Samsung S5 Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkรคufer zur รœbertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung S5 an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher รผbertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage fรผr eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Gerรคts mit dem Vertrag. RechtsmรครŸig lรคsst man das Anfรผgen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von Samsung S5, sowie Anleitungsvideos fรผr Nutzer beifรผgt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verstรคndlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen โ€žinstructioโ€, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung Samsung S5 die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Gerรคts oder auch der Ausfรผhrung bestimmter Tรคtigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen รผber ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung S5. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusรคtzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Gerรคts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung S5 sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen รผber technische Daten des Gerรคts Samsung S5
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Gerรคts Samsung S5
- Grundsรคtze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Gerรคts Samsung S5
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die รœbereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestรคtigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafรผr ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Gerรคte angeht. Leider ist das AnschlieรŸen und Starten von Samsung S5 zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezรผglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsรคtze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von Samsung S5 und Lรถsungsarten fรผr Probleme, die wรคhrend der Nutzung auftreten kรถnnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service Samsung finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lรถsungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularitรคt, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschรผre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von Samsung S5 zu รผberspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort รผber den Bau sowie die Mรถglichkeiten des Gerรคts Samsung S5, รผber die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Gerรคts, sollte man einige Zeit fรผr das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von Samsung S5 widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder รผbersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verstรคndlich fรผr die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfรผllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A va il a b le ๎€ƒ a p p licat io n s๎€ƒ a n d ๎€ƒ se rvi ce s๎€ƒ a re ๎€ƒ su b je ct๎€ƒ t o ๎€ƒ ch a n g e ๎€ƒ a t ๎€ƒ a n y๎€ƒ t im e .[...]

  • Seite 2

    i Ta ble of C on te nt s G et๎€ƒ Starte d 1 Your๎€ƒ Phone ๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ G lan ce 1 Set๎€ƒ U p๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ Phon e 1 Acti vate ๎€ƒ Y our๎€ƒ Phon e 3 C omp lete ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Setup 4 Set๎€ƒ U p๎€ƒ Voic em ai l 6 Sprint๎€ƒ Ac cou nt๎€ƒ Info r mat io n๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ H elp 6 Sprint๎€ƒ Ac cou nt๎€ƒ Pass w ords 6 Ma nage๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ Acc ount 7 Sprint๎€ƒ Suppo r t[...]

  • Seite 3

    ii Ma ke๎€ƒ P hon e๎€ƒ C all s 29 C al l๎€ƒ U si ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ K ey pad 29 C al l๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ Log s 29 C al l๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ C onta cts 29 C al l๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ N umbe r ๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Tex t๎€ƒ Mes sag e 30 C al l๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ N umbe r ๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ E mai l๎€ƒ Mes sag e 30 Ma ke๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ E me rgen c y ๎€ƒ C al l 30 R ec eiv e๎€ƒ Phone ๎€ƒ C al ls 31 Phone ๎€ƒ C [...]

  • Seite 4

    ii i Ass ign๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P ic ture๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ C onta ct 46 Ass ign๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ R ing ton e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ C onta ct 46 Li nk๎€ƒ C onta cts 46 D el ete ๎€ƒ C on tac ts 47 Save ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Busi nes s๎€ƒ C ard๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ C onta ct 47 Me r ge๎€ƒ C onta cts 48 Speed ๎€ƒ D ial s 48 Fav orites 4 9 G r oup s 49 Share๎€ƒ C ontac ts 51 Expo r t๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Impo r t[...]

  • Seite 5

    iv YouTub e 66 G oogl e+ 67 H ang outs 67 Apps ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Entertai nmen t 69 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ S tore 69 Fin d๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Ins tal l๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ App 69 C reate ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Go ogle ๎€ƒ W al let๎€ƒ A cc oun t 70 O pen๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ Ins tall ed๎€ƒ A pp 70 U ni ns tall ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ A pp 70 N av igat io n 71 G oogl e๎€ƒ Map s 71 Scou t 71 Sams ung๎€ƒ Apps 72 Mu sic [...]

  • Seite 6

    v Your๎€ƒ U se r ๎€ƒ N ame 8 4 D ata๎€ƒ C onn ecti on๎€ƒ S tatu s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Indi cat ors 84 H ots pot 85 Virtual ๎€ƒ P riv ate๎€ƒ N etw orks ๎€ƒ (V PN ) 86 Pr epa r e๎€ƒ Y our๎€ƒ P hon e๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ V P N ๎€ƒ C onne cti on 86 Add๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ VP N 86 C onn ect๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ V P N 88 D is con nec t๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ V P N 88 C ame r a๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Vide o 89 C a[...]

  • Seite 7

    v i D riv e 110 D ropbo x 110 D ownloa d๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ D es ktop ๎€ƒ A ppl ica tion 1 10 Acc ess ing ๎€ƒ D r opb ox๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ D evi ce 1 11 Ma nual ly๎€ƒ U pl oad ing ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P ic ture๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ D r opb ox 111 Fli pboa r d 111 G oogl e๎€ƒ N ow 111 G oogl e๎€ƒ Search 1 12 H el p 112 Loo kou t๎€ƒ S ec urity 11 2 Lum en๎€ƒ Tool bar 1 12 Me mo 113 M[...]

  • Seite 8

    v ii Ma ke๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ R ec eiv e๎€ƒ W orldwide ๎€ƒ C all s 127 Sprint๎€ƒ Inte r nati ona l๎€ƒ Voic emai l๎€ƒ S ervi ce 1 28 Set๎€ƒ U p๎€ƒ Y our๎€ƒ V oi cem ail ๎€ƒ A cc ess ๎€ƒ N umb er๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ Inte r nati onal ๎€ƒ U se 1 28 Acc ess ๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ Voic emai l๎€ƒ Interna tion all y 128 Inte r nat io nal๎€ƒ Voic ema il ๎€ƒ Troubl esh ootin g 129 Inte [...]

  • Seite 9

    v ii i S๎€ƒ B eam ๎€ƒ S etti ngs 14 6 Tap๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ P ay 146 N earby ๎€ƒ D ev ice s๎€ƒ S etti ngs 14 7 Pr in ting ๎€ƒ S etti ngs 1 48 Screen ๎€ƒ Mirrori ng๎€ƒ Settin gs 149 Sound ๎€ƒ S etti ngs 149 Sound ๎€ƒ Mode 1 49 Volu me 1 50 Vibrati on๎€ƒ Inten si ty 15 0 R in gto nes 151 Vibrati ons 15 1 N oti fic ation s 151 Vibrate ๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ R ingi ng[...]

  • Seite 10

    ix Set๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P atte r n๎€ƒ S cree n๎€ƒ Loc k 161 Set๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Fing erprint๎€ƒ Screen ๎€ƒ Loc k 162 Set๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P IN ๎€ƒ Screen ๎€ƒ Loc k 163 Set๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P as sword๎€ƒ Screen ๎€ƒ Loc k 164 Mu lti๎€ƒ Wind ow๎€ƒ S etti ngs 16 5 N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ P ane l๎€ƒ Settin gs 165 Tool box 16 6 O ne-han ded๎€ƒ Op eratio n๎€ƒ S etti ngs 16 7 Easy ๎€ƒ Mod e๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 11

    x Secu r ity ๎€ƒ Settin gs 187 Encry ptio n 187 Pass w ords 187 D ev ice ๎€ƒ A dmi nis trati on 18 7 Secu r ity ๎€ƒ U pda te๎€ƒ Servic e 188 C reden tial ๎€ƒ S torag e 189 H el p 189 Acti vate ๎€ƒ This ๎€ƒ D evi ce 18 9 Sys tem๎€ƒ U pdat e๎€ƒ S etti ngs 19 0 About๎€ƒ D ev ice ๎€ƒ S etti ngs 19 0 Appl ic ati on๎€ƒ Mana ger๎€ƒ Settin gs 191 D efau lt[...]

  • Seite 12

    x i C opy right ๎€ƒ Informa tion 2 10 Ind ex 211[...]

  • Seite 13

    G et S tarted 1 G et Sta rte d The๎€ƒ fol lowing๎€ƒ top ics ๎€ƒ gi ve๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ in forma tion ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ need ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ S print๎€ƒ s erv ice ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ firs t๎€ƒ tim e. Yo u r Phon e a t a Glan c e The๎€ƒ fol lowing๎€ƒ il lus tratio n๎€ƒ outl ine s๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone โ€™s ๎€ƒ prima r y๎€ƒ fe[...]

  • Seite 14

    G et S tarted 2 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ R epl ace ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ batte r y๎€ƒ co mpartm ent๎€ƒ cov er,๎€ƒ mak ing๎€ƒ s ure๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ tab s ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ se cure๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ there๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ no๎€ƒ gap s๎€ƒ around ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co ver. Import ant :๎€ƒ B efore๎€ƒ cl osi ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co ver,๎€ƒ che ck ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ there๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ foreig n๎€ƒ su bsta n[...]

  • Seite 15

    G et S tarted 3 ๎€ƒ n The๎€ƒ bac k๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ U S B /Acc ess ory๎€ƒ Port๎€ƒ cov ers๎€ƒ ma y๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ loos ene d๎€ƒ sl igh tly ๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dev ice ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ droppe d๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ rec eiv es๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ im pac t.๎€ƒ E ns ure๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cov ers ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ prope r ly ๎€ƒ ali gne d๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ti ght ly๎€ƒ cl os ed. ๎€ƒ Oth erw is e,๎€ƒ the[...]

  • Seite 16

    G et S tarted 4 nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ac tiva te๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ Sprint๎€ƒ ac cou nt. ๎€ƒ n If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ purch ase d๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ S print๎€ƒ Store,๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ probab ly๎€ƒ ac tiv ated๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ ready ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use . ๎€ƒ n If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ recei ve d๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ mai l๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ a[...]

  • Seite 17

    G et S tarted 5 ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Foll ow ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ons cre en๎€ƒ in struc tion s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ com plet e๎€ƒ se tup ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ eac h๎€ƒ top ic. ๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ N ext ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ righ t๎€ƒ arrow ,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mov e๎€ƒ throug h๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ste ps. ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ sk ip๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con tin ue๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nex t๎€ƒ one. ๎€ƒ D urin g๎€ƒ se tup,๎€ƒ yo[...]

  • Seite 18

    G et S tarted 6 ๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ More networks ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Mobile ne t w o r ks ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ C onnections optimiz er ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ unc heck ๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ box .๎€ƒ S ee๎€ƒ Mob ile ๎€ƒ N etworks ๎€ƒ Settin gs ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ detai ls . Set Up V oi ce m a il Your๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ autom atic al ly๎€ƒ trans fers๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ unans w ered๎€ƒ ca lls ๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 19

    G et S tarted 7 A ccount๎€ƒ U se r๎€ƒ N ame๎€ƒ an d๎€ƒPassw o rd If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ acc oun t๎€ƒ ow ner,๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ crea te๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ us er๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ pas sword๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ si gn๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sp r in t.c om/m ys print .๎€ƒ (C lic k๎€ƒ Sign in/S ign up ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ cl ic k๎€ƒ S ign up now! ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 20

    G et S tarted 8 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ pay men t. ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch eck ๎€ƒ min ute๎€ƒ us age ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ bal anc e.๎€ƒ N ote: ๎€ƒ For๎€ƒ addi tio nal๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ in formati on,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ acc es s๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ Zone๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ dev ice .๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 21

    Phone Bas ic s 9 Ph on e Basi cs Your๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ pac k ed๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ featu res ๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ si mpl ify ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ li fe๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ exp and๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ abi lity ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sta y๎€ƒ con nec ted ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ peop le ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ inf ormati on๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ imp ortant๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you .๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ foll ow ing ๎€ƒ topi cs ๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ intro[...]

  • Seite 22

    Phone Bas ic s 10 ๎€ƒ n Light S ensor :๎€ƒ D etec ts๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ambi ent๎€ƒ li ght๎€ƒ lev el,๎€ƒ s uc h๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ se tting ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ brigh tnes s๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ Autom atic ๎€ƒ brigh tnes s๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ enab le d,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ us ing๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ C ame r a. ๎€ƒ n Fr ont C amera :๎€ƒ A ll ow s๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ take ๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ and[...]

  • Seite 23

    Phone Bas ic s 11 Turn Y o ur Pho n e On a nd Off U se ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ P ower/Loc k๎€ƒ key ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ off. Tu rn๎€ƒ t h e๎€ƒPhon e๎€ƒO n ๎€ƒ n Pr es s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ P owe r /Lock ๎€ƒ key . Tu rn๎€ƒ t h e๎€ƒPhon e๎€ƒO ff ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ Pr es s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Power/Lock ๎€ƒ ke y๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis play ๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 24

    Phone Bas ic s 12 Mot ions and G est ur es C ontro l๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ mak ing ๎€ƒ spe cifi c๎€ƒ ges tures ๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ hand ๎€ƒ abov e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ sc r een . ๎€ƒ n A ir br owse :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ sc roll ๎€ƒ through ๎€ƒ page s,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ mov e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ previ ous ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ nex t๎€ƒ ite m,๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 25

    Phone Bas ic s 13 Mul ti Win do w Mu lti๎€ƒ Wind ow๎€ƒ all ow s๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ tw o๎€ƒ app s๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sam e๎€ƒ sc reen ,๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ se parate,๎€ƒ res iza ble๎€ƒ w in dows. Tu rn๎€ƒ Multi๎€ƒWind ow ๎€ƒO n๎€ƒor ๎€ƒO f f Turn๎€ƒ Mul ti๎€ƒ w indo w ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ off๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ S etti ngs . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 26

    Phone Bas ic s 14 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ c irc le๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ce nte r ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ borde r ๎€ƒ bet w een ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w ind ow s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pla y ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Mul ti๎€ƒ w indo w ๎€ƒ too lbar: ๎€ƒ l Switch w indow p ositions :๎€ƒ S w itc hes ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pos iti on๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ app๎€ƒ w ind ow s๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen. ๎€ƒ l D r ag tex t o[...]

  • Seite 27

    Phone Bas ic s 15 S w i pe ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ S l i d e To๎€ƒ swipe๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ sli de๎€ƒ mea ns๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ qui ck ly ๎€ƒ drag๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ ve r tic all y๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ hori zon tal ly ๎€ƒ acros s๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen. D rag To๎€ƒ drag,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fin ger๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ so me๎€ƒ pres sure๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ sta r t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mov e๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 28

    Phone Bas ic s 16 Fl i ck Fli ck ing๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ sim ila r๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ swipi ng,๎€ƒ ex cep t๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ swipe๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ li ght,๎€ƒ qui ck ๎€ƒ s trok es.๎€ƒ Thi s ๎€ƒ finge r๎€ƒ ges ture๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ alway s๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ verti cal ๎€ƒ direc tio n,๎€ƒ su ch๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ w he n๎€ƒ fli ck ing๎€ƒ the [...]

  • Seite 29

    Phone Bas ic s 17 N ote: ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ co ntrol๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ rotati on๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Screen ๎€ƒ rotati on๎€ƒ setti ng.๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ thi s๎€ƒ sel ect ion,๎€ƒ from ๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A p ps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S ettings > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D isplay ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S cr een rotation .๎€ƒ See๎€ƒ S cree n๎€ƒ R otati on ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ mo r e๎€ƒ info[...]

  • Seite 30

    Phone Bas ic s 18 Tip: ๎€ƒ P in chi ng๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ home ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ sh ow๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cu stom iz e๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ sc reens ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ thumb nail ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ go๎€ƒ stra ig ht๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ano the r ๎€ƒ sc reen. Yo u r Hom e Scre e n The๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ st arting ๎€ƒ poin t๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ ph[...]

  • Seite 31

    Phone Bas ic s 19 R emove๎€ƒ a๎€ƒShort cut R emo ve๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sho r tc ut๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ sc r een . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sho rtcut๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ und oc k๎€ƒ it. ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ D rag๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ic on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ R emo ve๎€ƒ ic on๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ rele as e๎€ƒ it. N ote: ๎€ƒ R emov in g๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sho rtcu t๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 32

    Phone Bas ic s 20 R emove๎€ƒ a๎€ƒW i dget ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ w idge t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ undo ck ๎€ƒ it. ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ D rag๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w idge t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ R emov e๎€ƒ ic on๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ relea se๎€ƒ it. N ote: ๎€ƒ R emov in g๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ w id get๎€ƒ does ๎€ƒ not ๎€ƒ dele te๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ w id get,๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ jus t๎€ƒ r emo v[...]

  • Seite 33

    Phone Bas ic s 21 A dd๎€ƒa๎€ƒ H o me๎€ƒ S creen You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sev en๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ sc reens . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ pin ch๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc reen . โ€“๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ โ€“ Touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ em pty ๎€ƒ sp ace ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc r een . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Scroll ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ las t๎€ƒ sc r een ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 34

    Phone Bas ic s 22 I c on D escri p ti o n Wi-Fi๎€ƒ networks ๎€ƒ av ail abl e Vibrate Mu te Speak erpho ne๎€ƒ A cti ve 3G ๎€ƒ D ata๎€ƒ S erv ice ๎€ƒ 3G ๎€ƒ D ata๎€ƒ S erv ice ,๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ us e.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ rays ๎€ƒ sp in๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ dat a๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ bei ng๎€ƒ tr ans ferred. Sprint๎€ƒ Spark๎€ƒ Enhan c ed๎€ƒ LTE๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ serv ic e๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ rays ๎€ƒ sp [...]

  • Seite 35

    Phone Bas ic s 23 I c on D escri p ti o n U SB ๎€ƒ 3.0๎€ƒ co nnec tion App๎€ƒ upda te(s)๎€ƒ ava ila bl e App๎€ƒ upda te(s)๎€ƒ suc ce ss ful D ownloa ding ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Keyb oard๎€ƒ acti ve ๎€ƒ ( ch oos e๎€ƒ inp ut๎€ƒ metho d) Screen ๎€ƒ loc k๎€ƒ se tup๎€ƒ need ed Attenti on๎€ƒ need ed:๎€ƒ S ys tem ๎€ƒ err or๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ ale rt Mo r e๎€ƒ noti fic ati ons ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 36

    Phone Bas ic s 24 ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ setti ng๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ opti on๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ off,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ se tti ng๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ di spl ay๎€ƒ its ๎€ƒ se tting s.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ swipe ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ acros s๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ qui ck ๎€ƒ se tting s,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ ava il abl e๎€ƒ se tting s.๎€ƒ Y ou?[...]

  • Seite 37

    Phone Bas ic s 25 S el ect๎€ƒ a๎€ƒDe f a ul t๎€ƒ Te xt ๎€ƒ Input๎€ƒ Met hod You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ sel ect ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ defa ult๎€ƒ Tex t๎€ƒ Input ๎€ƒ Metho d๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ Settin gs,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ cho os e๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ w hil e๎€ƒ enteri ng๎€ƒ tex t. From๎€ƒ S etti ngs : ๎€ƒ n From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S ettings > ๎€ƒ ?[...]

  • Seite 38

    Phone Bas ic s 26 S amsu ng Keyb oar d With๎€ƒ Sams ung๎€ƒ Keyb oard,๎€ƒ it's๎€ƒ eas y๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ enter๎€ƒ tex t,๎€ƒ sy mbo ls, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ num bers. U se๎€ƒSamsung๎€ƒKeybo ard๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ E nter ๎€ƒText ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ent er๎€ƒ text ๎€ƒ drag๎€ƒ dow n๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ top๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 39

    Phone Bas ic s 27 U se๎€ƒSw yp e๎€ƒt o ๎€ƒ E n t e r๎€ƒ Te xt ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ent er๎€ƒ text ๎€ƒ drag๎€ƒ dow n๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ top๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ope n๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ pane l,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ C hoo se input method ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S wy pe . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Sw ip e๎€ƒ yo u[...]

  • Seite 40

    Phone Bas ic s 28 ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ P aste :๎€ƒ Ins ert๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ la st๎€ƒ cop ied๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ cut๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ in to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cu r rent๎€ƒ fie ld. ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ C lipboard :๎€ƒ D is play ๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ cli pboa r d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ previ ous ly ๎€ƒ cut๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ copi ed๎€ƒ tex t. ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ D ictionary :๎€ƒ A cc es s๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pers onal ๎€ƒ dic tio nary.[...]

  • Seite 41

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 29 Ph on e Call s With๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ S print ๎€ƒ N ati onal ๎€ƒ N etw ork๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ phone ,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ enj oy๎€ƒ cl ear๎€ƒ cal lin g๎€ƒ ac r os s๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co unt r y. Mak e Phon e C al ls There๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ se veral ๎€ƒ con ven ient ๎€ƒ w ay s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ plac e๎€ƒ cal ls ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone . C all U sing th e K[...]

  • Seite 42

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 30 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ontacts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ con tac t,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ . โ€“๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ โ€“ Touc h๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ con tact โ€™s๎€ƒ pi cture๎€ƒ ic on,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ . โ€“๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ โ€“ Sw ipe๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ ac ros s๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ con tact ๎€ƒ fr om ๎€ƒ left๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ right . C all a[...]

  • Seite 43

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 31 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Phone . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ .๎€ƒ E nhan ced๎€ƒ9- 1 -1๎€ƒ (E๎€ƒ9- 1-1)๎€ƒ Inf o rm ation Thi s๎€ƒ phone ๎€ƒ featu r es ๎€ƒ GPS๎€ƒ ( G loba l๎€ƒ P osi tion ing ๎€ƒ S ys tem),๎€ƒ w hic h๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ us ed๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ E๎€ƒ 9-1-1๎€ƒ em ergenc y๎€ƒ loc ati on๎€ƒ s erv ice ,๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ ava [...]

  • Seite 44

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 32 ๎€ƒ n When๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ not ifie s๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ in com ing๎€ƒ ca ll, ๎€ƒ drag๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ left๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ rejec t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cal l. R ej e ct ๎€ƒ a n๎€ƒI n comin g๎€ƒCal l ๎€ƒ w i th๎€ƒ a๎€ƒText๎€ƒ Message You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ r ej ect๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ in com ing๎€ƒ ca ll๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ sen ding ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ me ss ag[...]

  • Seite 45

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 33 B l ock๎€ƒCa l l er๎€ƒ ID You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ bloc k๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ C all er๎€ƒ ID ๎€ƒ (vi sib le๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ ca ll),๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ mak ing ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ ca ll. ๎€ƒ T he๎€ƒ bl ock ing ๎€ƒ onl y ๎€ƒ las ts๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ cal l,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ returns ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ r egu lar๎€ƒ C al ler๎€ƒ ID . To๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 46

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 34 C all For war din g C al l๎€ƒ Forw ardin g๎€ƒ le ts๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ forw ard๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ in c om ing๎€ƒ ca lls ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ anot her๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ numb er๎€ƒ โ€“๎€ƒ ev en๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ turned๎€ƒ off.๎€ƒ You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ con tinu e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ ca lls ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ w hen ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav[...]

  • Seite 47

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 35 ๎€ƒ n A dd call : ๎€ƒ D isp lay ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ K ey pad๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dia l๎€ƒ anoth er๎€ƒ cal l. ๎€ƒ n K eypa d :๎€ƒ D is pl ay ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Keypa d,๎€ƒ w here ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ enter๎€ƒ numb ers๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ D T MF๎€ƒ (D ua l๎€ƒ Tone ๎€ƒ Mul ti- Freque ncy ).๎€ƒ This ๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ us eful ๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ need๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ente r[...]

  • Seite 48

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 36 V oic ema il S et up You๎€ƒ sho uld๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ voi cem ail ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ pers onal ๎€ƒ greeti ng๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ soo n๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ ac tiv ated. ๎€ƒ n To๎€ƒ set ๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ voi cem ail ๎€ƒ usi ng๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™ s๎€ƒ traditi ona l๎€ƒ vo ic emai l,๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ S et๎€ƒ U p๎€ƒ Voic emai l .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ n[...]

  • Seite 49

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 37 me ss age . ๎€ƒ n By๎€ƒ dis pla yin g๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ numb er๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ new ๎€ƒ vo ic em ail ๎€ƒ mes sag e(s)๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ V oic ema il๎€ƒ app ๎€ƒ ico n. N ote: ๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ r oam ing ๎€ƒ off๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ network,๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ rece iv e๎€ƒ noti fic atio n๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ voi cem ail ๎€ƒ me ss age s.๎€ƒ It[...]

  • Seite 50

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 38 R evie w V isua l V oic ema il Vis ual๎€ƒ Voic emai l๎€ƒ lets ๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ eas il y๎€ƒ acc es s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ se le ct๎€ƒ w hic h๎€ƒ me ss age s๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ w ant๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ r ev iew. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Vo icem ail . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ mes sa ge๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ revi ew ๎€ƒ it. Tip: ๎€ƒ There๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 51

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 39 ๎€ƒ l Shar e :๎€ƒ S end ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ vi a๎€ƒ W i-Fi๎€ƒ D irec t,๎€ƒ Bluet ooth๎€ƒ sh are,๎€ƒ D ropbo x,๎€ƒ S crap book ,๎€ƒ Me ss age s,๎€ƒ Gm ail ,๎€ƒ E ma il,๎€ƒ Voic emai l,๎€ƒ S ๎€ƒ N ote ,๎€ƒ H angou ts,๎€ƒ G oog le+,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Fli pboard . ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ D ele t e :๎€ƒ E rase ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ se lec ted๎€ƒ mes sag e(s)๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 52

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 40 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ exi sti ng๎€ƒ iden tifi cati on๎€ƒ fiel d๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ ide nti fyi ng๎€ƒ name ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ (use d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ id enti fy ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ rec ipi ent s๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ vo ic e๎€ƒ mes sag es). ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ O K ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sa ve๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ info r ma tion. Logs The๎€ƒ L[...]

  • Seite 53

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 41 S ave๎€ƒa๎€ƒ N u mber ๎€ƒt o๎€ƒCon t a ct s๎€ƒ fr om๎€ƒ Lo gs You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ rece nt๎€ƒ ca ll๎€ƒ reco rd๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ creat e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ new ๎€ƒ co ntac t,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ updat e๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ex ist in g๎€ƒ c ont act. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Phone ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Logs . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ cal[...]

  • Seite 54

    ๎€ƒ P hone Call s 42 ๎€ƒ l To๎€ƒ del ete๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ si ngl e๎€ƒ ca ll๎€ƒ reco r d,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ cal l๎€ƒ reco rd๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ma rk๎€ƒ it,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D ele t e ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ OK .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l To๎€ƒ del ete๎€ƒ mul tipl e๎€ƒ ca ll๎€ƒ reco r ds ,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ cal l๎€ƒ reco rd๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ma r [...]

  • Seite 55

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 3 Con tac ts The๎€ƒ C onta cts ๎€ƒ appl ic atio n๎€ƒ let s ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ store๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ mana ge๎€ƒ con tact s ๎€ƒ fr om ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ va r iet y๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ so urces ,๎€ƒ inc ludi ng๎€ƒ c ont acts ๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ direc tly ๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ w ell ๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ co ntac ts๎€ƒ sy nch roniz ed๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 56

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 4 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Search field ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ enter๎€ƒ ch aracte r s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ fin d๎€ƒ co ntac ts๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ mat c h. โ€“๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ โ€“ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ lette r๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ si de๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ li st๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ go๎€ƒ direc tly ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ le[...]

  • Seite 57

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 5 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Phon e number ๎€ƒ fie ld,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ ente r๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ num ber.๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ add ๎€ƒ anoth er๎€ƒ Phone ๎€ƒ numb er.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ lab el๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ numb er.๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ y ou๎€ƒ add ๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ than ๎€ƒ one๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ numb er,๎€ƒ yo uโ€™l l๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ prom pte[...]

  • Seite 58

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 6 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ con tac t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pl ay ๎€ƒ it,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Edit . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ fiel d๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ w an t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ chan ge๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ add. ๎€ƒ S ee๎€ƒ A dd๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ C ontac t . ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Add๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ edit ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ info r [...]

  • Seite 59

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 7 ent r ies ๎€ƒ in to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ si ngle ๎€ƒ con tact . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ con tac t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pl ay ๎€ƒ it,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Me n u ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Link contacts . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ anot her๎€ƒ entry ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ lin k๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ origi nal ?[...]

  • Seite 60

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 8 Tip: ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ vi ew ๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ your๎€ƒ bus ine ss ๎€ƒ cards ๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ tappi ng๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ B u sines s cards . Merg e C o nt a ct s If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ ac cou nts๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ merge ๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ co nta cts ๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ac cou ntโ€™s ๎€ƒ c ont act[...]

  • Seite 61

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 4 9 Fa vori te s The๎€ƒ Fav orites ๎€ƒ tab๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ lis tin g๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ hel p๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ quic kl y๎€ƒ acc es s๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ mos t๎€ƒ use d๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ prefe r red๎€ƒ C ontac ts ๎€ƒ ent r ies . Mar k๎€ƒCon t a ct s๎€ƒas๎€ƒ F avo rites ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a[...]

  • Seite 62

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 5 0 C reat e ๎€ƒ a ๎€ƒ Gr ou p ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Groups ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ Add . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ fiel ds ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ent er๎€ƒ info r mat io n๎€ƒ abo ut๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ grou p: ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ C r eate gr oup in ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ the[...]

  • Seite 63

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 5 1 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S end mess age or email ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Mes sage . ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ co nta cts ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sel ect๎€ƒ the m,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ S elec t all ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ D one . ๎€ƒ 5.๎€ƒ C onti nue๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ sen d๎€ƒ it.๎€ƒ For๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ info r ma tio n,๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ T [...]

  • Seite 64

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 5 2 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ con tac t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pl ay ๎€ƒ it,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Me n u ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S hare name ๎€ƒ card . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sh aring ๎€ƒ metho d: ๎€ƒ l A dd to D r op box :๎€ƒ S av e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co ntac t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ D r[...]

  • Seite 65

    ๎€ƒ C ont acts 5 3 I mport ๎€ƒ C ontact s ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ont acts . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ C ont acts ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Impor t/E xport . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opti on: ๎€ƒ l Import fr om U SB storage :๎€ƒ S av e๎€ƒ co ntac ts๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ mem o[...]

  • Seite 66

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 54 Acc ou nts an d Me s s ag i ng With๎€ƒ Sprint๎€ƒ se r vi ce ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ mes sag ing ๎€ƒ capa bil iti es ,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ oppo r tuni ty๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sh are๎€ƒ in formati on๎€ƒ throug h๎€ƒ man y๎€ƒ diffe r ent ๎€ƒ cha nnel s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ac cou nts . G oogle Account Ma ny๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ you r [...]

  • Seite 67

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 55 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ G o ogle ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Gmai l . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ D o๎€ƒ any๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ fol lowing : ๎€ƒ l Sw ipe๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ vi ew ๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ me s sa ges ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co nve r sa tion s . ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ conv ers ati on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ r[...]

  • Seite 68

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 56 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ R eply ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis play ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ r epl y๎€ƒ sc reen. ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ men u๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ top๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ R eply ,๎€ƒ R eply All ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ F or w ard . ๎€ƒ 5.๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ sen d๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mes sa ge,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S end . Tip: ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n?[...]

  • Seite 69

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 57 ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Enter๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ add res s๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ E mail addr ess ๎€ƒ fie ld. ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Enter๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ pas sword๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ P ass w o rd ๎€ƒ fiel d.๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pas sword๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ it,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ S how pass word . ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ N ext ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sta rt๎€ƒ aut[...]

  • Seite 70

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 58 ๎€ƒ l Passw or d :๎€ƒ Enter๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ pas sword๎€ƒ ( ca se-s ens itiv e). ๎€ƒ l Exchange s er ver :๎€ƒ E nter๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ sy s tem โ€™s ๎€ƒ E xc hang e๎€ƒ se r ve r ๎€ƒ remo te๎€ƒ em ai l๎€ƒ addres s.๎€ƒ Ob tain ๎€ƒ this ๎€ƒ in formati on๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ com pany ๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ adm in[...]

  • Seite 71

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 59 R epl y To or Fo r war d E ma il R ead ing๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ r epl yi ng๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ emai l๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ si mpl e๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ co mpute r. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Email . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ On ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ Inbo x,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ mes s[...]

  • Seite 72

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 60 Fi l t e r๎€ƒ E mail ๎€ƒ Messages ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Email . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ On ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ Inbo x,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Filter by . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Selec t๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opt ion,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pl ay๎€ƒ mes sa ges ๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ matc h๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ fil ter. D el e t e๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 73

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 61 For๎€ƒ detai ls ๎€ƒ about ๎€ƒ E mai l๎€ƒ sett in gs,๎€ƒ se e๎€ƒ Emai l๎€ƒ Settin gs . D ele te an E mai l Acco unt If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ no๎€ƒ lon ger๎€ƒ w ant๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e,๎€ƒ you๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ remo ve๎€ƒ it. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Email . ๎€ƒ 2[...]

  • Seite 74

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 62 S end a Mu lti m ed ia Me ssage (MMS ) When๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ add๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ li ttle๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ text ๎€ƒ mes sag e,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ se nd๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ mul tim edia ๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ (MMS)๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ pic tures ,๎€ƒ reco r ded ๎€ƒ voi ce,๎€ƒ aud io๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ vi deo ๎€ƒ file s,๎€ƒ pic ture๎€ƒ sl [...]

  • Seite 75

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 63 S ave a nd Resum e a D ra ft Messa ge If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ B ack whil e๎€ƒ com pos ing๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ mul tim edi a๎€ƒ mes sag e,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ leav e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Mes sag es๎€ƒ sc reen, ๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ auto ma tic al ly๎€ƒ s av ed๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ draft. To๎€ƒ resum e๎€ƒ com pos ing๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ D r a[...]

  • Seite 76

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 64 If๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ me ss age ๎€ƒ con tain s๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ li nk๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ W eb๎€ƒ pag e,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ lin k๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ope n๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Web๎€ƒ brow se r . If๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ me ss age ๎€ƒ con tain s๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ numb er,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ me ss age ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 77

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 65 D el e t e๎€ƒ Multip l e๎€ƒCo nversat i ons ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Me ssa ges . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ D elete . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Selec t๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ con v ers ation s๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ w ant๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dele te,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ D on e ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ OK .๎€ƒ N ote: ๎€ƒ Loc ked ๎€ƒ mes sag es?[...]

  • Seite 78

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 66 Soci al Net work in g A c co u nt s Stay๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ go๎€ƒ w it h๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ soc ial ๎€ƒ networki ng๎€ƒ acc oun ts.๎€ƒ P os t๎€ƒ upd ate s๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ F ac eboo k๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Tw itte r ยฎ ,๎€ƒ r ev iew๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ Li nke dIn ยฎ ๎€ƒ con tacts ,๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ w hat ๎€ƒ eve r yo neโ€™s ๎€ƒ tal[...]

  • Seite 79

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 67 YouTub e๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ dat a-in tens iv e๎€ƒ featu re.๎€ƒ Sprint๎€ƒ reco mmen ds๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ upgrad e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ unl imi ted๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ plan ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ av oid๎€ƒ une xpe cted ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ ch arges . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ G o ogle ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Y ouTube . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to?[...]

  • Seite 80

    ๎€ƒ A cc ounts a nd Mes sag ing 68 If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ al r ead y๎€ƒ si gne d๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Go ogle ๎€ƒ acc oun t,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ADD ACCO UNT ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ N ew ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ crea te๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ Go ogl e๎€ƒ acc ount ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ Existing ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ si gn๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ exi sti ng๎€ƒ Go ogl e๎€ƒ acc oun t.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 81

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 69 App s and En ter ta i nme nt All๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ featu r es ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ acc es s ib le๎€ƒ throug h๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Appli ca tio ns๎€ƒ li st. N ote: ๎€ƒ A va ila ble๎€ƒ app s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ se r vi ce s ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ su bjec t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch ange ๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ tim e. Goog le Pla y S to re The๎€ƒ G oog le๎€ƒ P la yโ„ข?[...]

  • Seite 82

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 70 Warn ing: R ead the notification c ar efully! ๎€ƒ B e๎€ƒ esp ec ial ly ๎€ƒ cau tious ๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ apps ๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ acc es s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ma ny๎€ƒ func tio ns ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ si gnifi ca nt๎€ƒ amo unt๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ dat a.๎€ƒ On ce๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ agree ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dow nl oad๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ ins tall atio n๎€ƒ o[...]

  • Seite 83

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 71 Naviga tio n Your๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ offers ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ lo cati on-bas ed๎€ƒ nav iga tion ๎€ƒ program s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ hel p๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ figure ๎€ƒ out๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ get๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ w here๎€ƒ you โ€™re๎€ƒ goin g. Goog le Ma ps U se ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Go ogle ๎€ƒ Maps โ„ข ๎€ƒ app lic ati on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ fi[...]

  • Seite 84

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 72 Samsun g A p ps Br owse,๎€ƒ se arch, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ fin d๎€ƒ apps ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ downlo ad๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ins tal l๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e.๎€ƒ Log๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ S ams ung ๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ man age๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ downloa ds. ๎€ƒ n From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Samsung Ap ps . Music A p p s Your๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 85

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 73 P l ay๎€ƒM usi c ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Music .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ca tegory ๎€ƒ tabs ๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ top๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ defa ult๎€ƒ tabs ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ P lay lists , ๎€ƒ Tr acks ,๎€ƒ A lbu ms ,๎€ƒ A r tists ,๎€ƒ Music square ,๎€ƒ Folders ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 86

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 74 S et๎€ƒ a ๎€ƒ S o ng๎€ƒas๎€ƒ a๎€ƒRi ngtone๎€ƒor ๎€ƒAl arm ๎€ƒTon e You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ set๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ so ng๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ r ing tone๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ inc omi ng๎€ƒ cal ls ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ co ntac t.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ al so๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ so ng๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ al arm๎€ƒ tone. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 87

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 75 ๎€ƒ l Listen v ia B luetooth :๎€ƒ P lay ๎€ƒ mu sic ๎€ƒ throu gh๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ B lu etooth - co mpat ibl e๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ that ๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ pai red๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ y our๎€ƒ pho ne. ๎€ƒ For๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ info rmati on๎€ƒ about ๎€ƒ usi ng๎€ƒ B lue tooth ,๎€ƒ see ๎€ƒ B lue tooth . ๎€ƒ l G r id view /List vie w :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ fo[...]

  • Seite 88

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 76 A ccess๎€ƒSprin t ๎€ƒM usi c๎€ƒ P l us ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sp r int Musi c Plus . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ firs t๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ lau nch ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ app,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ A cc ept ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ac cep t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Terms ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ C ondi tio ns . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ store๎€ƒ opt io n๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 89

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 77 ๎€ƒ n From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Google fo lder๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ P lay Movies & TV .๎€ƒ Goog le Pla y Bo ok s D is cov erin g๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fav orit e๎€ƒ boo ks ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ auth ors ๎€ƒ has ๎€ƒ nev er๎€ƒ been ๎€ƒ eas ier.๎€ƒ W ith ๎€ƒ Goo gle๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ B ook s,๎€ƒ y ou๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ sh op๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w orld's [...]

  • Seite 90

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 78 Sprin t Mon e y E x p re ss Ma ke๎€ƒ pay men ts ,๎€ƒ purc has es ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ mana ge๎€ƒ your๎€ƒ ca sh๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ A ndroi d๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ li nked ๎€ƒ V is a๎€ƒ P r epa id๎€ƒ c ard.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ Mon ey๎€ƒ E xp ress โ„ข ๎€ƒ app๎€ƒ le ts๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ sen d๎€ƒ mo ney ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ nea r ly ๎€ƒ any w he[...]

  • Seite 91

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 79 ๎€ƒ l D epe ndin g๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ set tings ,๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ prompt ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ac cep t๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ co nnec tion . ๎€ƒ l You๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ promp ted๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ updat e๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ app.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ U pdate ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ upd ate ๎€ƒ S print ๎€ƒ T V๎€ƒ & ๎€ƒ Mov ie s. ๎€ƒ l Br owse๎€ƒ hori [...]

  • Seite 92

    ๎€ƒ A pps an d Entertai nme nt 80 eB a y At๎€ƒ eBay๎€ƒ w e๎€ƒ w ork๎€ƒ hard๎€ƒ eve r y๎€ƒ day ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ bui ld๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ w orld -cla ss ๎€ƒ onli ne๎€ƒ sh oppi ng๎€ƒ exp erienc e๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ A ndroi d๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ eBay ๎€ƒ app๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ pac ked ๎€ƒ full ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ featu r es ๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ eas y๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ browse,๎€ƒ buy ,๎€ƒ sel l,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ man [...]

  • Seite 93

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 81 Web an d Data The๎€ƒ fol lowing๎€ƒ top ics ๎€ƒ add r es s๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho neโ€™ s ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ co nnec tion s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ bui lt-i n๎€ƒ Web๎€ƒ brow ser.๎€ƒ Addi tio nal ๎€ƒ data-rel ated๎€ƒ feat ures๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ foun d๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ A cc ounts ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ Mes sag ing ,๎€ƒ A ppl ic ati ons ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Entertai nme nt ,๎€ƒ a[...]

  • Seite 94

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 82 S can๎€ƒand๎€ƒ C onn ect๎€ƒ t o ๎€ƒ a ๎€ƒ Wi -Fi ๎€ƒ N e t w ork ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ W i-Fi .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ nam es๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ sec urity ๎€ƒ se tting s๎€ƒ ( O pen ๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Secu red)๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ detec ted๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ net w ork s๎€ƒ are?[...]

  • Seite 95

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 83 I n t er n et Your๎€ƒ pho neโ€™ s ๎€ƒ Internet ๎€ƒ brow se r๎€ƒ gi v es ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ full ๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ both๎€ƒ mo bil e๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ tradi tion al๎€ƒ w ebs ites ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ go, ๎€ƒ usi ng๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho neโ€™s ๎€ƒ 3G๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ 4G ๎€ƒ mob ile ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ W i-Fi๎€ƒ co nnec tion s. ๎€ƒ n From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 96

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 84 N ote: ๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ ava ila bil ity ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ range ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ netw ork ๎€ƒ depe nds ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ fac tors,๎€ƒ inc lu di ng๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ di stan ce๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ bas e๎€ƒ stati on๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ infras truct ure๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ obj ects ๎€ƒ throu gh๎€ƒ w hi ch๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ si gnal ๎€ƒ pas ses . S et๎€ƒ Y[...]

  • Seite 97

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 85 I c on D escri p ti o n 3G network in us e .๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ ic on๎€ƒ spi ns ๎€ƒ w hen ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ sc anni ng๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co nnec ting . Spr int Spar k LTE C overage :๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ co nne cted ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ S park ๎€ƒ enha nce d๎€ƒ LTE๎€ƒ network.๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ ic on๎€ƒ sp in s๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo[...]

  • Seite 98

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 86 ๎€ƒ l Your๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ use s๎€ƒ W PA 2๎€ƒ s ec urity ,๎€ƒ w hic h๎€ƒ r equ ires ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ pas sword.๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ fin d๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™ s๎€ƒ pas sword,๎€ƒ go๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ > H ot spot ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ loo k๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pas sword๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co nnec tion ๎€ƒ in struc tion s. Vi rt u al Privat e Networ k s ([...]

  • Seite 99

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 87 A dd๎€ƒa๎€ƒ B asi c๎€ƒ V P N ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ More netw or ks ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ VPN ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ B as ic VPN . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A dd ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l N ame : ๎€ƒ E nter๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ V PN . ๎€ƒ l Type :๎€ƒ C h[...]

  • Seite 100

    ๎€ƒ W eb and Data 88 ๎€ƒ o D is abl e๎€ƒ sp lit ๎€ƒ tunne lin g ๎€ƒ o A lgo r ith m๎€ƒ su ite ๎€ƒ o IK E ๎€ƒ grou ps ๎€ƒ o IK E ๎€ƒ li feti me ๎€ƒ o IP se c ๎€ƒ life time ๎€ƒ o C onn ecti on๎€ƒ atte mp t๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ tim eout ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ S ave ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ V P N . C onn ect to a VPN C onn ect๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ V P N ๎€ƒ thatโ€™ s๎€ƒ alre a[...]

  • Seite 101

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 89 Came ra an d Vi deo U se ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho neโ€™s ๎€ƒ bui lt-i n๎€ƒ ca me r a๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ca mco r der. Ca m e ra You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cam era๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ cam cord er๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ tak e๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ sh are๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ vid eos . Open th e C am er a Fol low๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ bel ow๎€ƒ proce dure๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ acc es s ๎€ƒ you [...]

  • Seite 102

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 90 T ake a P ict ur e You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ take ๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ front๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ bac k๎€ƒ ca mera,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ co mbi ne๎€ƒ s hot s๎€ƒ w it h๎€ƒ D ual ๎€ƒ mode . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C amera .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ U si ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ phon eโ€™s ๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ vi ew fin der,๎€ƒ co m[...]

  • Seite 103

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 91 R evie w P ict ur es an d V ide os f ro m t he C am er a After๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ tak e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ pic ture๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ reco r d๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ vid eo,๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ revi ew ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ edi t๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ righ t๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ca mera,๎€ƒ us ing๎€ƒ s pec ia l๎€ƒ Studi o๎€ƒ opti ons . R evi e w ๎€ƒand๎€ƒ E di t๎€ƒ a ๎€ƒ P i ctur e๎€ƒf rom ?[...]

  • Seite 104

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 92 Pic asa, ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ W i-Fi๎€ƒ D irec t. ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ V ideo tr immer :๎€ƒ E dit๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ le ngth๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo. ๎€ƒ D rag๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ trim mer๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ end๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo๎€ƒ (the๎€ƒ righ t๎€ƒ si de๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc reen ) ,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sh orten๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo. ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ D ele t e :๎€ƒ E rase ๎€ƒ th[...]

  • Seite 105

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 93 ๎€ƒ l D ual ca mera :๎€ƒ Tak e๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ r ec ord๎€ƒ vi deos ๎€ƒ us ing ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ front๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ rear๎€ƒ cam eras๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sa me๎€ƒ tim e,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ c reate ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ pi cture-i n-pic ture๎€ƒ sho t.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ switc h๎€ƒ between๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ front๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ r ear๎€ƒ ca me r a๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co ntrol?[...]

  • Seite 106

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 94 ๎€ƒ l St or age :๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opti ona l๎€ƒ me mo r y๎€ƒ ca r d๎€ƒ ins tal le d๎€ƒ (not๎€ƒ inc lud ed),๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ w heth er๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ file s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ mem ory ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mem ory๎€ƒ card. ๎€ƒ l R evie w pic s/videos :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 107

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 95 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ View by/Filte r by ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ di spl ay๎€ƒ sty le .๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ vi ew ๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ Time๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ A lbu m,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Fil ter๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sho w ๎€ƒ only ๎€ƒ sc ene r y๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ doc umen ts . ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Search ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ enter๎€ƒ ke yw ords ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sea r ch ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ ite ms,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 108

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 96 ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ S har e :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opti on๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ sha r in g๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pi cture. ๎€ƒ Opti ons ๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ in c lu de๎€ƒ Group ๎€ƒ P la y ,๎€ƒ D ropbo x,๎€ƒ B lu etooth ,๎€ƒ E mai l,๎€ƒ Fli pbo ard,๎€ƒ Gm ai l,๎€ƒ Goo gle + ,๎€ƒ H ang outs ,๎€ƒ Mes sag es, ๎€ƒ P ic asa ,๎€ƒ Me mo,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ D irect . ๎€ƒ l[...]

  • Seite 109

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 97 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ pla y๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo. ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ Menu :๎€ƒ C ho os e๎€ƒ oth er๎€ƒ opti ons ,๎€ƒ inc lud ing: ๎€ƒ o Mor e info :๎€ƒ V iew๎€ƒ inf orma tion ๎€ƒ about ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo. ๎€ƒ o R ename :๎€ƒ C hang e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi deo ๎€ƒ file . ๎€ƒ o S lideshow :๎€ƒ C reate๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sl ides how. ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 110

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 98 S har e P hot os an d V ide os You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ sha r e๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ se nd๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ vi deos ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ us ing๎€ƒ s ev eral๎€ƒ di fferent๎€ƒ met hod s,๎€ƒ in clu din g๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ mes sa ging ,๎€ƒ ema il,๎€ƒ so ci al ๎€ƒ medi a๎€ƒ apps ,๎€ƒ Blueto oth,๎€ƒ cl oud๎€ƒ st orage,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ more.๎€ƒ To?[...]

  • Seite 111

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 99 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Selec t๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ photo s๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ vi deos ๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ w ant๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sen d. ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S hare ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ B luetoot h . In๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nex t๎€ƒ few ๎€ƒ ste ps,๎€ƒ yo uโ€™l l๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ ask ed๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ B lue tooth๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ an[...]

  • Seite 112

    ๎€ƒ C am era and Vide o 100 ๎€ƒ 5.๎€ƒ Enter๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ prompte d๎€ƒ in formati on,๎€ƒ su ch๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ des c ript io n๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ tags ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ sel ect๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ priv acy ๎€ƒ opti on. ๎€ƒ 6.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ U pload . Phot os Keep๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phot os ๎€ƒ bac ked ๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ organ iz ed ๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ Go ogle + ๎€ƒ P hotos .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ n ๎€ƒ Googl[...]

  • Seite 113

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 101 To ols an d Calend ar Lea r n๎€ƒ how๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ many ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone โ€™s ๎€ƒ produc tiv ity -enhan ci ng๎€ƒ app s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ fea tures . Bl ue t oo t h Blue too th๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sho r t-range ๎€ƒ com muni cat ions ๎€ƒ tec hnol ogy ๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ al lows๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nnec t๎€ƒ w irel ess ly ๎€ƒ to?[...]

  • Seite 114

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 102 ๎€ƒ 5.๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ se e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ targe t๎€ƒ dev ice ๎€ƒ dis pla yed ๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Blueto oth๎€ƒ dev ic es๎€ƒ se cti on, ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nam e.๎€ƒ Y our๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ autom atic all y๎€ƒ tries ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ pai r ๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ target ๎€ƒ dev ic e. ๎€ƒ 6.๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ autom atic[...]

  • Seite 115

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 103 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ B luetooth .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ nam e,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ OK . U npa i r๎€ƒ fr om๎€ƒ a๎€ƒBl ue t o oth๎€ƒ D e vi ce You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ forge t๎€ƒ its ๎€ƒ pai ring ๎€ƒ con nec tion[...]

  • Seite 116

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 104 Tip: ๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ r eme mbers ๎€ƒ B lu etooth ๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ prev io us๎€ƒ se lec tion ๎€ƒ w ithi n๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ C ame r a๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Ga lle r y, ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ( to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ righ t๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ico n).๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l C alenda r event :๎€ƒ In๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ C alen darโ€™s ๎€ƒ D ay ๎€ƒ vie w ,?[...]

  • Seite 117

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 105 ๎€ƒ n The๎€ƒ vCale ndar๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ adde d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ C ale ndar๎€ƒ eve nts .๎€ƒ ( For๎€ƒ mo r e๎€ƒ info r mat ion๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ us ing๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ C al enda r ,๎€ƒ s ee๎€ƒ C al end ar .) ๎€ƒ n For๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ vCard๎€ƒ cont act๎€ƒ fil e,๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ there๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ mul tipl e๎€ƒ vCard๎€ƒ file s๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ s torag e?[...]

  • Seite 118

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 106 ๎€ƒ l Sele ct ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ St art and End dat e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ time ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ev ent๎€ƒ by๎€ƒ tap pi ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ corres pond ing ๎€ƒ fiel ds,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ adj us ting๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ month ,๎€ƒ day ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ yea r .๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ A ll day ๎€ƒ fiel d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ this ๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ all -day ๎€ƒ even t.๎€ƒ If?[...]

  • Seite 119

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 107 ๎€ƒ l Set snooze du ration ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ le ngt h๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ time ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ all ow ๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ remi nded ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ eve nt.๎€ƒ C hoo se๎€ƒ from:๎€ƒ 3 minutes ,๎€ƒ 5 minutes ,๎€ƒ 10 minutes ,๎€ƒ 15 m inu tes ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ 30 minut es . ๎€ƒ l Sno oze to๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ r emi nde d๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 120

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 108 Y ear๎€ƒ an d๎€ƒM onth๎€ƒ V i e w s In๎€ƒ Year๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Mo nth ๎€ƒ vie w ,๎€ƒ you โ€™ll ๎€ƒ se e๎€ƒ mark ers๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ day s๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ eve nts. When๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ Y ear๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Mon th๎€ƒ vi ew : ๎€ƒ n Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ day ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ vie w ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ eve nts๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ day . ๎€ƒ n Touc h๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ d[...]

  • Seite 121

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 109 Cl oc k The๎€ƒ C loc k๎€ƒ app ๎€ƒ offers ๎€ƒ featu r es ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ ke epin g๎€ƒ trac k ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ set tin g๎€ƒ al arms. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C lock . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ tab๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ featu r e: ๎€ƒ l A larm :๎€ƒ Thi s ๎€ƒ feature ๎€ƒ all ows๎€ƒ you[...]

  • Seite 122

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 110 D el e t e๎€ƒ an๎€ƒAl a rm ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C lock . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ala r m,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D ele t e . Dr ive With๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ Goo gle๎€ƒ D riv e๎€ƒ app lic atio n,๎€ƒ eve ryth ing๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ add๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ D riv e[...]

  • Seite 123

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 111 N ote: ๎€ƒ The๎€ƒ D r opb ox๎€ƒ se r vi ce๎€ƒ offe r s๎€ƒ 2G B ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ free๎€ƒ โ€œC loud โ€ ๎€ƒ st orage. A cce ssing D ro pbox on Y ou r Devic e Fol low๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ proce dures ๎€ƒ bel ow ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ acc ess ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ D ropb ox๎€ƒ app . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D r opbox . ๎€ƒ 2.?[...]

  • Seite 124

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 112 It๎€ƒ tell s๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ toda yโ€™s ๎€ƒ w eath er๎€ƒ befo re๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ start๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ day ,๎€ƒ how๎€ƒ muc h๎€ƒ traffi c๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ exp ect๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ lea ve๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ w ork, ๎€ƒ w he n๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nex t๎€ƒ train ๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ arriv e๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ you โ€™re๎€ƒ s tan ding ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pla tform,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ yo [...]

  • Seite 125

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 113 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Lumen Toolbar . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ se le ct๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ Lume n๎€ƒ Tool bar๎€ƒ opti ons . Mem o The๎€ƒ Mem o๎€ƒ appl ica tion ๎€ƒ all ow s๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ w r ite ๎€ƒ memo s๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ in c lu de๎€ƒ text ,๎€ƒ audi o,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ im[...]

  • Seite 126

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 114 ๎€ƒ l D ocuments :๎€ƒ Ot her๎€ƒ fil es๎€ƒ st ored๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne. ๎€ƒ l D ownloa d ed apps :๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ yo uโ€™v e๎€ƒ downlo aded ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ins tal led. N ote: ๎€ƒ D iffere nt๎€ƒ fol ders๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ app ear๎€ƒ dep endi ng๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ how๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ c onf igured . My Mag az in e Fin d๎€ƒ co[...]

  • Seite 127

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 115 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ U se๎€ƒ S๎€ƒ H ealt h๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ track ๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ heal th๎€ƒ acti vi ties : ๎€ƒ l Pedometer :๎€ƒ C ount๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ numb er๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ step s๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ take .๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ S tart ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sta r t๎€ƒ coun ting .๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ pau se๎€ƒ co unti ng๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ S tart๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ begi n๎€ƒ aga in.๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 128

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 116 ๎€ƒ n You๎€ƒ smo ke๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ quit๎€ƒ s mo kin g๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pas t๎€ƒ si x๎€ƒ mont hs ; ๎€ƒ n You๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ ex erci sed ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ three๎€ƒ mon ths ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ more; ๎€ƒ n You๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ ov erw eigh t๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ obe se; ๎€ƒ n You๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ hig h๎€ƒ bl ood๎€ƒ pres sure๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ hi gh๎€ƒ cho les terol; ๎€ƒ n Y[...]

  • Seite 129

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 117 Smar t R em o t e U se ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cont r ol๎€ƒ y our๎€ƒ TV ,๎€ƒ S et-top๎€ƒ box ,๎€ƒ D VR ,๎€ƒ S tereos ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ el ectron ic ๎€ƒ dev ic es . C onf igu re Sm ar t R em ot e C hoo se๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ TV ๎€ƒ se rvi ce๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ perso nal iz e๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ se lec tion s. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ hom[...]

  • Seite 130

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 118 ๎€ƒ l If๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ TV ๎€ƒ turne d๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ Yes, this code 1 works . ๎€ƒ l If๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ TV ๎€ƒ di d๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ N o, text nex t code 2 ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Send this code 1 again .๎€ƒ D epen ding ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ mode l๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ TV ,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ try๎€ƒ sev eral ๎€ƒ cod[...]

  • Seite 131

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 119 ๎€ƒ l To๎€ƒ paus e๎€ƒ r ec ordin g,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Pause .๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ end๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ rec ordi ng,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S top . ๎€ƒ l To๎€ƒ can cel ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ reco r di ng,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C ancel . ๎€ƒ l To๎€ƒ mark ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sp ot๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ record ing๎€ƒ so ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ find ๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ late r,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ B ookmark [...]

  • Seite 132

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 120 ๎€ƒ l ๎€ƒ S elect mode :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ reco r din g๎€ƒ mo de๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mat ch๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ typ e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ vo ice ๎€ƒ r ec ordin g. ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l Select :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ voi ce ๎€ƒ r ec ordin g(s ) .๎€ƒ A fter๎€ƒ se lec tion ,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ S hare ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ D elete ๎€ƒ the[...]

  • Seite 133

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 121 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Vo ice Search . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ G oogl e๎€ƒ V oi ce๎€ƒ Search ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ dis pla y s, ๎€ƒ say ๎€ƒ โ€œOK๎€ƒ G oogl eโ€๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ mic rophon e๎€ƒ ic on,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ spe ak ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ com mand . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Scroll ๎€ƒ down[...]

  • Seite 134

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 122 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ R epl ace ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ batte r y๎€ƒ co mpartm ent๎€ƒ cov er,๎€ƒ mak ing๎€ƒ s ure๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ tab s ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ se cure๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ there๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ no๎€ƒ gap s๎€ƒ around ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co ver. Import ant: ๎€ƒ E ns ure๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ bac k๎€ƒ cov er๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mul tipu r pos e๎€ƒ jac k๎€ƒ co ver๎€ƒ are[...]

  • Seite 135

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 123 N ote: ๎€ƒ Formatti ng๎€ƒ eras es๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dat a๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ins tal led๎€ƒ mi croSD ๎€ƒ ca r d,๎€ƒ after๎€ƒ w hic h๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ file s๎€ƒ C A N N OT๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ retrie ved .๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ prev ent๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ los s๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ im porta nt๎€ƒ dat a,๎€ƒ pl eas e๎€ƒ che ck ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ con tents ๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ form[...]

  • Seite 136

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 124 ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Selec t๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ fold er๎€ƒ (for๎€ƒ ex ampl e,๎€ƒ Music ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ son gs ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ al bums )๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co py๎€ƒ fil es ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ c om puter. ๎€ƒ 5.๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ done ,๎€ƒ dis co nne ct๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co mput er. Sy stem Upd at e s From๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ to[...]

  • Seite 137

    ๎€ƒ T ool s and C ale ndar 125 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S ystem Update . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Selec t๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opt ion: ๎€ƒ l U pdate now :๎€ƒ C hec k๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ sof tw are๎€ƒ upd ates ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ in stal l๎€ƒ them ,๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ des ired. ๎€ƒ l A uto upd ate :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ ena bled ,๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 138

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 126 Sp ri nt Worldwide Wi re l es s Servi ce With๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ glo bal๎€ƒ roam ing๎€ƒ se r vi ce ๎€ƒ fr om ๎€ƒ S print ๎€ƒ W orldwide โ„  ๎€ƒ W irel es s ๎€ƒ S ervi ce,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ma ke๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ ca lls ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ w irele ss ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ se r vi ce s๎€ƒ around ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ glo be[...]

  • Seite 139

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 127 Set Net wor k Mod e Opti o ns In๎€ƒ order๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ r oam ๎€ƒ inte r nat iona lly ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ di fferen t๎€ƒ typ es๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ tec hnol ogy ๎€ƒ ( C D MA/LTE๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ G S M/UMTS ),๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho neโ€™s ๎€ƒ net w ork ๎€ƒ mode ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ all ow๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ a?[...]

  • Seite 140

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 128 ๎€ƒ l If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ GSM๎€ƒ network,๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ins ert๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ โ€œ + โ€๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dia ler๎€ƒ sc r een .๎€ƒ ( The๎€ƒ โ€œ+ โ€ ๎€ƒ s ym bol ๎€ƒ autom atic al ly ๎€ƒ in serts ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ int erna tio nal ๎€ƒ acc es s ๎€ƒ code ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ cou ntry ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ w hic h?[...]

  • Seite 141

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 129 N ew ๎€ƒM e ssage๎€ƒI nd i cator s Your๎€ƒ v oi cem ail ๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ ind ic ators๎€ƒ ma y๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ dis play ed๎€ƒ di fferentl y๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ roami ng๎€ƒ int ernati ona lly . ๎€ƒ n A๎€ƒ โ€œMes sag e๎€ƒ Waiti ngโ€๎€ƒ in dic ator๎€ƒ ico n๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ mes sag e๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ di sp lay ed๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ a?[...]

  • Seite 142

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 130 Get St ar t ed W it h S pr int Wo rld wide D at a S er vices To๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ W orld w id e๎€ƒ D ata๎€ƒ Servic es ,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ nee d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ thes e๎€ƒ serv ic es๎€ƒ ac tiv ate d๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ ac cou nt. ๎€ƒ n To๎€ƒ act iv ate, ๎€ƒ cal l๎€ƒ S print๎€ƒ Worldwide ๎€ƒ C usto mer?[...]

  • Seite 143

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 131 S tat u s M ess ag es Message D esc ri p ti o n N umber N ot in Service The๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ entere d๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ va li d.๎€ƒ U ser N ot A vaila b le The๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ that๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca ll ed๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ eith er๎€ƒ bus y,๎€ƒ out-of-ran ge,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ off. ๎€ƒ P lea se๎€ƒ try๎€ƒ agai n[...]

  • Seite 144

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 132 Co n ta c t Sprin t for A ssis t a nc e with I n t er n at io n al Ser vice If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ exp erien ce๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ is sue s๎€ƒ w it h๎€ƒ vo ice ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ serv ice s๎€ƒ w hil e๎€ƒ outs id e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ U nite d๎€ƒ S tate s,๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ offe r s๎€ƒ cu sto me r ๎€ƒ su pport๎€ƒ 24๎€ƒ hours ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 145

    Sprint Worldwide Wirel ess Serv ice 133 C o un tr y From L an d l i n e Ph on e C ay man๎€ƒ Is la nds ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ D omi nic a)๎€ƒ Franc e๎€ƒ 080 0-9032 00๎€ƒ G ermany ๎€ƒ 080 0-180-09 51๎€ƒ Ital y๎€ƒ 8 00-7 87-9 86๎€ƒ Me xic o๎€ƒ 00 1-877-29 4-9003 ๎€ƒ Trini dad๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ Tobag o๎€ƒ 1-8 00-201 -754 5๎€ƒ U ni ted ๎€ƒ K ing dom๎€ƒ 0 808-23 4-6616 ?[...]

  • Seite 146

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 134 Se tting s U se ๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ preferenc es . Us in g Set ti ng s U se ๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ preferenc es . A cce ss S et t ings You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ acc es s๎€ƒ S etti ngs๎€ƒ in ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ va r ie ty๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ w ay s. ๎€ƒ n From[...]

  • Seite 147

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 135 ๎€ƒ l Edit qu ick se t tings :๎€ƒ T w elv e๎€ƒ qui ck ๎€ƒ setti ngs ๎€ƒ appe ar๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ top๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ li st๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ grid๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ Settin gs.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ se tting s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sel ect๎€ƒ the m๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ dis pla y ๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ qui ck ๎€ƒ sett ings . ๎€ƒ l H elp :๎€ƒ Learn ๎€ƒ about ๎€ƒ S etti ngs. W i-F i Sett in gs U se ?[...]

  • Seite 148

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 136 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Wi- Fi ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ON/O FF ๎€ƒ switc h๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ on.๎€ƒ W i-Fi๎€ƒ mu st๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con fig ure๎€ƒ s etti ngs . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ M enu > A dvance d ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ thes e๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 149

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 137 ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Wi- Fi ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ON/O FF ๎€ƒ switc h๎€ƒ besi de๎€ƒ Wi-F i ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ on.๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ D irect ๎€ƒ sett in gs. ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ M enu > ๎€ƒ W i-Fi D irect .๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ autom atic all y๎€ƒ sc ans ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 150

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 138 ๎€ƒ o H ide my device :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ enab led ,๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ mo bi le๎€ƒ hots pot๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ vi si ble๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ dev ic es๎€ƒ duri ng๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sc an.๎€ƒ O ther๎€ƒ dev ic es ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ sti ll ๎€ƒ co nne ct๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ mo bil e๎€ƒ hots pot,๎€ƒ but ๎€ƒ w il l๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ con [...]

  • Seite 151

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 139 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ H ot spot ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ A llowed D evic es . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ ente r๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ dev ic eโ€™s ๎€ƒ D evice name ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ MAC addr ess .๎€ƒ C ons ul t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ dev ic eโ€™s ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 152

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 140 ๎€ƒ l R ename device :๎€ƒ C hang e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ us es๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ide ntify ๎€ƒ its elf ๎€ƒ w he n๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ mak e๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ vi sib le๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ B lu etooth ๎€ƒ dev ice s.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l H elp :๎€ƒ Learn ๎€ƒ about ๎€ƒ B lue tooth, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ se tting s. Teth er in g Set tin g s U s[...]

  • Seite 153

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 141 Da t a Us a g e Sett in g s Mo nitor๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ usa ge,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co ntrol๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ dev ic eโ€™s ๎€ƒ con nec tion๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mob ile ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ se rvic e. N ote: ๎€ƒ D ata๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ meas ured๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone .๎€ƒ Y our๎€ƒ se r vi ce๎€ƒ prov ide r ๎€ƒ ma y ๎€ƒ acc ount ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ usa ge๎€ƒ di fferentl y. ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 154

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 142 Lo c at io n Sett in g s C ontro l๎€ƒ app sโ€™๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ loc atio n,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ con figu r e๎€ƒ loc atio n๎€ƒ so urces .๎€ƒ S ome ๎€ƒ apps ๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ requi re๎€ƒ one ๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ more๎€ƒ loc ati on๎€ƒ serv ice s๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ full ๎€ƒ app ๎€ƒ func tion ali ty .๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ Loc atio n๎€ƒ is ?[...]

  • Seite 155

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 143 ๎€ƒ o T ap๎€ƒ H ome ,๎€ƒ W or k ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ C ar ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ fol lo w ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ prompt s๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ opt io ns๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ id enti fy ing๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ loc atio n.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ o T ap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ loc ati on. More Net wor k s S e t tin g s Mo r e๎€ƒ networks ๎€ƒ sett ings ๎€ƒ prov ide ๎€ƒ addi [...]

  • Seite 156

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 144 ๎€ƒ l C onnections optimiz er :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ enabl ed,๎€ƒ C onn ec tion s๎€ƒ opti miz er๎€ƒ hel ps๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ma nag e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ enh anc e๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ expe rienc e๎€ƒ by๎€ƒ fin ding ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co nnec ting ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ โ€œ reme mbered โ€ ๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ networks ,๎€ƒ and ,๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ app li cab le,๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ S print๎€ƒ Spark?[...]

  • Seite 157

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 145 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ More netw or ks ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ R oaming . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l R oaming netw or k :๎€ƒ S ele ct๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ roam ing๎€ƒ defa ult. ๎€ƒ C hoo se๎€ƒ H ome ๎€ƒ onl y, ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ onl y๎€ƒ co nnec t๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Sprint๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 158

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 146 Tu rn๎€ƒ A ndroi d๎€ƒBea m๎€ƒ On๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Of f Turn๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ N FC ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ A ndro id ๎€ƒ B eam ,๎€ƒ so๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ beam ing ๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ av ail able ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ app s ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ pho ne. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ N FC ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 159

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 147 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ N FC ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ON/OFF ๎€ƒ switc h๎€ƒ bes ide ๎€ƒ N FC ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ N FC ๎€ƒ on.๎€ƒ N F C ๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ us e๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Pay. ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Touc h๎€ƒ Tap and Pay ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ac ces s?[...]

  • Seite 160

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 148 Print in g Set tin g s You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ print๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e,๎€ƒ via ๎€ƒ W i-Fi, ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opt io nal๎€ƒ co mpat ibl e๎€ƒ print er๎€ƒ ( not ๎€ƒ inc lude d).๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ opt iona l๎€ƒ printe r๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ con nec ted ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sa me๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ network. Tu rn๎€ƒ P rint๎€ƒ S ervic[...]

  • Seite 161

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 149 ๎€ƒ 4.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu >๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfigu r e๎€ƒ opti ons .๎€ƒ A va ila ble๎€ƒ opt ions ๎€ƒ may ๎€ƒ va r y ๎€ƒ depen ding ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ty pe๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ prin ter,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ printe rs๎€ƒ sup port๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ opt io ns. ๎€ƒ l 2-Sided pr inting for documents :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ S imp lex ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ p[...]

  • Seite 162

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 150 N ote: ๎€ƒ S oun d๎€ƒ mod es๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ als o๎€ƒ ava ila bl e๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ D ev ice ๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ menu .๎€ƒ P res s ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ hol d๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Power/Lock k ey ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ ch oose ๎€ƒ Mute ,๎€ƒ V ibr ate ,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ Sound ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ D ev ic e๎€ƒ opti ons . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ >[...]

  • Seite 163

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 151 ๎€ƒ l N otification ๎€ƒ l H aptic fee d back ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ OK ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sav e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ set tings . R ing to nes C hoo se๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ r in gtone ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ inc omi ng๎€ƒ ca ll s. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sound ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ R ingtones ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ c hoo se๎€ƒ a?[...]

  • Seite 164

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 152 V ibr at e W hen R ing ing When๎€ƒ Vibrate ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ ringi ng๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ enab led, ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ vi bratio n๎€ƒ pl ays ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ cal ls๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ noti fic atio ns ,๎€ƒ al ong ๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ring tone๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ sou nd.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ V ib r ati on๎€ƒ inte nsi ty๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Vibrati ons ๎€ƒ set tings ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ c[...]

  • Seite 165

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 153 Hapt ic Fe edb ack When๎€ƒ H apti c๎€ƒ feed bac k๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ ena bled ,๎€ƒ vi bratio n๎€ƒ pl ays ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Back ๎€ƒ ke y s, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ c ertai n๎€ƒ sc reen ๎€ƒ touc hes . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sound ,๎€ƒ and?[...]

  • Seite 166

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 154 C al l ๎€ƒ S o und ๎€ƒ S e t ti ngs C onfi gure๎€ƒ so unds ๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ mak es ๎€ƒ during ๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ ca lls . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sound ๎€ƒ > C all , ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ con figure ๎€ƒ sou nds : ๎€ƒ l C all a ler ts :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ w he[...]

  • Seite 167

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 155 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sound ๎€ƒ > Me ssages ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con figure ๎€ƒ sou nds : ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ O N /O FF ๎€ƒ switch ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ Mes sag es ๎€ƒ sou nds ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ off.๎€ƒ Sounds ๎€ƒ mu s t๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ turned๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ c onf igure๎€ƒ se [...]

  • Seite 168

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 156 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sound ๎€ƒ > C ale n dar ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ so unds : ๎€ƒ l Select a ler t type :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ how ๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ w ant๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ale r t๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ C ale ndar๎€ƒ eve nts . ๎€ƒ l N otificatio[...]

  • Seite 169

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 157 Fo nt You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ set๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ font๎€ƒ sty le๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ si ze๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ text๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ dis pla ys ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc r een .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D isplay ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Font to๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ Font๎€ƒ sty le๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ Font๎€ƒ siz [...]

  • Seite 170

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 158 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D isplay ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Scr een time ou t ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ c hoo se๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ time ๎€ƒ perio d. S cr een Mode C hoo se๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ mode ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ matc h๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ typ e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ vi ew ing .๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ch oose ๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 171

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 159 ๎€ƒ l Flipboard :๎€ƒ D is pl ay๎€ƒ pic tures ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ Fli pboard .๎€ƒ A fter๎€ƒ enab lin g๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ opti on,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ pi ctures ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pl ay. ๎€ƒ l G o ogle Photos :๎€ƒ D is play ๎€ƒ pic tures๎€ƒ from ๎€ƒ Goo gle๎€ƒ Photos .๎€ƒ After๎€ƒ ena bli ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ opti on,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ c hoo se?[...]

  • Seite 172

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 160 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ D isplay ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ Touch key light dur ation ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ time out๎€ƒ perio d. In cr ease To uch S ensi tivi t y When๎€ƒ ena bled ,๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ se nsi tiv ity ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ touc h๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 173

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 161 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Lock sc r een ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S creen lock ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ sel ect ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ lo ck ๎€ƒ optio n. S et a S wipe Sc re en L ock When๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ S w ipe ๎€ƒ sc r een ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ set, ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ sw ip e๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing er๎€ƒ acr[...]

  • Seite 174

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 162 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Lock sc r een ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S creen lock ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Patter n ,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ fol low๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ promp ts๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ creat e๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ c han ge๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ unl oc k๎€ƒ pattern . ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P [...]

  • Seite 175

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 163 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Lock sc r een ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S creen lock ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Fingerpr int ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ foll ow ๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ prompts ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ regi s ter๎€ƒ y our๎€ƒ fin gerp r int s.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ s w ip e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pad ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ fing [...]

  • Seite 176

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 164 or๎€ƒ off,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ S et home c it y ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ zo ne. ๎€ƒ l C lock s ize :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ siz e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ clo ck ๎€ƒ dis pla yed ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ loc k๎€ƒ sc reen. ๎€ƒ l Sho w date :๎€ƒ E nabl e๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ dis pla y๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dis pla y๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ current ๎€ƒ date?[...]

  • Seite 177

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 165 ๎€ƒ l O wner infor mation :๎€ƒ E nter๎€ƒ ow ner๎€ƒ inform atio n๎€ƒ tex t,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ then๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ che ck box ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co ntrol๎€ƒ w heth er๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ dis pla ys ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ loc k๎€ƒ sc reen. ๎€ƒ l A dditional infor mation :๎€ƒ C ho os e๎€ƒ w heth er๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dis pla y๎€ƒ w ea the r ๎€ƒ in formati on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ info [...]

  • Seite 178

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 166 ๎€ƒ l R ecomme nd ed apps :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone ๎€ƒ w ill ๎€ƒ dis pla y๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ s el ecti on๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ app๎€ƒ ic ons ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ pane l,๎€ƒ acc ordi ng๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ act io ns.๎€ƒ For๎€ƒ ex ampl e,๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ co nnec t๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ head set,๎€ƒ Mu sic ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ ente r tai[...]

  • Seite 179

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 167 One- ha n de d Ope r at io n Sett in g s When๎€ƒ O ne-han ded๎€ƒ opera tio n๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ swipe ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ edge ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ s cre ens ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ adj ust ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc ale๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ pos iti on๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen. ๎€ƒ T hi s๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ use ful๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ us ing๎€ƒ y our๎€ƒ pho ne ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 180

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 168 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A cces sibility ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ V ision ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l TalkBack :๎€ƒ E nab le๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ dis abl e๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ T al kBack ๎€ƒ fea ture๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ con figu r e๎€ƒ opti ons. ๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ Talk B ack ๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ on, ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 181

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 169 ๎€ƒ l C olor adjustme nt :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ turne d๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ adj ust ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ col or๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ di ffic ulty ๎€ƒ readi ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ bec aus e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ co lor.๎€ƒ Foll ow ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ prom pts๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ fine - tun e๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ c ol ors. ๎€ƒ l A cce ssibility s h[...]

  • Seite 182

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 170 ๎€ƒ o S ettings :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi brati on๎€ƒ alert๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ pla ys ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ dete cts ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ c ryi ng๎€ƒ baby .๎€ƒ You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ set๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ pattern ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ inte nsi ty๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ vi bratio n,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ enab le๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ di sab le ๎€ƒ fla sh๎€ƒ not ifi ca tion, ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 183

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 171 pag es๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ emai l๎€ƒ mes sag es๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ til ting๎€ƒ y our๎€ƒ hea d๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ pho ne,๎€ƒ w hil e๎€ƒ lo ok ing ๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc r een .๎€ƒ N ot๎€ƒ al l๎€ƒ apps ๎€ƒ sup port๎€ƒ this ๎€ƒ featu r e. ๎€ƒ o T ap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ON/OFF ๎€ƒ sw itc h๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ opti on๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ off,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ con f[...]

  • Seite 184

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 172 ๎€ƒ l Ma n age a cces sibility :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ sett ings ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ exp orti ng,๎€ƒ upda ting, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ sh aring๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ac ces si bil ity ๎€ƒ set tings ๎€ƒ as ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ file . C onf igu re A cce ssibilit y Se rvic es If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ in stal led ๎€ƒ any ๎€ƒ acc ess ib ili ty-rel ated๎€ƒ se r vi ces ๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 185

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 173 prom pted๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se le ct๎€ƒ con tact s๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ li st. ๎€ƒ o If๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ crea ted๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ C us tom ๎€ƒ lis t๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ al lowed๎€ƒ con tac ts,๎€ƒ y ou๎€ƒ c an๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ A llow ed contact lis t ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ mo dify ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ li st๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ all ow ed๎€ƒ con tact s .๎€ƒ This ๎€ƒ opti on๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ only ๎€ƒ av ail able ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 186

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 174 app lic ati on. ๎€ƒ o P ayPal ac count :๎€ƒ A fter๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ ins tall ๎€ƒ FID O๎€ƒ R eady ๎€ƒ su pport,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ Link ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ lin k๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ PayPal ๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ fing erprint. Moti on s an d Gestu re s Setti n gs The๎€ƒ Mot ion๎€ƒ se tting s๎€ƒ all ow ๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ set ๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ var[...]

  • Seite 187

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 175 ๎€ƒ o S mart pause :๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ enab led ,๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ front๎€ƒ cam era๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ det ect๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ fac in g๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ sc r een ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ w il l๎€ƒ pau se๎€ƒ vi deo๎€ƒ pl ayb ack ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ lo ok ๎€ƒ aw ay .๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l Palm sw ipe to ca p tur e :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ?[...]

  • Seite 188

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 176 ๎€ƒ 3.๎€ƒ Foll ow ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ prom pts๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ ac coun t๎€ƒ cred enti al s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ co mpl ete ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ acc oun t๎€ƒ set ๎€ƒ up. Manage๎€ƒExi sting ๎€ƒ A ccounts ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A ccounts ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ exi sti[...]

  • Seite 189

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 177 ๎€ƒ l A utomatic restor e :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ B ac k๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ my ๎€ƒ data๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ als o๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ A utom atic ๎€ƒ res tore๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ auto mati cal ly ๎€ƒ r es tore๎€ƒ setti ngs ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ other๎€ƒ info r ma tio n๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ bac k up๎€ƒ w hen ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ rein stal l๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ app. Fa ct o[...]

  • Seite 190

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 178 S amsu ng Keyb oar d S et t ings The๎€ƒ Sams ung๎€ƒ K ey board๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ons cree n๎€ƒ QWER TY ๎€ƒ ke ybo ard,๎€ƒ s o๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ by ๎€ƒ โ€œ ty pi ngโ€๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ key board .๎€ƒ S ams ung ๎€ƒ key board ๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ ena bled ๎€ƒ by๎€ƒ def ault, ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ch oose ๎€ƒ opti ons ?[...]

  • Seite 191

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 179 ๎€ƒ l A uto r eplace ment :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ predi cti ve๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ w il l๎€ƒ co mpl ete๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ repla ce๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w ord๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ typ ing๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mos t๎€ƒ proba ble๎€ƒ w ord๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ S pac e๎€ƒ bar๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ punc tuati on๎€ƒ mark . ๎€ƒ l My shor tcuts :๎€ƒ Ass ign[...]

  • Seite 192

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 180 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Language and input ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ bes ide ๎€ƒ S wy pe ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con figu r e๎€ƒ thes e๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l Setting s: Set๎€ƒ S w ype ๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ o V ibr ate on ke ypr ess : ๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ enabl ed,๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ dev [...]

  • Seite 193

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 181 ๎€ƒ o E dit my dictionary :๎€ƒ Modi fy๎€ƒ w ords ๎€ƒ adde d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ S w yp e. ๎€ƒ o C lea r language data :๎€ƒ D elete ๎€ƒ all ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w ords ๎€ƒ you โ€™v e๎€ƒ adde d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ S w yp e๎€ƒ dic tio nary. ๎€ƒ o C ontr ibute usage data :๎€ƒ A ll ow ๎€ƒ N uan ce ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ col lec t๎€ƒ us age๎€ƒ data ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ provi de๎€ƒ be[...]

  • Seite 194

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 182 S pee ch Se tt ing s C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ us ing ๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ vo ice ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con tr ol ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne. V oi ce๎€ƒSe arch๎€ƒ S ett i ng s U se ๎€ƒ V oic e๎€ƒ sea r ch ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ perform๎€ƒ Go ogl e๎€ƒ se arc hes ๎€ƒ by๎€ƒ sp eak in g๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cri teria. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ?[...]

  • Seite 195

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 183 ๎€ƒ o S peech rate :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ rate๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ text๎€ƒ read outs . ๎€ƒ o L isten to an e xample : ๎€ƒ P lay ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ex ampl e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ sp eec h๎€ƒ us ed๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ readou ts. ๎€ƒ o D efault la n guage s t atus :๎€ƒ V iew๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ s tatu s๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ lang uage ๎€ƒ sup port๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ voi ce๎€ƒ rec ogn iti on. R ead ๎€ƒ N o[...]

  • Seite 196

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 184 ๎€ƒ l A utomatic date a nd time :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ ena bled ,๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ tak es๎€ƒ dat e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ time ๎€ƒ upda tes๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ w irel ess ๎€ƒ net w ork. ๎€ƒ l Set date :๎€ƒ E nter๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ cu r rent๎€ƒ date ๎€ƒ ( onl y๎€ƒ av ail abl e๎€ƒ w he n๎€ƒ A uto ma tic ๎€ƒ date๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ time ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ dis able d). ๎€ƒ l [...]

  • Seite 197

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 185 ๎€ƒ l Ma n age primary contac t s :๎€ƒ C r eat e๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ main tain ๎€ƒ prima r y๎€ƒ co ntac t๎€ƒ inf ormati on.๎€ƒ To๎€ƒ us e๎€ƒ Safety ๎€ƒ as sis tanc e,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ at๎€ƒ leas t๎€ƒ one ๎€ƒ prima r y ๎€ƒ cont act๎€ƒ sa ved ๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ C ontac ts .๎€ƒ Foll ow ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ prom pts๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ se t๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ prima r y?[...]

  • Seite 198

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 186 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ P owe r sav ing ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ mode ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfig ure๎€ƒ se tting s: ๎€ƒ l Power sa ving mode : ๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ON/OFF ๎€ƒ sw itc h๎€ƒ bes ide ๎€ƒ P ower sa ving mode ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ turn๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ mo de๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ or?[...]

  • Seite 199

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 187 Secu ri ty Sett in g s C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ se curi ng๎€ƒ info r mati on๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e. E ncr ypt ion You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ enc r yp t๎€ƒ acc oun ts,๎€ƒ se tting s,๎€ƒ downloa ded๎€ƒ app s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ thei r๎€ƒ data,๎€ƒ me dia,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ othe r๎€ƒ fil es. ๎€ƒ A fter๎€ƒ enc rypt ion, ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ mus t๎€ƒ enter๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 200

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 188 Some๎€ƒ fea tures๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ dev ic e๎€ƒ adm ini strator๎€ƒ mi ght๎€ƒ con tr ol ๎€ƒ inc lud e: ๎€ƒ n Settin g๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ numb er๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ fail ed๎€ƒ pas s w ord๎€ƒ attem pts ๎€ƒ before๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ devi ce ๎€ƒ is๎€ƒ res tored๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ facto ry๎€ƒ setti ngs . ๎€ƒ n Autom atic all y๎€ƒ loc ki ng๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dev ic e. ๎€ƒ n R es toring ๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 201

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 189 C r eden ti al S to ra ge You๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ ins tall ๎€ƒ cred enti als ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opti onal ๎€ƒ ins tall ed๎€ƒ mem ory๎€ƒ ca rd๎€ƒ ( not ๎€ƒ inc lude d),๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ C reden tial ๎€ƒ sto r age ๎€ƒ sett in gs๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ all ow ๎€ƒ app lic atio ns๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ se curi ty ๎€ƒ certi fic ates ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 202

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 190 Sy stem Upd at e Sett in g s U se ๎€ƒ S ys tem๎€ƒ upd ate๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ upd ate๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon eโ€™ s๎€ƒ soft w are. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ S ystem U pdate ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ thes e๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l U pdate now :๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch eck ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 203

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 191 ๎€ƒ l D evic e name : ๎€ƒ V iew๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ dev ice โ€™s ๎€ƒ name ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ ente r ๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ nam e๎€ƒ if๎€ƒ des ired. ๎€ƒ l Model number :๎€ƒ View๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ dev ic eโ€™s ๎€ƒ mod el๎€ƒ num ber.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l A ndr oid version :๎€ƒ V iew๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ firm w are๎€ƒ ve r si on๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ dev ic e.๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ l B ase b and ve r[...]

  • Seite 204

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 192 ๎€ƒ l H ome :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ defa ult๎€ƒ hom e๎€ƒ sc reen๎€ƒ mo de. ๎€ƒ l Me ssages :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ defa ult๎€ƒ app ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ mes sa ging ๎€ƒ ( SMS๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ MM S ) . ๎€ƒ l C lear defaults : ๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ C lea r๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cl ear๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ defa ul ts. N ote: ๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ defau lt๎€ƒ mes sag ing ๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 205

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 193 Ca ll Set tin g s C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ ca lli ng๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e. Tip: ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ al so๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ C all ๎€ƒ set tin gs๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ P hone ๎€ƒ app.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ P hone ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Me n u ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ S ettings ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ C all . C all R ej ec tio n C rea[...]

  • Seite 206

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 194 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C all ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ A nsw ering and ending call s ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ con figu r e๎€ƒ thes e๎€ƒ opt io ns: ๎€ƒ l A nsw er cal ls by : ๎€ƒ o P r essi n g the H ome k ey : ๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ enabl ed,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ans w er๎€ƒ inc omi ng๎€ƒ ca lls ?[...]

  • Seite 207

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 195 S how C alle r Inf or mat ion When๎€ƒ ena bled ,๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ in forma tion ๎€ƒ abou t๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ca lle rโ€™s ๎€ƒ rece nt๎€ƒ so cia l๎€ƒ network๎€ƒ acti vi ty,๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ his tory๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ c om muni cati on๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ the m,๎€ƒ di spl ays ๎€ƒ w hen ๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ r ec eiv e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ cal l. ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap?[...]

  • Seite 208

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 196 ๎€ƒ l A utomatic ans w er ing timer :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ tim e๎€ƒ peri od๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dela y๎€ƒ before๎€ƒ aut omati cal ly ๎€ƒ ans w ering ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ inc omi ng๎€ƒ cal l๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ Automa tic ๎€ƒ ans w eri ng๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ ena bled ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ head set๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ c onn ecte d๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ dev ic e.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ 2 s[...]

  • Seite 209

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 197 ๎€ƒ l Tap๎€ƒ Vibr ations ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ then ๎€ƒ sel ect๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ vi bratio n๎€ƒ patt ern๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ pla y๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ inc omi ng๎€ƒ ca ll s๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Vibrate ๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ ringi ng๎€ƒ opti on๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ enab led. ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ can ๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ C r eate ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ creat e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ cus tom๎€ƒ pat tern.๎€ƒ T ap๎€ƒ O K ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ sa ve๎€ƒ t[...]

  • Seite 210

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 198 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C all ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ch eck ๎€ƒ box ๎€ƒ bes ide ๎€ƒ U S dialing ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ enabl e๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ dis abl e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ s etti ng. In te rn at iona l D iali ng When๎€ƒ U S๎€ƒ dial ing ๎€ƒ is ๎€ƒ enabl ed,๎€ƒ it๎€ƒ us es๎€ƒ th[...]

  • Seite 211

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 199 ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ C all ,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the n๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ch eck ๎€ƒ box ๎€ƒ bes ide ๎€ƒ V oice priva cy ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ ena ble๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ dis able ๎€ƒ enha nce d๎€ƒ priv ac y๎€ƒ mode . Co n ta c ts Sett in g s C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ co ntac ts๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 212

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 200 ๎€ƒ l A ccounts :๎€ƒ A dd๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ mana ge๎€ƒ acc ount s.๎€ƒ Many ๎€ƒ ac cou nts๎€ƒ in clu de๎€ƒ con tact s ,๎€ƒ w hic h๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ sy nce d๎€ƒ w ith ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne๎€ƒ w hen๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ set ๎€ƒ up๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ acc oun t๎€ƒ on๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ pho ne. Emai l Set t in gs C onfi gure๎€ƒ opti ons ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ em ail ๎€ƒ acc ount s ๎€ƒ you[...]

  • Seite 213

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 201 ๎€ƒ o N otification sound :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ ringt one๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ use ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ noti fic atio ns๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ new ๎€ƒ em ai l๎€ƒ fr om ๎€ƒ prio r ity ๎€ƒ se nders . ๎€ƒ o V ibr ate :๎€ƒ E nab le๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ dis abl e๎€ƒ vi brati on,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ play ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ noti fica tion s๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ prio rity ๎€ƒ s end ers. [...]

  • Seite 214

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 202 ๎€ƒ l D efault ac count :๎€ƒ A ss ign ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ acc ount ๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ defa ult๎€ƒ em ai l๎€ƒ ac cou nt๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ outg oi ng๎€ƒ mes sag es.๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ la unc h๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ apps ,๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ ema il๎€ƒ w il l๎€ƒ autom atic all y๎€ƒ be๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ thi s๎€ƒ acc ount . ๎€ƒ l Passw or d :๎€ƒ U pda te?[...]

  • Seite 215

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 203 ๎€ƒ o S ync Tas k :๎€ƒ C hoo se ๎€ƒ w hethe r ๎€ƒ emai ls ๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ sy nc hroniz ed๎€ƒ bet w een ๎€ƒ you r ๎€ƒ phone ๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ ac cou nt. ๎€ƒ o E xchange s er ver se t tings :๎€ƒ C onf igure๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ D om ain us er๎€ƒ nam e,๎€ƒ Pass w ord,๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ othe r ๎€ƒ Exc hang e๎€ƒ se r ve r ๎€ƒ se tting s. ๎€ƒ o Incoming se[...]

  • Seite 216

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 204 I n t er n et Set ti ng s C onfi gure๎€ƒ Inte rnet๎€ƒ se tting s,๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ cus tom iz e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ brow se r ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ preferen ces . B asi c๎€ƒI nter ne t ๎€ƒSett i n gs ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Inter net ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfigu r e๎€ƒ opti ons : ๎€ƒ l A cc[...]

  • Seite 217

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 205 ๎€ƒ o T ext e n coding :๎€ƒ C hoos e๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ typ e๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ tex t๎€ƒ enc odin g,๎€ƒ or๎€ƒ cho ose ๎€ƒ A uto๎€ƒ dete ct๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ browser๎€ƒ dete ct๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ typ e. ๎€ƒ o F ull sc r een :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ enab led, ๎€ƒ pages ๎€ƒ di spl ay๎€ƒ ful l-sc reen,๎€ƒ hi ding ๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sta tus๎€ƒ bar.๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ tou ch[...]

  • Seite 218

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 206 Tip: ๎€ƒ Y ou๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ al so๎€ƒ ac ces s๎€ƒ Mes sa ge๎€ƒ s etti ngs ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ Mes sa ges ๎€ƒ app.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ hom e,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Me ssages ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Menu ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ Setting s . ๎€ƒ 1.๎€ƒ From๎€ƒ home ,๎€ƒ tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ A pps ๎€ƒ > ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Sett ings . ๎€ƒ 2.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ Mes sages ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ co nfigu r e๎€ƒ se[...]

  • Seite 219

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 207 ๎€ƒ o Multimedia m ess age limit :๎€ƒ Set๎€ƒ the ๎€ƒ max imu m๎€ƒ num ber๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ mul tim edia ๎€ƒ mes sag es๎€ƒ per๎€ƒ c onv ersa tion . ๎€ƒ l N otifications :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ noti fic atio ns ๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ new๎€ƒ mes sa ges ๎€ƒ dis pla y ๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ sta tus๎€ƒ bar.๎€ƒ Tap๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ O N /O FF ๎€ƒ switch ๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 220

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 208 ๎€ƒ o B lock unknow n se n ders :๎€ƒ W hen ๎€ƒ enabl ed,๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ phon e๎€ƒ bl ock s๎€ƒ mes sa ges ๎€ƒ from๎€ƒ num bers ๎€ƒ tha t๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ stored ๎€ƒ as๎€ƒ c ont acts . ๎€ƒ l D elay mess age sending :๎€ƒ When๎€ƒ turned ๎€ƒ on,๎€ƒ yo u๎€ƒ ca n๎€ƒ ch oos e๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ dela y๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ se ndi ng๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ me ss age s,๎€ƒ so ?[...]

  • Seite 221

    ๎€ƒ S ettin gs 209 ๎€ƒ l Log in to Facebook : ๎€ƒ Log๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ yo ur๎€ƒ Face boo k๎€ƒ acc oun t.๎€ƒ If๎€ƒ you ๎€ƒ hav e๎€ƒ not๎€ƒ alre ady๎€ƒ in stal led ๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ opt iona l๎€ƒ F ac eboo k๎€ƒ app,๎€ƒ fol low๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ promp ts๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ do๎€ƒ so๎€ƒ befo r e๎€ƒ log ging ๎€ƒ in. ๎€ƒ l Log in to Twitter :๎€ƒ Log๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ you r๎€ƒ T w itte [...]

  • Seite 222

    C opy right I nformat ion 210 Cop y righ t I nf orma tion ยฉ2014 ๎€ƒ S print .๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ the๎€ƒ lo go๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ trade marks ๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ S prin t.๎€ƒ Ot her๎€ƒ mark s๎€ƒ are๎€ƒ tr ade mark s๎€ƒ of๎€ƒ the ir๎€ƒ res pect ive ๎€ƒ ow ners . ยฉ2014 ๎€ƒ S ams ung .๎€ƒ S ams ung ,๎€ƒ Ga la xy ,๎€ƒ S ๎€ƒ Beam,๎€ƒ Air๎€ƒ View,๎€ƒ S ๎€ƒ H eal th,๎€ƒ[...]

  • Seite 223

    Ind ex 211 3 3-w ay ๎€ƒ C all ing๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 33 4 4G ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 83 A About๎€ƒ D ev ice ๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 190 Acc ess ๎€ƒ C onta cts ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 43 Acc ess ๎€ƒ Email ๎€ƒ and ๎€ƒ D ata ๎€ƒ S ervi ces ๎€ƒ Inte r nat io nall y C D MA๎€ƒ N etw ork s ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 130 G S M/UMTS ๎€ƒ N etworks ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 130 Acc ess ๎€ƒ Settin gs๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 134 Acc ess ibi li ty๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 167 [...]

  • Seite 224

    Ind ex 212 C onfi gure๎€ƒ Wi-Fi๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 135 C onn ect๎€ƒ to๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ W irel ess ๎€ƒ N etw ork ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 81 C onta ct๎€ƒ S prin t๎€ƒ for๎€ƒ Ass ist ance ๎€ƒ w ith๎€ƒ Inte r nat io nal๎€ƒ Servi ce๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 132 C onta cts ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 43 Add๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 44 Ass ign๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ P ic ture๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 46 Ass ign๎€ƒ a๎€ƒ R ing ton e๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 46 Edit๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 45 G et๎€ƒ [...]

  • Seite 225

    Ind ex 213 G oogl e Sign ๎€ƒ in๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 54 Voic e๎€ƒ T yp ing๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 24 G oogl e๎€ƒ C hec kou t๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 70 G oogl e๎€ƒ Map s๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 71 G oogl e๎€ƒ N ow ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 111 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ B ook s๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 77 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ Ga me s๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 77 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ Mov ies ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 76 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ Mus ic ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 72 G oogl e๎€ƒ Play ๎€ƒ N ew ss ta[...]

  • Seite 226

    Ind ex 214 N FC ๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 145 N oi s e๎€ƒ R educ tio n๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 197 N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ Ico ns๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 22 N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ P ane l๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 23 N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ P ane l๎€ƒ Settin gs๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 165 N oti fic ation s๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 21,๎€ƒ 151 O O ne-han ded๎€ƒ Op eratio n๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 167 O pen๎€ƒ an๎€ƒ Ins tall ed๎€ƒ A pp๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 70 O pen?[...]

  • Seite 227

    Ind ex 215 Wi-Fi๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 135 Settin gs๎€ƒ O pti ons ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 134 Setup๎€ƒ Appli ca tion๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 4 Share๎€ƒ P hoto s๎€ƒ and๎€ƒ Video s๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 98 Show๎€ƒ C al ler๎€ƒ Informa tion ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 195 SIM๎€ƒ C ard๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 126 Slid e๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 15 Smart๎€ƒ R emote ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 117 C ontro l๎€ƒ Your๎€ƒ TV๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 118 Smart๎€ƒ S tay ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 157 SMS Me ss agi ng๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 61 Soci [...]

  • Seite 228

    Ind ex 216 Voic ema il ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 35 D is pla y๎€ƒ name ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 39 G r eeti ng๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 39 Inte r nat io nal๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 128 N oti fic ation ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 36 Pass w ord๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 7 Setup๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 6 Voic ema il ๎€ƒ A cc es s๎€ƒ N umbe r ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 128 Voic ema il ๎€ƒ S etti ngs ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 198 Voic ema il ๎€ƒ S etu p๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 36 Volu me ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 150 VP N ๎€ƒ ๎€ƒ 86,๎€ƒ 144 Add๎€ƒ[...]