Seite 1
Instructions for Use W ashing machine[...]
Seite 2
185426 Thank you for your condence in purchasing our washing machine, and congratulations on the excellent choice. Y our new washing machine meets the requirements of modern treatment of laundry . It is rational in the consumption of energy , water and washing agents. Our appliances are friendly to the environment. Some of the materials may be r[...]
Seite 3
185426 1. Front panel 2. Detergent dispenser 3. Door (depending on the model) 4. Filter lid 5. Adjustable legs 6. W ater outlet hose 7. W ater inlet hose 8. Mains power cable • Model (W A63xxx, W A64xxx) Dimensions (w x d x h): 600 mm x 600 mm x 850 mm Depth with door open: 106 cm Weight (net): 90 kg Nominal voltage: 230 V , 50 Hz Power: 2300 W M[...]
Seite 4
185426 • Besuretoremovetransportbracketspriorrstuseoftheappliance. Attemptedoperationoftheblockedmachinemayresultinirreparable damagewhichisnotcoveredbythemanufacturer ’ swarranty! • Whenconnectingyourwashingmachinetowater[...]
Seite 5
185426 Before connecting the appliance read these instructions carefully . Repairing the failure arising from inappropriate connections or use of the appliance is not covered by the guarantee. The belt can be replaced by a servising engineer only , who incorporates an original spare part with the marking MIG OPTIBEL T 6EPJ 1260, code 1 1 1622 or 6E[...]
Seite 6
185426 In removing the wrapping be careful not to damage the appliance with a sharp object. Before connecting the appliance, let it warm up to room temperature (wait for two hours). • Ourappliancesarepackedinenvironmentally friendlymaterialswhichmayberecycled, depositedordecomposedwithoutanyt[...]
Seite 7
185426 • Puttheapplianceinhorizontalpositionbyturning theadjustablelegs. The legsareadjustableupto+/-1cm. After the adjustment tighten the nuts rmly (A) - towards the bottom of the machine! Vibrations, moving of the appliance and loud operation due to incorrect setting of the adjust[...]
Seite 8
185426 Partial Aqua-stop (water stop system) Incaseofdamageontheinteriorpipe,leakingis preventedbyautomaticclosingsystemwhichstops waterinlettothemachine.Insuchcasesdisplay A turns red. Inletpipemustbereplaced. Complete Aqua-stop Incaseofdamage[...]
Seite 9
185426 Th e wa ll so ck et m u st b e ac c es si bl e a t al l t im es a nd mu st b e e qu ip pe d w it h an e a rt h l ea d (i n a cc or da nc e w it h th e l oc al s a fe ty r eg ul at io n s) . Th e pe rm a ne nt c on n ec ti on m u st b e t t ed b y a n au th or i ze d pe rs o nn el o nl y . Da ma ge d m ai ns p ow e r ca bl e m ay b e r ep [...]
Seite 10
185426 Functional knobs Knob B (MENU) -Usethisknobtoscrollaroundmainmenu. Knob C (SELECT OR) -Usethisknobtoscrollaroundmainmenu. Knob F (ST ART/P AUSE) -Useittostartornishtheprogram. A - program selector B - MENU knob C - SELECTOR knob D - quick wash E - easy iron k[...]
Seite 11
185426 - Selecting language T ochangethelanguageinwhichtheinformation appearonthedisplay ,presssimultaneouslythe keyMENU(B)andSELECTOR(C),andturnthe programselector(A)fromposition“0”totherst programinclockwisedirection(Cotton95°C).[...]
Seite 12
185426 symbols on the last page of these instructions). - Load the laundry into the drum. Checkthatthedrumisempty . - Close the door oftheappliance. - Openthe water inlet faucet. - Switch the machine on. 1. Nameoftheprogram, 2 .Durationortimeofday , 3. Symbols foractiv[...]
Seite 13
185426 selector(A)tothedesiredprogram.Thedisplay indicatestheselectedprogram,alongwithbasic settings. Witheachbasicprogramyoumayalsoselect additional functions . Cotton: whites/colored Normallystainedcottonandaxbedlinenand underwear ,tablecloth,[...]
Seite 14
185426 Mixed Specialprogramforwashingnormallystained coloredlaundrymadefromvariousresistantfabrics at30°C. - Selection of additional function ( , , , , , , , , , ) Thedisplayalwaysindicatesonlythemenus withfunctionswhichareavailableforaparticular program.Cert[...]
Seite 15
185426 inb old(spi nRPM, extrar inse,h igherle vel(HW L), soun dsignal ).Usin gtheS ELECT ORwat erknob (C) you maycha ngesett ings. Act ivation ofapa rticula r func tionis conrme dbyth erelev antsymb ol appe aringon thedi splay .Fun ction?[...]
Seite 16
185426 thisfunctionisavailablealsoforwashing. Appropriatelylargerquantityofwaterisindicatedby thedisplay . Cold washing Fo rwa shin gl ess soi led orc olo ur-s ensi tiv ecl oth es. Up on s witc hin gth isf unc tion ON ,th ehe ati ngf unc tion of thi scy [...]
Seite 17
185426 theSELECTORknob(C)onprogramsforcotton, synthetic,delicateandmixedlaundry . Soaking Thisprogramisintendedforremovalofstubborn stains.Indefaultsettingthesoakingfunctionisoff. ItisengagedbypressingtheSELECTORknob(C). Soakingtime?[...]
Seite 18
185426 SELECTORknob(C)untiltherequiredtimetoend thewashingappearsondisplay . Caution: IfW atercleansensorisengaged,the programmaylastlongerforextrarinsingtime. Incaseyouwishtochangeorsuspendtheendof washingtimeafterstarti[...]
Seite 19
185426 Permanentdisengagementofthefunction: a.) During the operation: - KeeptheMENUknob(B)pressedfor4seconds. - Stop theprogrambypressingtheST ART/P AUSE knob (F). - UsingtheMENUknob(B)movetochildlock option. - PresstheSELECTORknob(C)to[...]
Seite 20
185426 Drain Use it when the washing program was interrupted orifrinsehold functionwasengaged,andyou onlywishtopumpthewateroutofthedrum, without spinning. Spin Aggressivespinningfornon-delicatelaundryathigh spin RPM. Spinrevolutionscanbealtered. - Adding wa[...]
Seite 21
185426 ST ART knob(F)andthemachinewillnishthe programwiththespin,determinedbythatparticular program. Incaseyouwouldliketoalterthewashingprogram, turntheprogramselectortotheposition“0”, followedbytheselectorofrinseorme[...]
Seite 22
185426 Permanent suspension - change of program Byturningtheprogramselectortotheposition “0”theprogramispermanentlysuspended. Consequentlyyoumayselectanewprogram (seeProgramselector). • Failures Programissuspendedincaseafailureoccurs. Thisis[...]
Seite 23
185426 wayashours. - ConrmsettingbypushingtheMENUknob(B). - Return theprogramselectorbackto“0”position. Settimeisautomaticallysaved. • Setting the W ater clean sensor InorderfortheW atercleansensor to start workingproperly ,itmustbe[...]
Seite 24
185426 • Beforewashingsortoutthelaundryaccordingto thetype,degreeofdirtinessandcolorresistance. • Priorselectingthewashingprogramconsultthe sewntabwithinformationonaparticularpiece oflaundry(see Maintenance chart onthelast page[...]
Seite 25
185426 • Ifyoudonotapplytheprogramwhichincludes thepre-washfeature,youmayaddwashing detergentdirectlyintothedrum. • Ifyouusethickliquidsofteneritisrecommended todiluteitwithwater ,topreventcloggingof dispenser compartment du[...]
Seite 26
185426 Disconnect the washing machine from the mains before cleaning! • Thecasingshouldbecleanedwithsoftclothand milddetergent. • Theinteriorofthedrumandthedoorgasketis cleanedbywashingat60°Cwithoutlaundryand addinghalfquantityofdetergent. ?[...]
Seite 27
185426 • W ash it under running water using a brush, and dryit.Removeanyleftoverdrieddetergentfrom thebottomofthecasing. • Cleantheentirerinsingareaofthewashing machinewithabrush,especiallythenozzleson theuppersideoftherinsingchamber . • [...]
Seite 28
185426 • T urnitanti-clockwise,pullitoutandcleanunder running water . • Insertthelterbackasshownonthepicture (arrowandpointer),andtightenbyturningitin clockwisedirection.T oensuregoodsealingthe gasketsurface(A)mustbedi[...]
Seite 29
185426 Ifthewashingmachineidentiesfailuresintheoperation,itreportsit immediately .SoundalarmisheardandthedisplayreadsERROR.Number identiesthetypeoffailure. Insomecasesyoumayattemptremovingcertainfailuresyourself(seethe chart[...]
Seite 30
185426 30 Failure Possible cause Remedy Excessivefoaming during washing. Excessivemeasureof detergent. Use washing powder according totheinstructionsbythe producer and according to the waterhardnessandsoiled laundry . Useonlydetergentsformachine washing. Laundryisnot properlyspun.[...]
Seite 31
185426 Incaseyouwerenotsuccessfulinrepairingthe malfunctionsinspiteoftheabovesuggestionchart, callthenearestauthorizedserviceshop. Repairingthefailurearisingfrominappropriate connectionsoruseoftheapplianceisnotcovered bytheguarantee,[...]
Seite 32
185426 * T estingprogrambyEN60456withtheselectionofmax.spin RPM. ** Dependingonthemodel. 32 Basic programs T ype of laundry Max. load (kg) T emp. (°C) Spin (RPM) W ater cons. l Energy cons. kWh RPM RPM 800 - 900 1000 - 1300 1400 - 1800 800 - 900 1000 - 1300 1400 - 1800 Cotton 6 95 max. 1800 58 [...]
Seite 33
185426 Program chart/ Additional functions possibility Program Quick wash Easy iron S p i n s p e e d / Rinse hold Extra rinse / water clean sensor H ig h er wa t er le v el Pre-wash Soaking Cold washing Basic programs Cotton / / Heavysoil / / Synthetic / [...]
Seite 34
185426 34 Normalwash Delicatewash Max. washing temp.95°C Max. washing temp. 60°C Max. washing temp. 40°C Max. washing temp. 30°C Hand washing W ashing not allowed Whitening Whiteningincoldwater Whiteningnotallowed Ironing Hot iron max. 200°C Hot iron max. 150°C Hot iron max. 1 10°C Ironing not allowed Drycleaning D[...]
Seite 35
Seite 36
PSPG3,4OEMSMEG 185426/en(07-07)[...]