Seite 1
Cat. No. 21-1672 OWNER’S MANUAL Pl ease re ad b efo re usin g thi s eq ui pmen t. TRC-232 4-W att 40 -Ch an ne l CB Wa lkie-T alkie 21-1 67 2.fm Page 1 Thurs da y, Augu st 5, 19 99 12:04 PM[...]
Seite 2
2 FEA TURES Your Radi o Shack TRC-232 4- Watt 40-Ch annel CB Walkie- Talk ie is a portable , two-way ci tize n’s band radio tha t you can carr y almost any where . Use it around the hou se, in your offic e, or i n your car or boat . You c an put your walkie -tal kie t o good use on fi shing and ca mping tri ps, or y ou can use it in you r busi ne[...]
Seite 3
3 Bu ilt-I n , Ce ram ic Fi lter s — ensure superi or sel ectiv i ty a nd free - dom from adj acen t- chan nel interfer ence. Automati c Modulation Cont rol — ens u re s a c o n sta nt R F m od- ulat ion lev el . Aut om atic G ain Cont rol — m ai nta ins a c on sta nt v o lume l evel, regar dless of the signal stren gth. Automatic No ise Limi[...]
Seite 4
4 CONTEN TS Pre pa rat ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... 6 Co nne cti ng an A nte nna .... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... 6 Po wer So urc es . ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... 8 Us ing Alk alin e Ba tte[...]
Seite 5
5 Replac ing t he DC Ca r Adapt er Fus e .. ... ..... ....... .... ..... .... 35 Sp ec i fic a t io n s .... ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... . 3 6 PREP ARA TION CONNECTING AN ANTENNA Cauti on: To pr event dam age to your wal kie-t alki e, you mus t connec t an antenna bef ore you oper ate th[...]
Seite 6
6 3. Press do wn and t urn t h e ante nna’ s base clock wise u ntil it lock s into pl ace. Note: If you ar e power ing your walki e-talki e from your v ehicl e’s ciga rette light er soc ket or f rom AC power , you ca n connect th e suppl ied DC adapter cord’s antenna connec tor to an ext ernal anten na ( see “Using Vehi cle Bat tery Power ?[...]
Seite 7
7 Warnin g: Use extre me cau tion wh en inst alli ng or remov ing an outdo or an tenna. If the ante nna st arts to fall, let it go! It could cont act ove rhead powe r lines . If the a nt e nna touc hes a power li ne, co ntact with t he ante nna, mas t , c able, or guy wi res can cause el e ctrocu tion a nd death. Call the power compan y to re - mov[...]
Seite 8
8 Foll ow thes e s teps t o ins tall batt eries in t he al kalin e batt ery cas e . 1. If t he alkal ine bat tery c ase is conn ected to the walki e- tal kie, pus h the batt ery latch up and slide t he batter y case of f th e wa lkie-ta lkie. 2. Using your thumb, press down o n one of th e arro w marks on top of t he bat tery case and pull it open.[...]
Seite 9
9 4. Press the batter y case back toget her and slide i t onto the wa lkie -tal ki e. Cauti ons: • Nev er mix di ff erent typ es of batter ies, and never mi x old and n ew batter ies. • Do not put alkali ne batter ies in the rec hargeabl e batter y cas e . • Us e only repl acemen t bat teri es of the req uired type. • Do no t dispos e of th[...]
Seite 10
10 Foll ow t he se steps to inst all batt eries in the recha r gea ble batter y cas e . 1. If t he r ech arge able batte ry c ase is c onnec ted to the wal ki e- tal kie, pus h the batt ery latch up and slide t he batter y case of f th e wa lkie-ta lkie. 2. Using your thumb, press down o n one of th e arro w marks on top of t he bat tery case and p[...]
Seite 11
11 • Do no t dispos e of the batte ries i n a fire b ecause the y can expl ode. • Do not open or mutil ate a ba tter y . Swal lowing a ba t ter y can be fa ta l . • Be caref ul not to sh ort th e batter ies wit h con duct i ng materi - als, suc h as ring s, brac elets, and keys. The ba tterie s or conduc t or mi ght o verheat a nd burn . • [...]
Seite 12
12 Uncap t he power ja ck cover on the bat tery case, attach t h e adapt er plug t o the ad apt er, i nsert the ada pte r plug into the pow- er jac k, then pl ug the charger i nto a st andard AC outl et . War ning: Never try t o recha rge alk aline or ot her non- recha rgea ble bat teries. Char ging non- rechar geable b atter ies can cause them to [...]
Seite 13
13 Using V ehic le Batter y Power Your wal kie-tal kie comes wi th a DC car adap ter that is idea l for use i n y our vehi cle. It lets you power your walki e- talk ie from your vehi cle’s cigaret te lig hter sock et (if your vehicl e has a 12-vol t negat ive-groun d electri cal sys t e m), and i ts ante nna adapte r con- nect or mak es i t easy [...]
Seite 14
14 3. Inser t the c igaret te l ighte r plug i nto y our veh i cl e’ s c igaret te li ght er soc ket . Note: I f the walki e-talki e do es not operat e proper l y when you us e the DC car a dapter , u nplug t he cor d fro m th e li ghter socket an d clea n an y ashes or o t her debris from the socket . If it s till do es not ope r ate pr oper l y[...]
Seite 15
15 Using AC Power You can operate t he walki e- talki e fr om AC power us i ng th e sup - pli ed DC car a dapter, a 12-vo lt DC power sup ply (such a s Cat. No. 22 -120 ), and a cigar ette light er acc essory outlet (such as Cat. No. 270- 1539). The s upplie d DC car ada pter al so le ts you connec t an extern al, mount ed walkie -talk ie antenna. [...]
Seite 16
16 Cauti on: Befor e plug ging t he plug into your cigaret te li ghter acces sory ou tlet , mak e sure the cap is screwed fi rmly ont o the pl ug. See “Repl acing t he DC Car Adapt er Fuse” on Page 34 for more info rmatio n about the cigaret te li ght er plug. 3. Inser t the ci garett e lighter plug on the DC car adapt er into the ci garett e l[...]
Seite 17
17 6. When y ou finish usi ng the DC adapt er cord , disco nnect i t fro m the ci garett e li ght er acces sor y ou tlet . Then di sc onnec t the adapt er cor d fro m your wal kie- talki e. Reco nnect t he suppl ied ante nna to the ant enna jack on th e walkie- ta lkie. USING AN EXTERNAL SPEAKER In a nois y area, an ext ernal spe aker posi tioned i[...]
Seite 18
18 CONNECTING AN EXTERNAL SPEAKER/MICROPHONE You can us e an external sp eaker/micr ophon e ( s uch as Cat . No. 19-310 ) for hands -free operati on. Remove the cap and plug th e speake r/ micropho ne’s c onnec tor i nto t he walkie -talkie ’s MIC and SPK ja cks. USING THE WRIST STRAP You can use the attac hed wris t strap to keep the walkie -t[...]
Seite 19
19 OPER A TI ON Befor e you use you r walkie-t alki e, you shoul d know how to use it eff ectiv ely an d c ourteou sly. “Opera tional Hint s” c ont ains infor- mati on that will help yo u get m ore enj oyment f rom y our wal kie- talk ie. RECEIVING TRANSMISSIONS AND ADJUSTING SQUELCH 1. T urn SQUELC H fully cou ntercl oc kw is e. 2. T urn on t [...]
Seite 20
20 3. Press UP or DWN unti l the desired chan nel appears on t he disp lay . As you receive si gnal s, th e signal met er on t he dis- play shows the incomi ng signal streng t h. Im port ant! Ch annel 9 is r eser ved fo r motor ist assist ance and for re porti ng e m e rgency inf ormati on about acci dents, hazar dous r oad condit ions, and so on. [...]
Seite 21
21 TRANSMITTING 1. Foll ow t he steps descr ibed in “Recei ving T r an smissi ons and Ad j usting Sque lch.” 2. T o transm it, pr ess PTT . TX appear s on t he displ ay . The RF Out m eter on t he display s hows t he output level . Hold the walki e-ta lkie about 2– 3 inche s from your mout h and sp eak slowl y and cl earl y in a normal to ne [...]
Seite 22
22 4. Press H/ L to set the outpu t power to low power , if ne ces- sar y . LOW appear s on the di splay . Use t his mode t o trans- mit t o nearb y u nits. If t he other walkie- talk ie is far ther away or the rec eivin g perso n complains of noise, pr ess H/L again to set it to high outpu t power . LOW disappears from t he d ispla y . 5. T o t ur[...]
Seite 23
23 T urning On/Off the Light Press LG T to tur n on and off the display ’s light. Using Las t Channel Recall Press LC R to r eturn to th e last c hannel that was u sed for longe r than 3 sec onds or was tra nsm it t ed on. 21- 16 72. fm Pa ge 23 Th urs da y, Au gus t 5, 1999 1 2: 04 P M[...]
Seite 24
24 Scanning I ncoming Signa ls To scan i n coming si gna ls, pr ess SCAN . SCAN a ppears o n the disp lay, and t he walkie -talk ie stops for 5 seconds on each chan- nel wher e t here i s a t ransm iss ion. Press SCAN agai n to s t op au- tomat ic sc anning. SCAN disappea rs f rom the display . Alterna ting Between T wo Channels To al tern at e bet[...]
Seite 25
25 The wa l k ie-talk ie al terna tes be t wee n the fir st se lecte d c hannel (th e dual wat ch channe l ) and t he current ly se lected channel . Whene ver th e walki e-tal kie de tects a trans missio n on the f irs t channel , it switc hes back t o that cha nnel. Af ter 5 s econds, t he walki e-ta lkie retur ns to t he second c hanne l (eve n i[...]
Seite 26
26 Locking t he Functions Use th e LO CK switch t o lock th e walki e-talki e’s f unct ions (except PTT , LGT , and H/L ) to prev ent acci dental program chan ges. Press LOCK so LOCK appear s on t he display. To release th e lock , press LOCK again. LOCK disa ppears from the displ ay. POWER SA VE R Your wal kie-t alki e features a sp ecial power [...]
Seite 27
27 OPERA TIO NAL HINTS Like most acti vit ies, CB r adio ha s it s c ustoms an d courtesi es. The f ol lowing tip s wil l hel p you get the m ost enjoym ent f rom your wa lkie -tal ki e. COMMON USES FOR A CB RADIO Business Us es • T ruck dri vers and deli very per sonn el can l earn r oad and tra ffi c condi tions and get ass istanc e in loc atin[...]
Seite 28
28 • If y ou are a t wo- car (or m ore) f amily , CB radi os are gr eat for communi catin g with f amily members whi le the y are i n thei r cars. • Con tac t fri end s or n ei ghbors — fi nd ou t “ w hat ’s ha ppeni ng” or pla n a get -tog ether . • Ever hav e car trouble or run ou t of gas on the hi ghway ? What an a ssur ance i t i[...]
Seite 29
29 MAXIMUM RANGE The ma xi mum range an d qualit y of CB radio t ransm is sions var y dependi ng on the fol lowin g condition s: • The t ype and qu ality of ant enna us ed • The hei ght of the a nt e nna’ s mount ing l ocati on — t he highe r the ant enna , the bett er the si gnal ’s r ange • The sur r o unding t errain — mount ains a[...]
Seite 30
30 This table list s codes adopted by t he Associa ted Publ ic Saf ety Communi cat ions Off icer s (APCO). C ode Me anin g 10-1 Yo ur si gnal is bad. 10-2 Yo ur si gnal is good. 10-3 Stop t ransm it ti ng. 10-4 Mes sage r eceived an d under sto od. 10-5 Re lay informat i on to _____. 10-6 I am busy or ar e you busy? 10-7 Out of ser vice. 10-8 In se[...]
Seite 31
31 Code Meaning 10-17 En rout e. 10-18 Urge nt. 10-19 Contact __ ___. 10-20 What is your locati on? 10-21 Call _____ by t elephon e. 10-22 Cancel la st message. 10-23 Arriv ed at t he scene . 10-24 Assignment compl et e. 10-25 Meet ___ __. 10-26 Estimat ed time of ar ri val is _____. 10-30 Use cauti on. 10-31 Pick up. 10-33 Emerge ncy tr affi c. Cl[...]
Seite 32
32 CARE Your Radi o Shack TRC-232 4-Wat t 40-Chann el CB Walkie- Talk ie is an exa mple of supe rior design and cr aftsman ship. The fol lowing sug gestio ns wil l help y ou care f or the CB r adio s o you can e njoy it for y ears. • Kee p the walkie- t alkie dry . If it gets wet , wipe i t dr y immed i- atel y . Liqu ids can c onta in miner als [...]
Seite 33
33 FCC INFORMA TIO N The Feder al Communicat ions Com mission (FCC) doe s not re- quir e you to have a license t o operate th is CB radio. However , you mu st kno w Part 95 of FCC Rules . I t ex plain s the proper op - erat ion of a Class D cit izens ban d tra nsceive r. We e nclosed a copy of Part 95 with your CB radio. Warnin g: Do not open the C[...]
Seite 34
34 This device c omplies w ith Par t 15 of FCC Rules . Operat ion i s subj ect to the f ol lowing t w o condi tions : 1. This dev ice may no t caus e harmf ul int erference . 2. This device m ust ac cept any inter ferenc e recei ved, i nclud- ing i nte rfere nce that may caus e undesi r ed oper ati on. REPLACING THE DC CAR ADAPTER FUSE The DC car a[...]
Seite 35
35 SPE CIF IC A T ION S RECEIVER Freque ncy Cove rage .. .... .. . .... . .... . .... .. ... .. .. 26.965 –27.405 MHz Sen sit ivit y ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... 0 .7 m V fo r 1 0dB (S +N )/N Adjac ent Cha nnel Rej ecti on ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ... ..... .. 65 dB Audio Distort i on at 1 kHz . .. .... . .[...]
Seite 36
36 Freque ncy T oler ance ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .... . .... . .... . .... . .... 0.002% Curre nt Dra in ( with modulati on): HI Pos it ion . ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .... 10 00 mA LO W Po si tio n . ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... ... .. . 800 m A GENERAL Power Requi r[...]
Seite 37
37 NOTES 21- 16 72. fm Pa ge 37 Th urs da y, Au gus t 5, 1999 1 2: 04 P M[...]
Seite 38
38 21- 16 72. fm Pa ge 38 Th urs da y, Au gus t 5, 1999 1 2: 04 P M[...]
Seite 39
39 21- 16 72. fm Pa ge 39 Th urs da y, Au gus t 5, 1999 1 2: 04 P M[...]
Seite 40
RADIO SH ACK A Divisi on of T a ndy Cor porat ion Fort Wor t h, T exas 76102 1A7 P rinted i n Korea RADIO SHACK L IMITED W ARRANTY Th is p rod uc t is war ra nt ed ag ai nst def ec ts for 90 d ay s f rom d at e o f pur ch ase f rom R adi o Sha ck c ompan y-owned store s a nd aut ho- riz ed Radi o Sh ac k fra nchi sees a nd deal er s. W it h in this[...]