Samsung SNB-3000(P) Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung SNB-3000(P) an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von Samsung SNB-3000(P), sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung Samsung SNB-3000(P) die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung SNB-3000(P). Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung Samsung SNB-3000(P) sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts Samsung SNB-3000(P)
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts Samsung SNB-3000(P)
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts Samsung SNB-3000(P)
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von Samsung SNB-3000(P) zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von Samsung SNB-3000(P) und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service Samsung finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von Samsung SNB-3000(P) zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts Samsung SNB-3000(P), über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von Samsung SNB-3000(P) widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    SNB-3000(P) imagine the possibilities Thanks you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive a more complete service, please visit our website User Manual Network Camera RoHS compl iant Our p roduc t com plies with “The Rest ricti on Of the use o f cer tain Hazar dous Subst ances in e lectr ical and e lectr onic equip [...]

  • Seite 2

    2_ overview overview CAUTION RISK OF ELEC TRIC SHO CK. DO N OT O PEN C AU T I O N : TO R ED UC E TH E RI SK O F EL EC TR IC S HO CK , DO N OT R EM OV E CO VE R (O R BA CK ) NO U SE R SE RV IC EA BL E PA RT S IN SI DE . RE FE R SE RV IC IN G TO Q UA LI FI ED S ER VI CE P ER SO NN EL . Th is sy mb ol i n di ca te s t ha t d an ge ro u s vo lt ag e c [...]

  • Seite 3

    English _3 ● OVERVIEW When installing the camera, fasten it securely and firmly. The fall of camera may cause personal injury. Do not place conductive objects (e.g. screwdrivers, coins, metal parts, etc.) or containers filled with water on top of the camera. Doing so may cause personal injury due to fire, electric shock, or falling objects. Do[...]

  • Seite 4

    overview 4_ overview CAUTION Do not drop objects on the product or apply strong blows to it. Keep away from a location subject to excessive vibration or magnetic interference. Do not install in a location subject to high temperature (over 50°C), low temperature (below -10°C), or high humidity. Doing so may cause fire or electric shock. If you wa[...]

  • Seite 5

    English _5 ● OVERVIEW FCC STATEMENT Th is de vi ce c o mp li es wi th p a rt 1 5 o f th e FC C R ul es . O pe ra t io n is su bj ec t t o th e fo ll o wi ng t wo co nd it i on s : 1) T h is d ev ic e m ay n o t ca us e h ar mf u l in te rf e re nc e, an d 2) Th is de vi ce m u st a cc e pt a ny in te rf e re nc e re c ei ve d i nc lu di n g in te[...]

  • Seite 6

    overview 6_ overview IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read these instructions. Keep these instructions. Heed all warnings. Follow all instructions. Do not use this apparatus near water. Clean only with dry cloth. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not install near any heat sources su[...]

  • Seite 7

    English _7 ● OVERVIEW overview 2 6 Important Safety Instructions 9 Product Features 9 Precautions – Installation And Use 9 Recommende d PC Specific ations 10 What’s Included 11 At a Glance CONTENTS installation & connection 14 14 Mounting the lens 15 Inserting/Removing an SD Memory Card 16 Memory Card Information (not included) 18 Connec[...]

  • Seite 8

    overview 8_ overview web viewer 42 42 Connecting to the camera 43 Login 44 Installing ActiveX 45 Using the Live Screen 46 Backup 49 Using the SD Search Viewer Screen setup screen 50 50 Accessing the Setup screen 50 Default Setup 55 System Setup 58 Overlay Setup 59 Event Setup 66 Network Setup appendix 67 67 Profile 68 Terminology 70 Specification[...]

  • Seite 9

    English _9 ● OVERVIEW PRODUCT FEATURES Support various communication protocols Supports TCP/IP, UDP, RTP/RTSP, SMTP for email, and FTP protocols as well as various internet protocols such as ARP, HTTP, HTTPS and DHCP. Web Browser-based Monitoring Using the Internet web browser to display the image in a local network environment. Automatic Local I[...]

  • Seite 10

    overview 10_ overview Compatible IP Routers Linksys D-Link Netgear Compatible PoE Switches Linksys SRW224G4P D-Link DES-1316 SMC SMCPWR-INJ3 WHAT’S INCLUDED Pl ea se ch ec k if y ou r c am er a an d ac ces so ri es a re a ll in cl ud ed i n the p ro du ct p ac kag e. Camera C Mount Adapter Auto Iris Lens Connector Camera Holder (Mount) & Scre[...]

  • Seite 11

    English _11 ● OVERVIEW AT A GLANCE Front Side It em D esc ri pt io n Ca me ra Ho ld er (M ou nt) H ol es Us ed wh en y ou m ou nt th e ca me ra o nt o t he b ra ck et b y f ix in g th e ca mer a ho ld er (m ou nt ) ad ap tor w it h th e br ack et . Au to Ir is L en s (O pt ion al ) In st all ed o n th e le ns ad ap to r. Au to Ir is L en s Co nn [...]

  • Seite 12

    overview 12_ overview Rear Side It em D esc ri pt io n SD M emo ry C ar d Co mp art me nt C om pa rt me nt fo r th e SD m emo ry c ar d. Au di o O ut t er mi na l AU DI O O UT Te rm in al f or au di o ou tp ut . AU DI O I N Te rm ina l fo r au di o inp ut . Sy st em, P ow er In di cat or s SD ON : A m em or y ca rd i s i ns er te d an d ope ra te s[...]

  • Seite 13

    English _13 ● OVERVIEW Re se t B ut to n Re se ts th e ca me ra s ett in gs t o th e def au lt . Pr es s and h ol d it f or ab ou t 3 se co nds t o tu rn o ff th e sy st em i nd ica to r an d re st art t he s ys te m. Po we r P or t Us ed to p lu g th e po wer c ab le . GN D Us ed fo r ea rt h- gr oun di ng . Ne tw ork P or t Us ed to c on ne ct [...]

  • Seite 14

    14_ installation & connection installation & connection MOUNTING THE LENS Di sc onn ec t th e po we r b ef or e pr oc ee din g. Mounting the CS lens Tu rn th e op ti on al C S l en s cl oc kw is e t o in se rt i t. Mounting the C lens Tu rn th e C mo un t ad apt or c lo ck wi se to i ns er t it a nd do t he s am e wit h th e C le ns . CS Le[...]

  • Seite 15

    English _15 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION Connecting the Auto Iris Lens connector In se rt th e le ns c on nec to r in to t he co rr es po nd in g hol e of t he c am era . Focusing Tu rn th e le ns l ef t or ri gh t to c on tro l th e zo om a nd fo cu s th e le ns so t ha t yo u can v ie w a cl ea r, sh ar p o bj ec t. INSERTING/REMOVING AN SD [...]

  • Seite 16

    installation & connection 16_ installation & connection Removing an SD Memory Card Ge nt ly pr es s do wn o n t he e xp os ed e nd of t he m em or y c ar d as s ho wn in t he d ia gr am to ej ec t t he m em or y ca rd fr om t he s lo t. Pres sing too hard on the SD me mory car d can cau se t he c ard t o sh oot out u ncon trol labl y fro m [...]

  • Seite 17

    English _17 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION Memory Card Use SD a nd SD HC m em or y car ds f ea tu re a sw it ch t ha t di sab le s wr it in g dat a on t o th e med ia . Ha vi ng th is s wi tc h to th e Lo ck p os iti on w il l pr ev ent a cc id en ta l del et io n of d at a s to re d in t he me mo ry ca rd b ut a t the s am e ti me w ill a ls o [...]

  • Seite 18

    installation & connection 18_ installation & connection CONNECTING WITH OTHER DEVICE Connecting to the monitor Co nn ect t he [ VI DE O ] po rt o f th e ca mer a to t he v id eo in pu t po rt o f t he m on it or . Network Connection Co nn ect t he N et wo rk ca bl e to t he l oca l ne tw or k or to t he I nt er ne t. Power Supply Us e the s[...]

  • Seite 19

    English _19 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION Connecting to Audio Input/Output Connect the AUDIO IN port of the camera with the microphone directly or LINE OUT port of the amplifier that the microphone is connected to. Direct Mic Connection : Set Audio Input Gain high (10). (Refer to page 51) Line Out Connection : Set Audio Input Gain low (1). (Re[...]

  • Seite 20

    installation & connection 20_ installation & connection Audio I/O Block Diagram Audio Codec G.711 PCM. μ-law 64kbps 8kHz sampling Full duplex Audio Audio in Used for mono signal line input (Max.2.4 Vpp) Audio out Used for mono signal line output (Max.2.4 Vpp) Line out impedance 600 Ω      Speaker Pre-Amp Microphone PC Pre-A[...]

  • Seite 21

    English _21 ● INSTALLATION & CONNECTION Connecting to the I/O port box Co nn ect t he A la rm I /O si gn al t o th e c or re sp on di ng po rt o f th e re ar po rt b ox . ALARM IN 1, 2 : Used to connect the alarm input signal. GND : Used for earth-grounding. ALARM OUT 1, 2 : Used to connect the alarm output signal. Alarm I/O Wiring Diagram ?[...]

  • Seite 22

    22_ camera setup camera setup You can configure the camera settings using the Web Viewer. For acce ssing the Web Vie wer, refe r to " Net work Con nect ion a nd S etup ". (p age 31) HOW TO USE THE MENU KEY Fo ll ow th e st ep s be low i f yo u ru n the W eb V ie we r for s et ti ng t he me nu s. Launch the Web Viewer. From the [ Camera OS[...]

  • Seite 23

    English _23 ● CAMERA SETUP MAIN MENU Yo u can c on fi gu re t he ca me ra s et ti ngs t o yo ur p re fer en ce . PROFILE You can select a mode that is approp riate to the camera installation environment. CAMERA SET Configure the camera functions and settings. PRIVACY ZONE You can configure the privacy settings. OTHER SET You can configure more[...]

  • Seite 24

    24_ camera setup camera setup CAMERA SETUP Yo u can c on fi gu re t he ge ne ra l se tt ing s of t he c am era m od ul e. For s ele ct ing a nd sa vin g eac h men u ite m, re fe r t o " Ho w to us e t he me nu ke y " . ( pa ge 22 ) CAMERA ID Pr ov ide t he I D an d pos it io n fo r a cam er a th at d is pla ys o n th e sc ree n. Select &l[...]

  • Seite 25

    English _25 ● CAMERA SETUP MOTION Yo u can s pe ci fy a l eve l of A GC f or co nt ro ll in g th e ca me ra mo ti on . Se le ct F. FA ST i f yo u w an t to m on it or a ve ry f as t mo vi ng ob je ct i n a low c on tr as t sc ene , an d S. SL OW if m oni to ri ng a v er y s lo w mo vi ng , ina ni ma te o bj ec t i n th e sam e co nd it io n. As l[...]

  • Seite 26

    26_ camera setup camera setup DAY/NIGHT Yo u can s pe ci fy a r eco rd in g mo de a cco rd in g to t he sc en e. Select < CAMERA SET > - < DAY/NIGHT >. Select a screen transition mode according to the illumination, and set options as appropriate. DAY : Fixed to DAY mode, regardless of the scene. NIGHT : Fixed to NIGHT mode, regardless o[...]

  • Seite 27

    English _27 ● CAMERA SETUP According to the specified recording mode, select a WHITE BAL mode with necessary options. BRIGHTNESS : Specify a brightness level triggering the switch from DAY to NIGHT mode. MODE : According to the selected mode, you can adjust the RED and BLUE color level. RED : Adjust the strength of the red color. BLUE : Adjust t[...]

  • Seite 28

    28_ camera setup camera setup PRIVACY ZONE Yo u can s et u p to 1 2 p ri va cy z on es th at w il l be h ide d fo r pr iv ac y o f th e su bj ec t w he n re co rd in g. For s ele ct ing a nd sa vin g eac h men u ite m, re fe r t o " Ho w to us e t he me nu ke y " . ( pa ge 22 ) ZONE SETUP Select < MAIN MENU > - < PRIVACY ZONE >[...]

  • Seite 29

    English _29 ● CAMERA SETUP OTHERS Yo u can r es et t he c ame ra , or s el ec t t he O SD f on t col or t o yo ur p ref er en ce . For s ele ct ing a nd sa vin g eac h men u ite m, re fe r t o " Ho w to us e t he me nu ke y " . ( pa ge 22 ) FACTORY DEFAULT Select < MAIN MENU > - < OTHER SET > - < FACTORY DEFAULTS >. Th[...]

  • Seite 30

    30_ camera setup camera setup SYSTEM INFO Yo u can c he ck t he s yst em i nf or ma ti on. For s ele ct ing a nd sa vin g eac h men u ite m, re fe r t o " Ho w to us e t he me nu ke y " . ( pa ge 22 ) Select < MAIN MENU > - < SYSTEM INFO >. The current system information is displayed. The came ra t ype may diffe rent , de pend[...]

  • Seite 31

    English _31 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP network connection and setup You can set up the network settings according to your network configurations. Be fo re in st al li ng o r w hi le u si ng t his p ro gr am , vi sit t he S am su ng we bs it e ww w. sa msu ng se cu ri ty .c om an d dow nl oa d an d up gra de w it h th e lat es t S/ W ve rs ion[...]

  • Seite 32

    32_ network connection and setup network connection and setup ex 3) I f th e a dd re ss ( LA N IP) o f th e IP r out er i s 19 2. 16 8.x xx .1 IP a ddr es s: 1 92 .1 68 .xx x. 10 0 Su bn et Ma sk : 25 5. 25 5.2 55 .0 De fa ult G at ew ay : 19 2.1 68 .x xx .1 For the addre ss o f th e IP rout er, refe r to the prod uct’ s doc umen tati on. Checkin[...]

  • Seite 33

    English _33 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP Select : < Network Neighborhood >  < Properties >  < Local Area Connection >  < Properties >  < General >  < Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) >  < Properties >  < Obtain an IP address automatically > or < Use the following IP address >.[...]

  • Seite 34

    34_ network connection and setup network connection and setup When the IP Router is connected, the login window appears and prompts you to enter the password. For the login IP and the passw ord, ref er to the IP rout er’s docu ment ation . When done, you will see the setup window of the IP router. In the setup menu, select “ Automatic Configur[...]

  • Seite 35

    English _35 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP IP ADDRESS SETUP Buttons used in IP Installer It em D esc ri pt io n De vi ce Na me Mo de l n am e of t he c onn ec te d ca me ra . Cl ic k t he c ol um n to so rt t he l is t by mo de l na me . Ho we ver , se ar ch w il l b e st op pe d if cl ic ke d du ri ng th e se ar ch . Mo de D isp la ys e it he r [...]

  • Seite 36

    36_ network connection and setup network connection and setup IP v4 S can s fo r ca me ra s w it h th e IP v4 se tt in g. IP v6 S can s fo r ca me ra s w it h th e IP v6 se tt in g. Se ar ch Sc an s fo r ca me ras t ha t ar e cu rre nt ly c on ne ct ed to t he n et wo rk. Ho we ver , th is b ut to n w il l be g ra ye d o ut i f ne it he r I Pv 4 no[...]

  • Seite 37

    English _37 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP If u sin g an I P ro ut er : IP Address : Enter an address falling in the IP range provided by the IP router. ex),, 192.168.XXX.2~254 Subnet Mask : The < Subnet Mask > of the IP route r will be the < Subnet Mask > of the camera. Gateway : The < Local IP Addr[...]

  • Seite 38

    38_ network connection and setup network connection and setup If t he IP r ou te r ha s m or e th an o ne ca me ra c on ne ct ed Co nf igu re t he I P re lat ed s et ti ng s and t he P or t re lat ed s et ti ng s dis ti nc tl y wi th ea ch o th er . Ca te gor y Ca me ra #1 Cam era # 2 IP r ela te d se tt in gs IP A ddr es s Su bn et Ma sk Ga te way[...]

  • Seite 39

    English _39 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP Enter the password. This is the login password for the " admin " user who accesses the camera. The default password is " 4321 ". Click [ OK ]. Auto network setup will be completed. The camera will automatically complete the network setting and restart. DYNAMIC IP SETUP Dynamic IP Envi[...]

  • Seite 40

    40_ network connection and setup network connection and setup PORT RANGE FORWARD (PORT MAPPING) SETUP If y ou ha ve i ns ta ll ed an I P ro ut er wi th a c am er a con ne ct ed , yo u mus t se t th e po rt ra ng e fo rw ard in g on t he I P r ou te r so t ha t a r em ot e PC c an ac ce ss t he c ame ra i n it . Manual Port Range Forwarding From the[...]

  • Seite 41

    English _41 ● NETWORK CONNECTION AND SETUP CONNECTING TO THE CAMERA FROM A SHARED LOCAL PC Launch < IP Installer >. It will scan for connected cameras and display a list of them. Double-click a camera to access. The Internet browser starts and connects to the camera. You can also acce ss t he c amera in such way you type the IP a ddre ss o [...]

  • Seite 42

    42_ web viewer CONNECTING TO THE CAMERA Normally, you would Launch the Internet browser. Type the IP address of the camera in the address bar. ex) • IP address (IPv4) :  - the Login dialog should appear. • IP address (IPv6) : 2001:230:abcd: ffff:0000:0000:ffff:1111  http://[2001:230:abcd:ffff:0000 :0000:[...]

  • Seite 43

    English _43 ● WEB VIEWER To check the DDNS address Th e DDN S ad dr es s co nsi st s of : <o ne of t he l ow er -c ase l et te rs : c, m, p > + <t he l ast 6 d ig it s of t he MA C (E th er ne t) ad dr es s> + < web sa ms un g. ne t> Th e sma ll l et te r wi ll be < c> i f th e f ir st 6 d ig it s o f th e MA C (E the rn e[...]

  • Seite 44

    web viewer 44_ web viewer INSTALLING ACTIVEX If c onn ec ti ng t o a cam er a fo r th e fir st t im e, y ou wi ll s ee t he i nst al la ti on m es sag e. T he n, i ns tal l th e re qu ire d Ac ti ve X to ac ce ss t he c am era a nd c on tr ol th e vi de o fr om it i n re al t im e. For Windows XP Service Pack 2 users Click the installation message [...]

  • Seite 45

    English _45 ● WEB VIEWER USING THE LIVE SCREEN It em D esc ri pt io n SD S ear ch Mo ve s t o th e sc re en fo r se ar ch in g eve nt i ma ge s fr om th e SD c ar d. Se tu p Mov e to t he S et up sc re en . Ab ou t You c an c he ck t he fi rm wa re v er sio n, s er ia l nu mbe r an d ma nu fa ctu re r in fo rm at ion . Re se t A la rm Re se ts th[...]

  • Seite 46

    web viewer 46_ web viewer Ca me ra OS D U se d to re tr ie ve a nd cu st om iz e th e Cam er a Se tu p me nu. Fo r s el ec tin g an d s av in g eac h me nu it em , r ef er to " Ho w to us e the m en u k ey ". (p ag e 22 ) Au di o Ch ec k t he L is te n or Sp ea k ch ec k bo x f or A ud io . Vi ew er S cr ee n Di sp la ys th e Li ve v id e[...]

  • Seite 47

    English _47 ● WEB VIEWER To print out the screenshot Click [ ] on the scene to print out. The Print setup dialog appears. Specify the name of the printer connected, and click [ OK ]. To record a video Click [ ] on the scene to record. You will see the Save AVI dialog; provide the necessary information. Save path : You can change the default savin[...]

  • Seite 48

    web viewer 48_ web viewer Default file path Windows XP : C:Program FilesSamsungSNB-3000VideoClipLive If you want to change the path, click [ Set path ( )] and specify a path. Windows Vista, Windows 7 : C:users[UserID]DocumentsSamsung SNB-3000VideoClipLive On the Windows Vista, Windows 7 system, the path to save is fixed. The screensho[...]

  • Seite 49

    English _49 ● WEB VIEWER USING THE SD SEARCH VIEWER SCREEN Click < SD search > tab in the Live screen. The SD Search Screen appears. SD Search Viewer Screen layout Na me Fu nc tio n an d de sc ri pti on Th um bna il S iz e Th e thu mb na il i ma ge s a re d is pl ay ed ba se d on t he s ele ct ed s iz e. Da te Y ou ca n se le ct t he de si [...]

  • Seite 50

    50_ setup screen ACCESSING THE SETUP SCREEN Yo u can c on fi gu re t he de fa ul t se tt ing , sy st em , ov erl ay , ev en t an d n et wo rk r el at ed se tt in gs , an d ch an ge th em a s ne ce ssa ry . In the Live screen, click the < Setup > tab. The Setup screen appears. DEFAULT SETUP To configure the video & audio settings Yo u can [...]

  • Seite 51

    English _51 ● SETUP SCREEN Target bitrate : Transfers video signal at a specified bit rate. Compression : Adjust the compression rate from 5 through 100 by 5. Encode priority : Set the video transfer method to Frame rate or Quality. GOP* size : Select a GOP size between 5 and 15. De bl ock : T hi s wi ll so ft en t he e dg es be tw ee n ma cr o [...]

  • Seite 52

    setup screen 52_ setup screen MAC address : Displays the Ethernet MAC address. This is used for creating a DDNS address. IP address : Displays the current IP address. Subnet mask : Displays the < Subnet mask > for the set IP. Gateway : Displays the < Gateway > for the set IP. DNS server : Displays the DNS(Domain Name Service) server add[...]

  • Seite 53

    English _53 ● SETUP SCREEN To set the user account Click < Basic > - < User >. The User setup window appears. Login authentication : You can set to authenticate the login by the user. If you select < Enable >, the user should have gone through the login authentication; if selecting < Disable >, every user can access the sy[...]

  • Seite 54

    setup screen 54_ setup screen To e dit a r eg is te re d u se r ac co un t From the User setup window, select a user ID to change. From the User setup window, click [ Modify ]. The Modify user window appears. Change the < User ID >, < Password >, < Confirm password >, and < Level > as you wish. Click [ Apply ]. The selected[...]

  • Seite 55

    English _55 ● SETUP SCREEN SYSTEM SETUP To set the date/time Yo u can o bt ai n th e cur re nt s ys te m tim e fr om t he N TP se rv er o r yo ur PC f or y ou r tim e se tt ing . Select < System > - < Date & Time >. The Date & Time setup window appears. If you select Manual, input the date and time manually. Your settings will[...]

  • Seite 56

    setup screen 56_ setup screen To check the log information Se le ct < S ys te m > - < Log >. Th e Log i nf or ma ti on li st a pp ea rs . System log list : Shows the log information about the system changes along with time and IP address. System started: When the camera turns on User login: When the user logs in to the camera System res[...]

  • Seite 57

    English _57 ● SETUP SCREEN When the software update is completed, you will be prompted to restart the system. Click [ OK ] to restart the system. Since the current connection is disconnected, you have to connect to the system again. If t he n etwor k is dis conn ected , th e po wer s uppl y fa ils, or t he P C ab norma lly oper ates duri ng t he [...]

  • Seite 58

    setup screen 58_ setup screen To a cce ss t he c am er a u si ng H TT PS m ode , yo u ha ve t o t yp e th e IP a ddr es s fo r th e cam er a in t he fo rm of “ ht tp s: // <C ame ra _I P> ”. When done, click [ Apply ]. The web viewer will switch to the set secure connection system. To Set IP Filtering Click < System > - < IP fil[...]

  • Seite 59

    English _59 ● SETUP SCREEN Show time : Set to display the time information on the bottom screen. Output Format : Select a display format of the time information. 24hr : Displays the time in the 24-hour format. 12 hr : D is pl ay s th e tim e in t he 1 2- hou r fo rm at . Text color : Select black or white for the text color. Background color : Se[...]

  • Seite 60

    setup screen 60_ setup screen Use passive mode : Select this option when the passive mode connection is inevitable due to the firewall or FTP server setting. FTP server address : Enter the IP address of a FTP server to which an alarm image will be transferred. Upload path : You can specify the path of the FTP directory to which you will transfer a[...]

  • Seite 61

    English _61 ● SETUP SCREEN To setup the record Click < Event > - < Record setup >. The Record setup window appears. To complete the setting, click the [ Apply ] button. The settings are saved. SD card : Enables you to verify data saved on the SD memory card and format the memory card itself. It is possible to set to automatically dele[...]

  • Seite 62

    setup screen 62_ setup screen Post-alarm duration : The post alarm duration can be one among 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and 30 seconds. You can send a post-alarm image of up to 30 seconds after the alarm is triggered. (The max time differs, depending on the frame rate) The pre/ post alar m du rati on is not ava ilabl e in SMT P tr ansfe r m[...]

  • Seite 63

    English _63 ● SETUP SCREEN To Set Intelligent Video Analysis Click < Event > - < Intelligent video analysis >. The Intelligent Video Analysis screen appears. When done, click [ Apply ]. Your settings will be saved. IV analysis function : Activated if < Enable > is selected, deactivated if < Disable > is selected. If c amer[...]

  • Seite 64

    setup screen 64_ setup screen Set rules You can set t he e vent rul es. Virtual line based rules : You can configure event rules for up to 3 virtual lines. <E ve nt Ty pe s> Pass : Event is generated if a movin g object crosses the virtual line in the sp ecified direction (  ,  ,   ) Defined area based rules : You can configur[...]

  • Seite 65

    English _65 ● SETUP SCREEN Activation time : Sets the operation time of the intelligent video analysis. Always : Configured action is performed whenever an intelligent video analysis event occurs. Only scheduled time : Configured action is performed when intelligent video analysis event occurs during the specified time period. Action : You can[...]

  • Seite 66

    setup screen 66_ setup screen NETWORK SETUP To set the video transfer mode Yo u can c on tr ol t he tr an sf er r at e acc or di ng t o th e v id eo t ra ns fe r m od e an d ne tw ork s pe ed . Select < Network > - < Streaming type >. The Video Transfer setup window appears. When done, click [ Apply ]. Your settings will be saved. VNP s[...]

  • Seite 67

    English _67 ● APPENDIX PROFILE CA ME RA SE TU P ME NU ST AN DAR D ITS BA CK LIG HT DAY/ NI GH T GA MI NG Pa re nt Me nu Su b- men us IR IS AL C ALC A LC A LC AL C AL C - - - - - LE NS DC D C DC D C DC LE VEL 0 0 0 0 0 BA CKL IG HT O FF OFF W DR O FF OFF MO TIO N (F .F AST ) -- - (F .FA ST ) -- - NOR M (F .F AST ) -- - SLO W DN R MI D MID M ID M I[...]

  • Seite 68

    appendix 68_ appendix TERMINOLOGY GO P : Y ou c an s et b etw ee n 5 an d 15 fo r th e MP EG 4 and H .2 64 C OD EC . Th e def au lt i s 15 , and i f se t to 1 5, on e I- Fr am e wil l be o ut pu t per 1 5 fr am es a s o ne I -F ra me an d 14 P- Fr am es c on sti tu te t he G OP . The lower the GOP size is, the better the quality is; however, the bi[...]

  • Seite 69

    English _69 ● APPENDIX Filtering range Th e fil te ri ng r an ge is c al cu la te d bas ed o n IP a dd res s an d su bn et ma sk p ro vi de d by us er a s fo ll ows : The subnet value defines the number of masked bits, which will mask the IP address that is converted into 32-bit binary; rest of masked out bits are ignored to produce the range as[...]

  • Seite 70

    appendix 70_ appendix SPECIFICATIONS It em D esc ri pt io n NT SC P AL Ca me ra Ty pe C olo r/ BW C ol or Im ag e De vi ce 1/ 3" S up er -H AD PS C CD Pi xe ls To ta l 81 1 x 50 8 79 5 x 5 96 Ef fe cti ve 7 68 x 4 94 7 52 x 58 2 Sc an nin g Sy st em Pr og re ss iv e Ho ri zon ta l Fr eq ue nc y 15 .7 34 Hz 15 .62 5 Hz Ve rt ica l Fr eq ue nc y[...]

  • Seite 71

    English _71 ● APPENDIX It em D esc ri pt io n NT SC P AL Re so lut io n Ho ri zo nt al 6 00 TV L in es Ve rt ica l 35 0 TV L in es Vi de o O ut pu t Vi de o Out pu t VB S 1.0 Vp -p S/ N Rat io S/N R at io abou t 52 d B Le ns L ens D ri ve T yp e MA NU AL /AI (V ID EO /D C) Mo un t T yp e CS /C Ne tw ork Bo ar d OS E mb edd ed L in ux Ha rd war e [...]

  • Seite 72

    appendix 72_ appendix It em D esc ri pt io n NT SC P AL Pr ot oco l IP I Pv 4 / I Pv 6 Ne tw ork Pr ot oco l IP v4 TC P/ IP, U DP /I P, R TP (UD P) , RT P( TC P) , R TS P, N TP , HT TP, HT TP S, SS L, D HC P PP Po E, FT P, S MT P, I CMP , IG MP , SN MP v1/ v2 c/ v3 (M IB -2 ), AR P, DN S, D DN S, V SI P IP v6 T CP/ IP , HT TP , HT TPS , SS L, D HC [...]

  • Seite 73

    English _73 ● APPENDIX It em D esc ri pt io n NT SC P AL SD K HT TP AP I CG I Com ma nd Pr ov ide s fu nc ti on al ity t o co nt ro l cam er as an d set /r et ri ev e in ter na l pa ra me te r v al ue s. Ge t JPE G im ag e or M JPE G st re am Al ar m I n/ Ou t co nt ro l RT P/ RTS P AP I R TP H ead er , RT SP C om man d Do cu me nt Ac ti veX S DK[...]

  • Seite 74

    appendix 74_ appendix FRAME RATE (NTSC) Test Con ditio n: M JPEG - R esolu tion (CIF ), Qu alit y(1) , Fr ame r ate( 1) H.26 4 - Bitrate cont rol( CBR) , Com pres sion (40) , Enc ode Prio rity( Fram e ra te), GOP size (15), Deb lock (ON), Pro file( Base line) , En trop y co ding( CAVL C), Motio n esti mati on(HP el) MPEG 4 - Bitrate cont rol( CBR)[...]

  • Seite 75

    English _75 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( 4CIF ) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 30 F PS 15 FP S 8 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 2 29 8 Kb ps 19 F PS 12 29 Kb ps 10 F PS 73 7 Kbp s 6 FP S 36 9 Kbp s 3 FP S 14 7 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 17 51 K bp s 19 F PS 11 98 Kb ps 13 F PS 64 5 Kbp s 7 FP S 36 9 Kbp s 4 FP S 11 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 15 36 K bp s 20 F PS 10 75 Kb[...]

  • Seite 76

    appendix 76_ appendix MPEG 4 ( VGA) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 30 F PS 15 FP S 8 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 4 05 5 Kb ps 22 F PS 25 80 Kb ps 14 F PS 12 90 Kb ps 7 FP S 73 7 Kbp s 4 FP S 22 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 35 33 K bp s 23 F PS 23 04 Kb ps 15 F PS 10 75 Kb ps 7 FP S 61 4 Kbp s 4 FP S 18 4 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 29 49 K bp s 24 F PS 18 43 Kb ps[...]

  • Seite 77

    English _77 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( VGA) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 30 F PS 15 FP S 8 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 2 08 9 Kb ps 17 F PS 12 29 Kb ps 10 F PS 73 7 Kbp s 6 FP S 36 9 Kbp s 3 FP S 14 7 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 16 59 K bp s 18 F PS 10 14 Kb ps 11 F PS 55 3 Kbp s 6 FP S 27 6 Kbp s 3 FP S 11 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 14 59 K bp s 19 F PS 84 5 Kbp s[...]

  • Seite 78

    appendix 78_ appendix MPEG 4 ( CIF) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 30 F PS 15 FP S 8 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 1 38 2 Kb ps 30 F PS 69 1 Kbp s 15 F PS 36 9 Kbp s 8 FP S 18 4 Kbp s 4 FP S 55 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L9 11 52 K bp s 30 F PS 57 6 Kbp s 15 F PS 30 7 Kbp s 8 FP S 15 4 Kbp s 4 FP S 46 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L8 92 2 Kb ps 30 F PS 46 1 Kbp s 15 F PS 24[...]

  • Seite 79

    English _79 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( CIF) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 30 F PS 15 FP S 8 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 9 22 K bp s 30 F PS 46 1 Kbp s 15 F PS 21 5 Kbp s 7 FP S 12 3 Kbp s 4 FP S 37 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L9 69 1 Kb ps 30 F PS 34 6 Kbp s 15 F PS 18 4 Kbp s 8 FP S 92 K bps 4 FP S 28 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L8 57 6 Kb ps 30 F PS 28 8 Kbp s 15 F PS 13 4[...]

  • Seite 80

    appendix 80_ appendix FRAME RATE (PAL) Test Con ditio n: M JPEG - R esolu tion (CIF ), Qu alit y(1) , Fr ame r ate( 1) H.26 4 - Bitrate cont rol( CBR) , Com pres sion (40) , Enc ode Prio rity( Fram e ra te), GOP size (15), Deb lock (ON), Pro file( Base line) , En trop y co ding( CAVL C), Motio n esti mati on(HP el) MPEG 4 - Bitrate cont rol( CBR) [...]

  • Seite 81

    English _81 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( 4CIF ) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 25 F PS 13 FP S 6 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 2 35 9 Kb ps 16 F PS 11 80 Kb ps 8 FP S 73 7 Kbp s 5 FP S 44 2 Kbp s 3 FP S 14 7 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 19 91 K bp s 18 F PS 11 06 Kb ps 10 F PS 66 4 Kbp s 6 FP S 33 2 Kbp s 3 FP S 11 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 17 51 K bp s 19 F PS 10 14 Kb [...]

  • Seite 82

    appendix 82_ appendix MPEG 4 ( VGA) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 25 F PS 13 FP S 6 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 4 42 4 Kb ps 20 F PS 26 54 Kb ps 12 F PS 13 27 Kb ps 6 FP S 66 4 Kbp s 3 FP S 22 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 38 71 K bp s 21 F PS 22 12 Kb ps 12 F PS 11 06 Kb ps 6 FP S 55 3 Kbp s 3 FP S 18 4 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 30 97 K bp s 21 F PS 17 69 Kb ps[...]

  • Seite 83

    English _83 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( VGA) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 25 F PS 13 FP S 6 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 2 50 7 Kb ps 17 F PS 13 27 Kb ps 9 FP S 73 7 Kbp s 5 FP S 44 2 Kbp s 3 FP S 14 7 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L9 19 91 K bp s 18 F PS 12 17 Kb ps 11 F PS 66 4 Kbp s 6 FP S 33 2 Kbp s 3 FP S 11 1 Kbp s 1 FP S LE VE L8 16 59 K bp s 18 F PS 11 06 Kb ps[...]

  • Seite 84

    appendix 84_ appendix MPEG 4 ( CIF) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 25 F PS 13 FP S 6 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 1 38 2 Kb ps 25 F PS 66 4 Kbp s 12 F PS 33 2 Kbp s 6 FP S 16 6 Kbp s 3 FP S 55 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L9 11 52 K bp s 25 F PS 55 3 Kbp s 12 F PS 27 6 Kbp s 6 FP S 13 8 Kbp s 3 FP S 46 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L8 92 2 Kb ps 25 F PS 44 2 Kbp s 12 F PS 22[...]

  • Seite 85

    English _85 ● APPENDIX H.26 4 ( CIF) Fr am e R at e Qu al ity 25 F PS 13 FP S 6 F PS 3 FP S 1 F PS LE VE L10 9 22 K bp s 25 F PS 44 2 Kbp s 12 F PS 22 1 Kbp s 6 FP S 11 1 Kbp s 3 FP S 37 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L9 69 1 Kb ps 25 F PS 33 2 Kbp s 12 F PS 16 6 Kbp s 6 FP S 83 K bps 3 FP S 28 K bps 1 FP S LE VE L8 57 6 Kb ps 25 F PS 27 6 Kbp s 12 F PS 13 8[...]

  • Seite 86

    appendix 86_ appendix TROUBLESHOOTING PR OB LEM S OL UT IO N I ca n’t a cc es s th e cam er a fr om a we b bro ws er . Ch ec k t o ma ke s ur e tha t th e ca me ra ’s Ne tw or k se tt ing s ar e ap pr op ria te . Ch ec k t o ma ke s ur e tha t al l ne tw or k c ab le s ha ve b een c on ne ct ed pr op erl y. If c onn ec te d us in g DHC P, v er [...]

  • Seite 87

    English _87 ● APPENDIX PR OB LEM S OL UT IO N No J PEG f il e is t ra nsf er re d vi a FT P/ SM TP on o cc ur re nc e of in te ll ig en t vi de o a na ly si s ev en t o f ca me ra ev en wh en t he < In te lli ge nt V id eo An al ysi s> i s se t to <E na bl e> . Ve ri fy th e se tt in gs in t he f ol lo wi ng se qu en ce : A. N TP mu s[...]

  • Seite 88

    GPL/LGPL SOFTWARE LICENSE Th is pr od uc t us es o pen -s ou rc e so ft war e di st ri bu te d u nd er t he t er ms of G PL a nd L GPL . An d you c an r eq ue st by e ma il t o se c.v ss @s am su ng .c om to g et t he s our ce c od es o f the fo ll owi ng G PL a nd L GPL s of tw ar e us ed fo r th is p ro duc t. GPL S/W Base Kernel, Busybox, Sysvin[...]

  • Seite 89

    to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, dis tribution and m odification fol [...]

  • Seite 90

    considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions[...]

  • Seite 91

    However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These act ions are pr ohibited by law if you do not accept this License.Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditio[...]

  • Seite 92

    choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation,write to the Free Software Foundation ; we sometimes[...]

  • Seite 93

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Also add informati on on how to contact y ou by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this[...]

  • Seite 94

    And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that [...]

  • Seite 95

    1. Source Code. The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work. A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a parti[...]

  • Seite 96

    When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the c overed work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work&a[...]

  • Seite 97

    reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.  c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if [...]

  • Seite 98

    Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying. 7. Additional Terms. “Additional permissions” a[...]

  • Seite 99

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days [...]

  • Seite 100

    In the following three paragraphs, a “patent license” is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To “grant” such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enfor[...]

  • Seite 101

    14. Revised Versions of this License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If th[...]

  • Seite 102

    Preamble The lic enses f or most softwar e are d esigned to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specia[...]

  • Seite 103

    We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non- free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for[...]

  • Seite 104

    Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of wa[...]

  • Seite 105

    Once this change is made in a given copy, it isirreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library. 4. You may copy and distribute the Library [...]

  • Seite 106

    readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above) ; and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the compl ete machine- readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Li[...]

  • Seite 107

    9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These act ions are pr ohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you in[...]

  • Seite 108

    conditions either of that version or of any later version publ ished by the Free Soft ware Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are inc[...]

  • Seite 109

    WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library ; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Bosto[...]

  • Seite 110

    This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@ This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ( Original SSLeay License Copyright (C)1995-1998 Eric Young ( All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation writtenby Eric Young ( The impl[...]

  • Seite 111

    Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset, USB cable) should not be disposed of [...]