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SM067- V 1 November, 200 0 ( i ) 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I 1 8 -DIN DIGITAL INDICATO R PRODUCT MANUA L VOLUME I OPERATING INSTRUCTION S In normal operation, the operator must not remove th e Indicator from its housing or have unrestricted access to th e rear terminals, as this would provide potential contac[...]
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Con tent s 1 IN TRO DUC TIO N 1- 1 2 OP ERA TOR MOD E 2- 1 3 SET UP MOD E 3- 1 4 RS485 SE RIAL COM MU NI CA TION S 4-1 Ap pen di ce s A Al pha beti cal In de x A- 1 ( i i ) November, 200 0 SM067- V 1 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I[...]
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SEC TION 1 INTRODUCTIO N The 1 8 -DIN Digital Indicator is an easy-to-operate microprocessor-based instrument , incorporating the latest in surface-mount and CMOS technology. The standard feature s include : * Large four- digit LED dis play (or der able as red or green) . * Dis play for units in di ca tio n * Uni ver sal sen sor in put - ther mo co[...]
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* 90 - 264V AC power sup ply . * De signed to com ply with EN50081 Part 2 (Emis sion) and EN5008 2 (Im mu nity) EMC speci fi ca tions . * Front panel seal ing to IP65 (NEMA 4) stan dard . * Pro gram ma ble digi tal fil ter . * Proc ess Vari able off set fa cil it y * Alarm type se lected from front panel. * Sen sor Break in di ca tion . and the man[...]
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SEC TION 2 OPERATOR MOD E 2. 1 INTRODUCTIO N The Operator Mode is the normal mode of the Indicator, once it has been set up an d configured as required. The front panel displays, indicators and keys are shown i n Figure 2 - 1 . 2.2 FOUR-DIGIT DISPLA Y In Operator Mode, this normally displays the process variable value. Using the Scrol l key, the op[...]
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(iii) Time elapsed in the Alarm 1 ac tive con di tion (units dis play shows ) . The dis play is in the for mat mm.ss [mm = min utes, ss = sec onds] or mmm. s [mmm = min utes, s = sec onds (tens)]. If elapsed time is greater than 999 min - utes 59 sec onds, dis play will show: NOTE: This does not in clude time when Alarm 1 is latched but alarm con d[...]
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2. 5 OVER-RANGE / UNDER-RANGE DISPLAY S If the process variable attains a value higher than the input scale maximum limi t (over-range) or lower than the input scale minimum limit (under-range), the uppe r display will show : for the over-range condition and: for the under-range condition . 2. 6 SENSOR BREAK INDICATIO N If a break is detected in th[...]
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for two seconds, indicating that the latched alarm has been reset. The latched Alarm 1 can be reset only if the original alarm condition has been cleared; this reset has n o effect whilst the alarm condition prevails . 2. 9 VIEWING THE HARDWARE DEFINITION COD E The operator may view the current Hardware Definition Code setting in the four-digit dis[...]
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SEC TION 3 SET UP MOD E 3. 1 ENTRY INTO SET UP MOD E To enter Set Up Mode, with the instrument initially in Operator Mode displaying th e process variable value, depress the Raise and Scroll keys simultaneously for three seconds. The instrument will then enter Set Up Mode and the SE T indicator will com e ON, the instrument still displaying the pro[...]
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3 - 2 November, 2000 OM067-3 Sec tion 3 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Set Up Mod e Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I Table 3 - 1 Set Up Pa rame ter s Paramete r Alarm 1 Value 1 Alarm 1 Hysteresi s Alarm 2 Value 2 Alarm 2 Hysteresis 2 Alarm 3 Value 3 Alarm 3 Hysteresis 3 Process Variable Offse t Digital Filter Time Const . Linear Input Decima l [...]
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3. 2 ALA R M 1 VALU E or If Alarm 1 is selected to be a Process High alarm, this defines the process variabl e value at or above which Alarm 1 will be active; the default value will be Input Range Maximum. If Alarm 1 is selected to be a Process Low alarm, this defines the proces s variable value at or below which Alarm 1 will be active; the default[...]
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3. 6 ALARM 3 VALU E If Alarm 3 is selected to be a Process High alarm, this defines the process variabl e value at or above which Alarm 3 will be active; the default value will be Input Rang e Maximum. If Alarm 3 is selected to be a Process Low alarm, this defines the proces s variable value at or below which Alarm 3 will be active; the default val[...]
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3.1 1 LINEAR INPUT SCALE RANGE MAXIMU M This parameter, applicable only if a linear input is fitted, defines the scaled input value when the process variable input is at its maximum value. It is adjustable between –1999 and 9999 (with decimal point as defined by Linear Input Decimal Point Position). The default value is 1000. This parameter can b[...]
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3 - 6 November, 2000 OM067-3 Sec tion 3 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Set Up Mod e Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I Figure 3 - 1 Alarm Op era tio n Process Low Alar m direct-actin g Process Low Alar m reverse-actin g Process High Alar m direct-actin g Process High Alar m reverse-actin g Figure 3 - 2 Alarm Hys tere sis Op era tio n Alarm Hyster[...]
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SEC TION 4 RS485 SERIAL COMMUNICATION S This three-wire RS485-compatible serial communications option is the means by which communication may occur between the instrument and a master device (e.g. a computer or terminal) . 4. 1 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT S There are two communications protocols available with this option : (a) AS CII (b) MOD BU S 4.1. 1 [...]
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(a) A Start of Message characte r (b) One or two address characters (uniquely defining the slave ) (c) A parameter/data character string (d) An End of Message characte r Messages from the master device may be one of four types : Type 1 : L {N} ? ? * Type 2 : L {N} {P} {C} * Type 3: L {N} {P} # {DATA} * Type 4: L {N} {P} I * where all characters are[...]
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OM067- 4 November, 2000 4 - 3 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Sec tion 4 Product Man ual - Vol ume I RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tion s Table 4 - 1 {DATA} Ele ment - Sign and Deci mal Point Po si tion +abc d +abc.d +ab.cd +a.bcd –abc d –abc.d –ab.cd –a.bcd {DATA} Conten t abcd 0 abcd 1 abcd 2 abcd 3 abcd 5 abcd 6 abcd 7 abcd 8 Sign/De[...]
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4.2. 1 Type 1 Mes sag e L {N} ? ? * This message is used by the master device to determine whether the addressed slave is active. The reply from the slave instrument, if it is active, i s L {N} ? A * An inactive instrument will give no reply . 4.2.2 Type 2 Mes sag e L {N} {P} {C} * This type of message is used by the master device to interrogate or[...]
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L {N} {P} {DATA} I * (where I = Hex 49) indicating that the instrument is ready to implement the command. If the parameter specified is invalid or is not modifiable or if the desired value is outside the permitted range for that parameter, the instrument replies with a negative acknowledgement in the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} N * 4.2. 4 Type 4 Mes sag[...]
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NOTE: This parameter value should be selected with care. An y adjustment to this parameter is, in effect, an adjustment to th e instrument’s calibration. Injudicious application of values to thi s parameter could lead to the displayed PV value having no meaningfu l relationship to the actual PV value . 4.3. 3 Scale Range Maxi mu m {P} = G This pa[...]
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the Input Scale Minimum and the decimal point position will always be the same as that for the input . NOTE: If this parameter is set to a value greater than the Recorde r Output Maximum Value, the sense of the Recorder Output is reversed . 4.3.9 Alarm 1 Valu e {P} = C This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4[...]
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4.3.1 6 In stru ment Com mand s {P} = Z Only Type 3 or Type 4 messages are allowed with this parameter. In the Type 3 message, the {DATA} field must be one of four five-digit numbers. The reply from th e instrument also contains the {DATA} field with the same content. When the maste r device issues the Type 4 message, the instrument responds with t[...]
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4. 4 MODBUS PROTOCO L With the RS485 Serial Communication option fitted and configured, communication between a master device and slave instruments via protocol conforming to th e MODBUS industry standard is available. NOTE: Support for multi-parameter Write operations is limited to support of the Multi-word Write Function (Number 16) but this perm[...]
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4.4. 2 Word Pa rame ter s 4 - 1 0 November, 200 0 OM067-4 Sec tion 4 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tion s Product Man ual - Vol ume I Paramete r Process Variable (PV ) PV Maximu m PV Minimu m Time Elapse d Instrument Statu s PV Offse t Alarm 1 valu e Alarm 2 valu e Alarm 3 valu e Alarm 1 Hysteresi s Alarm 2 Hyste[...]
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Al pha beti cal In de x A AL 1 Indicato r Functio n 2-2 AL2 Indicato r Functio n 2-2 AL3 Indicato r Functio n 2-2 Alarm Hysteresi s Alarm 1 3-3 Alarm 1 (adjusting - comms. ) 4-7 Alarm 2 3-3 Alarm 2 (adjusting - comms. ) 4-7 Alarm 3 3-4 Alarm 3 (adjusting - comms. ) 4-7 Alarm Status Indicator s Function s 2-2 Alarm Value Alarm 1 3-3 Alarm 1 (adjusti[...]
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Communications Message Forma t 4- 1 D Display Strategy (Operator Mode) 3- 5 E Error Response s 4- 8 H Hardware Definition Cod e Viewing in Operator Mod e 2-4 Hardware Optio n Viewing in Operator Mod e 2-4 I Input Filter Time Constan t 3-4 Adjusting (comms. ) 4- 6 Input Over-range Displa y 2-3 Input Under-range Displa y 2-3 Instrument Command s 4- 8[...]
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Scan Tables Comman d 4-8 Sensor Break Indicatio n Operator Mod e 2-3 Set Up Mode Automatic exit fro m 3- 5 Entry int o 3- 1 Exit fro m 3- 5 Set Up Parameters All At defaul t Indication o f 3-1 T Time Elapsed Operator Mode displa y 2-2 Resetting (from front panel ) 2- 2 Resetting (via comms. link ) 4- 8 OM067- A November, 200 0 A - 3 5903 9 1 8 -DIN[...]
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A - 4 November, 2000 OM067- A Ap pen dix A 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Al pha beti cal In de x Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I[...]
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SM067- V 2 November, 2000 ( i ) 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I 1 8 -DIN DIGITAL INDICATO R PRODUCT MANUA L VOLUME I I INSTALLATION AN D CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTION S The procedures described in this volume must b e undertaken by technically competent servicing personnel .[...]
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Con tent s 1 IN STAL LA TIO N 1- 1 2 IN TER NAL LINKS AND SWITCHE S 2- 1 3 CON FIGU RA TION MOD E 3- 1 Ap pen di ces A PROD UCT SPECI FI CA TIO N A- 1 B AL PHA BETI CAL IN DE X B- 1 ( i i ) November, 200 0 SM067- V 2 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I[...]
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SEC TION 1 INSTALLATIO N 1. 1 UNPACKING PROCEDUR E 1 . Remove the instrument from its packing. The instrument is supplied with a panel gasket and push-fit fixing strap. Retain the packing for future use , should it be necessary to transport the instrument to a different site or to return it to the supplier for repair/testing . 2 . Examine the deliv[...]
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To panel-mount the instrument : 1 . Insert the rear of the housing through the cut-out (from the front of the mounting panel) and hold the instrument lightly in position against the panel . Ensure that the panel gasket is not distorted and that the instrument i s positioned squarely against the mounting panel. Apply pressure to the front panel beze[...]
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SM067- 1 November, 200 0 1 - 3 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Sec tion 1 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I In stal la tion Figure 1 - 3 Panel- Mountin g Front pane l Housing Tongues on fixing stra p engage in ratchet slot s on housin g Sealing gaske t Mounting pane l Fixing strap TOP VIEW OF INSTRUMEN T[...]
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1. 3 CONNECTIONS AND WIRIN G The rear terminal connections are illustrated in Figure 1-4 . 1 - 4 November, 200 0 SM067-1 Sec tion 1 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca tor 5903 9 In stal la tio n Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Figure 1 - 4 Rear Ter mi nal Con nec tion s Output 1 is always a relay output which may be used as Alarm 1 (latching o r non-latchin[...]
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1.3.1 Mains (Line) In pu t The instrument will operate on 96 - 264V AC 50/60Hz mains (line) supply. The powe r consumption is approximately 4 VA . CAUTION : This equipment is designed for installation in an enclosur e which provides adequate protection against electric shock. Loca l regulations regarding electrical installation should be rigidly ob[...]
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1 - 6 November, 200 0 SM067-1 Sec tion 1 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 In stal la tio n Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Table 1 - 1 Ther mo cou ple Ca ble Col our Code s[...]
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1.3. 3 Ther mo cou ple In pu t The correct type of thermocouple extension leadwire/compensating cable must be used for the entire distance between the instrument and the thermocouple, ensuring tha t correct polarity is observed throughout. Joints in the cable should be avoided, i f possible. The CJC facility must be enabled (normal conditions) for [...]
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1.3. 9 RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tions (Op tion ) The connections for the three-wire RS485 serial communications option (if fitted) are on Terminals 16, 17 and 18, as shown in Figure 1-4. Where several instruments ar e connected to one master port, the master port transceiver in the active state should be capable of driving a load of 12 k Ω per [...]
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SEC TION 2 INTERNAL LINKS AND SWITCHE S 2. 1 REMOVING THE INSTRUMENT FROM ITS HOUSIN G To withdraw the instrument from its housing, simply grip the side edges of the fron t panel (there is a finger grip on each edge) and pull the instrument forwards. This wil l release the instrument from its rear connectors in the housing and will give access t o [...]
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2 - 2 November, 200 0 SM067-2 Sec tion 2 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 In ter nal Links and Switche s Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Figure 2 - 2 Re mov ing the Out put 2/Out put 3 Op tion PCB s[...]
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2. 2 REMOVING/REPLACING THE OUTPUT 2/ OUTPUT 3 OPTION PCB s With the instrument removed from its housing : 1 . Gently push the rear ends of the CPU PCB and Power Supply PCB apar t slightly, until the two tongues on each of the Output 2/Output 3 Option PCB s become dis-engaged - see Figure 2-2B; The Output 2 Option PCB tongue s engage in holes in th[...]
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2. 4 INSTALLING THE ENGINEERING UNIT LABE L The instrument is equipped with a label carrier (see Figure 2-4) to which a self-adhesive engineering unit label may be attached if required . If the instrument is configured with a linear input and engineering units are to be displayed on the front panel, the required unit label (see sheet of peel-off la[...]
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NOTE: Spare label carriers (Part No. 18633) and engineering labe l sheets (Part No. 84107) are available . SM067- 2 November, 200 0 2 - 5 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Sec tion 2 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I In ter nal Links and Switche s Figure 2 - 5 In stall ing the En gi neer ing Unit La be l Attach engineering unit label to this face[...]
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2.5 REPLACING THE INSTRUMENT IN ITS HOUSIN G To replace the instrument, simply align the CPU PCB and Power Supply PCB with thei r guides and connectors in the housing and slowly but firmly push the instrument int o position . CAUTION : Ensure that the instrument is correctly orientated. A sto p will operate if an attempt is made to insert the instr[...]
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2.7 OUTPUT 2 TYPE/OUTPUT 3 TYP E The type of output for Output 2 and Output 3 is determined by the Option PCB fitted i n the appropriate position (see Figure 2-1) and, in the case of the DC Output 2 Optio n PCB being fitted, the setting of Link Jumpers LJ8 and LJ9 on that Option PCB (se e Figure 2-7 and Table 2-2). There are three types of option P[...]
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SEC TION 3 CONFIGURATION MODE 3. 1 ENTRY INTO CONFIGURATION MOD E To enter Configuration Mode : 1 . Ensure that the instrument is powered-down . 2 . Power-up the instrument and, within ten minutes of power-up, hold dow n the Raise and Scroll keys simultaneously for six seconds. If this is don e whilst the instrument is displaying the process variab[...]
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SM067- 3 November, 2000 3 - 2 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Sec tion 3 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Con figu ra tion Mode Table 3 - 1 Con figu ra tion Mode Pa rame ter s Paramete r Hardware Definitio n Code Hardware Option fitte d Input Range Alarm 1 Typ e Alarm 2 Typ e Alarm 3 Typ e Output 1 Us e Legen d AL 1 ON AL 2 ON AL 3 ON Availabl[...]
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3 - 3 November, 200 0 SM067-3 Sec tion 3 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Con figu ra tion Mod e Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Table 3-1 (Cont.) Configuration Mode Parameter s Paramete r Output 2 Use 1 Output 3 Use 2 Legen d Available Setting s Alarm 2, direct-acting 5 Alarm 2, reverse-acting 5 Alarm 3, direct-acting 5 Alarm 3, reverse-actin[...]
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SM067-3 November, 200 0 3 - 4 5903 9 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r Sec tion 3 Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I Con figu ra tion Mode Table 3-1 (Cont.) Configuration Mode Parameter s Paramete r Output 3 Use (cont.) 2 Communication s Baud Rate 3 Communication s Address 3 Communication s Protocol 3 Cold Junction Compensation Enable/Disable 4 Legen d A[...]
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3. 2 HARDWARE DEFINITION COD E This parameter is used to represent the hardware fitted (input type, Output 1 type , Output 2 type and Output 3 type); this must be compatible with the hardware actuall y fitted. Access to the Hardware Definition Code is gained by pressing the Scroll an d Lower keys simultaneously whilst the instrument is in Configura[...]
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3.3. 1 RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tions Op tio n For this option, the protocol used is defined by the Communications Protoco l parameter - see Subsection 3.9. Full details of communications operation are given i n Volume 1, Section 4 . 3.3. 2 Re mote Latch ing Alarm Re set Op tio n This option has the same effect as resetting the latching Alarm 1 ([...]
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3.8 COMMUNICATIONS ADDRES S This is the unique address assigned to the instrument; it is used by the master device to communicate with the instrument . 3. 9 COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCO L There are two communications protocols available: ASCII (fixed, even parity) an d MODBUS (selectable odd parity, even parity or no parity). Refer to Volume 1, Section 4[...]
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AP PEN DIX A PRODUCT SPECIFICATIO N UNIVERSAL INPU T Genera l Maxi mum per In stru ment : On e In put Sam ple Rate : Four sam ples/sec on d Digi tal In put Fil ter : Time con stant se lecta ble from front panel - 0.0 (i.e. OFF), 0.5 to 100.0 sec onds in 0.5- second in cre ments . In put Reso lu tion : 14 bits ap proxi mately; al ways four times bet[...]
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Cali bra tion : Com plies with BS4937, NBS125 and IEC584 . Sen sor Break Pro tec tion : Break de tected within two sec onds. Alarms op er ate as if the pro cess vari able has gone over- range . Resistance Temperature Detector ( RTD ) Ranges selectable from front panel : Input Rang e Displayed Cod e Input Rang e Displayed Cod e Input Rang e Displaye[...]
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Sen sor Break Pro tec tion: Ap pli ca ble to 4 - 20mA, 1 - 5V and 2 - 10V ranges only. Break de tected within two sec onds. Alarms op er ate as if th e pro cess vari able has gone under- range. REMOTE RESET INPUT (Option ) Type : Voltage- free, TTL- compatible May be con nected to : Ex ter nal switch/re lay con tacts o r TTL- compatible logic sig n[...]
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OUTPUT 2 (Option ) General Types Avail able : Re lay and DC . Relay Con tact Type : Sin gle pole dou ble throw (SPDT). Rat ing: 2A re sis tive at 120/240V AC . Life time : >500,000 op era tions at rate d volt age/cur rent . Iso la tion : In her ent . D C Reso lu tion : Eight bits in 250mS (10 bits in 1 sec ond typi cal, >10 bits in >1 sec [...]
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Transmitter Power Suppl y Out put : 20 - 28V DC (24V DC nomi nal) . Mini mum Load Im ped ance : 910 Ω (22mA @ 20V DC) . ALARM CONTRO L Maxi mum Num ber of Alarms : Thre e Max. No. of Out puts Avail able : All three out puts can be alarm out puts . Com bi na to rial Alarms : Logi cal OR of alarms to an in di vid ua l hard ware out put is avail abl[...]
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Se ries Mode Re jec tion : >500% of span (at 50/60Hz) cause s neg li gi ble ef fect . DC Linear Input s Meas ure ment Ac cu racy : ± 0.05% of span ± 1LSD . Thermocouple Input s Meas ure ment Ac cu racy : ± 0.25% of span ± 1LSD. NOTE : Re duced per form ance with Type “B ” Ther mo cou ple be tween 100 - 60 0 o C (212 - 1112 o F) . Linea r[...]
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Lead Re sis tance: 50 Ω per lead maxi mum bal ance d (Pt100 ) Performance Under Operating Conditions Tem pera ture Sta bil ity : 0.01% of span/ o C change in am bi en t tem pera ture . Cold Junc tion Com pen sa tion (ther mo cou ple Only) : Bet ter than ± 1 o C . Sup ply Volt age In flu ence : Neg li gi ble . Rela tive Hu mid ity In flu ence: Ne[...]
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Al pha beti cal In de x A AC/DC (24V) Suppl y Fuse ratin g 1- 5 Terminal connection s 1- 5 Voltage range s 1- 5 Alarm Type Selection o f 3- 6 C CJC Disabled Displa y Thermocouple inputs only 3-7 Cold Junction Compensatio n Enabling/disabling 3-7 Communication s Baud rate, selection of 3-6 Terminal connection s 1- 8 Communications Addres s Selection[...]
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M Mains (Line) Input Fuse rating 1- 5 Terminal connection s 1- 5 Voltage range 1- 5 O Output 2 DC Option PC B Link jumper s 2-7 Output 2 Option PC B Removal/replacement 2- 3 Output 2 Type Selection o f 2- 7 Output 3 Option PC B Removal/replacement 2- 3 Output 3 Type Selection o f 2- 7 P Panel-Mountin g Cut-out dimension s 1- 1 Indicator dimension s[...]
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B - 3 November, 2000 SM067- B Ap pen dix B 1 8 -DIN Digi tal In di ca to r 5903 9 Al pha beti cal In de x Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume I I[...]