut the end of y our filament t o crea te a cl ean edg e. 4. 4. Gr asp the t op of the extruder a ssembly and push the fil ament into the S mart Ext[...]
Seite 41
the contr ol p anel 41 UTILITIES Use the Utilities menu to a cc ess plat e l eveling, diagnostics and other tool s. LEVEL BUILD PLA TE Sel ect t o begin the assiste d le veling proc ess. For best r esults when l ev eling, mak e sure the ex truder nozzl e is clean and wipe an y plas tic debris o of the build pl ate . CAMER A Sel ect t o acc ess o[...]
Seite 42
the contr ol p anel 42 UTILITIES Additional options ar e avail abl e under Sy stem T ools. HOME POSITION Sel ect t o mov e the build pl atf orm and ex truder assembl y to their home positions. The build plat form will mo ve all the w ay do wn and the ex truder carriage will mo ve t o the front l e corner of the Mak erBot R eplicat or . A TT A CH[...]
Seite 43
the contr ol p anel 43 SETTINGS Use the Set tings menu to edit ne twork and sharing se ttings and to per sonalize y our MakerBot R eplica tor . NETWORK SETTING S • • Netw ork Info . Sel ect f or informa tion about your net work c onnection. MAKERBOT A CC OUNT • • Unlink Ac count. Sel ect t o unlink your Mak erBot acc ount from the Mak erBot[...]
Seite 44
the contr ol p anel 44 INFO Use the Info menu t o view y our 3D printer’s hist ory and statistics. FIRMW ARE View the v ersion number of the firmw are currentl y install ed on y our MakerBot R eplica tor . HARDW ARE Sel ect t o view machine serial numbers, netw ork ID and the current t emperatur e of the MakerBot R eplica tor Smart E xtruder . S[...]
Seite 45
tr oubLe shoo tinG As y ou g et t o kno w y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Desk top 3D P rint er , y ou ma y run int o issues with di erent parts of the printing pr oc ess. Her e is a handy guide t o some simpl e-t o-fix pr obl ems. For help with issue s not c ov er ed in t hi s c hap t er , g o t o mak erbot. com/ support or cont act th e M[...]
Seite 46
Trouble shoo Ting 46 PROBLEM SOLUTION Can’t l oad fil ament into the MakerBot ® R eplicat or ® Smart Extruder . T ry unloa ding and loading ag ain. Hol d the Smart Extruder in pl ace and try pushing the fil ament through. As l ong as y ou are hol ding the Smart Extruder in pl ace , pushing on the filament will not damage it. Can’t r emove [...]
Seite 47
Trouble shoo Ting 47 PRINTING PROBLEMS PROBLEM SOLUTION Object peels o the buil d pl ate during printing. R elev el your buil d pl ate . Inconsist ent pla te height will le ad to inc onsistent a dhesion. If any one part of your objec t does not adhere w ell to the buil d plat e, the whol e object might pe el o of the plat e. Ensure that the b[...]
Seite 48
Trouble shoo Ting 48 PROBLEM SOLUTION Can’t ac cess the Libr ary , Expl ore and St ore sections of MakerBot Desk top . Y ou may not be logg ed into y our MakerBot ac count. These fe atures ar e only a cc essible when y ou are logg ed in. If y ou are l ogged int o your Mak erBot acc ount but are still unabl e to a cc ess the Library , St ore and E[...]
Seite 49
Trouble shoo Ting 49 C ONNECTIVITY PR OBLEMS PROBLEM SOLUTION The MakerBot R eplica tor Smart Extruder is install ed, but the MakerBot R eplica tor does not rec ognize it. R emove the S mart Extruder and run the e xtruder atta chment script by g oing to Utilities > S ys tem T ools > Change Smart Ex truder . Print fil es don’t appear in U S[...]
Seite 50
Trouble shoo Ting 50 UPD A TING FIRMW ARE Firmwar e is the soware tha t runs on your Mak erBot Replic ator . K eeping y our firmwar e up to dat e will help ensure that y our Mak erBot Replic ator is in the be st possible w orking order . Firmwar e updates all o w MakerBot t o add new f eatur es to y our MakerBot R eplica tor and impro ve ol d o[...]
Seite 51
referenCe 7[...]
Seite 52
RefeRence 52 SPECIFIC A TIONS PRINTING Print T echnol ogy: Fused deposition modeling Build V olume: 25.2 L x 19 . 9 W x 15. 0 H cm [9 . 9 L x 7 .8 W x 5. 9 H in] Lay er R esolution: 100 microns Filament: 1.75 mm [ 0. 069 in] Mak erBot PLA Filament Nozzl e Diameter: 0. 4 mm [0 .015 in] Print Fil e T ype: .makerbot SOFTW ARE Sowar e Bundle: MakerB[...]
Seite 53
RefeRence 53 GLOSSARY BA CK BUTTON: The butt on at the top right corner of the c ontrol panel ’s L CD screen. The back butt on will oen allo w you t o return t o a previous scr een or canc el an action. BLUE T APE: Bl ue masking tape that mak es a grea t build surf ace f or objects print ed with MakerBot PLA Fil ament. Y ou can find blue tape[...]
Seite 54
RefeRence 54 GLOSSARY LA YOUT : An arr angement of 3D models on the build pl at e. Mul tiple l ay outs can be sav ed as part of any Thing in y our Library . LEVELING KNOBS: The two knob s underneath the buil d pla tf orm that all ow you t o pivot the buil d pla te around its c enter point during the le veling proc ess. .MAKERBOT : The format of pri[...]
Seite 55
RefeRence 55 GLOSSARY SETUP ASSIS T ANT : The set of ta sks that runs when you turn on the Mak erBot R eplicat or for the first time . The setup assistant helps y ou le vel the buil d pla te, loa d filament and start a t est print. Y ou can ac cess the se tup assistant at an y time through the Utilities menu. SLICING: The proc ess of turning a 3D[...]
Seite 56
RefeRence 56 HOW T O USE MAKERBOT S UPPORT At Mak erBot, w e take pride in o ering expert, responsive , friendl y customer support t o all of our cust omers around the w orld. When y ou email or call us, there are a f ew things y ou can do ahead of time t o help us help you. HA VE YOUR SERIAL NUMBER READ Y . The serial number helps us to quickl [...]
Seite 57
RefeRence 57 C ONT A CT Support makerbot. com/ support Our websit e has ex tensiv e documentation and troubl eshooting informa tion about your Mak erBot R eplicat or . It’ s a grea t resourc e when you w ant to try to sol ve issue s quickly on y our own. support@makerbot. com If you e ver need help r esolving an issue with your Mak erBot R eplica[...]
Seite 58
terMs 8[...]
Seite 59
Terms 59 Ple ase be advised of the f ollo wing terms (the “T erms”) regarding this User Manual (this “Manual”): All informa tion in this Manual is subject t o change at any time without notic e and is pro vided for c onvenienc e purposes onl y . MakerBot reserv es the right to modify or r evise this Manual in its sol e discretion and at an [...]
Seite 60
Terms 60 TERMS LIMIT A TIONS OF LIABILITY . In no event will Mak erBot or any of our respec tive oc ers, direct ors, empl oy ees, shar eholder s, aliat es, ag ents, suc cessors, or assigns, nor any part y invol v ed in the crea tion or production of our produc ts, be liabl e to y ou or anyone el se for any indirec t, special, punitiv e, incid[...]
Seite 61
MakerBot One Metr oT ech C enter , 21st Fl oor , Br ooklyn, NY support@mak erbot.c om makerbot. com[...]