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E-2 saf ety gu ide li nes Impor tant safety instructions is p rodu ct is desi gned an d man ufact ured t o meet strict q uality a nd sa fety sta ndar ds. H ow ever , yo u sho uld be aw are of the follo wing i nstalla tion a nd o peratio n pr ecau tions . 1. T ak e heed of wa rnings and ins tructions Y ou sho uld rea d all the sa fety a nd o pera[...]
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Fr ançais F-1 c on si gne s de séc ur it é Instructions de sécurité impor tantes Cet ap par eil a ét é conçu et fab riqué conf orméme nt a ux norm es de q ualité et de sécuri té les plu s strictes . V o us devez ce pendan t observer l es pr écau tion s qui s uiven t lor s de son installa tion et de so n utili satio n. 1. A vertisse me[...]
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E-3 English w elc ome an k you a nd con gra tula tions f or pu rc hasin g you r Ar cam FMJ A VR500/A VR600 surr ound am pli er or A V888 A V pr oces sor . A rca m has been p rod ucin g specia list a udio pr oducts of rem ark abl e qual ity fo r over t hr ee decad es and t he new FMJ pr oducts a re t he la test i n a lon g lin e of aw ar d win[...]
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E-4 e A V R500/A V R600 sur round ampli er and A V888 A V p rocessor are bo th designed t o pr oduce a level of perfo rmance that will truly brin g music and mo vies to l ife. e A VR500/A VR 600 is a high-qual ity a nd high- perform ance home -cinema pr ocessor and a mp lier b uilt to Ar cam ’ s quality design a nd ma nufa cturing sta[...]
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E-5 English Placing the unit < Place th e unit on a level, rm surfac e, a voidi ng direct sunligh t and sour ces of heat or da mp . < Do not place th e uni t on t op o f a pow er am plier or other sour ce of h eat. < Do not place th e uni t in an enclosed space s uch as a bookca se or c losed cab inet u nless the re is good pr ovisi [...]
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E-6 Dolby V olume Man ufactu red unde r license fr om Dol by Labora tories. Dolby and the double- D symbol are trademar ks of Do lby Labo rato ries. Dolby T rue HD , Digital, Digital P lus, PL IIx Man ufactu red unde r license fr om Dol by Labora tories. Dolby , Pr o Logic, a nd the doub le-D symbo l are trademar ks of Do lby Labora tories. D TS-HD[...]
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E-7 English a udi o /video c on nectio ns Befor e con necting y our A VR500/A V R600 o r A V88 8 and power amp lier ( e.g. the Arca m P777) to yo ur sour ce com p on ents and s peakers, p lease r ead thro ugh the ne xt few pa ges whic h will exp lain all the in put and ou tpu t con nectivity that is a vailab le. e ‘S peakers ’ section e x[...]
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E-8 NO TE Ple ase rea d th e ‘ Pla cin g th e u nit ’ , ‘P ow er’ an d ‘I nte rco nn ect c ab les ’ secti on s o n p age 5 befo r e co nnec ting u p y our A VR600 or A V 888 ! V oltage sele ct Ensu re the vol tage sel ected ma tches your local pow er su pply A VR600 A V888 re ar pa nel c on nectors ?[...]
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E-9 English HDMI connectors A V , SA T , DVD, VCR, P VR Connect th e HDM I video o utp uts of yo ur sou rce eq uip ment to these corr espon ding HD MI in pu ts. OUT 1 Connect th is ou tpu t to the HD MI video i npu t of your main zone displa y device. OUT 2 [...]
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E-10 Digital audio connectors T APE, CD , A V , DVD , SA T , VCR, PVR Connect th ese in puts to the digital ou tpu ts of your ava ilable sourc e equi pmen t. OPTICA L, C OAX C[...]
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E-11 English T rigger connectors e trigg er con nector s ( TR IG Z 1 , TRI G Z2 and TRI G Z3 ) pr ovide an electri cal signal wh enever th e am plie r is swit ched o n and the re levan t zon e ena bled. e trigg er signal can be u sed to swi tch on a nd o com patib le piece s of h ome e nterta inmen t equi pmen t, f or exa mp le, yo u co[...]
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E-12 ?[...]
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E-13 English ?[...]
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E-14 NO TE Ple ase rea d th e ‘ Pla cin g th e u nit ’ , ‘P ow er’ an d ‘I nte rco nn ect c ab les ’ secti on s o n p age 5 befo r e co nnec ting u p y our A VR500! V oltage sele ct Ensu re the vol tage sel ected ma tches your local pow er su pply A VR500 re ar pa nel c on nectors VCR PVR AV SA T DVD 1 SUBWOOFER OUTPUT HDMI Fo r inf orm[...]
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E-15 English HDMI connectors A V , SA T , DVD, VCR, P VR Connect th e HDM I video o utp uts of yo ur sou rce eq uip ment to these corr espon ding HD MI in pu ts. OUT 1 Connect th is ou tpu t to the HD MI video i npu t of your main zone displa y device. OUT 2[...]
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E-16 Digital audio connectors T APE, CD , A V , DVD , SA T , VCR, PVR Connect th ese in puts to the digital ou tpu ts of your ava ilable sourc e equi pmen t. POWER/ST ANDBY MUTE ZONE DISPLAY DIRECT MODE INFO OK Ð INPUT + MENU Ð VOLUME + POWER A VR600 PHONES AUX SUBWOOFER OUTPUT MCH input i s mu l tic ha [...]
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E-17 English T rigger connectors e trigg er con nector s ( TR IG Z 1 & TRI G Z2 ) pro vide a n electrical s ignal when ever the amp lier i s swit ched o n and the re levan t zon e enab led. e trigg er signal can be u sed to swi tch on a nd o com patib le piece s of h ome e nterta inmen t equi pmen t, f or exa mp le, yo u could set u[...]
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E-18 AV SA T DVD VIDEO OUT VCR C on necti on g uid e – A VR500 DVD p lay er e dia gram sh ows how t o make audi o and video conn ections from a typical DVD play er . e p refe rred video hook-u p , in or der o f pr efer ence i s: < use the HDMI connect or (i f HDMI out pu t is pr ovided by the pla yer), o therwise con nect the thr ee Comp[...]
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E-19 English Co nnecting an iP od using the Ar cam rDo ck e co mbi natio n of the A VR500 and Arca m ’ s o ption al rDock o r rLead acces sory pro vides a grea t pla tfo rm for you r iP od. Connect th e rDock a s sho wn, pow er on the rDock , slot in yo ur iP o d a nd select IPOD as the so urce . Set the Audio In iP od ite m in the ‘Ge neral[...]
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E-20 ra di o c on nectors SIRIUS AM DAB FM ETHERNET Z2 IR IR OUT TRIG Z1 Z1 IR Z3 IR TRIG Z2 TRIG Z3 rLead/rDock RS232 USB Aerial c onnectors – A VR500/A VR600 only e A VR500/A VR 600 is tted with a n AM/FM receiv er module and S irius connect or o r a D AB/FM recei ver , dependin g on the re gion whe re i t was so ld. e type of aerial [...]
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E-21 English FM Connecti ng an aer ial A sui table FM aerial m ust be conn ected to the A V R500/ A VR6 00 befo re FM radio ca n be recei ved. I n str ong signa l ar eas , the FM ribbon aerial su ppl ied can be used wi th reaso nabl e res ults. Mo un t this as high up as poss ible on a wall with the to p of the ‘T ’-ele ment s positio ned v ert[...]
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E-22 ot her c on nectors Data connectors rLea d/rDock Fo r use wi th an Arcam rLead or rDock acc essory . See page 13 and the acc essory documen tati on fo r details . RS232 serial c onnecto r U se with co ntro l devices havi ng an RS 232 serial po rt (fo r exam ple , Cres tron and A MX to uch scr een con tro llers). is co nnection is also used[...]
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E-23 English spe ak ers Connecting speakers – A VR500 & A VR600 e A VR500/A VR 600 allo ws yo u to co nnect u p to seven s peakers a nd thr ee active sub woof ers in the mai n syste m. e o ut put c hann els co rrespo nd to speakers install ed in the fron t le, centr e, fr on t right, surro und le, s urrou nd righ t, surr ound back[...]
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E-24 Fr ont l eft and rig ht P ositio n yo ur fro nt l e and right speakers to achiev e a good s tereo image for normal mus ical rep rodu ction as well a s fo r the m ultich anne l modes. I f they are placed t oo close t ogether there will be a la ck of spacio usness ; if they are placed too f[...]
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E-25 English Operating y our A VR500 /A VR600 / A V888 Fo r inf orma tion di spla y we recom mend y ou use the OSD (On-Screen Displ ay) o n yo ur dis play device wheneve r possib le. Switching on Pr ess the fron t pan el pow er bu tto n in. e pow er LED will glo w ora nge , the fro nt displ ay sh ows the wo rd ‘ ARCAM ’ , f ollow ed b y the[...]
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E-26 the a udio will be down -mixed t o two c hann els (2. 0). e two-c hanne l dow n-mix is requ ired so th at th e cen tre cha nnel a nd surr ound info rmati on ca n be hear d via th e headp hon es. Using Z one2 and 3 Zone2 pro vides the op tion f or th e occupan ts of the mast er bedroo m, co nservato ry , ki tchen , etc. t o view o r li[...]
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E-27 English Remo te co ntr ol receiv er . i s is posi tioned behind the dis pla y windo w , abo ve the MENU but ton on the fron t panel. Ensur e the r eceiv er is in a clea r line of sigh t from the r emote con trol for opera tion. If thi s is not possibl e, use a separa te senso r co nnected t o the Z1 I R in put on the rear panel . fro nt p a[...]
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E-28 Inser ting batteries in to the remote c ontrol 1. Op en the bat tery com partmen t b y pr essing the bu tto n on th e back o f the h andset . 2. Insert fo ur ‘ AAA ’ ba tterie s int o the ba tte r y com partmen t – tw o facin g the t op o f the un it, and two faci ng the end, a s in the diagram. 3. L ow er the e nd ca p on to the plasti [...]
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E-29 English In A V mode 0 issues the TV ‘ cha nnel d own ’ co mma nd. e CR1 02 rem ains in the la st select ed Device M ode so it is no t necessa ry to pr ess a Device M ode key bef or e every comm and k ey if all y ou a re do ing i s pla ying o r skip pin g tracks on a C D , fo r exam ple . Navi gation ke ys e N av igatio n keys steer t[...]
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E-30 Con trolling other devic es Method 1 (Dire ct code s etup) is sectio n describes the sim ples t (pr eferr ed) wa y to pr ogram th e CR102’ s Device M ode keys to co ntro l the non- Arca m devices i n you r syst em. < So me o f th e m od e s ar e lo ck ed to Ar [...]
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E-31 English AMP Device Mode e A Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the A VR50 0/A VR6 00/A V8 88. Pr essin g this bu tto n does no t a ect the curr entl y selected inp ut o n the A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888. IMPOR T ANT : e CR102 m ust al so be in AMP Device Mod e to co ntr ol the follo wing source s: PHONO [...]
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E-32 DVD Devic e Mode e d Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to con tro l the D VD functio ns o f Ar cam D VD pla yer s, altho ugh this can be c hang ed (see pag e 25). P res sing thi s bu tto n also selects DV D as the A VR500/A VR600/A V8 88 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb y an d on 0 … 9 Searc hes f or an d pl[...]
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E-33 English SA T Device Mode e z Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the function s of a sat ellit e recei ver . Y ou will need to cong ure thi s Device M ode to wor k with y our equi pmen t. P ressi ng this but ton also selects SA T as the A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb [...]
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E-34 VCR Device Mode e w Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the function s of a video r ecor der o r similar device. Y ou will need t o con gure this Device M ode to wor k with your equip men t. Pr essin g this b ut ton al so selects VCR as the A VR500/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between stand[...]
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E-35 English CD Device Mode e c Devic e Mode but ton cong ures th e CR102 to co ntr ol the CD functio ns o f Ar cam CD p lay ers, altho ugh this can be c hang ed (see pag e 25). P res sing thi s bu tto n also selects CD as th e A VR5 00/A VR 600/A V 888 sour ce. P T oggle s powe r between standb y an d on. 0 … 9 Fu nction s as o rigi[...]
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E-36 Befor e yo u use yo ur A VR500, A VR600 or A V888 it is essen tial tha t yo u en ter som e info rma tion in to th e Setu p men us abo ut y our s peaker co ngura tion. is allo ws the uni t to proces s an y surr oun d sound digital so urce to exa ctly ma tch your system and gi ve yo u the ul tima te surr ound so und ex perience. er e ar[...]
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E-37 English a ut o s pea k er set up Auto speak er setup er e is a p ro prietary a uto mati c loud speaker set up functio n buil t in to yo ur A VR500, A V R600 or A V88 8. e Ar cam A uto S peaker Set up fun ction a tte mp ts to set all the e ssential speaker set tings for all the speak ers in you r syst em. I t also calculat es roo m equali[...]
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E-38 set up m enu s e Setu p men us all ow y ou to congu re all a spects of y our A VR500 , A VR6 00 or A V888. e nex t few pages will go th rough the men u i tems a nd exp lain th eir functio n. e Set up me nus w ill pr obabl y look q uit e daun ting if yo u ar e new t o settin g up home cinema, but the ma jority o f them n eed onl y b[...]
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E-39 English vid eo & a udi o c on nectio n setti ng s Each in pu t on th e A VR 500/A V R600/A V888 has m ulti ple conn ection pos sibili ties f or both audi o and video , incl uding HDMI, Compo nen t V ideo, di gital a udio a nd analo gue a udio . Whe n an i npu t is se lected, b y defa ult the A VR500/A VR 600/A V 888 will sca n all possi bl[...]
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E-40 Input Config . e a udio a nd video setting s on thi s page of the Setup men u can be tailor ed spe cica lly and indepen dentl y to the c urren tly selecte d in put . When a di eren t in put is selected on th e In pu t line, all the in pu t-specic settings for that inp ut a re di spla yed below it. ese settin gs ar e a ppli ed t[...]
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E-41 English Sub St ereo – I f Le/Ri ght+S ub o r Sat +Sub is selected in Ste reo M ode a bove, this set ting ad jus ts the lev el of the sub woof er when th e sour ce is t wo ch annel ster eo. Brightn ess – Sets the video b rightn ess f or this inp ut. is set ting ca n be used t o com p ensa te f or a n ov erly dark or b right so urce pi[...]
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E-42 Maximu m V olume – Limits the maxi mum v olu me settin g the sys tem ca n be turn ed up to in th e main zone . is is a useful f eat ure t o pr even t acciden tal over driving of l ow po wer -han dling s peakers (f or e xam ple). I t is sto red in memo r y a nd recall ed each tim e the un it is powe red u p. Max On V olume – Lim its th e[...]
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E-43 English U se the B and C nav igatio n bu tto ns o n the r emot e con tro l to sel ect the r elevan t speake r . Pres s O to enab le/disa ble the calibra tion noi se and the D an d E nav igatio n bu tto ns t o adj ust th e noi se level fr om ea ch speaker . Fro nt L eft – Centr e – Fro nt Right – Surr . Right – Surr . Back Right – Sur[...]
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E-44 not sup ported b y the co nnected displ ay devic e at the abo ve r esol ution are greyed out and ca nnot be selected. < A uto : sets the OU T 2 frame ra te to be the pre ferred frame rate that is req uest ed by th e disp lay device fo r the curr entl y used r esolu tion. < F ollow I npu t fo rces the OU T 2 frame rate to the same as the [...]
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E-45 English[...]
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E-46 Introduction Y our A V R500/A VR600 rece iver o r A V888 pre -am p pr ovides all the k ey decoding and p roces sing m odes fo r analo gue an d digital signals, inclu ding th e lat est high deni tion a udio forma ts o ver H DMI. Modes f or dig ital sou rces Digital reco rding s ar e usuall y encoded t o inc lude info rmati on abo ut th eir f[...]
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E-47 English High r esolution audio s ources Dolb y T rue-HD Pr ovides up t o 7.1 full c hanne l at 96kHz , 24bi t re solu tion, wi th pot entiall y no losses in the co mp ress ion p roces s. Data rat es can be up t o 18Mbp s. Dolb y Digi tal Plu s Pr ovides up t o 7.1 disc rete chann els o f au dio with less co mp res sion th an tradi tional Do lb[...]
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E-48 Dol b y v ol ume Dolb y V o lume is a so phistic ated new techn ology tha t reso lves the pr oblem of dier en t vol ume lev els betw een pr ogramm e con ten t (e.g. a TV show and a dvert b reaks) and betw een sour ces (e.g. a rock radio s tatio n and DVD , or betw een two TV statio ns). I t lets th e list ener en joy everything a t the same[...]
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E-49 English[...]
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E-50 tu ner ope ra ti on T uner – A VR500/A VR600 only e A VR500/A VR 600 is tted with a n in ternal AM /FM tune r . Depending on your locatio n a nd in stalled o ption s, it m ay al so be t ted with a D AB t uner (E urope) o r Siri us sat ellit e radio c onnectio n (Ame ricas; A VR600 onl y). Siri us req uires the pu rcha se of th e ?[...]
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E-51 English an y que ries abo ut yo ur su bscrip tion, p lease co ntact Siri us. Opera tion In a dditio n to th e cha nnel a nd p reset se lection, pr eviousl y men tion ed, yo u can also cycle throu gh the cha nnel ca teg ories ( Rock, P op , Country , etc.) using the ] and [ keys. e rs t cha nnel in each ca tego ry is disp layed . Y ou ca[...]
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E-52 netw ork / usb ope ra ti on e A VR600 and A V888 are tt ed with a netwo rk a udio c lient which is ca pable of p layin g in ternet radio s tatio ns as well a s sto red mu sic on a netw ork s tora ge device s uch as a PC, o r fro m a USB ash dri ve. e netwo rk aud io clie nt is an o ptio nal extra f or the A VR5 00, plea se con tac[...]
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E-53 English XLR balanced line outputs – A V888 only e A V888 pr ocessor pro vides X LR con nector s fo r each of sev en cha nnels , to a n XLR -equip ped am plier (e.g. the Ar cam P 777). r ee XLR s ubw oofer out put s ar e pr ovided in addi tion. RIGHT , LEFT , CENTRE Connect th ese to th e equi valent (Right , Le an d Centr e) fron[...]
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E-54 Zone2 and 3 con trol outputs e A VR500, A VR600 a nd A V888 also allo w rem ote con tro l from remo te zo nes. Z2 IR a nd Z3 IR is allo ws the A VR500/A VR600/A V888 to be con tro lled rem otel y fro m Zone2 (or Zo ne3) via Infra- red r emo te co ntro l. Con nect a r emot e IR r eceiver in Zone2 (or Zo ne3) t o allow con t[...]
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E-55 English [...]
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E-56 Code L earning e CR1 02 com es with a com plet e lib rary of pr epr ogrammed codes. A er yo u ha ve set u p the C R102 for you r device, you m ay nd tha t ther e ar e one or mo re functio ns on your original remo te whi ch do n ot ha ve a place on the CR102 k eypad. F or c on venien ce, the CR102 oe rs a Code Lea rning f eatu re t[...]
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E-57 English Exampl e: T o deassi gn the Macro a ssociat ed with t he h k ey 1. Press a nd ho ld S un til the po wer L ED blink s twice: * * . 2. Press 9 9 5 . 3. Press h . 4. Press a nd ho ld S un til the po wer L ED blink s twice: * * . V olume punch-through V olume punc h-thro ugh mea ns tha t, no mat ter whic h Device M ode is selected, the CR1[...]
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E-58 Mode Mover If y our home ente rtainmen t set up co ntai ns device s of the sam e type (e .g. two TVs, perhap s fro m dier en t man ufactu rers ) you can still con trol both those devices with th e CR102. Y ou sim ply n eed to r eassign an un used Device M ode key . NO TE Befor e usin g M ode M over , make s ure bo th the sour ce and destina[...]
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E-59 English De vi ce c odes e tab les tha t begin on pag e 58 (i n the nal section o f this H and book) lis t the f our -gur e codes f or di ere nt man ufactu rers ’ devices. U se these when set ting y our C R102 up to co ntr ol yo ur devices, as described in M ethod 1 (see page 25 ). If m or e than o ne code num ber is li sted, try [...]
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E-60 tr ou ble- sh oot in g Pro blem Check that ... ere are n o lights on th e unit < the pow er co rd is plugg ed in to the unit a nd the mains socket i t is plugg ed int o is sw itch ed on. < the po wer b ut ton i s pr essed in. If a red LE D is p resen t, the unit i s in sta ndb y mode. Pres s an y bu tto n on the fron t panel o r rem o[...]
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E-61 English Pro blem Check that ... Sound o nly co mes fro m some of th e speakers < yo u ha ve an ap pro pria te su rroun d sour ce select ed and playi ng. < the D VD di sc is enc oded in the app ro pria te fo rma t, and the co rrect fo rma t has been selected in the disc start me nu o f the D VD pl ayer (if a ppli cable) . < the D VD pl[...]
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E-62 Contin uous pow er ou tpu t (20H z—20kHz at 0 .05% THD) , per cha nnel (A VR600) 2 cha nnels drive n 150W All cha nnel s drive n 120W THD a t full ra ted po wer <0.2% Resid ual noi se & h um <0.25mV unw eigh ted 20H z – 22kH z Contin uous pow er ou tpu t (20H z—20kHz at 0 .05% THD) , per cha nnel (A VR500) 2 cha nnels drive n 1[...]
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E-63 English pro duct gu ar an t ee W orldwide Guarantee is en titles yo u to ha ve the uni t repa ired fr ee of char ge, d uring the rs t two y ears aer pur chase, at any au thorised Arca m distrib uto r p rovi ded tha t it w as ori ginally p urch ased from an a utho rised Ar cam deal er or d istrib uto r . is is e xtended by a further[...]
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64 T V 888 0294 A.R. Sys tems 0067 0382 0586 0404 048 5 Acce nt 0039 006 7 0586 Aco ustic Resea rch 1299 Acura 0039 Adco m 0655 Addi son 0683 013 8 ADL 1247 Admi ral 0123 019 3 0448 0294 Ad vent 0906 Ad yson 0247 0246 AEA 0067 0586 AEG 0636 1193 Agash i 0246 029 4 0247 Aiko 0039 0067 0 586 0246 006 5 0463 0294 024 7 Aim 0067 058 6 0783 0238 073 6 A[...]
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65 Inno va 0067 Inno vatio n 0067 0586 Inno wert 0895 1328 inotec h 0803 085 0 In teractive 0067 058 6 0542 0357 019 3 0400 0139 In terbuy 0039 006 7 0294 0542 058 6 In terfunk 0067 0193 0 586 0542 035 7 0400 0139 023 0 In ternal 0067 058 6 0529 0404 193 9 In ternatio nal 0246 In tervision 0067 024 7 0485 0294 040 7 0516 0400 042 4 0517 0193 003 9 [...]
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66 T V (c ont.) RFT 0400 0294 0067 0586 051 6 Rhapsody 0246 Ricoh 0 067 0586 Rinex 0803 0448 Roadstar 0039 1067 029 4 0448 006 7 0586 0744 069 8 1219 Rodex 0067 0586 Rover 0907 Rowa 0067 029 4 0728 0039 024 7 0742 0246 061 7 0586 Royal L ux 0400 0365 Ruko pir 0586 0067 Saba 0139 0655 0193 0590 036 5 0373 0578 068 0 0744 Sagem 0640 0485 0860 1343 06[...]
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67 VCR Acce nt 0102 Admi ral 0078 Ad vent ura 0030 Ad yson 0102 Aiko 0308 Aim 0308 0672 0378 Aiwa 0030 0378 0 382 0067 077 2 1167 0062 Akai 0067 0136 0345 0672 038 2 0270 0378 Akashi 0102 Akiba 0102 Akura 0102 Alba 0308 0102 0382 0030 034 5 0378 0111 Allorg an 0270 Allstar 0111 America A ction 0308 Amstrad 0030 0308 0102 Anam 0067 0256 0270 0308 An[...]
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68 T andy 0062 T eac 0423 T echnics 0333 00 59 Thor ens 0187 Thule Aud io 0187 T raxdata 0656 U nivers um 0187 V ictor 0102 W ards 0187 Y amaha 0066 0520 006 2 Zonda 0187 TUNER AEG 1420 AFK 1419 Aiwa 0151 0219 1088 1188 128 8 1652 Akai 0639 1250 1420 All-T el 1420 Anam 0639 Arca m 0219 1119 1219 1299 131 9 2009 ASCOMTE C 1419 A udiolab 1119 1 219 1[...]
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69 Bush 0743 0725 0 863 1725 076 0 0861 0747 080 8 0546 0848 075 3 1195 1466 144 9 1513 1170 C-T ech 0798 1182 Camb ridge A udio 1139 0 781 Campo matic Digital 1081 CA T 0819 Celestial 0702 cello 1760 Centre x 0702 1034 Centrum 0743 0819 08 09 1035 CGV 0800 0781 Cinea 0871 Cineral 0760 Cinetec 0743 0902 CineV ision 0899 0863 Classic 0760 1760 Clatr[...]
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70 SA T @sat 1330 @Sky 1364 ABsat 1353 0743 ADB 0672 0917 1289 1397 150 3 1521 Adco m 0230 Akai 0230 Alba 0743 1314 Allsat 0230 1047 Allsonic 0399 Alltech 0743 Allvisio n 1262 Alpha 0230 Amitr onica 0743 Amper e 0162 Amstrad 0877 1205 0743 0162 114 3 Anglo 0743 Ankar o 0399 0743 1309 AntS at 1047 Arco n 1309 0162 1105 Armstr ong 0230 Arnion 1330 AS[...]
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71 Smart 1303 0162 0329 1143 126 2 0743 1443 Soniq 1597 Sony 0877 1588 0312 0883 SR 0162 Star Sat 0162 Starl and 0743 Strea m 1878 Stro ng 0155 1397 1 439 1656 039 9 0909 0883 118 9 1330 1503 131 4 Sunn y 1330 Sunn y Sound 0399 Sunsa t 0743 Suns tar 0399 0162 0672 Superm ax 1313 Syst ec 0162 1364 T arbs 1255 TBoston 1487 T eac 1257 1255 13 52 T eca[...]
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