TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB Bedienungsanleitung


Zur Seite of

Richtige Gebrauchsanleitung

Die Vorschriften verpflichten den Verkäufer zur Übertragung der Gebrauchsanleitung TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB an den Erwerber, zusammen mit der Ware. Eine fehlende Anleitung oder falsche Informationen, die dem Verbraucher übertragen werden, bilden eine Grundlage für eine Reklamation aufgrund Unstimmigkeit des Geräts mit dem Vertrag. Rechtsmäßig lässt man das Anfügen einer Gebrauchsanleitung in anderer Form als Papierform zu, was letztens sehr oft genutzt wird, indem man eine grafische oder elektronische Anleitung von TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB, sowie Anleitungsvideos für Nutzer beifügt. Die Bedingung ist, dass ihre Form leserlich und verständlich ist.

Was ist eine Gebrauchsanleitung?

Das Wort kommt vom lateinischen „instructio”, d.h. ordnen. Demnach kann man in der Anleitung TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB die Beschreibung der Etappen der Vorgehensweisen finden. Das Ziel der Anleitung ist die Belehrung, Vereinfachung des Starts, der Nutzung des Geräts oder auch der Ausführung bestimmter Tätigkeiten. Die Anleitung ist eine Sammlung von Informationen über ein Gegenstand/eine Dienstleistung, ein Hinweis.

Leider widmen nicht viele Nutzer ihre Zeit der Gebrauchsanleitung TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB. Eine gute Gebrauchsanleitung erlaubt nicht nur eine Reihe zusätzlicher Funktionen des gekauften Geräts kennenzulernen, sondern hilft dabei viele Fehler zu vermeiden.

Was sollte also eine ideale Gebrauchsanleitung beinhalten?

Die Gebrauchsanleitung TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB sollte vor allem folgendes enthalten:
- Informationen über technische Daten des Geräts TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB
- Den Namen des Produzenten und das Produktionsjahr des Geräts TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB
- Grundsätze der Bedienung, Regulierung und Wartung des Geräts TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB
- Sicherheitszeichen und Zertifikate, die die Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden Normen bestätigen

Warum lesen wir keine Gebrauchsanleitungen?

Der Grund dafür ist die fehlende Zeit und die Sicherheit, was die bestimmten Funktionen der gekauften Geräte angeht. Leider ist das Anschließen und Starten von TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB zu wenig. Eine Anleitung beinhaltet eine Reihe von Hinweisen bezüglich bestimmter Funktionen, Sicherheitsgrundsätze, Wartungsarten (sogar das, welche Mittel man benutzen sollte), eventueller Fehler von TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB und Lösungsarten für Probleme, die während der Nutzung auftreten könnten. Immerhin kann man in der Gebrauchsanleitung die Kontaktnummer zum Service TP-Link finden, wenn die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen nicht wirksam sind. Aktuell erfreuen sich Anleitungen in Form von interessanten Animationen oder Videoanleitungen an Popularität, die den Nutzer besser ansprechen als eine Broschüre. Diese Art von Anleitung gibt garantiert, dass der Nutzer sich das ganze Video anschaut, ohne die spezifizierten und komplizierten technischen Beschreibungen von TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB zu überspringen, wie es bei der Papierform passiert.

Warum sollte man Gebrauchsanleitungen lesen?

In der Gebrauchsanleitung finden wir vor allem die Antwort über den Bau sowie die Möglichkeiten des Geräts TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB, über die Nutzung bestimmter Accessoires und eine Reihe von Informationen, die erlauben, jegliche Funktionen und Bequemlichkeiten zu nutzen.

Nach dem gelungenen Kauf des Geräts, sollte man einige Zeit für das Kennenlernen jedes Teils der Anleitung von TP-Link TL-SG2109WEB widmen. Aktuell sind sie genau vorbereitet oder übersetzt, damit sie nicht nur verständlich für die Nutzer sind, aber auch ihre grundliegende Hilfs-Informations-Funktion erfüllen.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Gebrauchsanleitungen

  • Seite 1

    U s e r ' s G u i d e 8 +2 G Gi g a b it W e b S m a r t S w it c h T L- S L 22 1 0 W EB Re v: 1. 0 T L- S L 22 1 8 W EB T L- S L2 4 2 8 WE B T L- S L 24 5 2 W EB T L- S G 21 0 9 W EB 1 6+ 2 G G i g a bi t W e b S m a rt S wi t c h 4 8+ 4 G G i g a bi t W e b S m a rt S wi t c h 2 4+ 4 G G i g a bi t W e b S m a rt S wi t c h 9 -p o r t G i g [...]

  • Seite 2

    C O PY RI G H T & T R A D EM AR K S Specifications are su bject to change without notice. is a reg ister ed tra demar k of T P-LIN K T ech nolog ies Co ., Ltd. Other brand s and pr oduc t na mes a re t rade mar ks or reg ist ered tra dema rks of th eir resp ect ive ho ld e rs . No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by a[...]

  • Seite 3

    wh ic h t he r ec ei ve r is co nn ec te d. Co ns u lt t he d ea le r or an e xp er ie nc ed r a di o/ TV t ec hn ic ia n f or h el p. Th is d evi ce com pl ie s wi th Pa rt 15 of th e FC C Ru le s. Op er at io n is su bj ec t to th e f ol lo wi ng t wo c on d it io ns : 1) Th i s de vi ce m ay n ot ca us e ha rm fu l in t er fe re nc e. 2) Th i s [...]

  • Seite 4

    T AB LE O F C ON T E N TS Pa c ka ge co nt e nt s .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 1 C ha pt er 1: I nt ro du c ti on .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 2 1.1 Int ended Aud ienc[...]

  • Seite 5

    4.1 .1 S ystem Inf ormat ion .. .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ....12 4.1 .2 F ile T rans fer ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ....12 4.1 .3 R eboot & R eset ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....[...]

  • Seite 6

    4.6 .4 8 02.1p Pri ority .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....21 4.7 Por t Mir rori ng .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... . 21 4.8 V irtua l Cab le T est .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .....[...]

  • Seite 7

    5.3 .3.6 Agi ng T ime ...... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....49 5.3 .3.7 Ping .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....50 5.3 .4 V LAN S etti ng ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ...[...]

  • Seite 8

    1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB P a ck ag e c on te n t s Th e f ol lo wi ng c on te nt s s ho ul d be f ou nd in y ou r bo x: On e W eb Sm ar t Sw it ch On e AC p ow er c or d Us er Gu id e T wo m ou n ti ng b ra ck et s an d o th er  tt in gs N ot e: If any[...]

  • Seite 9

    2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C h ap te r 1 : I n t r od uc t i on Th an ks for ch oo si ng th e TL -S G2 109 WE B/ TL- SL 22 10W EB /T L- SL2 21 8W EB/ TL-SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family! The switch family provides friendly management i[...]

  • Seite 10

    3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB sw it c h fa mi ly a nd p re s en ts t he n et wo rk co nc ep ts r ef er re d i n th is g ui de . Se cti on 5: WEB Man age men t -- Giv e an exp lan ati on to the ter ms in WEB in te r fa ce a nd d es cr ib e s th e co n gu ri [...]

  • Seite 11

    4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C h ap te r 2 : D e v i ce D e s cr ip ti o n 2 .1 I nt ro du c ti o n t o th e De v ic e TheTL-SG2109WEB/TL-SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL-SL2428WEB/ TL-SL2452WEB Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family is compliant with the IE EE80 2.3 Ethe [...]

  • Seite 12

    5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB (1 /1 / 1/ 2/ 2) S FP p or ts Su pp o rt N -W ay a da pt iv e m od e Su pp o rt u p 20 0 me te rs of C at . 5 ca bl es at t he t ra ns mi ss i on s pe ed o f 10 M Su pp o rt M AC a dd re ss t a bl e of 8 K en tr ie s Su pp o rt M [...]

  • Seite 13

    6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB T r ans mi ss io n Me di um 10 Ba se -T : UT P/ ST P o f C at . 3 or a bo ve 10 0B as e- TX : UTP /S TP of C at . 5 10 00 Ba se -X : MMF o r SM F SF P Mo du le ( OP TI ON AL) LE D Po we r In di ca te s wh eth er p ow er i s su ppl[...]

  • Seite 14

    7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C h ap te r 3 : M o u n ti ng D ev ic e 3 .1 I ns ta ll th e D e vi ce In st a ll at io n Pr ec au ti o ns : 1. En su re t he su rf a ce on w hi ch t he de vi ce i s pl ac ed is a de qu at el y se cu re d to pr ev e nt i t fr om b[...]

  • Seite 15

    8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 2. In se rt t he s wi tc h i nt o th e ra ck . 3. Fi x th e sw it ch t o t he r ac k wi th t h e ra ck s cr ew s (n o t pr ov id ed ). 3 .1 .3 AC P ow e r Th e sw it ch ca n be us ed wi th AC po we r sup pl y 10 0 to 24 0V AC, 50 [...]

  • Seite 16

    9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 1) LE Ds l ie at th e le ft si de of t he pa ne l (1 00 0M bp s Lin k /A ct LE D of th e SFP li e a t ri gh t si de o f t he S FP ). 2) Power LED : solid red when power is supplied to the switch and is op er a ti ng n or ma ll y .[...]

  • Seite 17

    1 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7 17 19 21 23 GIGA 1 GIGA 2 18 20 22 24 SFP 1 SFP 2 RESET 24+4G Gigabi t Web-Sm art Swit ch Pow er 1000Mbps 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Lin k/A ct Link/ Act[...]

  • Seite 18

    1 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB th e s wi tc h ca n id en ti f y it a ut om at ic al l y . 3 .3 N ot e Th e sur f ac e on wh ic h the sw it ch is pl ac ed sh ou ld be ad eq ua te ly se cu re d to p r ev en t it f ro m be c om in g un st ab le a n d/ or f al li[...]

  • Seite 19

    1 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C h ap te r 4 : F u n c ti on D es cr ip t i o n This section presents the network concepts referred in switch function de sc r ip ti on . 4 .1 S ys te m S et t in g Sy stem set tin g co nta ins the foll owi ng top ics : dis pla[...]

  • Seite 20

    1 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 4 .1 .4 Us e r Th e u se rn am e an d p as sw or d ca n be mo di e d in o rd e r to e xc lu de i l le ga l us er s. 4 .2 P or t Se t ti n g 4 .2 .1 Po r t P ar am et er 4. 2 .1 .1 D up l ex M od e Po rts ha ve the dup lex mo [...]

  • Seite 21

    1 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB If the por t secur ity is enabl ed, it will not lea rn new MAC addres s and only tr a ns mi t th e fr a me s fr om t he MA C ad dr es s l is t in t he p o rt ’ s st at ic M A C ad dr es s ta bl e . 4 .2 .2 Po r t S ta ti st ic[...]

  • Seite 22

    1 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 4 .2 .4 Po r t D es cr ip ti o n Us e a d es cr ip ti on w or d t o in di ca te t he po rt . 4 .3 N et wo rk Se t ti n g The network module provides the function of setting switch IP address, dy na m ic bi nd in g and a gi ng ti[...]

  • Seite 23

    1 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB No ti ce : If no DH CP se rv er is pr ese nt in th e net wo rk, th e DHC P cl ien t fai ls to ge t IP co n g ur at io n in fo rm at io n , th e sw it ch t he n re st or es t he I P p ar am et e rs t o de fa ul t in s e ve ra [...]

  • Seite 24

    1 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Supposing an entry , whose MAC address is 000AEB000001 and co rr e sp on di ng po rt n um be r is 1, it is ad de d to the sta t ic MA C ad dr es s ta bl e. Al l t he pa c ke ts ro ut in g t o t he ad dr es s o f 00 0A EB 00 00 0[...]

  • Seite 25

    1 8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB binding MAC addresses) in static state. This enhances the efficiency of pa ck e ts f or wa rd in g an d l im it s th e co nn e ct in g de vi ce n um b er o f th e sw it ch po rt . Re bo o t th e sw it ch af t er co n gu ri ng[...]

  • Seite 26

    1 9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB tr af  c is g en er at ed . 4 .4 .1 VL A N M od e Th er e a re 3 t yp es o f V LA N mo de s up po rt in t he s wi tc h: 1) Po rt V LA N VL AN s a re d iv id ed b as i c on p or ts . 2) IE EE 80 2. 1Q T ag V LA N The IEEE802.1[...]

  • Seite 27

    2 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB ca n c om mu n ic at e w it h an y oth er po rt s b ut ot he r p or ts ca n’ t c om mu ni ca te wi th ea ch ot he r . 4 .5 P or t T r un k in g T run k is Li nk Ag gr eg at io n. It o pt im iz es por t us ag e b y li nk in g a[...]

  • Seite 28

    2 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB co ng ur ed as "w eig hte d" , a 1,2 ,4 ,8 wei gh tin g is app lie d to for wa rd pac ke ts. Wh en " xe d" is se le ct e d, al l pa ck e ts wi th to p pr io ri t y eg re ss fo r a sw it c h po rt un ti [...]

  • Seite 29

    2 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 4 .8 V i rt u al C ab l e T e s t Th e v ir tu al c ab le te s t fe at ur e us es T im e Do ma in Re ec t om et ry ( TD R) to te st th e qu al it y of th e ca bl es c on ne ct ed to t he po r t. So me o f t he p os si bl e pr[...]

  • Seite 30

    2 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C h ap te r 5 : W E B Ma na g e me nt 5 .1 O ve rv ie w Th e We b- Sm art sw it ch is man ag ed vi a WEB pa ges . T he sm art an d fr ien dl y in te r fa ce s ma ke t he s w it ch m an ag em en t a n ea sy j ob . 5 .2 C on ne ct[...]

  • Seite 31

    2 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fig ure 5 -1 I nter net O ption s Dia log Seco ndly , clic k the “Sett ings” button hinted in gure 5-1, a new dialog will dis play: Fig ure 5 -2 S etti ngs D ialog[...]

  • Seite 32

    2 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB In the case of IE5.0, please check the option “Every visit to the page”; otherwise, some wrong information may display in WEB pages. If the IE version is 6.0, “Every visit to the page” or “Automatically” are both app[...]

  • Seite 33

    2 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fi gu r e 5- 4 S ec ur it y S et ti ng s Fo ur t hl y , S el ec t th e “M e di um ” op ti on of t he c om bo b ox i nd ic at ed in  gu re 5 -4 , cl ic k t he “ Re se t” b ut t on , an d cl ic k “O K ” to q ui t. F[...]

  • Seite 34

    2 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB C li c k t he “S e tt in gs ” l ab el , s et t he s c re en r e so l ut io n t o 10 24 x 76 8 a nd c li c k “O K” . Al l t he n ec es sa ry I E c on g ur at io n is c o mp le te d. 5 .2 .2 Lo g in th e Sw it c h Su pp[...]

  • Seite 35

    2 8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fig ure 5 -7 TL-S L221 0WEB Main Page 1) The main part of the page is the main window to display the con gura tion page . 2) The Port Led Indicator table lies at the top of the page. It provides a visual representation of the[...]

  • Seite 36

    2 9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Cli ck on the ico n of the port to ope n a new wind ow , whi ch show s the stat us det ails of th e po rt, a s sho wn be low: Fig ure 5 -10a Port Stat us T able Fig ure 5 -10b SFP Sta tus T able (unin stal led) Fig ure 5 -10c SF[...]

  • Seite 37

    3 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 3) On the le ft sid e of the page i s the m enu ta ble. I t cont ains 8 main me nus. Each menu has some submenu. Click on a menu, it will open its submenu and the main window display the configuration page of the sub menu list ?[...]

  • Seite 38

    3 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB The followin g shows main page of the TL-SG21 09WEB, TL-S L2218WE B, TL- SL242 8WEB and TL- SL245 2WEB: Fig ure 5 -12 TL- SG21 09WEB Main Page Fig ure 5 -13 TL- SL22 18WEB Main Page[...]

  • Seite 39

    3 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fig ure 5 -14 TL- SL24 28WEB Main Page Fig ure 5 -15 TL- SL24 52WEB Main Page 5 .3 .1 Sy s te m S et ti ng Sys tem sett ing cont ains fou r topics : syste m in forma tion, l e tr ansfe r , rebo ot & r eset and u ser . 5. [...]

  • Seite 40

    3 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Thi s pag e con tain s the foll owing el ds: Fig ure 5 -16 Syst em In forma tion So ft w ar e V er si on : Di sp la y s th e in st al le d s of tw ar e ve rs io n n um be r . Hardware V ersion : Displays the installed device [...]

  • Seite 41

    3 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB T ra ns fe r T ype : L is ts t hr ee t yp e s of  le t ra ns fe r s up po rt ed b y th e s wi tc h. Fi le Nam e : Ide nti es the le to be loa ded or to be back ed up on TF TP se rv e r . TF TP S er ve r IP : I nd ic at [...]

  • Seite 42

    3 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB A pro mpt wil l displ ay if a butt on is pres sed. Fo r examp le, if the bu tton “S oft- res et” i s pre ssed , a m essa ge bo x wil l be acti vated as s howe d in gure 5-19 . Fi gu r e 5- 19 Me ss ag e B ox 5. 3 .1 .4 U [...]

  • Seite 43

    3 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5 .3 .2 Po r t S et ti ng 5. 3 .2 .1 P or t P ar am e te r Th is pa ge c on ta in s th e f ol lo wi ng  el ds : Fi gu r e 5- 21 Po rt P ar a me te r Po rt St at us : In di c at es w he th er the po rt i s op er at io n al o r[...]

  • Seite 44

    3 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB No ti ce : If you haven ’t set the static MAC addre ss, you can't enable all of the port se cu r it y , w hi ch w il l re su lt in a n in ab il it y t o ma na ge t he s wi t ch . Fl ow Co nt ro l : I nd ic a te s wh et he[...]

  • Seite 45

    3 8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Tx Collisi ons : The num ber of col lision events seen by the MAC. This co un t er i s ap pl ic ab le in h al f- du pl ex o n ly . Tx Uc as t : Th e n um be r of f r am es s en t t ha t ha v e a un ic as t d es ti na t io n MA C[...]

  • Seite 46

    3 9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 12 7 o ct et s in cl us iv e, in cl ud in g th os e w it h er ro rs . RX 12 8 t o 2 55 B : T o ta l f ra me s r ec ei ve d w it h a le ng th of be tw ee n 1 28 an d 25 5 o ct et s in cl us iv e, in cl ud in g th os e w it h er r[...]

  • Seite 47

    4 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Po rt St at us : In di ca t es w he th er t he p o rt i s li nk ed , no t l in ke d, o r di sa b le d. Sp ee d ( Mb ps ) : I nd ic a te s th e po rt s pe e d wi th t he u ni t o f Mb ps . Du pl e x Mo de : In di ca t es t he p o[...]

  • Seite 48

    4 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Li mi t Rat e : In dic at es th e ma xi mu m rat e (ki lo byt es pe r sec on d) at whi ch the cont roll ed packe ts confi gure d abo ve ar e forw arde d. For the 1000M po rt , i f se t th e va lu e o f 64 K, t he a ct u al v al [...]

  • Seite 49

    4 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5. 3 .3 .1 S wi t ch I P Ad dr e ss Th is pa ge i s sh ow ed a s b el ow : Fi gu r e 5- 26 Sw it ch I P Ad dr es s MAC Addr ess : Is firme d int o swi tch in th e manu fac turi ng pr oces s; it is so le an d un ch an ge ab le . [...]

  • Seite 50

    4 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5. 3 .3 .2 S ta t ic M AC Ad d re ss Th is pag e prov id es the fun cti on of add in g, sea rch ing a sta tic MAC add res s an d c ha ng in g th e en tr y s ta te , as s ho wn in  gu re 5 -2 7. Fi gu r e 5- 27 St at ic M A C [...]

  • Seite 51

    4 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB If th e sta ti c MAC ad dr es s do es n’ t b e fo un d in a se ar ch in g , th en th e fol lo w in g pa ge wi ll d is pl ay : Fi gu r e 5- 29 A F ai le d Se ar ch i ng Add : Input the MAC address in “MAC Addres s” field an[...]

  • Seite 52

    4 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB address entry), all the packets routing to the device cannot reach the de vi c e. 4) A MA C a d dr es s c an no t b e ad de d t o s ta ti c MA C a dd re ss ta b le an d  lt er in g MA C a dd re ss t ab le s im u lt an eo us l[...]

  • Seite 53

    4 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5. 3 .3 .4 D yn a mi c Bi n di ng Th is pa ge p ro vi de s th e f un ct io n of e na b li ng o r di sa bl in g d yn am ic b in di ng . If dy n am ic bi nd in g i s d is a bl ed , t he sw it ch po r t l ea rn s M AC ad dr es s un[...]

  • Seite 54

    4 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Po rt : I nd ic at es s wi t ch p or t nu mb er . Bi n di ng : Th re e op ti on s a re a va i la bl e. A f ur th e r ex pl an a ti on i s st a te d be lo w . Nu mbe r of MAC Add res s to Bin d : Indi ca tes the max nu mbe r of M[...]

  • Seite 55

    4 8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5) - - : The port is a trunk member and its binding function cannot be co n g ur ed . Fu rt he r Ex pl an a ti on 1) If the por t is set to sec ure por t ma nua lly in "Po rt Par ame ter " pa ge, the dynamic binding[...]

  • Seite 56

    4 9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB MAC Addres s : Indi cates MAC addr esses alread y bound to the swi tch po rt s . Po rt : In di ca te s th e sw it ch por t nu mb er cor re sp on di n g to th e bo un d MA C ad dr e ss . Fu rt he r Ex pl an a ti on 1) The bound M[...]

  • Seite 57

    5 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB "a gi n g ti me ". F ur th er E xp la na t io n 1) The aging time ranges from 0 to 3825 seconds. An appropriat e aging ti me sho ul d be c on g ur ed he re . A n agi ng tim e th at is to o lo ng le ng th en s th e t[...]

  • Seite 58

    5 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5 .3 .4 VL A N S et ti ng 5. 3 .4 .1 V LA N M od e Th is pa ge s el ec ts t he VL AN M od e, p os si b le  el d va lu es a r e: Fi gu r e 5- 35 VL AN M od e VL AN D is ab le : Do no t se t an y VL AN in t he sw it ch , al l p[...]

  • Seite 59

    5 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB VL AN : The VLA N num ber . Sel ec t th e num ber of the VL AN you wa nt to co n g ur e he re . Po rt : T h e sw it ch p or t nu m be r . Me mb e r : Se l ec t th e m em be r of th e VL AN he re . If th is  el d is ch ec k[...]

  • Seite 60

    5 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB ot he r . 6) The number of Port VLAN can be set is the same as the switch port nu mb e r . 5. 3 .4 .3 T ag VL AN G l ob al Se tt i ng Th is pa ge dis pl a y wh en the sw it ch i s in T a g VL AN mod e , th e gl ob al se tt in g [...]

  • Seite 61

    5 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 5. 3 .4 .4 T ag VL AN S e tt in g Th is pa ge is dis pl aye d whe n th e swi tch is in T a g VL AN mo de, it co ng ure s ea ch VL AN an d is af fe ct ed by th e gl ob al set ti ng of the po rt s, it co nta in s the fo ll o wi[...]

  • Seite 62

    5 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Al l P or ts : B y op er at in g o n th is e ld exp e di en tl y , y ou can se t th e v al ue s of al l p or ts i n th e co rr e sp on di ng  el d. Al l V LA N : D is pl ay a l l de n ed T ag V LA Ns . Fi gu r e 5- 40 A[...]

  • Seite 63

    5 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 7) Th e num ber of Por t VL AN tha t ca n be set dep end s on the swit ch typ e. Se e t he Ap pe nd ix C f or d e ta il s. 5. 3 .4 .5 M TU VL AN S e tt in g Th is pag e, whi ch i s des i gn ed to co n gu re the u pl in k por [...]

  • Seite 64

    5 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB T ru nk : Th e T ru nk n um be r . Me mb e r : Se l ec t t h e m em b er of t he T ru n k h er e. E ac h gr ou p ha s 4 op ti on al po rt s t o co mp os e a T ru nk . St or m Co nt r ol : c on  gu re t he st or m co nt r ol f[...]

  • Seite 65

    5 8 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fi gu r e 5- 43 Pr io ri ty Mo de Pr io r it y Mo de : Co nt a in s “D is ab le ”, “ P or t- Ba se d” a nd “ I EE E8 02 .1 p” . Pr io r it y Rul e : Con ta i ns “W eig h te d” an d “F ix ed ”. I f the p ri or[...]

  • Seite 66

    5 9 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fu rt he r Ex pl an a ti on Wh en p r io ri ty r ul e is c on g ur ed a s "w ei gh t ed ", a 1 ,2 ,4 ,8 w ei gh ti ng i s ap pl ie d t o fo rw a rd t he se f ou r cl a ss es o f pa ck et s. 5. 3 .6 .3 P or t D ef au[...]

  • Seite 67

    6 0 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Fi gu r e 5- 46 80 2. 1p P r io ri ty Pr io r it y T a g : T h e pr io ri ty t ag d e n ed i n IE EE 80 2. 1 p. Correspondi ng Priority Class : Indicates the inner priority classes of switch. The tagged frames are classified [...]

  • Seite 68

    6 1 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Mi rr or Mod e : Y ou ca n se t th e mi rr or mo de to mon it or the i ng re ss tr af c , eg re s s tr af c , or b ot h . Y ou c an a ls o d is ab le p or t mi r ro ri ng . Mi rr o r P or t : De n es th e p or t t o m o[...]

  • Seite 69

    6 2 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB T e st P or t : Se le ct t he p or t y ou w an t to t es t. Li nk St atu s : Rep or ts go od st atu s or is sue s su ch as cab le op ens , ca ble sh or t s or a ny i mp ed an c e mi sm at ch i n th e c ab le . Lin k Len gth : Re[...]

  • Seite 70

    6 3 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB A p pe nd i x A P i n Ex p l a in F o r R J- 45 C on ne ct o r Th e sw it ch in g po rt can c on ne ct to st at io ns wir ed in st an da rd R J- 45 Et he rn et st at io n mo de usi ng str ai gh t ca bl es . T ra ns mi ss io n de[...]

  • Seite 71

    6 4 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB 1 TX+ 2 TX- 3 RX+ 6 RX- RX+ 1 RX- 2 TX+ 3 TX- 6 MDI-II MDI-X Fi gu r e st ra ig ht c ab le Crossed cable: use to connect switch (normal port) to switch/hub/other de vi c e( no rm al p or t) . 1 RX+ 2 RX- 3 TX+ 6 TX- RX+ 1 RX- 2 [...]

  • Seite 72

    6 5 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB A p pe nd i x B T a b le o f F ac to r y D ef au l t s T a bl e of F ac to ry De fa ul ts : Sy st em S et ti ng Sy st em I nf or mat io n Sy st em N am e Nu ll Sy st em L oc at ion Nu ll Co nt ac t In fo rm ati on Nu ll Fi le T [...]

  • Seite 73

    6 6 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB Ne tw or k Se tt ing Ag in g T ime Ag in g T ime 30 0 Pi ng De st in at io n IP Add re ss 19 2. 16 8. 0. 1 Pi ng C ou nt 4 Da ta S iz e 64 Pi ng I nt er va l 10 00 VL AN S et ti ng VL AN M od e D is ab le Po rt V LA N Se tti ng [...]

  • Seite 74

    6 7 Web Smar t Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide TL-SG2109WEB/TL -SL2210WEB/TL-SL2218WEB/TL -SL2428WEB/TL-SL2452WEB A pp e nd i x C T a bl e o f Fu n ct i on Di ff er en ce s of S w it ch F a mi ly T a bl e of F un ct io n D if f er en ce s of S wi tc h F am il y Fu nc ti on M od el s TL -S G2 10 9W EB TL -S L2 21 0W EB T L-S L2 21 8W EB T L-[...]

  • Seite 75

    71 03 55 66 TP -LI NK TEC HNO LO GIE S C O., L TD. E- mai l: s upp ort @tp -li nk. com We bsi te: ht tp: //w ww .t p-l ink .co m Ad d: Fl.3 ,Bl dg. R1- B,H igh -T ec h I ndu str ial Par k, She nzh en Roa d, She nzh en, Chi na[...]