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Table of Cont ents Contents 1. Pack age Contents .......... ........... .......... ........... .................... .......... ........... .......... ..................... ...... 3 2. Cauti ons .......... ........... .......... ........... .................... .......... ........... .......... ..................... .......... ........... ... 4 2.1 [...]
Seite 3
1. Package Contents Open the packag e carefull y, and make sure tha t none of the it ems listed bel ow are missing . Do not discard t he packing materi als, in case of return; the uni t must be shipp ed back in its origin al package. 1. The WLX-2004 Universa l WiFi TV adapt er for smart TV 2. An USB to Mi cro USB cabl e[...]
Seite 4
2. Cautions This Wi Fi adapter’s design and manufactu rer has your safety i n min d. In or der to safely and effectively us e this router, pl ease read the foll owing before u sage. 2.1 Usage C autions The user shoul d not modi fy this WiFi TV ad apter. The environmental temperatur e should b e within +5 ~ +35 degrees Celsi us. 2.2 Power When pla[...]
Seite 5
3. Product layou t Power led = Oran ge Wlan Led = Wh ite Lan Led = Bl ue Power Input - Micro USB WPS/Reset button - 0-5 seconds f or WPS - 10-15 seconds reset - >15 seconds f or reset to factory defaul ts[...]
Seite 6
4. LOGIN proce d ure Connect th e WLX-2004 via an Ethernet cabl e directl y to the compu ter and make sure the device is pow ered vi a the Micro USB cabl e. Wait for 30 s econds to let the devi ce boot up full y. After that, proceed wi th the followi ng steps to acc ess the configu ration pages of th e WLX-2004. 1. OPEN your br owser (e.g . Interne[...]
Seite 7
5. Wizard Click ‘ Wizard ’ to easi ly configure the Wi Fi TV adapter. 5.1 Connect Via WPS (S oftbutton) If the access poi nt you wi sh to connect to s upports WPS then this is the easiest way to confi gu re this cli ent. ‘ Click on Connect vi a WPS ’. To start WPS, C lick on ‘ start to pro cess ’ at WPS via Push Button .[...]
Seite 8
The followi ng pop up will appear t o inform you that t he client will now attempt to make a WPS connection. Cli c k ‘ OK ’ and cli c k on the WPS button of your Access point or router within 2 min utes. If WPS i s successful Cli ck ‘ OK ’ to continue. Click ‘ OK’ . The devi ce will now restart and app ly the chang es. Please note: The [...]
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5.2 Connect Manually If the Access poi nt you wish to connect to does not sup port WPS you can also connect manuall y. C lick ‘ Co nnect Manual ly ’ to conti nue. The WiFi TV adapter will n ow show an overv iew of all networks withi n range. If the Network you w ish to connect to doe s not show up i n the list, cli ck ‘ refresh ’ to rescan [...]
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Enter the securi ty key of your wireless network and click ‘ next ’ to contin ue. The WiFi TV adapter will n ow verify if t he key is cor rect. Please wai t for 20 seconds.[...]
Seite 11
The WiFi TV adapter will i nform you if t he key you hav e entered for the wi reless network i s correct or not. - If the key is not correct cli ck ‘ Back ’ to enter the key agai n. - If the Key i s correct cli ck ‘ Next ’ to continu e. If the key wa s Correct the cli ent has saved the settin gs and displays the netw ork name of the a ccess[...]
Seite 12
6. Basic Settings Band Please sel e ct the wi reless band you wi sh to use. By selectin g different band setti ng , you’ll be able to allow or deny the wi re less client of a certain band. Main ESSID Please in put the ESSID (the nam e used to i d entify thi s WiFi TV ada pter) here. You can i nput up to 32 alpha numerical characters. PLEASE NOTE [...]
Seite 13
7. Advanced 7.1 Secur ity This Wi Fi TV adapter supports many ty pes of wireless securi ty (wireless data encrypti on). When you use d ata encrypti on, data t ransferred by radio signal s in the air will become unreadab le for t hose people who don’t know correct encrypti on key (encrypti on password). There are three types of security level you [...]
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Disable Secu rity When you select ‘ Disabl ed ’, wireless encry ption for th e network is di sabled. After you fini sh with setti ng, please cli ck ‘ Apply ’.[...]
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WPA Pre-sh ared Key WPA Pre-shared k ey is the safest encr ypti on method currentl y , and it ’s recommended to use this encryption meth od to ensure the safety of your da ta. When you select ‘ WPA p re-shared key ’ as encry ption type, the foll o wing messages wil l be displa yed: WPA Unicast Cipher Suite Availa ble options are: WPA (TKIP), [...]
Seite 16
WEP WEP (Wired Equivalent Pri vacy) is a common encry pti on mode. It’s safe enough for home and personal u se. But if you need hi gher l eve l of security, please consider usi ng WPA encry ption (see next S ection). When you select ‘ WEP ’ as encryp tion type, the fol lowing page will be displa yed: Key Length There are two types o f WEP key[...]
Seite 17
7.2 Advanced Fragment Threshold Set the Fragment threshold of wireless radi o. Do not modify default va lue if you don’t know what i t is, default value is 2 346 RTS Threshold Set the RTS threshol d of wireless radio. Do not modify default value if you don’t know w hat it is, d efault value is 234 7 Beacon Interval Set the beacon i nterval of w[...]
Seite 18
ESSID or not. You can hi de the ESSID of your WiFi TV adapter (set the option to ‘Disabl e’ ), so onl y peopl e those who know the ESSID of yo ur WiFi TV adapter can get connected. CTS Protect Enabli ng this setting will reduce the chance of r adi o signal collisions betw een 802.1 1b and 802.11g WiFi TV adap ters. It’s recommended t o set th[...]
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7.3 WPS Enable WPS Check thi s box to enabl e or disable WP S function Wi - Fi Protected Setup Information All informati o n related to WPS will be displayed here, they’re help ful when you’re setti ng up connecti ons using WPS. WPS Status: Di splays WPS sta tus. If dat a encryption settings of this WiFi TV adapter has never been set , ‘unCon[...]
Seite 20
via client wi s h to connect, and cli c k ‘Start PIN’ button. The ‘WLAN’ LED on the Wi Fi TV adapter will be stead y on wh en this WiFi TV adapter is wai t ing for i ncoming WPS request. NOTE: When you’re using PBC type W PS setup, you must press ‘PBC’ bu tton (hard ware or software) of your Acc e ss point within 120 seconds ; if you [...]
Seite 21
8 Toolbox 8.1 System 8.1.2 Chang e Password You can change the p assword used to enter t he web confi gurat ion menu of this WiFi TV ada pter. Please in put current password in ‘ Current Password ’ fi eld, then i nput new password i n both ‘ New P assword ’ and ‘ C onfirm Password ’ field. After you finish, pl ease go to the bottom of t[...]
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8.1.3 IP manag ement You can change the I P address of this Wi Fi TV adapter, so i t can b ecome a part of your local network. Please remember this a ddress or y ou will not be abl e to connect the confi gurati on menu of t his WiFi TV adapter. Default IP address is: 19 / Subnet Mask 25 5.255.2 55.0, you can press and hol d ‘Rese t/WP[...]
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8.1.4 DHCP Server This Wi Fi TV adapter is capabl e to act as a DHCP server for y our network. It’s enabled b y default but will be turned off once the devi c e has been conf igured via the Setup Wi zard. If you want to enable/di sable this functi on, please open the ‘ System ’ tab, via Toolbo x . Default Gateway IP Please in put the IP addre[...]
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8.2 Back-up You can back up all confi gurations of this WiFi TV adapt er to a file, so you can make several cop ies of configura tions for security reasons. Backup Settings Press ‘Save...’ b utton, and you’ll be prom pted to downl oad the config uration as a fil e, default filena me is ‘config. bin’, you can save i t as another fi lename [...]
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8.3 Upgr ade If there i s new firmware for thi s w ireless client availabl e , you can upload the firmware t o the client to change th e firmware wi th the n ew one, to get ext ra functions or problem fi xes. To perform fi rmware upgrade, please cli c k ‘ Upgrade ’, and t he foll ow ing page will be displ ayed: Click the ‘ Browse ’ button f[...]
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8.4 Reset When you thi nk the WiFi TV adapter is n ot working pr operly, you can use t his function to restart th e TV link adapter; thi s may help and solve the probl e m. This functi on is useful when the Wi F i TV adapt er is far from you or unreachabl e. However, i f the WiFi TV adapter is not respondi ng , y ou may have to swi tch it off by un[...]
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Declaration of conformity[...]
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Parts of the firmware of the WLX-2004 Wir eless TV Adapter are sub ject to the GNU general publ ic license. Appendix A: Licensi ng Informa tion This product includes thir d-party software licensed under the te rms of the GNU Gener al Public License. . You can modify or redi stribute this free software under the terms of the GNU Genera l Public Lice[...]
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everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise te rms and conditions for copying, di stribution and modification follo w. TERMS AND CONDIT IONS FOR COPYIN G , DIST RIBUTION AND MODIF I CATIO N 0. This License applies to any p rogram or other work whi ch contains a notice placed by the copyr ight holder saying it may be distribute d un[...]
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executable or obje ct code is made by offering access to c opy from a designated place, then offeri ng equivalent access to copy the sour ce code from the sam e place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compe lled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, subli cense, or dis[...]
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