Seite 1
WLM-5501 Wirel ess AD SL2+ N 600 Gi gabit M od em R out er User Manual[...]
Seite 2
T able of Co ntents INTRODUCTION........ ............... ............... .......... ............... ............... ......... 4 1 KEY FEATURES ............ ............... ............. ............ ............... .............. 5 2 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............ ............... .......... ............... ............... .... 6 3 CAUTIONS .........[...]
Seite 3
14 FIREWALL SETTINGS ................. ............... .......... ............... ............ 40 F IREWALL 40 ACL 41 IP F IL TER 42 DMZ 45 V IRTU AL SERVER 46 15 TOOLBOX SETTINGS .................. ............... .......... ............... ............ 47 P ASSWORD 51 T IME S ETT INGS 53 F IRMWARE U PGRADE 54 R EBOO T 55 Revision 1.0 © Sitec om [...]
Seite 4
Introdu ction Congratulations o n your purchase of the WLM- 5501 Wirele ss ADSL 2+ Modem . This mo dem is f ul ly compl iant wi th 802 .11b, 8 02.11g and 802 .11n. T his mod em provides t he best performance whe n used in comb inatio n with 802.11 n cli ent adapters. The WLM-5 501 is not o nly a Mod em or Wirel ess Ac cess Point, but ca n also b e [...]
Seite 5
1 Key Fe atures Fea ture s Advantages IEEE 802.11g compliant Fully I nteroperable wit h IEEE 802.11 b / IEEE802. 11g c ompliant devices Based on 802.11 n technolo g y WLM-5501: U p to 6 t imes fast er than regular 8 02.11g (in comb ination with a 150n or 802. 11n wirel ess adapter) Four 10/100/1 000 Mbps Gigabit Port (Auto-Crossover) T o connect fo[...]
Seite 6
2 Package Conten ts Open the packag e carefull y , and make sure that none of t he items li sted below are mis sing. Do not di scard the packi ng material s, i n cas e of r eturn; the unit must be shipp ed back i n its origi nal pac kage. 1. WLM-550 1 modem/router 2. 110V~ 240V 1 2V 1A P ower A dapter 3. Quick I nstall G uide 4. CD (User’s Manual[...]
Seite 7
3 Caution s This router ’ s desi gn and manufa cturer has your safety in mi nd. In or der to safely an d effect ively us e this ro uter , please read the f oll owing before u sage. 3.1 Usage Cautions The user sho uld n ot modify t his router . The environmental temperature should be w ithin + 5 ~ + 35 degre es Cels ius. 3.2 Power The router’s p[...]
Seite 8
4 Product Layout Port Description ADSL Connect your tel ephone/A DSL cabl e this port LAN Connect the cab le from your PC or network dev ice to this p orts. Power connector Connect your pow er adapter to thi s port. Power button T urn the m odem On or Off . Power connector LAN / computer connections Modem connection WPS/Reset but t on Power button[...]
Seite 9
Back label The back l abel describe s the correspo nding LED i ndicati ons and port functi onality . LED Description P ower Lights up whe n powered ON . Blin ks on TEST/R ESET ADSL Lights up whe n an ADSL cable i s con nected. Internet Lights up whe n internet connecti on is U P . WLAN Lights up in B lue w hen WLAN i s enabl ed. Bl inks on traffic [...]
Seite 10
5 Syst em Requ i rement s T o beg in using the WLM-5 501, make sure you meet t he f ollow ing as mi nimum requirements: • PC/Notebook. • 1 Free Ethernet port. • Wi-Fi card/USB dongl e (802. 11 a/b/g/n) – optio nal. • Annex A, AD SL i nternet conne ction. • PC with a Web-Browser (Internet Expl orer , Safari, F irefox, Opera) • Ethernet[...]
Seite 11
8 PC Ne twork Adapter setup Windows XP • Go to [ Start Menu ], [ Control panel ], [ Network Conne ctions ]. • Right-mouse-cl ick on the [ Local Area Con nection] ) ic on, and s elect [ properties ] • Select [ I nternet Protocol (TCP/IP) ] =>Click [ Pro perties ]. • Select t he [ General ] tab. The W L - 358/35 9 su pports DHCP . [...]
Seite 12
Windows Vista/Windows 7 • Go to [ Start Menu ], [ Control panel ], [ Vi ew network status an d tasks ], -> [ Manag e network connection s ]. • Right-mouse-cl ick on the [ Local Area Con nection ]) ic on, and se lect [ properties ][...]
Seite 13
• Select [ I nternet Protocol Version 4 ( TCP/IPv4) ], and Cl ick [ Properties ]. • Open the [ Ge neral ] tab. The WLM-5501 supports DHCP . Please se lect both [ Obtain an IP addr ess automatically ] and [ Obtain D NS server address automatically ].[...]
Seite 14
9 Bring u p the WLM- 5501 Connect the su ppl ied power-adapter to the p ower in let port and co nnect it to a wall out let. Press the Power-Button to turn the m odem on. The WLM-550 1 automatical ly enters the se lf-test phase. Duri ng self-test phase, the P o wer LED wil l bl ink briefl y , and then w ill be l it co ntinuousl y to indi cate that t[...]
Seite 15
Status The pages in the status secti on provide you general i nformation about the operational status of your devi ce. Status The System status s ection all ows y ou to mon itor t he c urrent status of your modem/router: the UP time, hardware informatio n, seria l number as we ll as firmware version informatio n is dis played here. The page also sh[...]
Seite 16
Statistics Y ou can view statisti cs on the proc essing of IP packe ts on the networki ng interfaces . Y ou w il l not typica lly nee d to view thi s data, but you m ay fi nd it helpf ul when workin g wit h your ISP to di agnose n etwork and Inte rnet data transmission problems. T o dis play stati stics for any new data, c lick “Refr esh” .[...]
Seite 17
DHCP List This pa ge shows all DHCP cl ients (LAN PCs) currently co nnected to your network. The tabl e s hows the assi gned IP address, MAC address and ex piration time f or each DHCP l eased cl ient.[...]
Seite 18
Diagnostics The Dia gnostics page al lows you to t est the c urrent confi guration. Clic k ‘Start’ to let t he modem router perform se ve ral tasks to verify if t he connecti on is operational.[...]
Seite 19
11 C onfigu ration Wizard Clic k Wizard to conf igure the modem. The Setu p wizard w ill n ow be disp layed; check that th e adsl lin e is c onnected a nd cli ck Next. Sele ct your country from th e Country li st. Sel ect your i nternet provid er . Click Next. Depend ing on the ch osen provider , y ou may need to e nter your user name and password [...]
Seite 20
12 Basi c Settings LAN Settings This page is used to c onfi gure the LAN interface of your ADSL Router . Y ou can set IP addres s, subnet mask, and IGM P Snoopi ng or mo dify the IP v6 address range .[...]
Seite 21
DHCP Settings Y ou can co nfigure your network and the router to us e the Dynami c Host Confi guration Protocol ( DHCP). This page al lows you to select t he DHCP mode that this ro uter wil l su pport. There are two diff erent DHCP Modes: DHCP Server and DHCP Relay . When th e router is act ing as D HCP server , please confi gure the r outer in th [...]
Seite 22
W AN Settings This page all ows you to manuall y confi gure the ADSL/WAN settin gs. The setting s on this page re quire som e knowle dge c oncerning the WAN confi guration we advi ce le ss-experien ced users to confi gure the WAN setti ngs us ing the Wizard (Chapter 1 0)[...]
Seite 23
ATM VC • Virtual Circuit: VPI (Virtual Path Ident ifier) an d VCI (Virt ual Channel Identif ier) def ine a v irtual c ircuit. • VPI : The vali d range for the V PI is 0 to 2 55. Ent er the VPI assi gned to you. This fiel d may already be confi gured. • VCI: The valid range f or the VCI i s 32 t o 6553 5. Enter the VCI assi gned to you. This f[...]
Seite 24
• Network Address Translation: Select None , Many to One or Many to Many from the drop-so wn list box. Refer to the NA T chapter f or more detail s. • RIP Version: Select th e RIP versi on from RIP-1, RIP-2B and RIP- 2M. • RIP Direction: Select the RIP dire ction fro m None, Both, In Only an d Out Only. • Multicast: IGMP (Internet Group Mu [...]
Seite 25
Wireless Settings This s ection pr ovides th e wirel ess netw ork settin gs for your router . Y ou can enable a nd conf igure th e wirel ess AP f unctio n here. Parameter Description Band Please sel ect the radio band fro m one of t he fol lowin g options. 2.4GHz(B): 2.4GHz ba nd, onl y all ows 8 02.11b wireles s network cl ie nt to connect this ro[...]
Seite 26
for 802. 11b cl ients, maximum 5 4Mbps f or 802. 11g clie nts, and maxi mum 150M bps f or 802.1 1n cl ients). Mode It all ows you to s et the router to act i n “ AP” , “C li ent” or “WDS” mod e. SSID The SSID (up t o 32 pr intabl e ASCII characters) is t he uniqu e name i dentifi ed i n a WLAN. T he ID prevents the uni ntentional mergi [...]
Seite 27
Security Settings This router provides c omplete w irel ess LAN sec urity funct ions, incl ude WEP , I EEE 802.1 x, IEEE 802.1x w ith WEP , WPA with pre-shared key an d WP A wit h RAD IUS. With the se security functio ns, you can prevent your wire less LAN from i ll egal access. Pl ease make sure your wi reless stat ions use the same security f unc[...]
Seite 28
IEEE 802 .1x. WEP-64Bits WEP is less level o f securit y than WP A. WEP supp orts 64-bit and 128- bit key l engths to encrypt the w irel ess data. T he longer key length wil l provi de hi gher security . When “WEP- 64Bits” is sel ected, you have to enter exa ctly 5 ASCII characters (“a- z” an d “0-9”) or 10 he xadecimal di gits ("0[...]
Seite 29
Wirele ss ACL This w ireless router supp orts MAC Addre ss Control, whic h prevents unauthorized cl ie nts from acces sing your w irele ss network. Parameter Description Active Choose to e ither Enable – Enabl ed the Wireles s Access Control Disable – Di sable th e Wirel ess Acc ess Control Actions Allow – Only al low t he wir eless cli ents [...]
Seite 30
13 Ad v an c ed Set tings The advanced setti ngs p ages all ow users t o modify t he more com plex fe atures of this d evice. Adv ances w ireless This page all ows advanced users who have suff icie nt knowle dge of w irel ess LAN. These sett ing s hall not be chan ged unl ess you know exactly w hat wil l hap pen for the chan ges you mad e on your r[...]
Seite 31
DTIM Broadcast SSID If thi s opti on is enabled, the router wi ll automatical ly transmit the network name (SSID) i nto open a ir at regular interv al. This feature is inte nded to al low cli ents to dy namically disc ov er the r outer . If thi s opt ion is disable d, the r outer wi ll hide it s SSID. When th is i s done, th e cli ents cann ot dire[...]
Seite 32
QoS QoS all ows you to c lassi fy Internet ap plicat ion traffic by source/dest ination IP address and port number . Y ou can assi gn priori ty for each type of app licati on and reserve bandwi dth for it. The packe ts o f appl icatio ns with hig her priority w ill always go fi rst. Lower priority app li cations wi ll get band width af ter hi gher [...]
Seite 33
Enable/Disable QoS Y ou can chec k “Enable QoS” to enabl e QoS functiona lity f or the WAN port. Add a rule Enter all the data re quired for the rule y ou wis h to set a nd cli ck Add to s ave this rule. Edit a Q oS rule Select the rule you want to edit and cl ick “Edit” , then enter the detail form of th e QoS rul e. Cl ick “ Apply ” a[...]
Seite 34
UPnP When the U PnP funct ion i s enabl ed, the ro uter can be detected by U PnP compl iant system s uch as Wi ndows 7 . The rout er wil l be dis played in t he Neighb orhood of W indows 7, so yo u can dir ectly double c lic k the router or ri ght cli ck the router an d sel ect “Invoke” to conf igure th e router through web browser . Parameter [...]
Seite 35
R outing The page enables you to de fine specif ic route f or your Internet and network data. Most users do not ne ed to de fine ro utes. On a typ ical smal l h ome or offi ce LAN, the exi sting r outes that set u p the de fault gate wa ys f or your LAN hosts and for the router provi de the most appropriate path for al l your Int ernet traffic. Y o[...]
Seite 36
SNMP Simp le Network Manag ement Protocol ( SNMP ) is a trou blesho oting and management protoc ol that uses the UDP protocol on port 161 to communicate between c li ents and ser ve rs. The router can be managed lo cally or remotely b y SNMP protocol . Parameter Description SNMP Select “Disabl e” or “ Enable” to disa ble or enabl e the SNMP[...]
Seite 37
DDNS Dynamic DN S (DDNS) a llows you to map the st atic domai n name to a dynamic IP address. You must get an accou nt, passwor d and your static domain name from the DD NS service providers . Parameter Description Enable Check the b ox t o enable DDNS fu nction. DDNS Provider Select your DDNS servi ce provi der here. Thi s router supports Dy nDNS [...]
Seite 38
NA T This page all ows vi ewing or c hangin g of the c urrent status of the NA T f or each VC. Here it’s possi ble to set Virtual server or DMZ settin gs for each virtual circuit. Fo r more informati on about t he DMZ a nd virtual server pleas e read chapter 13 Firewall.[...]
Seite 39
TR -69 As a bi directi onal S OAP/HT TP-base d protocol , it provides t he communic ation between c ustomer-premises eq uipment (CPE) and Auto Co nfiguration Servers (ACS). It i nclud es both a safe auto conf iguration a nd the c ontrol of ot her CPE management funct ions within an int egrated fra mework. I n the course of t he boom of th e broadba[...]
Seite 40
14 F irewall Setting s The Broadband rout er provides extensive f irewall protectio n by restrict ing connecti on parameters, thus limi ting t he risk of hacker attacks, an d defend ing against a w ide arra y of common Internet attack s. However , for ap pli cations that require unrestricted access to t he Internet, yo u can conf igure a specif ic [...]
Seite 41
ACL This page is used to IP addresses for A ccess Control. If AC L is e nabled on ly the I P Addresses t hat are in t he ACL T ab le can access the C PE. ACL Enable or disabl e Access Control ACL Rule index Select an i ndex number for the rule you are creating. Active Select if the R ule shoul d be a ctive or no t Secure IP Address Enter the range [...]
Seite 42
IP Filter Filter Type Choose the ty pe of fi lter you w ish to use, ther e are 3 poss ibl e types of filt er . - IP/Mac Filter - Appl ication filt er - URL bl ock IP Filter Rule Editing • IP Filter Rule Index: T his is item numb er • Active: Select Yes from th e drop dow n li st box to e nable IP f ilt er rule. • Source IP Address: The sourc [...]
Seite 43
set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is recomme nded that thi s opti on be confi gured by an ad vanced user . • Destination IP Address: T his is t he desti nation s ubnet IP ad dress. • Subnet Mask: It is the destinati on IP addr esses base d on above destinati on sub net IP • Destination Port Number: This is t he Po rt or Port Ranges that defi nes t[...]
Seite 44
Application filter Here you can cho ose whic h appl ication s shoul d be b locked or allowe d access. Choose whi ch appl icati on shoul d be allow ed or deni ed access and cl ick ‘ Save ’ to apply th e settin gs. The URL block Here it’s possi ble to bloc k certain we bsites. Filter type Enter the we bsite y ou wish t o blo ck and make sure th[...]
Seite 45
DMZ The DMZ Host is a local computer exposed to the Internet. When s etting a particular internal IP Address a s the DMZ Host, al l i ncoming packets wi ll be checked by t he firewal l and NA T al gorithms th en passed to the DM Z Host. For exa m ple, if you have a local cli ent PC that cannot r un an Internet appl ication ( e.g. Games ) properly f[...]
Seite 46
Virtual server Use the Virtual Server f unctio n w hen you want d ifferent servers/cl ients in your LAN to handle dif ferent service/I nternet appl ication type ( e.g. Email , FTP , W eb server e tc. ) fr om the Int ernet. Computers use numbers called port numbers to recogn ize a part icular service/I nternet ap plicat ion type. T he Virtual Server[...]
Seite 47
15 TOO LBOX Sett i ngs Sitecom C loud Securi ty Antivi rus software al one is not safe e nough. Y ou can now be nefit from additi onal bui lt -i n securi ty in your modem or router . Protect all devic es i n your home network against cybercrime w hil e browsing. Activated automaticall y , your network and d evices are better secured t han ever befo[...]
Seite 48
With the protection of unsafe we bsites acti va te d the S itecom Cloud Security wil l al wa ys check if a website is saf e. If it i s not saf e it will inf orm you that i s not safe to enter . If you stil l wi sh to vis it this we bpage cl ick on ‘ proceed anyway ’ . Alter natively cli ck ‘Back to Safety’ so that your security wi ll not be[...]
Seite 49
If you w ish to change your security options or to ext end y our subscri ptio n at any time, op en http://www.sitecomc loudse curity .com from your web browser . Y ou w il l b e as ked for a us ername and passwo rd. T hese can be fo und on the backlabel on the bottom of your S itecom router or modem. If th e logi n succe eded you can c li ck on ‘[...]
Seite 50
Or click ‘License’ to renew your subscript ion. If you w ish to disab le to Sitec om cl oud secur ity at any tim e, ope n the w ebpage of your Sit ecom produ ct and log in w ith th e sup plie d credential s (thes e can be[...]
Seite 51
found on t he back label on the b ottom of your Site com devi ce). Go to T ool box and sel ect “Si tecom Cl oud Securi ty” . Click t he “Disa ble” radio button and cli ck ‘ A pply’ for t he settin gs to take eff ect. P as sword This page all ows you to set the password to acc ess the we b server of th e router . If the password you type[...]
Seite 52
Please use new password to ent er web management interface a gain, an d you shoul d be abl e to l ogin with new password.[...]
Seite 53
Time Settings The Time Zone a llows your router to set its ti me; espec ial ly for recordi ng System Log. Parameter Description Current Time The current t ime of the speci fie d time zo ne. Y ou can s et the current tim e by yoursel f or confi gured b y SNTP server . Time Zone Selec t Select the t ime zone of the country you are currently in. The r[...]
Seite 54
Firmware Upgr ade Enable Automatic firmware update When enabled t he router wi ll check f or updates on t he firmware if an updat ed firmware has be en releas ed the router w ill inform you that a newer fi rmware is av ai labl e and off ers to downl oad and instal l the firmware. This page also a llow s you to manual ly upgrade the firmware for the[...]
Seite 55
R eboot Whenever you use the W e b confi guration to ch ange system s ettings, the changes are init ially place d in t empora ry storage. T o save your change for future use, you have to cl ick “ A pply ” to reboot t he router . If you have encountered problem s durin g the conf iguration, you can cl ick the “OPS” button in the t op panel o[...]