Seite 1
Cricket Kid’s Remote Contr ol For Ages 3 and Up Users Guide Kids Remote 2006.fm Page 1 Tuesday, March 6, 2007 3:52 PM[...]
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www .urcsupport.com/cricket 2 TABLE O F CONTENTS Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Customizing the Image Compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Low Battery Indicati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Functions and K[...]
Seite 3
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 3 QUICK START Crick et w as designed specifically f or chil dr en ages thr ee or ol der , with safety and simplicity in mind. Cricket off ers a s impl e means o f co n tro l o v er wha t co n ten t your childr en ar e exposed to when they wa t ch te levision. Basic set up is ver y simple, so you can give the remote to th[...]
Seite 4
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 4 Step 3: Set TV Control (Optional) 2. Re fe r to the TV codes in th e back of this manual. F ind y our TV brand and en t er the first c ode f or tha t b rand b y usin g the n umber ke ys o n the r emote. W hen yo u pr ess the fo urth number k ey , the LED on th e r emot e blinks twice t o co nfirm a valid c ode. T o tes[...]
Seite 5
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 5 3. Pr ess and hol d the k ey STAR(1) button u nti l the LED blinks t wice. ST AR(1) no w is pr ogrammed to the channel tha t y o u ha v e assigned. Step 5: Set the remote to CHILD mode Step 6: Replace battery door Your Cricket remote is now ready fo r use! Refer to t h is ma nua l for ad dit i ona l fe atu res a n d fu[...]
Seite 6
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 6 Cut a p hoto or a not he r i m age to t he si ze of t he circular im age compart ment and inser t photo in to o pening. Re plac e clear p lastic c o v er . LOW BATTERY INDICATION Wh en the ba tte r y pow er is l ow in th e Crick et, the LED flashes fi v e times with each k ey-pr ess. Ref er to “ St ep 1: Ins talling [...]
Seite 7
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 7 FUNCTIONS AND KEY CHARTS U se the illustra tion bel o w to loca te f ea tur es on th e Crick et and then stud y the K ey C harts (on the ne xt thr ee pages) t o learn ho w they function.[...]
Seite 8
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 8 Key Charts Key Function Press ON/OFF to t ur n the telev ision an d ca ble b ox on o r of f. The STAR(1) and MOON(2) keys c an b e pr ogrammed to jum p dir ectly to th e channel of your choice. When in pr ogramming mode, STAR is the 1 key and MOON is the 2 key , VOL + turns the TV vol u me up . VOL - turns the TV vo lu[...]
Seite 9
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 9 ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING OPTIONS Locat e the thr ee pos itio n swit ch within the ba ttery co mpa rt men t. Set the s witc h to the mid dle posi tion P to en te r pr ogramming mode. Wh en p rogramming is c o mp lete, set the s witc h to ei ther CHILD user mode or ADULT us er m o d e b ef ore re p la c i ng the batt er y [...]
Seite 10
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 10 4. Re peat s tep s abo ve t o assign ano ther fa v orit e channel. 5. I f the LED flash es on e lon g blink, the e n tr y failed and mus t be repea ted. ADVANCED FUNCTIONS M ost user s w on't need t o perform an y of the set-up pr ocedur es in this sec tion. Volume Control Settings V ol um e c o n tr ol fun ctio [...]
Seite 11
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 11 SETTING CABLE CONTROL In the ev ent tha t y o u need to u pda te Cric k et to c o ntr ol you r c a b l e s e t- t op - b ox, yo u c a n pr og r am th e re m ot e a s foll ows: 1. Whil e in CHILD or ADULT mode, hold do wn bo th MUT E and ON/OFF fo r thr ee seco nds, un til the LED blinks twice. 2. En ter 9 8 2 . Th e L[...]
Seite 12
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 12 • Conn ect the equi pme nt in to an outl et o n a cir- cuit diff er ent fr om tha t t o which th e r ecei v er is conne cte d. • Cons ult the dealer o r an experienced radio/ TV t ec h ni ci an f o r h e l p . This equi pmen t has been verified to c om pl y with the limits fo r a clas s B co m puting d evice, pur [...]
Seite 13
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 13 MANUFACTURER’S CODES Setup Codes for Cable Boxes/Converters ABC 0003, 0008, 0014, 0017 Americast 0899 Amino 1602, 1822 Bell & H o we ll 0014 Bell South 0899 Clearmaster 0883 ClearMax 0883 Comcas t 1982 Coolmax 0883 Digeo 1187 Digi 0637 Dir ector 0476 Dumon t 0637 General In strument 0476, 0810, 0276, 0003 GoldS [...]
Seite 14
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 14 Saskt el 1737 Scientific A tlanta 1877, 0877, 0477, 0008, 0017 Sejin 1602 Son y 1006 Star c om 0003 Su per cable 0276 Su permax 0883 Thom son 1256 T ocom 0012 T orx 0003 T oshiba 0000 T ristar 0883 V2 0883 V ie wmaster 0883 V is ion 0883 V ortex V iew 0883 Zenith 0000, 0525, 0899 Kids Remote 2006.fm Page 14 Tuesday, M[...]
Seite 15
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 15 Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers Alp haStar 0772 Century 0856 Chaparral 0216 Coolsa t 1806 Cr ossdigital 1109 Dir ecTV 1377, 0392, 0566, 0639, 1639, 1142, 0247, 0749, 1749, 0724, 0819, 1856, 1076, 1108, 0099, 1109, 1392, 1414, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1609, 1640 Dish N etw ork S yst em 1505, 1005, 0775, 1170, 1775 Dish pr[...]
Seite 16
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 16 Setup Codes for TVs Philips 1142, 0749, 1749, 0724, 1076, 0722, 0099, 1442, 0856 Pr oscan 0392, 0566 Pr oton 1535 RadioShac k 0869 R CA 0566, 0855, 0143, 1392 Sams ung 1377, 1276, 1108, 1109, 1442, 1609 SKY 0856 San y o 1219 Son y 0639, 1639, 1640 Star Cho ice 0869 T i vo 1142, 1442, 1443, 1444 T oshiba 0749, 1749, 07[...]
Seite 17
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 17 America A ction 0180 Ampr o 0751 Anam 0180, 0004, 0009, 0068 Anam N ational 0055, 0161 A O C 0030, 0003, 0019, 0052, 0137, 0185, 1365 A pex Digital 0748, 0879, 0765, 0767, 0890, 1217, 1943 Arc her 0003 As tar 1531, 1548 A udiov o x 0451, 0180, 0092, 0003, 0623, 0713, 0802, 0846, 0875, 1284, 1937, 1951, 1952 A urora S [...]
Seite 18
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 18 Citizen 0060, 0030, 0092, 0039, 0046, 0056, 0186, 0280, 0561, 1928, 1935 Clairtone 0185 Clarion 0180 Classic 1984 Colt 1906 Commer cia l Solu tions 1447, 0047, 1125, 1126 Com paq 0749, 0750 Conc erto 0056 Con t ec 0180, 0157, 0158, 0185 Craig 0180, 0161 Cr osley 0054 Cr o wn 0180, 0039 C urtis Mathes 0047, 0054, 0154,[...]
Seite 19
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 19 Emerso n 0154, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0178, 0171, 0282, 0623, 1394, 1905, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1944, 1963, 0280, 0270, 0185, 0183, 0182, 0181, 0179, 0177, 0158, 0039, 0038, 0019 Emp r ex 1422, 1546 En vision 0030, 0813, 1365 Epso n 0831, 0833, 0840, 0881, 1122, 1290 Erae 1222 ESA 0812, 0171, 1944, 1963 Fis her 015[...]
Seite 20
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 20 Ha vermy 0093 H elios 0865 H ello Kitty 0451 H ewlett P ackard 1088, 1089, 1101, 1494, 1502 Hisen se 0748 Hita chi 1145, 0145, 1960, 1904, 1445, 0797, 0770, 0723, 0576, 0413, 0409, 0279, 0227, 0173, 0151, 0097, 0095, 0056, 0038, 0032, 0016 HP 1088, 1089, 1101, 1494, 1502 H yundai 0849, 1219, 1294 iLo 1286, 1603, 1990 [...]
Seite 21
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 21 Kr eisen 0876, 1474 KTV 0180, 0030, 0039, 0183, 0185, 0217, 0280 L G 1265, 0178, 0442, 0700, 0823, 0829, 0856, 1178, 1325, 1378, 1423, 1637, 1758, 1934, 1993 Llo y d's 1904 Loewe 0136, 0633, 0693, 0694 Logik 0016 L uce 0837, 1031 L uxman 0056 LXI 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, 0148, 0747 MA G 1498 Ma gnasonic 1913[...]
Seite 22
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 22 Mits ubishi 0093, 1250, 0150, 0178, 1917, 1550, 1392, 1350, 1279, 1278, 0868, 0836, 0592, 0358, 0331, 0155, 0098, 0019, 0014 M oni vision 0700, 0843 M ot or ola 0093, 0055, 0835 M o x ell 0835 MT C 0060, 0030, 0019, 0049, 0056, 0091, 0185, 0216 M u ltit ech 0180, 0049, 0217 N AD 0156, 0178, 0056, 0866, 1156 N akamichi[...]
Seite 23
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 23 P enney 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0178, 0030, 1926, 1919, 1907, 1378, 1347, 0747, 0309, 0149, 0138, 0135, 0110, 0039, 0032, 0027, 0021, 0019, 0018, 0003, 0002 P e tters 1523 Philco 0054, 0030, 0019, 0020, 0028, 0096, 0302 Philips 1454, 0054, 0645, 0690, 1054, 1154, 1354, 1483, 1961 Pilot 0030, 0019, 0039 Pio neer 0166, [...]
Seite 24
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 24 R CA 1447, 0047, 2002, 1958, 1953, 1948, 1922, 1919, 1917, 1907, 1547, 1347, 1247, 1147, 1047, 0747, 0679, 0278, 0254, 0174, 0135, 0090, 0038, 0029, 0019, 0018 Realis tic 0154, 0180, 0178, 0030, 0019, 0032, 0039, 0056, 0165 Rhapsody 0183, 0185, 0216 R unco 0017, 0030, 0251, 0494, 0497, 0603, 0612, 1292, 1344, 1346, 13[...]
Seite 25
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 25 Signa ture 0016 Signet 0800, 0844, 1262 SIM2 M ultimedia 1297 Sim pson 0186, 0187 Sin ud yne 0347 Solarism 1220 Son y 1100, 0000, 0011, 0080, 0111, 0273, 0353, 0810, 0834, 1317, 1904, 1925, 1651 Soundes ign 0180, 0178, 0179, 0186 Sov a 1320, 1952 Soy o 1520 Spectricon 0003, 0137 Spectro niq 1498 Squareview 0171 SSS 01[...]
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www .urcsupport.com/cricket 26 T eknika 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060, 0092, 0016, 0019, 0039, 0056, 0175, 0179, 0186, 0312, 0322 T elefunken 0702, 0056, 0074, 0101 T elemagic 0735 T era 0031 Thomas 1904 Thom son 0209, 0210, 0625 TMK 0178, 0056, 0177 TNCi 0017, 0709 T oshiba 0154, 1256, 0156, 1265, 0060, 1945, 1936, 1935, 1918, 1704, 1656, 1635, 1356, 134[...]
Seite 27
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 27 Setup Codes for TVs (DLP) Setup Codes for TVs (HDTV) W ar ds 0054, 0178, 0030, 1156, 0866, 0202, 0179, 0174, 0165, 0111, 0096, 0080, 0056, 0029, 0028, 0027, 0021, 0020, 0019, 0016 W a y co n 0156 W estingho use 0885, 0889, 0890, 1282, 1577 Whi te W estinghouse 0463, 0623, 1909 W inBook 1381 W yse 1365 Y amaha 0030, 00[...]
Seite 28
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 28 Setup Codes for TVs (LCD) Olevia 1610 P anaso nic 0250, 0650, 1291 Pio neer 0679 Princ eto n 0717 R CA 1447 Sams ung 0812, 0702 Sharp 0688, 0689 T oshiba 1256 A c curian 1803 A ction 0873 Akai 1935 A O C 1365 A pex Digital 0890, 1217 As tar 1531, 1548 A udiov o x 0180, 0802, 0846, 0875, 1284, 1937, 1951, 1952 BenQ 131[...]
Seite 29
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 29 K ost 1262 Kr eisen 0876, 1474 L G 0856, 1178, 1993 Ma gnav o x 1454, 0802, 1198, 1365, 1990 Maran tz 0855 Max en t 0762, 1211, 1755 Micr o 1436 Mint ek 1603, 1990 Mitsub ishi 1250 N etTV 0762 N ik o 1581, 1618 N or cent 1365, 1589, 1591 N orwood Micr o 1286, 1296 Olevia 1144, 1240, 1331, 1610 P anaso nic 0650, 1941 P[...]
Seite 30
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 30 Setup Codes for TV/DVD Combos S ylv ania 0171, 1271, 1314, 1394 S ymphonic 0171 S yntax 1144, 1240, 1331 T atung 1286 T echview 0847 T eco 1040 T oshiba 0845, 1343, 1635, 1656 Ultra 1323 US Logic 1286 V idikr on 1398, 1629 V ie wso nic 0857, 0864, 0885, 1330, 1578, 1627 V isart 1336 V izio 0864, 0885, 1756, 1758 W est[...]
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www .urcsupport.com/cricket 31 KLH 1962 K onka 1939, 1940 L G 1993 Ma gnav o x 1963, 1990 Mint ek 1990 N axa 1998 P anaso nic 1941 Philips 1961 P ola r oid 1991 Prima 1933 R CA 1948, 1958, 2002 Sams ung 1903 Sansui 1935 Sov a 1952 S ylv ania 1394, 1963 T oshiba 1635, 1935 Kids Remote 2006.fm Page 31 Tuesday, M arch 6, 2007 3:52 PM[...]
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www .urcsupport.com/cricket 32 Setup Codes for TV/VCR Combos Aiwa 1914 America A ction 0180 A ud i ov ox 0 1 8 0 Br okso nic 1905, 1911, 1929 Citi zen 1 928 Colt 1906 C urtis Mathes 1919 Daew oo 1909, 1928 Emerso n 0236, 1905, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1928, 1929 Fu na i 1 9 0 4 GE 1907, 1917, 1919, 1922 GoldS tar 1926 Ha rley Da v idson 1904 Hitach i 190 [...]
Seite 33
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 33 Setup Codes for TV/VCR/DVD Combos Whi te W estinghouse 1909 Zenith 19 04, 1909, 1911, 1929 Akai 1903 Brok son i c 19 3 8 Diamon d V ision 1996 Emerso n 1944 ESA 1944 F unai 1199, 1979 Magna vo x 1944 P anaso nic 1946, 1947 P ola r oid 1992 RC A 1 9 5 3 Sharp 1 917 S ylva nia 1944 Sy m ph o n i c 1 9 4 4 To s h i b a 1[...]
Seite 34
www .urcsupport.com/cricket 34 NOTES Kids Remote 2006.fm Page 34 Tuesday, M arch 6, 2007 3:52 PM[...]
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NOTES Kids Remote 2006.fm Page 35 Tuesday, M arch 6, 2007 3:52 PM[...]
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6 1 01 Gateway Drive, Cypress, California 90630-4 84 1, USA[...]