Seite 1
Instal l drivers Instal l programs SyncMaster 204BM[...]
Seite 2
Notation al Failure t o follow direction s noted by this s ymbol cou ld resu lt in bod ily ha rm or dam age to the e quipment. Prohibited Important to read a nd unde rstand at all times Do not disassem ble Disc onnect the p lug from the outl et Do not touch Ground t o preven t an ele ctric shoc k Power When not used for an exte nded peri od of ti m[...]
Seite 3
Do not use a damaged o r loose plug . z This ma y caus e elec tric shock or fire. Do not pull the plug out by the wire nor touch the plug with wet hand s. z This ma y caus e elec tric shock or fire. Use only a p roperly g rounded plug and recepta cle. z An improp er ground may caus e elect ric sho ck or eq uipment da mage. (Class l Equip ment on ly[...]
Seite 4
z This ma y caus e elec tric shock or fire. Installation Be sure to contac t an auth orized Service Ce nter, when i nstall ing you r monit or in a locati on wi th heavy du st, hig h or low temper atures, high humidi ty, and expos ed to chem ical s ubstances and where it operat es for 24 hours s uch as at airports, trai n st ati ons etc . Fail ure t[...]
Seite 5
Keep a ny heating devices a way from the po wer cable. z A melt ed coat ing may c ause el ectric sho ck or f ire. Do not install the product in places w ith poor ventilat ion, for instance, a bookshelf, close t, etc. z Any incre ase in the inte rnal tempera ture may ca use fire . Put down the mon itor carefully. z Fail ing to d o so ma y dama ge th[...]
Seite 6
a sligh tly mo istened , soft fa bric. Do not spray w ater or detergen t direc tly onto the moni tor. z This ma y caus e dama ge, elec tric shoc k or fire. Use the recommend ed detergent with a smooth cloth. If the conne ctor betwe en the plug and th e pin is d usty or dirty, c lean it properly using a dr y cloth. z A dirty c onnecto r may c ause e[...]
Seite 7
unusual so und or smell coming from the m onitor - unplu g it immedi ately and contac t an authorize d dealer or the Servic e Center . z This ma y caus e elec tric shock or fire. Keep the produc t away from places expo sed to oil, smoke or m oisture; do not insta ll inside a vehicle. z This ma y caus e a ma lfuncti on, elec tric shock or fire. z In[...]
Seite 8
Never insert any thing meta llic into the mon itor openings . z This ma y caus e elec tric shock , fire or injury. Do not in sert metal o bjects suc h as chopstick s, wire an d tools or inflammabl e objects such as p aper or matche s into the vent, headphone port or AV ports or etc. z This ma y caus e electric shock or fire. If an alien s ubstan ce[...]
Seite 9
connected to other devic es, are dis connected before mov ing the monitor. z Fail ure to di sconnect c ables may da mage it and cause fire or el ectric shock. Place the pr oduct ou t of children' s reach, as they coul d damage by hanging onto it. z A falling product may c ause injury to the p erson or even fa tality. When not us ing the produc[...]
Seite 10
Please mak e sure the following items are in cluded with y our monitor . If any items are m issing, c ontact you r dealer . Contact a loc al deale r to bu y o p tional i tems. Un p ackin g Without Stand Monito r With Stand HAS Stand Manual[...]
Seite 11
Quick Setup Guide Warranty Card (Not av ailabl e in all locations ) User's Guide, M onitor Driver, Natural Color, MagicTune™, Ma g icRotation software Cab le D-Sub Cable Power Cord A udio Ca ble Sold se p aratel y DVI Cable Set-Bracket Screws ( 4 EA ) Front[...]
Seite 12
MENU button [ ] Opens the OSD m enu. Als o use to ex it the OS D menu or return to th e previous menu. MagicBright bu tton [] MagicBri ght is a new featu re provi ding opt imum view ing environm ent dep ending on the conte nts of th e image yo u are watch ing. Currently sev en different mod es are availab le: Custo m, Text, Internet, Game, Sport an[...]
Seite 13
[] Enter button [ ] / Source button Activate s a hig hlighted menu item . / Push the ' ', then sel ects th e video si gnal w hile the O SD is off. (When the sou rce butto n is press ed to ch ange the input mode , a messa ge appea rs in the up per left o f the sc reen displa ying th e current m ode -- Analo g or D igital inpu t signal .) N[...]
Seite 14
DVI IN port : Connect the DVI Cable to t he DVI I N port on th e back of your monit or. (SOURCE: Digital) RGB IN port :Conne ct the s ignal cab le to the RGB IN port o n the back of you r monito r. (SOURCE: An alog) Kensington Lo ck : The Kensing ton lock i s a devic e used t o physic ally f ix the sys tem to something when u sing it in a publi c p[...]
Seite 15
Cable F ix Ring: When connectin g the ca ble is finishe d fix the cables to the C able F ix Ring. AUDIO IN: Connec t the audio cable for your moni tor to the audio p ort on the b ack of you r co mputer. See Co nnecting th e Monit or for further informat ion regarding cable connec tions.[...]
Seite 16
Connecti n g the Monitor Connec t the pow er cord fo r your monit or to the power port o n the bac k of the m onitor. Plug the p ower cord f or the mo nitor into a nearby o utlet. Use a ppropriate co nnectio n for yo ur comp uter. Using the D-sub (Analog) conn ector on the vid eo card. Connec t the signa l cabl e to the 1 5-pin, D-sub port on th e [...]
Seite 17
Usin g the Stan d Removin g the base HAS Stand 1. Turn off y our monitor a nd unpl ug its p ower cord. 2. Lay the LCD mon itor face-d own o n a flat surfa ce with a cushi on bene ath it to protect the screen. 3. Rem ove screw s ( A ) and then remove the Stand from the LC D monito r. Swivel sta nd[...]
Seite 18
Using ( ),You can swivel t he moni tor left a nd right at an angle of 350° to s et the monitor lengthwis e. The ru bber under the stand i s to av oid the mon itor sli de. When you try to ro tate the mon itor in th e state of the po wer cord or cable connec ting to t he monitor, t he pow er cord of ca ble ca n be des troyed. Tilt an g le Using ( ) [...]
Seite 19
A. Stand Stopper The Auto Rotation may not b e supported d epend on the mo nitor model. If you rotate the sc reen without liftin g it to its m aximum he ight, the s creen may be damaged b ecause th e edge of th e screen w ould hit th e floor. Attachi ng a Base This mo nitor accep ts a 10 0 mm x 100 mmVESA-compli ant mou nting interfa ce pad. HAS St[...]
Seite 20
of the Mo nitor. z For wall m ounts th at do not co mply with VESA s tandard s crew specif ication s, the leng th of the sc rews may differ depending o n their s pecificati ons. z Do not use screws that do not comp ly with the VESA s tandard screw specific ations. Do not fasten t he screws too tightly , as this may da mage the product or c ause th [...]
Seite 21
5. Monitor driver in stalla tion is com pleted . This mo nitor dri ver is under ce rtifying MS l ogo,and this in stallation don't damage your sy stem.T he certified driver w ill be po sted on Samsung Monitor hom epage http://www.sam sung.com / . Installing the Monitor Dri ver (Manual) Window s Vista | Windows XP | Windows 2 000 | Wind ows ME |[...]
Seite 22
4. Clic k " Advanced Settings… ". 5. Clic k " Properties " in the " Monitor " tab. If the " Properties " button is deactivate d, it means t he conf iguratio n for you r monito r is co mpleted . The mo nitor can be used a s is. If the mess age “ Window s needs… ” i s display ed, as shown in the figu re[...]
Seite 23
8. Clic k " Have Disk … " and sel ect the folder (for examp le, D:Drive ) where the d river s etup file is locate d, and c lick " OK ". 9. Se lect the m odel tha t match es your monitor from the lis t of mo nitor mo dels on the screen, and cli ck " Next ". 10. Clic k " Close " → " Close " → &[...]
Seite 24
Microsoft ® Windows ® XP Oper ating System 1. Insert CD int o the CD-ROM driv er. 2. C lick " Start " —> " Control Panel " the n clic k the " Ap pearan ce and Themes " Icon. 3. C lick " Display " icon and choose the " Settings " tab the n clic k " Advanc ed.. ". 4. C lick t he "[...]
Seite 25
6. S elect " Don't search ,I will.. " then c lick " Next " an d then c lick " Ha ve disk ". 7. C lick t he " Browse " button then choos e A:(D:Driver) a nd choo se you r monito r model in the model l ist and click the " Ne xt " button. 8. If yo u can see follow ing " Mes sage " wind [...]
Seite 26
10. Monitor driver in stalla tion is com pleted . Microsoft ® Windows ® 2000 Op erating System When you c an see " Digital Signatu re Not Fou nd" on your monitor, follo w these steps. 1. Choos e " OK " button on the " I nsert disk " window . 2. C lick t he " Browse " button on th e " File Ne eded "[...]
Seite 27
Microsoft ® Windows ® NT Op erating System 1. C lick Start , Settings , Control Panel , and the n double-cli ck Display ico n. 2. In Dis play Reg istratio n Inform ation wind ow, clic k Settin gs Tab a nd then click All Display Modes . 3. Select a mode th at you wis h to use (Res olution , Number o f colors and Vertica l frequen cy) and t hen cli[...]
Seite 28
monitor are the s ame as the printed o r scann ed images . For more i nformation, refer to Hel p (F1) in the s oftware pro gram. Installing th e Natural Color Software Insert the CD inc luded wi th the Sam sung moni tor into t he CD-RO M Drive . The ini tial Natu ral Color scre en will a ppear. Cli ck on Na tural Colo r in the s tartup win dow to i[...]
Seite 29
1. [] Use t his button f or open th e on-scre en menu an d exits from the me nu scre en or cl oses screen a djustm ent men u. 2. [ ] These b uttons allo w you to adju st item s in the me nu. 3. [ ] Press this b utton to Activate s a hig hlighted m enu item . 4. [A UTO] Press thi s button to self-adju st to the incom ing Analog s ignal. (Avai lable [...]
Seite 30
Menu Descripti on AUTO When the ' AUTO ' b utton is pres sed, th e Auto Adj ustmen t screen app ears as shown in the a nimated screen on the cen ter. Auto adjus tment allows th e monitor to self-a djust t o the incom ing Anal og signal. The val ues of fine, co arse and position a re adjus ted auto matica lly. (Avai lable in Ana log mod e [...]
Seite 31
>>When press ing the M ENU button after loc king the OS D Menu Descripti on Locke d This is the func tion that lo cks t he OSD in order to keep the current s tates of settings or prev ent other s from adjus ting th e current setting s. Loc k : Hold down the menu bu tton for m ore than five seco nds to a ctivate the OS D adjus tment lo ck fun [...]
Seite 32
MagicBright™ Menu Descripti on MagicBright™ Push the MagicBri ght button to circle through availa ble preconfigure d modes . - Se ven differen t modes (Custo m/Text/Intern et/Game/Spo rt/Movi e/Dynamic Co ntrast) Volume Menu Descripti on Volume When OSD i s not on the sc reen, push th e button to adju st volume.[...]
Seite 33
SOURCE Menu Descripti on SOURCE Selects the vid eo signal w hile the OSD is off. Picture Brightness Cont ra st Color Ma gicC olo r C olor Tone Col or Co ntr ol Gamma Image Coa rs e Fine Sharpness H-Po sit ion V-Po si ti on OSD Language H-Po sit ion V-Position Transparency Displa y Tim e Setup Auto Source Ima ge Reset Colo r Re set Information Pictu[...]
Seite 34
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p Bright ness You can u se the o n-screen m enus t o chang e the brigh tness according t o person al prefere nce. [MENU → → → , → MENU] Contrast You can u se the o n-screen m enus t o chang e the co ntrast accordi ng to pe rsonal p reference . [MENU → → , → → , → MENU] Col or[...]
Seite 35
Menu Descripti on Play/Sto p MagicColor [MENU → , → → → , → MENU] MagicC olor is a new techn ology that Sams ung has exclus ively dev eloped to improve digital image and to display natural color more clearly without disturbi ng image quality . 1) Off - Returns to the original mode. 2) De mo - The screen before applying Magic Color appears[...]
Seite 36
Coarse Remov es noise such a s vertical stripes. C oarse adjustm ent may move the screen image area. You m ay relocate it to the center using th e horiz ontal contro l menu. (Avai lable i n analog mo de only ) [MENU → , → → → , → MENU] Fine Remov es noise such a s horizonta l stripe s. If the noise persist s even afte r fine tun ing, repe[...]
Seite 37
compute r. [MENU → , → → → , → MENU] H-Position You can c hange t he horiz ontal posi tion w here the OSD menu ap pears on your monit or. [MENU → , → → , → → , → MENU] V-Position You can c hange t he vertical positi on where th e OSD men u appears on your mon itor. [MENU → , → → , → → , → MENU] Transpa rency Change[...]
Seite 38
[MENU → , → → , → → , → MENU] Information Menu Descripti on Info rm at ion Shows a video source , displ ay mode on the OSD s creen. [MENU → , → MENU][...]
Seite 39
Installation 1. Insert the installation CD into the CD-R OM drive. 2. Click the MagicTune™ installa tion file. 3. Select installation Language, Click "Next". 4. When the Installation Shield Wizard window appears, click "Next." 5. Select "I agree to th e term s of the license agreement" t o accept the ter ms of use . [...]
Seite 40
Window s® Contro l Pa nel. Per form t he f oll owing s tep s rem ove M agicT une™ . 1. Go to [Task Tra y] ' [Star t] ' [Settin gs] and select [Control Pa nel] in the menu. If th e program r uns on Windows® XP, go to [Control Panel] in the [Start] men u. 2. Click the "Add or Remove Programs" ico n in Control Pa nel. 3. In the[...]
Seite 41
Installati on 1. Insert the installation CD in to the CD-ROM dri ve. 2. Clic k the Mag icRot ation inst alla tion file. 3. Sele ct i nstal lati on Lan guage , Cl ick "N ext". 4. Wh en the Insta llSh ield Wiza rd win dow app ea rs, clic k "Nex t." 5. Selec t "I accept the terms of the license agree ment" to accept the t[...]
Seite 42
z Window s NT 4.0 z Window s 2000 z Window s XP Home E diti on z Windows XP Professional Hardware z 128MB Memory above(recommended) z 25MB Free Hard di sk space above Ser vi ce P ac ks z It is recomm ended that your Sy stem h as the lates t Servic e Pack in stalle d. z For Windows® NT 4.0, it is recomme nded to install In ternet Expl orer 5.0 a nd[...]
Seite 43
Before cal ling fo r assis tance, che ck the informat ion in t his secti on to se e if you can rem edy any prob lems yours elf. If y ou do n eed assis tance, p lease cal l the p hone numbe r on the Informati on section or conta ct you r dealer . Symptom Check List Solutions No im ages on the scre en. I cannot t urn on the moni tor. Is the po wer co[...]
Seite 44
Hz,, th e display will w ork prope rly but the "N ot Optimum Mode"," Recommend ed Mode 1600 X 120 0 60 H z" message appears for one m inute an d then disappe ars. Please c hange to the recomm ended mode du ring this one-minute p eriod. (The m essage i s disp layed a gain if the sys tem is rebo oted.) There is no ima ge on the sc[...]
Seite 45
There are o nly 16 col ors shown on the screen. The scre en colors hav e changed after changin g the video card . Have the Windo ws colo rs been se t properly ? Window s ME/20 00/XP: Set the co lors pro perly at the Control Panel → Displ ay → Settings . Has th e video ca rd been set properly ? Set the vi deo car d by refe rring to the video c a[...]
Seite 46
Check the following item s if there is tro uble with the m onitor. 1. Check if the power cord and the vid eo cabl es are p roperly conn ected t o the co mputer. 2. Check if the computer be eps mo re than 3 times wh en booti ng. (If it does, reques t an a s ervice for t he main board of the comput er.) 3. If yo u insta lled a new video card or if y [...]
Seite 47
This box appea rs during normal ope ration if the vid eo cabl e becomes disconne cted or damaged . 4. Turn o ff your moni tor and re connect th e video cable; then turn on both your co mputer a nd the monit or. If yo ur monitor s creen re mains blan k after u sing th e previous procedu re, check y our vid eo controll er and c omputer system; y our [...]
Seite 48
Gene ral General Model Nam e SyncMas ter 204BM LCD Pan el Size 20 i nch (51 c m) Displ ay area 408.0 mm (H) x 306 .0 mm (V) Pixel Pitc h 0.255 mm (H) x 0.2 55 mm (V) Synchronizat ion Horizo ntal 30 ~ 81 k Hz Vertical 56 ~ 75 Hz Disp lay C ol or 16.7 M Resolution Optimu m resol ution 1600 x1200@60 Hz Maxim um resoluti on 1600x1200@ 60 Hz Input Signa[...]
Seite 49
444 x 41 1.3 x 20 0.8 mm / 17.5 x 16. 2 x 7.9 inch (Wi th Stand) / 5.6 kg / 12.3 lbs VESA Mounting Int erface 100 mm x 100 mm ( For use wi th Specia lty(Arm) Moun ting ha rdware.) Environm ental cons iderations Operati ng Temperat ure: 50°F ~ 104°F (10°C ~ 40°C) Humid ity: 10 % ~ 80 %, non -con densing Storage Temperat ure: -4°F ~113°F (-20°[...]
Seite 50
Preset Tim ing Modes If the signal tran sferred f rom the c ompute r is the same as th e follo wing Preset Timing Mo des, the screen wi ll be ad justed automat ically. H owever, i f the signa l differs , the sc reen may g o blank while the pow er LED is o n. Refer to the video c ard man ual and adjust the s creen a s follow s. Table 1. Pres et Timi[...]
Seite 51
Cont act SAMSUNG WORL DWIDE If you have any ques tions or com ments relati ng to Samsun g products, pleas e contact the SAMSUNG c ustomer care center. North America U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (7 267864) http://www.sam sung.c om CANADA 1-800-SAMSUN G (7267864) http: //www.samsu ng.com/ca MEXICO 01-800-SAM SUNG (7267864) http://www.samsu ng.com /mx Lati n A[...]
Seite 52
BELGI UM 02 201 24 18 http://www.sam sung.c om/be CZECH REPUBLIC 844 000 844 http://www.samsu ng.com/cz DENMARK 7 0 70 19 70 http://www.sam sung.c om/dk FINLAND 030-6227 515 http://www.sam sung.c om/fi FRANCE 3260 SAMSUN G(7267864) (€ 0,1 5/m in) http: //www.samsung.c om/fr GERMANY 01805 - 1 21213 (€ 0,14/Min ) http://www.sam sung.d e HUNGARY 0[...]
Seite 53
PHILIPPINES 1800-10-SAM SUNG (7267864) http://www.sam sung.c om/ph SINGAPORE 1800-SAMSUNG (7 267864) http://www.s amsung.c om/sg THAILAN D 1800-29-3 232, 02-6 89-3232 http://www.sam sung.com /th TAIWAN 0 800-329-999 http://www.samsu ng.com /tw VIETNAM 1 800 588 889 h ttp://www.samsu ng.com/ vn Middle Eas t & Africa SOUTH AFRICA 0860 7267864 (SA[...]
Seite 54
1. Adjust c omputer resoluti on and scre en inje ction rate (re fresh rate ) oncompute r as des cribed below to enjoy the best q uality of pictu re. You ca n have an uneven q uality of pictu re in the screen i f the be st qual ity of pictu re is no t provid ed in TF T-LCD. { Resol ution: 1600 X 1200 { Vertical f requenc y (refresh rate): 60 H z 2. [...]
Seite 55
PRODUCT INFORMATION (Image Retention Free) LCD Mon itors an d TVs may h ave im age reten tion when switchi ng from o ne ima ge to another especi ally af ter disp laying a s tationary image for a long ti me. This gui de is t o demon strate correc t usage of LCD produ cts in order to p rotect them from Ima ge rete nti on. Warrant y Warrant y does not[...]
Seite 56
Ex) The best w ay to protec t your monito r from Image r etention is to set your PC or S y stem to o p erate a Screen Saver p ro g ram when y ou are not usin g it. Image ret ention m ay not occur wh en a LCD pan el is o perated u nder normal conditi ons. Normal condi tions a re define d as co ntinuously chang ing vid eo patte rns. When the LCD pane[...]
Seite 57
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & E lectronic Equipment) - Europe only (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection s ystems) This marki ng show n on the product or its litera ture, indic ates that i t should not be disposed w ith other h ousehold w astes at th e end of its w orking [...]