HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000 y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico HP (Hewlett-Packard) en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual HP (Hewlett-Packard) 9000. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    Syst em In st alla ti on Gui de D Class and R Cl ass HP 9000 Enterprise Servers Part No. A3262-90057 Edi tion 5 Oct ober 19 98 E1 098 Pr i nte d in: U S A[...]

  • Página 2

    ii Legal Noti ce s The in formation in this docu ment is s ubje ct to cha nge without noti ce. Hewle tt-Pa ckar d makes no warran ty of any ki nd with r eg ar d to th is manual, incl uding, but not li mite d to, the i mpli ed warrant ies of mer ch antabil ity and fit ness for a part icular pur pos e. Hewlett - P ac kar d shall not be he ld liabl e [...]

  • Página 3

    iii Pri nting Hi stor y The manu al printi ng dat e and part number indi cate its curr ent edit ion. The print ing date will chan ge when a n ew editi on is print ed. Mi nor ch anges may be made at repri nt without changing th e printin g d at e. The manual part num ber will c hang e whe n ext ensi ve chan ges ar e m ade. Manua l update s may be is[...]

  • Página 4

    iv Who Sh ou ld U s e th is G u id e The pro ce dures in this guide are inte nde d to be performed by a person who is qual ified in th e install ation and servi cing of compute r equipm ent , and is trai ned to reco gnize t he haz ards invo lved. Interna l add-on opt ions c ards are ins tal led in an a rea of the product where e nergy leve ls wh ic[...]

  • Página 5

    Contents vii 1. D Cl ass System Inst allation Ov erv iew of S ys tem In st all atio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 2 1. I nst al l I nte r nal Ad d-o n Opt i ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -4 2. Conne ct the Conso le or Graphics Monito r . . . . . . .[...]

  • Página 6

    viii Contents 6. Conne ct the Syste m Power Cords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 7. Tur n O n Po wer to t he Sy ste m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -1 8 8. P re par e fo r Ne tw or k C o nne ctio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Página 7

    1- 1 1 D Cl ass Sy stem In sta llatio n How to install the ba si c HP 9000 D Class Ent erprise serv er and its associ at ed compon ent s, such as the cons ol e and keyboard.[...]

  • Página 8

    1- 2 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion Overvie w of S ystem Installation Ove rview o f S ystem Instal lation Inst allatio n o f a b asic sys tem c onsist s of the following pr ocedures : 1. Install interna l add-on opti ons. 2. Connect the console or gr aph ics monit or . 3. Connect the SCSI, n etwor k, and parall el c ables. 4. Connect Remote Manag[...]

  • Página 9

    1- 3 D Class System Installation Overvie w of S ystem Installation CAUTION T o avoi d damage to the f ront panel of the ser ver , DO NOT use any part of the front pane l as a han dle to l ift or move t he D C lass serv er cabine t. When movin g or li fti ng the s erv er cabin et, be sure that the fron t panel periph eral door is loc ked. REAR P ANE[...]

  • Página 10

    1- 4 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 1. Install Internal Add-on O ptions 1. Install I nternal Add-on Options D Clas s ser vers are confi gured at the fa cto ry to includ e m ost I/O car ds and internal perip herals. If you have any int ernal add-on opt ions, i ns ta ll them now accordi ng to the ins tructi ons shi pped wi th th e opt ion. W ARNING[...]

  • Página 11

    1- 5 D Class System Installation 2. Connect the Conso le or Graphics Monitor 2. C onne ct the C onsole or Graphic s Monitor 1. Console/ Keyboard If you have an ASCII cons ol e (such as the HP 700/96) c onnect it to the se rve r rear pane l connec tor la bele d Se ri al 1/ Console . Con nect the k eyboard to t he ke yboard conne ctor at the rear of [...]

  • Página 12

    1- 6 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 3. Co nnect the S CSI, Network, an d Pa rallel C ables 3. C onne ct the SC SI, Network, and Parallel Cables 1. Connect your SCSI devi ce cable t o the connec to r label ed SCSI (S ingle-Ende d) on the s e rver rea r pa nel. If no SCSI ca ble is t o be at tached to the s erver , place or leave t he SCS I te rm i[...]

  • Página 13

    1- 7 D Class System Installation 4. Co nne ct Remote Management Card and S e rial Dat a Ca ble for the Option al U PS 4. Connec t Remote Ma nageme nt Card and Serial Data Ca ble for t he Optio nal UPS The Remo te Management card (also call ed the Access Port or AP card) is opti onal on Mode l D2xx ser vers, and standard on Mod el D3xx ser vers. T h[...]

  • Página 14

    1- 8 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 4. C onne c t Rem o te Man age ment Card an d Se ria l D ata Ca ble fo r th e Optio nal UPS Model D3xx 1. Connect your Line Access Modul e (LAM), for connec ti ng to the phone l ine , to the Mode m/ LAM con n ec tor on th e Re mot e Man age ment ( Ac ce ss Po r t) car d. 2. If you have a UPS, conn ec t the UPS [...]

  • Página 15

    1- 9 D Class System Installation 5. Set the Input V o lt ag e Selecto r 5. Set the Input V o ltage Select or CAUTION T o avoi d damage to your s erv er , be sur e to set the inp ut voltag e selec tor switc h to a se tti ng wit hin the voltage rang e of the power sourc e you int end to use. Always chec k the swi tch setti ng before co nnecting the p[...]

  • Página 16

    1- 10 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 6. Co nnect the S ystem Power Cords 6. C onnect the System Power Cords How you conne ct th e system power cords depe nds on whether you r se rver confi guratio n inc ludes the opti onal Unin te rruptibl e Power System ( UPS). Be sure to conne ct po wer correc tly f or your system, as shown below . W ARNING Be [...]

  • Página 17

    1- 1 1 D Class System Installation 6. Connect the System Power Cord s[...]

  • Página 18

    1- 12 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 7. T u rn O n Power to the System 7. T urn O n Po wer to the System 1. If you have t he optio nal UPS, set th e Power swit ch on the front pa nel of the UPS to th e ON posit ion. The gree n AC Output light sho uld be on. If any of the other UPS front panel li ghts ar e on, refer t o the UPS m anual fo r approp[...]

  • Página 19

    1- 13 D Class System Installation 8. Prepare for Network Connections 8. P repare fo r Ne twor k C onn ecti ons T o use your D Class serve r on a net work, yo u will need the followin g inform atio n: • L AN stati on addr ess (see system lab el) • System name (or hos t name) • Interne t Proto col (IP) addre ss. The LAN stati on addres s is pro[...]

  • Página 20

    1- 14 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 9. Prep are for T erm i na l Connection s 9. Prep are fo r T erm in a l C on n e c tio n s Config ure your D Clas s ser ver for termina l connecti ons using the System Admin istrati on Manager (SAM) program. T o use S AM, refer to t he fol lowing ma n ual s th at we r e s hip p e d wit h y our sy st em : • S[...]

  • Página 21

    1- 15 D Class System Installation 10. Contacting Hewlett-Packard 10. Conta cti ng H ew le tt-P ac kar d If you need to c ontac t Hewl ett -Packa rd f or assis ta nce or a dditi onal i nfor matio n, you may be asked for the s ys tem model number and seri al number . That in form ation is loca ted on the syste m l abel, on t he ba ck of the r emovabl[...]

  • Página 22

    1- 16 D Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 10. Contacting Hew lett-Packard[...]

  • Página 23

    2- 1 2 R Cl ass Sy stem In sta llatio n How to install the basic HP 9000 R Cla ss En terprise server and its as s ociated compon ent s, such as the cons ol e and keyboard.[...]

  • Página 24

    2- 2 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion Overvie w of S ystem Installation Ove rview o f S ystem Instal lation Inst allatio n o f a b asic sys tem c onsist s of the following pr ocedures : 1. If the se rver i s not a lread y inte grated i n a cabine t: a. In stal l the r ac k kit in to a cabin et b. Mou nt the sy st em o n t he ca bi net ra ck 2. Inst[...]

  • Página 25

    2- 3 R Class System Installation 1. Install the Rack Kit an d S erver I nto the Cabinet 1. Insta ll the Rack Kit and Server Int o the Cabinet If your R Cla ss server ha s been factory int egrat ed into a cabi net, or if yo u are g oing to op e r at e th e R Cla s s s erv e r as a stan d - al o ne un it , p r oc ee d to “2 . In st al l Int er n a [...]

  • Página 26

    2- 4 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 1. Inst all the Rack Kit an d Server I nto the Cabinet 1A. Insta ll the Rac k Kit 1. Decide where i n t he cabi net t he ne w compute r equi pment i s to be install ed. R Clas s serve rs shou ld be inst alle d i n the cabine t’ s topmost avai lable 6 EIA unit s On C2785A, C2 786A, and C278 7A cabine ts, each [...]

  • Página 27

    2- 5 R Class System Installation 1. Install the Rack Kit an d S erver I nto the Cabinet 6. Make s ure the s heet met al nu ts ar e a ligned with the m ountin g h oles in t he r ail. 7. Ins ert t he M5x3 0mm mountin g screws thro ugh the moun ting hole s on e ach rail, (throug h the space rs, if used ), into the she et met al nuts, and tig hten. See[...]

  • Página 28

    2- 6 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 1. Inst all the Rack Kit an d Server I nto the Cabinet 10. Ins ta ll the reta ini ng screws (one for each cl amp) into the mount ing holes us ing the TORX scre wdri ver .[...]

  • Página 29

    2- 7 R Class System Installation 1. Install the Rack Kit an d S erver I nto the Cabinet 1B. Mount the S ystem Into the Cabinet Usin g two pe ople, li f t t he s erver u p a nd onto the r a ils in the cabin et. S l ide t he se r v e r toward the rear of the cab ine t until the sheet meta l extensi ons on the face of the se rver r e st f l u s h ag a[...]

  • Página 30

    2- 8 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 1. Inst all the Rack Kit an d Server I nto the Cabinet At tach th e LCD and pow er s witc h bez el to th e face of the s erv er , then a ttach the front pa nel bezel. CAUTION U n t il the LC D and po w er swit ch be ze l is attac he d, th e area s urr o u n ding the LC D is ES D se ns it iv e . S ee “E le ct [...]

  • Página 31

    2- 9 R Class System Installation 2. Inst all Inter nal Add- o n Optio ns 2. Install I nternal Add-on Options W ARNING The HP 900 0 R Class Enterpri se Serv er weigh s ab out 38 k g (82 lbs). Y ou m ust use two people to lift the R Class server cabinet. R Cl as s se rve r s are con fig u red at the fact ory to in cl ude m o s t I/O ca rds and int er[...]

  • Página 32

    2- 10 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 2. Install Internal Add-on O ptions W ARNING DO NOT CONNE CT SYSTEM POWER CO RD A T THIS TIME . If you open the system cabinet when power is connected, you will be exposed to high-energy (high-amperage) cir cuits and pos sib le ejection of molten metal. Be sure to remove all rings, watches, and other jewelry f[...]

  • Página 33

    2- 1 1 R Class System Installation 3. Connect th e Console, Web Co nsol e, or Graphics Monitor 3. C onnect the C onsole, W eb Console, or Graphics Monitor 1. Console/ Keyboard If you have an ASCII cons ol e (such as the HP 700/96) c onnect it to the se rve r rear pane l connec tor la bele d Se ri al 1/ Console . Con nect the k eyboard to t he ke yb[...]

  • Página 34

    2- 12 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 3. C onne c t th e Co nso le , Web C ons ole, or G raph ics M on ito r 2. Remove t he adhe sive ba cking and at tach the V elc ro t o t h e Remot e W eb Cons ole in th e ar e as sh own: 3. Align the V elcro s tri ps on the Re mote W eb Consol e with th e strips on the insi de of the serve r cha ssi s and press[...]

  • Página 35

    2- 13 R Class System Installation 3. Connect th e Console, Web Co nsol e, or Graphics Monitor IMPORT ANT POWER ADAPT ORS FOR T HE REM OTE WEB CONSOLE: The R em ote W eb Co ns ol e, u sed w ith a n R -Cl as s se rv er i n e it her a r ack ed o r st and - alo n e conf igur ati on, r eceiv es p ow er fro m a spec ial p o w e r adap tor in clu ded wit [...]

  • Página 36

    2- 14 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 3. C onne c t th e Co nso le , Web C ons ole, or G raph ics M on ito r 3. Graphics Mo ni tor , Keyboard , Mou se If you have a graphi cs monit or , connec t it to the graphi cs I/O ca rd at the rear of the syste m cabinet . Con nect the keyb oard and mouse to the conne ctors lab eled wit h keyboa rd and mouse [...]

  • Página 37

    2- 15 R Class System Installation 4. Connect the SCSI, N etwor k, and Parallel Cables 4. C onne ct the SC SI, Network, and Parallel Cables 1. Connect your SCSI devi ce cable t o the connec to r label ed SCSI (S ingle-Ende d) on the s e rver rea r pa nel. If no SCSI ca ble is t o be at tached to the s erver , place or leave t he SCS I te rm ina tor [...]

  • Página 38

    2- 16 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 5. C onne c t Rem o te Man age ment Card an d Se ria l D ata Ca ble fo r th e Optio nal UPS 5. Connec t Remote Ma nageme nt Card and Serial Data Ca ble for t he Optio nal UPS R Class S ervers The Remo te Management card (also call ed the Access Port or AP card) is opti onal on R Cla ss ser ve rs . W hen p res [...]

  • Página 39

    2- 17 R Class System Installation 6. Connect the System Power Cord s 6. C onnect the System Power Cords How you conne ct th e system power cords depe nds on whether you r se rver confi guratio n inc ludes the opti onal Unin te rruptibl e Power System ( UPS). Be sure to conne ct po wer correc tly f or your system, as s hown be low . W ARNING Be s ur[...]

  • Página 40

    2- 18 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 6. Co nnect the S ystem Power Cords sockets al ong the top of the UPS rear pane l. Final ly , conne ct your AC power sourc e to the input socke t of the UPS.[...]

  • Página 41

    2- 19 R Class System Installation 7. T u rn On Power to the System 7. T urn O n Po wer to the System 1. If you have t he optio nal UPS, set th e Power swit ch on the front pa nel of the UPS to th e ON posit ion. The gree n AC Output light sho uld be on. If any of the other UPS fron t panel li ghts ar e on, refer t o the UPS man ual fo r appro priat[...]

  • Página 42

    2- 20 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion 8. Prep are for Netwo rk Connection s 8. P repare fo r Ne twor k C onn ecti ons T o use your R Clas s server on a network, you will need the followi ng informa ti on: • L AN stati on addr ess (see system lab el) • System name (or hos t name) • Interne t Proto col (IP) addre ss. The LAN stati on addres s [...]

  • Página 43

    2- 21 R Class System Installation 9. Prep are for T erm inal Connecti ons 9. Prep are fo r T erm in a l C on n e c tio n s Config ure your R Class se rver for termina l c onnecti ons using th e Sys tem Admin istrati on Manager (SAM) program. T o use S AM, refer to t he fol lowing ma n ual s th at we r e s hip p e d wit h y our sy st em : • System[...]

  • Página 44

    2- 22 R Class Syste m Inst a l lat ion Cont a cting Hewlett-Packard Contact ing H ew le tt-P ac kar d If you need to c ontac t Hewl ett -Packa rd f or assis ta nce or a dditi onal i nfor matio n, you may be as ked for the syste m model nu mber and seri al n umber . That inform ation is loca ted on the syste m l abel, on t he ba ck of the r emovable[...]