Seite 1
Digit al Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Model M10-IT • Instruction Manual • Mode d’emploi • Gebrauchsanweisung • Manuale di istruzioni • Manual de instrucciones • Gebruiksaanwijzing • • IM-HEM-7080IT-E-07- [...]
Seite 2
2 Contents Bef ore using th e unit Introduction ............ ............ ............. ............. ............. ............. ..... 3 Impor tant Safety Information ......... ............. ............. ............. ..... 4 1. Ove rview ........... ............ ............. ............. ............. ............. ..... 6 2. Prepa ration ....[...]
Seite 3
3 Intro duction EN Befo re us ing the unit Introduction Thank you for purchasing the OMRON M10-IT In tellisense Upp er Arm Bloo d Pressu re Mon itor . The OMRON M1 0-IT Intellis ense is a fully aut omatic blood press ure monit or , oper ating on the o scill ometri c prin cipl e. It mea sure s you r blood press ure and pu lse rat e sim ply and q uic[...]
Seite 4
4 Impo rtant Sa fety Info rmatio n Import ant Safety Information Consu lt you r doc tor dur ing preg nancy , arrhy thmia a nd ar teriosc lero sis. Use th e unit only t o store t he des ignated users mea sure ment r esults. Plea se re ad thi s sec tion c aref ully before usin g the un it. Caution: (Genera l Usage) • Alwa ys cons ult your doctor . [...]
Seite 5
5 Impor tant Safe ty Infor mation EN • Neve r plug i n or unpl ug the p ower cor d from th e electr ic ou tlet with wet ha nds. (Battery Usage ) • If batt ery f luid sho uld ge t in yo ur eyes , imme diately rinse wi th ple nty of cl ean wa ter . Cons ult a doc tor imme diatel y . • If batt ery f luid sho uld ge t on yo ur ski n or clo thing,[...]
Seite 6
6 1. Ove rview 1. Ov erv iew Main Unit A. Displa y B. SET butto n C. Morni ng/Evenin g A verage ( / ) bu ttons D. MEMOR Y butto n E. USB conn ector j ack (USB 1.1 comp atible) F . O/I ST AR T but ton G . User ID s elect ion swi tch (A & B) H. Battery comp artment I. Air ja ck J. AC adap ter jack ( for AC adap ter) F E G B A C D H J I[...]
Seite 7
7 1. Ove rview EN Arm Cuff K. Arm cuff (Cuf f: arm circumfe rence 22-42 cm) L. Air Plu g M. Air T ube K M L[...]
Seite 8
8 1. Ove rview Display N. Systolic blood pre ssure O. Dia stolic bloo d pressure P . H eart be at sy mbol 1. (Fla shes du ring m easure men t ) 2. (If flash ing a fter m eas uremen t com plete d indica tes b l oo d pre ssur e out of rec ommende d rang e) Q. Mov ement symbo l (Displ ayed if you move you r body during t he meas urement.) R. Irregular[...]
Seite 9
9 1. Ove rview EN Package Content s AE.So ft stora ge bag AF . Four “AA” a lkaline (LR6) batteri es AG .USB cable AH.CD-ROM (Blood pressur e mana gement sof tware) • Instru ction ma nual • Guarant ee card • Blood pressure pass • Blood Pressure Mon itor unit • Inst all ation guid e (for Blood press ure mana gement soft ware) AF AE AG A[...]
Seite 10
10 2. P repar ation 2. Pr ep ar ati on 2.1 Inst alling/ Replacing the Batteries 1. T urn th e main unit u psi de dow n. 2. Slide the batt ery cover in th e dire ction of the arro w while pr essing t he ribbed part of th e cove r . 3. Ins tall or r eplace f our “ AA ” si ze batte ries so that the + (positi ve) and - (ne gativ e) po laritie s mat[...]
Seite 11
11 2. Pr epara tion EN Battery Life & Replacement If the b attery low sy mbol ( ) appe ars on th e dis play , re place all fo ur batterie s at th e same time. - W hen th e batter y low s ymbol ( ) s tart s to bli nk, you wi ll stil l be abl e to us e the un it for a s hort whi le. Y ou sho uld repl ace the batte ries with n ew ones ahead of tim[...]
Seite 12
12 2. P repar ation 2.2 Setting the D ate and T ime Y our bl ood pr essu re mo nito r auto mat ical ly stor es up to 8 4 i ndivi dual meas urement v alues wi th the d ate and time. T o ma ke us e of the memory and aver age v alues fun ction s: • Set the unit to the co rrect date and time before taking a meas urement for the first time. • If the[...]
Seite 13
13 2. Pr epara tion EN 4. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the m onth. Th e month is set a nd the d ay digi t s fl ash o n the disp lay . 5. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the d ay . Th e day is se t and th e hour digi t s fl ash o n the disp lay . 6. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the h our . The ho ur is s et and the minu te s dig it s flas h on the disp[...]
Seite 14
14 2. P repar ation 7. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to set the m inutes . The m inutes s ettings is s et. Th e unit automatic ally turns itself of f after the minute set ting ha s b een se t. T o adjust the date an d time , pr ess the S ET butto n while the u nit is in stand by mode. Notes on Adjusting t he Date and T ime Settin g If you need to adjust th[...]
Seite 15
15 2. Pr epara tion EN 2. Refer to Chapter 2 .2.2 to start setting the dat e and time. Wi th this ma nual s etting of date and tim e the un it need s to be manu ally s hut off. It will not automa tical ly turn of f aft er the min utes h ave be en set. Notes: • Ple ase ensu re tha t the dat e an d time hav e been set c orrect ly so tha t the we ek[...]
Seite 16
16 3. Using the Unit Oper ating instr uctio ns 3. Using t he Unit 3.1 How to Sit C orrectly When T aking a Measurem ent Y ou can take a measur ement o n either y our left or right arm . Notes: • Meas urem ent s sho uld be taken in a quie t place and you sh ould be in a re laxed , seated p ositi on. Make s ure that the ro om is not too hot or cold[...]
Seite 17
17 3. Using the Unit EN Notes: • Correc t pos ture dur ing meas urement i s nec essary to get ac curate resu lt s. • Y ou should also try to measu re your blo od press ure at the same tim e each day . ( With in 1 ho ur after waking up is recomm ended.) In correct Postur e These situations could lead t o higher bl ood pres sure values due to str[...]
Seite 18
18 3. Using the Unit 3.2 Applying the Arm Cuff Y ou can wrap the cu f f either on yo ur righ t or left arm. • Remov e tigh t-fitt ing cl othin g from yo ur upper arm. • Do not plac e the cuff over thick c lothes a nd do no t roll up your slee ve if it is too tig ht. 1. Ins ert the ai r plu g into the a ir jac k (on the left side of t he devi ce[...]
Seite 19
19 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Hold the gr ip on the cuff secur ely with your hand. 4. T urn the palm of your ha nd upwar d. 5. App ly t he cu f f to you r up per ar m so that the b lue str ip is cent red on th e midd le of y our inne r arm a nd poin t s down the in side o f the a rm. T he ai r tube should r un dow n the in side of you r for earm and b[...]
Seite 20
20 3. Using the Unit 6. When the c uf f is po sitio ned co rr ectl y , clos e the fab ric fasten er FIRML Y . No tes: • Make certain the c uf f fits sn ugly around y our arm . • The cuff sho uld ma ke go od contact wi th you r skin . Y ou should be abl e to fit your in dex fi nger betwe en the c uff and you r arm easil y , so you can pull t he [...]
Seite 21
21 3. Using the Unit EN 3.3 T aking a Reading The uni t is des igned to take measur emen t s and sto re the meas urement v alue s in the memor y for two peop le us ing u ser ID A and user ID B. The uni t can als o be used to take a s ingle me asureme nt f or other person s usi ng the guest mode . The us er ID sy mbol i s not dis played when u sing [...]
Seite 22
22 3. Using the Unit Selecti ng the User ID Sele ct yo ur user ID. Alway s use the sa me user ID when taki ng a meas urement. T he unit sto res the measur ement va lues in the memory by th e user ID selec ted. The se measu remen t values are u sed to calc ulate the morni ng aver ages a nd eveni ng ave rages. Slide th e user ID se lecti on switc h u[...]
Seite 23
23 3. Using the Unit EN Using the Si ngle Mode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST ART button . Al l symbol s appear on the disp lay . The user ID s ymbol y ou sel ected fla sh es on the displ ay . The c uf f start s to i nflate automatic ally . As the cuff infla tes, the uni t automa tical ly de termines your i deal infl ation[...]
Seite 24
24 3. Using the Unit 3. Infl ation s tops autom atica lly and the mea sure ment is started. As the cu f f deflates, decr easing n umber s appe ar on the dis play . T he heartb eat sy mbol ( ) flas hes at every h eartbeat. 4. Whe n the meas urement is compl ete, the arm cuff com pletely deflate s. Y o ur blood pres sure and pulse rate a re disp laye[...]
Seite 25
25 3. Using the Unit EN Selecti ng the Auto Mode Auto M ode ma y be s elected for either A or B us er . 1. Mak e sure t he unit is po wered off. 2. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 3. Pr ess and hold th e SET b utton. Th e auto mo de symbo l ( ) and the oFF set ting ap pears on the d isplay . 4. Pr ess the MEMO R Y b utton ( ) to se lect on . No te:[...]
Seite 26
26 3. Using the Unit 5. Pres s the S ET butt on to c onfirm th e chan ge. Th e numbe r of s econd s between each meas urem ent is disp layed. No te: The d efault value between each m easurem ent is 60 se cond s. 6. Pres s the M EMO R Y bu tton ( ) to change the int erval o f time betwe en eac h measur ement. Th e interv al ca n be se t to 15 s econ[...]
Seite 27
27 3. Using the Unit EN Using t he Auto M ode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST ART button . Al l symbol s app ear on the disp lay . The user ID S ymbo l you sel ected fla shes on the display . The cuff st arts to infl ate auto matic ally . No te: T o st op the i nflation o r mea suremen t, press the O /I ST A R T b utton. T [...]
Seite 28
28 3. Using the Unit Th e second measu reme nt starts automat icall y . Th e second m easurem ent is compl ete, wai ting to start th e next meas urement . Th e third m easur ement st arts au tomatical ly . Th e consec utive measur emen t s are com plete. T he aver age for the t hree m easur ements appea rs o n the di spla y . Th e thre e indi vidua[...]
Seite 29
29 3. Using the Unit EN Impo rt ant: • If your s ysto lic or diast olic pressu re is outside th e standard ran ge, the h eartb eat symb ol wil l blink when the meas urement resu lt is disp layed . Recent rese arch suggests th at the fo llowi ng value s ca n be used as a guide to hig h bloo d pressu re for m easurem ents taken at h ome. This c rit[...]
Seite 30
30 3. Using the Unit What is Irregul ar Heartbeat? An i rregular heartbe at is a hear tbeat rhythm th at varie s by more than 25% from th e ave rage heartb eat rhythm det ected while the u nit is meas uring t he sy stolic and dias tol ic blood pres sure . If such an irreg ular rhythm is dete cted m ore than tw ice dur ing meas urement, the ir regul[...]
Seite 31
31 3. Using the Unit EN 3.4 Instructions for S pecial C onditions If you r sys tolic pr essure is know n to be m ore t han 220 mmHg, p ress and ho ld the O/I ST AR T butto n until the arm c uff inflate s 30 to 40 mm Hg high er than y our sus pected systolic press ure. 1. Pres s the O /I ST A R T b utton to turn the u nit on. Meas urem ent starts. 2[...]
Seite 32
32 3. Using the Unit 3.5 Using the Memory Function The uni t is des igned to s tore t he blood p ressur e and t he pulse rate in the me mory for two pe ople (user A and user B) e very time a meas urement i s co mpleted . The uni t autom atically stores up to 84 sets of mea sure ment v alues (blood pr essur e and pul se rate) for ea ch user (A an d [...]
Seite 33
33 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Pr ess the ME MORY button ( ) to display the most rec ent set of i ndivi dual m easurem ent va lues on the s creen. The val ues ar e disp layed from the most r ecent to the o ldest . No te: The date and tim e are alter nately disp layed wit h the measu remen t valu es. Pr ess the M EMO R Y button to displa y the next set [...]
Seite 34
34 3. Using the Unit Morning a nd Evening A verages The uni t calcul ates and displ ays a weekly average for m easurem ents taken in t he mor ning ( ) an d even ing ( ). T he uni t stores 8 weeks of morn ing aver ages and 8 week s of ev ening averag es for ea ch us er (A and B ). Note: The wee k begi ns S unday at 4:00 AM Morning A verage s Morn in[...]
Seite 35
35 3. Using the Unit EN About t he W eekly A verages Morning W eekly Avera ge This i s the av erage for meas urements taken during th e mor ning (4:00 AM- 9:59 AM ) between Sunday and S aturday . An av erage for each day i s calcula ted for up to th ree meas urements taken within 10 minut es of t he first mea su rement of the mor ning. Evening Week[...]
Seite 36
36 3. Using the Unit T o Displ ay Morning and Evening A verages 1. Sele ct you r us er ID (A or B). 2. Pr ess the mo rnin g ave rage button ( ) or th e eve ning aver age butto n ( ). The av erage for th e curre nt week “THIS WEEK” appe ars on th e disp lay . Th e mor ning an d even ing ave rage va lue of t he sam e week can be displ ayed by pre[...]
Seite 37
37 3. Using the Unit EN Notes on Display Combinat ions In add ition t o the mo rnin g averag e and even ing av erag e symbol s, the unit m ay al so di splay th e mo rning hy pert ensio n symbol if the morning averag e for t hat week is abov e the h ome blood pres sure gui deli ne. (See Cha pter 3 “Using the Unit - Imp ortant inf ormation ” for [...]
Seite 38
38 3. Using the Unit The morni ng hyperten sion sy mbol ( ) appear s if the weekly avera ge for m orning m easurem ents is abov e 135/ 85. In thi s case t he mor ning h ypertens ion sy mbol ( ) is display ed when the ev ening average is di splaye d, reg ardle ss o f the va lues for the even ing av erage. T o Delete Al l V alues S tored in t he Memo[...]
Seite 39
39 3. Using the Unit EN 3.6 Downloading Dat a to a PC Omron ’s blood p ressure m anagem ent so ftware inclu ded with this uni t allo ws you to vi ew , manage and pr int data abou t blood pressu re meas ured by the OM RON M10- IT Intellis ense. Plea se se e attached “Ins t allati on Guid e” be fore ins talling s of tw are onto a PC. T o operat[...]
Seite 40
40 4. Quick Refe rence Guid e 4. Quick Refe rence Guide This Qui ck Reference Guide i s for referenc e only . Pl ease read the entire manual befor e using the unit for the f irst time. T o help ensu re a rel i able read ing, avoid eating, smoki ng, or exercis ing for at least 30 minutes before t aking a measure m ent. Note: Remove any ti ght-fitti [...]
Seite 41
41 5. H andling Er rors and Prob lems EN Care a nd mainten ance 5. Handling Errors and Problems 5.1 Erro r Mes sages Error Display Cause Remedy Cuf f is under inflated. Carefully read and repeat the steps listed under Chapt er 3.3. Movement dur ing measurem ent. Cuf f over inflated. Batteries have run down. Replace all f our “AA” bat teries wit[...]
Seite 42
42 5. Hand ling E rr ors an d Pro blems 5.2 T roubleshooti ng Problem Cause Remedy No display appe ars when the O/ I ST ART button is pressed. The batteries ar e empty . Replace the batteries. Cannot measure or readings are too high. Is the cuff wrapped correctly around the arm? Attach the arm cuff correctly . The cuff pres sure does not rise altho[...]
Seite 43
43 6. Main tenance a nd St orage EN 6. Maintenance a nd S torage T o prot ect you r unit from damage, please observe the follo wing: • Do not subject your unit and cuf f to extreme temperatures, humidity , moisture or direct sunlight. • Do not fold the cuf f or tubing tightly . • Do not disassemble the unit. • Do not carry out repairs of an[...]
Seite 44
44 7. Opt iona l P arts 7. Optional Part s Using t he Optiona l AC Adapter Insert b atteries i nto the b attery compartme nt even when usi ng the A C adapte r . Notes: • Neve r plug i n or unpl ug the p ower cor d from th e electr ic ou tlet with wet ha nds. • Use o nly the o riginal AC ada pter d esigned for this unit. Use o f unsu pport ed ad[...]
Seite 45
45 8. T echnical Data EN 8. T e chnical Da t a Note: Subject to technical modification without prior noti c e. • This OMRON product is produced under t he strict quality system of O MRON HEAL THCARE Co. Ltd., Japan. The Cor e component for OMRON b l ood pres sure monitors, which is the Pressure Sensor , is produced in Japan f or assembly . This d[...]
Seite 46
46 8. Te chnical Da ta This marking shown on the product or it s literature, indicates that it should not be di sposed of, with other household wastes at t he end of it s working life. T o prev ent possible harm t o the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please se p arate this from other types of wastes and recycle it res[...]
Seite 47
47 9. S ome Useful Infor mation a bout B lood Pr essure EN 9. Some Useful I nf orm ation about Blood Pressure What is Bl ood Pressure? Bloo d press ure is a me asur e of the force of blood flowing again st the walls of the arterie s. Ar teri al blo od pres sure is cons tantly c hangin g during the cou rse of the heart's cycle. The hig hest pre[...]
Seite 48
48 9. Some Useful Infor mation about Blood Pressure Classific ation of Blood Pr essure by the W o rld Health Organiza tion The W or ld Hea lth Orga niza tion (WHO ) and th e Inter nation al Soc iety of Hyperte nsion (ISH) d evelo ped the Blood Pressur e Classi fica tion shown in thi s fig ure. Thi s classi fication i s bas ed on th e blood pr essu [...]
Seite 49
49 9. S ome Useful Infor mation a bout B lood Pr essure EN Manuf acturer OMR O N HEAL THCARE Co ., Ltd. 53, Kunot subo , T erado-cho , Muko , K yoto , 617-0002 J AP AN EU-repres ent a tiv e OM RON H EAL TH CAR E E URO PE B.V . Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp , THE NETHERLANDS www .om ron-healthcare . com Production facility OMRON (D ALIAN) CO ., L T[...]