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We l c o m e J o ybee 130 (D A130) Digit al A udi o Pl a y er Us e r ’ s M a n u a l[...]
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Copy r ig ht Al l ri gh ts r es erv e d. N o pa rt o f t hi s p ub li c at ion may be re prod uced, transmitted, r ecor ded, stored in a re tr ie val s ystem, or tr ansl ated into a ny language or com puter lang uage, i n any form or by an y means, el ectronic, mec hanical, r ecor d ing , photocopying , or otherw ise, w ithout the prior permiss ion[...]
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ing th e equipm ent off and on, the us er is encourage d to tr y to c orrec t the in terference b y one or more of the following measures: 1. R eorient or r elocate the r ecei v ing ant enna. 2. Increase the sep aration be tween the e quipment a nd receiv er . 3. Connect the equipment i nto an outlet on a ci rcuit differ ent fr om that to which the[...]
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Wa r n i n g s T o r educe the risk of fi re, electric sh ock or product damage, do not expose this apparatus to rain, moisture, dripping or splashing and that no objec ts filled w ith liquids shall be placed on the apparatus. U se of c ontro ls or adjus tments or performan ce of pr ocedures other than those specified herein ma y resul t in hazard [...]
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<M emo >[...]
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T able of Cont ents Introducing the BenQ Joybee 130 Digital Audio Player ....... .................... .. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 Package Contents ...................................................................................................[...]
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Programming Favorite Stations ............................................................................. 20 Programming a Favorite Station ........................................................................ 20 Selecting a Preset Channel.................................................................................. 20 Tuning to a Favorite[...]
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1 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer I nt r o ducing the BenQ J o ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer In t ro d u c t i o n Thank y ou for purchasing the Be nQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A u dio Pla yer ! The BenQ J oybee 130 Digital A udio Play er offe rs hig h quality audio playback a nd v oice rec or ding functions at lo w po wer c[...]
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2 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digital A udio Playe r P ackage C onte nts Check the cont ents of your J oybee 130 digital audio Play er package. Contact y our dealer immediately if any acc essor ies are missing or appe ar damag ed. 1. BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer 2. Earphones 3. USB Cable 4. An AAA Alkaline Battery (strongly reco m[...]
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3 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer S ystem R equirements Y our PC must co mply w ith the follo wi ng r equirements in o rder t o enable data transfer t o y our playe r : • OS: Micr osoft W indows 98SE/200 0/ME/XP (QM usic suppor ts W indows 2000/XP) • CPU: P entium 200 MHz or fast er • I/O por t: USB (1.1 or hig her) [...]
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4 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digital A udio Playe r Descr iption and Funcit on of BenQ J oybee 130 Dig ital A udio Play er The following section descri bes the vari ous c omponents of J oybee 130 . A T our of J o yb ee 130 130 MP3 PLAYER Joy bee (7) (8) (9) (11) (12) (13) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) (10) -[...]
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5 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer Item Desc r iption Func t i o n (1) Batter y cov er Switch an d open the batter y cont aine r . (2) USB por t Connects the Jo ybee 130 to a PC. (3) SRS • P ress to switch between modes of SRS 3-D , EQ, SRS and EQ mode, o r non-SRS-EQ while pla ying music. • P ress t o show the preset F[...]
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6 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digital A udio Playe r (9) Earphone jack Connects to earphones. (10) Stra p hole T o atta ch a strap to the dev ice (11) A -B repeat/ Lock • F ollow this procedur e to r epeat a desi red section during audio pla yback. i. Pr ess once to set poin t A. ii. Pr ess ag ain to set point B and the section from point A[...]
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7 Intr oducing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer L CD Displa y The L CD screen displa ys inform ation about the play er mode and file information. The fol- lowing table shows the icons displa yed on the screen and their meanings. Item Descripti on Indicates playback of an audio fi le. Indicat es playback has been paused. Indicates playba[...]
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8 Getting S tar ted Getting Star ted Changing the Batt er y Joyb e e 1 3 0 uses one AAA regular o r rechargeable Alkaline battery . One batter y provides at least 15 hours of powe r for J oybee 130 . The ba tter y icon on the screen will indicate the left pow er of th e batte r y .[...]
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9 Getting St ar ted Co nnect ing J oybee 130 t o a PC Connect the J oybee 130 to y our PC by using the USB cable pro v ided. W hen the Jo ybee 130 i s successfully connec ted to the PC, there ar e three indications as follows . 1. T w o new ico ns JOYBEE 130 and Re movable Disk app ear in the M y Computer wi n- dow on your PC. 2. The L CD screen of[...]
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10 Getting S tar ted Disconnecting Jo ybee 130 from a PC 1. Double click the USB de v ice ic on on the task bar . 2. A dia log bo x as shown below appears on the screen. Select USB Mas s S t or a g e D e v ic e in the dialog bo x and press Stop . 3. Another d ialog bo x as shown below app ears on the scr een. Sele ct BenQ Jo ybee 130 USB D ev ice a[...]
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11 Getting St ar ted 4. W hen the following dialog bo x appears on t he screen, close th e dialog bo x and dis- con ne c t Jo ybee 130 from the PC. Do not disconnect the Joybee 130 from your PC without using the procedure des cribed here or there may be loss of dat a. • The procedure described here may vary accor ding to different operating syste[...]
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12 Getting S tar ted The follo w ing table shows the c o nte nts and functions of the software s uite on the CD . Installing the USB Driver If your operation sy stem is W indows 98SE, pleas e install the dr iv er or your PC won ’t be able to r ecogn ize Jo yb ee 130 as a flash disk. Installing in W indo ws 98SE U s e the Insta ll Jo ybee 130 Soft[...]
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13 Getting St ar ted 1. Connect Jo ybee 130 to the USB po r t of your c omputer usin g the USB ca ble pr o- vi ded. 2. The Add i n g Ne w Ha rdw a re Wiz ar d app ears to install the driv er . Fo l low the instruc- tions on the sc reen t o compl ete installa tion. Br owse t o select the files r equir ed for installation under the J o yb ee 130 dire[...]
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14 Getting S tar ted 2. Please inser t the SD/MMC card up side down into the slot. Joyb e e 1 3 0 w ill search for the files stored in MP 3, WMA and W A V formats and list the file- n a m e s a u t o m a t i c a l l y o n O S D. How e ve r , f i l e s on S D / M M C c a r d ca n o nl y b e p l a y e d b u t n o t edited while be ing inser ted in Jo[...]
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15 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer U sing the BenQ J o ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Play er A ttach the earphone provided and follo w the steps, y ou are r eady to enjo y the wonde r ful worl d o f B enQ J oybee 130 . T urning J oybee 130 On and Off 1. Pr ess the jog wheel do w n once t o turn on the Joyb e e 13 0 . Joy b e e 1 3 0 [...]
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16 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digi tal A udio Play er • When files are being transferred to Joybee 130, do not disconnect Joybee 130 from the PC. Use the procedure des cr ibed in "Disconnecting Joybee 130 from a PC " on p age 10 to disconnect it. • Check if there is enough memory sp ace on the Joybee 130 before transferring files to [...]
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17 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer • T o have the filenames shown correctly on LCD, please select the correct language from Setup menu. For i nstance , you have to switch to Jap anese mode in order to read the Jap anese filenames . • Use Q Music to e dit the p laylists of audi o files. • When SD/MMC card is i nserted into [...]
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18 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digi tal A udio Play er 1. Pr ess th e button once to set point A t o mark the start ing point of the section y ou would like t o repeat. 2. Pr ess the key again to set point B t o mark the end of the se ction. The segment from point A to B o n the tr ack repeats continuously . The ic on appears on the L CD display . [...]
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19 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer 7. P r ess d o wn t he j og wheel to c onfirm the se lection. A messag e of will sho w on the L CD disp play af ter the selection is done. SRS SRS p rovides 3-D surround e ffect of mu si c. P ress the button to switch between SRS, EQ , SRS+EQ , and Non - S R S - E Q w hile playin g music.[...]
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20 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digi tal A udio Play er Listening t o FM Radio The radio mode of Jo yb ee 130 enables y ou to listen t o FM radio as follo ws. 1. Pr ess do w n the jog wheel to turn on J oybee 130 . 2. Pr ess th e button to ent er the main me nu. Slide up or down the jog wheel to highlig ht the FM mode, then press down the jog wheel [...]
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21 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer 2. Slide up or do w n the jog wheel to select one channel, then pr ess down the jog wheel to con fir m. T uning to a F av orite Station 1. U nder FM mode, press and hold the button to ent er the submen u. Slide the jog wheel t o h ighligh t Load mode. P ress do wn the jog whe el to ent er the m[...]
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22 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digital A udio Play er 2 . Pres s t h e b u t t on to pa us e re cord in g a n d pres s it a ga i n t o re su m e re co rdi n g . 3. P ress the butt on to st op r ecording. • Note that recorder function is only a vaila ble in voice recording (by built-in micro- phone) and FM radio recording (in FM r adio mode). • [...]
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23 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer U se the delete function pr ovided in the Se tup menu t o delete an y unneeded music or vo ice files. 1. Pr ess down the jog wheel and tur n on the J o yb ee 130 . 2. Pr ess the button . Slide the jog wheel up or down to select DELETE mode. Press the jog wheel and ent er the submenu. 3. The sub[...]
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24 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digi tal A udio Play er S ystem S etup The system setup menu pro v ides additional functions to enable y ou to cust omize the Jo ybee 130. Pr ess the button , then slide the jog wheel to select t he SETUP mode. Pr ess down the jog wheel to en ter it. Y ou can exit from the men u at an y time wi thout making changes by[...]
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25 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer 3. U se jog w heel to selec t the desired language. 4. The language of your c hoice is select ed for the men us. P ress down the jog wheel to conf irm your setting. A message of wi ll sho w on the L CD disppl ay aft er the sele ction is done. Setting the Backlight This function allo ws you t o [...]
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26 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Digi tal A udio Play er 2. Pr ess do w n the jog wheel and enter the submen u. The L CD display sho ws 3 option s. • Bright ness: H ig h/M edium/Lo w • T rubass: F rom lev el 1 t o level 10 • W O W V olume: from le vel 1 to level 10 3. U se the jog wheel to se lect the desired WOW S R S . 4. Pr ess do w n the jo[...]
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27 U sing the BenQ Jo ybee 130 Dig ital A udio Pla yer 3. Pr ess down the jog wheel to t ogg le between each o ptions. 4. Pr ess down t he button to co nfir m the setti ng. A message of wil l show on the L CD dis ppla y after the selection is done. Setting the Playlist T o set the audio tra cks be pla yed in the sequ ence of the pla ylist you edit [...]
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28 A dvanced Operations A dvanced Oper ations U sing QM usic QM usic is a s oftware provided to help you to organiz e your music c ollection. Y ou can use it to pla y audio CDs or MP3s on your PC , con ve r t audio CD tracks into MP3 format, cre- ate playlists, transfer music to your J oybee 130 , burn music CDs and create your o w n music albu m. [...]
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29 A dvanced Operations Ove r v iew of QM usic The us er interface of the QM usi c progr am is show n in the illus tra tion below. Ac t i on buttons Left panel Dis pla y Right pane Fea t u re butto ns Searc h win do w Syst em buttons Playback butto ns Status bar[...]
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30 A dvanced Operations Fe a t u r e s Description A ction buttons Pr ovide sp ec ific func tions of QM usic. Left pane l Displ ays all file s suppor ted by QM usic. There ar e two default folders in your hard disk: Mu s i c L i b r a r y and My J o y b e e . Y ou can sav e and org anize y our audio files her e. Mu s i c L i b r a r y : All your MP[...]
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31 A dvanced Operations MP3 : J oybee 130 default folder . Y ou can directly drag and drop y our audio files sav ed under the Mu s i c L i b r a r y to this folder , or you c an just rig ht click the folder and sele ct t o co py audi o files sav e d in yo ur hard disk t o this folder . FMRadio : Jo ybee 130 default folder . Al l your recorded FM au[...]
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32 A dvanced Operations A dding M usic to the Jo ybee 130 U sing QM usic Connect the Joybe e 1 3 0 to the PC. The icon appears in the left panel of the QM usic interfac e, and the directo r ies on J oybee 130 ar e displ ay ed under the icon. Search windo w Pr ovides searching func tion. T y p e in a file name and press the magnifier ico n to searc [...]
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33 A dvanced Operations Y ou can now add files to y our Jo yb ee 130 f ro m a n a u di o CD u si n g t h e f il e c o nve r s i o n f a c i l - ity provided by QM usic or y ou can directly cop y your audio music files fr om the PC to the J oybee 130 .[...]
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34 A dvanced Operations A dding music fro m an audio CD to J oybee 130 1. Pu t an audio CD in the CD-R OM on your PC. The ic on appears in the left panel of QM usic, and the files on the CD appear in the rig ht panel.[...]
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35 A dvanced Operations 2. S el ec t t he fi les to b e a dd ed to Jo ybee 130 by clicking the c heckbox es in front of the files. 3. Click the icon, and QM usic st arts con v e r ting the selected files into MP3 files.[...]
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36 A dvanced Operations 4. Aft er the con v ersion is c ompleted, the ic on is added to the left panel. All the con verted files are placed in this album. Click to dis- play the details of files in the righ t panel. 5. Click to se lect t he file to be adde d to Jo ybee 130 . T o select more than one fi le, press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboar[...]
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37 A dvanced Operations 6. Drag to cop y the se lected files from the rig ht panel to the MP3 directory under the icon. • When files are being transferred to Joybee 130 , do n ot disconnect the Joybee 130 from the PC. • Check if there is enough memory sp ace on Joybee 130 before transferring files to Joybee 130.[...]
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38 A dvanced Operations A dding files fr om a PC to J o ybee 130 1. Click in the left panel.[...]
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39 A dvanced Operations 2. Pr ess and a dialog box o pens to help y o u to select the desired files. Br owse and select MP3, W A V or WMA files t o be added to J oybee 130 from the PC. P ress Open to add the select ed files t o My Jo y b e e . 3. Click under icon on the QM usic in terface. 4. Pr ess and QM usic star ts t ransfer ri ng the files in [...]
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40 A dvanced Operations y ou want to k eep them, abor t the transfer and back up these files, be fore star ting file tra nsfer again. • When files are bei ng transferred to Joybee 130, do not disconnect Joybee 130 from the PC. • Check if there is enough memory sp ace on Joybee 130 before transferring files to Joybee 130.[...]
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41 A dvanced Operations U pdating Jo yb ee 130 A utomatically with QM usic Y ou can se t up J oybee 130 t o be updated w ith the music from the My J o y b e e folder auto matically when it i s connect ed t o the PC. 1. Click in the left panel. 2. Pr ess and a dia log box opens t o help you t o select the desir ed files. Br ows e and select MP3, W A[...]
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42 A dvanced Operations 3. Pr ess on the right panel of QM usic in the function button area. 4. In the Option dialog bo x shown, cl ick the Joy b e e tab .[...]
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43 A dvanced Operations 5. Select A utomatica lly launch QM usic w hen Jo ybee added under Launc h Settings and A utomatically transf er MP3 files t o Jo ybee when added under Upd a t e S e t t i n g s . Click the button to sa ve y our se ttings. 6. Connect Jo ybee 130 to the PC and QM usic automaticall y updates the files on Joy- bee 130 w ith the[...]
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44 A dvanced Operations 3. Lo cate the fi les to be dele ted by cl icki ng on t he MicIn , FMRadio or MP3 subd irec- tory under the the ic on in the left panel of QM usic. 4. The files in the selected dir ector y are di spla yed in the rig ht panel. Clic k to select the file to be deleted. T o sel ect more than one file, press and hold the Ctrl ke [...]
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45 T rou bleshooting T r oubleshooting U nable t o transfer fi les to J o ybee 130. Check the following: • The USB cable has been se curely conne ct ed to the PC and Jo ybee 130, and the Jo ybee 130 is turned on. • The USB driver has been installed on your PC. Data stor ed in Jo ybee 130 is lost. If the powe r supply is unstable when the Jo ybe[...]
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46 Ser v ice Information Ser v ice I nfor mation If y ou cannot sol ve the pr oblems enc ountered while using the J oybee 130 w ith the troubleshooting guide, please contact our worl dw ide ser v ice locations to obtain the latest drivers and online support ser v ices. Area Coun tr y T elephone Number E-mail A ddr ess Asia China +86-512-68092520 se[...]
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47 Ser v ice Information Eu ro p e A ustr ia +43(0)1-360-2772-062 support@benq.at R omania +40(0)259-342431 Cz echoslovakia 02-24321322 ser v ice@medisoft.cz P oland 032-373-6168 serwis@itus.pc Amer ic a USA +305-593-5250 compume x@fdr .com Los An geles 888-723- 2238 BenqCS.us@benq.co m M exico 01-800-712-7745 support. latinamer ica@benq.com Chile [...]
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48 Ser v ice Information[...]