Seite 1
Compressor Nebuliser Model NE-C29-E • Instruction Manual • Mode d’em ploi • Gebrauchsanweisu ng • Manuale di ist ruzioni • Manual de instruccion es • Gebruiksaanwijzin g • РУ КО ВОДСТВО ПО ЭК СПЛУ А Т А ЦИИ TM 3 5 EN FR DE IT ES IM-NE- C29-E -06-11/2 011 164977 3-2E NL AR RU 12E1327 NE-C29-E.fm Page 1 Tuesda[...]
Seite 2
2 Before using the unit Contents Befo re usi ng the unit Introduction ............ ................... ............. ............. ................... ............. .......... 3 Intended use ................. ............. ............. ................... ............. ................... .... 3 Importan t safety instructions... ............. ....[...]
Seite 3
3 EN Introduction Thank you for p urchasing the OMRO N Comp Air Pro. This pr oduct was develope d in conj unction with resp iratory th erapis ts for the succe ssful treatmen t of asthma, chr onic bronchi tis, aller gies and othe r respirato ry disord ers. T he compr essor for ces air to the neb uliser . When th e air ent ers t he nebulis er , it co[...]
Seite 4
4 Import ant safety instructions Read all the inform ation in the instruct ion manual and any other literat ure in clude d in the box before using the device. When us ing an electrica l product, espec ially when childr en are pres ent, ba sic safety p recauti ons shou ld alw ays be fo llowed incl uding the f ollowing: W arning: Indicate s a potenti[...]
Seite 5
EN 5 Important safety in struction s • Do not immers e the ma in unit i n water or ot her liqu id. • Do not use or s tore the device in h umid loc ations, s uch as a bathroom . • Do not operate t he unit with a d amaged co rd or pl ug. • Keep the pow er cord awa y from h eated sur faces. Read and fo llow th e “Important informat ion rega [...]
Seite 6
6 Importan t safety ins tructions • T o avoid inj ury to th e nose mu cosa, do not sq ueeze the nosepiec e into the back of the nos e. • Do not block th e slit be tween th e cap and the inh alation ai r inlet . • Do not use a microwa ve oven o r hair dr yer to d ry the ne bulisin g parts. • Approv ed for h uman use o nly . (Ri sk of elect r[...]
Seite 7
7 EN 1. Know your unit A. Compressor (M ain Unit) A1. Power Switch A2. Air Conne ctor A3. Filter Cover (* Air f ilter inside.) A4. Nebulis er Kit Holder A5. V entila tion Slot s A6. S torage Com partment Cover A7. Power Cord A8. Power Plug B. Air T ube (PVC, 20 7cm) B1. Air Plug B2. Air Plug C. Nebulising Parts D. Inhalatio n Attachm ents D1. M out[...]
Seite 8
8 1. Know your unit Accessories Material of att ac hment • Also applicable Section 10. Optional part s and accessories. F . S p are Air Filt ers x 5 G . Ins truction Man ual H. W arranty Card Nebuliser Kit, Mouthpiece, Nosepiece, Adapter for Child Mask (SEBS): Polypropylene Adult Mask (PVC), Child Mask (PVC): PVC Adult Mask (SEBS), C hild Mask (S[...]
Seite 9
9 EN 2. Guide to using the Comp Air Pro Prep aring the Nebuliser for Use (Section 3) Note: Clean an d disinf ect the nebulis er kit a nd applic able inh alatio n att achmen ts b efor e usin g the de vice f or the f irst t ime, or if i t has no t been us ed for mo re than on e week. T aking Medicati on (Section 4) Notes: • Do not ti lt the nebu li[...]
Seite 10
10 Operat ing in structi ons 3. Prep aring the nebuliser for use W arning: Clean and disinfect the nebuliser kit, mout hpiece and optional nosepiece or masks be fore using them for the first time after purchase, if the devic e has not been used for a long pe riod of time, or if more than one person uses the same dev ice. For direc tions on c leanin[...]
Seite 11
EN 11 3. Preparing the nebul iser for use 5. Remo ve the vapo rise r head from the m edica tion tan k. 6. Add the correc t amount o f presc ribed medic ation to the medicati on tank. Caution: The capa city of the medication tank is 2 to 7 m l. Not e: Scales on the n ebulise r kit ar e for referen ce only . The sc ale on the outside of the tank is w[...]
Seite 12
12 3. Preparin g the nebu liser for u se 9. Attach the desired inhalati on attachment, as desc ribed be low . Attaching the mouthpiece Make s ure you also attach the ca p, when usi ng the mout hpiec e. 1) Attach the c ap to the i nhalat ion air inl et. 2) Attach the m outhpiece to the inh alatio n top. Attaching the adult mask (P VC) Attach the mas[...]
Seite 13
EN 13 3. Preparing the nebul iser for use 10. Attach the air tube. 1) Attach the air tub e to the ai r connector o n the comp ressor . 2) Attach the o ther end o f the air tube to t he air tube c onnector on the medica tion tank. Not es: • Make sur e that the air t ube is s ecurely attached to th e comp ressor ( main unit) and nebulis er kit, and[...]
Seite 14
14 4. T aking medic ation 1. Hold the nebul iser kit a s indic ated on the right. Caution: Do not tilt the nebulise r kit so that it is at an angle of greater than 45°. M edi catio n may f low in to the mouth. 2. Press the powe r switch to the on ( ) position. The c ompressor starts and nebu lisatio n starts. Not e: Obse rve whet her ae rosol i s [...]
Seite 15
EN 15 4. Tak ing me dica tion 3. Inhale m edic ation accor ding to y our doc tor ’s and/or he alth c are advi ser ’s instruct ions. Using the mouthpiece Prepare your mo uthpiece accord ing to Secti on 3.9. Inser t the mouthp iece into your mo uth and inhale the med ication breathing no rmally . Exhale a s normal through the mou thpiece. Using t[...]
Seite 16
16 4. Takin g medica tion 4. When trea tment is com plete, turn th e power off. Check tha t there is no conden satio n or mois ture in the air tu be and unplug the device from the power outl et . W arning: Cond ensation may occur in the air tube. Do not store the air tube whil e it contains conde nsatio n or m oisture . This could re sult in infect[...]
Seite 17
17 EN Care and mainte nance 5. Cleaning and daily disinfecting 5.1 Cleani ng Follow ing the cleanin g instru ction s after each use will preven t any re mainin g medicat ion in t he tank from dr ying, re sulting i n the dev ice not ne bulisin g effectively and als o for preve nting infe ctions. W arning: Thoroughly rinse the nebuliser and the mask,[...]
Seite 18
18 5. Clea ning and daily disin fecting 7. If the co mpressor is dirty , wipe it clean with a soft cloth moi stened with w ater or mild detergent. Caution: The compressor is not waterproof . 8. If the ou tside of the air tube is dirty , wipe it clean with a s oft cloth moistene d with wate r or mild detergent. 9. S tore the parts in the sto rage co[...]
Seite 19
EN 19 5. Cle aning and daily disi nfecting Handling t he V apori ser Head The vapor iser head i s an imp ortant part that is u sed to va porise medication. Be sure to obser ve the fol lowing pr ecautio ns when handling it. Caut ion : • Alway s wash the vapori ser head a f ter each use. Failu re to d o so could c ause b lockages and a deterioratio[...]
Seite 20
20 6. Maintenance and storage T o keep your device in the best con dition and prote ct the device f rom damag e foll ow th ese dir ectio ns: Caution: • Do not leave the unit unattended with infants or persons who cannot expres s their con sent. • Do not subject the device or th e part s to any strong s hocks such as dropping the device on t he [...]
Seite 21
21 EN 7. Changing the air fi lter On ave rage, the air fil ter sho uld be ch anged every 60 days or so, or when the filter has cha nged col our from white. 1. Pull th e air filter cove r of f the com presso r . 2. Chan ge the air fi lter . Remo ve the old air filter with a shar p obje ct, such as a toothp ick, and insert the new air filte r . 3. Pu[...]
Seite 22
22 8. T roubleshooting Check th e followin g if your unit sh ould fa il during o perat ion. Y ou can also refer t o the pages of this m anual f or compl ete in structi ons. Notes: • If the sugge sted rem edy does not so lve the pr oblem, d o not try to repair th e devic e - no parts of t he unit are user s ervic eable. Return the u nit to a n aut[...]
Seite 23
23 EN 9. T echnic al data Notes: • Subjec t to techn ical mod ification witho ut prior not ice. • This OMRON prod uct is p roduced under the strict quality system of OMR ON Healthc are Co., Ltd., Japan. • The device may not wo rk if the temperat ure and v oltage condi tions ar e different to those define d in the s pecific ations. Name: Comp [...]
Seite 24
24 9. Te chnica l da ta T echnic al dat a for the OMRON Comp Air Pro compresso r with the OMRO N V .V .T . (Virtual V alve T echnology) Ne buliser kit: Notes: • Per formanc e may va ry with d rugs su ch as suspen sions or h igh v iscosity . See drug s upplier ’s data sheet for further details. • The data above is referenc ed by Om ron Heal th[...]
Seite 25
EN 25 9. Tech nical data Notes: • Do not use th e devic e where it may be ex pose d to flamma ble ga s. • This device fulfils t he provi sions o f the EC directiv e 93/42/ EEC (Med ical Dev ice Directiv e) and th e Europe an S tandard EN13 544-1:200 7, Resp iratory th erapy equipme nt - Par t1: Nebuli zing sy stems an d their com ponents. = T y[...]
Seite 26
26 9. Te chnica l da ta Corr ect D isposal of T his Product (Wa ste Elect rical & Elec tronic Equipm ent) This ma rking sho wn on th e product or its literatur e, in dicates that it sho uld not be disposed of, with other hou sehold wa stes at the end o f its worki ng life. T o prevent possible h arm to the environ ment or h uman he alth from un[...]
Seite 27
27 EN 10. Optional p art s and accessories O m r o n V. V. T. N e b u l i s e r K i t Set Orde r No . 9956 268- 9 Air T ube (P VC , 207cm) Orde r No. 9956 270-0 Mout hpiece Order N o. 99562 73-5 Air T ube (Silico n, 10 0cm) Orde r No. 9956 269-7 Nose piec e Order N o. 99562 74-3 Adul t Mask (PVC) Orde r No . 9956 275- 1 Child Ma sk (P VC ) Orde r N[...]
Seite 28
28 10. Opti onal parts an d accesso ries Made in Ch ina Manufactu rer OMRON HEAL THCARE Co., Ltd. 53, Kunot subo, T erado -cho, Muko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAP AN EU-represen tativ e OMRON HEAL THCARE EUROPE B.V . Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp THE NETHERLANDS www .omron-healt hcare.com Production fac ility OMRON (DALIAN) CO., L TD. Dalian, CHINA Subsidi[...]
Seite 29
DE Nébuliseur à co mpresse ur Modèle NE-C29-E • Instruction Manual • Mode d’em ploi • Gebrauchsanweisu ng • Manuale di ist ruzioni • Manual de instruccion es • Gebruiksaanwijzin g • РУ КО ВОДСТВО ПО ЭК СПЛУ А Т А ЦИИ TM 3 5 EN FR IT ES IM-NE- C29-E -06-11/2 011 NL AR RU NE-C29_main.book Page 29 Tuesday, D[...]