Seite 1
INSTRUCTIONS Before us i n g y o u r camera, read this manual carefully to ensure correct us e. We recommend that you take tes t shots to get accustomed to your camera before taking important photographs.[...]
Seite 2
Thank you f or purchasing an Olympus camera. MAIN FEATURES Built-in 38mm~70mm (approx. 2 X ) zoom lens Remote control (optional) Quartz date or time i m printing (QUARTZDATE/DLX models only) Symbols used in this m anual: Incorrect Indicator on Manual operation Indicator blinking Next operation Attention Operation order Depress halfway Automatic ope[...]
Seite 3
PREPARATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS ADVANCED TECHNIQUES CAMERA MAINTENANCE Names and f unctions of pa r ts Viewfinder displ ay/L CD panel Using the strap and so f t case Outline of operations 4 6 7 8 Loading t h e batteries Checking the batteries Po i nt s to remember 12 13 14 Loading th e fi lm Taking pictures Using th e focus lo c k Unloading th e fil [...]
Seite 4
NAMES A N D FUNCTIONS O F PARTS Zoom dial (See p. 18.) Controls zoom-in and -out when turned Power switch (See p. 18.) Switc hes the power ON and O FF when turned Shutter release button (See p. 15.) Strap ey ele t *QUARTZDATE/DLX models only Viewfinder Lig ht sensor Selftimer indicator M O D E a n d SE T buttons* (See p. 30/31.) L C D panel ( S e e[...]
Seite 5
Viewfinder (See p. 6.) F i l m window Ba c k cover release Tripod socket Ba ck cover Battery compartment cover 5[...]
Seite 6
VIEWFINDER DISPLAY/LCD PANEL VIEWFINDER DISPLAY Orange lamp Lights when the flash is ready to fire . Green l a mp Lights when the subject i s in focus. L C D PANEL Da te indicator (QUARTZDATE/DLX models only) Fl ash mo de s (p. 25) Batte ry check ( p . 1 3) Selftimer/remote control (optional) (p. 28/29) Exposure counter (p. 17) Autofocus m a r k Po[...]
Seite 7
USING T H E STRAP A N D S O F T C A S E Attaching the Strap Using th e Soft Ca se (optional) 7[...]
Seite 8
OUTLINE OF OPERATIONS Basic Shooting Procedures Load the batteries (p. 12). Open the back cover (p. 1 6) Lo a d the film (p. 16). Two AA (R6) alkaline batteries Lithium battery 8[...]
Seite 9
Align the film leader with th e mark, and close th e back cover (p. 17) . Se t the ON/O FF switch to ON (p. 18). Ma ke su re th e exposure counter on the LCD panel reads (p . 17 ). 9[...]
Seite 10
Turn th e zoo m d i al for telephoto or wide-angle photography (p. 18). Place t he a u tofocus mark o n the subject yo u w ant to photograph (p. 19). Depress the shutter r elease button halfway to make sure the green l am p l igh ts ( p . 20) . 10[...]
Seite 11
Depress the shutter release button fully to take a p ictur e (p. 20) . When the fil m reaches the e nd of th e roll, it will automatically rewind (p. 24). Open the back cover to remove the rewound fil m (p. 24). 11[...]
Seite 12
LOADING T H E BATTERIES 1 . Remove the battery cover. 2. Insert the batteries, and replace the battery cover. Lithium battery Two AA (R6) alkaline batteries Use on e 3V lithium b at t er y (CR123A or DL123A) or t w o AA (R 6) alkaline batteries. Before loading t he batteries, set the ON/OF F switch to OF F. The lens protector ma y so me tim es open[...]
Seite 13
CHECKING T HE BATTERIES 1 . S e t the ON/OFF switch to ON. Blinks Lights Batteries are OK . T he mar k disappears after 12 sec. Batteries are low . Ha ve spares handy. Batteries should be replaced immediately. 13[...]
Seite 14
POINTS TO REMEMBER Hold th e Camera Correctly. Correct. Correct. Incorrect. Ho ld the camera firmly with bot h hands. I n th e vertical position, hol d the c a me r a with its flash positioned at the top. Caution: Ke ep your fingers away fr om the lens, flash, autofocus windows and light sensor . 14[...]
Seite 15
Proper Shutter Release. Practice before loading the film. 1. Depress the shutter release button halfway 2. Depress th e shutter release button fully Cautions: Press the shutter release button gently . Avoid shaking th e camera when pressing the shutter release button t o prevent blurry pict ur es. To loc k the focus. The green lamp lights in th e v[...]
Seite 16
BASIC OPERATIONS LOADING TH E FILM 1. Slide t he ba ck cover release upward to open the back cover. 2. Insert th e fi lm cartridge, making sure the film is lying flat. Note: Be car ef ul not to touch the camera's interior surfaces, such as the inside of the lens. W he n dus t is stuck to the lens, use a blower brush, etc., to clean it. Correct[...]
Seite 17
3 Align the fi lm leader w ith t he . re d mark, an d close the ba ck cover. 4 . Se t the ON/OFF switch t o ON . The film automatically advances to the first frame. T h e film does not overlap any of the positioning guides shown above. The exposure counter on the LC D panel reads Note: If bl ink s in the exposure counter, as shown above, reload the[...]
Seite 18
T A K I N G PICTURES 1. Rotate the power sw i tc h to t u r n t he power O N. 2. Ai m the camera at your subject. U s e the zoom dial f o r telephoto or wide-angle photography. The l e n s protector opens, t h e lens extends slightly, an d the L C D panel activates. 18[...]
Seite 19
Telephoto: Turn the zoom dial to T. Maximum telephoto focal length: 70 mm Wide-angle: T urn t he zoom dial t o W. Maximum wide-angle f ocal length: 38 mm . 3 Position t h e autofocus mark on your subject. Autofocus ma rk 19[...]
Seite 20
4. Depress the shutter release button halfway. 5. Depress the shutter release button fully. The green lamp lights. The fi lm automatically advances to the next frame. 20[...]
Seite 21
Working Dis ta nce T h e focus r an g e o f t h e camera i s 0 . 6 m ( 2 f t ) t o (infinity). Wh en th e subject is closer t ha n 0. 6 m (2 f t) , the shutte r wil l not release. (T he green lamp blinks.) Whe n th e subject is extremely close to the camera, the subject will be out of focus although t he shutter releases. Close-Up Correction Close-[...]
Seite 22
USI NG T H E FOCUS LOCK TO AVOID TAKING OUT-OF-FOCUS PICTURES When the ma in subject i s no t in the center of t h e frame, u s e th e focus lock. Autofocus mark 1. Position t he autofocus mar k on your subject and press the shutter release button halfway. The autofocus m a r k must be positioned on the subject in order to focus on it. In the above[...]
Seite 23
2. Reposition y o u r subjects in the picture frame while keeping th e shutter relea se button depressed halfway. 3. Depress the shutter re lease button f u l ly to ta k e picture. Difficult Autofocus Subjects Glossy an d reflective surfaces Black objects Subjects behind glass or wire me s h Flames a n d smoke Excessively bright l i g h t within t [...]
Seite 24
UNLOADING T H E FILM T h e camera automatically rewinds th e film w h e n yo u reach t h e e n d of a roll. Rewinding t h e film before the en d o f t he roll After th e motor stops an d starts blink ing on th e LCD panel, o p e n the b a ck cover a nd remove the f ilm . Note: The final number of exposures ma y sometimes exceed th e number o f expo[...]
Seite 25
FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Th is camera has four flash modes. Select the flash m o d e according to yo ur shooting conditions and needs. Ho w to select the flash mode: Wh en t h e flash mo de but ton is pressed, the f las h mode changes i n the order shown on the right. Th e selected flash mo de is dis pla ye d on t h e LCD panel. Mode A[...]
Seite 26
A U T O (A u t o Flash) I n t h e Aut o Flash mode, the flash wi l l fire automatically i n low-light conditions. Th e orange l am p i n t he upper left of the viewfinder lights whe n the shutter release button is depressed h al fwa y. Note. If th e oran ge lamp blinks when the shutter release button is depressed halfway, the shutter won't rel[...]
Seite 27
OFF (Flash Override) When you don't want th e flash to fire, even in the dark. I n the Flash-Off mode, the flash do es not fire even i n low-light conditions. Use th i s mode i n situations where flash photography is not desired or i s prohibited. Not e: Since a s l ow shutter speed (down to 1 second) is automatically selected in low-light sit[...]
Seite 28
SELFTIMER To Pu t Yourself i n the Picture 1. Press the /REMOTE button. i s displayed on t h e L C D panel. 2 . A i m a t your subject, an d press the shutter release button . 10 sec. 2 sec. Selftimer indicator lights. Blinks. Notes: Th e focus an d exposure will be locked when the shutter release button i s depressed halfway. A ft e r the shutter [...]
Seite 29
REMOTE CONTROL R C - 1 0 0 (optional) 1. Press the /REMOTE button. i s displayed on th e L C D panel. 2 . A i m th e remote control at t h e c a m er a , and press the button. The shutter will be released after 3 seconds. After s h o o t i n g , press th e /REMOTE button again t o cancel t h e Selftimer/remote contr o l mode. CAUTIONS: KEE P THE RE[...]
Seite 30
PRINTING T HE D A T E A N D TI ME (for QUARTZDATE/DLX models) Choose the desired mode with the MOD E button. The mo de will switch in the described order by pressing the MODE button. No data Year-month-day Month-day-year Day-month-year Day-hour-minute The quartz date shares th e power source with the main unit. Make sur e t o correct the dat a afte[...]
Seite 31
CORRECTING T HE D A T A (for QUARTZDATE/DLX models) 1 . Press the MODE button for two seconds or longer. 2. Pr ess th e mode button again t o choose the data to be corrected until i t starts blinking. A n d press th e SET button to correct th e data. The year indication wi ll start blinking. Note: A s yo u press the mo de button, the blinking indic[...]
Seite 32
CAMERA MAINTENANCE QUESTIONS A N D ANSWERS Q: How long wi ll th e batteries last? A: If you u se 24-exposure rolls of film and u se the flash on half of a l l your pictures, on e new 3V lithium battery or two new AA (R 6 ) alkaline batteri es wi ll last fo r approximately 12 rolls or 8 rolls respectively. If y ou d o n o t us e th e flash an d zoom[...]
Seite 33
Seite 34
BATTERY HANDLING NOTES Ev en when batteries a re brand-new, their service life m a y b e shorter th an specified if an extended period of time has passed since they wer e produced. D o no t mix different types o f batteries or ne w a nd ol d batt eries . Wh en th e c am er a is not to be used f or an extended period o f time (more than a year), rem[...]
Seite 35
TROUBLESHOOTING OPERATING PROBLEMS Symptom The camera does not work. The LC D display turns of f suddenly. Cause The power is OF F The alignment of the battery terminals i s no t correct. The batteries are exhausted. The batteries are temporarily unable t o function. The loaded film has been rewound. The fi lm i s i nc or re ct ly loaded. The LC D [...]
Seite 36
OPERATING PROBLEMS Symptom The shutter doesn't release when the remote control's shutter release button is pressed. The green lam p blinks, and t he shutter will n ot release. Th e orange l a mp blinks, and t he shutter w ill not release. The fla sh d oes n ot fire, even in the dark. Cause The remote control hasn't be en used in the [...]
Seite 37
PROBLEMS WITH THE PRINTED PICTURES Symptom Th e picture is ou t o f focus. Cause The camera moved whe n t h e shutter release button was pressed. The subject was n o t within the viewfinder's autofocus mark. The lens and autofocus windows were dirty. Th e autofocus w in do w w as blocked, s uc h as by a finger. Remedy Ho ld the camera correctl[...]
Seite 38
PROBLEMS W IT H THE PRINTED PICTURES Symptom The picture is out of focus. The picture i s too dark. Cause The subject was closer than the minimum working distance to the lens (0.6 m/2 ft). While using th e self-timer, the shutter release button was pressed while standing right i n front of the camera. When using the self-timer to photograph yoursel[...]
Seite 39
*QUARTZDATE/DLX models onl y Symptom The dat e ha s no t be e n p ri nt ed ( or l o ok s faded).* Cause The d at e mo de was set to n o d ata ( - - - ) The re is a bright color l ik e w hite, orange, or yellow in the area of the picture where th e date is printed . Th e picture was taken with black-and-white film. Remedy Change the date mode t o an[...]
Seite 40
SPECIFICATIONS Type: Fu ll automatic 35mm autofocus lens-shutter camera with built-in 38 ~ 70 mm zoo m lens. F i l m format: 3 5m m standard DX-coded film (24 X 36 mm). Lens: Olympus lens 38 ~ 70m m F4. 5 ~ 7.8, 5 elements in 4 groups. Shutter: Programmed elec t ronic shutter. Viewfinder: Re al im a ge type zo om viewfinder (with autofocus mark, cl[...]
Seite 41
Exposure counter: Progressive type with automatic res et, displayed on LCD panel. Self-timer: El ectron ic se lf-timer 12-sec. delay. Remote control (optional): Infrared remote control un it with 3-sec. delay. F i lm speed range: Automatic setting wi t h D X- coded film with IS O 50, 10 0 , 20 0, 400, 80 0, 1600, 3200. F o r non-DX-coded fi lm and [...]
Seite 42
Flash: Built-in flash. Recycli ng ti me : Approx. 5 s ec . (at normal temperature w ith new batteries). Flash working range: Wide-angle — 0 6 ~ 3. 8 m (2 ~ 12. 5 ft ) , Telephoto — 0.6 ~ 2.2 m (2 ~ 7.2 f t ) with IS O 10 0 color negative film; W ide-angle — 0.6 ~ 7.6 m (2 ~ 24.9 ft ) , Telephoto — 0.6 ~ 4.4 m (2 ~ 14. 4 f t ) with I S O 400[...]
Seite 43
SPECIFICATIONS FO R DATE UNIT* Imprinting direction: D ata imprinted onto fil m f r o m lens side. Dat a coding: No data, year-month-day, month-day- year, day-month-year and day-hour-minute. External indication of da ta: Da ta display on liquid crystal panel. Fi l m speed setting: Automatic film speed setting. Automatic calendar system: Up to year [...]
Seite 44
OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO., LTD. San-Ei Bu il di ng , 22-2, Nishi Shinjuku 1-chome, Shin j uku-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Tel . 03-3340-2211 OLYMPUS AMERICA INC. Tw o Corporate Center Drive, Melville, NY 11747-3157, U.S.A. Tel . 516-844-5000 OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO. (EUROPA) GMBH. (Premises/Goods delivery) Wendenstrasse 14-16, 20097 H a m burg, Germany. Tel . 040-23773[...]