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2 CONTE NTS Important safety instructions .............................................................. 3 Description of your appliance ............................................................. 5 WFE912SA .................................................................................. 5 WFE914SA ..............................................[...]
Seite 3
3 S AFE T Y Thesewarningshavebeenprovidedintheinterestofsafety . Y ouMUSTreadthemcarefullybeforeinstallingorusing theappliance. Thesymbolsyouwillseeinthisbooklethavethesemeanings: W ARNING This symbol indicates information concerning your personal safety TIP [...]
Seite 4
4 W ARNING OVEN Duringusetheappliancebecomeshot.Care shouldbetakentoavoidtouchingthehotsurfaces insidetheoven. Switchtheapplianceoffbeforeremovingtheoven lightglassforglobereplacement. T oavoidanaccident,ensurethatovenshelvesand fitt[...]
Seite 5
5 O F F O F F O F F O F F H L O I O F F H L O I COOK BAKE H L O I H L O I H L O I H L O I MODEL WFE912SA Gas hob, multi-function electric oven with electronic timer Removablewoktrivet Removablecastirontrivet Gasburner Controlpanel Ovendoor Ovenfunctionselector Oventemperaturecontrol Clock/Timerdisplay Gasho[...]
Seite 6
6 O F F O F F O F F O F F H L O I O F F H L O I H L O I H L O I H L O I H L O I BAKE MODEL WFE914SA Gas hob with flame safeguard, multi-function electric oven with touch control timer Control Panel Gas Hob Removablewoktrivet Removablecastirontrivet Gasburner Controlpanel Ovendoor Storagecompartment Stainlesssteelkic[...]
Seite 7
7 O F F H L O I O F F H L O I H L O I O F F H L O I O F F H L O I O F F H L O I O F F H L O I ON/OFF FUNCTION FAST HEAT UP Control Panel Gas Hob MODEL WFE916SA Gas hob with flame safeguard, programmable touch control electric oven Removablewoktrivet Removablecastirontrivet Gasburner Controlpanel Ovendoor Storagecompartmen[...]
Seite 8
8 ON/OFF FUNCTION FAST HEAT UP MODEL WFE946SA Touch control electric ceramic hob, programmable touch control electric oven Hobelementcontrols Ceramicglasshob Ovencontrolpanel Ovendoor Storagecompartment Stainlesssteelkickpanel T ripleringcookingzone Multi-purposedoublecookingzone Smallcooking[...]
Seite 9
9 ON/OFF FUNCTION FAST HEAT UP MODEL WVE916SA Programmable touch control electric oven Programmablecontroller Control Panel - oven programmable controller DESCRIPTION[...]
Seite 10
10 O P E R AT I O N BEFORE OP ER A TING Y OUR APPLIANCE FOR THE FIR S T TIME TIP S & INFOR MA TION SETTING THE TIME Ifyouhavepurchasedamodelfittedwithanelectronicor programmabletimer ,youMUSTsetthetimeofdaybefore youcanoperateyourappliance. PUSH BUTTON AND TOUCH CONTROL [...]
Seite 11
11 IN S T A LL AT I O N INS T ALLING Y OUR OVEN ACCESSORIES SIDE RACKS Thesideracksthatcomewithyourovenarefittedinthe followingmanner • Insertthe2rearpegsintotheholesprovided • Locatethefrontpegintothefrontaccessholeandpush infirmly[...]
Seite 12
12 INSTALLING BURNERS • Thebur nercrownmustbefittedcorrectlyintotheburner cupordamagewilloccurduringoperation. • T odothis,ensurethatthe2ribsoneithersideofthe sparkplugholearepositionedintothe2slotsonthe burner[...]
Seite 13
13 GETTING TO KNOW Y OUR GAS COOKTOP T rivets Burnercap Burnercrown US A GE USING YOUR GAS HOTPLATES LIGHTING BURNERS Electronic ignition Thesehobsarefittedwithmainspoweredelectronic ignition.Whentheappliancehasbeenconnectedand thepowerison,depressinganyknobwillrelease[...]
Seite 14
14 US A GE CERAMIC HOTPLATES MODEL WFE946 Thecooktopismadefromceramicglass,atough,durable materialthatwithstandsheatingandcoolingwithout breaking.Itisstrongenoughtoholdtheheaviestutensils. However ,itmustberememberedthatasitisGLASS,itmay?[...]
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Seite 16
16 O P E R AT I O N CONTROL PAN EL DISPLAY Switchon T ouch for2seconds / Switchoff T ouch for2seconds / none CONTROL PAN EL DISPLAY T oincrease T ouch to T odecrease T ouch to T oswitchof f T ouch and atthesametime TRI PL E COOK I NG ZONE CONTROL PAN EL INDICATOR L[...]
Seite 17
17 O P E R AT I O N USI NG Y OUR CERAMIC COOK TOP USING THE CHILD SAFETY DEVICE Thechildsafetydevicepreventsunintentionaluseofthe appliance. SWITCHING ON THE CHILD SAFETY DEVICE STEP CONTROL PAN EL DISPLAY 1. Switchtheapplianceon (Donotsetaheatsetting) 2. T ouch for4seconds Thechi[...]
Seite 18
18 USING THE TIMER FUNCTION CONDITION OUTCOME AFTER THE TIME HAS LAPSED Automatic cut-out aheatsettingisset acousticsignal 00 flashesCooking zoneswitchesoff Countdown timer cookingzonesnot inuse acousticsignal 00 flashes TIP S & INFOR MA TION Ifaheatsettingissetonthecook[...]
Seite 19
19 USI NG Y OUR CERAMIC COOK TOP AUTOMATIC SWITCH OFF Cooking surface • Ifafterswitchingonthecookingsurface,aheat settingisnotsetforacookingzonewithinapprox. 10seconds,thecookingsurfaceautomatically switchesitselfoff. • Ifoneormoresenso[...]
Seite 20
20 US A GE USING Y OUR OVEN UNDERSTANDING YOUR OVEN FUNCTIONS Thefollowingliststheovenfunctionsavailablewiththe programmablecontroller(modelsWFE916,WFE946& WVE916).Multifunctionmodels(WFE914&WFE912) haveallovenfunctionsexceptforFanAssist,Pizzaand Fa[...]
Seite 21
21 USING Y OUR OVEN US A GE Func ti o n 7 The“Defrost”functionuseslowtemperatureairthatis circulatedbythefans.Y oucandefrost(thaw)yourfood beforeyoucookit.Y oucanalsouse“Defrost”toraise youryeastdoughandtodr yfruit,vegetables[...]
Seite 22
22 OPERATING THE PUSH BUTTON & TOUCH CONTROL CLOCK MODELS WFE912 & WFE914 ONLY GENERAL FEATURES Y ourtouchcontrolclockhasthefollowingfeatures: • Timer–allowsyoutosetacountdowntimethatwill beepwhenthesettimehaselapsed. • Cookingduration–[...]
Seite 23
23 USING YOUR OVEN US A GE SETTING THE COOKING DURATION 1. Checktheclockdisplaysthecorrecttimeofday . 2. Selectthedesiredovenfunctionandtemperature. Theovenindicatorlightwillglowandtheheating sourcewillcomeon. 3. Press“mode“un[...]
Seite 24
24 US A GE USING YOUR OVEN SETTING THE TIME OF DAY Aftertheappliancehasbeenelectricallyconnectedthe “setclock”symbol willflashontheclockdisplay . 1. T osetthetimeofdayinhoursandminutespressthe –or+.5secondsafterthel[...]
Seite 25
25 US A GE USING YOUR OVEN ON COMPLETION OF COOKING Whenthesettimehaselapsed,asignalwillsoundfor 1minute,theovenwillswitchoffandtheremainingtime indication“0.00”willappearonthedisplay . 1. T ostopthesignal,press“+”or“–”. SETT[...]
Seite 26
26 O P E R AT I O N COOKING TEST GET TO KNOW YOUR NEW OVEN WITH THIS ‘SIMPLE TEST CAKE’ Althoughwestriveforaperfectper formingoven,it’ s possiblethattherewillbesomevariationincolourwhen baking.Therefore,wesuggestthissimple,easyand delicioustomakeSimpl[...]
Seite 27
27 COOKING GUIDE COOKING • Forbestbakingresultspreheatovenfor30minutes • Selectthecorrectshelflocationforfoodbeingcooked. • Thegrilltraycanbeusedintheovenasabakingdish, exceptinovenshelflocation1. • M[...]
Seite 28
28 COOKING CO OKING GUIDE CHOOSING THE BEST OVEN SETTINGS Thefollowingtableisintendedasaguideandexperiencemayshowsomevariationincookingtimesnecessar ytomeet individualrequirements.W erecommendthatyoupreheatyourovenfor30minutes. MODES WITHOUT OVEN FAN FOOD T[...]
Seite 29
29 CO OKING GUIDE COOKING ROASTING MEAT 1. Placethemeatintheovenandsetthetemperature between180°Cand200°C.(Itisrecommendedto wrapyourmeatsinanovenroastingbagorfoilto preventfatsandoilsfromsplattering,makingiteasier toclea[...]
Seite 30
30 COOKING PR OB LEMS PROBLEM CAUSES REMEDIES Unevencooking: • Incorrectshelfposition. • Oventraytoolarge. • T raysnotcentralised. • Airflowinovenuneven. • Grilldishaffectingthermostat. – Selectshelfthatputsfoodinthecentreoft[...]
Seite 31
31 CLE ANI NG W ARNING • Alwaysmakesurethattheoveniselectricallyisolated beforecleaning.Thiscanbedonebythefunctional switchnearby • Donotlinethe bottomoftheovenwithfoilorcookware • Donotusesteamcleaners STAINLESS STEEL W ARNI[...]
Seite 32
32 CLEANING YOUR OVEN ACCESSORIES REMOVING THE TRAYS AND SHELVES FROM YOUR APPLIANCE • Slidethedishandgrilltraytowardsyouuntilthey reachthefrontstop. • Tiltthemupatthefronttoclearthesidesupports, takingcarenottospillthecontents. •?[...]
Seite 33
33 CLE ANI NG CLEANING YOUR OVEN DOOR W ARNING • DONOTusetheovenwithouttheinnerandmiddle doorglassfitted. • NEVERsprayanycausticcleanersonanysur faceofthe doorordamagetothesurfacecoatingswillresult. • DONOTusemetalutens[...]
Seite 34
34 OPERATION Thecatalyticlinersarecoatedwithaspeciallyformulated enamelcoating,overabaseofregularenamel.This ena mel coatinghasaroughsurfacewhichisalsoporous. Duringnormalcooking,fatsandotherfoodspatteris partiallyabsorbedintothe?[...]
Seite 35
35 ST O R A GE FAULTS Ifthereisaproblemwiththeovenand/orgrill,please: • Checkthepointslistedbelowbeforecallingfor ser vice.Itmaybepossibletoavoidacallbyfixing theproblemyourself–andsocontinuecooking. NOTE: W e may charge for ser[...]
Seite 36
36 PR OB LEMS INSTALLATION OF THE APPLIANCE CABINET REQUIREMENTS ModelsWFE912,WFE914,WFE916,&WFE946are designedtofitintoa900mmwidegapbetweenstandard kitchencabinets.Theapplianceintegrateswiththekitchen cabinetsbymatchingtheheight,depthandkickpanel[...]
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37 IN S T A LL AT I O N INSTALLATION OF THE APPLIANCE Thefloormountedtypeinstallationusestheapplianceas supplied,andcanbefittedinbetweencabinets,with cabinetsononesideorwithoutadjacentcabinets.There isnoclearancerequirementtoadjacentsidecabinets. T[...]
Seite 38
38 IN S T A LL AT I O N INSTALLATION OF ANTI-TILT BRACKETS AND HOOK • T heanti-tiltbracketsmustbesecuredtothefloorat rearofcavitywithanappropriatefasteneraccording todimensionsindiagram • Thehookistobesecuredtothebackwallinthe loca[...]
Seite 39
39 IN S T A LL AT I O N SLOT -IN INSTALLATION INSTALLATION OF THE APPLIANCE TO REMOVE THE APPLIANCE KICK PANEL • Removeallloosepartsie.Bur nercrowns&caps, trivets,ovenshelves • Carefullylaydowntheapplianceontoonesideonto foampackagingandremovethescrews?[...]
Seite 40
40 IN S T A LL AT I O N INSTALLATION OF THE APPLIANCE INSTALLATION OF ANTI-TILT BRACKETS AND STOPS • Thebracketsaretobesecuredtothebackwallwith appropriatefasteners. • Thebottomedgeofthethebracketsrestonthe horizontalsupportsur face. • T wostops[...]
Seite 41
41 900mm 864mm Cupboarddoor Cupboarddoor 580mmminimum Inllpanel Inllpanel IN S T A LL AT I O N BUILT-IN INSTALLATION CABINET CONSTRUCTION FOR BUILT IN OVEN Forthebestintegrationwithinakitchen,installthis applianceinacupboardthatgivesaflushfitwiththe surroundingcupbo[...]
Seite 42
42 IN S T A LL AT I O N INSTALLATION OF THE APPLIANCE NOTE: The appliance must be fixed into position when installed by fitting 2 screws provided through mounting holes into cabinet. If a power point is fitted it must be accessible with the appliance installed. UNDERBENCH INSTALLATION Y ourunderbenchovenlooksbestwhenthecontrol?[...]
Seite 43
43 IN S T A LL AT I O N WIRING REQUIREMENTS ThecookerMUSTbeinstalledincompliancewith: • wiringconnectionsinAS/NZS3000WiringRules • localregulations,municipalbuildingcodesandother statutor yregulations For New Zealand Only: Thecookingrangemustbeconn[...]
Seite 44
44 ELECTRICAL & GAS CONNECTION LOCATIONS INSTALLING THE GAS COOKER GAS TYPE NATURAL GAS UNIVERSAL LPG Supplypressureatinletto applianceregulator(iffitted) 1.13(kPa) Minimum 2.75* (kPa) Operatingpressureat appliancetestpoint 1.00(kPa) 2.75(kPa) *Iftheregulatorisplacedupstreamof[...]
Seite 45
45 IN S T A LL AT I O N LPG CONVERSION MODELS WFE912, WFE914 & WFE916 ThisapplianceissuppliedsetuptoforNaturalGas usage.Aconversionkitisincludedwiththeproduct forUniversalLPGusage.Theconversionkitcontains6 injectorsand1LPGsticker . Pleasefollow[...]
Seite 46
46 TESTING THE OPERATION OF THE GAS COOKER NOTE: Y ou MUST test the cooker after installation, before you hand it over to the customer . Y ou MUST have a manometer and a connecting tube. CHECKING GAS SUPPLY 1. Checkthemanometerzeropointiscorrect. 2. Connectthemanometertothecookerpressuretest point[...]
Seite 47
47 IN S T A LL AT I O N T his document sets o ut the terms an d con di t io ns of the p r od uc t w arrant i es fo r El ect r ol ux Appli ances . I t i s an i m po rtant do cument . Please kee p i t wi th yo ur p r oof of p ur chase do cuments i n a sa fe pl ac e f or f utu r e r efer ence sh ou ld yo u r equi r e serv i ce fo r yo ur Ap pl iance .[...]
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AUSTRALIA phone: 1300363640 fax: 1800350067 email: customercare@electrolux.com.au web: www .westinghouse.com.au NEW ZEALAND phone: 095732384 fax: 0800363600 email: customercare@electrolux.co.nz web: www .westinghouse.co.nz For more information on all Westinghouse appliances, or for dimension and insta[...]