Seite 1
Princeton SP-8 8 P ortabl e Ensemble USER ’S MANU AL For a more musical life™[...]
Seite 2
Using the Inst ruction Manu al Thank y ou f or p urchasing this h igh quality Digital Piano. Y our new Piano is easy to use and easy to transport. It has powerful and useful features that make i t per f ect for real -time performance or as a versati le instrument fo r your home. Y our piano offers powerful and useful features including: programmabl[...]
Seite 3
When the piano is not in use or dur ing electrical storms, plea se disconnect the powe r supply Avoid adjusting the volu m e to the max i m um level or to a level that you f eel uncomfortable, it is recommended that y ou limit the v olume level to two-thirds of the m ax to prevent any damage of y our auditory sens e Unplug the powe r ca[...]
Seite 4
accompani ment track. Read and w rite SM (smartmedia®) c ard: the piano can pl a y or record S t andard MIDI files from y our SM c ard - save s ongs and other s torage data onto y our SM card. S upport s 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, and 128MB SM card s Panel Memorie s : 48 tot al – with 8 Banks - 6 Me m ories each PitchBend & Modul a tion ?[...]
Seite 5
1 5 9 8 2 6 3 7 4 2 0 1 9 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 6 2 1 2 2 1 8 1 4 2 3 2. L.H. SIDE 1) DC12V PO W ER JACK 2) PO W ER 3) MIDI IN/MI D I OUT 4) SUST AIN PEDAL 5) VOLUME PED A L 6) AUX.IN 7) AUX.OU T L/MONO 8) AUX.OU T RIGHT 9) PHONES1/P HONES 2 3. LCD DISPLA Y 1) A.B.C. 2) HARMONY 3) LO W ER 4) DSP 5) T OUCH 6) SUAL 7) SUST AIN 8) METRO NOME 9) TE[...]
Seite 6
Use of a dif ferent type of adaptor risks fire and/or electrical shoc k. For safety sake, make sure to u nplug the AC adaptor from the wall outlet w h enever leaving the pian o unattended for a long tim e or during an electrical storm. The headphone jack There are two headphones j acks – j ack “1” lets you listen through B OTH t he headphones[...]
Seite 7
The volume jack An optional f o otswi tc h can be plugged into the VOLUME jack for adjusting the volume o f your piano – this is particularly useful for live performance situation s. The MIDI IN/OUT ja ck MIDI stands for “ M usical In strument Digital Interface.”. M IDI is a world wide standar d that makes it p ossible for vari o us electroni[...]
Seite 8
Master volume contr ol T urn the VOLUME KNOB t o adjust the MASTER VOLUME. Brilliance For a br ighter sound, move the B RILLIANCE slider to the right. For a mellower sound, mov e the B RILLIA N CE slider to the left. Y ou can change the keyboard brilliance a s you wish. Demo There are 3 Built- in Demos. Press the [DEMO] b utton, the DEMO icon on th[...]
Seite 9
V oice ef fect V oice select There are 350 VOICES. (See "APPEN DIX 1 VOICE LIST") whic h inclu des 293 GM S ou nds, 35 Chinese Sounds, 1 3 percu ssion Sets and 9 User Sounds. When the voice feat ure is activ ated, the LC D highlights the " VOICE R1" flag and the selected sound appears in the upper line. ex: " 001 Piano). It[...]
Seite 10
Lower v oice Press the [LOWER VOICE] butt o n. LCD lights the lowe r icon and "VO I CE L " . Th e LCD highlights the V o ice na me on upper line "144 Sound Track 1" . Use the [+] & the [ -] button or the D I AL and numeric keypad t o select the L OWER V OICE. In LOWER VOICE mode, press the [ VOICE] button to sw itch to other[...]
Seite 11
DSP effect DSP effect s help enhance the sounds in your keyboard. The default DSP setting is ON. DSP icon is lit. Press the [ D SP] to turn on /o ff the DSP effect. The DSP effect is deter mi ned by 4 param eters including REVE RB TYPE, REVERB LEVEL, CHORUS TYPE and REVERB LEVEL. (See FUNCTION me n u for details) It offers 8 REVERB & CHORUS TYP[...]
Seite 12
T ouch r esponse There are 3 types of T ouch Response. (See FUNCTION m enu for details ) . The default T o uch sett ing is Medium. T o uch icon is lit on the LC D . Press t he [TOUCH] button. Th e LCD display s the current T ouch Response type "T ouch Mode: Medium" Press the [T OUCH] again to turn of f the T ouch Response and displays &qu[...]
Seite 13
S tyle start S tart dir ectly: Press the [ST AR T/STOP] butt o n to start play ing the style. S tart after INTRO: When the style is n ot playing, press the [INTRO] button, and then p r ess the [ST AR T/ST OP] button to start the I NTRO. The NORMAL style will be followed by a n INTRO sec tion. S tart after ENDING: When the style is not playing, p re[...]
Seite 14
ACCOMP volume Press the [ACCOMP VOLUME +] or the [ACCOMP VOLU ME-] button. LCD dis p lays "Accomp V olume = 021 ". Press the [ACCOMP VOLU ME +] & the [ACCOM P VOLUME -] button o r the [+] & [ -] button and the DIAL can adjust the acc ompaniment volume from 0 ~ 31. Press the [ACCOMP VOLUME +] and the [ACCOMP VOLU ME -] synchronousl[...]
Seite 15
F i rs t s e r i e s S e c o n d s e r i e s T h i r d s e r i e s D e f a u l t N e x t N e x t N e x t B a c k B a ck B a c k M e t r o n o m e O f f V o i c e P a d O f f R e v e r b Ty p e R o o m 1 / R o o m 2 / R o o m 3 / H a l l 1 / H a l l 2 / P l a t e / D e l a y / P a n D e l a y H a l l 2 R e v e r b L e v e l 0 ~ 1 2 7 9 2 C h o r u s[...]
Seite 16
button or the [ -] button to a djust the level value. The LCD dis p lays the cu rrent level value. T he default value i s 92 . Chorus T ype A total of 8 diff er ent ch o rus ty p es are available. Use the dial,the [+] button or the [-] button to select the ch oru s type. L CD takes turns to display Chorus 1/Chorus2/Chorus3/Chorus4/ Feedback/Flanger[...]
Seite 17
VOIC E L OCT A VE In the voice L octave setting, L C D displays the current o ctave value. U se the dial, the [+] button or the [ -] button to a djust the voice L octave value. This function can a pp ly to the right area of key board. The p ar ameter range - 1 to1. The default value is 0 . Press the [+] bu tto n and the [-] button sim ul taneously [...]
Seite 18
Keyboard In the k eyboar d setting, the LCD d isplays V oice R1 V olum e V o ice R2 V olum e V oi ce L V olume value circularly . The defau lt value is 27 28 12 respectively . Se t the value with the dial, the [+] button or the[-] b utton from 0 to 3 1. In this mode, pr ess the [+] and the [-] simultaneously to turn off the volume value. P ress the[...]
Seite 19
Freeze When the FREEZE function is engaged, selecting a different memory setup will not change any o f the accompanim ent and V oic e L parameters ( all other parameters will changes a s programme d) . T his allows you to use the auto accompanime nt and se lect d if ferent memory setups wit h out suddenly d istu r bing the flow o f the accompan ime[...]
Seite 20
Sustain pedal When pedal assi gn is set as "sustain pedal " , it has the sust ain effect w hen stepping on the pedal. Release i t to turn o f f sustain effe ct. Soft pedal When pedal assi gn is set t o "sof t pedal ", it has the dampens the sound when stepp ing on the pedal. S tart/stop pedal When p edal assign is set to "s[...]
Seite 21
the [BACK ] button in e d it mode. It wil l q uit the ABC mode autom atically when you enter the SY NTH status. Parameters table f or SYNTH as follow: P a r a m e t e r N a m e V a l u e R a n g e D e f a u l t U S E R V o i c e 3 4 2 - 3 5 0 3 4 2 0 0 1 3 4 3 0 2 1 3 4 4 0 2 4 3 4 5 0 3 3 3 4 8 0 8 0 3 4 6 0 4 0 3 4 9 0 2 9 3 4 7 0 5 0 3 5 0 1 3 0[...]
Seite 22
Record start Pr epare to r ecord Select user song: Press the [RECORD] button. The REC icon on LCD is illum inated. User Song 1 o r User Song 2 is displayed on the lattice area. Its cursor on the LCD is lit , then you can select it with dial, the [ +]/the [-] b utton. W ait for record: Press the [ RECORD] button after choosing User Song 1 or U ser S[...]
Seite 23
SMC There is a standard SMC (SmartMedia Card) external interface which supports cards of 6MB/32MB/ 64MB /128MB ca p ability on the piano. I t is compatible with the file system format of the MS-DOS F A T 12 /16. Press the [LOAD], [ SA VE], [UTILITY] button separately to enter the relative function. T he SMC Icon is illum inated o n the LCD. If ther[...]
Seite 24
root of SMC are d isplayed on t he latt ice a r ea with t wo lines. T he current file is h ighlighted. The main name of the file in cludes 8 charact ers, the postfix name is R EC. Y ou can select songs with dial o r the [+] & the [ -] button. Press the [N EXT] b utt o n t o affirm the d esired file. Th e menu of "Load Into Record 1" a[...]
Seite 25
Press the [NEXT] butt o n to end the filename input, "Operation Com p leted" is displayed temporarily on LCD and it will exit the SMC function to retu rn to the previous status Note: If the filename input is sam e as the name that is in the card , "Exist F ile Name" is displayed temporarily on the lattice area and it will exit t[...]
Seite 26
musi c instruments. Major Application The pi a no as the Host Connect the MIDI OUT port o f the piano with MIDI IN p ort of other equi pment. If the same MIDI cha n nels b e set to the t wo devices, p lay the keyboard & change the parameters on the piano, then the o ther device will receive the data from it. MIDI messages are sent from the pian[...]
Seite 27
keyboard. Press the [SYNTH] b utton to enter SYNTH mode. Press [+],[-],the dial or use dial to select an user voice. Press [NEXT] button to set the parameter . SYNTH Press t he [NEXT] butto n after entering SYNTH mode to select parameter . Press [+],[-],the dial, the dial or the num b er key to change the parameter . Pr ess [NEXT] or [BACK] bu tton[...]
Seite 28
Press the [RECO RD] b ut ton to prepare for recordin g . Press [MELODY 1-4],[ACCOMP] to select tracks to record; Play the keyboard to start recording and pr ess [ REC] again to q uit recording. PLA Y Press the [PLA Y ] button first. Press [+],[-] or use the dial to select user song 1 or 2. S pec ificat ions Keyboar d V o ice St yle Demo S o ng Albu[...]
Seite 29
Appendi x 2- Style list 8 B e a t 0 0 1 8 B e a t 1 0 0 2 8 B e a t 2 0 0 3 8 B e a t 3 0 0 4 8 B e a t 4 0 0 5 8 B e a t 5 0 0 6 8 B e a t 6 0 0 7 8 B e a t Ro ck 0 0 8 8 B e a t P o p 1 6 Be a t 0 0 9 1 6 B e a t 1 0 1 0 1 6 B e a t 2 0 1 1 1 6 B e a t 3 0 1 2 H i p H o p 0 1 3 1 6 B e a t F u n k 0 1 4 F u n k P o p 0 1 5 F u s io n 0 3 9 Te c h[...]
Seite 30
Appendi x 3- Ch ord list[...]
Seite 31
M a j o r [ M ] M a j o r s i x t h [ 6 ] M a j o r s e v e n t h [ M 7 ] M a j o r s e v e n t h a d d s h a r p e l e v e n t h [ M 7 ( # 11 ) ] M a j o r a d d n i n t h [ M 9 ] M a j o r s e v e n t h n i n t h [ M 7 ( 9 ) ] S i x t h n i n t h [ 6 (9 ) ] A u g m e n t e d [ a u g ] M i n o r [ m ] M i n o r s i x t h [ m 6 ] M i n o r s e v e [...]
Seite 32
01 W o rld 02 Ja zz 03 T rance Appendi x 5- Album list 0 0 1 B l e s s i n g 0 0 2 Th e M o o n Re p re s e n t s My H ea r t 0 0 3 M a y I Hu g Y o u ? 0 0 4 W h e t h e r I Sh o u l d Go Aw a y Qu i e t l y 0 0 5 B e a u tly A n d The B e a s t 0 0 6 L o n d o n d e r ry A i r 0 0 7 S e r e n a d e 0 0 8 S w a n La k e 0 0 9 J o y To Th e Wo r l [...]
Seite 33
*********** Control 0 Change 1 5 6 7 10 1 1 64 65 66 67 80 81 91 93 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 3 Bank Select Modulation Portamento Tim e Data Entry V o lume Pan Expression Sustain Pedal Portamento ON/OFF Sostenuto Pedal Soft Pedal Reverb Program Chorus Program Reverb Level Chorus Level All Sound Of f Reset All Controllers All Notes Of f ***********[...]
Seite 34
Notes: *1 When t h e accompaniment i s s tarted, an F AH m essage i s transmitted. When accompaniment is stopped, an FCH message is transmitte d . When an F AH mess age is received, accompanim ent is started. Wh en an FCH message is received, accom p anime n t is stoppe d .[...]