Cisco 2950 manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Cisco 2950. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Cisco 2950 o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Cisco 2950 se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Cisco 2950, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Cisco 2950 debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Cisco 2950
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Cisco 2950
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Cisco 2950
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Cisco 2950 no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Cisco 2950 y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Cisco en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Cisco 2950, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Cisco 2950, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Cisco 2950. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West T asman Dri ve San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Catal yst 2950 Desktop S witc h Sof tware Configuration Guide Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)EA2 b Marc h, 20 02 Custome r Order N umber : DOC-78 11380= Text Pa rt Num ber: 78 [...]

  • Página 2


  • Página 3

    iii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 CONTENTS Preface xv ii Audienc e xvii Pur pose xvii Organi zation xv iii Convent ions xi x Rela te d Publi cation s xx Obtain ing Documentati on xx World Wide Web xx Document ation C D-ROM xxi Orderi ng Documenta tion xxi Document ation F eedback xxi Obtain ing Technical As [...]

  • Página 4

    Cont ents iv Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Port Mo des and LEDs 2-8 VLAN Member sh ip Modes 2-9 Topolo gy View 2-10 Topolo gy Icons 2-12 Device an d Link Labe ls 2-13 Colors in the To pology Vi ew 2-14 Topolo gy Display Optio ns 2-14 Menus and Too lbar 2-15 Menu Bar 2-15 Toolba r 2-20 Front Pa nel View Pop [...]

  • Página 5

    Content s v Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 CHAPTER 3 Using t he Command -Line I nterface 3-1 IOS Command Mode s 3-1 Gettin g Help 3-3 Abbrevi ating Comma nds 3-3 Using no an d defau lt Forms of C omman ds 3-4 Underst anding CL I Message s 3-4 Using Comma nd History 3-5 Changin g the Comma nd Histor y Buffer S[...]

  • Página 6

    Cont ents vi Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Planni ng a Switch Cluste r 5-4 Automa ti c Discove ry of Cluster Can didates and Members 5-4 Discove ry thr ough CDP Hops 5-5 Discove ry t hrough Non-CD P-Capabl e and N oncluster-C apable Device s 5-6 Discove ry throu gh the Same Manag ement VLAN 5-7 Discove ry t[...]

  • Página 7

    Content s vii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Obtain ing Configurat ion Fil es 6-7 Example Conf igurat ion 6-8 Changin g the Password 6-10 Setti ng the Sys te m Date and Ti me 6-11 Config urin g Dayl ight Sav ing Time 6-11 Confi guri ng t he Ne twor k Ti me Pr otoco l 6-11 Config urin g the Switch as an NTP Cl[...]

  • Página 8

    Cont ents viii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Defini ng AAA Server Groups 6- 31 Config urin g RADI US Authori zation f or Privi leged EXEC Access and Net work Ser vices 6-33 Starti ng RADI US Acco unting 6-34 Config urin g Set ting s fo r All RADIUS Se rvers 6-35 Config urin g the Switch to Use Vend or-Speci[...]

  • Página 9

    Content s ix Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 VTP Adver tisement s 8-8 VTP Versi on 2 8-9 VTP Pruni ng 8-9 VTP Confi gura ti on Guid el ines 8-10 Domain Names 8-10 Password s 8-10 Upgradi ng fro m Pre vious S oftware Relea ses 8-11 VTP Versi on 8-11 Defaul t VTP Conf igurat ion 8-11 Config uring VTP 8-1 2 Confi[...]

  • Página 10

    Cont ents x Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Dynam ic Por t VLAN Member ship 8-29 VMPS Da t ab a se Co nf ig ur at ion Fi le 8-29 VMPS C onfigur ation Guideli nes 8-31 Defaul t VMPS Config uration 8-31 Config urin g Dyna mic VLAN Membe rship 8-31 Config urin g Dyna mic Por ts on VMPS Client s 8-32 Reconfi rmin[...]

  • Página 11

    Content s xi Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Limita tions 9-15 Connect ing the Stack P or ts 9-15 Underst anding Bac kbone Fast 9-17 Underst anding Roo t Guard 9-19 Config uring Basic STP Fe ature s 9-20 Defaul t STP Conf igurat ion 9-20 Disabl ing STP 9-21 Config urin g the Root Swi tch 9-21 Config urin g a S[...]

  • Página 12

    Cont ents xii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Underst anding th e EtherChannel 10-8 Underst andi ng Po rt-Ch annel In terface s 10-9 Underst andi ng th e Port Aggregati on Protoc ol 10-10 PAgP Modes 10-1 0 Physic al Learners and Aggregat e-Po rt Lear ners 10-11 PAgP Int eraction with Ot her Fea tu res 10-1 2 [...]

  • Página 13

    Content s xiii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Leavin g a M ulti cast Group 11-6 CLI: C onfig urin g a M ultica st Ro uter P ort 11-7 Underst anding Mul ticast VLAN Reg istrat ion 11-7 Using MV R in a Multic ast Telev ision Applica tion 11-8 Config uration Guidelines and L imitati on s 11-10 Defaul t MVR Confi[...]

  • Página 14

    Cont ents xiv Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Queuein g and Scheduling 13-8 How Clas s of S ervice Works 13-8 Port Pr iority 13-8 Port Sch eduling 13-8 CoS and WRR 13-8 Config uring QoS 13-9 Defaul t QoS Conf ig urati on 13-9 Config urati o n Guideli nes 13-10 Config uring Classif icatio n Using P or t Trust [...]

  • Página 15

    Content s xv Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Recover ing fr om Cor rupt ed So ftwar e 14-10 Debug C ommands 14-11 Enabli ng Debug ging on a Spe cific Fe ature 14-11 Enabli ng All -Syst em Diagn ostics 14-1 2 Redire ctin g Debu g and Err or Messa ge Ou tput 14-12 APPENDI X A Error Mess ages for Sec uri ty and Q[...]

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    Cont ents xvi Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03[...]

  • Página 17

    xvii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Preface Audience The Cataly st 2950 Desktop Sw itch Softwar e Configuration Guide is for the netw ork manager responsible for configuring the Ca talyst 2950 switches, hereafter referred to as the switches. Before using this g uide, you shou ld be familia r with the conce pt[...]

  • Página 18

    xviii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Preface Organization • Cluster M anagemen t Suite (CMS) in forma tion — This guide provides a n o verview of the CMS web-base d, switch manage ment inter face. For information a bout CMS re quirements an d the proc edures for b ro wser and p lug-in conf igurati on and[...]

  • Página 19

    xix Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Pre face Conventi ons Chapter 9, “ Configur ing STP , ” provides the conside rations a nd CLI proced ures for co nfiguring basic and advanced spann ing-tr ee featur es. The o nline he lp provides the C MS proc edures. Chapter 10, “ Configuring the Switch Ports, ” pro[...]

  • Página 20

    xx Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Preface Related Publi ca tions Cautio n Mean s re a d e r b e c a re f u l . In this s ituation , you might do some thing that coul d result in equip ment dam age or loss of da ta. Ti p Means the following will help you solve a pr oblem . The ti ps informa tion might not be [...]

  • Página 21

    xxi Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Pre face Obtaining Techn ical Assistance Documenta tion C D-ROM Cisco documentati o n and additio nal literature are a vailab le in a Cisco Documenta tion CD-R OM packag e, whi ch is shi pped w ith you r produc t. The Do cume ntatio n CD-R OM i s upda ted mon thly and m ay b[...]

  • Página 22

    xxii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Preface Obtain in g Technical As sistance i s the foundatio n of a suite of in teract i ve, n etworked service s that provides im mediate , open access to Ci sco inform ation, net working solut ions, serv ices, progr ams, and re sources at any time , fr[...]

  • Página 23

    xxiii Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Pre face Obtaining Techn ical Assistance If you ca nnot resol ve your tec hnical issu es by using t he Cisco T A C W eb Site, an d you are a registe red user , you can open a ca se online by u sing the T A C Case Open tool at the follo wing URL: http://www .cisco[...]

  • Página 24

    xxiv Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Preface Obtain in g Technical As sistance[...]

  • Página 25

    C HAPTER 1-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 1 Overview This cha pter provides t hese topics a bout the C atalyst 2950 switch sof tware: • Features • Managem ent option s • Exampl es of the Cata lyst 2950 swit ches in different network t opologie s Features The Catal yst 2950 so ftware support s the swit[...]

  • Página 26

    1-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Feature s T able 1 -1 Fea tur es Ease of Use and Ease of Deplo yment • Cluster Manageme nt Suite (CMS) softwa re for simplif ied swi tch and switch cluster manag ement through a web browser , such as Netscap e Communi cator or Micr osoft Inter net E[...]

  • Página 27

    1-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Features Manageability • Dynamic Host C onfi guration Prot ocol (DHCP)-based autoconf iguration f or automati cally conf iguring the switch during sta rtup with IP addr ess inform ation and a configurat ion file that it receives during DHCP-b ased autoco[...]

  • Página 28

    1-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Feature s Red undancy • HSRP for com mand switch re dundancy • UniDirectio nal link detec tion (UDLD ) on all Ethern et ports for detecting and di sabling unidi rectional lin ks on fib er -optic interf aces ca used b y incorrect f iber-optic wirin[...]

  • Página 29

    1-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Features Security • Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) Guar d for shutting down a Por t Fast-configured po rt when an invalid co nfiguration occurs • Protected por t option for re stricting the for warding of traf fic to designated po rts on the same swi[...]

  • Página 30

    1-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Managem e nt Options Management Options The Cat alyst 29 50 swit ches ar e designed for plug -and-play operat ion: you on ly need t o assign ba sic IP information to t h e switch a nd connect it to the other de vices i n your netwo rk. If you ha ve sp[...]

  • Página 31

    1-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Manageme nt Options Y ou can mana ge the switch fro m an SNMP-co mpatible m anagemen t station that is run ning platforms such as HP O penV iew or SunNet Man ager . The sw itch suppor ts a comprehe nsiv e set of MIB extension s and four RMON gr oups. For m[...]

  • Página 32

    1-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Netwo rk Conf iguration Ex amples Network Config uration E xamples This secti on provides network co nfiguration c oncepts and inc ludes examples of using the s witch to creat e dedica ted networ k segments and i nterconne cting t he segments thr ough[...]

  • Página 33

    1-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Networ k Confi gurati on Examp les Figure 1-1 sh o ws configurat ion examples of using the C atalyst switches to create t hese networks: • Cost-e ff ecti ve wiring closet — A cost-ef fecti ve way to connec t man y users to the w iring clos et is to con[...]

  • Página 34

    1-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Netwo rk Conf iguration Ex amples Figur e 1 -1 Example Configur ations Small to Medium-Sized Network Configuration Figure 1-2 sh ows a configurat ion for a networ k that ha s up to 250 us ers. Us ers in this n etwork re quire e-mail, f ile-shari ng, [...]

  • Página 35

    1-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Networ k Confi gurati on Examp les A network backbone is a h igh-bandw idth conne ction (suc h as Fast Ethern et or Gigabit Et hernet) t hat in te r con n ec ts se gm ents an d net wo rk re so ur ce s. It is requi red if numer ous segments require acce ss[...]

  • Página 36

    1-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Netwo rk Conf iguration Ex amples Collaps ed Backbo ne and Switch Cluster Config uration Figure 1-3 sh ows a con figuration for a net work of appro ximate ly 500 empl oyees. This net work uses a collapse d backbone an d switch clusters. A collapse d [...]

  • Página 37

    1-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 1 Overview Networ k Confi gurati on Examp les Figur e 1 -3 Collapsed Bac kbone and Switc h Cluster Con figuration Large C ampus Config uration Figure 1-4 shows a co nfiguration for a network o f more t han 1000 u sers. B ecause it c an aggregate u p to 130 Gigabit c[...]

  • Página 38

    1-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Ch ap ter 1 Over v iew Netwo rk Conf iguration Ex amples Figur e 1 -4 Larg e Campus Confi guration Catalyst 6500 s witch Cisco access gatew a y Ser v ers Cisco CallManager Cisco 7200 or 7500 router WA N IP telephony network or PSTN IP IP IP IP 60995 Catalyst 3524-PWR XL Gi[...]

  • Página 39

    C HAPTER 2-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 2 Getting Started with CMS This cha pter provid es these topi cs about t he Clust er Manag ement Sui te (CM S) software : • Featur es, pag e 2-2 • Front Pan el V iew , pag e 2-4 • T opology V iew , page 2 -10 • Men us and T oolbar , page 2-1 5 • Inte rac t[...]

  • Página 40

    2-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Feature s Features CMS provides these fe atures ( Figu re 2- 1 ) for managing sw itch cluster s and individual switch es from W eb brows ers suc h as Netscape Com muni cator or Micr osof t Interne t Explor er: • T w o vie ws of your ne[...]

  • Página 41

    2-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Features • T wo lev els of access to the conf iguration optio ns: read- write access for user s allo wed to change switch settin gs; read-only a ccess for use rs allo wed to only v iew s witch settin gs • Consistent set of GUI co mpone[...]

  • Página 42

    2-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Front Panel Vi ew Front Panel View When CMS i s launc hed from a co mmand swit ch, the Fr ont P anel vie w displays the front-pa nel imag es of all switche s in the cluster ( Figur e 2-2 ). Whe n CMS is la unched fro m a standa lone or n[...]

  • Página 43

    2-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Front Pa nel Vie w Cluste r Tr ee The c lust er tr ee ( Figure 2- 3 ) appears in th e left frame of t he Front P anel vi ew and sh o ws the name of the cluster and a li st of its me mbers. Th e sequenc e of the cl uster-tree icons ( Figu r[...]

  • Página 44

    2-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Front Panel Vi ew Front-Panel Images Y ou can manage th e switch from a remote statio n by using the f ront-panel imag es. The front-pane l images ar e updated bas ed on the netw ork polli ng interv al that y ou set from CMS > Pr efer[...]

  • Página 45

    2-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Front Pa nel Vie w Redundant Power System LE D The Redun dant Power System (RPS) LED shows the RPS sta tus ( Ta b l e 2 - 2 ). Certa in swi tches i n the swit ch cl uste r use a spe cific R PS mod el: • Cisco RPS 30 0 (mode l PWR300- A C[...]

  • Página 46

    2-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Front Panel Vi ew Port Modes and LEDs The por t modes ( Ta b l e 2 - 3 ) determi ne the type of inf ormation d isplayed thr ough the por t LEDs. When you change port mo des, the me anings of t he port LE D colors ( Ta b l e 2 - 4 )a l s [...]

  • Página 47

    2-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Front Pa nel Vie w VLAN Membership Modes Ports in the Front P anel view ar e outlined b y colors ( Ta b l e 2 - 5 ) when you click Highlight VLAN Po rt Membership Modes on the Config ure VLANs tab o n the VLAN wi ndo w ( VLAN > VLAN >[...]

  • Página 48

    2-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Topology Vie w Topology Vie w The T opology vi e w display s how the de vices wi thin a switc h cluster ar e connec ted and how the switch cluster i s connecte d to other cluster s and devices. From this vi e w , you can add and re mov [...]

  • Página 49

    2-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Topol ogy View Figur e 2-6 Expan d Cluste r Vie w Figur e 2-7 Collaps e Clust er V iew Right-click a link icon to displa y a link popup menu. Cluster members of cluster1 and other de vices connected to cluster1. 65722 Right-click a de vic[...]

  • Página 50

    2-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Topology Vie w Topology Icons The T opology vi ew and the cluste r tree us e the sam e set of device icon s to rep resent c lusters, c ommand and stand by command swit ches, and mem ber switc hes ( Figure 2-8 ). The T opology view also [...]

  • Página 51

    2-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Topol ogy View Figur e 2-9 T opol ogy -View Lin k Icons Device and Link Lab els The T opology view displays device and link infor mation by using these labe ls : • Cluster and switch names • Switch MA C and IP addresse s • Link type[...]

  • Página 52

    2-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Topology Vie w Colors in the Topo logy Vie w The col ors of the T opology vi ew icons reflect th e status o f the devices and li nks ( Ta b l e 2 - 6 , Ta b l e 2 - 7 , and Ta b l e 2 - 8 ). The col or of a device label shows the clu st[...]

  • Página 53

    2-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Menus and To olbar Menus and Tool bar The conf iguratio n and monitoring o ptions for con figurin g switches and switch clusters a re av ailable from the m enu bar , toolba r , and the Front- Panel and T opology view popup menu s. Menu Ba[...]

  • Página 54

    2-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Menu s an d Toolbar • If your cl uster has thes e member switc hes running ea rlier so ftwar e release s and if yo u ha ve read-o nly access to the se member s witches, some c onfiguratio n windows for those s witches d isplay incompl[...]

  • Página 55

    2-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Menus and To olbar Clust er Cluster M anager 3 Launc h a CMS session from the com mand switch. Create Clus ter 14 Desi gnate a comma nd switch , and name a clu ster . Delete Cluster 15 D e l e t eac l u s t e r . Add to Cluster 15 Add a c[...]

  • Página 56

    2-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Menu s an d Toolbar Port Port Settings 2 Display and config ure port pa ramet ers on a switch. Port Se arch Searc h for a port thro ugh its de scrip tio n. Port Security 1 Enable port secu rity on a port. Ether Channels 2 G roup ports i[...]

  • Página 57

    2-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Menus and To olbar Vie w Refresh Update the vie ws with the latest statu s. Front Pa nel D ispla y the F ront Panel view . Arrang e Front Pane l 15 Rear range the o rder in wh ich switch es appe ar in the Fro nt Pa nel vie w . T opology 5[...]

  • Página 58

    2-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Menu s an d Toolbar Toolbar The toolba r buttons display commo nly used switc h and cluster con f igurat ion options and i nformati on wind o ws suc h as le gends an d onlin e help. H ov er the curs or ov er an icon to disp lay t he fea[...]

  • Página 59

    2-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Menus and To olbar Front Panel V iew Popu p Menu s These popu p menus ar e av a ilable in t he Front Panel view . Device Popup Menu Y ou can disp lay all switc h and cluster con fig uration windo ws from the menu bar , or you can d isplay[...]

  • Página 60

    2-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Menu s an d Toolbar Topology View Popu p Menus These popu p menus ar e av ailable in the T opology view . Link Popup Menu Y ou can displa y reports a nd graphs for a spec ific link displayed in the T opology vi ew ( Ta b l e 2 - 1 4 ). [...]

  • Página 61

    2-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Menus and To olbar Device Popup Menus Specific devices in the T opology view displ ay a specific popu p menu: • Cluster ( Ta b l e 2 - 1 5 ) • C o m m a n ds w i t c h( Ta b l e 2 - 1 6 ) • Memb er or standb y comma nd switch ( Ta b[...]

  • Página 62

    2-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Menu s an d Toolbar T able 2-1 7 Device P opup Menu of a Member o r Standb y Command-S witch Ic on Pop up Menu O ption T ask Remove from Clus ter 1 1. Availa ble only fro m a cluster -management s ession. Remove a member from the c lust[...]

  • Página 63

    2-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Inter action Mo des Interaction Modes Y ou can ch ange the i nteractio n mode of CM S to either guide or expe rt mode. Gui de mode st eps you throug h each feat ure option and provide s inform ation abo ut the par ameter . Ex pert mod e d[...]

  • Página 64

    2-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Wizards Wizards Note Wizards are not av ailab le if y our switch acce ss level is read- only . For more inform ation abou t the read-o nly ac cess mod e, see the “ Access Modes in CMS ” s e c t i o no np a g e2 - 3 1 . W izards simp[...]

  • Página 65

    2-27 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Online Help Online Help CMS provides co mprehen si ve online help t o assist you in under standing an d perfo rming con f igura tion and mon itoring task s from the CM S windows ( Figure 2-11 ). • Feature h elp, av ailable f rom the me [...]

  • Página 66

    2-28 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S CMS W indow Comp onents CMS Window Components CMS window s consistently present conf iguration information. Figure 2-12 shows the component s of a typical CMS window . Figur e 2-12 CMS Wind ow Comp onents Host Name List T o di splay or [...]

  • Página 67

    2-29 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS CMS Win dow Components Tabs, Lists, and T ables Some CMS w indows hav e tabs that present dif ferent sets of informatio n. T a bs are arrange d like folder headings acr oss the top of the windo w . Click the tab to di splay its informat i[...]

  • Página 68

    2-30 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Access ing CMS Accessing CMS This sectio n assumes the follo wing: • Y ou kno w th e IP add ress and password of th e command switch or a spec ific sw itch. This informa tion is either: – Assigned to the switch by following the setu[...]

  • Página 69

    2-31 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Acce s sing CM S Access Mo des in CMS CMS pro vides two le vels of access to the conf iguration options: read-write ac cess and read-only ac cess. Pri vilege le vels 0 to 15 a re supported. • Pri vile ge le vel 15 pro vides you with rea[...]

  • Página 70

    2-32 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Verifying Yo ur Cha nges Verifying Your Changes CMS provides not ification cues to h elp you track an d confirm the chang es you make. Change Notification A green borde r around a field or tab le cell means t hat you made a n unsav ed c[...]

  • Página 71

    2-33 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting Started wi th CMS Using Differ ent Version s of CMS Using Different Versions of CMS When managi ng switch clu sters throug h CMS, reme mber that clust ers can have a mix of switch models using d if fere nt IOS r eleases and th at CMS i n earlier IO S relea[...]

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    2-34 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 2 Getting St arted with CM S Where to Go Nex t[...]

  • Página 73

    C HAPTER 3-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 3 Using the Command-Line Interface This ch apter d escribes the IOS comm and-li ne interfa ce (CLI ) that you ca n use t o configure your switches. It contains these sections: • IOS Comm and Mo des, page 3- 1 • Getting Help, page 3-3 • Abbreviating C ommands ,[...]

  • Página 74

    3-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using th e C omma n d-Line In terface IOS Command Modes T able 3-1 Command Mo de Summary Mode Access Method Prompt Exit Method About This Mode User EXEC B egin a session with your switch . Switch> Enter logo ut or quit . Use this mode to • Change termi nal se[...]

  • Página 75

    3-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using the Comma nd-L ine Interfa ce Getting Help Getting Help Y ou can e nter a q uestion mar k (?) at the syste m prompt t o display a list o f comma nds av ailable fo r each comma nd mode. Y ou can also ob tain a l ist of asso ciated k eywor ds and ar guments fo [...]

  • Página 76

    3-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using th e C omma n d-Line In terface Using no and default Forms of Commands Using no and defa ult Forms of Comman ds Almo st e very co nf iguratio n com mand a lso ha s a no form . In gen eral , use t he no form t o disable a f eature or functio n or reverse the [...]

  • Página 77

    3-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using the Comma nd-L ine Interfa ce Using Com mand History Using Command History The IOS pr ovi des a history o r record o f command s that you ha ve e ntere d. This feat ure is particul arly useful for re calling long or c omplex commands or entries, i ncluding ac[...]

  • Página 78

    3-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using th e C omma n d-Line In terface Using E diting Features Using Editing Fea tures This sec tion descr ibes the e diting features th at can help y ou manipu late the c ommand line. It conta ins these sections : • Enabling an d Disabling Editin g Features, pag[...]

  • Página 79

    3-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using the Comma nd-L ine Interfa ce Using Edit ing Featu res Editing C ommand Lines that Wrap Y ou can use a w raparound feature for com mands that extend b eyond a single li ne on the sc reen. Whe n the curs or reaches t he right mar gin, the command lin e shifts [...]

  • Página 80

    3-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using th e C omma n d-Line In terface Searching and F iltering Outp ut of show and m ore Commands T o sc roll back to th e begi nning of the command en try , press Ctrl- B or the left ar ro w ke y repeat edly . Y ou c a na l s op r e s s Ctrl- A to immediately m o[...]

  • Página 81

    3-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using the Comma nd-L ine Interfa ce Acce ssi ng the C LI Accessing the CLI This proc edure assume s you have alre ady assign ed IP inform ation and passwor d to the switch or command switch . Y ou can a ssign this inf ormation to the swit ch in these w ays: • Usi[...]

  • Página 82

    3-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 3 Using th e C omma n d-Line In terface Saving Con figur ation Chang es Step 4 Enter the switch password. The User E XEC promp t appears o n the manage ment stati on. Note Cop ies of the CMS pag es that you displ ay are saved in your browser memory cac he until you[...]

  • Página 83

    C HAPTER 4-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 4 General Switch Administration This chapt er provides these sw itch administ ration topi cs: • Basic IP connecti vity to the switch • Switch so ftwar e release s • Conso le por t access • Hyper text T ransfe r Protocol (H TTP) access • T eln et access •[...]

  • Página 84

    4-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration Switch Softw are Releases Switch Software Releases The swi tch softwar e is regularl y update d with new featur es and bug fix es, and y ou migh t want to upgrad e your Ca ta ly st 295 0 wit h the la tes t sof tw are r elea se. Ne[...]

  • Página 85

    4-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 General Switch A dmi nistratio n HTTP Acce ss to CMS T o conf igure the s witch fo r T el net acces s, follo w these step s: HTTP Access to CMS CMS uses Hype rtext T ransfer Pro tocol (HTTP) , which is an in-ba nd form of comm unicatio n with the switch thro ugh an[...]

  • Página 86

    4-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration SNMP Networ k Manage m ent Pla tforms • Conf igur ing y our we b bro wser • Displa ying the Cisco Syste m s Access pa ge Y ou can also see the “ Accessing CMS ” s e c t i o no np a g e 2 - 3 0 . For in formation abou t con[...]

  • Página 87

    4-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 General Switch A dmi nistratio n SNMP Netw ork Mana gement Platf orms The b ulk retrie val me chanism r etrie ve s tables a nd lar ge quantit ies of informatio n, minim izing the number of rou nd-trips re quired. T he SNMPv2 C improved error-handli ng includes expa[...]

  • Página 88

    4-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration Default Sett ings As shown in Figure 4-1 , the SNM P agent gathe rs data fro m the MIB, whi ch is the rep ository for inform ation about device parame ters and network da ta. The ag ent can send tra ps, or notification of cert ain[...]

  • Página 89

    4-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 General Switch A dmi nistratio n Default Settings T able 4-2 Def ault Set tings and Wher e T o Chang e Them Featur e Default Setting Concepts and CLI Procedures CMS Option Cluster M anagement Enabling a Command Switch 1 None “ Enabling a Command Switch ” sectio[...]

  • Página 90

    4-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration Default Sett ings Domai n name No ne “ Configuring the D omain Name an d the DNS ” s e c t i o no np a g e6 - 5 . Documen tation set for Cisco IOS Rele ase 12.1 on . Administration > IP Addresses Cisco Discovery P[...]

  • Página 91

    4-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 General Switch A dmi nistratio n Default Settings Performanc e Configuring a por t None Chapter 10, “ Configurin g the Switch Ports. ” P o rt > Port Setti ngs Duple x mode Auto “ Ch anging the Port Spee d and D uplex Mode ” s e c t i o no np a g e1 0 - 1[...]

  • Página 92

    4-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration Default Sett ings Quali ty of Se rvice ( QoS) 3 Disabled “ Configuring Classification U sing Port T rust States ” s e c t i o no np a g e1 3 - 1 0 . “ Configuring a QoS Policy ” section on page 13 -13 . “ Configuring Co[...]

  • Página 93

    4-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 General Switch A dmi nistratio n Default Settings 802.1X p ort-b ased authentica tion Disabled “ C onf igu ring 8 02.1X A uthe nti cation ” section on page 7-6 . Devic e > 802.1X 1. Available only f rom a Device Manager ses sion on a command-capable switch [...]

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    4-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 4 Ge ner al Switch Ad min istration Default Sett ings[...]

  • Página 95

    C HAPTER 5-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 5 Clustering Switches This chapte r prov ides these topics to help you get star ted with switch clustering: • Understandi ng Switch Clusters, pa ge 5-2 • Planning a S witch Cluste r , pa ge 5-4 • Creating a Switch Cluster , page 5-16 • U s i n gt h eC L It o[...]

  • Página 96

    5-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Unders tan din g Sw itch Clusters Understandin g Switch Clust ers A switch c luster is a gr oup of conn ected Ca talyst switche s that are m anaged as a singl e entity . In a swit ch clus ter , 1 switc h must be the comma nd sw itch a n du pt[...]

  • Página 97

    5-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Command Switch Characteristics • If your sw itch clust er has Cata lyst 2900 XL , Catalyst 2 950, an d Catalyst 35 00 XL switche s, the Catalyst 2950 sh ould be t he co mmand s witch. • If your switch cluster has Catalyst 1 900, Catalyst 282[...]

  • Página 98

    5-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er Planning a Switch Cl uster Anticipatin g conflicts and c ompatibility issue s is a high priorit y when you manage se veral switche s throug h a cluster . This section desc ribes thes e guide lines, requirem ents,[...]

  • Página 99

    5-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er Discovery through CDP Hops B yu s i n gC D P ,ac o m m a n ds w i t c hc a nd i s c o v e rs w i t c h e su pt os e v e nC D Ph o p sa w a y( t h ed e f a u l ti s three ho ps) from the e dge of the cl uster . The e [...]

  • Página 100

    5-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er Discovery through Non-CDP-Capabl e and Noncluster-Capable Devices If a command sw itch is connec ted to a non-CDP -capabl e thir d-party hu b (suc h as a non -Cisco hub ), it can disc ov er cluste r-enabled devic[...]

  • Página 101

    5-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er Discovery through the Same Managemen t VLAN When the cluste r has a Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, or Cata lyst 3500 XL command switc h, all clust er membe rs must connect t o it thr ough the c omman d-switch m ana[...]

  • Página 102

    5-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er Discovery through Different M anagement VLANs W e strongl y recommend tha t a Catalyst 3550 swi tch be the command swi tch when the clus ter has Catalyst 1900, Catalyst 282 0, Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, and[...]

  • Página 103

    5-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er Discovery of Newly Installed Switches A ne w , out-o f-th e-bo x swit ch is se t with t he def ault mana geme nt VLAN , VLAN 1. By de fa ult, al l acce s s port s on t he ne w switch a re ass igned t o manage ment VL[...]

  • Página 104

    5-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er HSRP and S tandby Comma nd Switche s The switc h supports H ot Standby Router Pr otocol (HSR P) so that you can co nfigure a group of stan dby command s witches. Becaus e a command s witch man ages the for ward [...]

  • Página 105

    5-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er Virtual IP Addresses Y ou need t o assign a uni que virt ual IP addre ss and group num ber and na me to the clu ster stand by group. This info rmatio n must be con fig ured on th e manage ment VLAN on th e acti ve c[...]

  • Página 106

    5-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er Considerations for Cluster Stan dby Groups In additio n to pro viding a virtu al IP address to t he cluster standb y group, these req uirements app ly: • When the comma nd switch is a Cataly st 3550 switch, al[...]

  • Página 107

    5-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er Figur e 5-6 VLAN Co nnectivity be tween Sta ndb y -Grou p Members an d Cluste r Members IP Addresse s Y ou must assign IP inf ormatio n to a command switc h. Y ou can acce ss the cluste r through the comman d-switc [...]

  • Página 108

    5-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Planning a Sw it ch Cl ust er Host Names Y ou do not nee d to assign a host name to e ither a command sw itch or an eligible c luster member . Ho we ver , a host name a ssigned to the co mmand switch can h elp to more easil y identify th e s[...]

  • Página 109

    5-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Planni ng a Swit ch Clust er TACACS+ If T ermina l Access Controller Ac cess Control Syste m Plus (T ACA CS+) is conf igured on the command swit ch, T A CA CS+ must a lso be conf igured o n all mem ber switc hes to acc ess the switch c lust er [...]

  • Página 110

    5-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Crea tin g a Sw itch Cl uster Y o u can glob ally change th e managemen t VLAN for the cluster as lo ng as each member swit ch has eithe r a trunk co nnection o r connection t o the new command-switc h manageme nt VLAN. Use the cl uster mana[...]

  • Página 111

    5-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Creati ng a Swit ch Cluster Note Refer to the release no tes for the list o f Catalyst switch es eligible for sw itch clustering , including whic h ones can be com mand swi tches and whic h ones can only be m ember switc hes, and for the r equi[...]

  • Página 112

    5-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Crea tin g a Sw itch Cl uster Adding Me mber Switc hes A s e x p l a i n e di nt h e “ Aut omatic Di scov ery of Cluster Ca ndidates and Mem bers ” section on page 5-4 ,t h e comma nd switch automat ically disco ver s candida te switches[...]

  • Página 113

    5-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Creati ng a Swit ch Cluster Figur e 5-8 A dd to Cluste r Windo w Figur e 5-9 Usi ng the T opolog y Vie w t o A dd Member S witc hes Enter the pass word of the candidate s witch. If no pass word e xists f or the s witch, leav e this field blank.[...]

  • Página 114

    5-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Crea tin g a Sw itch Cl uster Creating a Clu ster Stand by Group The cluste r standby group mem bers must me et the requi rements des crib ed in the “ Standby Command Switch Ch aracter istics ” s e c t i o no np a g e5 - 3 and “ H S R [...]

  • Página 115

    5-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Creati ng a Swit ch Cluster Figu re 5- 10 Sta ndby C om ma nd Co nfig urati on Wi ndow 2950C (cisco WS-C2950-C-24, HC, ... NMS-3550-12T -149 (cisco WS-C3550-1 3550-150 (cisco WS-C3550-12T , SC, ... Active command s witch. Standby command s witc[...]

  • Página 116

    5-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Crea tin g a Sw itch Cl uster Verifying a Switch Cluster When you finish adding c luster mem bers, follow these steps to verify the cluste r: Step 1 Ent er the co mmand swit ch IP add ress in th e bro wser Location fiel d (Netsca pe Communic[...]

  • Página 117

    5-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 5 Clustering Switches Using th e CLI to Ma nage Swit ch Clusters Using the CLI to Manage Swit ch Clusters Y ou can co nfi gure memb er switches fr om the CLI by f irst logg ing into the co mmand sw itch. Ente r the rcommand user EXEC comma nd and the mem ber switch [...]

  • Página 118

    5-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 5 Clusterin g Switches Using SNMP to Ma nage Switch Cl ust ers Using SNMP to Manage Switc h Clusters When you first po wer on the switc h, SNMP is enable d if you enter the IP informa tion by using the setup program a nd accep t its propose d configuration. I f yo[...]

  • Página 119

    C HAPTER 6-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 6 Configuring the System This cha pter provides i nformati on about chan ging switc h-wide co nfiguration se ttings. It in cludes comma nd-line int erface (CLI) p rocedu res for us ing comman ds that ha ve been specif ically crea ted or chan ged for the Ca talyst 29[...]

  • Página 120

    6-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Changing IP In formation Manually Assigning and Removing Switch IP Information Y ou can manual ly assign a n IP addre ss, mask, and defaul t gateway to the swit ch. The ma sk identi fies the bits that d enote the n etwork numbe r in the I[...]

  • Página 121

    6-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Changing IP Infor mation Note DHC P replaces the Bootst rap Protocol (BOO TP) featu re autocon f igurat ion to ensure re triev al of conf iguration f iles by unicast TFTP me ssages. BOO TP is av ailable in ea rlier soft ware rel eases for t[...]

  • Página 122

    6-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Changing IP In formation In a DHCPRE QUEST broadc ast message , the client r eturns a re quest for the offered configura tion informatio n to the DHCP server . The request is br oadcast so that all other DHCP serv ers that recei ved the D[...]

  • Página 123

    6-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Changing IP Infor mation Note If the config uration file o n the switch does not contain t he IP address, the switch obta ins its address, mask, g ate way IP address, and hos t name from DHCP . If the service config global configuration com[...]

  • Página 124

    6-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Changing IP In formation Y o u can sp ecify a de fault d omain na me that th e softw are uses to co mplet e domain nam e reques ts. Y ou can speci fy either a singl e domain nam e or a list o f domain n ames. When y ou sp ecify a do main [...]

  • Página 125

    6-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Changing IP Infor mation Figur e 6-2 Rela y Device Used in A ut oconfigur ation For CLI procedur es, refe r to the Cisco IOS Relea se 12.1 docum entati on on Cisco. com for addit ional inform ation and CLI p rocedur es. Obtaining Configurat[...]

  • Página 126

    6-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Changing IP In formation After obtain ing its host name from the de fault con figu ration fil e or the DHCP reply , t he switch reads the conf iguration f ile that has the same name as its host name ( hostname -conf g or host name .cfg, d[...]

  • Página 127

    6-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Changing IP Infor mation DNS Server Co nfigurati on The DNS ser ver map s the TFTP ser ver n ame mar its u to IP addr ess . TFTP Server Co nfigurati on (o n UNIX ) The TFTP serv er b ase directo ry is set to /tftpser ver /work/. Th[...]

  • Página 128

    6-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Changing the Pa ssword • It reads t he configuration file th at correspon ds to it s host name; f or example, i t reads swi tch1-co nfg from the T FTP ser ver . Switch es 2 throu gh 4 retri e ve th eir conf iguration f iles and IP addr[...]

  • Página 129

    6-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Setting the System Date and Time Both types of pa sswords can contai n from 1 to 25 up percase and l o werc ase alphanu meric chara cters, and both can st art with a number . Spac es are also v alid password ch aracters ; for exa mple, two[...]

  • Página 130

    6-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Conf igurin g SNMP Configuring the Switch for NTP Broadcast-Client Mo de Y o u can con fi gure the s witch to rec ei ve NT P broadc ast messages if t here is an NTP br oadcast serv er, such as a rou ter , broadcasting time in formation o[...]

  • Página 131

    6-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Config uring CDP Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, foll o w these steps to add a trap manag er and a communi ty string: Configuring CDP Use the Cisco IOS C LI and Cisco Discovery Protocol (CD P) to enable CDP fo r the switch, set global C[...]

  • Página 132

    6-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Managin g the ARP Tabl e Configurin g CDP for E xtended Dis covery Y ou can change the def ault conf ig uration of CDP on the comman d switch to discov er dev ices up to sev e n hops away . S ee Figure 6- 4 . Figure 6-4 a lso shows the c[...]

  • Página 133

    6-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Managin g the MAC Addre ss Tables The Addr ess Resolut ion Prot ocol (ARP) assoc iates a host IP addre ss with the corr espondi ng media or MA C addresse s and the VLAN I D. T a king an IP ad dress as inp ut, ARP determ ines the asso ciate[...]

  • Página 134

    6-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Managin g the MAC Addre ss Tables Changing the Address Aging Time Dynamic a ddresses a re source M A C a ddresses that the sw itch learn s and then dro ps when t hey are not in use. The agi ng time parame ter def ines how lon g the switc[...]

  • Página 135

    6-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Managin g the MAC Addre ss Tables MAC Address Notification MA C address notif ication enab les you t o keep trac k of the MA C addresse s that are le arned or re mov ed from your s witch. When a n ew MA C address is learned or an ol d MA C[...]

  • Página 136

    6-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Managin g the MAC Addre ss Tables Adding Sec ure Addresse s The se cure address tabl e contain s secure M A C addre sses and th eir associ ated por ts and VLA Ns. A secure add ress is a manu ally ente red unicast add ress or dyna mically[...]

  • Página 137

    6-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Managin g the MAC Addre ss Tables Y ou can add an d remove static address es and define the forwa rding behavior for th em. The forwar ding behavior dete rmines how a po rt that r eceives a packet forwards it to an other por t for tr ansmi[...]

  • Página 138

    6-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Configuring TA CACS+ Configuring TACACS+ Y ou can use the T ermin al Access Cont roller Access Co ntrol Syste m Plus (T ACA CS+) to ma nage networ k security (au thenticatio n, authoriz ation, and ac counting [AAA] ) from a ser ver . Thi[...]

  • Página 139

    6-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Configuring TACACS+ Configuring Login Authentication Be ginning i n pri vile ge d EXEC m ode, fo llo w thes e step s to co nfi gure log in aut henticat ion b y using AAA/T A CA CS+: The variable list-name is any chara cter string used to n[...]

  • Página 140

    6-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Configuring TA CACS+ • tacacs + — Uses T A CACS+ authenticat ion. Y ou must configure t he T ACA CS+ ser ver before yo u can use this aut henticatio n method. For mor e information, se e the “ Co nfiguring the T A CA CS+ Server Hos[...]

  • Página 141

    6-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Configuring TACACS+ Beginning in privileged EXEC mode , follow th ese steps to enable T A CACS+ accounting : Note Th ese com mands a re doc umented in the “ Accounting an d Billing Command s ” chap ter of t he Cisc o IOS Release 12.1 S[...]

  • Página 142

    6-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS This sectio n describes ho w to enable and conf igure the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), w hich prov ides detail ed accounting inf ormat[...]

  • Página 143

    6-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS RADIUS is not suita ble in these netw ork secur ity situations: • Multipr otoco l access en vironmen ts. RADIUS does no t support Ap pleT alk Remote Access (ARA) , NetBIOS Fr ame Control Pro tocol ( [...]

  • Página 144

    6-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS The A CCEPT or RE JECT respo nse is bundled wit h additiona l data that is use d for privileged EXEC or networ k authorization. Users must f irst successfu lly complete RADIUS authentication b efo[...]

  • Página 145

    6-27 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Identifying the RADIUS Serve r Host Switch-t o-RADIUS-serv er communication i n volv es se veral co mponen ts: • Host nam e or IP addr ess • Authentic ation destinatio n port • Accounti ng destin[...]

  • Página 146

    6-28 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps t o configure per-server RADI US server comm unication . This proced ure is requir ed. T o remove the spe cified RAD IUS ser ver , u se the n[...]

  • Página 147

    6-29 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS This examp le shows how to configure on e RADIUS se rver to be used f or authe nticati on and an other to be used fo r accoun ting: Switch(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1612 key ra[...]

  • Página 148

    6-30 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to con f igure lo gin authen tication. Th is procedu re is requir ed. T o disabl e AA A, use t he no aaa new-model global co nfiguration c om[...]

  • Página 149

    6-31 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Defining AAA Server Groups Y ou can co nfigure the switch to us e AAA server grou ps to group existin g server hosts for au thentic ation. Y ou select a s ubset o f the c onf igured se rver hos ts and [...]

  • Página 150

    6-32 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to define the AAA server group a nd associate a particula r RADIUS serv er with it: Comma nd Purpos e Step 1 configur e terminal Enter gl obal[...]

  • Página 151

    6-33 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS T o remove the spe cified RAD IUS ser ver , u se the no radius-server host hostname | ip- addre ss global configurati on comma nd. T o remove a server group fro m the configurat ion list , use the no a[...]

  • Página 152

    6-34 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS Beginning in privileged EXE C mode, foll o w these st eps to speci fy RADIUS au thoriza tion for privileged EXEC acces s and netw ork service s: T o disable auth orization , use the no aaa authori[...]

  • Página 153

    6-35 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Configuring Settings for All RADIUS S ervers Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to con figure global com municat ion settings between the switch and all RADIUS serv ers: T o return [...]

  • Página 154

    6-36 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS For e xample, th is A V pair acti vates Cisco ’ s multiple n amed ip addre ss pools fea ture duri ng IP author ization (dur ing PPP ’ s IPCP addre ss assignmen t): cisco-avpair= ” ip:addr-po[...]

  • Página 155

    6-37 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 6 Configuring the Sy st em Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS Beginning i n privileged EXEC mode, fol low these steps t o specif y a vendor-propr ietary R ADIUS server host and a shared secret t ext strin g: T o delete the vendor-proprietary RA DIUS host, use the[...]

  • Página 156

    6-38 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 6 Configuri ng the Sy stem Controllin g Switch Acce ss with RA DIUS[...]

  • Página 157

    C HAPTER 7-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 7 Configuring 802.1X Port-Ba sed Authen tication This cha pter describ es how to configure IEEE 802.1 X port-ba sed authen ticatio n to pre vent unautho rized devices (clie nts) from ga ining ac cess to the ne twork. As LA Ns extend to ho tels, airp orts, and c orpo[...]

  • Página 158

    7-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Unders tan ding 802.1X Port -Based Aut henticatio n Device Roles W ith 802.1X por t-bas ed authenticatio n, the de vices in the netwo rk ha ve s pecif ic roles as sho wn in Figure 7-1 . Figu re 7-1 802 .1X De vic e [...]

  • Página 159

    7-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Understandi ng 802.1X Port- Based Authent ication The de vices that can act as inte rmediaries inc lude the Catalyst 3550 multilayer s witch, Catalyst 29 50 switch, o r a wireless acce ss point. T hese devices must be[...]

  • Página 160

    7-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Unders tan ding 802.1X Port -Based Aut henticatio n Figur e 7 -2 Messag e Ex chang e Ports in Au thorized and Un authorized State s The switch port state determin es whether or not the client is gr anted access to t[...]

  • Página 161

    7-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Understandi ng 802.1X Port- Based Authent ication • auto — en ables 802.1X and ca uses the port to begin in the unau thorize d state, allowing only EAPOL frames to be sent and re ceiv ed thro ugh the port. T he au[...]

  • Página 162

    7-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Configur ing 802. 1 X Authe nticati on Configuring 802.1X Authent ication The section de scribes h o w to configure 802.1X port-ba sed authentic ation on your sw itch: • Def aul t 802. 1X Conf igu rati on, pa ge 7[...]

  • Página 163

    7-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Configuring 802. 1X Authent ication 802.1X Configuration Guidelines These are the 802.1X auth entication conf iguratio n guidelines: • When the 80 2.1X pr otocol is enabl ed, ports a re authe nticate d befor e any o[...]

  • Página 164

    7-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Configur ing 802. 1 X Authe nticati on Enabling 802.1X Authentication T o enable 802. 1X port- based aut hentica tion, you must e nable AAA an d speci fy the authe nticat ion method list. A m ethod list descr ibes t[...]

  • Página 165

    7-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Configuring 802. 1X Authent ication This exam ple sh o ws how to enabl e AAA a nd 802.1 X on Fast E therne t port 0 /1: Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# aaa new-model Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x[...]

  • Página 166

    7-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Configur ing 802. 1 X Authe nticati on T o delete the specif ied RADIUS server , use the no radi us- server ho st { hostn ame | ip-add r ess } global configurati on comma nd. This exam ple sh o ws how to s pecify t[...]

  • Página 167

    7-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Configuring 802. 1X Authent ication This exam ple sh ows how to enable p eriodic r e-au then tica tion and set the n um ber of sec onds b etwe en re-authe nticat ion attemp ts to 4000: Switch(config)# dot1x re-authen[...]

  • Página 168

    7-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Configur ing 802. 1 X Authe nticati on Changing the Switc h-to-Client R etransmission Time The client re sponds to the EAP-request/iden tity frame fr om the switch with an EAP- response/identi ty frame . If the sw [...]

  • Página 169

    7-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Configuring 802.1X Port -B ased Authen tication Configuring 802. 1X Authent ication Setting the Switch-to-Client Frame-Retransmission Number In addition to changing the switch-to-clie nt retransmi ssion time, you can c hange the num ber of times that the s witch s[...]

  • Página 170

    7-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 7 Confi guring 8 02.1X Port-Bas ed Authenticat ion Display ing 802.1X Statis t ics and Status T o disable mult iple hosts on the port, use the no dot1x multiple-hosts interf ace conf iguration comma nd. This e xample sho ws ho w to enab le 802.1X on F ast Ethernet [...]

  • Página 171

    C HAPTER 8-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 8 Configuring VLANs This ch apter p rovides infor mation a bout configuri ng virtual LANs ( VLANs ). It inclu des comm and-li ne interf ace (CLI) proced ures for using comma nds that h av e been specif icall y creat ed or chang ed for the Catalyst 2950 swi tches. Fo[...]

  • Página 172

    8-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Overv iew Figur e 8-1 VLANs as Logica lly Defined Netw ork s Ta b l e 8 - 1 lists the number of suppor ted VLANs on the switches. The Catalyst 2950 switches support IEEE 802. 1Q trunking methods for tra nsmitting VLAN traf fic ov er 100BASE-T a[...]

  • Página 173

    8-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Managem ent VL ANs Note Th e Catalyst 2950 swit ches do no t support I SL trunk ing. T runking is not supported on all switches. For the list of products th at support trunking, refer to the release n otes. Management VLANs Communication with th [...]

  • Página 174

    8-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Assigni ng VL AN Port Memb ership Mo des Before a new switch can be add ed to a cluster, it must be connecte d to a port that belon gs to the cluste r manage ment VL AN. I f the cl uster is config ured wi th a man agem ent VLA N othe r than t h[...]

  • Página 175

    8-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Assignin g VLAN Port Membe rship Modes When a port be longs to a V LAN, the swi tch learn s and manage s the addre sses associat ed with th e port on a per-VLAN basis. For mor e informa tion, see the “ Man aging the M A C Address T ables ” se[...]

  • Página 176

    8-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Assigni ng VL AN Port Memb ership Mo des VLAN Membership Combinations Y ou can c onfi gure your switch ports in the v arious VLAN member ship combination s in Ta b l e 8 - 3 . T able 8-3 VLAN Combin ations Port M ode VTP Requ ired? Config urati[...]

  • Página 177

    8-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Assigni ng Stati c-Access Por ts to a VLAN Assigning Static-Access Ports to a VLAN By default, a ll ports are d ynamic d esirable p orts ass igned to the m anagem ent VLAN, V LAN 1. Y ou can a ssign a static-acce ss port to a VLAN without ha ving[...]

  • Página 178

    8-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Using V TP These con figurations can cau se a switch to auto matically change i ts VTP mode : When the netw ork is conf igured with more than th e maximum 250 VLANs, th e switch automatica lly chan ges from VTP se rver or clie nt mod e to VT P [...]

  • Página 179

    8-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Using VTP VTP adv ertisemen ts distrib ute this V LAN informatio n for each co nf igured VLAN: • VLAN ID • VLAN name • VLAN type • VLAN state • Additiona l VLAN configurat ion inform ation speci f ic to the VL AN type VTP Vers ion 2 VTP[...]

  • Página 180

    8-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Using V TP Figur e 8-2 Optimi zed F looded T raf fic with VTP Pr uning VTP Configuration Guidelines These se ctions de scribe th e guide lines you should fo llow when configuri ng the VTP domain na me and password and the VTP version numb er .[...]

  • Página 181

    8-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Using VTP If you con figure a VTP password fo r a doma in, a Catalyst 2950 swit ch that is boo ted without a VTP configurati on does not a ccept VTP advert isement s until you con figure it with t he correct p assword. After the conf iguration, [...]

  • Página 182

    8-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Using V TP Configuring VTP Y ou can configure V TP throu gh the CLI by entering c ommands i n the VLAN d atabase c ommand mo de. When yo u enter t he exit command i n VLAN database mode, it app lies a ll the c ommand s tha t you enter ed. VTP [...]

  • Página 183

    8-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Using VTP Cautio n Do not configure a VTP domai n name if al l switches are operat ing in VTP client mod e. If you do so, it is impossi ble to make ch anges to th e VLAN con f igura tion of tha t domai n. Theref ore, make sur e you configure at [...]

  • Página 184

    8-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Using V TP Enabling VTP Version 2 VTP version 2 is disabled by default on VTP version 2-capabl e switches. When you en able VTP version 2 on a switch, every VTP version 2-capa ble switch in th e VTP domai n enables version 2. Cautio n VTP vers[...]

  • Página 185

    8-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s VLANs in the VT P Data base Enabling VTP Pruning Pruning increa ses a va ilable bandwid th by restr icting flooded tr af fic to t h ose trunk li nks that the traf fic must use to acce ss the destin ation devices. Y ou ena ble VTP pruning on a sw[...]

  • Página 186

    8-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s VLANs in the VTP Databa se • Security Associat ion Identif ier (SAID) • Bridge identif ication number for TRBRF VLANs • Ring num ber for FDDI an d TRCRF VLAN s • Pa rent VLAN number fo r TRCRF VLAN s • STP type for TRCRF VLANs • VL[...]

  • Página 187

    8-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s VLANs in the VT P Data base Configuring VLANs in the VTP Database Yo u u s e t h e C L I vl an database VL AN database comma nd to add, change , and delete VLANs. In VT P serv er or transpare nt mode, commands to ad d, change, and delete VLANs a[...]

  • Página 188

    8-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s VLANs in the VTP Databa se Adding a VLAN Each VLAN has a unique, 4-di git ID that can be a number from 1 to 1001. T o add a VLAN to the VLAN database, assign a number a nd name to the VLAN. For the list o f default paramete rs that are assigne[...]

  • Página 189

    8-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s VLANs in the VT P Data base Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mode, follo w th ese steps to delete a VLAN on the switch: Assigning Static-Access Ports to a VLAN By default, all ports are in trunk-desira ble mode and assigned to VL AN 1, which is t[...]

  • Página 190

    8-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How VL AN Tru nks Wor k How VLAN Trunks Work A trunk is a point- to-poin t link that tra nsmits and rece iv es traff ic between switch es or between switc hes and route rs. T runks ca rry the traffic of multiple VL ANs and can extend V LANs ac[...]

  • Página 191

    8-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How VLAN Trunk s Work IEEE 802.1 Q Configuratio n Considera tions IEEE 802. 1Q trunk s impose these l imitatio ns on the trun king strategy for a n etwork: • Make sure the na ti ve VLAN f or a 802.1Q t runk is the sa me on both en ds of the tr[...]

  • Página 192

    8-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How VL AN Tru nks Wor k Configuring a Trunk Port For informati on on trunk port int eractions w ith other fea tures, see the “ Tr unks Interacting with Other Features ” s e c t i o no np a g e8 - 2 1 . Note Be cause trunk por ts send an d [...]

  • Página 193

    8-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How VLAN Trunk s Work CLI: Defining the Allowed V LANs on a Trunk By default, a t runk port se nds to and r eceiv es tra ff i c from all VLA Ns in the V LAN dat abase. Al l VLAN s, 1 to 1005, are all o wed on eac h trunk. Howev er , you c an rem[...]

  • Página 194

    8-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Load Sh aring Us ing STP Configuring the Native VLAN for Untagged Traffic A trunk port c onfigured with 802 .1Q taggi ng can receive both tagged and unt agged tra f fic. By default, the swi tch forwards unt agged tr aff ic w ith the nat iv e V[...]

  • Página 195

    8-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Load Sharin g Using ST P Y ou conf igure load sh aring on trunk ports b y using STP port priorities or STP path costs. F or load sharing using ST P port prio rities, both l oad-sharing lin ks must be con nected to the sa me switch. For load s h [...]

  • Página 196

    8-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s Load Sh aring Us ing STP Step 4 exit Return to pri vilege d EXEC mode. Step 5 show vtp st atus V e r i f yt h eV T Pc o n f i g u r a t i o no nb o t hS w i t c h1a n dS w i t c h2 . In the dis play , check t he VTP Ope rating M ode and the VT[...]

  • Página 197

    8-27 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s Load Sharin g Using ST P Load Sha ring Using STP Path Co st Y ou can co nfigure parallel tru nks to share VLA N traffic by sett ing different path cost s on a trunk an d assoc iatin g the pat h costs w ith differe nt sets of VLA Ns. The V LANs k[...]

  • Página 198

    8-28 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How the VMPS Works How the VMPS Works A switch running thi s software release acts as a client to th e VLAN Membership Polic y Server ( VMPS) and comm unicate s with it thro ugh the V LAN Quer y Protocol ( VQP ). When t he VMPS rece iv es a VQ[...]

  • Página 199

    8-29 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How the VMPS Works Dynamic Port VLAN Membership A dynam ic (nontr unking) p ort on the switch c an belong to only o ne VLA N. When the lin k comes up , the switch doe s not for ward traff ic to or fr om this po rt until t he VMPS pr ovides the V[...]

  • Página 200

    8-30 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How the VMPS Works vmps fallback default vmps no-domain-req deny ! ! !MAC Addresses ! vmps-mac-addrs ! ! address <addr> vlan-name <vlan_name> ! address 0012.2233.4455 vlan-name hardware address 0000.6509.a080 vlan-name hardware add[...]

  • Página 201

    8-31 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How the VMPS Works VMPS Configuration Guidelines These guideline s and re strictio ns apply to dynami c port VL AN memb ership: • Y ou must co nfigure the VMPS befo re you co nfi gure ports as dy namic. • The commun ication betwe en a cluste[...]

  • Página 202

    8-32 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How the VMPS Works Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to enter t he IP address of the VMPS: Configuring Dy namic Ports on VMPS C lients If you ar e configuring a por t on a membe r switch as a dy namic po rt, f irst use the[...]

  • Página 203

    8-33 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How the VMPS Works Reconfirming VLAN Memberships Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to confirm the dyna mic port VLA N membership assignme nts that the swi tch has received from the VMPS: Changing the Reconfirmation Interval [...]

  • Página 204

    8-34 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How the VMPS Works Administering an d Monitoring the VMPS Y ou can disp lay infor mation abo ut the VMPS by usi ng the pr i vileged EXEC show vmps command. The switch displa ys the this infor mation about th e VMPS: Troublesho oting Dynamic Po[...]

  • Página 205

    8-35 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Configuring VLAN s How the VMPS Works Figur e 8-6 Dynami c P ort VLAN M embership Conf iguration Primar y VMPS Ser v er 1 Secondar y VMPS Ser v er 2 Secondar y VMPS Ser v er 3 T runk por t Catalyst 5000 series Ethernet seg[...]

  • Página 206

    8-36 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 8 Confi guring VLAN s How the VMPS Works[...]

  • Página 207

    C HAPTER 9-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 9 Configuring STP This cha pter descri bes how to configure the Sp anning Tree Protocol (ST P) on your switch. Note For comple te syntax an d usage inform ation for the c ommands use d in this chap ter , r efer to the Catalyst 2950 De sktop Switc h Command Re fer en[...]

  • Página 208

    9-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g B asic STP Features For i nform ation abo ut adv anced STP featu res, see th e “ Understand ing Advanced STP Feat ures ” section on page 9-9 and th e “ Conf igurin g Adv anced STP Featur es ” s e c t i o no np a g e9 - 3 [...]

  • Página 209

    9-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Understa nding Basi c STP Feat ures Multip le activ e path s between end stati ons caus e loops in the ne twork. If a loo p exists in the net work, end stations m ight recei ve dup licate messages. Swit ches might also learn en d-station MA C addres[...]

  • Página 210

    9-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g B asic STP Features • The identif ier of the transmitting inter face • V alues f or the hell o, forward de lay , and m ax-age pr otocol tim ers When a switch transmi ts a BPDU frame, all switches co nnected to the LAN on whic[...]

  • Página 211

    9-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Understa nding Basi c STP Feat ures Figur e 9-1 S TP T opology When the spann ing-tr ee topology i s calculated ba sed on default par ameters , the path betw een source a nd destination end stations in a switched netwo rk might not be ideal. F or in[...]

  • Página 212

    9-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g B asic STP Features Figure 9-2 illustrates how an in terface m ov es through the states. Figur e 9 -2 Spanning T ree Int erf ace Stat es When you powe r up the switch, STP is enabled by d efault, a nd ev ery interface in the swi [...]

  • Página 213

    9-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Understa nding Basi c STP Feat ures Listening State The listen ing state is the f irst state an i nterfac e enters after the blo cking state. The in terface en ters this state whe n STP det ermines t hat the i nterface sho uld part icipat e in frame[...]

  • Página 214

    9-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g B asic STP Features MAC Address Allocation The switch has a poo l of MA C address es, one f or each in stance of STP , that is used a s the bri dge IDs f or the VLAN spanni ng-tree i nstances. M A C addresses are al located se qu[...]

  • Página 215

    9-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures Figur e 9-3 S TP and Redundant Connec tivity Y ou can also cre ate redund ant links betwe en switches by using Et herChann el groups. For more inform ation, see the Chapter 10, “ Configuring the Switc h Ports[...]

  • Página 216

    9-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g Advance d STP F eat ures Understand ing Port Fast Port Fast immedia tely brin gs an interface c onfigured as an acces s port to the forward ing state f rom a block ing stat e, by passi ng the li stening an d learnin g states . Y[...]

  • Página 217

    9-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures Understanding UplinkFast Switches in hie rarchical ne tworks can be groupe d into backb one switches, distr ibution switches, an d acces s switches. Figure 9-5 sho ws a complex network where distrib ution swit[...]

  • Página 218

    9-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g Advance d STP F eat ures Figur e 9-6 Upli nkF ast Example Bef ore Di rec t Link F ailur e If Switch C det ects a link f ailure on th e currently act ive lin k L2 on the root p ort (a dir ect link f ailur e), UplinkF ast unblocks[...]

  • Página 219

    9-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures How CSUF Work s CSUF ensures th at one link in the sta ck is elected as the path to the root. As sho wn in Figure 9- 8 , Switches A, B, and C are cas caded thr ough the Gig aStack GBIC to fo rm a multidr op ba[...]

  • Página 220

    9-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g Advance d STP F eat ures The switch se nding the fast - transition r equest needs to do a fast tr ansition to the f orwarding state of a port that i t has c hosen as t he root port , and it m ust obtain an acknowledg ement fr om[...]

  • Página 221

    9-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures Limitations These lim itations ap ply to CSUF: • CSUF use s the GigaSt ack GBIC and r uns on Cat alyst 35 50 switches, al l Catalyst 3500 X L switches, Catalyst 295 0 switches wi th GBIC module slot s, and o[...]

  • Página 222

    9-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g Advance d STP F eat ures Figur e 9-9 Gig aStack GBIC Co nnections a nd STP Co nver g ence Catalyst 2950G-24 S P E E D S Y S T E M R P S S T A T U S M O D E U T I L D U P L X Catalyst 3500 XL 7 8 3 2 1 1 2 Catalyst 2950G-12 1 1X [...]

  • Página 223

    9-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures Understand ing Back boneFas t Backbo neFast is init iated when a root po rt or block ed port o n a switch rec eiv es inferior BPDUs from i ts designated br idge. An inferi or BPDU identifies one switch as bot [...]

  • Página 224

    9-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Unders tan din g Advance d STP F eat ures switch ov er take s appro ximately 30 secon ds, twice the F orwa rd Delay time if the defa ult For ward Dela y time of 1 5 second s is s et. Figure 9-11 shows ho w Backbone Fast reconfigures t he topolog[...]

  • Página 225

    9-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Underst anding Advan ced STP Fe atures Unders tanding Root Gu ar d The net work of a servic e provider (SP) c an inclu de many connec tions to swi tches that are not owned by the SP . In such a topo logy , STP ca n reconfigure itse lf and sele ct a[...]

  • Página 226

    9-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Basic STP F eat ures Configuring Basic STP Features These s ections i nclude ba sic STP configura tion infor mation: • Default S TP Configurat ion, page 9-20 • Disablin g STP , page 9-21 • Configuring the R oot Switch, pa ge 9[...]

  • Página 227

    9-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guring Basi c STP Features Disabling STP STP is enabl ed b y default o n VLAN 1 and on all newl y created VLANs up to the spanning-tree limit specif ied in Ta b l e 9 - 2 . Disabl e STP only if y ou are sur e there are n o loops in the networ[...]

  • Página 228

    9-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Basic STP F eat ures T o conf igure a switch to become the r oot, the switch prior ity can be modif ied from the defau lt v alue (32768) to a signif icantly lowe r v alue so that the swi tch becomes the r oot switch for the sp ecif [...]

  • Página 229

    9-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guring Basi c STP Features Configur ing a Se co ndar y R oot S witch When you configure a switch as the secondary roo t, the STP switch priority is chang ed from the default value (32768) to 16384 so tha t the switch is li kely to become the [...]

  • Página 230

    9-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Basic STP F eat ures Configuring STP Port Priority In the ev ent of a loop, STP con siders port pri ority when se lecting an inte rface to put into the for warding state. Y ou can assign highe r priority v alues (lo wer numer ical v[...]

  • Página 231

    9-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guring Basi c STP Features For inf ormation on ho w to configure load sharing on trunk p orts by using ST P port priorities, see the “ Load Sharin g Using STP ” s e c t i o no np a g e8 - 2 4 . Configuring STP Path Cost The ST P path cos [...]

  • Página 232

    9-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Basic STP F eat ures T o return the inte rface to its defa ult settin g, use the no spanning-tree cost interf ace conf iguration or t he no spanning-tree vlan vlan-id co st int erface co nfiguration c ommand. For information on how [...]

  • Página 233

    9-27 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guring Basi c STP Features Configuring the Hello Time Y ou can conf igure the interval betw een the generation of conf iguratio n messages by the root switch b y changing th e STP hello t ime. Note Exercise c are when usi ng this comma nd. Fo[...]

  • Página 234

    9-28 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Basic STP F eat ures T o re turn the swi tch to its default set ting, use the no spanning- tr ee vlan vlan- id fo rw ar d - t i m e glob al configurati on comma nd. Configuring the Maximum- Aging Time for a VLAN Beginning in privile[...]

  • Página 235

    9-29 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guring Basi c STP Features Figur e 9-14 Gig abi t Ether net Cluste rs Displaying S TP Status T o di splay the current STP status, use one or more of the pri vileged EXEC comm ands in Ta b l e 9 - 4 : For informati on about othe r keywords for[...]

  • Página 236

    9-30 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Advan ced STP Features Configuring Advan ced STP Features These sec tions in clude advanced ST P configurat ion informa tion: • Configuring Por t Fast, pag e 9-30 • Conf iguring BPDU Guard, page 9-31 • Configuring Upli nkFast [...]

  • Página 237

    9-31 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guri ng Ad v anced STP Feat ur es Configuring BPDU Guard When the BPDU guard f eature is enabl ed on the s witch, STP sh uts do wn Port Fa st-enab led inte rface s that rece i ve BPDUs r ather than p utting them in to the block ing state. Cau[...]

  • Página 238

    9-32 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Advan ced STP Features Configuring UplinkFast for Use with Redundant Links UplinkFast inc reases the swi tch priority to 4 9152 and adds 300 0 to the STP path cost onl y if the port used the defau lt path cost befo re Uplink Fast wa[...]

  • Página 239

    9-33 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 9 Configuring STP Confi guri ng Ad v anced STP Feat ur es Configuring C ross-Stac k UplinkFas t Before e nabling CSU F , ma ke sure your sta ck switches are prop erly conn ected. For more i nformation , see the “ Connec ting the Stack P orts ” s e c t i o no np [...]

  • Página 240

    9-34 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt er 9 Configurin g STP Configur ing Advan ced STP Features Configurin g Backbon eFast Y ou can ena ble BackboneFa st to detect indirect link failu res and to start the spanning -tree reconfigur ation soo ner . Note If yo u use Bac kboneFast, you m ust enable it on all[...]

  • Página 241

    C HAPTER 10-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 10 Configuring the Switch Ports This chap ter provide s informa tion about ch anging por t configuratio n settin gs. It include s command -line interf ace (CLI) proced ures for using comma nds that h av e been specif icall y creat ed or chang ed for the Catalyst 29[...]

  • Página 242

    10-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Changing the Port Speed and D uplex Mode Connectin g to Devices That Do Not Au tonegotiate T o connect to a remot e 100B ASE-T device that does not auton egotiat e, set the duple x setting to Full or Half , and set t he sp eed sett [...]

  • Página 243

    10-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Changi ng the Po rt Speed and Dupl ex Mode Configuring IEEE 802.3X Flow Control Flow control ena bles conn ected E thernet p orts t o control t raff i c rates during c ongestio n by allowing congest ed nodes to p ause li nk opera tio[...]

  • Página 244

    10-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Configur ing Flooding Cont rols T o disable flow control, use the flowc ontr ol rece ive off and flowcontrol se nd off interface co nfigur ation comm ands. Configuring Floo ding Cont rols Y ou can use these f looding tech niques to [...]

  • Página 245

    10-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Configuring Protected Ports Disabling Stor m Co nt rol Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to disab le storm contr ol: Configuring Prote cted Ports Some appli cations r equire that no tra f fic be forward ed by the[...]

  • Página 246

    10-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Enablin g Port Secu rity Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to define a por t as a protected por t: Use the no ver si on of t he switchport protected inte rfac e con fi guratio n com mand t o disa ble th e protec[...]

  • Página 247

    10-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Enabl ing Por t S ecurity For the restric tions that appl y to secure p orts, see the “ A voiding Configuration Con flicts ” sect ion o n page 14-1 . Defining the M aximum Secure Address Count A secure port ca n hav e from 1 to 1[...]

  • Página 248

    10-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Unders tan ding the Ether Channel Disabling Port Security Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, fo llo w these steps to disable port security: Understandin g the EtherCha nnel The Ethe rChanne l is compo sed of in dividual Fast Ether[...]

  • Página 249

    10-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Unders tanding the Ether Channel Figur e 1 0-1 T ypical EtherChannel Con figur ation Understand ing Port-Chann el Interfaces When you c reate an Ether Channe l for Layer 2 in terfa ces, a logic al interf ace is dynamicall y created. [...]

  • Página 250

    10-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Unders tan ding the Ether Channel Figur e 1 0-2 Relationship of P h ysical P orts, Logica l P ort Channe ls, and Channel Gr oups After yo u con f igure a n Ethe rChanne l, con f igu ration c hanges app lied t o the port -chann el i[...]

  • Página 251

    10-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Unders tanding the Ether Channel Both the auto and desirable m odes allo w interfac es to negotia te with partner inte rfaces to deter mine if the y can for m an EtherCh annel ba sed on crite ria such as interf ace speed an d, for L[...]

  • Página 252

    10-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Unders tan ding the Ether Channel When a d ev ice and i ts partn er are bot h aggre gate-port l earne rs, the y learn the addr ess on the logical port-ch annel. T he device t ransm its packets to the source by usin g any of t he in[...]

  • Página 253

    10-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Unders tanding the Ether Channel Figur e 1 0-3 Load Distr ibution and F o rwar ding Methods Default EtherCh annel Con figuration T able 10-2 sh o ws th e default E therChan nel configur ation. 65188 Cisco router with destination-bas[...]

  • Página 254

    10-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Unders tan ding the Ether Channel EtherChann el Configuratio n Guidelines If imprope rly conf ig ured, s ome EtherChannel i nterface s are autom atically disabl ed to a voi d network loops and othe r problems. Follow these guidelin[...]

  • Página 255

    10-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Unders tanding the Ether Channel Beginning in privileged EXEC mode , follow these steps to assign a Laye r 2 Ethernet inte rface to a Layer 2 Ethe rCha nnel: Comma nd Purpos e Step 1 configur e terminal Enter gl obal con f igura tio[...]

  • Página 256

    10-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Unders tan ding the Ether Channel If you d elete th e Ether Cha nnel is b y using the no int erface port- channel global con figuration c ommand without re moving the physical inter faces, the physical interface s are shutdown. If [...]

  • Página 257

    10-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Displa ying Ethe rChannel and PAgP Status T o return Ether Channel lo ad balan cing to the de fault configur ation , use the no port-channel load-balanc e global con figuration co mmand. Configuring the PAgP Learn Method and Priorit[...]

  • Página 258

    10-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Configur ing UniDir ect ional Link D et ection Configuring UniDirectio nal Link Detect ion UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) is a Layer 2 protocol that detects and shuts down unidirectional links. Y ou can co nfigure UDLD o n th[...]

  • Página 259

    10-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Understa nding SPAN SP AN doe s not af fect th e switc hing o f netw ork tr af fic o n source por ts; a c opy of the pa ckets rece i ved or sent b y the source in terfa ces are sent to th e destina tion inter fa ce. Ho we ver , an o[...]

  • Página 260

    10-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Understan ding SPAN Some featur es that can cau se a packet to be dropp ed during tran smit processi ng might also affect t he duplica ted copy for SP A N. These fea tures inc lude IP standard a nd extended outp ut A CL s on multic[...]

  • Página 261

    10-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Understa nding SPAN SPAN Traffic Y ou can use SP AN to monitor all netwo rk traf fic, inclu ding multicast and bridge protocol d ata unit ( B P D U )p a c k e t s ,a n dC D P ,V T P ,D T P ,S T P ,a n dP a g Pp a c k e t s . In some[...]

  • Página 262

    10-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Configuring SPAN Configuring SPAN This secti on describe s ho w to configure SP AN on your switch and c ontains this i nformati on: • SP AN Co nfiguration G uidelin es, page 10 -22 • C r e a t i n ga S P A NS e s s i o na n dS [...]

  • Página 263

    10-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Configuring SPAN Creating a SP AN Session a nd Specifying P orts to Monito r Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these step s to create a SP AN session and speci fy the sourc e (monitored) and destination ( monitoring) ports:[...]

  • Página 264

    10-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Configuring SPAN Both: Gi0/1 Destination Ports: Gi0/2 Use the show monitor session privile ged EXEC command to v erify the con figur ation. Removin g Ports from a SPAN S ession Beginning in privileged EXEC mod e, follow these steps[...]

  • Página 265

    10-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Configuring the Switch Port s Configuring SPAN The moni toring of tr aff i c received on port 1 is disab led, but traffi c sen t from this port co ntinues to be monitored. Displaying S PAN Status T o display the status of the cur rent SP AN configuration, use t [...]

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    10-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 10 Co nfiguring the Switch Ports Configuring SPAN[...]

  • Página 267

    C HAPTER 11-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 11 Configuring IGMP Sno oping an d MVR This chapte r describes h o w to configure Interne t Group Manageme nt Protocol (IGM P) snooping on you r switch, in cluding an applic ation of loca l IGMP snooping, Multi cast VLAN Re gistration ( MVR). Note For comple te syn[...]

  • Página 268

    11-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unders tan ding and Config uring IGMP Snoo ping Layer 2 multicast groups learn ed through IGMP snoo ping are dynamic. Howe ver, you can statically conf igure MA C multicast group s by using th e ip igmp snooping vlan st atic[...]

  • Página 269

    11-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Underst anding a nd Configu ring IGMP Snoop ing T o disable IGMP snoopi ng on a VLAN i nterface, use the no ip igmp snooping vlan vlan- id global configurati on comma nd for the specified VLAN numbe r (for example, vlan1) . For [...]

  • Página 270

    11-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unders tan ding and Config uring IGMP Snoo ping Setting th e Snooping Method Multicast -capable rout er ports are added to the forw arding table for e very IP multicast ent ry . The switch learns of such ports th rough one o[...]

  • Página 271

    11-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Underst anding a nd Configu ring IGMP Snoop ing Note that the switc h architecture allo ws the CPU to distinguish IGMP information pack ets from other packets for the mu lticast grou p. The switc h recognize s the IGMP pac kets [...]

  • Página 272

    11-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unders tan ding and Config uring IGMP Snoo ping CLI: Statically Configuring a Inter face to Join a Group Beginning in privile ge d EXEC mode, follow these steps to add a port as a mem ber of a multicast group: For CLI proced[...]

  • Página 273

    11-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Understanding Multicast VLAN R egistration CLI: Configuring a Multicast Router Port Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, fol low th ese steps to ena ble a static co nnectio n to a multica st router : For CLI procedur es, refe r t[...]

  • Página 274

    11-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unde rsta n din g M ult ic ast V LAN Regi st ratio n The Cata lyst 2950 sw itch has dynam ic and co mpatibl e mode s of MVR ope ration: • When oper ating in MVR dyn amic mode , the switch perfo rms standa rd IGMP snoo ping[...]

  • Página 275

    11-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Understanding Multicast VLAN R egistration Figur e 1 1 -3 Multicast VLAN Registr ation Example MVR eliminate s the need to dupli cate tele vision-channel multicast traff ic for subscribers in e ach VLAN. Multicast tr af fic for [...]

  • Página 276

    11-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unde rsta n din g M ult ic ast V LAN Regi st ratio n Configuration Guidelines and Limitations Foll ow th ese guidelines w hen conf iguring MVR: • Recei ver por ts cannot be tru nk ports. Rece i ver po rts on a switch can [...]

  • Página 277

    11-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Understanding Multicast VLAN R egistration Step 3 mv r group ip-address [ co unt ] Confi gure an IP multicast address on the switch or use the co unt paramet er to configure a conti guous serie s of IP addr esses. Any multic as[...]

  • Página 278

    11-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unde rsta n din g M ult ic ast V LAN Regi st ratio n This exampl e shows how to enable MVR, configu re the MVR gro up addre ss, set the que ry time to 1 second (10 tent hs), specify the MVR multic ast VLAN as VLAN 22, set t[...]

  • Página 279

    11-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Understanding Multicast VLAN R egistration This exam ple shows how to configure Gi gabit Et hernet po rt 0/1 as a receiver port, sta tically c onfigure the port to rece iv e m ulticast t raf fic sen t to the multicast group ad [...]

  • Página 280

    11-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unde rsta n din g M ult ic ast V LAN Regi st ratio n Displaying M VR Y ou can disp lay MVR inform ation for the sw itch or for a spec ifie d interfa ces. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode , use the command s in T able 11-3 [...]

  • Página 281

    11-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 11 Configuring IGMP Snoopi ng and MVR Understanding Multicast VLAN R egistration T h i se x a m p l es h o w st h er e s u l t so ft h e s ho w mvr interface p ri vile ged EXE C comma nd whe n the member keyw ord i s includ ed: Switch# show mvr interface gigabiteth[...]

  • Página 282

    11-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapte r 11 Configu ring IG MP Snoop ing and MVR Unde rsta n din g M ult ic ast V LAN Regi st ratio n[...]

  • Página 283

    C HAPTER 12-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 12 Configuring Network Security with ACLs This chapte r describes h o w to conf igure netw ork secur ity on your switch b y using access control lists (A CLs), whic h are also ref erred to i n comman ds and tabl es as acce ss lists. T o use the featur es descr ibed[...]

  • Página 284

    12-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Unders tanding A C Ls after the f irst match, the order of cond itions in the list is cr itical. If no con ditions match, the sw itch rejects the p acket. If t here are no r estricti ons, the swi tch forwar ds the pac k[...]

  • Página 285

    12-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Unde rsta nd ing A CLs Figur e 1 2-1 Using A CLs to Contr ol T ra ff ic to a Netw or k Handling Fragmented and Unfragmented Traffic IP packets ca n be fragment ed as they cross the network. W hen this happe ns, only the fr[...]

  • Página 286

    12-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Unders tanding A C Ls • Packet A is a TCP packet from hos t, po rt 65000, goi ng to host 10.1.1. 1 on the SMTP port. If this packet is frag mente d, the first fra gmen t matc hes the first ACE (a perm it), a [...]

  • Página 287

    12-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Unde rsta nd ing A CLs Note A mask can be a combi nation of eith er multiple Layer 3 an d Layer 4 f ields or of multiple L ayer 2 f ields. Layer 2 fields ca nnot be combi ned with L ayer 3 or Lay er 4 fields. The re are tw[...]

  • Página 288

    12-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs T able 12-1 lists a summary of th e A CL restrictions on Cat alyst 2950 switches. Configuring ACLs Note Y ou ca n configure A CLs only if your swi tch is running t he enhanced soft ware image. Conf i[...]

  • Página 289

    12-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Creating Stan dard and Extended IP ACLs This sectio n describes ho w to create switch IP A CLs. An A CL is a sequential collection of permit and deny conditions. T he switch test s packets against the con[...]

  • Página 290

    12-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs Note In addition to n umbered s tandard an d exte n ded A CLs, you can als o create stan dard an d exten ded named IP A C Ls by using the supporte d numbers. Tha t is, the name of a standa rd IP A CL[...]

  • Página 291

    12-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Note When creating an A CL, remember th at, by de fault, t he end of the A CL contains an im plicit den y statem ent for all packet s that it did not f ind a match for bef ore reac hing the en d. W ith st[...]

  • Página 292

    12-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs For m ore details on the s pecif ic keyw ords rela tiv e to each protoco l, refer to th e Cisco IP and IP Rout ing Command R efer ence for IOS Re lease 12. 1. Note Th e Catalyst 295 0 switch doe s n[...]

  • Página 293

    12-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to crea te an extended A CL: Command Purpose Step 1 confi g ure t erminal Ente r global configuratio n mode. Step 2 access-list acce ss-list-num ber[...]

  • Página 294

    12-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs Use the no access-list a ccess-list-number gl obal conf iguration comman d to delete the entire access list. Y ou canno t delete i ndividual ACEs from numb ered acc ess list s. This e xample sho ws [...]

  • Página 295

    12-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Beginn ing in pri vileged EXEC mode, fo llo w these steps to create a standard ac cess list using names: Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to cr eate an extended ACL using names : Co[...]

  • Página 296

    12-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs When making th e standar d and extended A CL, reme mber tha t, by default, the end of the A CL conta ins an impli cit de ny statement for everything if it did no t find a match be fore reac hing the[...]

  • Página 297

    12-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Applying the ACL to an Interface or Terminal L ine After you c reate an A CL, you ca n apply it to o ne or more in terfaces o r ter minal lines. A CLs can be applied on inbound inter faces. This section [...]

  • Página 298

    12-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs This exam ple shows how to app ly acce ss list 2 o n Gigab it Ethe rnet inte rface 0/3 to filter pa ckets ente ring the inter face: Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet0/3 Router(config-if)# ip[...]

  • Página 299

    12-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Thi s exa mple d ispl ays onl y IP st andar d and e xtended A CLs . Switch# show ip access-lists Standard IP access list 1 permit Standard IP access list 10 permit Standard IP ac[...]

  • Página 300

    12-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs Examples for Compiling ACLs For deta iled information about compili ng A CLs, refer to the Secu rity Configuration G uide and the “ IP Services ” ch apter of the Cisco IOS IP a nd IP Routing Con[...]

  • Página 301

    12-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs This exampl e uses an extende d A CL to deny traff ic from por t 80 (HTTP). It p ermits all oth er types o f traf fic. Switch(config)# access-list 106 deny tcp any any eq 80 Switch(config)# access-list 1[...]

  • Página 302

    12-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs Commented IP ACL Ent ry Examples In this e xample of a numbered A CL, the w orkstation bel onging to Jone s is allo wed ac cess, and th e worksta tion belonging to Smith is not allo wed access: Swit[...]

  • Página 303

    12-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Configuring Network Se curity with A CLs Confi guring ACLs Use the no mac access-list extended nam e global conf iguration command to dele te the entire A CL. Y ou can als o dele te individu al A CEs from n amed M A C ext ended ACLs. This e xample sho ws how t o[...]

  • Página 304

    12-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 12 Confi guring Networ k Securit y with ACL s Conf igu ring A CLs This e xample sho ws how to apply A CL 2 on Gigabit Ethernet inter face 0/ 1 to f ilter pack ets enterin g the interf ace: Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet0/1 Router(config-if)# mac access-[...]

  • Página 305

    C HAPTER 13-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 13 Configuring QoS This chapter d escribes ho w to configure qua lity of service (QoS) on your swit ch. W ith this feature, you can provide prefer ential tr eatment to cert ain types of traffi c. Without QoS , the switch offers be st-effort service to eac h packet,[...]

  • Página 306

    13-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Unders tan ding QoS Y ou can also use th ese wizards to con f igure QoS: Note These wizards are a v ailable only if your switc h is running the enhance d software imag e. • Priority da ta wizard — Let s you assign priority le vels to da[...]

  • Página 307

    13-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Unde r sta ndi n g QoS Layer 3 IP pac kets can carr y a Differentiat ed Servi ces Code P oint (DSCP) value. The su pported DSCP values are 0, 8, 10, 16, 1 8, 24, 26, 3 2, 34, 40, 46, 48, and 56. Figur e 1 3-1 QoS Classificatio n La yers in F ram e[...]

  • Página 308

    13-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Unders tan ding QoS • Classif ying disting uishes o ne kind of tr aff ic f rom ano ther . For more informa tion, see t he “ Classification ” section on page 13- 4 . • Policin g determi nes whethe r a packet is in or ou t of profile [...]

  • Página 309

    13-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Unde r sta ndi n g QoS Classification Based on QoS ACLs Y ou can u se IP standa rd, IP exten ded, and L ayer 2 MAC A CLs t o define a group o f packets wi th the same char acte rist ics ( class ). In the QoS con text, the permit and de ny actions [...]

  • Página 310

    13-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Unders tan ding QoS Y o uc r e a t eac l a s sm a pb yu s i n gt h e class-ma p global configur ation com mand or the class polic y -map configurati on command. Y ou shoul d use the class- map global c onfiguration co mmand w hen the ma p i[...]

  • Página 311

    13-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Unde r sta ndi n g QoS For IP traff ic, you have these classification options: • T rust the IP DSCP in the incomi ng packet (conf igure the port to trust DS CP), and assign the same DSCP to th e pac k et fo r int er na l use . The I ETF defines [...]

  • Página 312

    13-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Unders tan ding QoS Queuein g an d Sc he dulin g Note Both t he enhance d and standard so ftware image s support th is feature. The Catalyst 295 0 switches provide QoS-ba sed 802.1P CoS values. QoS uses classification and scheduling to tr a[...]

  • Página 313

    13-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S • W eighted ro und-robi n (WRR) schedulin g WRR sched uling req uires y ou to specif y a number th at indi cates t he importan ce (weigh t) of the queue re lativ e to the ot her CoS queue s. WRR sche duling prevents the low-pri[...]

  • Página 314

    13-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS Configuration Guidelines Note Th ese guidel ines are a pplicabl e only if you r switch is ru nning the e nhance d software im age. Before beginni ng the Qo S configuration, yo u should be aware of thi s informat ion: • [...]

  • Página 315

    13-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Configuring the Trust State on Po rts within the QoS Domain Note Th is feature i s av a ilable o nly if your sw itch is runn ing the en hanced so ftware image . Pa ckets en tering a QoS domai n are classi fied at the edge of the[...]

  • Página 316

    13-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, foll o w these s teps to configure th e port to trust th e classification of the traf fic that it recei ves: T o return a port to its untrusted state, u se the no mls qos t rust interfac[...]

  • Página 317

    13-13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Configuring the CoS Val ue for an Interface Note Both t he enhanced and s tandar d software images supp ort this feat ure. QoS assigns the CoS v alue specif ied with the mls qos cos interfac e config uration command to unta gged[...]

  • Página 318

    13-14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS This section c ontains thi s configuration infor mation: • Classifyi ng T raff ic by Using A CLs, page 13 -14 • Classif ying Traf fic by Usin g Class Maps , pag e 13-17 • Classifying, Policin g, and Marking T raff i[...]

  • Página 319

    13-15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow these steps to cr eate an IP extended ACL for IP traff ic : T o de lete an A CL, use the no access-list access- list-number global co nfiguration c ommand. Command Purpose Step 1 config[...]

  • Página 320

    13-16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS This exampl e shows ho w to crea te an A CL that permits only TCP tra f fic from the dest inatio n IP address 128.88.1 .2 with TCP port numbe r 25: Switch(config)# access-list 102 permit tcp 128.88[...]

  • Página 321

    13-17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Classifying Traffic by Using Class Ma ps Yo u u s e t h e class -map global configur ation comma nd to isolate a sp ecific traff i c flow (or class) from all other traf fic and to name it. The cla ss map defi nes the criteria to[...]

  • Página 322

    13-18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS T o del ete an e xisting class map, us e the no class-map c lass-map-nam e glob al conf igurat ion comma nd. T o remov e a match crit erion, use the no match { acl-index | name acl-name } cla ss-map configurati on comm an[...]

  • Página 323

    13-19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Beginn ing in pri vilege d EXEC mode, follo w th ese steps to create a policy m ap: Command Purpose Step 1 configur e terminal Enter g lobal configurat ion mode . Step 2 a ccess-list access- list-number { deny | permit }{ sour c[...]

  • Página 324

    13-20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS T o delete an ex isting policy map, use the no policy-map policy- map-n ame global configuratio n command. T o delete an existing class map, u se the no clas s class-map- name polic y-m ap con f igu rati on comm and. T o [...]

  • Página 325

    13-21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Switch(config)# access-list 1 permit Switch(config)# class-map ipclass1 Switch(config-cmap)# match access-group 1 Switch(config-cmap)# exit Switch(config)# policy-map flow1t Switch(config-pmap)# class ipclas[...]

  • Página 326

    13-22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS If these values are not app ropria te for your net work, you need to m odify them. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, fol lo w these steps t o modify the CoS-to-D SCP map: T o ret urn to the default map, use the no mls qo[...]

  • Página 327

    13-23 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Confi guring Qo S Beginning in privileged EXEC mode , follow th ese steps to modify th e DSCP-to-CoS ma p: T o ret urn to the default map, use the no mls qos map dscp-cos global configur ation comm and. This exampl e shows how the DSCP values 26 [...]

  • Página 328

    13-24 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS Conf igurin g QoS CLI: Configuring CoS Pri ority Queues Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, fol low these steps to con f igure t he CoS prio rity que ues: T o disable the ne w CoS settings and return to def ault settings, use the no wrr -q[...]

  • Página 329

    13-25 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS Displaying QoS Information Displaying QoS Information T o display the cur rent QoS inf ormation , use one or m ore of the pr i vileged EXEC comma nds in T able 13-5 : This exam ple shows how to di splay the DSCP-to-C oS maps: Switch# show mls qos[...]

  • Página 330

    13-26 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS QoS Configura tion Examp les Figur e 13-4 QoS Configu ratio n Example Netw ork QoS Config ur ation fo r th e Co mmon W iring C los et The common wiring closet in Figure 13-4 c onsists of existi ng Cataly st 2900 X L and 3500 XL s witches. [...]

  • Página 331

    13-27 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 13 Configuring QoS QoS Config uratio n Examples For the Cataly st 2900 an d 3500 XL switc hes, CoS c onfigures each tra nsmit port (t he egress p ort) with a normal-pr iority tr ansmit queue a nd a high-pr iority tra nsmit que ue, depend ing on th e frame tag or th[...]

  • Página 332

    13-28 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapt e r 13 Conf i guri n g QoS QoS Configura tion Examp les Step 18 end Return t o privileged EXEC mode . Step 19 show class- map videoclass show policy-map v ideopolicy show mls qos ma ps [ cos-d scp | dscp-cos ] V eri fy yo ur ent ries. Step 20 copy running-conf ig st[...]

  • Página 333

    C HAPTER 14-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 14 Troubleshooting This chapte r provide s this infor mation about a voiding an d resolving proble ms related to th e switch software. • A voidi ng conf igurat ion con flic ts • A voiding autonegotia tion mismatches • Copying configuratio n f iles to troub le[...]

  • Página 334

    14-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Avoiding Auton egotiation Mismatch es Avoiding Autoneg otiati on Mismatches The IEEE 802.3U autone gotiation protocol ma nages the switc h settings fo r speed (10 Mbp s or 100 Mbps) a nd duple x (half or full) . Sometimes th is protocol ca n inc[...]

  • Página 335

    14-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Troubl eshooti ng CMS Sessi ons Troubleshooting CMS Sessions T able 14-2 lists proble ms commonly encountered when using CMS: For further debugging i nformati on, you can use th e Jav a plu g-ins Jav a console t o display the cu rrent status and a[...]

  • Página 336

    14-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Copying Co nfi gu ration Fi le s to Troubl esh oot Config ura tion Proble m s Copying Configu ration Files to Trouble shoot Configuration Problems Y ou can use the file system in Flash memo ry to copy f iles and to troub leshoot configurat ion p[...]

  • Página 337

    14-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Recover y Proce dures Recovery Procedu res These re cov ery pr ocedur es requir e that you have physical ac cess to th e switch: • Reco vering from lost member connecti vity • Rec ov ering from a com mand- swit ch fa ilure • Recovering fro m[...]

  • Página 338

    14-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Recovery Proce dures Replacing a Failed Command Switch with a Cluster Member T o replace a failed com mand switch wi th a command- capable me mber in the sam e cluster , follow these steps: Step 1 Disco nnect the command switch from the membe r [...]

  • Página 339

    14-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Recover y Proce dures If this prompt doe s not appear, ent er enable ,a n dp r e s s Return .E n t e r se tup , and press Re turn to start the setup progra m. Step 11 Respon d to the questions in the se tup program . When pro mpted f or the h ost [...]

  • Página 340

    14-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Recovery Proce dures Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity for management of the system, extended setup will ask you to configure each interface on the system Would you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]: Step 6 [...]

  • Página 341

    14-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Recover y Proce dures Recovering from a Lost or Forgotte n Passw ord Foll ow the s teps in this procedure if you ha ve forgotte n or lost the switch passw ord. Step 1 Connect a ter minal or PC wi th terminal emula tion softwa re to the conso le po[...]

  • Página 342

    14-10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Recovery Proce dures Continue with the configuration dialog? [yes/no]: N Step 11 At the switch p rompt, change to pr i vilege d EXEC mode: switch> enable Step 12 Rename the conf iguration f ile to its original n ame: switch# rename flash: co[...]

  • Página 343

    14-11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting Debug Com mands Step 4 Reconn ect the po wer cord to the s witch. The software image do es not load . The switch star ts in boot loa der mode, whi ch is indica ted by the switch: p rompt. Step 5 Use the boot loa der to en ter comman ds, and star [...]

  • Página 344

    14-12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Chapter 14 Trouble shooting Debug Comm a nds T o di splay the state of ea ch debugging option, ent er this comma nd in privileged EXEC mode: Switch# show debugging Enabling All-Sy stem Diagnos tics Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, enter t his command t o enable al l-sy[...]

  • Página 345

    A- 1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 APPENDIX A Error Messages fo r Secu rity and Qo S Configurations This ap pendix de scribe s the erro r message s for co nfiguring net work securi ty with ACLs and con figuring QoS. In Ta b l e A - 1 , Access Contro l Par ameters (AC Ps) are ref erred to a s masks. F or mor [...]

  • Página 346

    A- 2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Appendix A Er ror Message s for Securi ty and QoS Configura tions %Error:Deny ACE not supported in access-group within a class-map A deny A CE is not supp orted in an access group within a class map . %Error:System Defined and User Defined ACEs can not exist together in ac[...]

  • Página 347

    A-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Append ix A Error Mes s ages for Secu ri ty and QoS Confi gur ations %Error:Invalid rule Th is err or messa ge means tha t the har dwa re had a pr oble m programm ing the resou rce. R e-enter the c ommand t o program the hardware . %Error:Invalid ingress port This error mes [...]

  • Página 348

    A- 4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Appendix A Er ror Message s for Securi ty and QoS Configura tions %Error:Access Group is not supported on EtherChannel interface This erro r messag e means tha t an acces s group i s appli ed on an EtherCh annel in terface . Access group s can be appl ied only to Laye r 2 [...]

  • Página 349

    B-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 APPENDIX B System Messages This a ppendix des cribes the I OS system messag es for the swi tch. Th e system softwar e sends these e rror messages to the c onsole (and, opti onally , to a logging se rver on another system) duri ng operation. Not all syst em messag es indic at[...]

  • Página 350

    B-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Appendix B System Message s How to Read Sy st em Messag es • SEVERIT Y is a single -digit code fr om 0 to 7 that r eflects the sev erity of t he conditio n. The lower the number , the more serious the situati on. Ta b l e B - 2 lists the message sev erity lev els. • MNE[...]

  • Página 351

    B-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Append ix B System Mes sages Error Me ssage Tr aceback R eports Error Message Trace back Rep orts Some mes sages d escribe interna l erro rs and co ntain tra ceback i nforma tion. Thi s infor mation is very importa nt and should be inc luded when y ou report a proble m to yo[...]

  • Página 352

    B-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Appendix B System Message s Error Mess ages and Rec overy Proce dures Error Message CMP-5-REMOVE The Device is removed fr om the cluster (Cluster Name:[chars]) Explanati on The messa ge mean s that the device is re moved from the clust er: [char s] is the clust er name. Rec[...]

  • Página 353

    B-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Append ix B System Mes sages E rror Messages and R ecovery Pr ocedures Error Message GIGASTACK-6-NO_LOOP_DETECT Explanati on This messa ge means that no ack no wled geme nt for a G iga Stack l oop d etect ion req uest has been rec ei ved fr om one of the l inks on a GigaSta [...]

  • Página 354

    B-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software C onfiguratio n Guide 78-11380-03 Appendix B System Message s Error Mess ages and Rec overy Proce dures Error Message RTD-1-LINK_FLAP [chars] link down/up [dec] times per min Explanati on This messa ge means tha t an excessiv e numbe r of link down-up events has been no ticed on this interf ace: [cha rs] is[...]

  • Página 355

    IN-1 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 INDEX Numerics 802. 1Q trunk mo de 2-9 802.1 X authenti cation ini tiation 7-3 config uring 7-6 chan ging the q uiet peri od 7-11 default 7-6 guideline s 7-7 manual ly re-authe nticati ng the client 7-11 resettin g to default v alues 7-14 switch-to-client re transmission ti[...]

  • Página 356

    Index IN-2 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 ACEs defined 12-2 Ether net 12-2 IP 12-2 Layer 3 pa rameter s 12-9 Layer 4 pa rameter s 12-9 ACLs ACEs 12-2 applyi ng to an interface 12-15 comm ents in 12-14 compiling 12-18 defined 12-1, 12-7 displaying i nterfac e 12-17 error m essages A-1 exam ples of 12-18 ext e[...]

  • Página 357

    Inde x IN-3 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 addres s table aging time, co nfiguring 6-16 dynami c addresse s, removing 6-16 MAC 6-15 secure addresses adding 6-18 removi ng 6-18 advertisements, VT P 8-8 aging, ac celerating 9-9 agin g time, ch angin g addre ss 6-16 alarm s group, in RMON 4-4 allowed-V LAN list [...]

  • Página 358

    Index IN-4 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 cautions xix CC (comma nd switch) 5-20 CDP 1-3 automatic disco very in switch c lusters 5-4 config uring 6-13, 6-14 disabling f or routing dev ice 11-2 chan ge notifi cation, CM S 2-32 chassis system erro r messages B-3 Cisco Acc ess Analog Trun k Gateway 1-13 Cisco [...]

  • Página 359

    Inde x IN-5 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 CMS (co ntinued) chan ge notif icati on 2-32 clu ster tre e 2-5 describe d 2-1 differ ent ve rsio ns of 2-33 displaying system message s 2-18 error checkin g 2-32 featu res 2-2 Front Panel im ages 2-6 Front Panel v iew 2-4 interactio n modes 2-25 menu bar 2-15 online[...]

  • Página 360

    Index IN-6 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 communi ty strings config uring 5-14, 6-12 in clusters 5-14 SNMP 5-14 compatibilit y featu re 14-2 config tr ap 6-13 configuratio n conflicts, m anaging 14-1, 14-5 default V LAN 8-16 file, VMPS datab ase 8-29 files, savi ng to an exter nal server 14-4 guideline s por[...]

  • Página 361

    Inde x IN-7 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 console p ort acces s 4-2 connect ing to 3-9 default s ettings 4-2 convent ions comm and xix for examp les xix text xix copy ru nning-c onfig sta rtup-conf ig com mand 14-4 CoS 1-5 config uring 13-8 config uring pri ority queue s 13-24 defining 13-8 CoS-to-DSCP map f[...]

  • Página 362

    Index IN-8 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 disabling (co ntinued) VTP version 2 8-14 discovery , clusters See automat ic discovery display opti ons, Topology v iew 2-14 Disqualification C ode option 2-24 DNS config uring 6-5 describe d 6-5 enab ling 6-5 documen tation, r elated xx domain na me config uring 6-[...]

  • Página 363

    Inde x IN-9 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Ether Channel (co ntinue d) interaction with STP 10-14 with VLANs 10-14 load balancing 10-12, 10-16 overvi ew 10-8 PAgP aggreg ate-port lea rners 10-11 compatibilit y with C atalyst 1900 10-17 displaying sta tus 10-17 interactio n with other f eatures 10-12 learn met[...]

  • Página 364

    Index IN- 10 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 get-requ est operat ion 4-6 get-response o peration 4-6 Giga bit Ethern et port set tings 10-1 settings 10-1, 10-2 trunks 8-20 Giga bit In terface C onver ter see GBICs GigaStac k GBIC fast transition of redundan t link 9-12 Giga Stack syst em erro r mess ages B-4 [...]

  • Página 365

    Inde x IN- 11 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 interfac e configurati on mode 3-2 interfac es flow cont rol 10-3 IOS suppo rted 1-6 Intern et Group M anageme nt Protocol see IGM P snooping inventor y, cluster 5- 22 IOS com mand-li ne interfa ce see CLI IP numbere d extended ACL 12-9 numbere d standar d ACL 12-8[...]

  • Página 366

    Index IN- 12 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 MAC addr esses (continu ed) in ACLs 12-20 notificat ion 6-17 mac addr ess notif ication 6-17 MAC ad dre ss ta bles , mana ging 6-15 MAC extended acc ess lists 12-20 manageme nt options 1-6 benefit s clus ter ing 1-7 CMS 1-7 CMS 2-1 manageme nt VLAN chan ges, under [...]

  • Página 367

    Inde x IN- 13 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Multicast VLAN Regis tration See MVR Multilink Decomposer wind ow 2-22 multilink ic on 2-22 multi-VLAN p orts VLAN memb ershi p combin ations 8-6 MVR config uring inte rface s 11-12 default c onfigur ation 11- 10 descript ion 11-7 modes 11-11 monitoring 11- 14 sett[...]

  • Página 368

    Index IN- 14 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 policers config uring for each matched tra ffic class 13-18 describe d 13-4 number of 1-5, 13- 7 types of 13-6 policing 1-5, 13-4 policy m aps for QoS char acte rist ics of 13-18 config uring 13-18 describe d 13-5 displaying 13-25 poll resul ts, graph ing 4-5 Port [...]

  • Página 369

    Inde x IN- 15 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 priority port describe d 13-8 p r i v a t eV L A Ne d g ep o r t s see prote cted po rts privile ged EXE C mode 3-2 privi lege levels acces s modes read-on ly 2-31 read-w rite 2-31 CMS 2-31 comm and sw itch 5-23 mappin g on me mber swi tches 5-23 setting 6-10 speci[...]

  • Página 370

    Index IN- 16 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 policing, de scribed 13-4, 13- 6 policy maps char acte rist ics of 13-18 config uring 13-18 displaying 13-25 queueing, d efined 13- 4 sc hedul ing defined 13-4 support for 1- 5 trust sta tes 13-6 underst anding 13-2 quality of s ervice See QoS R RADIUS attributes v[...]

  • Página 371

    Inde x IN- 17 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 S saving ch ange s in CMS 2-32 SC (standby comma nd switch) 5-10, 5-20 secure a ddress count 10-7 secure addresses adding 6-18 describe d 6-18 removi ng 6-18 secure ports address- security vio lations 10-6 disabling 10-8 enab ling 10-6, 10-7 maximu m secure a ddres[...]

  • Página 372

    Index IN- 18 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 SPAN ( cont inue d) sessions (c ontinu ed) removi ng sourc e (monit ored) p orts 10-24 specifyi ng monitored por ts 10-23 source por ts 10-20 transmitted traff ic 10-19 Spanning T ree Protoco l See STP speed, setting 10-1, 10-2 Stack Memb ership Dis covery Protoc o[...]

  • Página 373

    Inde x IN- 19 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 STP ( con tinue d) load sharing overvi ew 8-24 u s i n gp a t hc o s t s 8-27 using port priori ties 8-25 MAC a ddres s allo cat ion 9-8 multicast addre sses, affect of 9-8 overvi ew 9-2 path cost config uring 8-27 Port Fast describe d 9-10 port group ing pa ramete[...]

  • Página 374

    Index IN- 20 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 Telne t acces s 4-2 acce ssing mana gement in terfaces 3-9 acce ssing the CLI 1-6 from a br owser 3-9 TFTP se rver, co nfiguri ng 6-5 time daylight sav ing 6-11 setting 6-11 zones 6-11 TLV su pport 8-9 Token Ring VLANs overvi ew 8-16 TRBRF 8-9 TRCRF 8-9 toolbar 2-2[...]

  • Página 375

    Inde x IN- 21 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-03 Unreco gnized Ty pe-Len gth- Value see TLV suppor t 8-9 upgradi ng software 4-1 VLAN consi derations 8-11 UplinkFast describe d 9-11 redunda nt links 9-32 user EXE C mode 3-2 V variabl e fields definition B- 2 table B-2 verify ing chang es in CMS 2-32 version -depe[...]

  • Página 376

    Index IN- 22 Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Conf iguration Guide 78-11380-0 3 VMP S (co ntin ued) mapping MAC addresses to VLANs 8-28 monitori ng 8-34 overvi ew 8-28 reconfirmati on interval , changing 8-33 reconfi rming m embership 8-33 retry count , changin g 8-33 server ad dress, ente ring on client 8-31 VQP 8-28 VTP advertisements 8- 8 c[...]