Seite 1
Link 1000 Owner’s Guide[...]
Seite 2
Abou t X ant rex Xantrex T echnology d evelops, manuf actures, an d markets advanced power electronic produ cts. The company’ s products convert raw electrical power from any source into high-quality power required by electronic and electrical equipment . Trademark Xantrex is a reg istered trademark o f Xantrex International Other trademarks , re[...]
Seite 3
iii Contents 1 Introducing Link 1000 Introdu cing t he Link 1000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Inver ter /Char ger Cont rol Func tion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Monit orin g Func tio ns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Reading t he Link 1000 Control Panel - - - - - - - - - - - [...]
Seite 4
Contents iv Maint ena nc e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 Disconnec ting t he Invert er/Ch arger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 3 Setting up the Link 1000 About L ink 1000 Set tings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 Prob able C ha ng es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [...]
Seite 5
Contents v F10 Se lect Bat ter y T yp e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3 F11 T u rn o n Sec ond B att ery V o lta ge S e nse - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 F12 Number of Overlo ad Conditio ns Exper ienced - - - - - - - 33 F13 Number of Inverte r Low Batter y Shutdo wns - - - - - - - - 33 F14 Te st C ont rol Pa nel Disp lay - - - - [...]
Seite 6
Contents vi A Specifications Cont rol Pa nel : Elec tric al S pecif ica tion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 2 Cont rol Panel : Ph y sica l Sp e cifi cat ion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 Defa ult Se ttin gs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53 B Product and S yst em Info rmatio n Warran ty - - -[...]
Seite 7
vii Link 1000 Control Pa nel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 System Overvi ew (Wiring) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 Display Panel and Mounting Plate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Link 1000 Mounting Plate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4 BATTERY STATUS Light Bar - - [...]
Seite 8
Seite 9
1 Introdu cing Link 1000 Chap ter 1 describes: • The Link 1000’ s control and monitoring functions • The features on its control panel[...]
Seite 10
Introducing the Link 1 000 2 Introduci ng the Link 1000 The Link 10 00 gives you complete r emote contr ol of the Freedom 458 , Freedom, and Fr eedom Marine Inverter / Char gers. It also let s you monito r the p erformance of your batter y power s ystem. I nverter/Charge r Contro l Functio ns From the Li nk 1000 c ontrol pa nel, you can : • T urn[...]
Seite 11
Introducing the Link 1000 3 • The time r emaining in your ba ttery bef ore it is comple tely d ischar ged • Which ch argi ng sta ge the bat teries are in (Bul k, Acceptanc e, Float, o r Equaliz ation) • Batte ry his tor y incl udi ng: • Present char ge ef fici ency • The number o f deep c ycles th e batter y has had • The deepes t lev e[...]
Seite 12
Reading the Link 1000 Co ntrol P anel 4 Reading the Link 1000 Control Panel The Link 10 00 contr ol panel lets you monitor the batte ry system an d contr ol the in verter/ char ger . Its features are descri bed belo w . Further detail s are pr ovided a s you need them thro ughout the guide. Figure 1 Link 1000 Control Panel 1 BATTERY ST ATU S light [...]
Seite 13
Re ading the Link 1000 Contr ol P anel 5 2 , 3 Numeric display an d displa y units . Y ou can choose fr om four dis play units depen ding on the type of information you want to see: • V olts •A m p s • Ah (Amp -hours) • T ime Remaining The procedu re for changi ng displa y units is g iven on page 36 along with an explan ation of each displa[...]
Seite 14
Reading the Link 1000 Co ntrol P anel 6 Where to go From Here • T o install t he Link 1 000, see pag e 7 . • T o set up the Li nk 1000, s ee page 19 . • T o use the Link 10 00, see page 35 . • T o c all f or te c hni cal s up po rt, se e page 56 . 8 AC IN LED Indicat es that AC p ower is pr esent. 9 CHARGER STATUS LEDs: • CHG (Red): When [...]
Seite 15
7 Installing the Link 1000 Chap ter 2 gives: • An overview of the installation process • A list of installation too ls and equipment • Installation procedures W e recommend that you read the e ntire chapter so you can plan the installation and obtain all the materials you need before star ting t he inst allat ion.[...]
Seite 16
Planning the I nstallation 8 Plan ning th e I nstallat ion Supplied Parts ❐ Link 1000 c ontrol pa nel and 4 mounting s crews ❐ 500 amp p recisio n shunt ❐ 25 foot RJ 1 1 phone cable ❐ Owner ’ s guide Material s You Nee d to Sup ply Refer t o Figure 2 on page 12 . ❐ W ir e harness t o conne ct the Li nk 1000 co ntrol pan el to the shunt [...]
Seite 17
Planning th e Insta llation 9 ❐ 2 strain rel ie fs (ca bl e clamps ) for the wires and phone cable co ming out the back of the cont rol panel ❐ Anti -cor ros iv e sp ray ❐ High curr ent sh unt. If you r start er curre nt exceeds 500 amps for mor e than te n secon ds, you will need a heav y duty (100 0 amp) sh unt inste ad of the 500 amp shu n[...]
Seite 18
Planning the I nstallation 10 • The shun t sense l eads must be 18A W G twisted pair wires. • Instal l fuses withi n seven in ches ( 18cm) of the battery . Color-Cod ed W iring T o avoid confu sion duri ng ins tallatio n, Xantrex recommends that you buy wires t hat have t he same color codi ng as shown in Figure 2 . Twisted Pair Wires If you wi[...]
Seite 19
Installing the Link 1000 11 Installing the Link 1000 Overview of Installation Steps Comp lete the in stal lati on i n this ord er . Refer to Figure 2 . 1. Mount the c ontrol pa nel ( page 13 ). 2. Mount the s hunt, and ca ble it to the ne gative ba ttery termina l. Cable th e load s ide of th e shunt to the ne gative bus for DC loads ( page 14 ). 3[...]
Seite 20
Installing the Link 1000 12 Figure 2 System Overview (W iring) Cable Jacket Phone Cable Gre en Black Load Side Battery Side System Negativ e Red Blue Orange Rear of L ink 1 00 0 Contro l Panel 12345 Gnd. Stud 678 Bat te ry Neg. Distribution 2 Amp Fuses Pos . Distributi on 500A Shunt Engine Star te r Negati ve Star t Bat ter y Inver ter/C harger Vio[...]
Seite 21
Installing the Link 1000 13 Mounting the Link 1000 Control Pa nel The Link 100 0 co ntrol panel c onsist s of a displ ay panel and a mounting p late. T o mount the contr ol panel: 1. Separate the d isplay pan el and the mountin g plate. Figure 3 Display Panel and Mounting Plate 2. If you ar e going to run the phone c ord and wires thr ough the open[...]
Seite 22
Installing the Link 1000 14 Figure 4 Link 1 000 Mounting Plate Mounting and Cabling the Shunt T o mount and cable the shu nt: 1. Screw the shu nt to a sui table moun ting s urface. 2. Connect th e shunt to the ne gative te rminal of the bat tery using ri ng ter minals or locked spade ter minals on a copper c able t hat is si zed app ropriat ely fo [...]
Seite 23
Installing the Link 1000 15 Wiring the Terminal Blo ck Prepare for wiri ng by foll owing th ese guidel ines: • Pull the wi res and th e phone c able thro ugh the openi ng in the mounti ng pla te (unle ss you are r unning them down from the bottom of t he mounting p late). • Prepare t he wires b y giving ea ch: • A clean cu t •A c l e a n s [...]
Seite 24
Installing the Link 1000 16 Connecting T erminal Block W ires to Shunt an d Battery T o connect the t erminal block wir es: 1. Connect the bla ck DC power wire (termina l 1) t o the lar ge bolt on the loa d side o f the shun t. This wir e should be on the top of the stack of lar ge c ables on t he load si de of the s hunt. Do not con n ect this w i[...]
Seite 25
Installing the Link 1000 17 Installing Fuses T o ins tal l fu ses: 1. Install a 2 a mp fuse in t he fuse hol der i n the blue wire. 2. If you ar e usin g a starting battery , insert a 2 amp fuse in the fus e holder i n the v iolet wire. 3. Instal l a 2 amp fuse in th e fuse hol der in the red wire. Th e fuse sho uld be conne cted in a smooth motion[...]
Seite 26
Installing the Link 1000 18 3. T urn t he char ger off. 4. T urn o n a load (for exa mple, a l ight bulb ). 5. Make a note of the Amps reading. It shoul d be less than the r eading you took i n step 2. I f it is not, th e shunt leads are r evers ed (that is, t he gre en wir e from term inal 2 and the orange wire from ter minal 3 are rever sed ). Ma[...]
Seite 27
19 Setting up the Link 1000 Chap ter 3 explains: • How to set up the Link 1000 to best suit your battery system • Each setting as well as the options for each setting • Whether you should change settings or leave the de fault sett ing (See “Reading the Link 10 00 C ontrol Panel” on page 4 for locations and descriptions of the buttons, dis[...]
Seite 28
About Link 1000 Settings 20 About Link 1000 Se ttings The Link 10 00 is desi gned to operate o ut of the box, and except whe n note d, you sho uldn’ t nee d to change the def ault setti ngs. (The default setting s are lis ted on page 53 .) Probable Ch an ge s Y ou wi ll pro bab ly n ee d to cha n ge th e de fau l t set ting s fo r: • Battery ca[...]
Seite 29
About Link 1000 Setting s 21 Locking Your Setup Values After you have set up the Lin k 1000, you can lo ck the settin gs to preve nt anyone f rom inadver tently c hangin g them. T o lock the set up: 1. Hold down SET unt il SEL appea rs. 2. Press SEL until th e LOCK LED comes on. 3. Press SET . The word ON or OFF appears 4. If OFF a ppears, pr ess S[...]
Seite 30
About Link 1000 Settings 22 Batt er y Capacity The defau lt se tting is for a battery wi th a 200Ah ca pacit y . Change thi s setti ng if your battery has a dif f erent cap acity . Y ou can test battery capaci ty by fol lowing the procedu re on page 42 . The most ac curate way to fi nd the capa city is to ask for the manufact urer’ s 20 h our rat[...]
Seite 31
About Link 1000 Setting s 23 Series Connection If you ar e usin g a sing le battery b ank tha t cons ists of tw o or m o re b att erie s co nn ec ted i n se ri es, use the Ah capacit y of one ba tt er y . For example, i f t wo T rojan T -105 6 volt go lf ca rt batte ries are connec ted in ser ies, u se the factor y default 200 Ah fo r capacit y . C[...]
Seite 32
About Link 1000 Settings 24 Changi ng the Amb ient Tempe rature Se tting When you have a bat tery temperature sensor: If you have a batter y temperat ure se nsor: 1. Leave the defau lt Ambient T emperature sett ing as is . 2. T urn o n Active T emperature Compensation (F16). (See page 34 .) When you do not have a ba ttery temperat ure sensor: If yo[...]
Seite 33
About Link 1000 Setting s 25 Charged Parameters There ar e two cha rge d parameter s: Char ged V oltage and Char ged Curr ent Perce ntage (%). During a char ging c ycle, when the ba tter y voltage exceed s the Char ged V olt age parame ter and t he char ging current has dro pped below t he Char ged Curr ent para meter , the batt ery i s consider ed[...]
Seite 34
About Link 1000 Settings 26 T o change the Charge d Curren t Per centage : 1. Press and hold SET until SEL a ppears. 2. Press SEL t wice. Th e LED comes on and 002 is display ed. 3. Press and hold SET . The displ ay moves up in one pe rcent st eps until 7 percent is di splayed. The displ ay then ro lls over and start s counting up from 1 percent. 4[...]
Seite 35
About Link 1000 Setting s 27 Chan gin g t he P ow er Sh ar e Se tting Power Sh are is a load managemen t featur e that he lps to prevent external source AC br eakers f rom trippi ng when the char ger a nd a number of other l oads all c ome on at onc e. Power Sh are automat ically reduce s the char ger output if the load s exceed t he Power S haring[...]
Seite 36
About Link 1000 Settings 28 Changin g the Idle Mode Setti ng The Id le mode s etting d etermi nes the size of AC l oad th at is needed t o wake th e inverte r from it s Idle (o r standby) mode. The set ti ngs are 0 W , 4 W , 6 W , and 15 W . The defa ult i s 4 W . If you set the I dle mode to 0 W , Idle mo de is a ctua lly defeat ed and the i nvert[...]
Seite 37
About Link 1000 Setting s 29 Advanced Function Values The Link 10 00 has s ixteen adv anced func tions. The d efault setti ng is appro priate f or most , and you shou ld not change a value unl ess yo u understa nd the consequ ence of th e change . How to Ente r Setup Mod e and Chang e a Value: Re minde r The proc edure for e nte ri ng Set up mod e [...]
Seite 38
About Link 1000 Settings 30 F03 Set or Disp lay Ambient B attery Temperatur es Default: If F16 (Active T emperat ure Compensat ion) is On, the pre sent batt ery temper ature is displ ayed in °F . If F16 is Off , the de clared ba ttery t emperature is displ ayed. Range: 30° F– 120° F (–1.1 1° C–48.8° C) i n 10° incr ements. Set a di f fe[...]
Seite 39
About Link 1000 Setting s 31 F05 Turn on Alternative Ene rgy Mode Default: Off Range: Of f and On. On = use al ternati ve ene rgy d efaul ts. T urn Alternat ive Ener gy mode on if the Lin k 1000 is us ed in an alte rnative ener gy s ystem. This func tion r educes t he time need ed to s atisfy t he char ged paramete rs fr om five mi nutes to one min[...]
Seite 40
About Link 1000 Settings 32 F08 Set Peuke r t’s E xponent Default: 1.25 for liqui d lead -a cid ba tter ies. (Bat tery T ype set to T ype 0.) The Peu kert expon ent re fers to t he “sh rink rat e” of your batter y bank. The mor e rapidly you dis char ge the batteries, the more t heir ef f ective s ize shri nks. For example, a batt ery that ca[...]
Seite 41
About Link 1000 Setting s 33 F10 Select Battery Type Default: 0 (Liquid Cell) Range: 0 = Li quid Cell ; 1 = Gel Ce ll (sta ndard); 2 = Gel Ce ll (fast cha r ge); 3 = AGM (Abs orbed Glas s Mat) This func tion s ets the appropria te cha rge a nd float volta ges for the Freedo m char ger and sets an appropri ate Pe ukert exponent . Gel cell owners can[...]
Seite 42
About Link 1000 Settings 34 F14 Test C ontrol Pane l Display Default: Off Range: On while the SET bu tton i s pressed when this functi on is acti ve. Of f when SET is rele ased. This func tion l ets you c onfirm tha t the L ink 1000 cont rol panel di splay is operatin g properl y . When you press SET in F14 mode: •T h e RESET and DAT A LED s ar e[...]
Seite 43
35 Using the Link 1000 Chap ter 4 tells you how to: • Read the battery’ s state-of- charge • T ur n on the invert function • Change the Idle mode setting • Charge and equalize the batteries • Determine battery capacity • Activat e the Powe r Share feature • Synchronize the Link 1000 to the batteri es • Read battery history • Res[...]
Seite 44
Monitoring Fun ctions 36 Monitoring Func tions Choosing a Display Unit: Volts, Amps, Ah, or Time By defaul t, the numer ic displ ay shows V olts , but it ca n also show Amps, Ah, and T ime Remaining. T o change the disp lay unit : •P r e s s SEL until the , , or LED comes on . The units of displ ay are exp lained bel ow. VOLTS Displays the v olta[...]
Seite 45
Monitoring Function s 37 Reading the Ba ttery State-of-C harge The BAT TERY STATUS light ba r (see Fi gure 5 ) sh ows the batter y’ s state-of-ch arge . The tab le explai ns how t o read the light ba r . Figure 5 BATTERY STATUS Light Bar Scaling the BATTERY S TATUS Light Bar Y ou can sc ale the BATT ERY ST ATUS light bar to show a flashing r ed L[...]
Seite 46
Inv erter Func tions 38 Inverter Fu nctions Turni ng on the Invert Functi on When the in verter i s operat ing, power is taken fr om the batter ies an d converte d to AC curr ent to power your l oads. T o turn on the inve rt functi on: •P r e s s INVE RT . The INVERT b utton LED comes on. The INVERT L ED does not indicat e that t he system i s in[...]
Seite 47
Charging Function s 39 Charging Funct ions Charge you r batter ies whe n two yello w LEDs are li t on the BATTERY STATUS ligh t bar (i f you a re using the de fault settin g for F09: Low Battery Dischar ge Fl oor). The t wo yellow LEDs indic ate that 50% of batt ery capaci ty has been used. Char ging at t his level is call ed the Mid-Capa city Rule[...]
Seite 48
Charging Function s 40 Charging t he Batte ries T o start a charg e cycle: •P r e s s t h e CHARGE button. ( Y ou can also l eave the CHARGE butt on on, a nd the cycl e will st art auto matical ly .) The CHG LED and t he CHARGE butto n L ED co me on. The char ge r automa ticall y cycles t hrough t he Bulk, Acceptanc e, and Floa t char ge st ages.[...]
Seite 49
Charging Function s 41 • Check th e elect rolyte l evel of al l batte ries bef ore and after equaliza tion. Make sure the elect rolyte i s at the correc t leve l, but do not overf ill bec ause the e lectr olyte may expand a nd over flow . • Leave the fill er ca ps s crewed o n l oose ly , or remove t hem and cover the op ened ce ll tops wi th a[...]
Seite 50
Charging Function s 42 Equalizing Gel Cell Batte ries Y ou don’ t normal ly equali ze gel cell ba tteries . If t hey have been sev erely di sc har ge d, howeve r , this may be t he only wa y to get t hem to begi n accept ing a cha rge. T he volt age is limite d to th e Acceptanc e char ging l evel, but the cy cle last s for eig ht hour s. Be sure[...]
Seite 51
Charging Function s 43 T o test batter y capacity : 1. Charge the battery until the char ge d parameter s are met. This rese ts Ah to zer o. 2. T urn o n a load that dra ws appro ximately 5% of the expecte d batt ery capaci ty . 3. Check the c urrent by looki ng at the Amps display . The load shou ld be c onstant (for example, a light bulb). 4. Put[...]
Seite 52
Charging Function s 44 Synchro nizing the Link 100 0 to t he Batte ry When the bat tery is full y char ged, t he Link 1000 d ispla ys 0 Ah. This indi cat es that no ene r gy has been removed from the batter y . (The displa y can also show a pos itive nu mber; t his changes t o 0 as s oon as you pl ace a loa d on the battery . See page 45 f or det a[...]
Seite 53
Charging Function s 45 Over-c harg e Ah (Accum ulat i on of Posi tive Ah) If the battery is 1 00% char ged, an d the Link 1 000 is synchron ized with t he batte ry , over-c har ge Ah are displayed as a posi tive Ah numbe r . Some accumulation of over - charge Ah is normal with syste ms that are conti nuously conn ected to a char ge r . For example [...]
Seite 54
Battery Histo ry 46 Battery History The Link 10 00 stores four ki nds of in formati on about t he batter y . T o access battery h istory: 1. Hold down SET unt il SEL appea rs. 2. Press SEL until th e DATA LED comes o n. E99 is dis played . This is t he Char ging Ef ficiency Factor (CEF) . 3. Press SEL again. +I999 is displ ayed. This is t he number[...]
Seite 55
Battery History 47 Param et er s ha ve be en m e t) si nce the l a st tim e i t w as r eset to the fac tory defa ults. A dis char ge of l ess than 10% of batte ry capacit y is not c ounted as a “cycl e”. –999: Deepest Discharge T his is the dee pes t disc harge in Ah since t he last t ime the Li nk 1000 was re set to th e fact ory default s. [...]
Seite 56
Rea d i n g E r r o r C o d es 48 Read i ng E rro r Co de s When the Link 1000 detects a pro blem, an error code appears in the n umeric d isplay . The displ ay alter nates bet ween showing t he monit oring func tion you ha ve select ed and the error c ode. The error cod e flashes until the err or is correcte d. The follo wing table list s each Err[...]
Seite 57
Reading Error Codes 49 E05 AC backfeed (Inverter/char ge r error) AC power fr om an outside sou rce has been fe d to the AC out put of the in verter . This could damage the inverter . Disconnect inco ming AC power and correct the fault immediately . Consult a qualif ied electrician if you do not know how to d iagnose and treat th is proble m. E06 E[...]
Seite 58
Rea d i n g E r r o r C o d es 50 E012 Battery volta ge sense lead open (Link 100 0) Check the fuse or any other co nnections in the voltage sense lead (blue wire) to the battery . E013 Spare E014 Inappropriat e charged voltage select ed for the sensed vo ltage (Link 100 0) This code a ppears i f the Char ged V oltage parameter is above 20 V and th[...]
Seite 59
51 Specifications Appendix A lists: • Electrical and physical specifications for the Link 1000 • Default s ettings Specifications are subject to change without notice.[...]
Seite 60
Control Panel: Electrical Specificatio ns 52 Control P anel: Electri cal Specificati ons Control P anel: Physical S pecification s DC Power supply voltage 8–40 VDC . (Not for us e with 32 vol t syste ms.) Power consumpt ion For 12 vo lt sy stems: • 90 mA ( typi cal ) • 170 mA (full display br ightness) • 25 mA (sleep mode; only BATT ER Y ST[...]
Seite 61
Default Setting s 53 Default Settings Inverter/Charg er Controls CHAR GE On INVER T Of f Idle Mode 4 W atts (5 W atts on Series 458 units) Power Sharing 30 amps (Of f for F reedom 25 units) Monitoring F unctions Char ged V oltage 13.2 vol ts for 12 vo lt syst ems 26.4 vol ts for 2 4 volt sy stems Char ged Current 2% (of batt ery capacity , 4 amps @[...]
Seite 62
Seite 63
55 Product and System Inform ation Appendix B contains: • The warranty for your Link 1000 • Instructions for returning the produc t for ser vic ing • A table (see page 61 ) where you c an record information about your system in case you need to contact Customer Servic e[...]
Seite 64
Wa r r a n t y 56 Warranty What does this warranty cov er? This wa rr a nty i s pr ovid ed b y Xantrex T echnology I nc. (“Xantrex”) and cover s defects in work ma ns hi p an d m ate ria ls in you r Xa nt rex Li nk 100 0 Ba tte r y Monitor . This warranty l asts f or a W arranty Period of 12 m onths from the date of purchase at point of sale to[...]
Seite 65
Wa r r a n t y 57 Direct returns may be performed according to the Xantr ex Return Material Auth orization Policy desc ribed in your produ ct manual. For so me product s, Xantrex m aintains a network of regional Authorized Service C enters. Call Xantrex or check our website to see if your product can be repaired at one of these facilities. In any w[...]
Seite 66
Seite 67
Return Material Authorization Policy 59 W arranty . Some states and provinces do not allow limitations or exclusio ns on impl ied warr anties or o n the dur ation of an implied warranty or on the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitati on(s) or exclusion(s) may not apply to you. This Li mited W arranty [...]
Seite 68
Product Information 60 1. Package the u nit safely , preferably us ing the original box and packing materials. Pleas e ensure that your product is shipped fully insured in the original packaging or equivalent. This warranty will not apply where the product is damaged due to improper pack aging. 2. Include the following: • The RMA number supplied [...]
Seite 69
Record of System S ettings 61 Record of System Settings Setting Def ault Yo u r Settin g or Recorded Data Battery V olts (char ged) 13.2 Battery Amp s (char ged) 2% Battery C apacity 200Ah Power Share Model dependent Idle Mode 4W CEF Number of CEF Recalculations A verage depth of di scharg e Deepest dep th of disc harge Funct ions Auto Di splay S c[...]
Seite 70
Recor d of Sys tem Settings 62 T emperature Coefficient (F07) 0.5 Peukert Exp onent (F 08) 1.25 Low Batte ry Dischar ge Floor (F09) 100 % Battery T ype (F10 ) 000 (liqui d lead- acid) Second Battery V oltage Sense (F1 1) Of f Active T emperature Compe n sat ion ( F16) Of f Setting Def ault Yo u r Settin g or Recorded Data[...]
Seite 71
63 Symbols +I999 46 Numeri cs 0L, Err or Code 50 20 hour r ating 22 , 42 –999 47 A AC IN LED 6 , 39 ACCEP T LED 6 , 39 active temperature comp ensation 34 Ah Ah LED described 36 displa ying 36 over -char ge 45 resetting 21 ambient temperature setting 24 Amps Amps LED described 36 displa ying 36 anti-corrosive sp ray 9 B batteries 20 hour r ating [...]
Seite 72
Ind ex 64 battery temp erature sensor , effect on settings 20 battery type setting 23 , 33 C cable clamp 9 CCC 36 CEF recalculation 46 CHARGE b utt on LED 5 charg ed current percen tage setting 25 charg ed parameters 25 CHARGER ST A TUS LEDs, described 39 Char ging Ef ficiency Factor (CEF) 31 , 46 CHG LED 6 , 39 control p anel electrical specificat[...]
Seite 73
Index 65 F12 Number of Overload Condi tions 33 F13 Number o f Inverter Low B attery Shut downs 33 F14 Dis pla y T est 34 F15 Di splay S oftware Re vision Number 34 F16 Active T emperature Compen sati on 34 FLOA T LED 6 , 39 FUNC LED 5 fuses installing 17 type and nu mber requ ired 8 I –I0 36 i999 47 idle mode s etting, changin g 28 , 38 installat[...]
Seite 74
Ind ex 66 returni ng produ cts how to package 60 policy 59 procedure 59 reverse po larity 50 S second battery vo ltage sense 33 serial number 60 setup values changing 20 defa ult 53 locking 21 resetting Ah 21 resetting all 21 shunt high curr ent 9 mounting and cabling 14 shut down high batt ery vo lta ge 48 low battery voltage 48 over temperatur e [...]