Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955, sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service Sony finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955, über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von Sony KD-30XS955, KD-32XS945, KD-34SX955, KD-36SX955 widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    KD-30XS955 I KD-32XS945 I KD-34XS955 I KD-36XS955 Operating Instructions © 2005 Sony Corporation Sony Corporation http://www .sony .net Printed in U.S.A. 4-102-728-22(1) P antone 279C TV .MANU AL 04_re vised Sony Design Center 04.01.04 Black[...]

  • Seite 2

    1 WA R NI N G T o reduce the ris k of fire o r sho ck haz ard, do n ot exp ose t he TV to rain or mo is tu re. This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsul a ted “danger ous vo ltag e” with in the pr oduc t’s encl osur e th at ma y be o f suf fi cient ma gni tude to cons titu te a ris k of el ec tr ic s h ock to p e rs[...]

  • Seite 3

    2 IMPORTANT SAFEGU ARDS For y our p rote cti o n, p le ase rea d the s e in s truc ti on s co m ple tel y , a nd kee p thi s m anu a l f or futu re ref ere nc e. C arefu lly obs erve and co mply wi th al l w arn ings , ca ution s and ins tru cti o ns p la ce d on th e s e t, or des c ri be d in th e o per at ing in str uct ions or serv ice m anua l[...]

  • Seite 4

    3 Ve n t i l a t i o n The slots and openings in the cabinet and in the back or bo ttom a re p ro vide d f or n eces sa ry ven til at ion . T o en su re reli ab le ope r atio n of t h e se t, and to pr ot ect i t fr om overheati ng, these s l o t s a nd openin g s mu st nev er be blocked or covered . ❑ Ne ver co ver th e slo ts an d open ings wi [...]

  • Seite 5

    4 T r ademark Info rmatio n WOW , T ruSurround a nd the symbol are trademarks of SRS Lab s , In c. WO W and TruSur roun d t e ch nol og y a re i n cor por at e d under l icense fr om SRS Labs, Inc. Manufactured und er license fr om Dolby La bo ra tor ies . Dol by an d th e dou b le- D s ym bol are trad emar ks of D olby L abor atori es. Manu factur[...]

  • Seite 6

    5 Cont en t s In trod ucing the F D Tri nitron Wega Ov erv iew . .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... 9 Pre sen tin g th e F D Tr init r on We ga .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... 9 Pac kag e Co nte n[...]

  • Seite 7

    6 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he Re mote Co ntr ol Ov erv iew . .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. . 45 Ins e rtin g B a tte ri es . ..... ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .[...]

  • Seite 8

    7 We lcome SETUP Othe r Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he Men us Ov erv iew . .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. . 77 Navigat ing Th rough Menus .... ..... . ... . .. ....... ....... . .. ....... ....... ........ ..... . ... ....... 77 Usi ng t he Vid[...]

  • Seite 9

    XS . book Page 8 Monday , Feb ruar y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 10

    9 I ntro ducin g the FD T rini tr on W ega Ove rview This c hapter describes the c ont ents o f the pac kage in w hich t he TV is shipped and provides an overview of the features of your W ega TV . Pr esent ing th e FD T rinit ron Wega Th e FD T r initron W ega (p ronounced V A Y -G AH ) is char acteriz ed by ou tsta nd i ng co nt ra st, un com p r[...]

  • Seite 11

    10 SETUP SETUP Welc ome SETU P SETUP SETUP ❑ Screen M ode: Ena bles you to resize th e picture. ❑ Supe r Fine Pitch C R T : Created es pecially for displa ying hig h res olution pictures, the new Sup er Fine Pitch CRT — al ong with a n ew electr o n gun and high intens ity luminescent phosphor — im pro v es image resolution, pro v iding the[...]

  • Seite 12

    11 Setting Up th e TV Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes illu strated ins truction s for setting up your TV . Abou t t he AC Power Cor d The AC power co rd is attached to th e rear of t h e TV with a hoo k. Use caution when remo v ing the AC plug fr om its holder . Gently slide the plu g upw ar d t o r emove i t f r om the hook . On ce r emo ved, th[...]

  • Seite 13

    12 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP TV Contr ol s and Conne ctors XS955 Fro nt Panel Th e fo llowin g d escript ion a pplies to mo dels K D-30/ 34/36X S9 55 onl y . Ite m Description 1 S VIDE O VI DE O 2 IN PUT Co nnec ts t o t he S VID EO O UT ja ck o n y ou r c amc orde r or o th e r vi de o equipment that has S VIDEO. Prov ides better picture[...]

  • Seite 14

    13 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP XS945 Fro nt Panel The follo win g descr iption appli es to model KD-32XS945 on ly . Ite m Description 1 S VIDE O VI DE O 2 IN PUT Co nnec ts t o t he S VID EO O UT ja ck o n y ou r c amc orde r or o th e r vi de o equipment that has S VIDEO. Prov ides better picture quality t ha n composite video ( 2 ). 2 VID[...]

  • Seite 15

    14 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Rear Panel 3 4 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 q; qa XS. b oo k Pag e 14 Mon da y , Feb r ua r y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 16

    15 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Jack Descr i pti o n 1 VHF/UHF RF inpu t that conn ects to your VHF /UH F antenn a or cab le box. 2 S VID EO IN 1/3 Con ne cts to th e S VI DEO O UT ja ck o f y our VCR or o th er vi deo e quipm ent tha t ha s S VID EO. S VIDEO provi des be tter pi cture qu ality th an either com pos ite video ( 3 ) or V HF/U [...]

  • Seite 17

    16 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Bas i c Con nections: Conne cting a Ca ble or Ante nna The way in which yo u will conn ect your TV varies, depending on how your hom e rec eiv es a signal (cable, cable box, antenna) an d wheth er or no t you p lan to connec t a VCR. If you are connec ting a VCR ❑ See the connec tions de scribe d on pag es 2[...]

  • Seite 18

    17 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca ble or An tenn a Only F or best result s, u se one of the foll owing connect ions if you ar e connecting a ca b le o r an a ntenna an d you: ❑ Do not need a cable box to unscrambl e channels . (If y ou have a cable bo x, see pa g es 1 9-20.) ❑ Do not intend to connect a VCR. (If you have a VCR , see pag[...]

  • Seite 19

    18 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Cable and Antenna Only F or best results , u se this co n nect ion if y ou: ❑ Have a cable and an antenna. (This i s conven ient if yo u are using a s eparate rooftop ant enna to r eceive ad d it ional c han nels that a re n ot prov ided by y our cable com p any .) ❑ Do not hav e a cable box or VCR. (If yo[...]

  • Seite 20

    19 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Cable Box and Cab le O nly F or best results , u se this co n nect ion if: ❑ Y our cab le co mpany sc rambl es some cha n ne ls, su ch as pr emiu m channels (which requir es yo u to use a c able box), but d oes not scramb le all ch annels . ❑ Y o u do not ha ve a VCR. (If y ou h ave a VC R, see pages 23 an[...]

  • Seite 21

    20 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Ca ble Bo x On ly F or best results , u se this co n nect ion if: ❑ Y our c able c ompa ny scr ambles a ll chan nels, w hich requires y ou to us e a cable bo x . ❑ Y o u do not ha ve a VCR. (If y ou h ave a VC R, see pages 23 and 24.) With thi s conn ect ion you ca n: ❑ Use the TV r emote contr ol to ch [...]

  • Seite 22

    21 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Con necting Optio nal Equi pment Use the directions in this section to co nnect the follow ing optiona l equipment: If Y o u Ar e Co nne ct ing See P age VCR a nd Cable 23 VCR a nd Cable Bo x 24 T w o VCRs for T ape Editing 26 Satellite Re ceiver 28 Satellit e Receiver and VCR 30 DVD Player with Component V id[...]

  • Seite 23

    22 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Mak ing Vide o Conn e ctio ns Y our TV includes severa l types of v ideo inputs. W hen c o nnecting your TV , use t he outputs that ar e available on your component s that pro vide the best video performance, as descri bed below . Abo ut U si ng SV I D E O If the optional equipment you are connecting has an S [...]

  • Seite 24

    23 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP VC R and C abl e F or best results , u se this co n nect ion if: ❑ Y our cable company does not requi re you to use a cable box. T o connect the VCR and cabl e 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the VCR’s VHF/UHF i nput jack. 2 Use a coaxial cable to conn ect the VCR’s VHF/U HF o utput jack to th e T V’ s CA[...]

  • Seite 25

    24 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R and C abl e Bo x F or best results , u se this co n nect ion if: ❑ Y our cab le co mpany sc rambl es some cha n ne ls, su ch as pr emiu m channels (which requir es yo u to use a c able box), but d oes not scramb le all ch annels . With thi s conn ect ion you ca n: ❑ Use the TV r emote contr ol to ch a[...]

  • Seite 26

    25 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connectio n T o D o Thi s ... Do Thi s ... W atc h cable (uns cramble d) cha n ne ls Pr ess TV/VID E O repeate dly t o select th e cable input (C ABLE in t he i llu stra t ion). W atc h cabl e b ox (scr ambled) cha n ne ls Pr ess TV/VID E O repeatedly to select the cable box input (VIDEO 3 [...]

  • Seite 27

    26 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP T wo VCRs for T ap e Editing Con n e cting two V C R s l e ts you r ecor d fro m one VCR to the othe r . By connecti ng them as s how n below , you c an v iew (m onitor) wha t is b e i n g re c o rd e d . T o co n ne c t t w o V CR s fo r ta pe e d it in g 1 Use an A/V cable t o connect the playback VCR’s A/[...]

  • Seite 28

    27 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using Th is Connection T o D o Thi s ... Do Thi s ... V iew (monitor) what is being reco rd e d Pr ess TV/VID E O repeatedly to select the VCR input (VIDEO 1 in the illu str ati on a b ove) . S et up th e TV re mot e co nt rol to o p erat e the VCR(s) If yo u have a non-Sony VCR, you m ust pr ogram th[...]

  • Seite 29

    28 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver T o connect a s atellit e receiver 1 Conn ect t he s atellite ante nna cable to t he s atel lite receiver ’ s satellit e inpu t jack. 2 Use an A/V cable to c onne ct the satellit e r e ceiver ’s A/V o utput jacks to the TV’s A/V in put jacks. 3 Connect a CA T V cable fr o m y our cabl[...]

  • Seite 30

    29 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using Th is Connection T o D o Thi s ... Do This .. . W atc h the sa tel li te re c eiv er P re ss TV/VI D EO r epeatedly to select the satellite r eceiver i nput (VIDEO 1 in the illustratio n) . Set up the TV remote contr ol to operate the satel lite receiver If you have a non-Sony satellite r eceive[...]

  • Seite 31

    30 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver and VCR T o conn ect a sate llite rece iver and V CR 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the si n gle (input) jack of the splitter . 2 Use a coaxial cable to connect one of t he splitter ’s two output jacks to the TV’s CABLE jack. 3 Use a coaxial cable to connect the splitter ’s other output[...]

  • Seite 32

    31 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using Th is Connection T o D o Thi s ... Do Thi s ... W atch t he sa t el lite rec eiver Pr ess TV/VID EO r ep eate dly t o select the VCR i np ut (VIDEO 3 in the i llu stra t ion). W atc h th e VC R P re ss TV/VI DEO r epeatedly to select t he input to which the VC R is connected (VIDEO 1 in the illu[...]

  • Seite 33

    32 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with Com p on ent Vi deo Co nne cto rs Fo r be st resu lts , us e th is co nn e ct ion if you r DV D pla ye r has comp onent v ideo (Y , P B , P R ) jacks. T o c o nn ect a D VD play er wit h compon ent vi deo con n ecto rs 1 Use three separat e component vi deo cables to connect the DVD player ’ [...]

  • Seite 34

    33 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using Th is Connection T o D o Thi s ... Do Thi s ... W atch the DVD player Pr ess TV/VI DEO r epeatedly to select the DVD input (VIDEO 5 in the i llu stra t ion). S et up th e TV re mot e co nt rol to o perate the DVD player If yo u have a non-Sony DVD playe r , you must pr ogram the r emote contro l[...]

  • Seite 35

    34 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with S VIDEO and Audio Conn e cto rs Use this connection i f yo ur DVD player does n ot have component vid eo (Y , P B , P R ) jacks. T o c o nn ect a D VD play er wit h A/V co n nec tors 1 Use an audio cable to connect the DVD player ’s audio output jacks to the TV’s audio input jacks. 2 Use an[...]

  • Seite 36

    35 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca mcor der F or easy conn ecti on of a c amcor der , t h e T V has fr ont A /V inpu t jack s. If you pr efer , however , you can connect the c amcor d er to the T V’s re a r A / V i n p u t j a c k s . T o co nnect a camcorde r 1 Use A/V cables to c onnect the c am cord er ’s A /V output jacks to the TV?[...]

  • Seite 37

    36 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Audi o R e ceiv er For i mproved sound q uality , you may want t o play the TV’s aud io th rou gh yo ur ste re o sy st em . T o connect an audio s ystem 1 Use an audio cable to connect the TV’s audio output jacks to the audio receiver ’s line inp ut jac ks. 2 Using the TV’s Audio Menu, set the Speak er[...]

  • Seite 38

    37 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP DV I-Eq ui pped Device If y ou ha ve a d evi ce , s uch a s an H D T V re ceiv e r , t ha t has D V I ( Dig it al V ideo Int erfac e) ou tput, us e the f ollowi ng co nnec tion. T o co nnect a d evice that has DVI OUT : 1 Use an H DMI-to-DVI cable to connect the device’s DVI OUT jack to th e T V’ s HDM I I[...]

  • Seite 39

    38 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP HDM I-E q uippe d Device If you have a device , such as an HDTV recei ver , that has a High- Definitio n M ultimed ia Inte rface ( HDMI), use the fo llow ing connecti on. T o connect a device that h as HDMI OUT : 1 Us e t he H DM I c abl e th a t ca m e wi th yo u r d ev ice to co nn ec t the dev ice ’s H DM[...]

  • Seite 40

    39 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Connec ting a D evi c e wit h an Optic al IN Con nector Y ou can use the TV’ s D IGI T AL AUDIO OP T ICAL outpu t jack to con nect an audio devi c e t h at is Dolby Digi tal and PCM compati ble, such as an audio ampl i f i er . ❑ Us ing an opt ica l ca ble , co nne c t th e T V’s DI GIT AL A UD IO OP TIC[...]

  • Seite 41

    40 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Using the CONTROL S Fe ature CON TROL S allo ws you to control your s ystem an d other Sony equipment with one remote c ontrol. In addition to a ll owing you to control mu ltiple devic es with on e remot e c ontrol, th e CON TRO L S feature allows you to always po i nt your r emote control at your TV , instead[...]

  • Seite 42

    41 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Using Cab leCARD CableCARD pr ov ides cable subscribers with access to digitally enc rypted cabl e channe ls — with out th e need fo r a se t-top b ox — th at will ena ble yo u to receive no t o nly standard defini tion but also h igh defini tion telev ision . T he Cable CAR D, which is pro vided by yo ur [...]

  • Seite 43

    42 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP 2 Gently push the card into the slot until it locks into p lace. 3 T urn on t he TV . Af ter 1-2 minutes, t he CableCARD s etup sc reen i s displa yed. T his s creen inc ludes infor matio n your ca ble T V com p an y wi ll reque s t be fore the y ca n ac ti va te y ou r ser v ic e. 4 Follow the displa yed ins [...]

  • Seite 44

    43 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setting Up th e Channel List After y ou f inish co nnectin g the T V , y ou need to r un the Init ial Setup featur e, which aut om ati c ally creates a l ist of available analog an d digital cha nn els and lets you correct tilt and vert ical correction settings. T he Initial Setu p s cr eens appear w h en you [...]

  • Seite 45

    XS. b oo k Pag e 44 Mon da y , Feb r ua r y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 46

    45 Us in g the Rem ot e Co nt rol Ove rview This ch apter desc ribes how to s et u p, pr ogr am, and use the TV’s re m o t e c o n t r o l . Inserting Ba tteries 1 Rem ove the b attery cover fr om the remo te cont rol . 2 Inse rt two s ize AA (R6) b atte ries (suppl ied) by matchi n g the e and E termin als on the bat teri es to t he diag ram in [...]

  • Seite 47

    46 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol But ton Descriptions 1 5 qa qd qh ql wd 7 2 9 qs q; qf qj qk w; ws wa 3 6 8 4 qg XS. b oo k Pag e 46 Mon da y , Feb r ua r y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 48

    47 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol SETUP SETUP Button Descrip tion 1 MU TI NG Pr ess to mute the sound. P ress ag ain o r press VO L + to res to re th e so un d. 2 SY STEM O FF Press to tu rn off all Sony bra nd audi o/vid eo eq uip men t at o nce. (May not fu nctio n with older Sony equipment . Does not func t ion w it h DVD/VCR combinat ion u[...]

  • Seite 49

    48 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol qh TV/VI DEO Press rep eatedly t o c y c le t h rou g h t he TV’ s video i nputs. qj DISP LA Y Press once to display the curr ent channel number , cu rren t time, and channel label (if set) and other inf ormation. Pr ess again to turn Display off . qk SCR EEN MOD E Press to toggle between the Scr[...]

  • Seite 50

    49 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol SETUP SETUP Pr ogramming th e Remote Co ntrol If you have video equipment oth e r than Sony brand (or if you have a Sony DV D/V CR com bin ation un it) that y ou want to co ntrol with t he TV’s remote control, use the following procedur e to program the re m o t e c o n t r o l . 1 T urn to the list of “Ma[...]

  • Seite 51

    50 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol Manufactu r er’s C odes VCRs Ma nufa ct ure r Code Son y 301, 302, 303 Admira l (M. W ard) 327 Aiw a 338, 344 Au di o Dy n am ic 314 , 337 Bro k son ic 319 , 317 C an on 309 , 308 Ci tizen 33 2 C ra ig 302 , 332 Crit eri on 31 5 Curt is Math es 304, 3 38, 309 Dae woo 341, 312, 309 DBX 31 4, 3 36,[...]

  • Seite 52

    51 Using the Featur es Ove rview This c hapter describes h o w to use the feat ures of your TV . To p i c Page W atc hing TV 52 Using the Progra m Guide 53 Using Screen Mode (30/34 models only) 55 Using Screen Mode (32/36 models only) 57 Using F avo rite Ch an nels 58 Usi ng Oth er Equ ipm ent w i th Y o ur TV Rem ot e C ontrol 59 XS. b oo k Pag e [...]

  • Seite 53

    52 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP W at c hing TV T o D o Thi s ... Do T his ... Acti vate th e remo te con trol t o operat e the TV Press TV FU NCTION T u rn on/off the TV Press TV POWE R T une dir ectly to a ch annel T o tun e to analo g chan nels, p re ss 0-9 and th en ENTE R . For dig ital subc hannels, p ress 0-9 , , press 0-9 again [...]

  • Seite 54

    53 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using the Progr am Guid e The pr ogram guide l et s you review pr ogram informat ion and select both analog an d digit al channels. T o d isplay the program guide : Pres s GUIDE on the TV’s r em ote contr ol. T he program guide appears, with the currently selecte d program showin g in t h e back gr ou nd[...]

  • Seite 55

    54 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Usi ng Ad di tio nal Pr ogram Guide Opt ions Pres s b wh ile in th e program gui de’s chann el list to displa y the fo llowi ng opti ons, which allow y ou t o customi ze the set tin gs of the program on th e currently tun ed cha nnel. Option De scription Alternate Video (w hen available) Each pr ogram [...]

  • Seite 56

    55 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Usi ng Scre en Mode (3 0/34 model s only) The Sc reen Mode feature let s you change t he pi ctur e size fo r both standa rd-definiti on (480i/480 p) and hi gh-definit i on (720 p/1080i) sou rces . ❑ Pres s SCREE N MODE repeatedly to toggle through the following Scr een M ode settin g s. Usin g Scr een Mo[...]

  • Seite 57

    56 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Usin g Screen Mode with High-Defin ition (7 20p/1080i) Sour ces Exam ple De script i on Full disp lays the p ictur e at its original size. If the source is a 16:9 high-definition (72 0p/1080i ) sig nal, the pict ure fil ls th e screen. If the source is a 4:3 standard- definition signal t hat has b een up[...]

  • Seite 58

    57 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Usi ng Scre en Mode (3 2/36 model s only) The Sc reen Mod e featur e is useful when a 480i signal h as been upcon v erted to a 720p or 1080i sign al, which res u lt s in undesirable “black ba rs” appearing on all fo ur s ides o f the pic t ure. Using the Scr een M ode featur e, you can enlar ge these p[...]

  • Seite 59

    58 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Using F avorite Channels Th e Favorite Chann e ls feature lets you selec t pr og rams from a lis t of up to 16 favori te cha nnels th at you s pecify . Y ou c an create a list using the Fa vorite Chan nel o ption in th e C hannel Menu, or by us ing the Add to Favorit es feature in the Favor ite Chan nels[...]

  • Seite 60

    59 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using O ther Equipment wi th Y our TV Remot e Contr ol All Eq uipme nt Operating a VC R Operating a Satell ite Receiver T o D o Thi s ... Do This .. . Swi tch the T V’s input to the VCR, DVD player , o r other connecte d equ ipment Pr es s TV/V ID E O repea ted ly to cycle throu gh the video equipment co[...]

  • Seite 61

    60 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Operating a C ab le Box Operating a DVD Player Operating a DVD /V CR Com b inat ion Un it T o D o Thi s ... Pre ss Acti vate th e remo te con trol to o p erat e the cable box SAT/C A BLE FU NC TI ON Tu r n o n / o f f SA T/ CABLE PO WER Se lect a chan nel 0-9, ENTER Chang e channe ls CH +/- Back t o prev[...]

  • Seite 62

    61 Using the Memory Sti ck Viewer About Me mory Stick Memo ry Stick (s old separat ely) is a com pact, p ortable , and ver satile Inte grated Circ uit r eco rding medium wit h a data capac ity th at makes it perfec t f o r porta ble applic ations , such as digital ph otograp hy . Memo ry S tick is s pec ially d esigne d for sharin g d igital da ta [...]

  • Seite 63

    62 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Memory Stick Com p atib ilit y Th is television is co mpa tibl e w i th the follow ing Son y brand Memo ry Sti c k media types: ❑ Memory Stick Me dia ❑ Mem ory Stic k Duo an d PRO D uo M edia (w itho ut th e Memo ry Sti ck ad a p tor) ❑ Memor y Sti ck Medi a with Memo ry Se lect Fun cti on ?[...]

  • Seite 64

    63 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es File Co mpat ib ilit y Th e Mem ory St ick Vi e wer i s com pa tible w ith J PEG ima ges t aken with Sony di gita l sti ll camer as and MPEG1 * mov ies taken wi th S ony digi tal ca me ras and cam corde rs. In order to be view able in the Memo ry S tick V iew er , the f iles m ust have the follo win[...]

  • Seite 65

    64 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Ins e rting a nd Removi ng a Memory Stick Inser tin g a Memory Stick 1 Locate the Mem ory Stick slot (see page 12) and insert the Memo ry Stick in to the Me mory S tick slo t as i llustr ated below . Wh en in serted prop erly , i t should slid e in with little resistanc e and c lick i nto plac e. [...]

  • Seite 66

    65 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Removing a Memory Stick T o r emove a Memory St ick 1 Check that the M emo ry S tick indicat or is o ff. (Wh en the light is on , thi s ind i cate s th at t he T V i s re ad in g d ata fro m th e Me m ory Sti c k.) 2 Push the Mem ory Stick gent ly into the slot, and th en r ele ase it. The Memory St[...]

  • Seite 67

    66 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Using the Memory Stick Index T urn on the TV and inse rt a Memory Stick th at contain s the photo or movie files y ou wan t to v iew . For de tails, s ee pa ge 64 . Th e Memory St ick Index appears, wh ich displays thumbnail imag es of the fi les st ored on the M e mory Stick . About the Icons on [...]

  • Seite 68

    67 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Using t h e Memory Stick I ndex Th e fo llowin g d escribes h ow t o us e th e M em ory St ick Inde x. T o D o Thi s ... Do Th is ... Move the highlig ht to a pho to, vo ice memo ( ), or movie ( ) thumb na il Pr ess V v B b . Display the hi ghlighted p hoto, voice memo, or movie file full scr een Pr[...]

  • Seite 69

    68 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Vi ew i n g P h ot os When you s elec t a photo fr om t h e Mem ory Sti c k Index (d escribed on page 66), it displa ys as shown belo w , w ith the foll owing c o ntrols. Ph oto C ontr ol s Photo M enu b a r Info rm atio n abou t sele cted p hoto Selected photo Pre viou s/ne xt but to ns ✍ JPEGs[...]

  • Seite 70

    69 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Ph oto Me nu Bar Op tio ns The Photo Menu b ar let s y ou acce ss ad ditio nal ph oto v iewing opt ions. T o access the Photo M enu bar 1 Pres s B or b to se le ct In dex , Slid e S ho w , Vie w , or Fi l e . 2 Pres s V or v t o select th e desi red opti on. Option De scription Index Displays the Me[...]

  • Seite 71

    70 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Using Zoom and Pan T o Z oom a nd Pan a photo 1 In the P hoto Men u ba r , hi ghligh t Vie w . 2 Highligh t Zoom/P an and pres s . 3 Specify the zoom center point by pres si ng B b V v ; t hen press to s e t th e ce n ter. The Zoom and Pan controls are d isplaye d. Usi n g Rot ate To R o t a t e a[...]

  • Seite 72

    71 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Playi ng Movies When you select a m o vie fr om the Memo ry St i ck Index (desc r ibed on page 66), it displa ys as shown belo w , w ith the foll owing c o ntrols. Mo vie Co ntrols Movi e Men u b ar Info rm atio n abou t selected m ovie Selected movi e Pre viou s/ne xt but to ns Enl ar ge bu tto n P[...]

  • Seite 73

    72 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Movie Menu Bar Op tio ns T o access the Movi e Men u bar 1 H ighlight Index in the Movie Menu bar . 2 Pres s B or b to se le ct In dex , Slid e Sh o w , or Fi l e . Option Description Index Displays the Memory Stick Index, with the highligh t on the thumbnail of the c u rren tly dis p layed movie.[...]

  • Seite 74

    73 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Memory S ti ck Ind ex Menu Bar Optio ns Slide Show Menu Opt ions Th e Slide Show Menu inc ludes the follow ing options : Option De scription Sta rt Starts t he Slide Sh ow . Music Allo w s y ou t o sel ec t b ack g roun d a udi o to pla y d ur ing t he Slide Sh o w . Off No addi t io n al ba ck gr o[...]

  • Seite 75

    74 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Cont e nt s Me nu Opt ions The Contents Menu i nc ludes the following opti o ns: Memory Stick Menu Th e Mem o ry S tic k M e nu disp la ys the curre nt s tat u s of th e Mem o ry Stick, including total capacity , used capac i ty , and free capacity . Option De scription Sel ec t F o l der Allows y[...]

  • Seite 76

    75 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Featur es Notes on Using Me mory Stic k Media Abou t D CF Fi le Nam e s Mos t Sony bra nd digit al still an d video cam eras aut omat ically record still photo and m ovi e file s us ing DC F c ompliant direct ory an d file name s. If you selected the Digital Ca mera F ol ders o ption, as desc ribed o n pag e [...]

  • Seite 77

    76 SETUP Memory Stick SETUP Featur es S ETU P SETUP Memory Stick Pr ecautions When using Mem ory Stick med ia, fo llow these precautio n s: ❑ T o av o id p e rm an en t d am ag e to s ti ll im a ge d a ta, d o n ot tu r n of f the TV or r emove Memor y Sti ck media fr om the inse rtion slot w hile dat a is being read (as indic ated by the M e mor[...]

  • Seite 78

    77 Using th e Menus Ove rview The Menu gives you access t o the f ollo wing features : Naviga ti n g T hr ough Menus Me nu De scription Page Th e V id e o Men u al l ows yo u t o m a ke ad j u s tm en t s to your picture setting s. It also allows you to cust omize the Picture Mod e based on t he t ype of pro gram you are v iew ing, sele ct Adv anc [...]

  • Seite 79

    78 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Video Menu Selecti ng V ideo Opt ions The V id eo Menu incl udes the fol lowing options : T o ac cess t h e V ideo Menu, f o l low thes e steps : T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay Me nu 2. Highlight 3. P res s to[...]

  • Seite 80

    79 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP T o resto re the factory defa ult setti ngs for Video settin gs: ❑ Pres s RESE T o n the remote contr ol when in t he V ideo Menu. ClearEdge VM Ve l o c i t y Modulat ion Shar pens p ictur e de finitio n to gi ve every obj ect a shar p, cle an ed ge . Sel ec t from Hig h , Medium , Low , Off . Advan c ed Vi[...]

  • Seite 81

    80 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Audio Menu Selecti ng Au dio Opt ions Th e Aud io M en u in clud es th e fo llowin g o pti ons: T o ac cess the Audio M enu , follow these steps: T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay Me nu 2. Highlight 3. P res s to[...]

  • Seite 82

    81 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP T o resto re the factory defa ult se ttings f or T r eb le , Bass , and Bala nce ❑ Pres s RESE T o n the remote contr ol when in the A udio Menu. Audi o Out Easy c ontrol of volu me adj us tm ents Thi s o ptio n can be set on ly w hen the Speak er opt ion i s set to Off . Var i a b le Th e TV’ s sp eakers[...]

  • Seite 83

    82 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Scree n Me n u (30/34 mod els only) Selecti ng Screen Mo de O pti on s The Sc reen Menu inc l udes t he following options: T o ac cess t h e Sc reen Menu, f ollow th ese step s: T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay [...]

  • Seite 84

    83 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP Using the Scree n Me n u (32/36 mod els only) Selecti ng Screen Mo de O pti on s The Sc reen Menu inc l udes t he following options: T o ac cess t h e Sc reen Menu, f ollow th ese step s: T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay [...]

  • Seite 85

    84 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Channel Menu Sel ect ing Cha nnel Opt ions Th e Ch annel M e nu includes the follo wing opt ions : T o ac cess t h e Ch annel M e n u, f ollow t hes e steps : T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay Me nu 2. Highlight [...]

  • Seite 86

    85 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP Sho w /Hi d e Channels Allows yo u to show or hid e channels tha t appear in the Pr ogr am Gui de ( page 53 ) a nd w hen you use the CH+/- bu tto ns to chan ne l surf. Chann els t hat a re set to Hidden do not appear in the P ro gram G uide or when you use the CH +/ - bu tton s. 1 Press V or v t o hi ghlight [...]

  • Seite 87

    86 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Pa r ent Menu Selecti ng Parent Menu O pti on s The Parent Menu includes t he following o ptions: The Par ent Menu al low s you to s et u p the TV to bloc k pr ogra ms accor din g to t heir con tent and ra ting lev els. T o ac cess the P aren t Menu, f ollow these s teps : Use t he 0-9 bu tt on s on[...]

  • Seite 88

    87 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP US Models: Selecti ng Cu stom Rat ing O ption s For US mode ls, the Cust om Rating Menu includes t he follow ing opt ions. (Fo r Canadi an models , see pa ge 88.) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can view blocked pro g rams by en tering the passw or d. Press the ENT ER but ton w h en tuned to a blocked program,[...]

  • Seite 89

    88 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Can adi a n Mo del s: Selecti ng Cu stom Rat ing O ption s For Canadi an models , t he Cust om Rating Menu inc ludes the fo l lo wing opt ions. (F or US model s, see page 87 .) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can view blocked pro g rams by en tering the passw or d. Press the ENT ER but ton w h en tuned to a bl[...]

  • Seite 90

    89 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP Using the Setup Menu Selecti ng Setup Optio n s The Set up Menu i nc ludes the following options: T o ac cess the Setup M e n u, f ollow these s te p s: T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. Dis p lay Me nu 2. Highlight 3. P res s to se[...]

  • Seite 91

    90 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Label Video Inputs Allo ws you to identify A/V equipment yo u c onnect ed to the TV , such as a VCR, DVD, etc. For example, if you have a DVD player connected t o the VIDEO 5 jac k, y o u ca n s el ect t he la b el DVD for th e VIDEO 5 input. Then when you press th e TV /V ID EO b utt on to chan ge i npu ts, [...]

  • Seite 92

    91 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP Pr og ramm ing Cap tio n V isio n If you selected t h e Progra m option und er Caption Vi sion (see page 89), you can chan ge t he fo llow ing set tings: Ba sic Allo ws you t o selec t b asic anal o g (EIA- 608) cl osed cap tion opti ons . CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4 Displays a printed versio n of the dialog or sound [...]

  • Seite 93

    92 Menus M enus Menus SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the Applicati ons Menu Selecti ng Appl ic atio ns Opt ions The Appl i cat i ons Menu in c ludes the following o ptions: T o ac ce ss th e A p pl i cat ion s Me nu , fo llo w th es e st ep s : T o chan ge set tings, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n. T o exit the Menu, press MENU . 1. [...]

  • Seite 94

    93 Menus SETUP M enus SETUP Menus SETUP Ti m e r 1 an d Tim er 2 are not av ailab le to be set u nti l you set the Curr ent Time . 1 Pr es s V or v to highl ight Ti m e r 1 or Ti m e r 2 . T o s et t he timer , pr ess b . 2 Pr es s V or v t o hi ghlig h t one of th e fo llo win g o pt ion s , then pres s . Program Sel ect to s et the T ime r b y da[...]

  • Seite 95

    XS. b oo k Pag e 94 Mon da y , Feb r ua r y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 96

    95 Other Informati o n Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes t he follow ing topic s: To p i c Page Glo ssa ry 9 6 Contact ing Sony 97 T roub le sho oting 9 7 Specific a tions 10 3 Opti onal Acc essori es 104 Ind e x 1 05 XS. b oo k Pag e 95 Mon da y , Feb r ua r y 7, 20 05 8:4 1 A M[...]

  • Seite 97

    96 Ot her Info SETUP Othe r Info SETUP Ot her SETUP Glos sary a nal og s igna l A sig naling met hod th at uses con tinuo us ch an ges i n the ampl itud e or f req uency of a n electro n ic tr ansmission to conv ey information. aspect ratio Refers to the r atio between the width and height of the scr een . 32/36 mode ls h ave a 4:3 aspect r atio; 3[...]

  • Seite 98

    97 Ot her Info Oth er Other Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Con tacting Son y If, a fter r eading these oper at ing inst ructions, you hav e additional question s related t o the u se o f your Sony t elevision, pleas e call o ur Custo mer Info rm ati on Services Center at 1-800-222-SO N Y (7669) (US r esident s only) or (416) 499-S ON Y (7669) (Canad ian r[...]

  • Seite 99

    98 Ot her Info SETUP Othe r Info SETUP Ot her SETUP Cha nn els Cab leC AR D Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Canno t rec eive u pper channels ( UHF) when usi ng an antenna ❏ Use Aut o Pr ogr am in the Channel M enu to add receiva b le channels that are not pr esently i n the TV’s memory (see page 84). TV is f i xed to one cha nne l ❏ Use Auto[...]

  • Seite 100

    99 Ot her Info Oth er Other Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Memory Stick Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Image does not display/Cannot see all files ❏ M ake su re t he im age fi le is a J PEG ( .j pg, .jp eg ) f ile or an M PE G1 (. mpg , .mp eg) fil e. ❏ Make sure the Memory Stick is inserted pr operly (see page 64). ❏ Check the Fi l t e r optio n [...]

  • Seite 101

    100 Ot her Info SETUP Othe r Info SETUP Ot her SETUP Audi o Pri nt M ark s ( D P OF ) se t by the Memo ry S tic k V iewer ar e not recogniz ed b y th e DP OF- compatible photo printer . ❏ The DPOF Pri nt Ma rk fe atu re wo rks on ly on phot os cont ain ing EXIF da ta (d ata stored b y t he came ra ) that are loca ted withi n th e di gita l c amer[...]

  • Seite 102

    101 Ot her Info Oth er Other Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Video Gen era l Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s No pictur e (scr een no t lit), no sou nd ❏ If your TV does n o t turn on , and a r ed light keeps flash ing, your TV may need servic e. Call y o ur l o cal S o ny S ervice Center . ❏ M ak e su re t he p o w er c o rd i s pl u gg e d i n . ❏ [...]

  • Seite 103

    102 Ot her Info SETUP Othe r Info SETUP Ot her SETUP TV makes “p o ppi ng” sound when turned on ❏ This is a no r ma l sound that result s fr o m the TV automatically degaussin g each time it is turned on. TIMER/ST AND BY LED o n fr on t panel is lit (XS955 models only) ❏ This LED blinks when the TV is turned on, then shuts of f wh en the pi[...]

  • Seite 104

    103 Ot her Info Oth er Other Inf o SETUP SETUP SETUP Sp ecific ations P i c t u r e Tu b e F D Tr i n i t r o n ® tube Antenna 75 ohm external termin al for VH F/UHF T ele vision Sy stem NTSC America n T V Standa rd A T SC (8 VSB t errestrial) A TSC co m plia nt 8V SB QAM on c able ANSI /SCTE 07 2000 Channel Cove rage T erre strial (a nalog ) 2-69[...]

  • Seite 105

    104 Ot her Info SETUP Othe r Info SETUP Ot her SETUP Des ign and s pe cifica tion s are subjec t to chan ge with out no tice. Opt iona l Accessories Powe r Consum ption KD-30 XS955 I n Use: 220 W In St and by : 3 W In Cabl eCARD St andby: 20 W KD -3 2X S 945 In U se : 24 0 W In St and by : 3 W In Cabl eCARD St andby: 20 W KD -3 4X S 955 In U se : 2[...]

  • Seite 106

    105 I ndex 0- 9 b ut ton s 48 , 52 4:3 D efau lt se tting s 82 , 83 A Advanced Video 79 Alternat e Audio 54 Alternat e Video 54 ANT bu tton 52 ant enna, con necting 17 asp e ct r a tio 83 Audio Menu 77 Audio Out 81 AUDIO OUT jack 15 audi o re ceiver, con necting 36 Auto Program (chann el setup) 43 , 84 Au to SAP, MTS s etti ng 80 B balance, adjusti[...]

  • Seite 107

    106 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP Index SETUP rotati ng pho tos 70 sl id e s how opt ions 73 trou blesh oo tin g 99 viewing photos 68 zoom ing p hoto s 70 Memo ry Stick button 12 , 13 Memory S tick Viewer 10 MENU bu tton 12 , 13 , 48 , 52 , 58 , 77 Menus Audio 77 Cha nne l 77 Par en t 77 , 86 Set up 89 Video 77 MON ITOR O UT 15 Mono , MTS sett[...]