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Re tu rn to m ain men u TM-H5000II series Opera tor’s Manual Using th is online operato r’s guid e The words on the l eft side of th is screen are b ookma rks for all the topics in thi s gu ide. Use th e scro ll bar next to the book marks to find any topic you want . Click a bookmark to ins tant ly jump to its topic. (If you wish, you can incre[...]
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Printed in Japan hybrid printer TM-H5000II series Opera t or ’s Manual MICR Option Inc luded 400826500 H5POKR4.FM Page i Tuesday, July 14, 1998 12:30 PM[...]
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Printe r Pa rt s an d La bels Caution Labels CAUTION: Therm al h ead a nd pr inte r hea d are hot. ATTENTION: La t é te thermique et l a t é te d’i mprim ante sont chau des. VORSICHT: Der Thermal k op f und der Druckerkopf sind h eiß. CAUTION: Caution label s for drawer kick-out an d display module connec tors. ERROR PAPER OUT POWER FEED Paper[...]
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Prin terd in Japa n Instruction Labels CAUTION: Caution label s for drawer kick-out an d display module connec tors. Ribbon i nstallatio n front c over Label insi de paper roll cov er Label inside cutter sec tion labe l in sid e 1 2 Lab e l af f i x ed o n the docume nt table H5pokr4.fm Page iii Tuesday, July 14, 1998 4:39 PM[...]
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i Quick Refere nce This Quick Re ference will direct you to key areas of this Opera tor’ s Manual. Fo r a complete listin g of topics, see the Contents. Printer Parts and Labels inside front cover Ordering Paper and Ribbons page viii Where to ord er paper and ribbons. Setting Up the Printer page 1-1 How to set up the pr inter. Installing and Repl[...]
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ii All rig hts reserved . No part of this pu blication may be repr oduced, stored in a retriev al system, or transmit ted in a ny form o r by any means , elect ronic, mecha nical, photocopying , recording, or otherw ise, without the prior w ritten permis sion of S eiko Epson C orpora tion. No pat ent li ability is ass umed wi th res pect t o the us[...]
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iii FCC CLASS A FCC Compliance Statement For Amer ican U sers This eq uipment ha s been te sted and found to com ply with the lim its for a Class A digital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limi ts are designed t o provide reas onable protection a gainst harmful in terference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environ[...]
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iv Product Name: Printer Model Name: M128C This printer conforms to the following Directives and Norms: Directive 89/336/EEC EN 55022 (1987 and 1994 2nd/1995) Clas s B EN 50082-1 (1992) IEC 801-2 (1991) IEC 801-3 (1984) IEC 801-4 (1988) Directive 90/384/EEC EN45501: (1992) DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY H5pofr1.fm P age iv Tuesday, July 14, 1998 12:35 P[...]
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v EMI and Sa fety Standard s App lied The follow ing standa rds are a pplie d o nly t o the prin ters that are so label e d. (EMC is te st ed u sing th e EPSO N PS-1 70 po wer su pply ) Europe : CE marki n g EN55022 EN50082- 1 EN45501 Saf e ty St an da rd: TÜV North Ameri ca: EMI: FCC Cl ass A Safety standard s: UL 1950-2TH-D3 C-UL Japan: EMI: VCC[...]
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vi About This Manual Setting Up and Using ❏ Chapter 1 contain s informati on on unpac king the printer, s ettin g it up, settin g the DIP switches , and adjusting the paper nea r end sensor. ❏ Chapter 2 cont ains inform ation o n using the pri nter. ❏ Chapter 3 contains t roubleshooting information . Reference ❏ Chapter 4 con t a ins spe c [...]
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vii In tro ductio n Introductio n Features The TM-H5000II and TM-H5000IIP are high-quality POS printers that can print on slip and receipt pa per (paper rol l). The pr inters hav e the follow ing features: Slip Section ❏ Wide sl ip paper capab ility (maxi mum char acters per line: 8 8 with 7 × 9 font). ❏ Copy printing is possible. ❏ High thr[...]
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Introduction viii Options and Accessories ❏ Direct con nection displ ay modules, DM-D1 02-012 an d DM-D203-0 12 (Availab le only for the ser ial inter face mod el) ❏ EPSON power supply unit, PS-170 ❏ EPSON ribb on ca ssette , ERC- 31(P) / ER C-31( B) ❏ Front exte nsion table, WT-5000 ❏ MICR feed roller cleaning sheet (ad hesive type) Part[...]
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ix Introduction Tel: (5 10) 782- 0197 Fax: (510 ) 782-7124 In Europ e: Nakagawa M fg (Europe) GmbH. Krützp oort 16, 478 04 Krefeld, Germany Tel: 0 2151-7110 51 Fax: 02151- 713293 In Southeast Asia: N.A.K. Mfg (Mal aysia) SDN B HD Lot 19- 11, Bers atu Indust rial Comple xs, Jalan Satu, Kaw Per. Cheras Jaya,. Balakong In dustrial Area, 4320 0 Cheras[...]
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Introduction x Orig inal pape r: AF50KS-E Jujo Ther mal Oy (Fin land) P.O. Box 92 F IN27501 Ka uttua Finland Tel: 3 8-3932900 Fax: 38-3 932419 Origina l paper: P350(F3 80) Kanzaki S pecialty Pa pers, Inc. 1500 Main Street Spring fi eld, MA 01115 U.S.A. Tel: (4 13) 736- 3216 Fax: (413 ) 734-5101 Ordering Ribbon Cassettes The TM-H500 0II series pri n[...]
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xi Contents Quick Refere nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Intro duction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Chapter 1 Set ting Up the Printer Unpackin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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xii Chapter 4 R eference Information Printing Specif ications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Slip Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 1 Receipt Pa per . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 1-1 Chapt e r 1 Setting Up the Printer Unpacking Your print er box should i nclude these i tems. If any it ems are damaged or missi ng, please contact your dealer for assistance. See the note on pag e 1-4 for inform at io n ab ou t the hexag o na l lo ck screws. Note: When you lift the printer, be sure to hold the bottom of t[...]
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1-2 Setting Up the Printer Removing the protective material 1. Open the pr inter by pul ling up o n the tab on the front cov er. 2. Remove the two dampers from t he printer as shown bel ow. 3. Store the dampers with the ot her pack ing materials a nd use them when transp orting yo ur printe r. Tab H5po1r3.fm P age 2 Tuesday , July 14, 1998 12:31 PM[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 1-3 Connecting the Cables and Grounding the Printer You can connect up to five cables t o t he p ri nter . Th ey al l connect to the connecto r panel on t he bottom of th e printer, which is shown below: Note: There are caution labels beside the drawer kick-out connec tor and the display module connect or. Depending on the in[...]
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1-4 Setting Up the Printer 2. Tighten the scr ews on both sides of the cable connector . Note: Your printer has inch-type hex agonal lock screws installed. If your interface cable requires millimeter-type screws, replace the inch-type screws with the enclosed millimeter- type screws using a hex screwdriver (5 mm). 3. Attach the other end of t he ca[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 1-5 Connecting the Drawer WARNING: Use a drawer t hat mat ches the pr inter sp ecifi cat ion. Using an improp er dr awer may damage th e drawer as well as the prin ter. CAUTION: Do not con nect a telepho ne line to the dra wer kick-out connec tor; otherw ise the print er an d th e tele phon e li ne may be d amaged. Plug the d[...]
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1-6 Setting Up the Printer Anschließen der Lade WARNUNG: Eine für den Drucker geeign ete Lade verw ende n. Bei Verwendung einer fa lschen Lade kan n diese oder der Drucker beschädigt werden. ACHTUNG: Kein Tel efonkab el an die Schnappste ckerbuch se anschließ en, da sonst der Drucker und die Telef onkabel besc h ä digt werden können. Das Kabe[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 1-7 Connecting the Display Module The display module connecto r of the pri nter can be used on ly for the serial interface. Plug the c able connector (p rovided wit h the direc t connection displa y mod ul e) secur ely in t o the pr inter’s d ispla y modu le connector u ntil it c licks. CAUTION: Be sure not to connect th is[...]
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1-8 Setting Up the Printer 2. Connect the g round wire to the printer using th e FG screw on the bottom of the print er, as shown. Connecting the Power Supply Use the opti onal EPSON P S-170 or equ ivalent p ower supply for your p rin te r. WARNING: Make sure that you use the EPSON PS-170 power supply or equivalen t. Using an inc o rrect power supp[...]
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Setting Up the Printer 1-9 CAUTIONS: When connect ing or disconne ct ing the power supply from the print er, make sure that the power supply is not plugged into an ele ctrical outlet. Oth erwise you may damage the power su pp ly or the pr inter. If the power suppl y’s rated voltage and your outlet’s voltage do no t matc h, co ntac t your d eale[...]
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1-10 Setting Up the Printer Installing or Replacing the Paper Roll Note: Be sure to use paper rolls that meet the specifications. Do not use paper rolls that have the pa per glued to the core beca use the printer cannot detect the paper en d correctly. 1. Make sure that the printer is not receiving dat a; otherwise, dat a may be lost. 2. Open the p[...]
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Setting Up th e Printer 1-11 4. Insert the pap er roll a s shown. 5. Be sure to note t he correct direction that t he paper comes off the roll. H5po1r3.fm P age 11 Tuesday, July 14, 1998 12:31 PM[...]
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1-12 Setting Up the Printer 6. Pull out a small amount of paper, as shown. Then close t he cover. 7. Tear of f the paper as sho wn. H5po1r3.fm P age 12 Tuesday, July 14, 1998 12:31 PM[...]
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Setting Up th e Printer 1-13 Installing the Ribbon Cassette Use the EPSON ERC-31(P) ribbon cassette for you r printer. Note the label inside this section t hat can assist you in rep lacing the ribb on . CAUTION: Never tu rn the ri bbo n knob i n the opposit e direct ion of the arrow marked on the c assette; otherwise th e ribbon cassette may be dam[...]
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1-14 Setting Up the Printer 4. If y ou are r eplacing a used r ibbon, gra sp the end of t he tab and remove it from the print er. See the il lustrati on in step 5 for the loca tion of th e tab . 5. Tu rn th e ri bb on k nob tw o o r th re e time s in t he dir ectio n of the arrow to take up any slack in the ribbon. 6. Insert the ri bb on cass ett e[...]
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Setting Up th e Printer 1-15 Using the Power Sw itch Cover WARNING: If an acci dent occur s when the po wer switch cover i s attache d, unplu g the power su pply cor d from the out let immediatel y. Continued usage may lea d to fir e or shock. You can use the encl osed power swit ch c over t o make sure that t he power swit ch is not acci dentally [...]
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1-16 Setting Up the Printer 2. While holdi ng down the F EED butto n, tur n on the pr int er us ing the switch o n the front of th e print er to begin the self t est. The self test pr ints the pri nter settings an d then prints t he following, cut s the paper, a nd pauses. (The PAPER OUT light blinks.) Self t est pr inti ng. Please press the PAPER [...]
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Setting Up th e Printer 1-17 4. Remove the pap er from the pri nter and feed anot her sheet o f slip paper in to the print er to print cha racters from the charact er table . Cont inue to feed sl ip pa per in t o the print er un til the self test pr ints th e foll owi n g: ***co mpleted*** The print er is ready to receiv e data as soon a s it compl[...]
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Using the Printer 2-1 Chapt er 2 Using the Printer Operating the Control Panels You can contro l the basic pap er feedi ng operations of t he printer with the but tons on the cont rol panels. The indicat or light s help you monito r the print er’s sta tus. Paper Roll Control Panel Button The button ca n be disabled by the ESC c 5 command , bu t i[...]
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2-2 Using the Printer Buttons The print er and these but tons will not op erate when the cover is open. Also these bu ttons can be disa bled with the ES C c 5 command. FORWARD When the print er is in the slip mode (the SLIP light is o n or blinking), press t he FORWARD button once to advance sli p paper one line. You can also hold down this butt on[...]
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Using the Printer 2-3 Slip panel lights POWER The POWER light is o n w h en th e pr in ter is o n. ERROR This ind icates an erro r in the sli p se ction o f the p rinter . See Chap ter 3 for i nformation on wha t to do when thi s light comes on. RELEASE This light in dicat es th at platen and p aper f eed r oller are r elea sed so that slip pap e r[...]
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2-4 Using the Printer 2. When the SLIP l ight bl inks, in sert the slip pa per int o the slip pape r inl e t usin g the rig h t edg e of th e slip p ape r inle t as a guide . (Fo llow steps ➀ an d ➁ i n th e illu st rati on.) Note: There is a label on the document table to assis t you how to insert slip paper. 3. M ake sur e you i nsert the sli[...]
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Using the Printer 2-5 Using the MICR Rea der (Option) If your print er ha s the fa c tory i nsta ll ed opt iona l Ma gn etic Ink Character Recogniti on (MICR) reader t hat enables the p rinter to read and process MICR c haracters on p ersonal checks, r ead this section. Reading MICR characters on personal checks To use the MICR function with person[...]
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2-6 Using the Printer 2. Turn the ch eck over so th at it is face down with the MICR character s on the ri ght-hand side. The MICR chara cters must be next to the right edge of th e paper inlet. 3. Insert the check stra ight in to the pap er inle t, using the right edge of the p aper inlet as a guide . 4. Insert the check as far as it will go. The [...]
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Troubleshooti ng 3-1 Chapt er 3 Troubles hoot ing Troubleshooting This c h apter gi ves solu tion s to some pr inte r p rob le ms yo u may have. General problems The lights on t he control pa nel do not com e on. Make sure t hat the power supply cables a re correctl y plugged i nto the print er, the power unit, and to the power o utlet. Make sure t[...]
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3-2 Troubleshooting If there is no paper jam and the pri nter has been printing for qui te a while, the print head may be overheated . If the print head is overheate d, the printer will resume p rinting whe n the head has cool e d (usual ly w it hin tw o or t hree m inut es). If there i s no paper jam and the p rint head is not overhe ated, turn of[...]
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Troubleshooti ng 3-3 Paper roll prin ting is poo r. Paper du st on the heati ng element of the thermal pri nt head can lower the p rint qual ity. Try cleaning the print head as described below: Cleaning the paper roll print head CAUTIONS: After p rint ing, th e prin t he ad ca n be very h ot. Be c aref ul not to to uch it. Also le t it c ool be for[...]
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3-4 Troubleshooting A line of dots is missing in the printout. The print head may be damag ed. Stop pr inting and cont act your dealer o r a qualifi ed service p erson. Paper handling problems Paper is jam me d inside the p rinte r. CAUTIONS: Do not touc h the p rint hea d because it can be very hot after prin ting c onti nuo usly f or a long t ime[...]
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Troubleshooti ng 3-5 3. If pape r is caught in the auto matic cutter in the recei pt section and the pa per roll cover cannot be opened, open t he cutter cover as shown below. 4. Then turn the kno b until you see in the op ening, as shown in the il lu stra t ion be low. Th is re turn s the cu tte r b lade to the normal po sition. Also notice th at [...]
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3-6 Troubleshooting Auto cutter problems The auto cutter is jam med. If a for eig n obje ct such as a push pin or paper c lip d rops i n the aut o cutter a nd causes the aut o cutter t o lock up, the pr inter enters an error sta te and begins the rec overy oper ation auto matically. If the problem is no t serious, the auto cut ter retur ns to its n[...]
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Troubleshooti ng 3-7 2. Fo llo wing the in stru ction s on th e labe l, r otate the k nob un til t he appears i n the hole. 3. Close the cutter cover. Cleaning the Op tional MICR Me chanism MICR cleaning (when the printer is used with a MICR reader) Use a moistened cleaning sheet for the MI CR head. Use an adhesive clea ning sheet fo r the MICR fee[...]
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3-8 Troubleshooting Moistened cleaning sheet Use the follo wing or an equi valent commercial ly availabl e cleaning sheet: PRESAT brand (KIC) "CH ECK READER CLEANING CARD." Adhesive cleaning sheet A cleaning sheet is av ailable from E PSON. Part name: Sheet -roller cleani ng-A Part number : 1038046 Cleaning procedure You can perfor m clea[...]
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Troubleshooti ng 3-9 Self mode 1. Load pa per roll into the pr inter. 2. Tu rn off the powe r. 3. Open the fro nt cover. 4. Turn the p ower back on while holding down the RELEASE butto n. 5. Press the RELEASE button fo ur times. 6. Close the fron t cover. 7. The print er pri nts the fol lowing message on receipt p aper and the SLIP LED flashes. 8. [...]
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3-10 Troubl eshooting 9. Load the cleaning sheet like a stan dard check. If you are usi ng the adhesive cl eaning she et, insert t he printed (a dhesive) side up. CAUTION: Be sure the pri nted (adhes iv e) side is up, an d the sheet is ins er te d in th e righ t d ire c t ion . 10. When the sheet is ej ected, press the RELEAS E butt on, and remove [...]
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Troubleshooting 3-1 1 4. Run any sof tware progra m that send s data to t he printer. The printer prints “Hexa decimal Dump” and then all th e codes it receives in a t wo-column format. The firs t column cont ains the hexadecimal codes and the second column gives the ASCII character s that correspond to the codes. H exadecim al Dump 1B 21 0 0 1[...]
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Reference Information 4-1 Chapt er 4 Refere n c e Info rma tio n Printing Specific ations Slip Paper Printing m ethod: Serial i mpact d ot matrix Head wire configura tion: 9-pin vertical line, 0.353 mm (1/72 -inch) wire pitch Head wire dia meter: 0.29 mm (.01" ) Printing d irection: Bidirectiona l, minimum distance p rinting Number of characte[...]
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4-2 Reference Information Receipt Paper Note: Printing speed may be slower, depend ing on the data transmission speed and the comb ination of control commands. Printing m ethod: Thermal li ne printing Dot density: 180 dpi × 180 dpi [the number of dots per 25.4 mm (1”)] Printing d irection: Unid ire ctio nal w ith fric ti on feed Printing w idth:[...]
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Reference Information 4-3 * CPL = Characters Per Line * Space betwe en charac ters is not includ ed * Characters can be scaled up to 64 times as large as the standard sizes. Paper feedi ng speed: Approximat ely 120 mm/second (approximat ely 4.72”/second ) continuous feeding Line spacin g (defa ult): 4.23 mm (1/6”) Programmable by co ntrol comma[...]
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4-4 Reference Information Ribbon Specific ations MICR Reader (Option) The MICR r eader is a factor y-instal led opti on. Type: Exclusive casset te ribbon Ribbon cassette specification s: Part number: ERC-31 (P) Color: (P) Purp le Ribbon lif e: (P) 7, 000,000 chara cters (when 1 charact er=18 dots) Avai la bl e font s : E-13B, CMC7 Reading m e thod:[...]
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Reference Information 4-5 Paper Spec ifications Paper roll (sing le -ply): Size: Width: 79.5 mm ± 0.5 mm (3.13” ± 0 .02”) Maximum outside diameter: 83 mm (3.27”) Pape r roll spool diameter: Inside: 12 mm (0.47”) Outside: 1 8 mm (0.71”) Paper m ust not be p asted to the pap er rol l spool. Take up paper ro ll width: Slip paper: Paper ty [...]
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4-6 Reference Information Note: When using multi-ply paper that consists of an original and three or four copies, be sure to print with a 9 × 9 font. If a 7 × 9 font is used, some characters on some o f the copies may not b e readable. Copy capab ility and paper th ic kness: Normal pa per (si ngle-pl y): 0.09 t o 0.2 mm (.0035 t o .0079”) Carbo[...]
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Reference Information 4-7 Notes on sli p pa per ❏ The slip p aper must be flat , without cu rls or wr inkles, especiall y at the top ed ges. Otherwise, the paper may rub against t he ribbon and become di rty. ❏ There must be no g lue on the bottom edg e. Choose slip pape r carefully since paper feeding an d insertion are affected by gluing c on[...]
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4-8 Reference Information ❏ Since the TO F sensor uses a reflecti ve photo sensor and it detects f rom the back of slip pap er, do not u se paper that has holes o r dark p ort ions w ith lo w refl ectio n (les s than 40% reflectio n) at the sensor posit ion. ❏ Use thinner p aper (N30 or equivalent) bet ween the top and bottom sheets of multi -p[...]
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Reference Information 4-9 Electrical Charac teris tics Supply v oltage : +24 VDC ± 10% (op tional po wer suppl y: EPSON PS-170) Ripple volta ge: 300mVpp or less (onl y when the printer is u sed with the MICR reader ). Current consum ption : (at 24V, except for drawer k ick-out drivin g) ❏ Operati ng: Slip Mean: appr oximately 1.9 A (character fo[...]
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4-10 Reference Information Reliability Slip: Life (when print ing alphanumeri c character s): Mechanism: 12,000,000 lines Print head : 200 milli on characters (when printi ng with font B) MICR reader mec han ism (o nly when the pr inter is used with the MICR reader ): End o f li fe is defined to have reached the end of its life when i t reaches the[...]
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Reference Information 4-11 Environmental Conditions Receipt: Life: Mechanism: 15,000,000 lines Thermal head : 100 mil lion puls es, 100 km Auto cutt er: 1,500,000 cuts MTBF: 180,000 hours MCBF: 37,000 ,000 li nes Temperatu re: Operati ng: 5° to 45°C ( 41° to 113°F) Storage: - 10° to 50°C (14° to 122°F ) (except for p ap e r) Humidi ty: Oper[...]
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Dip Switc h and Paper Near End S ettings A-1 Appendix A Dip Switch and Paper Near End Settings Although t he factory sett ings are b est for almost al l uses, if y ou have speci al requ iremen ts, you c an change the DIP switch or paper near end set tings. Setting the DIP Sw itches DIP switch functions Your print er has two sets o f DIP swit ches. [...]
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A-2 Dip Switch and P aper Near End Settings Print Density an d Low Power consumption mode selection (Only for Receit) Transmission Speed Transmission Spe ed (BPS)-bits per second 1-7 1-8 2400 ON ON 4800 OFF ON 9600 ON OFF 19200 OFF OFF Set 2 SW Function ON OFF 2-1 Hands h aki ng (B USY cond ition) R eceive b uffer full Off lin e or receive b uffer [...]
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Dip Switc h and Paper Near End S ettings A-3 Notes: • When pin 6 of t he interface connecto r is used for the r eset signal, th e printer is reset at MARK on the R S-232 level. • When pin 25 of the interface conn ector is used for the reset signal , the printer is reset at SPACE on the RS-232 l evel or at HIGH on the TTL level. • Changes in D[...]
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A-4 Dip Switch and P aper Near End Settings Parallel inter face spe cification Set 1 Set 2 SW Function ON OFF 1-1 Auto line feed Always en able d Always d isabled 1-2 Receive buffer capaci ty 45 bytes 4K bytes 1-3 ~ 1-8 Undef ined — — SW Function ON OFF 2-1 Handsh akin g (B USY con dition ) •Re ceive bu ffer full •Readi ng data •Off-line [...]
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Di p Switch an d Paper Near End Set ting s A-5 Print Density a nd L ow power consumptio n mod e sele ctio n (Only for Receipt) N o te s : • Wh e n p in 6 of the int erface c o nnector is used for the r e set s i gn a l, the p rint e r is reset a t MARK on the RS-232 level. • Wh e n pin 25 o f th e interf a c e c onn e ctor i s u s e d for th e [...]
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A-6 Dip Switch and P aper Near End Settings Changing the DIP switch settings If yo u need to chang e settings, foll ow the steps belo w to mak e your changes: CAUTION: Turn off the printer while removing th e DIP switch cover t o prevent an electric short , which can damage the printer . 1. Make sur e the print er is t urned off. 2. Remove the scr [...]
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Dip Switc h and Paper Near End S ettings A-7 Adjusting the Paper Near End Sensor The paper near end sensor d etects when paper is al most gone by measuring t he diameter of t he paper roll . The sensor ha s two setting s. Because of va riations i n paper rol l cores, it is not possible for t he sensor to measur e exactly the lengt h of paper left o[...]
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EPSO N Sales Subsidiaries B-1 Appendix B EPSON Sales Subsidiaries EPS O N AM E RIC A IN C./ O EM DI V . 2 0 770 Mad r o n a A ve. T orr a n c e , CA 9 0 5 5 9 - 2 84 2 U . S . A. T el : 1-3 1 0-7 8 7- 6 3 00 F a x : 1 - 3 1 0 - 7 82 - 5 3 5 0 E P S ON EU R O P E B . V . P r o f . J .H . B a v i n c k l a a n 5 1 183 A T Amstelve e n The N e t her l[...]
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B-2 EPSON S a les Subsid ia ries EPSON HONG KONG LIMITED 25/F ., Harbor Centr e, 25, Harbor Road, W anchai, Hong Kong T el : 852-2- 58 5-46 63 Fax : 852- 2-82 7-4 346 EPSON T AIW AN TECHNOLOGY 10f, No. 287, Nanking E. Road, Sec. 3 & TRADING L TD. T aipei, T aiwan R.O.C. T e l : 886-(0 )2-7 17 -7 360 Fax : 886-(0 )2-718 -9366 SEIKO EP SO N CORP [...]