Seite 1
31005789 00 Advantys STB INTERBUS Basic Network Inter face Module Applications Guide 890USE196 00 Version 1.0 31005789 00[...]
Seite 2
Seite 3
3 Tabl e of Cont en ts Saf ety Infor mat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 What Is Adv antys STB? . . [...]
Seite 4
4 Chap ter 5 App lica tion Exa mpl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Sample Is land Asse mbly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Network Config uration Considera tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Using SyCon to Confi gur[...]
Seite 5
890USE196 00 April 2 004 5 § Safety Information Imp ortan t I nfor mat ion NOTICE Read the se instructi ons carefully , and look at the equipment to become fa miliar with the devic e befo re trying to insta ll, operat e, or ma intain it. Th e follo wing spec ial message s may appear th rougho ut thi s docu menta tion or on the equi pment to warn o[...]
Seite 6
Safety Infor mation 6 890USE19 600 April 2 004 PLEASE NOTE Electrica l equipm ent sh ould be service d only b y qual ified pers onnel . No resp onsibili ty is assume d by Schnei der Ele ctric for any cons equen ces arising o ut of the use of thi s materia l. This docu ment is n ot inte nded as a n instruc tion m anual for unt r aine d pe r son s. ?[...]
Seite 7
890USE196 00 April 2 004 7 About the Book At a Glance Document Sc ope This guide d escribes the spec ific f unctiona lity o f the STB NIB 1010, the Advant ys STB basic n etwor k interfac e mod ule to an INTERBU S network . To as sist yo u wit h setting up your Advantys STB island on an I NTERBUS network, ex tensi ve, real- world I NTERBU S appl ica[...]
Seite 8
About the Book 8 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Product Related Warn ing s Schneider Electric assum es no res po nsibi lit y for any er rors that m ay appe ar in this documen t. If yo u have any sug gestio ns for improvem ents or a mendm ents o r have found errors in th is pub lication , pleas e notif y us. No part of th is docum ent may be re produc ed [...]
Seite 9
890USE196 00 April 2 004 9 1 Introduction At a Glance Summar y This cha pter des cribe s the Adva ntys STB NIB 1010 ba sic I NTERB US netw ork interface modul e and i ts role in ma king the islan d a no de on an IN TER BUS open fieldbus net work. What’ s in this Chapter? This cha pter co ntains the follo wing top ics: Topic Page What Is Advantys [...]
Seite 10
Introduction 10 890USE19 600 April 2 004 What Is Adva ntys STB? Introduction Adv antys STB is an a ssembly of distri buted I/O, pow er, and oth er module s that function togethe r as an island node on an op en fieldbu s netwo rk. Adv antys STB delivers a high ly modu lar and versa tile slic e I/O so lution for the manuf acturin g industry , with a [...]
Seite 11
Introduction 890USE196 00 April 2 004 11 What Is a Network Inter face Module? Purpose An isla nd of ST B I/O mod ules requi res a netw ork inte rface mod ule (NIM ) in the leftmo st locatio n of the bas ic island. Physically , the NIM is the firs t (leftm ost) mod ule on the island bu s. Fun ctiona lly, it i s the g ateway to the i sland bus—all [...]
Seite 12
Introduction 12 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Structural Overv iew The followi ng fig ure illus trates t he multip le role s of th e NIM. T he figu re provide s a network view an d a ph ysical r eprese ntation of the is land b us: 1 fieldbus master 2 external 24 VDC power supply, the s ource for logic power on the is land 3 power distribution m odule (P[...]
Seite 13
Introduction 890USE196 00 April 2 004 13 About INTERBUS Introduction IN TERBUS imple ments a maste r/slave net work model. It c an communic ate with up to 512 nodes ov er a d istanc e o f 12.8 km, an d ca n rea d 1024 i npu ts a nd wri te 10 24 outputs in 4 ms . Each netw ork sl ave h as an in conne cto r for rec eivi ng dat a and an out co nnect o[...]
Seite 14
Introduction 14 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Physi cal Lay er The phys ical l ayer con tains a single twisted pair of shiel ded wire s. The STB NIB 1010 INTERBUS impleme nts the SUPI 3 (seria l univ ersal per ipheral interface) ASIC from P hoenix Contact. Network Topology The INTE RBUS netw or k ob serve s a ma ster /s lave model with ac tive ring topo[...]
Seite 15
Introduction 890USE196 00 April 2 004 15 Node Address ing The INTER BUS mas ter dev ice is sel f-confi guring bec ause INTERBUS s lave devices are auto-ad dress ed accord ing to their seq uence in a s erial ring struct ure. The mast er identifies re ad/wr ite data i n terms of a n ode’s relative posi tion in t he ring, not by a fixed addres s. Th[...]
Seite 16
Introduction 16 890USE19 600 April 2 004[...]
Seite 17
890USE196 00 April 2 004 17 2 The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module At a Glance Introduction Thi s chapter d escribes the external featu res, conne ctions, p ower requirem ents and product s pecifica tions of the b asic INTER BUS NIM. What’ s in this Chapter? This cha pter co ntains the follo wing top ics: Topic Page External Features of the ST B NIB[...]
Seite 18
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 18 890USE19 600 April 2 004 External Featur es of the STB NIB 1010 NIM Hardware Featu res The ph ysical f eatures critica l to STB NIB 1010 INT ERBUS N IM operati ons are called o ut in th e illu stratio n below: Feat ure Fun cti on 1 fieldbus interface (in) Nine-pin SUB-D (m ale) connecto r used for the incoming I[...]
Seite 19
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 890USE196 00 April 2 004 19 Hous in g Shap e The L-shap ed ex ternal h ousing o f the NIM is de signed to accommodate the attachme nt of the in an d out INTE RBUS network co nnecto rs witho ut rais ing th e depth pr ofile of th e island : 1 space reserved for the network connectors 2 NIM housing[...]
Seite 20
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 20 890USE19 600 April 2 004 STB NIB 1010 Fieldbus Interf ace Summary The fieldb us interfa ce on the STB NIB 1010 is t he point o f conn ection between an Advantys STB island b us and the INTERB US netwo rk. Like ev ery INTERB US node, the N IM has t wo nin e-p in SUB -D con nec tors for d ata re cepti on ( in ) an[...]
Seite 21
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 890USE196 00 April 2 004 21 The pin- out for both the in (upper) an d out (l ower) conne ctors should be acco rding to the tabl e below (pin nu mbers co rrespo nd to call outs i n the f igure abov e): INTERBUS Networking Cable and Connectors The drop ca ble from the fie ldbus to the Adv antys STB INTER BUS NIM (and[...]
Seite 22
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 22 890USE19 600 April 2 004 LED Physical Descript ion Overv iew The six LEDs im plemented in the STB NIB 1010 INTER BUS NIM are visu al indicati ons of th e operat ing sta tus of th e isla nd bus o n an INTER BUS net work. The LED array is loca ted at th e top of the NIM fro nt bezel. General Indication s The bo tt[...]
Seite 23
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 890USE196 00 April 2 004 23 INTERBUS Data Exchange LEDs The follow ing tabl e describes th e indicat ed condition( s) and the colors and bli nk patterns th at the RC , BA and R D LEDs u se to sho w norma l operation s and erro r condition s for the NIM o n an INTER BUS fieldbus. NIM Activity LED s The table that fo[...]
Seite 24
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 24 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Power Supply I nterface Introduction The NIM’s built-in p ower supply requi res 24 VDC from a n external SELV-rated power sou rce . The connection betwee n the 24 VDC source and the Adv anty s STB island i s the t wo-recep tacle co nnector illustra ted below. Physical Descrip tion Powe[...]
Seite 25
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 890USE196 00 April 2 004 25 Connectors Use eit her: a screw ty pe po wer conn ector, ava i lable in a ki t of 10 (model STB XTS 1120) a spring clam p p ower con nector, av ailab le in a k it of 10 (model ST B XTS 2120) The followi ng illustrations s how two views of each pow er conne ctor type. A front and back vi [...]
Seite 26
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 26 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Logic Power Introduction Log ic power i s a 5 VDC pow er signal on the island bu s that the I/O m odules req uire for interna l proce ssing. T he NIM h as a buil t-in po wer supp ly that pr ovides logic power. Th e NIM s ends the 5 V logic power signal a c ross the isla nd bus to suppo r[...]
Seite 27
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 890USE196 00 April 2 004 27 Selecting a Source Power Suppl y for the Isl and’s Logic Power Bus Logic Power Requirement s An external 24 VDC power s upply is neede d as the s ource for logic power to the island bu s. The extern al powe r supp ly co nnects to the is land’ s NIM. T his exter nal supply p rovides t[...]
Seite 28
The STB NIB 1010 Basic NIM Module 28 890USE19 600 April 2 004 STB NIB 1010 Module Specificati ons Table of Tech nical Specifica tions dimensions w idth 40.5 mm (1.59 i n) height 130 mm (5.12 in) depth 70 mm (3.15 in) interface connectors from INTERBUS networ k nine-pin SUB-D connector (male) to INTERBUS network nine-pin SUB-D connector (female) RS-[...]
Seite 29
890USE196 00 April 2 004 29 3 Config uri ng the Islan d Bus At a Glance Introduction The inform ation in t his chap ter describes the a uto-add ressing a nd auto - configura tion processes. Th is data is sav ed to Flas h memory autom aticall y. What’ s in this Chapter? This cha pter co ntains the follo wing top ics: Topic Page Auto-Addressing 30 [...]
Seite 30
Configuring the Island Bus 30 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Auto-Addressi ng Introduction Eac h time tha t the island is powered up or rese t, the NIM automat icall y assign s a unique is land bus addre s s to each mod ule on the island that w ill engag e in data exchang e. All Ad vantys STB I/O m odule s engage in data exch ange. About the Is land Bus [...]
Seite 31
Configuring the Island Bus 890USE196 00 April 2 004 31 An Example For e xample, if you hav e an i sland bu s with eight I/ O modul es: 1 NIM 2 STB PDT 3100 24 VDC power distribution module 3 STB DDI 3230 24 VDC two-channel digital input module 4 STB DDO 32 00 24 VDC two-channel digital output modul e 5 STB DDI 3425 24 VDC four-channel digital input[...]
Seite 32
Configuring the Island Bus 32 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Auto-Confi guration Introduction All Advantys STB I/O m odules are sh ipped wi th a set of pr edefined p arameters t hat allow a n island to be o peratio nal as s oon as it is in itiali zed. Th is abili ty of i sland modules to ope rate with defaul t paramete rs is known a s auto-co nfigura tio[...]
Seite 33
Configuring the Island Bus 890USE196 00 April 2 004 33 The RST Button Summar y Use the RST funct ion to reconfigu re your island a fter you have add ed a n ew I/O module to a prev iously a uto-co nfigured i sland . If a new I/O modu le is ad ded to the island, pre ssing the RST but ton forces the au to-configurat ion process. T he updated island c [...]
Seite 34
Configuring the Island Bus 34 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Island Fa llback Scenarios Introduction In the even t of a c ommuni cations failure o n the is land or between the is land and the fieldbus , outpu t data is p ut into a pred efined fal lback state so that th e mod ule’s val u es ar e know n wh en t he syst em r ec over s fr o m th e fail ure[...]
Seite 35
890USE196 00 April 2 004 35 4 Fieldbus C ommunications Support At a Glance Introduction Thi s chapter des cribes how t he INTERBUS m aster sets up c ommunication s with an Advantys STB island and the ne twork parameteriz ation, co nfigura tion an d diagnosti cs serv ices perf ormed to configu re the i sland as an INTER BUS nod e. To comm unicate wi[...]
Seite 36
Fieldbus Communications Support 36 890USE19 600 April 2 004 The INTERBUS ID Code Introduction The ID cycle is part of the INTERBUS network’s initi aliza tion proc ess. Af ter determini ng the length of its ow n dat a during ne twork in itiali zatio n, every n etwor k device r eports its functi onali ty and byte leng th in t he two-by te ID c ode.[...]
Seite 37
Fieldbus Communications Support 890USE196 00 April 2 004 37 Data Length The fol lowing table sho ws the re lation ship between the actual data length of t he island and th e length of the code on IN TERBU S. The ac tu al data length (a ny w here from 0 to 1 6 words) represents the greate r of the inp u t or output data l ength. Actual Length of Isl[...]
Seite 38
Fieldbus Communications Support 38 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Data Exchange Introduction Proc ess ima ge data is exc hanged between the STB NIB 1010 NI M and an INTERBUS fieldbu s master in a bit-pa cked form at. Data and Sta tus Objects D ata exchange between th e island and th e INTERBUS m aster invo lves three types of obj ects: data obj ect s —[...]
Seite 39
Fieldbus Communications Support 890USE196 00 April 2 004 39 The I nte rnal Process Image The STB NIB 1010’s process im age con tains memory a reas (buffe rs) for th e temporary storage of inp ut and outp ut data. The intern al process ima ge is part of the NIM’s i sland bus sca nner a rea. The islan d bus manages data e xchange in both directio[...]
Seite 40
Fieldbus Communications Support 40 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Input and Outpu t Data Excha nge The appli cation of the INTERBUS b i t packing rule s to th e sample isla nd assem bly results i n four wo rds of output data and fi ve words of in put dat a. The tabl es that follow sho w how digital da ta is bit packed for optimizatio n, and how data , st[...]
Seite 41
890USE196 00 April 2 004 41 5 Application Example At a Glance Introduction Thi s chap ter prese nts two ex ample s for config uring th e Advant ys STB island o n an INTERBUS net work. Each example im ple me nts the s am e s am ple isl an d as se mb ly with an A dvanty s STB NIB 1010 ba sic NI M. What’ s in this Chapter? This cha pter co ntains th[...]
Seite 42
Application Example 42 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Sample Isla nd Assembly Introduction The confi guration e x ample(s ) in this chapte r use a pa rticul ar Advanty s STB island assemb ly, des cribe d below . Your is land assembl y is ind epende nt of th e network ’s master scanne r because the island is represente d by the NIM as a singl e node on [...]
Seite 43
Application Example 890USE196 00 April 2 004 43 The I/O m odules ha ve the follow ing islan d bus addresse s: The NIM, th e PDM, and the termi nation plate do not consu me island bus ad dresses, and they d o not e xchange data wi th the f ieldbus m aster . I/O Model Module Typ e Island Bus Addr e s s STB DDI 3230 two-cha nnel digital input 1 STB DD[...]
Seite 44
Application Example 44 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Network Configurat i on Considerations Introduction Thi s topi c covers it ems to consid er before y ou con figure you r INTERBUS netwo rk for use with an Advan tys STB island. Connection Figure The fol lowing figure shows t he con nections betwee n a master de vice and its slave devices on an IN TERB[...]
Seite 45
Application Example 890USE196 00 April 2 004 45 Before You Begin Before at tempti ng to use the ap plication examples in this chap ter, ma ke su re: your Adv antys STB mo dules are asse mbled, instal led, and powe red ac cordin g to your part icula r syst em, appli catio n, and netw ork requiremen ts you kn ow t he input and o utput p roces s data [...]
Seite 46
Application Example 46 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Using SyCon to Configure an STB Island on INTERBUS Introduction To a dd any master d evice a nd an Ad vantys STB isla nd slave to you r conf igurati on with SyCon: Add a Master Use the follow ing proc edure to add an INTERB US mast er to your c onfig uration. In this case , the H il scher C IF3 0 PC M[...]
Seite 47
Application Example 890USE196 00 April 2 004 47 Add the NIM You must im port the N IM’s EDS be fore yo u configure the island as a ne twork dev ice. To ad d th e NIM to the net work confi gur atio n: Configuring in the SyCon Worksp ace After you us e the Add a Mas ter a nd Add the NIM i nstructio ns to add the CIF3 0 master and INTE RBUS N IM sla[...]
Seite 48
Application Example 48 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Create an EDS You can c reate an EDS usin g SyCon's EDS Generat or by foll owing th ese instructi ons: Step Action Comment 1 From SyCon’s Tools menu , select EDS Generator. The EDS G enerator dialogue box appear s. 2 In the Created by text field, enter the creator’s name. Use your own name. 3[...]
Seite 49
Application Example 890USE196 00 April 2 004 49 After you c ustomiz e the Sy Con EDS Gene rator scree n, it wil l resemb le this : Saving and Downloadi ng the Configuration You can s ave y our config uration with the stand ard Win dows c ommands in the Fi le menu. The Online menu p rovide s options for do wnloadi ng and debug ging you r configura t[...]
Seite 50
Application Example 50 890USE19 600 April 2 004 Using CMD to Configure an STB Island on INTERBUS Introduction Use thes e di rec ti ons to a dd an A dvan t ys STB i slan d sl ave t o your INT ERBU S network using Ph oenix Contac t’s CMD softwa re. The employ ed ma ster dev ice is a controlle r board that yo u select . In thi s example, we will u s[...]
Seite 51
Application Example 890USE196 00 April 2 004 51 Add the Controller Board Use the foll owing instructi ons to add a master device (the selecte d controller board ) to your co nfiguration pr oject. Adding the Island Sla ve If you have Schn eider’s devi ce database (Sc hneider_Devi ce_DB), you c an import it into CM D. The fo llowing instru ctions a[...]
Seite 52
Application Example 52 890USE19 600 April 2 004[...]
Seite 53
890USE196 00 April 2 004 53 Glossary 10Ba se-T An adaptation of th e IEEE 80 2.3 (Ether net) stand ard, the 10Base-T s tandar d uses twisted -pair wiring with a maximum segment le ngth of 100 m (328 ft) and termina tes with an RJ -45 co nnector. A 10Base-T network is a bas eband ne twork ca pable of transmitti ng dat a at a m aximum speed o f 10 Mb[...]
Seite 54
Glos sary 54 890USE19 600 April 2 004 ARP address res olution protoc ol. The IP ne twork layer protoco l, which uses ARP to map an IP addre ss to a MAC (ha rdware) ad dress. auto bau d The automatic a ssignm ent and detectio n of a c ommon b aud rat e as wel l as the ability o f a dev ice on a network to ada pt to that ra te. auto-addres sing The a[...]
Seite 55
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 55 CAN controlle r area ne twork. The CAN protoco l (ISO 11898) f or serial bus network s is designed for the interconn ection of smart devices (from mul tiple m anufactu rers) in smart sy stems fo r real-ti me indus trial appl icati ons. CAN m ulti-mas ter syste ms ensure hi gh data integrity throug h th e impleme[...]
Seite 56
Glos sary 56 890USE19 600 April 2 004 DeviceNet protoco l Device Net is a low-l evel, connec tion-ba sed netw ork t hat is based on CA N, a s erial bus syste m withou t a defined applicati on laye r. Device Net, ther efore, de fines a laye r for the industria l appl ication o f CAN. DHCP dynamic host configura tion pro tocol . A TCP/ IP protocol th[...]
Seite 57
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 57 EMC elec trom agne tic co mpa ti bil ity. Device s that me et EMC requirem ents can operate within a system ’s expec ted elec tromag netic lim its wit hout er ror. EMI elec trom agne ti c in te rfer e nce. EMI can cause an interrup tion, mal functi on, or disturban ce in the perf ormance o f elec tronic equ ip[...]
Seite 58
Glos sary 58 890USE19 600 April 2 004 FSD_ P Fipio sta ndard d evice pro file. On a F ipio network, th e standa rd devi ce pro file type for agents whos e data l ength is more t han two words an d equal to or less t han eigh t words. full scale The maxim um leve l in a speci fic range —e.g., in an ana log input circ uit th e maxim um allowab le v[...]
Seite 59
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 59 I/O base A mounting de vice, desig ned to seat an Adva ntys STB I/O modu le, hang it on a DIN rail, and c onnec t it to the islan d bus. It p rovides the co nnection point w here the module c an receiv e eith er 24 VDC or 115/23 0 VAC from the in put or o utput p ower bus distr ibuted by a PDM . I/O module In a [...]
Seite 60
Glos sary 60 890USE19 600 April 2 004 industrial I /O An Advanty s STB I/O module designed at a moderate c ost for typ ical continuou s, high-duty -cycl e appl ications . Module s of this type o ften feature st andard IEC threshold rating s, usuall y prov iding us er-conf igurab le parame ter opti ons, on-bo ard protection , good resolutio n, and f[...]
Seite 61
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 61 MAC ad dress media access contro l addre ss. A 48-bit number, unique on a netwo rk, that is programme d into eac h netwo rk card or devic e when i t is man ufactu red. mandatory module Whe n an Adv antys STB I/O m odule is config ured to be manda tory, i t must be present an d heal thy in the isla nd config urat[...]
Seite 62
Glos sary 62 890USE19 600 April 2 004 NIM netw ork interfa ce mo dule. This module is the interface between an is land bus and the fieldb us ne twork of which th e island is a part. A NIM enables al l the I/ O on t he island to be trea ted as a single node on the fie ldbus. The NIM also provid es 5 V of logic po wer to the Advantys STB I/O modules [...]
Seite 63
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 63 parameterize To supply th e requi red value for an attribute of a dev ice at run- time. PDM power di stri bu tion m odu le. A mo dule t hat distr ibu tes ei the r AC or DC f ield po we r to a cluster of I/O modules direc tly to its right o n the isl and bu s. A PDM d elivers field power to the inp ut module s an[...]
Seite 64
Glos sary 64 890USE19 600 April 2 004 proces s I/O An Advanty s STB I/O module designed for op eration at e xtended t emperature ranges in conform ance with IEC type 2 thresh olds. Mod ules o f this typ e often feature high lev els of on -board diagnostic s, high resolutio n, user-configura ble param eter option s, and hi gher le vels of agency app[...]
Seite 65
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 65 RTD resistiv e tempe rature de tect. An RTD device i s a tempera ture transduce r comp osed of conduc tive wi re elemen ts typ ically made o f plati num, nic kel, cop per, or n ickel- iron. An RTD dev ic e pro vi des a va ria ble resi stance across a spec ifi ed temp era ture range. Rx reception . For exampl e, [...]
Seite 66
Glos sary 66 890USE19 600 April 2 004 sink load An output th at, when turned on, receiv es DC c urrent from its load. size 1 base A moun ting de vice , designe d to se at an ST B module, hang it on a DI N rail, a nd connect it to the island bus. It is 13.9 mm wide an d 128.2 5 mm high. size 2 base A moun ting de vice , designe d to se at an ST B mo[...]
Seite 67
Glossary 890USE196 00 April 2 004 67 STD_P standa rd profile. On a Fipio network, a stand ard profile is a fixed set of c onfigurati on and oper ating param eters fo r an agent d evice, bas ed on the number of mo dules that the devic e con tains and the device’s total d ata len gth. Th ree types of sta ndard profiles a re avai lable—Fipi o redu[...]
Seite 68
Glos sary 68 890USE19 600 April 2 004 UDP user datag ram pro tocol. A connec tionle ss mode protoc ol in wh ich mes sages ar e delivere d in a d atagram to a des tination computer. The U DP protoc ol is typicall y bundled wi th the Internet Proto col (UPD/IP) . vari stor A two-electrode semicon ductor dev ice wi th a volta ge-dep endant nonlinea r [...]
Seite 69
C B A 69 A ABL7 RE2403 Telefast 24 VDC powe r suppl y, 27 addr essa ble mo dule , 30, 31 agency approv als, 28 auto-add res si ng, 30, 33 auto-con figura tion, 32 and rese t, 32, 3 3 init ial c onf ig ur ation , 32 B basic segm ent, 10, 11, 26 , 27 baud CFG port, 33 fieldbu s interfac e, 33 bit pac king, 39 C confi gura tio n INTERBUS maste r, 46, [...]
Seite 70
Index 70 H hear tbeat mes sage, 34 housin g, 19 I ID co de, 36 INTERBUS bit pac king, 39 cable s, 21 connec tors, 21 data ex chang e, 38 fieldbu s inte rface, 20, 21 ID code, 36 inputs, 13 last de vice, 13, 21 networ k compon ents, 13 networ k inte rface, 18 networ k leng th, 13 NIM limi tati ons on , 15 node ad dressing, 15 nodes ( maximum), 13 ou[...]
Seite 71
Index 71 S sampl e isla nd as sem bl y, 42 sour ce powe r supp ly consid erat ion s, 27 logic p ower, 11, 27 recomm endations , 27 SELV-rated, 2 4, 26, 27 two-recept acle wiring conn ector, 2 4 specif icatio ns, 28 STB NIB 1010, 28 stat us obj ec ts, 38 STB XTS 1120 screw type po wer connec tor, 25 STB XTS 2120 sprin g clamp field wi ring connec to[...]