Seite 1
1 WL-600 Wireless Broad band Router (802.11bg)[...]
Seite 2
Seite 3
3 Introduc tion Congratul ations on p urch asin g this Wirel ess Broa dband Rout er. This Wi reless Broadband R oute r is a cost-e ffecti ve IP Shari ng Router t hat enabl es mul tipl e users to share the Internet t hrough an ADSL o r cabl e modem. Sim ply confi gure your Intern et connecti on setti ngs in th e Wireles s Broadban d Rout er and pl u[...]
Seite 4
4 Get to know the Broadband Router Back Pane l The diag ram (fig 1.0) bel ow shows t he broadba nd rout er’s back pan el . The router’s back panel is di vided i nto three secti ons, LAN , WAN and Reset : Figure 1.0 1) Local Area Net work (LAN) The Broadb and router’s 4 LAN port s are whe re you conn ect you r LAN’s PC s, pri nter servers, h[...]
Seite 5
5 Front Panel On the router ’s fr ont panel t here are LED lights tha t infor m you of the router’s c urrent status . Below is an explanatio n of each L ED and its d escr iption. LED Light Status: Description PW R ON: Router’s power sup pl y is on W AN 10/100 M ON: W AN port 100M bps is c onnected OFF: W AN port 10Mbps is connec ted W AN LNK/[...]
Seite 6
6 Setup Diagra m Figure 1.2 belo w shows a typical se tup for a Local A rea Network (LAN). Figure 1.2[...]
Seite 7
7 Getting starte d This is a s tep-b y -step instruc tion on ho w to start us ing the r outer an d get con nected to the Internet. 1) Setup your network as shown i n the setu p diagram above (fig 1.2). 2) You then ne ed to set your LAN PC clients so that i t can obt ain an IP address autom atically. All LAN clien ts require a n IP ad dress. Jus t l[...]
Seite 8
8 5: In the Se lect Network Protocol dialog box , select Micr osoft and TCP/I P and the n click the OK button to s tart insta lling the T CP/IP prot ocol. You m ay need your W indows CD to complete the installati on. 6: After instal ling TCP/I P, go back to the Netw ork dialo g box. Se lect TCP/I P from the list of Network C omponents and the n cli[...]
Seite 9
9 2: Double-c lick Local Area Conn ection ico n. The Loca l Area Con nection window will appear. 3: Check your list of Network Com ponents. You sho uld s ee Internet Prot ocol [T CP/IP] on your list. Se lect it and cl ick the Properties b utton. 4: In the Intern et Protoco l (T CP/IP) Pro perties window, select Ob tain an IP addre ss automatical ly[...]
Seite 10
10 2: Double-c lick Networ k and Di al-up Connec tions icon. In the Ne twork an d Dial-up Connect ion windo w, double-c lick Local Ar ea Conn ection icon . The Loca l Area Connect ion windo w will appear . 3: In the Loca l Area Co nnection window, c lick the Pro perties butt on. 4: Check your list of Network Com ponents. You sho uld s ee Internet P[...]
Seite 11
11 1: Click the Start button and select Settings , then cl ick Control Panel . The C ontrol Panel window will appear. 2: Double-c lick Networ k icon. T he Networ k windo w will appear . Select th e Protoco l tab f rom the Networ k windo w. 3: Check if the TCP/IP Protocol is on your l ist of Netwo rk Protocols . If TC P/IP is not installed, c lick t[...]
Seite 12
12 7: Click OK to confirm the setti ng. Your PC will no w obtain an I P address autom aticall y from your Broadban d Router’s DH CP ser ver. Note : Please m ak e sure that th e Broadband router’s DHCP ser ver is the onl y DHCP ser ver availa ble on your LAN. Once you’ve c onfigure d your PC t o obta in an IP a ddress automatic ally, please pr[...]
Seite 13
13 The HOM E page scree n below wil l appear. Menu Description Home (Chap ter 1) In this sectio n you ca n see the Broadband router's s ystem inf ormation, Intern et Conn ection,[...]
Seite 14
14 Device Status, S y stem Log , Securit y Log and DHCP client inform ation. Wizard (Chap ter 2) Select your I nternet con nec tion type and then input the conf igurations needed to connec t to your Internet Service Provider ( ISP). Wireless Settings (Chapter 3) This sec tion contains the wireless settings a nd allows you t o configur e the AP se t[...]
Seite 15
15 Chapter 1: Home 1.1 Status The Status sec tion al lows you to m onitor the curr ent status of your rout er. You ca n use the Status page to m onitor: the co nnection sta tus of the Broadba nd router's W AN/LAN interfaces , the current f irmware and hardware v ersion num bers, an y illegal att empts to access your networ k, and inform ation [...]
Seite 16
16 1.2 L A N The LAN Por t screen below al lows you to specif y a private IP a ddress f or your rout er’s LAN ports as well as a subnet m ask for your LAN segm ent. Paramete rs Defau lt Description IP address This is the rou ter’s LAN port IP address ( Your LAN clients def ault gate way I P address ) IP Subnet Ma sk 255.255.255 .0 S[...]
Seite 17
17 Lease Time The DHCP when enabl ed will tem poraril y give your LAN c lients an I P address . In the Leas e Time s etting you can spec ify th e tim e period that the DHCP lends an IP address to your LAN clients. T he DHCP will change your LAN c lient’s IP address when this tim e thr eshold per iod is reached DHCP Client Ran ge You can sel ect a[...]
Seite 18
18 1.3 A ctive DHCP Client View your L AN client's inform ation that is c urrentl y linked to the Bro adband router 's DHC P server Paramete rs Descriptio n Active DHCP Client This page sh ows all DH CP clients (LAN PCs) current ly connected to your ne twork. T he “Active DH CP Cli ent Table” displays the I P address and the M A C add[...]
Seite 19
19 1.4 System Log View the op eration lo g of the s ystem. Paramete rs Descriptio n System Log This page sh ows the c urrent s ystem log of th e Broad band ro uter. It displa ys any event occurred af ter s ystem start up. At the bottom of the pa ge, the s ystem log ca n be sav ed < Save > to a local f ile for further proces sing or the s yste[...]
Seite 20
20 1.5 Statistics View the stat istics of pack ets sent and rec eived o n W AN, LAN and W ireless LAN. Paramete rs Descriptio n Statistics Shows the counters of packets sent and rece ived on W AN, LAN and W ireless LAN.[...]
Seite 21
21 Chapter 2: Wizard • Click W izard to configur e the rout er. • The Setup wizard w ill now be d isplayed; ch eck that the m odem is c onnected an d click Next . • Select your c ountr y from the Co untry list. • From Service, s elect your internet provider . Click Next .[...]
Seite 22
22 • Depending on the ch osen provider , you m ay need to enter your user nam e and password, M AC address or hostnam e in the f ollowin g windo w. After you have en tered th e correct inf ormation, c lick Next . • Click O K to com plete the conf iguration. • W ait for about 10 secon ds t o allow the r outer to con nect to the Internet.[...]
Seite 23
23 Chapter 3: Wireless Settin gs 3.1 Wireless Basic Settings W ireless Access Point builds a wireless LAN a nd ca n let all PCs equip ped with I EEE 802 .11b or 801.11g wire less netw ork adapt or connec t to your Intranet. It s upports W EP and W PA2 encryption to enhance t he sec urity of your wireless network . Paramete rs Default Description Di[...]
Seite 24
24 Associated Clients Click “Sho w Active Cli ents” butto n, then an “Active W ireless C lient Table” will pop up. You can see the s tatus of all active wireless stat ions that are conn ecting t o the ac cess point. W LAN MAC This is the M AC address used b y the W ireless interface of this AP when it is in the stati on modes . Clone MAC Cl[...]
Seite 25
25 3.2 A dvanced Settings You can set advance d wireless LAN param eters of this router. T he param eters include Authenticati on T ype, Fragm ent Threshold, RTS T hreshold, Be acon Inter val, Pre am ble T y pe …… You should not chang e thes e param eters unless you kno w what ef fect the chang es w ill have on this router. Paramete rs Descript[...]
Seite 26
26 Beacon Inte rval The inter val of tim e that this w ireless router broadcast a beacon. Beacon is us ed to synchroni ze the wirel ess network . Data Rate The “Data Rat e” is the r ate this ac cess po int uses to transm it data pac kets . The acc ess point will use the highest pos sible s elected transm ission rate to tr ansmit the d ata pack [...]
Seite 27
27 3.3 Secur ity This Acc ess Point pro vides com plete wireless LAN se curit y functions, incl ude WEP, IEEE 802.11x, I EEE 802.11x with W EP, W PA with pre-sh ared k ey and W PA with RADI US. W ith these security functi ons, you can preve nt your wire less L AN from illegal access . Please m ake sure your wireless s tations use t he sam e sec uri[...]
Seite 28
28 Hexadecim al Digits: 12 345abcde Default Key Select one of the four ke ys to encrypt your data. Only the k ey you selec t it in the "Def ault k ey" will take eff ect. Key 1 - Key 4 The W EP keys are use d to encr ypt data transm itted in the wire less net work. Fil l the text box b y following the ru les below. 64-bit W EP: input 10-d [...]
Seite 29
29 3.3.4 WP A Pre-share d ke y W i-Fi Protected Acces s (WPA) is an ad vanced sec urity standar d. You c an use a pre-shared k ey to authenticat e wireles s stations and encr ypt data dur ing comm unication. It uses T KIP or CCMP(AES) to chan ge the enc ryption k ey frequent ly. So the e ncr yption ke y is not eas y to be broken b y hacker s. This [...]
Seite 30
30 W PA2(AES) This use C CMP protoc ol to c hange encr yption ke y frequen tly. AES c an pr ovide high level encryption to enhance t he wireles s LAN security. W PA2 Mixed This will use T KIP or A ES bas ed on the ot her comm unication peer aut omatica lly. RADIUS Server IP address The IP addr ess of ex ternal R ADIUS serv er. RADIUS Server Po rt T[...]
Seite 31
31 3.4 A ccess Control This wireless router pro vides MAC Addres s Contro l, which pre vents the u nauthori zed MAC Addresses f rom accessing your w ireless net work . Paramete rs Descriptio n Enable wireless acce ss control Enable wire less acces s control Add MAC ad dress into the list Fill in the " MAC Addres s" and "Com m ent&quo[...]
Seite 32
32 3.5 Site S urvey This page pr ovides a to ol to scan th e wireless networ k. If an y Access Point or IB SS is found, you can choose to connect it manuall y when cli ent mode is enabled.[...]
Seite 33
33 3.6 WDS W ireless Distribution S ystem uses wireless media t o comm unicate with oth er APs. T o use W DS, you m ust set these A Ps in the s ame c hannel and set MAC addr esses of other APs which you want to com m unicate with in the tab le and the n enab le the W DS. Click the ‘Set Securit y’ button to change sec urity opt ions.[...]
Seite 34
34 Chapter 4: Firew all 4.1 Por t Filtering The W L-161 offer s the option to filter certa in rang es of ports on your l ocal area network . Select ‘Enable Port Filtering ’ to en able t he port fi lter opt ion, and enter a port rang e in the appropri ate box.[...]
Seite 35
35 4.2 IP Filte ring The W L-161 offer s the option to filter UD P or T CP traffic f or certain IP a ddresses on your local area network . Select ‘ Enabl e IP Filtering’ to enable the IP filter optio n, and enter a local I P address in th e appropri ate box.[...]
Seite 36
36 4.3 M AC Filtering This wireless router pro vides MAC Addres s Contro l, which pre vents the u nauthori zed MAC Addresses f rom accessing your net work .[...]
Seite 37
37 4.4 Por t Forwarding The Port For warding a llows you to re-direct a particul ar range of service por t num bers (fr om the Internet/W AN Ports ) to a particul ar LAN I P address. It help you t o host s ome s ervers behind t he router NAT firewall. Paramete r Description Enable Po rt Forwarding Enable Por t Forwardin g IP Address This is the pr [...]
Seite 38
38 Table" belo w. If you fin d any t ypo before add ing it and want t o ret ype again, j ust click "Clear" and the fields will be cleare d. Remove Po rt Forwarding into the table If you want t o rem ove some Port Forwarding settings f rom the " Curre nt Port For wardi ng Table", select t he Port For wardi ng settings you wa[...]
Seite 39
39 4.5 DMZ If you have a local cl ient PC that cannot run an Intern et applicati on (e.g. Gam es) properl y from behind the N AT f irewall, then you can open the client up to unrestr icted t wo-wa y Internet acces s by defining a DMZ Hos t. The DMZ f unction allows you to re-direct all pack ets going to your W AN port IP addr ess to a par ticular I[...]
Seite 40
40 Chapter 5: Toolbox 5.1 Password Settings You can cha nge the pas swor d required to log into t he broad band rout er's s ystem web-base d managem ent. By def ault, there is n o pass word. So p lease ass ign a pass word to t he Adm inistrator as soon as possible, and store it in a safe pl ace. Pass words can c ontain 0 to 12 alph anumeric ch[...]
Seite 41
41 5.2 Time Zone The T ime Zone allo ws your router to ref erence or bas e its tim e on the sett ings c onfigured h ere, which will aff ect f unctions such as Lo g entries and Fire wall sett ings. Paramete r Description Select Time Zone Select the tim e zone of the c ountry you are currentl y in. The router will set its time based o n your se lecti[...]
Seite 42
42 5.3 Firmwa re Upgrade This page a llows you to upgrade t he router ’s firm ware Paramete rs Descriptio n Firmware Upgrade This tool al lows you to upgrade t he Broa dband router ’s s ystem firmware. T o upgrade t he firm ware of your Broadban d router, you need t o downloa d the firm ware file to your local h ard disk , and enter that f ile [...]
Seite 43
43 5.4 Backup The Conf iguration T ools screen a llows you to save ( Backup ) the router ’s current configurat ion setting. Sav ing the conf iguration s ettings pr ovides an added pr otectio n and conve nience shou ld problem s occ ur with the router an d you ha ve to reset to fac tory default. W hen you save the configurat ion setting (B ackup) [...]
Seite 44
44 5.5 DDNS DDNS allo ws you to m ap the s tatic dom ain name to a dynam ic IP addres s. You m ust get an account, pas sword and your static dom ain nam e from the DDNS ser vice prov iders. T his router supports D ynDNS, T ZO and oth er com mon DD NS service prov iders. Paramete rs Defau lt Description Enable/Disab le Disable Enable/Disa ble the DD[...]
Seite 45
45 Appendix A How to Manually find your PC ’s IP and M AC address 1) In W indow’s open the C omm and Prom pt program 2) T ype Ipconfig /all a nd <enter > • Your PC’s I P address is t he one entitled I P address ( 192.168.1 .77) • The router’s I P addres s is the o ne entitle d Default Gatew ay ( 4) • Your PC’s MAC [...]
Seite 46
46 Glossar y Default Gat eway (Ro uter): Ever y non-router IP dev ice needs to configur e a defau lt gatewa y’s IP address. W hen the de vice s ends out an IP pack et, if the des tination is not on the same net work, the device h as to send t he pack et to its d efault gate way, which will then se nd it ou t towards t he destination. DHCP: D ynam[...]
Seite 47
47 ISP: Internet Service Provider. A n ISP is a business that prov ides connect ivit y to the Internet f or individuals and other bus ines ses or organ izations. LAN: Local Area Netw ork. A L AN is a gro up of computers and devices c onnected together in a relativel y small area ( such as a house or an off ice). Your hom e net work is cons idered a[...]
Seite 48
48 create IP ad dress num bers us ed onl y within a part icular net work ( as opposed to valid IP addr ess number s recognized by the Intern et, which m ust be as signed b y InterNIC). TCP/IP, UD P: Transm ission Con trol Prot ocol/Intern et Protoco l (TCP/IP) a nd Unre liable Dat agram Protocol (UD P). T CP/IP is the s tandard pr otocol for data t[...]