Aastra Telecom 1000 manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Aastra Telecom 1000. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Aastra Telecom 1000 o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Aastra Telecom 1000 se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Aastra Telecom 1000, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Aastra Telecom 1000 debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Aastra Telecom 1000
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Aastra Telecom 1000
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Aastra Telecom 1000
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Aastra Telecom 1000 no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Aastra Telecom 1000 y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Aastra Telecom en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Aastra Telecom 1000, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Aastra Telecom 1000, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Aastra Telecom 1000. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    IPitom y 100 0 User Gui de[...]

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  • Página 3

    Ta ble o f C ont ent s Int ro duc ti on .......................................................................................................................................... 1 About the IPitomy 1000 ..................................................................................................................... 1 Ben efi ts o f Vo IP Te ch[...]

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    Ne twor ki ng ........................................................................................................................................ 1 3 TC P/I P Se ttin g s ................................................................................................................ ............ 1 4 DDNS .......................................[...]

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    Ap pe nd ix 1: IP Te le ph ones ...................................................................................................... ...... 1 00 IPitomy 480i .................................................................................................................................... 10 0 IPitomy 9133i ......................................[...]

  • Página 6

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 1 0007V R F In t roduct ion About t he IPitom y 1000 The I P itomy 1000 is a power ful business commun ications pla tf or m. It is a pure IP P BX designed to use I P ne t works f or voice ca lls. Engineered t o support from 10 to 150 users , the system w il l work with a nalog lines an d T1 /PRI lines [...]

  • Página 7

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 2 0007V R F Ho w This Gu ide Wor ks We b-ba se d Sy ste m Set up This is a Reference Guide d esigned to h elp y ou install and use the IPitomy 1000. E ach sec t ion of the guide provid es easy-to-f o l low instructions regarding instal lation o f t he system. W it h i n e ach section of t he Referenc e[...]

  • Página 8

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 3 0007V R F Product Overvie w IPitom y 1 000 C ompon ents Understand ing the IPito my 1000’s arc hitectur e and h o w it work s w ill make ins talling the sys tem sim ple. Powerful All- In-One C ommunicat ions Platf orm The IPitomy 1000 IP PBX (D ia gr am 1 ) is an all -in-one bu sine ss communi cati[...]

  • Página 9

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 4 0007V R F  Groups and ex tensions wi ll be popula t ed for creating automated a ttendant (me nu) routing.  Des t inations will be p opulated for use in s etti ng up prov iders and hardw are trunks. Syst em A dmi nistr ati on IPit o my 1000’s administra t ion menus are a series of Web pag es a[...]

  • Página 10

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 5 0007V R F Syst em O vervi ew The system is designed to be quick to setup and insta ll. Using the Inst allati on Worksheet to organize system infor m atio n and plan the appl i cation in advance will reduce t he t ime it takes to inst all th e system. Most busi nesses wil l have so m e common communi [...]

  • Página 11

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 6 0007V R F name o f the party they would like to reach . Names that mat ch these three letters are played and the caller s elects the extension to which t he y want t o be transferred. Na mes are stated in the direct ory as t hey have been recorded by us ers in t heir voicemail box . Direct Inward Di [...]

  • Página 12

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 7 0007V R F Before Getti ng Starte d Panning before get t ing s t ar t ed will make t h e setup and installation of th e IPitomy 1000 si mpl e . IPi tomy has created an Installa tion Worksheet to assi st in recordi ng business and system inf ormati on used in plannin g syst em setup and instal lation .[...]

  • Página 13

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 8 0007V R F Expa ndab le Ana log Line /Pho ne Card The I P 1000 equipped an expans ion s lot:  Anal og L ine C ard  This c ard suppl ies four anal og line s to expand the P STN connectivity. Th e card s upporting these connec tions is already installed and completel y configured. Simp ly connect [...]

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    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 9 0007V R F Connecting to a LAN[...]

  • Página 15

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 10 00 07VR F System Requ irements Netw ork R e quirem en ts Making prepara ti ons for the network in a dvance w ill ass ure t h ere are no surprises. I f you are going to hav e re mot e ex tensions, yo u will need access to the rou ter to s et up a ne t work a ddress translation (N AT ) and port forwar[...]

  • Página 16

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 11 00 07VR F As part of the i nstalla t ion i t will be important t o know the:  Name of P roviders  Type o f Service Provided (i . e . , POT S or S IP )  Phone Numbers A ssoc iated with t h e Service  Password and Login Information for SIP Service Rec ord t his infor ma tion on t he IP1000[...]

  • Página 17

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 12 00 07VR F System A dministration Ab ou t the Admin i stra ti on Men u IP1000’s onl ine ad mini s trat ion makes i t simple to meet the de mands of a frequ ently chan ging business. I t is also designed t o be quick to se tup and install. The Adm i ni st ra tion M enu is loca ted in th e Na v iga t[...]

  • Página 18

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 13 00 07VR F schedule . For exa mple, to add a new exte nsion, click t he Add New button on the extension ad ministration pag e.  Advanced – In sev eral sections of the online ad mini s tration there is an Advan ced button where the most sop hi st i cate d capabilities of the I P itomy 1 000 c an [...]

  • Página 19

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 14 00 07VR F TCP/IP Settings The Networking S etup Menu defin es the I nt ernet Setup fo r the system’ s hardware. Eithe r to get IP address through D HCP or PPPoE, or t o be as signed by user , t he system must operate using an IP address . The TCP /IP S e ttings section c onfigures th e IP PBX for [...]

  • Página 20

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 15 00 07VR F Setti ng I nterne t C onnect ion Ty pe The I P 1000 supports six connec ti on types: A ut o m a t ic Conf iguration – DHC P, Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2T P, and Telstra Cable . Each setu p screen and avai labl e features will differ dependi ng on w hat kind of con nection type you s elect[...]

  • Página 21

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 16 00 07VR F Ethernet) to es tablish In t erne t conn ections f or e nd-users . I f D SL connecti on to Int er net is us ing, check service prov ider for the c onnect ion provisioning type. Enab le it if PPPo E is us ed. o User Nam e and Passwor d – E nte r t he u se r n ame and pa s s wo r d p ro vi[...]

  • Página 22

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 17 00 07VR F by s e r vice p r ovide r. U s e r n ame and pa s s w o r d wi ll be u s ed f o r aut hentic ation while e st abli shing P PT P conne cti on. o M a x Id l e Time a nd C onne ct on D e m a nd – If t he connection s t ay inactive f or over a sp ecifi c period t ime (Max Id le Time) t he PP[...]

  • Página 23

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 18 00 07VR F . The de fault Star t I P Address is 192.168 .1. 1 00  Minimu m Numb er of Users – The maxi mum number of IP addresses that a ll ow the DHCP server to assign to. This number can not exceed 253. The default nu mber is 50 .  Cli e nt L ease Time – The Client Le ase Ti[...]

  • Página 24

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 19 00 07VR F  DynDNS.org o User Nam e, Passwor d and Ho st Name – Enter the settings o f t he account you set up with DynDN S. org. o System – Select the Dy nDNS service you use: Dyna mic, Stati c, or Cu s t om . o Ma il Exch ange – Ent er the se tti ngs of the account set up with DynDNS.org. [...]

  • Página 25

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 20 00 07VR F o E-mai l Ad dress, TZO Pass word , and Domain Na m e – Ent er t he set ti ngs of the account set up with T ZO. o Internet IP Addr ess – The IP1000’s Internet I P a ddress i s disp layed here . o Sta tus – The status of t he DDN S service connection is displayed here . o Updat e ?[...]

  • Página 26

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 21 00 07VR F NAT If IP1000 is hos t ing your network’s c onnection to the Internet, select En abled . If ano t her Router exists in front of IP1000 , select Di sab led. When the NAT s etting is disa bled, dynamic rou ting will be en abled. Dyna mic R out ing (R IP) This fea t ure enables the IP1000 t[...]

  • Página 27

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 22 00 07VR F  Int erf ac e – S e l e ct LAN or WAN (Inte rnet ) depend ing on the location of t he final de stin ati on . De lete T his Entry To dele t e a route, sel ect its nu mber from the drop-d own m enu, and cl ick this b utton. Show Ro uting Ta ble Cli ck the S how R outi ng T ab l e b utto[...]

  • Página 28

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 23 00 07VR F  Al low Remo te I AX Clien ts – E nab l i n g A ll ow Re mot e IA X C lie nt s set ting w ill a llow the I AX p ac ke ts to pas s thr oug h the fi re wa ll. Th is wil l a l low th e I P10 0 0 to s etu p a peer-to-peer connec tion with another I P 1000 . To enab le the IAX peer- t o-pe[...]

  • Página 29

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 24 00 07VR F  IPSec Passthro ugh – I PSec (I n t erne t P ro t ocol Security ) is a sui t e o f protocols use d to imple ment secure ex change o f packets at the IP layer.  L2T P P a ssthr ough – Layer 2 T unneling Pro tocol is t he method used to enable Point-to-Point Protocol (P PP) to be t[...]

  • Página 30

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 25 00 07VR F Access Restr iction[...]

  • Página 31

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 26 00 07VR F In te r ne t Acce ss Pol icy The In t ernet Access Policy screen al lows you to block or all o w specific k inds of I nt ernet applications and traffic such as Internet access, design ated services, websites, and inbound tra ffi c d uring specif ic days and times.  Access P olicy – A [...]

  • Página 32

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 27 00 07VR F Appli ca tio n For wa rdin g Sin gle P ort On this screen, forwarding applications per port basis to s pecified ne t work serv ers is customized. Onc e con fi gure d, the reques t s received fro m Internet f or t he configured application and through th e specified p ort will be forwarded [...]

  • Página 33

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 28 00 07VR F Ap plic at io n Application screen se t s up public services on local net work, such as web serv ers, f tp servers, e- mai l serv ers or oth er specialized I nt erne t applications. (S pecialized In t erne t applications are any ap plications that use In t erne t access to perf orm functio[...]

  • Página 34

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 29 00 07VR F Port R ange This screen instructs the IP1000 to watch out w ard data for specific port numbers. Th e IP address o f the comp ut er that mat ch ed is re membered by IP100 0, so t ha t when the requested da ta returns t hrough the IP P B X, the data is sent to t h e proper co mputer by way o[...]

  • Página 35

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 30 00 07VR F DMZ The DM Z screen allows one l ocal user to be exposed to the I n t erne t f or use of a special purpose service such as Internet ga ming and videoconf erencing. DMZ hosting forw ards all the por ts at the same t ime t o one PC. The P or t Ran ge Forwarding is more secure because on ly t[...]

  • Página 36

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 31 00 07VR F In ternet A ccess Priori ty Sele c t Enabl ed to use the QoS poli cy an d system will allo w use r to setup the QoS poli cy. Admini s trators can choose t o manually set t he I nt ernet bandwidth or let system to determine i t automa t ically. Category There are four cat eg ories available[...]

  • Página 37

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 32 00 07VR F o E n te r a Nam e – E nter any name to indicate the nam e of t he entry. o Port R ange – Enter t h e por t range that th e applic ation will use. For exa mple, if administrators want to alloca t e b andwi d t h for FT P , en ter 21-21; if need services for an ap pli ca ti on that uses[...]

  • Página 38

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 33 00 07VR F  Pr ior ity – Se lec t the appropria te priority: High , Me di um , Nor m al , or Low .  Cli ck the Ad d button to save your chang es. Ne w ent ry will appear in t h e Su mmary List Su mma ry This lists t h e QoS en tries you have crea ted for your ap pli cations a nd devices  P[...]

  • Página 39

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 34 00 07VR F Adm inistr ati on Ad ministr ation The Ad mi nistra t ion s creen allows user to change the IP PBX’s acc ess settings an d configure t he UP n P (Universal Pl ug and Pl ay) features as well as to backup and res t ore the IP PBX’s co nf igurat ion data. Web A ccess  Web Uti l ity Acc[...]

  • Página 40

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 35 00 07VR F  Web Uti l ity Acce ss – H TTP (Hyp er Text Transp ort Protocol) is the com munications protocol used to conn ect to serv ers on the World Wi de Web. HT TPS uses SSL (Secured S ocket Layer) t o encrypt trans m it t ed data for higher security. IP1000 supports two types o f protocols, [...]

  • Página 41

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 36 00 07VR F  Log – To access acti vity logs, sel ect the Enabl ed radio button. Whi le logging is enabled, us ers can c hoose to view temp orary logs. Cli c k the D isabled button to disable th is function  View Log – To view the logs, click Vie w Lo g , a new s creen will appear with logged[...]

  • Página 42

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 37 00 07VR F  Ping Tes t – T h e Ping test will check the s tatus of a connection. Enter the IP addres s or URL of the PC whose c onnection you wish to test, th e packet size (default is 60 bytes), and how m any times y ou wish to test i t. Then , click the Star t t o Pin g b ut ton . The Ping s c[...]

  • Página 43

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 38 00 07VR F Route r Inf orm ation  Firm ware Vers ion – This shows version nu mber of the IP100 0’s firmware  Curre nt Ti me – Thi s sho ws th e ti me s e t o n th e IP1 00 0  Internet MAC Address – This is t he IP1000 ’s MAC a ddress.  Host Name – The H ost Na m e e nt ere d w[...]

  • Página 44

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 39 00 07VR F  MTU – Show the MTU (Max im u m Trans mi ssion Unit) setting f or t h e IP1000 .  IP Release – It i s ava ilable f or a DHCP c onnection, clic k this bu tt on to release the current IP a ddress got fro m DHCP server.  IP R e new – It is avai labl e for a DHC P connec tion, c[...]

  • Página 45

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 40 00 07VR F Analog In terface The Ana log Interface sc reen is used t o configure the o n-board a nalog por t s. In IP1000 , it includes 2 FXS por ts and 6 FXO ports. Each analog port uses SIP protoco l to register to the SI P proxy server e mbedded in IP1000 SIP Set tin gs This screen lets you c onfi[...]

  • Página 46

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 41 00 07VR F Voice The Vo ice Settings sc reen is for selec ting and c onfiguring the FXO line settings.  Answer Time – Specify the time in seconds that the an alog ports wait for the called party to ans wer the call . If the calle d party does not ans wer the cal l within this t im e period, t he[...]

  • Página 47

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 42 00 07VR F  Rx Ga in –The FXO por ts may increase or attenua t e t h e power level of the telephony port, changing gain leve l manually may be required. Th is field allows us er to s et the receiver gain l evel in dB  DTMF Powe r – Enter t he desired value for t he DT MF power t hat FX O po[...]

  • Página 48

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 43 00 07VR F Codec This screen is for selecting and configuring the voice codec, voice parameters . Codec  Prefer Type – S el ect this preferred v oi ce codec t ha t analog ports (F X O and FX S ports) used to nego ti a t e w it h SIP sever for determin ing t he v oice codec. Available codecs are [...]

  • Página 49

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 44 00 07VR F  Out_wa it – Enter the t ime in mi lliseconds that th e FXO port keeps wa it ing after seizing a telephony p ort and be fore dialing out DTM F signals. Th e default v alue is 1000 millisecond.  Bat_vol – Before seiz ing a FXO port for dialing ou t, the F XO por t detects vol t ag[...]

  • Página 50

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 45 00 07VR F  Hig h Cut off Fre que ncy – Inpu t the hi gh cu t-o ff fre q ue nc y tha t the C P ton e d ete c tion will take . The de faul t va lue is 5 50 Hz  Low Cut off Frequen cy – Inpu t t he low cut- off frequenc y that the C P ton e detec t ion will take . The de faul t va lue is 2 60[...]

  • Página 51

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 46 00 07VR F SIP Pro vid ers SIP P roviders are Vo I P serv ice provider accoun t s or other S IP-based devices t h at provide P ST N connec t ivity. SIP provider accoun ts can have m ultiple ph one nu mbers or Direct Inward Dia l ing nu mbers (DIDs). The indivi dual numbers can b e routed to d ifferen[...]

  • Página 52

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 47 00 07VR F Ad d a N ew SI P Pr ov ide r 1. Click on Prov id er s and S IP Pr ov ider s . The SIP P rovid ers landing page will appear . 2. Click on A dd Pr ovider . The Edit S I P Providers page appears . 3. Assign a Na me t o the SIP Provider . 4. Select the U ser Ty pe associated with the SIP Provi[...]

  • Página 53

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 48 00 07VR F 6. For the H ost enter the do main or IP address associated wi th the S IP Provider. 7. Select the R egister op tion need ed for t he SIP Provider. Yes – automatically reg ist ers with provided settings. No – Doesn ’t register. Custom – Allows for any special regi stration ru les n[...]

  • Página 54

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 49 00 07VR F f o r r e co nne c t in g t he c a l l mi d st ream . 18. S e lect I nsecu re option from prov ided drop down list. T his specifies how to handle c onnections wi th peers. Port - ignore the p ort nu mber where aut hentication ca m e f ro m. INVITE - do not re quire initial inv it e to auth[...]

  • Página 55

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 50 00 07VR F 23. Click the Sav e C h an ges bu tto n . 24. Click Apply C hanges when ready to impleme nt these changes t o t he syste m. Ed it an Exis t ing SIP Prov id er 1. Click on Prov id er s and S IP Pr ov ider . The SIP P rov iders landi n g page will appear . 2. Select a provider from the li s [...]

  • Página 56

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 51 00 07VR F number or y ou can check the messages by going t hrou gh the voicem ail ga t eway or dialing 92 4.  Sch edu le s rou te callers t o different des ti na t ions or peo ple in the organization d uring specified times and d ates.  Branch Office connec tions prov ide broadband acces s to [...]

  • Página 57

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 52 00 07VR F are dictated by COD E Cs . Different C ODECs co mpress voice pac kets dif f eren t ly. G.711 is the m os t com mon and highest quali t y, bu t con sumes the m ost bandwidth. G.729 requ ires license fees to us e in conjunction wi t h the IPitomy 1000 s ervices like voicemail, con ferencing [...]

  • Página 58

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 53 00 07VR F Assign Assign existing ex t ensi ons to selected phones. No Unassign Removes t he c onfiguration fil e for the phone and all association be tween the extension and the phone. No Unassign & Default Same as Unassign b ut also sends a Factory De f ault instruction to the phone . Yes Toolb[...]

  • Página 59

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 54 00 07VR F List of Devices & E xtensions The list o f discovered n etwork devices uses two s ources of information: o Network o PBX Database Device column lists info abo ut the d evice. Da tabase inf o is preferred, s o if a device is set to a certain phone t ype in the da tabase, t h is is liste[...]

  • Página 60

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 55 00 07VR F Filter by Type : You can se lect multi ple device types to filter for. Auto-Discovery is awar e of MAC address ranges used by many popular n etworked dev ices. Althoug h this is n ot the only way Au t o-Discovery identifies dev i ces, t h is allows the tool to id entif y and fil ter de vic[...]

  • Página 61

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 56 00 07VR F Po rt 80 Pi ng Wa i t Maxim um seconds t o wait for basic phone web interface t o signal tha t it is alive. Rarely us ed. Comman d Wait Maxim u m seconds to wait for most commands. User Password Phone’s W eb User Na me & Password may hav e to be s pecified if the phone is not using f[...]

  • Página 62

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 57 00 07VR F 3. Enter t he new exte nsion informati on or upl oad a C SV file f or t he extensions. Then Click t h e “Create ” butt on. If successful , Cli ck the “ Return to Extens i ons ” b utton. 4. Click the “ A uto-Discovery ” b u tton . 5. All o f the phon es you are atte mpting to se[...]

  • Página 63

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 58 00 07VR F 5. Check th e Au t o N um b e r check box . 6. If A u t o-Discovery is going to be used skip to St ep 7 . If Au to D isc ov ery is not going to be use d t han fill in all the pertinen t informa t ion for each extension. 7. Click the C reate button . 8. The screen t hat fol lows displays th[...]

  • Página 64

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 59 00 07VR F Phones wi th top an d bottom k ey areas w ill display shortcut links for To p & Bo tto m. The to t al nu mber of keys d isplayed on the ph one at an y mo ment depen ds not only on the display area av ai l abl e , but also on the s tate of t he phone li n es (see Key S t ate for more in[...]

  • Página 65

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 60 00 07VR F Ti p: K eys will onl y work i f t he S ystem Admini strator has configu red the system fo r the particular function. Key Label The label i s the d isplay name to use for the key . It is vis ible on t he phone’s LCD screen (exc ept for models 911 2i and 9113i) . Key Va lue The va lue comp[...]

  • Página 66

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 61 00 07VR F Advanced S ettings Cu st om Si p S ett in g s Network *L AN *WAN *Custo m Server T he IP address or na me of the serv er to use for the Network t yp e selected . A user mus t u se th e C us to m N e twor k typ e to s e t a user defined Serv er. Time Setti ngs Net work * PBX *Custo m Time S[...]

  • Página 67

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 62 00 07VR F Working w it h E xpansio n Modules When a p hone has a Module Type set you will s ee the Module Type na me and quick links t o modu le keys at the t op of the page. The mos t advanced module is the 560 EM . Its LCD s creen d isplays b utton names in two colu mns. E ach column can be given [...]

  • Página 68

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 63 00 07VR F Add a N ew E xtens ion 1. Cli ck Destinat i ons and Ext ens ions in the navigation b ar of t he sys t em’s administration menu. The Extensio ns page w ill appe ar. 2. Cli ck Ad d Exte nsion . The Edit Extensions page wi ll appear. Not e that each new extension added a utomatically has a [...]

  • Página 69

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 64 00 07VR F capable of rejecting calls when they reach their limits i ndependen t of this se ttin g. 10. Create a Ca l l G roup nu mber . This number assigns t his extension t o a group with a similar purpose (e.g., S ales or Customer Service). Multiple call groups c an be assigned to each ex tension [...]

  • Página 70

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 65 00 07VR F Changing a Forwarding Nu mber from a PC 1. Browse t o the Smart Personal Conso le page. 2. Login . 3. Select a Destination for the chosen forward type. 4. Enter t he t e lephone numb er. Changing a Forwarding Nu mber Whil e Away f ro m an Extension Only unc onditional forward ing can b e c[...]

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    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 66 00 07VR F[...]

  • Página 72

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 67 00 07VR F Phone Typ e It is neces sary to e nte r the MAC address o f each telephone. The t elephones have a barcode with t he MAC I D printed on them. The phone type is a dro p down list for selec ting which I P phone har dware is being used on the ex tension. IPit o m y supports Aast ra  a nd P[...]

  • Página 73

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 68 00 07VR F CODEC Permissi ons ( A llow CODECs) These trans mission speeds are deli vere d by t h e service prov ider and aut omatica lly regi s t er in the ext ension through th e system. Th ese extens i on defau lts s houl d not be cha nged . Voice mai l Sett ings These se ttings manage voice mail m[...]

  • Página 74

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 69 00 07VR F  Al lo w In c omi ng I n ter com Pa gi ng – P er mits a page to be heard through this ex tension.  Al lo w Ou tg oi ng In ter com Pa gi ng – P er mi ts a page to be made through this ex tension.  Allow User to Forw ard Ca l ls – Permits an extension to f orw ard a call or vo[...]

  • Página 75

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 70 00 07VR F selected by the inco mi n g caller or the time of day . N ote that all call s to ring gro up members from the ring group nu mber or rou ted to t he ring group will bypass forwarding set ting s set on the PBX. The excep tion t o this is that some phones have forwarding settings which are in[...]

  • Página 76

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 71 00 07VR F  For Accounting, press 3. Once a call is sent t o Sales the ri ng g roup st r at egy might be to have calls ans wered Round Robin or distributed to one Sales person after the other. Exam p l e R i n g G r o u p 2 – Regional Sa les Grouping Group 1 East Co ast Sale s Ext. Group 2 We st[...]

  • Página 77

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 72 00 07VR F Add a N ew Gr oup 1. Cli ck Destinat i ons and Gr oups . The Groups page will appear. 2. Cli ck Add Group . The Edit Ring Group pag e will appea r. 3. Enter a Na m e fo r the gr oup . 4. Enter a G roup N umb er . This n umber must be t hree or f our digits in length. 5. Check A llow Pagi n[...]

  • Página 78

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 73 00 07VR F  Fewest Rece nt – Di s t ributes a call to an extension in the group that has taken the fewest recen t calls.  Few est C a lls – Distribu tes a call t o an ex tension in the group that has taken the fewest tota l calls  Ra ndom – D is tri bu tes ca lls ra nd o mly to the gr [...]

  • Página 79

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 74 00 07VR F M enu E xampl e s A business c an crea te a vari ety of di f ferent menus t o direct calling t ra f fic through a business. S ome co mmon men u examp les are de fined for a business with the departments a nd people listed bel ow. M enu E xampl e 1 – Main Menu ( A u t o Attendant) This me[...]

  • Página 80

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 75 00 07VR F  Sale s , press 1.  Cus t o m er Se rvice , press 2.  Accounting, press 3. Calls sent t o the Sa les departmen t in this case might u se a R ound Robi n ring s trat egy , answering ca ll s co nsecutively on e after t he ot h er. The Sal es team may have times during the day that t[...]

  • Página 81

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 76 00 07VR F M enu E xampl e 3 – After Hours Menu This men u directs t ra f fic when the offi ce is closed. After hours calls w ould be routed through a S ch edule to the A fter Hours Menu which mig ht b e listed as follows for th is company :  1 – Sales (Des tination - S ales Genera l Mailbox).[...]

  • Página 82

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 77 00 07VR F number o f times it will play is “1” and the m axi mum number of times i t will play is “10.” Fail Over Calle r H ears Setting currently disabled – res erved f or fut ur e use. Local Exchange Dialing This allows call ers to dial t he extension of the pers on they are trying to re[...]

  • Página 83

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 78 00 07VR F Setting Up a Conference 1. Click on Dest inations a nd Co n f ere n ce s . The C onf ere nces page wil l appear. 2. Select a conference room. 3. Enter an A dmini st rati ve PIN (Admin PIN) . PIN nu mbe rs mus t be thr ee or four charac ters long. 4. Enter a General PIN. 5. Check “ A nnou[...]

  • Página 84

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 79 00 07VR F *1 – M utes and un-mu tes your t e lephone. *2 – Locks or un-locks the conference t o add it ional par ticipant s . ( Only available t o the conference ad mini s trator). *3 – E jects the l ast participan t t o enter the conference c all. (Only avai lable t o t he conference ad mini [...]

  • Página 85

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 80 00 07VR F  Attach to E-mail – Se nd a voice mail message to an Email address by attaching i t to an email message as an aud io file (.Wav).  Delete After E m ai l – Del ete the vo icemail after it has been emailed to the addres s provided for the ex tension i n General Se tti ngs .  Tur[...]

  • Página 86

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 81 00 07VR F Multiple schedu les can be crea ted that account f or d ifferent business , customer , departmental or system user needs . Schedu les do n ot need to be applied to an en t ire company , t hey can b e applied to individual destinations or routes based on the ne eds of a busines s. This work[...]

  • Página 87

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 82 00 07VR F 11. Chec k Apply Forward Settings. 12. Click the “ Sav e C ha ng es ” button to s ave t he schedule data . 13. Creating Holiday Schedules :  En ter a Na me the Hol iday .  Cli cking the “ add” b utton to create t he holiday, the Holiday na me appears in the Holiday l ist. [...]

  • Página 88

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 83 00 07VR F Branch Of fices Branch O ff ices is a p owerful tool that is us ed to link up multiple P BX’ s l ocated in ex ternal offic es. By u tilizi ng Branc h O ffic es yo u a re able to c rea te dir ec t ex tensio n d ialin g from one office l ocation to another wi th a simple dialing pre fix. C[...]

  • Página 89

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 84 00 07VR F 4. Host n eeds to be the ex ternal IP addres s or d omain cor responding to the IP o f the m ain o ffic e PB X. 5. Create a unique di aling pre f ix f or t h e extensio ns conne cted to the Office 2 P BX. 6. Password needs to be t he same as t he one assigne d in the Office 1 PBX. 7. Selec[...]

  • Página 90

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 85 00 07VR F above t he add bu tt on. You ca n also en ter individual ext ension num bers. These num bers are checked against existing system extensions to ins ur e co n flic ts are n ot c re a ted . 4. Click the Ad d button 5. Apply Chan ges 6. Verify d ial ing the new extensions from p hones regist e[...]

  • Página 91

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 86 00 07VR F Setting the Defa ul t Inco mi ng D estination To s e t th e De fau lt Inc o ming D es tina tio n : 1. Click on C all Rou tin g and Incoming . The Incoming C all Rout ing page will appear . 2. Select a De f au lt I nc o m ing D es t in at ion from t he drop- down box . 3. Click the Se t but[...]

  • Página 92

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 87 00 07VR F  11 di git (1+ dia ling)  Int er national  Emergency C all s  Custom Di ali ng These routes cannot be d e leted f rom t he system. Adding A New Call S ubroute A sub rou te is a s pecific pattern within a rout e type t ha t will be rou ted differently fro m other routes . For in[...]

  • Página 93

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 88 00 07VR F Ad ding a Serv ice P rov id er 1. Select a se rvice provider fro m the dr op- do wn bo x to th e le ft of the Trun ks li s t . 2. Cli ck Add . T he service provid er will appear in the l ist. 3. Click on the Name o f the provi der. 4. Click the Up or Do w n bu tton to posi ti on the servic[...]

  • Página 94

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 89 00 07VR F 7. Select Mail box Ex it destination – this is the des t inat ion calls wil l be routed to whe n leaving a voice mail box . 8. Select D irectory T ype – this is t he t ype of directory to use f or t he Directory destination. 9. Click on Save Change s . 10. Click on Apply C hanges when [...]

  • Página 95

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 90 00 07VR F Deleting a Backup Version fro m the Syst em 1. Click on PBX Set up a nd Dat a b a se . The Da t abase Se tup page w ill appear. 2. To d elete a copy of the Syste m’ s Setup fro m t he internal d atabase , select the Backup ver sion to be del et e d from the Database W indow and click t h[...]

  • Página 96

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 91 00 07VR F V oi c em ail Se t ti ng s 1. Sel ec t and enter V oice mail Menu settings:  Play t he Envelope Mess age – Thi s is the Time an d Date of the call.  Say C alle r ID – Thi s plays t he c all er’s phone n umber w hen available.  Sk ip MS o n Pl ayb a ck – This is the interva[...]

  • Página 97

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 92 00 07VR F * There is no guaran tee t hat an ex t ernal m ail server will work, some ISP’s or hosts may have mail filters and could b lock a message . Advanced S ettings  Allow Review – Allows users to rev iew a message af t e r i t has been played.  Al l ow Op e ra t or – All ows people [...]

  • Página 98

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 93 00 07VR F Advanced S ettings Advanced SIP settings define in more detail the managemen t of network traffic . These settings are a utomatically provisioned when the syst em registers wi t h the router. In most business implement at ions it is n ot nece ssary to make chang es to these set ti ngs . Pr[...]

  • Página 99

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 94 00 07VR F Download a Pro mp t 1. Cli ck PB X Se tu p and Promp ts. The Edit Promp ts pa ge w ill appear. 2. Select a prom pt from the P ro mpt Fi les on Server Window. 3. Cli ck Download . The pro mpt will downl oad. De lete a Pr o mpt 1. Cli ck PB X Se tu p and Pr o mpts . The Edit Promp t s pa ge [...]

  • Página 100

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 95 00 07VR F 3. Cli ck Save Changes. 4. Select B rowse and locate th e music f il e to be u ploaded . 5. Open th e file using the operating system. T he file will appear in t he Load This Music F il e Window. 6. Click on U p loa d F ile . The file will ap pear under the pla y list o f wh i ch it was up[...]

  • Página 101

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 96 00 07VR F Feature C odes Found in the P BX Setup section o f onli n e administration, the IPitomy 1 000 prov ides a se t of system feature codes . These codes allow system users to manually manage calls f ro m an ex t ension . To access these f ea t ure codes. Click PB X Set u p and Fe ature Codes .[...]

  • Página 102

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 97 00 07VR F Diagnostic s The System Dia gnostics page in the system’s online ad m inistration is a utilit y used by IPit omy Customer Service Re presentati ves for system diagnostics. The System Diag nost i cs pa ge is mea nt only t o be use d wit h th e s upport of an I Pito my Customer Service Rep[...]

  • Página 103

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 98 00 07VR F Recordings The Rec ordi ngs section a ll ows you to : o Listen to recordi ngs. o Download recordin gs. o De lete re co rdi ng s. This page will display a ll recorded ca lls on the PBX. On ly extensions with allow c all recording se lect ed are able to use this feature.[...]

  • Página 104

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 99 00 07VR F Appen d ices[...]

  • Página 105

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 100 00 07VR F Appendix 1: IP T e le p hones IPitom y 4 80i The Model 408i is an advanced , fully featured, IP scree n Telephon e t ha t provides a flexible IP soluti o n designed with in t eroperab il ity an d ease o f use i n mind. IPitom y 9 133i The Model 9133i is an advanced , f ully featured multi[...]

  • Página 106

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 101 00 07VR F IPitom y 4 80i C T IPit o my Commu nications is pl eased to announce the n ewest addition t o our Enterpri se IP telephone port folio. Consis t ing o f an a dvanced , f ully f eatured I P screen Telephone base sta ti on and separa t e cordless hands et, the Model 408i CT pro vides high p [...]

  • Página 107

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 102 00 07VR F IPitom y 5 7i The 57i fro m IPi tomy offer s p ower ful featur es and flex ibility in a stand ards base d c arrie r-gra de advanced level expanda ble I P telephone. With a sl eek and e legant design, large 144 x 128 pixe l graphical back lit LCD d i splay and 6 dy namic c ontext-sensitive[...]

  • Página 108

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 103 00 07VR F IPitom y 5 60M The 560 M expans ion module is design ed to increase th e power and flexibility o f the 5i Series S IP telephones. Up to t hree modules can be used w it h the 57i or 57i CT telephone t o create a powerful, feature rich console option. The 560M shares power and signaling wi [...]

  • Página 109

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 104 00 07VR F Messaging.  Co mprehen sive Per sonal Ad dress B ook , including detailed calls lists and history.  Micr osoft ® O utl ook® inte grat ion a ll owing users to i mport an a ddress bo ok into th e eyeBeam ® contac t list and dia l directly from the ap pli c ati on .  Zero- Touch [...]

  • Página 110

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 105 00 07VR F 11. Select OK . The S o f tphone Account Se t tings pa ge will c lose. 12. Log into the I P itomy 1000 (i f not already lo gged in) . C lick Desti n ations and Exte nsi ons in the na vigati on bar of t he system’s adm inist ra t io n menu. The Extensi ons page w ill appe ar. 13. Click A[...]

  • Página 111

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 106 00 07VR F o Un cond it ion a l – Always route ca l ls to a sp ecific des t ination. o Busy – Route c all s to a s pecific des t inat ion when th e extension is in us e or do not disturb is s elected. o No Ans w e r – Route calls to a speci fi c destination when a ca ll is n ot answered. o U n[...]

  • Página 112

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 107 00 07VR F 4. The system will indi cate if extensi on forwardin g is Ena ble d or D isabled . 5. Pressing “ 1 ” toggles be tween Enabled and Disabled. 6. Pressing “ 2 ” allows the forwarding destination to be modified. Advanced S ettings Network Settings When insta lling a Softphone c hange [...]

  • Página 113

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 108 00 07VR F App endi x 2: T roubl eshoot ing Why do es my Aa stra ph on e freeze w ith 100% done written on the screen? The phone is at tempting to access an unreachable net work. You need to manually c hange the TFTP serv er IP on the phone to match the PBX IP. Also make sure that PBX N etwor k S et[...]

  • Página 114

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 109 00 07VR F Glossary Ana logu e Te le phone Ad apt er (A T A) – Connects a tel ephone to a high-speed modem and fac ili ta tes Vo IP or fax c alls o ve r the in ter ne t. Ba c k bone – Glob al network c onnections that rou t e vo ice and data t ra f fic fro m one m ajor metropolitan area to an ot[...]

  • Página 115

    Copy righ t  IPi tomy C omm unic ation, LLC 110 00 07VR F Packe t – A u nit of data transmitted over a ne twork. Park – Parks a call in a reserv ed extension (p ark slot) and allows the call to b e retrieved from another ext ension. P RI (P rimar y Rat e In te r face) – ISDN s ervice provides 23 64-K bps B (B e arer) channels a nd one 64-K[...]

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  • Página 118

    IPit o my Commu nications, LLC Phone: 941 .306.2200 Email: info@ipitomy.com www.i pitomy. com Corporate O f fices: 200 S. W ashington Blvd. Suite 1 Sarasota, F L 34236[...]