Seite 1
Basic Owner ’ s Manual High Definitio n Video Camera Model No. HC-W850P/PC HC-V750P/PC Please re ad these in struction s carefully be fore u sing this pro duct, an d save this manual for future use. This d ocument expla ins basic opera tions of t he unit. For m ore detailed explan ation, p lease refer to “Owner' s Manua l (PDF f ormat)” [...]
Seite 2
2 SQT0142 (E NG) Dear Customer , Than k you fo r choosi ng Panas onic! Y ou have purch ased one o f the m ost sophistic ated an d reli able pro ducts on the market to day . Used pr operly, we’re sure i t will bring you and your family years of enjoyment. Please take time to fill in the inform ation o n the right . The serial number i s on the tag[...]
Seite 3
3 (ENG) SQT0142 THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S.A. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN CANADA. FCC Note: This eq uipmen t has been tested and fo und to com ply with the limi ts for a C lass B digi tal device, pursuant t o Part 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es. The se limi ts are designe d to pr ovide re asonab le protecti on against h armful inter feren [...]
Seite 4
4 SQT0142 (E NG) IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read t hese oper ating i nstruc tions car efully before us ing t he unit. Follow the s afety inst ructi ons on the uni t and the a pplica ble safet y instruct ions list ed below. Keep these o peratin g instruct ions han dy for futur e refe rence. 1) Read t hese ins tructi ons. 2) Keep these instruct [...]
Seite 5
5 (ENG) SQT0142 ∫ Concerning the battery AC adaptor This AC adapt or opera tes on AC betwe en 1 10 V and 2 40 V . But ≥ In the U.S.A . and Canad a, the AC adapt or must be co nnected to a 120 V AC po wer supply on ly . ≥ When co nnecting to an AC supply o utside of th e U.S.A . or Canada, us e a pl ug adapt or to su it the AC ou tlet conf igu[...]
Seite 6
6 SQT0142 (E NG) ∫ Prod uct Ident ifica tion Mark ing Confor ms to UL STD 600 65. Certified to CAN-CSA STD C22.2 No.60065. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN THE U.S.A. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ON L Y IN CANADA. Produc t Locat ion High Defin ition Video Camera Ba ttery holder AC adapto r Bottom Cont ains FCC ID: VPYL BVX532 FCC W ARNING Change s or mod[...]
Seite 7
7 (ENG) SQT0142 -If y ou see t his sym bol- ∫ Cautions for use Keep this uni t as f ar away a s po ssible fr om elect romagne tic eq uipmen t (su ch as micro wave o vens, TVs, vi deo g ame s etc.). ≥ If you use thi s unit on top of or near a TV , the picture s and/o r sound o n this un it may b e disrup ted by electr omag netic wave radiati on.[...]
Seite 8
8 SQT0142 (E NG) ∫ Indemnity a bout recorded content Panasonic does not acce pt any responsibility for dama ges dir ectly or i ndirectl y due to any type of pr oblems that re sult in los s of rec ording or edi ted conten t, and does no t guarant ee any content i f record ing or e diting d oes not work properl y . L ikewise , the above als o appli[...]
Seite 9
9 (ENG) SQT0142 Accesso ries ..................... .......... ........... ........ 10 Prep aration Power su pply... ................ .......... ........... ........ 1 1 Inserting/ removin g the batt ery ........ ....... 1 1 Charging the battery .. ................ .......... .. 12 Charging and re cording time ................. 13 Recording to a ca [...]
Seite 10
10 SQT0142 (E NG) Check the a ccessories be fore using this unit. Keep th e access ories out of reach of chil dren to p revent swallo wing. Product numbers correct as of Jan. 2014. T hese m ay be subj ect to change. Accessories Batt ery p ack VW-VBT190 AC ad apto r VSK081 5F DC cable K2GHYYS00002 USB cable K2KYYYY00236 HDMI mini cable K1HY19 YY002 [...]
Seite 11
11 (ENG) SQT0142 ∫ About batteries that you can use with this u nit The ba ttery th at can be used with thi s uni t is VW-V BT190/V W-VBT380 . ≥ The un it ha s a fu nctio n fo r dis tingu ishin g ba tter ies wh ich ca n be used safely. The dedica ted b attery ( VW-VB T190/V W-VBT 380) s uppor ts this func tion. The on ly bat teries suitable for[...]
Seite 12
12 SQT0142 (E NG) Charging the battery The uni t is in the st andb y con ditio n when the AC adapt or is connect ed. Th e prim ary circui t is al ways “live” as lon g as th e AC adap tor is conne cted to an electrica l outlet. Important: ≥ Do no t use t he AC adapto r/DC ca ble wi th an y other equ ipment as it is desi gned o nly fo r this un[...]
Seite 13
13 (ENG) SQT0142 Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recording t ime ≥ T em per ature : 25 o C (77 o F)/humidity: 60%RH ≥ Chargi ng time s in parent heses a re when chargi ng from th e USB te rminal . ≥ Maximum conti nuous reco rdable times an d actua l recor dable tim es in pare ntheses ar e when recording with the Sub Camera * . * T h[...]
Seite 14
14 SQT0142 (E NG) ∫ Battery cap acity indication The batt ery capacit y indica tion is d isplaye d on t he LCD m onitor. ≥ If there is less than 3 minu tes remaining, the n will become red. If the batter y discharges, then will flash. Rech arge the battery or replace it with a fully charged battery . Simplified-HC-W850&V750 P&PC-SQT0142[...]
Seite 15
15 (ENG) SQT0142 The unit can record still pictures or motion pic tures to an SD card. T o record to an SD card, read the following. Cards that you can use w ith this unit Use SD cards conf orming to Cl ass 4 o r hi gher o f the S D Speed Class Ra ting for mo tion pictur e rec ording . When re cordin g a motio n pictu re with [ REC MODE ] set to [1[...]
Seite 16
16 SQT0142 (E NG) Y ou c an turn th e unit o n and off using the power button or by ope ning an d clos ing the LCD mon itor . Open the LCD monitor and press the power button to turn on the unit. A The status indica tor lights on. The uni t is tur ned on w hen the LCD m onitor is opene d, and unit is tu rned off when i t is clos ed. Y ou c an switch[...]
Seite 17
17 (ENG) SQT0142 Switching this unit between Recording Mode and Play back Mod e Switching this unit be tween Motion Picture Recording Mode and S till Picture Recording Mode T ouch the re cording mod e switchi ng icon disp layed on th e LCD mon itor (tou ch screen ) to switch this unit between Motion Pictu re Recording Mode a nd S till Picture Recor[...]
Seite 18
18 SQT0142 (E NG) Y ou c an operat e by di rectly touching the LCD monitor (touch screen ) with yo ur fing er . ∫ T ouch T ouch and release the touch screen to selec t icon or picture . ≥ T ouch the center of the icon . ≥ T ouching the touch screen will no t operate while you ar e touchin g another part of the tou ch scree n. ∫ Slide while [...]
Seite 19
19 (ENG) SQT0142 About the T ouch Menu ∫ T o displa y the T ouch M enu The clock i s not set at the time of purcha se. Make su re to se t the clock. 1 Select the m enu. ( l 25) 2 T ouch the date or time to be set, then s et the de sired value u sing / . A Displa ying th e World Tim e settin g: [HOME]/ [DEST INA TION] ≥ The year can be set betw [...]
Seite 20
20 SQT0142 (E NG) 1 T ouch the Recor ding Mode but ton icon. 2 T ouch th e desi red Recor ding Mode button icon. *1 In Mo tion Pi cture Recor ding Mo de only *2 In S till Picture Recording M ode only Basic Changing t he Recording Mode Mode Effect Intellig ent Auto Y ou can switch t he mode to th e Intelligent Auto Mo de, which op timize s setting s[...]
Seite 21
21 (ENG) SQT0142 1 Open the L CD monitor, and set this unit to Mo tion Pict ure Reco rding Mode . ( l 17) 2 Press the recording start/stop button to start r ecording. 3 Press the recording start/stop button again to pause recording. ≥ Record ing can also be started/stopp ed by touchin g the reco rding b utton icon. 1 Open the LCD monitor , and se[...]
Seite 22
22 SQT0142 (E NG) Using t he Sub Came ra and th e Main Came ra, you ca n record two images simultaneously . (T win Camera ) Use th e Sub Camera to enjoy reco rding yourse lf, a f amily m ember next to you or scen ery dif ferent from t hat s een fro m the M ain Camera. A Sub Camera B Sub W indow ≥ The i mage of th e Sub C amera is displa yed on th[...]
Seite 23
23 (ENG) SQT0142 1 Set this unit to Playback Mo de ( l 17). 2 T ouch the play mode select icon A ( l 19). ≥ Y ou can a lso set by touching , selectin g [VIDEO SETUP] or [PICT . SETU P] # [MEDI A, VIDEO/PICT URE]. ( l 25) 3 Select the still picture C or the recording format of th e motion picture D you wish to play back. ≥ T ouch [Enter]. Basic [...]
Seite 24
24 SQT0142 (E NG) 4 (When [A VCH D] or [MP4/iFrame] is touched) T ouch the desired recording format for playback. ≥ When [A VCHD] i s selected ≥ When [M P4/iFr ame] is s elect ed ≥ The record ing mode ico n B is displaye d in the thumb nail displ ay when t he item is touche d. ( , , , , , , and ) ≥ The followin g icons are displayed on thum[...]
Seite 25
25 (ENG) SQT0142 W atching Video/Pi ctures on your TV ≥ T o uch (left sid e)/ (righ t sid e) of on the T ouc h Men u to di spl ay . ( l 19) 1 To u c h . 2 T ouch the top me nu A . 3 T ouch th e submenu B . ≥ Next (p revious) page is d isplayed b y touchin g /. 4 T ouch the desired item to enter the setting. 5 T ouch [EXI T] to exit the menu set[...]
Seite 26
26 SQT0142 (E NG) Formatting Please be aware th at if a medium is formatted, th en all the data recor ded on the m edium will be erased a nd cann ot be restored. Back up im portant d ata on a PC, DVD disc etc. * Disp layed when conn ecting a USB HDD. (R efer to the Owner 's Manual (PDF fo rmat)) ≥ Media selection screen is not d isplayed whe[...]
Seite 27
27 (ENG) SQT0142 If the Wi-Fi connecti on cannot be est ablished Feat ure Des cript ion o f fu nctio ns [Copy ] By setti ng up a W i-Fi co mmunic ation be tween t his unit and a P C, you can co py scene s and st ill pictures recorded with this u nit to the P C. [Live Ca st] Y ou can b roadcas t motion p ictures o f this un it live by setting up a l[...]
Seite 28
28 SQT0142 (E NG) Pro ble m Check po ints The Wi-F i connec tion i s not possibl e betw een this un it and a smartp hone. (Wireles s Acce ss Poin t Con nection ) ≥ Make s ure the sm artpho ne is pr operly connect ed to the w ireles s access poi nt by check ing t he Wi-F i settings of the s martph one. ≥ Make s ure this unit an d the smar tphone[...]
Seite 29
29 (ENG) SQT0142 ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Whate ver you have r ecorde d and create d can b e used for your person al en tert ai nment only . Un der copyri ght la ws, othe r materi als cannot be u sed w ithou t ob taining permi ssion from t he hold ers of the copyr ights. ∫ Licenses ≥ SDXC Lo go is a tradem ark of SD-3C, LLC. ≥ ?[...]
Seite 30
30 SQT0142 (E NG) High Defini tion V ideo Ca mera Informat ion for your safety Others S pecification s Power sour ce: DC 5.0 V (Whe n using AC ada ptor) DC 3.6 V (Whe n using battery ) Power cons umpti on: Recording; 7.0 W 6.2 W Char ging ; 7. 7 W Motion pictu re rec ording forma t: [A VCHD]; A V CHD format version 2.0 comp liant (A VC HD Progressi[...]
Seite 31
31 (ENG) SQT0142 Imag e sen sor: 1/2. 3 z 1MOS image sensor T otal; 12760 K Effective pixels; Motion p icture; 6 030 K ( 16:9) *1 S till picture; 6030 K (16:9) , 4720 K (4:3) , 5210 K (3:2 ) *1 When Level Shot Fu nction i s set to norm al or of f Lens: Auto Iris, 2 0 k optical zoom , F1.8 to F3.6 Focal length; 4.08 mm to 81 .6 mm (Full rang e AF) 3[...]
Seite 32
32 SQT0142 (E NG) Sub Came ra AC ad apto r Informati on for your saf ety Mass (W eight): Appr ox. 36 0 g (Approx. 0.792 lbs.) [withou t batte ry (sup plied) a nd an SD card (opt ional)] Appr ox. 35 3 g (Approx. 0.7 77 lbs.) [withou t batte ry (sup plied) a nd an SD card (opt ional)] Mass (W eight) i n oper ation: Appr ox. 40 5 g (Approx. 0.8 91 lbs[...]
Seite 33
33 (ENG) SQT0142 Some opti onal acces sorie s may not b e availa ble in som e coun tries. *1 Plea se refer to page 13 , concerni ng the b attery c harging time a nd availa ble reco rding time. *2 Set the flash setting to ([OFF ]). Set th e video light setting t o ([OFF ]). Other s Optional acc essories Acce ssory No . Figure Description VW-BC10 PP [...]
Seite 34
34 SQT0142 (E NG) NOTE: Acces sories a nd/or m odel n umber s may va ry by c ount ry . Please cons ult your local d ealer. Produc t numb ers c orrect as of Ja n. 20 14. Th ese may be su bjec t to cha nge. Acce ssory No . Figure Description VW-L ED1P P LED Vid eo Li ght VW-CT R1PP Remote Pan Tilt Cradle Simplified-HC-W850&V750 P&PC-SQT0142_m[...]
Seite 35
35 (ENG) SQT0142 Accessory Order Form (For US A and Puerto Rico Custom ers) In CANADA, plea se contact yo ur local Panason ic dealer for more information on Accessori es. TO OBT AIN ANY OF OUR ACCESSORIES YOU CAN DO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: VISIT YOUR LOCAL PANASONIC DEALER OR YOU MA Y CONT ACT US DIRECTL Y A T : 1-800-237-9080 (F AX ONL Y) OR MAIL TH[...]
Seite 36
36 SQT0142 (E NG) Other s Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U. S. A. AN D PUERTO RIC O) Panasonic Products Limited Warranty Limited Warranty Coverage (For USA and Puerto Rico Only) If your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for [...]
Seite 37
Seite 38
38 SQT0142 (E NG) Other s Wa r r a n t y (For Canadi an Customers) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 PANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED WARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and for a period as stated below from the date of original pu[...]
Seite 39
39 (ENG) SQT0142 Simplified-HC-W850&V750 P&PC-SQT0142_mst. book 39 ページ 2014年 1月14日 火曜日 午後2時5 0分[...]
Seite 40
Panasonic Corporation of North America T wo Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490 Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2T3 © Panasonic Corporation 2014 Printed in Malaysia SQT0142 F01 14YK0 Simplified-HC-W850&V750 P&PC-SQT0142_mst. book 40 ページ 2014年 1月14日 火曜日 午後2時[...]