Korg PA3 manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Korg PA3. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Korg PA3 o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Korg PA3 se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Korg PA3, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Korg PA3 debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Korg PA3
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Korg PA3
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Korg PA3
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Korg PA3 no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Korg PA3 y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Korg en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Korg PA3, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Korg PA3, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Korg PA3. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    Advanced Edit ENGLISH OS V er . 1.0 1 E[...]

  • Página 2


  • Página 3

    1 Table of Contents Advanced Style Record mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Style structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Style/Pad Import/Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Entering the Style Record mode . . . . . . [...]

  • Página 4

    2 Table of Contents Write MultiSample dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Write Slice dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Delete Sample dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Delete Multisample dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Página 5

    3 Style Record mode The Style structure Advanced By en tering the Style Record mode, you ca n creat e your o wn Styles, or edit an existing Style. The Style s truc tu re The term “ Style ” rela tes with m usic sequences a ut oma tically pla yed by the a rran ger of the P a3X. A S tyle co nsi sts o f a pr e- defined num ber of Style El ements (E[...]

  • Página 6

    4 Style Record mode Style/Pad Import/Export J ust to summarize, when you pla y a chord o n the chord recog ni- tion area, the arranger determines which Style Element is use d, then determine s which C hord V ariation should b e used for the pla yed chor d, then S tyle sequences f or every track of tha t Chor d V ariati on ar e transposed fr om the [...]

  • Página 7

    5 Style Record mode Exit by saving or deleting chang es Advanced Not e: Whil e in Reco rd mode, the foo tsw itc h an d EC5 pedals a re dis abl ed. O n t he contrar y , v olume / ex press ion -t y pe pe dal s can be used. Exit b y saving or deleting changes Whe n finished edi t ing, y ou can sa ve your S tyle or P ad in mem- or y , or abor t any cha[...]

  • Página 8

    6 Style Record mode Main page - Record 1 Main page - Recor d 1 After having pressed the RECORD button, and having chosen w h e t h e r y o u w a n t t o e d i t a n e x i s t i n g S t y l e o r c r e a t e a n e w o n e , the main page of the S ty le Record mode ap pe ars, with the tab “Rec or d 1” selected. Page header This li ne shows t he c[...]

  • Página 9

    7 Style Record mode Main page - Record 1 Advanced Wa r n i n g : I f yo u as sig n CV Lengt h a va lue low er th an Rec L ength , the value of Re c Le ng th i s not im media tely u pdated in t he display . Therefo re, you are stil l free of cha nging the val ue of CV Length, befor e the measure s ex ceedi ng its val ue are dele ted (see warning in [...]

  • Página 10

    8 Style Record mode Main page - Record 1 NTT Area NT T T ype/T able NT T s (Not e T ransposition T ables) are the sophisticated algo- r i t h m s t h a t a l l o w K o r g a r r a n g e r s t o c o n v e r t r e c o g n i z e d c h o r d s into musica l patterns . The Note T ransp ositi on T able (NT T ) deter mi nes how t he ar ranger w ill transp[...]

  • Página 11

    9 Style Record mode Main page - Record 2/Cue Advanced Delete Note bu tton U se this command to delete a single note or a single percussive instrumen t from a track. F or exam ple, to delete a sna re, k e ep the D2 note (c or res p ond ing to t h e sn are ) pre ss e d. 1. Select a track. 2. T ouch the “Delete N ote ” button, a nd keep it pressed[...]

  • Página 12

    10 Style Record mode Main page - Guitar Mode Cue area Cue mode for [Style element] This parameter lets yo u decide how the current S ty le Element will enter after it has been selected. This setting is only available fo r the ‘V ariati on ’ and ‘ Fill ’ Style Elemen ts. Immediate, first measure The Style Element en ters immediately , and b [...]

  • Página 13

    11 Style Record mode Main page - Guitar Mode Advanced Recor d ing strumming types T h e o c t a v e f r o m C 1 t o B 1 i s d e v o t e d t o s e l e c t i n g a stru mming ty pe. By pres sing these keys, you play fast strumming sam ples: Recor ding single strings T h e o c t a v e f r o m C 2 t o B 2 i s d e v o t e d t o s e l e c t i n g a singl[...]

  • Página 14

    12 Style Record mode Main page - Guitar Mode Y ou can record the pa ttern by playing i t in the range sho w n by the diagra m. Record ing a Chord Shape Y ou can finely choose C hord Sha p es by using MIDI messages. When you p lay a C0 note with the velocity value sho wn i n the following table, a chord is played in a parti cular p osition and on a [...]

  • Página 15

    13 Style Record mode Main page - Guitar Mode Advanced Choosing a Ke y/Chord for Intro 1 and Ending 1 The pattern is recor d ed in t he key indicated by the Key/Chord p a i r o f p a r a m e t e r s . H o w e v e r , t h i s p a r a m e t e r i s o n l y u s e d f o r playback by the In tro 1 and Ending 1 Style Elements. All other Style Elements wil[...]

  • Página 16

    14 Style Record mode Style Record procedure Style Recor d procedur e There are two differen t met hods for recording a S ty le: Rea ltime and Step. • R ealt im e Re cordi ng a llow s you to record St yl e p atterns i n rea ltime . • Step Re cording al lows you to c reate a new Style by entering s i n g l e n o t e s o r c h o r d s i n e a c h [...]

  • Página 17

    15 Style Record mode Style Record procedure Advanced Step Rec ord procedur e 1. While in the main page of t he Style Record mode, select the “ Ov er du b S te p R eco rd in g ” c om ma nd fr om th e p ag e m en u , to enter the Overdub St e p Record mode. 2. The “P os ” p aram e ter sho ws the current position. • If you do not want to ins[...]

  • Página 18

    16 Style Record mode Edit menu Edit menu F ro m a n y p a g e ( a pa rt f o r S t ep Re co r d) , p r es s t h e ME N U b u t t o n t o o p e n t h e S t y l e R e c o r d e d i t m e n u . T h i s m e n u g i v e s a c c e s s t o the vario us Style Reco rd edit se ction s. W h e n i n t h e m e n u , s e l e c t a n e d i t s e c t i o n , o r p [...]

  • Página 19

    17 Style Record mode Event Edit: Event Edit Advanced Even t Ed i t : Eve nt Ed it The Even t Edit is the page where yo u can edit each single MIDI event o f the selected Chord V ariation. Y ou can, f or examp l e, replace a note with a differen t one, or cha nge its playing strength (i.e., velocity value). See “E vent Edit procedur e ” on page [...]

  • Página 20

    18 Style Record mode Event Edit: Event Edit W he n i n th is di al og bo x, se lec t a ta rg et me as ur e, an d t o uc h O K. The first event ava i lable in the target measure will be sele cted. Insert T ouch the Ins er t button in the display to i nser t a ne w eve nt at the curren t sho wn Posi tion. The default values ar e T ype = Not e, Pitc h[...]

  • Página 21

    19 Style Record mode Event Edit: Filter Advanced Even t Ed i t : Fi l te r This page is where you ca n s elect t he event types to be shown in the Even t Edit page. T urn On th e f ilt er for all ev ent types you do n ot wish t o see in the Even t Edit page. Not e: Some of the events ar e “ g hoste d”, a nd non edita ble, since th e corresp ond[...]

  • Página 22

    20 Style Record mode Style Edit: Transpose T op parameters, yo u can selec t a single percussive instrument in a Drum or P ercussio n track. Not e: These par ameters a re ava ilable onl y when a Drum or Per - cussion tr ack is selected. Ex ecute T ouch this butt on to execute the operation set in this page. Tr a c k s t a t u s i c o n Stat us of t[...]

  • Página 23

    21 Style Record mode Style Edit: Cut Advanced E / CV (Style El ement/Chord V ariation) U se these parameters to select the Style Element a nd Chord Va r i a t i o n f o r e d i t i n g . Va l u e V elocity chan ge value (±127). Star t / End Tick U se these para meters to set the starting an d ending po ints of the ran ge to be modified. If a Cho r[...]

  • Página 24

    22 Style Record mode Style Edit: Delete Styl e Edit: Delete T h i s p a g e i s w h e r e y o u c a n d e l e t e M I D I e v e n t s o u t o f t h e S t y l e . This functi on does not remo ve measures from the pattern. T o rem ov e whole measur e, use the C ut function (s ee “ Style Edi t: Cut ” on page 21) Afte r se tting the v ariou s param[...]

  • Página 25

    23 Style Record mode Style Edit: Copy from Style Advanced E / CV (Style El ement/Chord V ariation) U se these parameters to select the Style Element a nd Chord Va r i a t i o n f o r e d i t i n g . All Al l Style Elements, i.e. the whole Style. When E/ T r ack=All and CV=All, t he whole Style is deleted, and all parameters are set to the default s[...]

  • Página 26

    24 Style Record mode Style Edit: Copy from Pad the source will be copied once, then the first 2 measures will be copied to fit the remaining 2 measur es. Not e: A void copying to a Ch ord V ariation w ith a dif ferent meter (time si g nat ure), for exam ple a 4/4 Chord V ariatio n on to a 3/4 one. St y l e E d i t : Co p y f ro m Pa d Here you c an[...]

  • Página 27

    25 Style Record mode Style Element Track Cont rols: Sound/Expression Advanced Style Element T rack Con trols: Sound/ Expression In this page you can assign a dif feren t S ound to each track of the selected Style E lement. Each Style Element can ha ve different Sound; a fter savin g the new Style, please do n ’ t forg et to check the “ Or igina[...]

  • Página 28

    26 Style Record mode Style Element Tra ck Controls: Keyboard Rang e Style Element T rack C ontr ols: K eyboard Ran ge The Key bo ard R ange automatical ly transp ose s any pattern note that would otherw ise play too hig h or too low in pitch, co m - pared to the or igin al acou stic inst ru ment, when transp ose d by the arrang er . This will resul[...]

  • Página 29

    27 Style Record mode Style Track Controls: Type/Trigger/Tension Advanced Style T rack C ontrols: T ype/T rigger/T ension In this page you can set th e Mode, Retrigger m o de for t he S t yle tracks , and activa te/deactiva te the T ension f or the A ccom pani- ment tracks. When in this page, press the corresponding b utton o n the control panel to [...]

  • Página 30

    28 Style Record mode Import: Import SMF Impor t: Impor t SMF The Im port S MF fu nctio n allo ws y ou t o imp ort MI DI da ta fr om a Sta ndard MIDI F ile (SMF) crea ted on yo ur preferr ed external sequencer , and transform them in a Chord V ariation. Not e: Y ou cannot us e this func tion to impor t data f rom any ge ner ic S ong. The Stand ard M[...]

  • Página 31

    29 Style Record mode Import: Import SMF Advanced Importing an SMF separated by Mark ers into a Style As an a lternative t o importing single C hor d V ariations, yo u can im port a whole S tyle as an SMF separ ated by M arkers , i.e., a sin- gle SMF con t aining all the Chord V ariations (V ari atio n 1, V aria- t i o n 2 , e t c . ) e a c h o n e [...]

  • Página 32

    30 Style Record mode Export SMF Expor t SMF The Expo rt SMF fun ction allo ws yo u to export a Ch ord V aria- ti on as a St an d ard MI DI Fil e (SM F) , and e dit it o n y our pre fe rr ed external se quencer . To S o n g This (non edi t able) parameter sho w s the name of the S tandar d M I D I F i l e t o b e g e n e r a t e d . T h e ( a u t o [...]

  • Página 33

    31 Style Record mode Page menu Advanced Pa g e m en u T ouch the page menu ico n to open the page men u. T ouch a com- mand to select it. T ouch an y where in the display t o close the menu withou t sele cting a command. Wr it e S t y l e Selec t this command to op en the W rite Style dialog box, and save the Style to the i nternal memor y . See ?[...]

  • Página 34

    32 Style Record mode Copy Key/Chord dialog box Not e: A U ser or Fa vorite Style is usuall y promp ted when wr itin g a Styl e. Ho wever , you c an overwrit e a Fact ory Style, w hen the “ Fa c- tory St yle and P ad Pr otect ” par ame ter is left u nchec ked (see pa ge 236). Sele c t… butto n T ouch this button to open the Style Sele ct windo[...]

  • Página 35

    33 Style Record mode Copy Key Range dialog box Advanced C opy Key Range dialo g bo x Open this w indow by choosing the Copy K e yboard R ange i tem from the page men u. Here yo u can copy all Keyboard Range val- ues fo r the curren t Styl e Elemen t tracks to a diff eren t Styl e Ele- ment. Fr om Style Element Non e di ta bl e . Currently selected [...]

  • Página 36

    34 Style Record mode Overdub Step Recording window Fre e Me m or y Remaining memor y for recor d ing. Dura tion Rela tive dur ation of the inse rted not e. The per centage is alwa ys ref erred to the step valu e. 25% Stacca tissimo. 50% Stacca to. 85% Ordinar y artic ulation. 100% Legato . Ve l o c i t y S e t t h i s p a r a m e t e r b e f o r e [...]

  • Página 37

    35 Pad Record mode The Pad structure Advanced By en tering the P ad Record mode, y ou can cr eate your own P ads, or edi t an existing Pad. The Pa d s t ru c t ur e A Pad is basical ly a sin g le-track S t yle. M ost of what a pplies to Styl e re cording al so applies to Pad re cordi ng. There ar e t wo different ca tegories of P ads: •“ H i t [...]

  • Página 38

    36 Pad Record mode Exit by saving or deleting changes Exit by sa ving or deleting changes When finis hed editing, y ou can sa ve yo ur P ad in memory , or cance l any change. • T o s a v e c h a n g e s , s e l e c t t h e “ W r i t e P a d ” c o m m a n d f r o m t h e page men u (see “W rite P ad dialog box” on p age 47). • T o cancel[...]

  • Página 39

    37 Pad Record mode Main page - Record 1 Advanced Be at The sequence will st art at the next beat, in sync with the arranger’ s or player’ s tempo. I t wi ll start from i t s very beginning (i.e., tick 1 or measure 1). Rec Length (R ecording Length) This par amete r s ets the rec ording lengt h ( in m eas ures) of t he sequen ce. I ts value is a[...]

  • Página 40

    38 Pad Record mode Main page - Record 1 NTT Area NT T T ype/T able NT T s (Not e T ransposition T ables) are the sophisticated algo- r i t h m s t h a t a l l o w K o r g a r r a n g e r s t o c o n v e r t r e c o g n i z e d c h o r d s into musica l patterns . The Note T ransp ositi on T able (NT T ) deter mi nes how t he ar ranger w ill transp [...]

  • Página 41

    39 Pad Record mode Main page - Guitar Mode Advanced Main page - Guitar Mode While in the m ain page , and a G uitar trac k has been select ed, touc h the “ Guitar M ode ” tab to see this pag e. This is wher e you can access G uitar M ode programmin g: Not e: T o access this pa ge, the Pad tr ack must be of Guitar type (Pad T rack Contr ols >[...]

  • Página 42

    40 Pad Record mode Event Edit: Event Edit Other pages exhibi t a slightly differen t struc ture. Opera t ing mode This indicates that the instrument is in P ad R ecord mode. Edit sec tion This identifies the current edit section, corresponding to o ne of the items o f t he edit men u (s ee “Edit men u” on page 39). Pag e me nu i con T ouch this[...]

  • Página 43

    41 Pad Record mode Pad Edit: Transpose Advanced Pa d E d i t : T r a n s p o s e In th is page yo u can transpose th e s elected tra ck(s). Not e: After transposing, pleas e do n ’t forget to readjust the “Key/ Chord” parameter in the main page of the Pad Record mode (s ee page 37). Afte r sett ing t he var ious p aramete rs, touc h Exe cute.[...]

  • Página 44

    42 Pad Record mode Pad Edit: Cut Pa d E d i t : Cu t This function lets you quickly delete a selected measure (or a series of measures) from the selected Chord V ariation. All fol- lowing even ts are mo ved back, to replace the cut measure(s). Afte r se tting the v ariou s parame ters, tou ch Exe cut e. CV (Chord V ariation) U se this parameter to [...]

  • Página 45

    43 Pad Record mode Pad Edit: Delete All Advanced Bottom / T op Note U se these para meters to set the bo ttom a nd top o f the keyboar d range to d elete. Not e: These par ameters are a vailab le only when the All o r Note option is selec ted. Execute T ouch thi s but ton to ex ecute the o peration set in this pag e. Pa d E d i t : D e l e te Al l [...]

  • Página 46

    44 Pad Record mode Pad Track Controls : Sound/Expres sion Fro m Pad Choose this option to select the so urce P ad to cop y the Cho rd Va r i a t i o n f r o m . To u c h t h e Select b u t t o n t o o p e n t h e P a d S e l e c t windo w and sel ect the sour ce Pad . Fr om CV (Chord V ariation) U se this parameter to select the source Chor d V ari[...]

  • Página 47

    45 Pad Record mode Pad Chord Table Advanced RX Noi se U se these controls to adjus t t he volume o f R X No is es in the cor- respo nding tracks. This co ntr ol appl ies to all types of trac ks (pr ovided the S ound in cludes RX No ises). Humanize GTR U se these controls t o ap ply a random value to the position, velocity and length of notes of Gui[...]

  • Página 48

    46 Pad Record mode Export: SMF Initial ize Check this p arameter if y ou wan t a ll Pad settings (i.e., K e y/ Chord, Cho rd T able, Sound…) a re reset when loading the SMF . Hin t : I t is a goo d idea to check thi s parameter w hen impor ting the first Chor d V ariat ion of the Pad, a nd unchec k it when importing the follow ing Chord V ar iati[...]

  • Página 49

    47 Pad Record mode Write Pad dialog box Advanced W rite P a d dialog bo x Open this w indow b y s electing the W rite Pad item fr om the p age men u. Her e you can sa ve the r e cor ded or edit ed Pad to me mor y . P arameter s saved i n the Pad a re mark ed with the symbo l thro ugh the user’ s man ual. Name N a m e o f t h e P a d t o be sa v e[...]

  • Página 50

    48 Sound operating mode The MIDI channel The Sound operating mode is where you can lis ten to individual Sounds, and edit them. T o selec t a Sou nd, s ee the “ In ter face b as ics ” ch ap ter in the U ser ’ s Manua l. In this mode, the selected Sound can al ways be play ed across the full keyboa rd ra nge. While in a differ ent o perating m[...]

  • Página 51

    49 Sound operating mode Main page Advanced Bank Bank the curr ent Sound belon gs to. Bank Select / Progr am Change sequenc e Ba nk Sele ct MS B / Ban k Sele ct LS B / Pr ogr am Ch ang e n umbe rs, in the form “ C C00.CC32.PC” . CC00 This section shows the value of the C ontr ol Change (C C) 00 mess age (or Ban k Se lec t MSB) fo r the selected [...]

  • Página 52

    50 Sound operating mode Digital Drawbars page Se le cted Eff ect Non e di ta bl e . This shows the effect assigne d to the correspond- ing FX processor . T o sele ct a different effect, see “Effects: “B” FX Config” on page 74. Send U se t his kn ob to adjust t he le vel of the dr y s ound sent to the cor- resp onding ef fec t. Amount V olum[...]

  • Página 53

    51 Sound operating mode Edit menu Advanced T one/Noise tab T one is the timbre of the sound. N oises are mechanical noises fro m the keyboard a nd the to newheels. Wa v e (Drawbar W ave) To n e W av eshape of the drawbar s , pr oducing the b ase tim bre. M ellow A m ellow-so unding synthetic wave. Ha rd A ha rder-sounding synthetic wave. Leakage Le[...]

  • Página 54

    52 Sound operating mode Edit page structure Edit page s truc ture All edit pages share some basic elements. Opera t ing mode This indicates that the instrument is in Sound mode. Edit sec tion This identifies the current edit section, corresponding to o ne of the items o f t he edit men u (s ee “Edit men u” on page 51). Pag e me nu i con T ouch [...]

  • Página 55

    53 Sound operating mode Basic: OSC Basic Advanced Legat o This parameter is only ava i lable when the sele cted mod e is Mo no. I t is the same found on the main page of the Sound mode. See “Legato ” on page 49 for inf ormatio n on this parameter . Pri ori ty This parameter is a vailable when the s elected mode is Mono . I t specifies whic h no[...]

  • Página 56

    54 Sound operating mode Basic: OSC Basic 1st…6th The sound will begin f rom the offset location p re- determi ned for eac h samp le. No A tta ck The initial p ortion of the multisam ple is ig nored. AMS Acti vates th e Alterna te M odulatio n S our ce (see belo w). PseudoRandom (Only works when more than one Offs et point is availab le in th e mu[...]

  • Página 57

    55 Sound operating mode Basic: Vel/Key Zone Advanced Hi nt : T h i s i s e s p e c i a l l y u s e f u l t o t r i g g e r d i f f e r e n t sound n uances or cr eate vector -like sound sequenc es. Cycle 2 A s t he above, fo r us e with a different (a nd p aral- lel) gro up of Oscillators. H aving two C ycle T rig - ger M o des allows fo r c ycling[...]

  • Página 58

    56 Sound operating mode Basic: Damper Mode Basic: Damper Mode H e re y ou can pro g ram ho w the Damper pedal wor ks, the Reso- nance/Halo effect, and the range within t he Note Off message is not sent to the selected Osci llator: Damper Mode Her e you can program the Dam p er Mode for each Oscillator . Damper Mode This parameter d e termines ho w [...]

  • Página 59

    57 Sound operating mode Basic: Damper Trigger Advanced Basic: Damper T rigger Her e you can set the notes trig gered by pressing a nd releasing the Damper P edal. The p arameters in this page ha ve ef fect on the Sound as a whole, and not on a single Oscil lator . As wa rned by the m essage on th e lower a rea of the di splay , these p a ra m e t e[...]

  • Página 60

    58 Sound operating mode DrumKit: Sample Setup (Drum Kits) DrumKit: Sample S etup (Drum Kits) This page ap p ears when you edi t a Drum Kit. H ere you can select a diff eren t percus sive sam ple fo r each key an d layer . Drum Ki ts u se onl y one oscillat or . Key Key Key in edit . T o select a key , you ca n press a key on the keyboard while t hi[...]

  • Página 61

    59 Sound operating mode DrumKit: EQ (Drum Kits) Advanced the Off or 1st Offse t, when playing lo udly you will select the 6th or N o A ttack Offset. When the “I ntensi t y” parameter has a nega t ive value, the selec- tion will happen in reverse (higher-numbered Offsets wil l be selected bef ore the l owest-n umbered ones). Level This parameter[...]

  • Página 62

    60 Sound operating mode DrumKit: Voice Mixer (Drum Kits) DrumKit: V oice Mix er (Drum Kits) T h i s p a g e a p p e a r s w h e n y o u e d i t a D r u m K i t . H e r e y o u c a n s e t various parameters f or the dif feren t percussive sam ple assigned to the selec ted key and layer . Key See “K ey” on pa ge 58. V oice A ssign Mode Single T [...]

  • Página 63

    61 Sound operating mode Pitch: Pitch Mod Advanced Pitch: Pitch Mod H e r e y o u c a n m a k e p i t c h s e t t i n g s f o r e a c h o s c i l l a t o r . T h e s e s e t - tings s p ecify how keyb oard location will a ffect the pi tch of each oscilla tor , and select th e con tro llers tha t will affect th e oscillat or pitch an d sp ec if y t h[...]

  • Página 64

    62 Sound operating mode Pitch: Pitch Mod Pitch EG A MS (Alter nate Modulation Sour ce) T h i s p a r a m e t e r s e l e c t s t h e s o u r c e t h a t w i l l m o d u l a t e t h e p i t c h EG of the selected oscil lato r . S ee “ AMS (Alternate M o dulation Source) list ” on page 77). Pitch EG I ntensity This parameter specifies the depth a[...]

  • Página 65

    63 Sound operating mode Pitch: Pitch EG Advanced Pitch: Pitch EG Here you can ma ke s etting s for t he pitch EG , w hich cre ates t ime- varian t changes in the pitch o f the os cillators. The dep th of pitch c h a n g e p r o d u c e d b y t h e s e E G s e t t i n g s o n t h e o s c i l l a t o r s i s adjusted b y t he “I ntensity (AMS1/2 In[...]

  • Página 66

    64 Sound operating mode Filter: Filter Type At ( Attack Lev el Swing) This parameter specif ies the direct ion of change in “ A ttack Le vel” cause d by “ AMS 1/2 ” . If “Intensity” i s a p ositive (+) valu e, a s ett in g of + w i ll r ais e th e E G l e vel , a nd a s ett i ng of – wi l l d e cre a se it. W ith a setting of 0 there [...]

  • Página 67

    65 Sound operating mode Filter: Filter Mod Advanced Resonanc e (Resonanc e A) The resonance em phasizes the overtone com p onen ts that lie in the reg ion of th e cu toff freq uen cy spec ified by “ Fr equ ency” , p ro- ducing a more d istin ct ive s ound. Inc reas ing t his valu e wi ll pro - duce a strong er effect. 00…99 Resonance val ue. [...]

  • Página 68

    66 Sound operating mode Filter: Filter Mod Tr a c k i n g t o A / B These parameters specify the note numbers a t w hich keyb oard trackin g will b egin to ap ply , and se t the “In tensi ty to A ” and “I ntensi ty to B” pa rameters to specify the depth and dir ection of the change a pplied to f ilters A and B. Fo r the ran ge of no tes bet[...]

  • Página 69

    67 Sound operating mode Filter: Filter LFO Advanced Fi l t e r : Fi l t e r L F O Here you can us e th e f ilte r LFO to apply c ycl ic m odu lat ion to t he cut off frequen c y of th e filter (f or the select ed oscillat or) to cr eate cycli cal changes in tone. LFO 1 Intensit y to A Specifies the dep th and directio n of the modula tion that LFO1[...]

  • Página 70

    68 Sound operating mode Filter: Filter EG Star t This para meter specifie s t he ch ange in cu toff freq uency at the time of note-on. -99…+99 Level value. Attack This parameter specif ies the change in cutoff frequency after the atta ck ti me ha s el aps e d. -99…+99 Level value. Break (Break Point) This parameter specif ies the change in cuto[...]

  • Página 71

    69 Sound operating mode Amp: Amp Level/Pan Advanced T ime Modulation AMS1/2 U se this parameter to selecthe so urce that will contr ol the “ T ime ” p a r a m e t e r s o f t h e f i l t e r E G . S e e “ A M S ( A l t e r n a t e M o d u l a t i o n Source) lis t” on pag e 77. Int (AMS Int ensity) This parameter specifies t he depth and di[...]

  • Página 72

    70 Sound operating mode Amp: Amp Mod as yo u play higher), and towar d the left as the not e num bers decrease (i.e., as you play lower). N egative (–) values of this parameter will ha ve the op p osite effect. -99 …+9 9 Parame ter v alue . Amp: Amp Mod These settings a llow you to a pply modulation to amp (fo r e ach osc il lator) to mo dulate[...]

  • Página 73

    71 Sound operating mode Amp: Amp EG Advanced Diagra m The diagram on to p of the page shows the Ampli tude envelope line. Level These parameters are the level of the en velope seg ment. Star t This parameter specifies t he volume level a t note-on. If you wa nt the note t o begin at a loud leve l, set this to a high va lue. 0…99 L evel v alue. At[...]

  • Página 74

    72 Sound operating mode LFO: LFO1 T ime Modulation Thes e par ameters let you use an alter nate modul ation s ource to modif y the amp EG times that were specifi ed in “ T ime ” on page 71. AMS1 (A lternate Modulation Sour ce 1 - Time) This para meter specifies the sour ce that will co ntrol th e “ T ime ” param eters of th e amp EG (see ?[...]

  • Página 75

    73 Sound operating mode LFO: LFO1 Advanced Fre qu e n c y Set the LFO fr equency . A setting o f 99 is the fast est. 00…99 Fr equency rate. Off set This parameter specifies the central value of the LFO wavefo rm. F o r e x a m p l e , w i t h a s e t t i n g o f 0 a s s h o w n i n t h e f o l l o w i n g d i a - g ra m, th e v i br at o t ha t i[...]

  • Página 76

    74 Sound operating mode LFO: LFO2 LFO: LFO2 Her e you can make settings fo r t he LFO2, which is the second LFO tha t can be ap plied to th e selected oscilla tor . See “LFO: LFO1” for more info r mation on the parameters value. H owever in “ Freq uency Modula tion ”, the LFO canno t be selected as a modulation source in “ A MS1” or “[...]

  • Página 77

    75 Sound operating mode Page menu Advanced Pa g e m en u T ouch the page menu icon to open the menu. T ouch a command to select it. T ouch an y where in the display to close t he menu witho ut selecting a co mmand. Wr it e S o u n d Selec t this command to open t he W rite Sound dial og box, and save all editing parameters to a Sound. See “W rite[...]

  • Página 78

    76 Sound operating mode Copy Oscillator dialog box Name Na me of the So und to be sav ed. T ouch the (T ext Edit) bu t- ton next to the na me to open the T ext Edit window . Sound Bank T arget bank of Soun ds. U se the V ALUE con trols to sel ect a dif- ferent bank. Soun d T arget S ound loca tion in the se lected bank. U s e the V AL UE con- trols[...]

  • Página 79

    77 Sound operating mode AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) list Advanced AMS (Alternate Mo dulation S ource) l ist Flt KT rk +/+ (Filter Keyboard T rack +/+) Flt KT rk +/– (Filter K eyboard T rack +/) Flt KT rk 0/+ (Filter Ke yb oard T rack 0/+) Flt KT rk +/0 (Filter K eyb oard T rack +/0) Amp KT rk +/+ ( Amp Key board T rack +/+) Amp KT rk +/– [...]

  • Página 80

    78 Sound operating mode AMS (Alternate Modulat ion Source) list + / 0 T h e s i g n o f t h e “ R a m p L o w ” s e t t i n g w i l l d e t e r - mine the direct ion of its effect. “Ramp High ” wi ll have no AMS effec t. JS +Y & A T/2 ( Joy Stick +Y & After T ouch/2) The eff ect will b e co ntroll ed by the jo ystick +Y (verticall y[...]

  • Página 81

    79 Sampling operating mode Entering and exiting the Sampling mode Advanced Pa3X includ es a f ul l-feature d sampler , wit h p owerfu l to ols for creating (a) new sounds and (b) rh y thm patterns, based on a ud io grooves. Ne w S ou nd s. Samplin g a llows yo u to create new sounds, by recor ding from an external sour ce (e.g., a microphone o r a [...]

  • Página 82

    80 Sampling operating mode The Record ( Sampling) procedure Recording Next, yo u’ll record the sound or audio groove. 1. I f you can, sta r t first the source t o be reco rded, then touch the R ec ord button in the display to start recordin g. As an alter native, touch the R ecord button in t he displ ay , and immediately start the source to be r[...]

  • Página 83

    81 Sampling operating mode Edit menu Advanced Wa r n i n g : Generat ed MIDI Groove s w ill be delet ed when turning the instrume nt off. I mpor t them to a Styl e track befor e turnin g the instrument off. Edit menu From a ny p age of t he Sa mpli ng mo de, pre ss th e M EN U bu tton to o p en the Sa mpling edit menu. Thi s men u gives acces s to [...]

  • Página 84

    82 Sampling operating mode Sampling: Edit wi ll be saved as mono fi les. Stereo s amples will be saved as two se p- ar ate mono files, and will be trea ted as mono files when reload ed. Sour ce U se this p aramet er to choose either a micropho ne or a line source a s the inp ut. Line Y ou can connect a mono or stereo line source to the Left a nd/or[...]

  • Página 85

    83 Sampling operating mode Sampling: Loop Edit Advanced When editing a udi o grooves, the Loop Start should match the Sam ple Start point. This parameter usually differs from the Sam- ple Start in or dinar y sounds (i.e., a guitar , a piano , a voice…). End (Sample/Loop End) This is the sample and loop end poin t (i n samples). Y ou may edit this[...]

  • Página 86

    84 Sampling operating mode Sampling: Sampling Info Use Ze ro See “U se Zero ” on page 83. Loop Lock Thi s f ixes the leng th of t he lo op b ei ng ed ited . Off T he “Loop S. ” and “End” pa rameters can be edit ed separat ely . On When th e “Loop S. ” or “E nd” pa rameter i s edited, the othe r one wi ll be automatica ll y adjus[...]

  • Página 87

    85 Sampling operating mode Time Slice Advanced Drum Samples N umbe r of drum samples in memory . Multisampl es N umbe r of m u ltisamples in memo r y . A vailable Memory RAM Bank P a3X comes wi th 128MB of RAM alr e ady installed , and ca n b e expanded up t o 256MB with the option al EXB-M256 b oard. Th is is the m ax imum am ount of n on- compre [...]

  • Página 88

    86 Sampling operating mode Time Slice Ex.1 - Ge nerati ng samples a nd MIDI Gr oove data: Ex.2 - V ary ing the groove’ s tempo Ex.3 - Recombin ing MIDI n otes and sam ples Sample diagram This diagram shows the s amp le waveform an d t he slices. H ere is how the sam ple diagram appears before the Slice: … and t he s ame di agram af ter t he Sl [...]

  • Página 89

    87 Sampling operating mode Time Slice Advanced Metronome Information Meter U se this parameter to specif y the Meter o f t he original sample. Measures U se this parameter to specif y the number o f measures o f t he original samp le. U sual ly , you will load a groov e 1- or 2-measur es long. BPM This par ameter sp ecif ies the te mpo (in B e ats [...]

  • Página 90

    88 Sampling operating mode The Time Slice procedure L o n g T h i s o p t i o n i s m o s t s u i t a b l e f o r c y m b a l s , w h o s e sound should be sust ained up until the next note. The “ tail” en velope is sustained and falls slo wly , then falls suddenl y next to the end. Extend T ouch thi s butt on to ex ecute the Ext end comma nd. [...]

  • Página 91

    89 Sampling operating mode The Extend procedure Advanced The Extend pr ocedure 1. Set the By p arameter , a ccording to the tempo of t he g roove you will use. If y ou will slow down the groo ve very much, a s s i g n h i g h e r v a l u e s t o t h i s p a r a m e t e r , o t h e r w i s e y o u m a y assign lower values. 2. Se le ct t he E xt en [...]

  • Página 92

    90 Sampling operating mode Multisample: Key Assign Pitch Fine t u ning of the s elected samp le in cents (1 cent = 1/100 o f a sem ito ne). Fro m … T o Range of the selec ted Zone (or Index). The minimum size is one key . When reducing the ran ge of a zone, the adjacen t one is aut o- ma tically incr eased to fill the gap . Hin t : T o creat e a [...]

  • Página 93

    91 Sampling operating mode Page menu Advanced Tr i m / C r o p Select this co mmand to cu t all parts of the sa mple ou t of the selected ra nge (i.e ., out of the “S tart ” and “ End” po in ts). Select All U se this command to s elect the whole sample . Init Multisample Only a vailab le in the Mul tis am ple page. S elect this command to c[...]

  • Página 94

    92 Sampling operating mode Write Sample dialog box Compress all samples When t her e is no mo re space in the Sa mple m emory for yo ur samples, y ou can comp ress the samples. W ith the option al EXB- M256 Sam ple RAM expansion, this will allow t o load up to 512MB of sam ples. Not e: Compr essin g the whole con tent o f the Sample memo r y can la[...]

  • Página 95

    93 Sampling operating mode Delete Sample dialog box Advanced Name T o assign a dif feren t name to the S ound, touch the (T ext Edit) button to open the T ex t Edit wind ow . Sound Bank T arget bank of Sounds. E ach bank corresponds to one o f the SOUND buttons. Use V A L UE c ontrols to sel ec t a d if ferent b ank. Sound T arget Sound loca tion i[...]

  • Página 96

    94 Sampling operating mode Export Multisample page Then touch th e Save button to see t he Ex port Sample dial og box: Original Name Na me of the sample being exported. Fil e N am e Na me of the g enerated f ile on the s torage device. Fil e Type Either of the file types you ca n choose as the file f ormat. W A V Microsoft W ave for mat, ver y comm[...]

  • Página 97

    95 Voice Processor Accessing the Voice Processor edit pages Advanced The V oice Processor app lies ef fects, doubling and four -part har- mon y to your voice. Some de dic ated controllers on t he control panel (MIC S E TUP section) allows yo u to quickly access the most often used functi ons. In addition, you can edi t the V oice P rocesso r S etu [...]

  • Página 98

    96 Voice Processor Voice Processor Setup: Mic Tone V oice P rocessor Setup: Mic T one In this page you can set parameters for the microphone in put, choosing the most sui t able settings f or the Le ad voic e (i.e., the main singer). Lead Level This paramete r sets the Lead voice lev el. Off Lead voice is turned o ff. -60dB … 0dB Lead voice level[...]

  • Página 99

    97 Voice Processor Voice Processor Setu p: Mic Tone Advanced •High band shelving The 2 “ Shelvin g” EQs boost o r cut all frequen cies below or a bove the the fr equencies set b y the Low an d High con trols r espec- tively . These are most like the comm on Bass and T reble co ntrols on a ster e o system. T h e “ P a r a m e t r i c ” [...]

  • Página 100

    98 Voice Processor Voice Processor Setup: Mic Tone There is only the single DeEss Level con trol; no other ma nual adj ustment s ettings are r e quir ed. The fact or y settin g of 50% gen- tly red uces sibilance withou t be coming ob vious. Higher settings of compress ion an d Shape or a br ig ht, s ibil ant voice may requ ire a higher s ettin g. C[...]

  • Página 101

    99 Voice Processor Voice Processor Setup: T alk Advanced V oic e Processor Setup: T alk T h i s p a g e i s w h e r e y o u c a n s e t t h e T a l k f u n c t i o n , t o b e u s e d t o address the a udie nce, speaking over the backgro und music. Parameters c ontaine d in this page are relative, and are us ed to at tenuate the m usic when spea ki[...]

  • Página 102

    100 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: Mixer/FX V oice Pr ocessor Preset: Mixer/FX This page con tains master level con t rols f or the V oice Pr o cessor as a whole. μMod Mod. Lev el Mast er L evel of the µM o d block. Lead to Mod Mast er L evel of the Lead voice go ing to the µM o d block. Hrm/D to Mod M a s t e r L e v e l o f t h e H a [...]

  • Página 103

    101 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: Harmony Advanced C h o r d S c a n . T h e a r e a i s c h o s e n w i t h t h e C H O R D S C A N - NING buttons in the c ontrol panel. Low er Low er area (unde r the Spli t Po int). U pper U pper ar ea (under the S plit P oint) . F ull The full extens ion of the keyboar d. Set U se this men u to choo s [...]

  • Página 104

    102 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: Double Amount Y ou can var y the amount of huma niz ation for th e har mony voices. All the styles except for the last one (T ime & Pitch) were designed a t middle values to allow y ou to add or r emove effects as yo u see fit. T ime & Pi tch was desi gned so yo u can crea te wild special ef fects[...]

  • Página 105

    103 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: Filter & Hard Tune Advanced V oice P rocessor P reset: F ilter & Hard T une This page contains the Filter and H ardT une ef fects, w hich dra- ma tically chan ge the sound ’ s charact er . Fi l te r This effect us es steep filters to emulat e t he sound of radios, phones a nd devices that genera[...]

  • Página 106

    104 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: μMod V oice Pr ocessor Preset: μMod μM od is short for micro-modulation . The µMod ef fect is capable of cr eating m any d ifferen t sounds tha t rang e from s ubtle bu t lush thickening to creatively destruc tive. I t us es a combination o f stereo pitch shift ing (De tune), sm all amou nts of stereo[...]

  • Página 107

    105 Voice Processor Voice Processor Preset: Reverb Advanced beats (e.g. 1/4 triplets, 1/4 dott ed notes) for the left and right delays. Tim e L /R These parameters ar e us ed to display the exact dela y t ime and to allow edi ting with all Source set tings. Y ou may set fro m 0 to 2500ms (2.5 seconds) of dela y for the left and righ t delay lines. [...]

  • Página 108

    106 Effects Dynamic Modulation sources Pa3X i s e quipp ed wit h fou r p ower fu l Ef fe ct Proc ess ors for t he int e rnal MIDI tracks (U pper , L ower , Style, Song, P ads). Dynamic Modulation sourc es When the symbol is encoutered, a Dynamic Modula t ion can be applied to t he corresponding parameter . D ynamic Modu- latio n allows fo r realtim[...]

  • Página 109

    107 Effects Dynamics (Dynamic) Advanced Dynamics (D ynamic) 0: No Effect Select this option when yo u do not use any effects. 1: Stereo C ompressor This effect compresses the in put signal to regulate the level and give a “p u nchy” ef fec t. I t is usef ul for gu itar , pi ano, and dr um sounds. This is a stereo comp ressor . Y ou can lin k le[...]

  • Página 110

    108 Effects Dynamics (Dynamic) a: Env elope S elect When L/R Mix is s elect ed for this paramete r , t he left and rig ht channels a re linked to contro l the Limiter using the mixed sig- nal. If L Only (or R Only) is sele cted, the left and r ight channels ar e linked, a nd the Limi ter is contr olled via onl y the left (o r right) channel. W ith [...]

  • Página 111

    109 Effects Dynamics (Dynamic) Advanced d: Attack d: Release These parameters set t he at t ack time and release t ime. A higher at tack time will ca use the com pressi on to be a pplied mo re slo w ly . f: T rigger Monitor Setting thi s paramete r On will cause the trigge r signal to be out- put, ins tead of the effect sound. U se t his parameter [...]

  • Página 112

    110 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) c: Threshol d d: Attack d: Release “T hreshold ” specifie s the level at which ga ting occ urs when “En velope Select” is set to L/R Mix, L Only , or R Only . “ Attack ” and “Releas e ” sp ecif y the attack time and release time of the ga te. c: P o larity This in verts the pola rity of the ga [...]

  • Página 113

    111 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) Advanced b: Band1 T ype c: Band4 T ype Sel ects a filt er ty pe fo r Ba nd 1 a nd 4 . e, f , g, h: Q These parameters set the b andwidth of each equalizer . The higher the value, the narro wer the band becomes. d: Band2 Dynamic Gain Src d: Amt [dB] Y ou can con trol the gai n of Band 2 using the m odulatio n s[...]

  • Página 114

    112 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) b: Emphasis Freq This parameter sets the frequency to be emphasized. Higher val- ues will emphasize lo wer frequencies. c: Enhancer Delay L [msec] d: Enhancer Dela y R [msec] These parameters set the delay time fo r the Enhancer left and rig ht channel. Speci fy ing a sli ghtly di fferent delay time for t he l[...]

  • Página 115

    113 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) Advanced a: Frequency Bottom a: Frequency T o p The sweep width and direction of the wah filter ar e determined by the “F requency T op ” and “Fr equenc y B otto m ” s ettings. b: Sweep Mode This paramete r changes the wah con trol mode. Se tting “ Sweep Mode ” to Au t o wil l se lec t an auto-wa h[...]

  • Página 116

    114 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) a: Mode b: Frequency Bottom b: Frequency T o p c: Resonance Bottom c: Resonance T op If Mode= Preset, thi s simula tes a vintag e wah pedal. In thi s case, int ernally fixed val ues are used f or Fr equency Bottom /T op a nd Resonance B otto m/T op, and these settings wi ll be ignored. The settings for Frequen[...]

  • Página 117

    115 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) Advanced d: BPM e: Step Base Note e: Times The width of an LFO step , or a cycle of random LFO , is obtained by m ultip lying the length o f a note ( r … w ) (sele cted for “ Step B a s e N o t e ” , i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e t e m p o s p e c i f i e d i n “ B P M , ” o r t h e M I D I C l o c k[...]

  • Página 118

    116 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) 16: St. Sub Oscillator (Stereo Sub Oscillat or) This effect a dds ver y low frequencies to the inp ut signal. It is ver y usef ul w hen simul ating a roaring drum s ound or emphasiz- ing powerful low rang e. This effect is dif feren t from the equal- iz er in th a t y o u ca n ad d v ery lo w r an ge ha rm o n[...]

  • Página 119

    117 Effects EQ and Filters (EQ/Filter) Advanced c: V oice T op d: V oice Center e: V oice Bottom These parameters assign vowels to the top , center , and botto m posi tion of the con troll er . E.g.: When “V oice T op ”=A, “V oice C enter”=I, and “V oi ce B ottom ”= U : I f “ S w e e p M o d e ” i s s e t t o D - m o d a n d R i b b[...]

  • Página 120

    118 Effects Overdrive, Amp models, and Mic models (O D Amp Mic) 19: St. Analog Rec ord (Stereo A nalog Record) This effect simulates the noise caused by scrat ches and dus t on a n a l o g r e c o r d s . I t a l s o r e p r o d u c e s s o m e o f t h e m o d u l a t i o n ca used b y a wa r ped turn table . b: Flutter This pa rameter en ables yo [...]

  • Página 121

    119 Effects Overdrive, Amp models, and Mic mo dels (OD Amp Mic) Advanced a: W ah The W ah parameter switches the wah effect on/off. a: Sw This pa rameter set s ho w the wah effect is swi tched on a nd off via the mod ulation so urce. When “ Sw” = Momen t, t he wah ef fect is usua lly turned off. It is turn ed on only w hen y ou pres s the pedal[...]

  • Página 122

    120 Effects Overdrive, Amp models, and Mic models (O D Amp Mic) 22: Gtr . Cabinet + NR This simula tes the acoustic qualities of a gui tar amp ’ s speaker cabinet. I t als o adds a No is e Reduction control. 23: St. Bass Cabinet (Stereo Bass C abinet) This simulates the aco ustic al character o f a bass amp ’ s spea ker cab inet. 24: Bass Amp M[...]

  • Página 123

    121 Effects Overdrive, Amp models, and Mic mo dels (OD Amp Mic) Advanced 25: Bass Amp+Cabinet (Bass Amp Model+Cabinet) This simulates a bass a mp and speaker cabinet. a: Amp T ype h: Cabinet T ype Recommended C ombi nations of Bass Amp Models and Cabi- nets: 26: T ube PreAmp Model (T ube PreA mp Modeling) This effect simulat e s a two-stage vacuum [...]

  • Página 124

    122 Effects Overdrive, Amp models, and Mic models (O D Amp Mic) b , f : S atura tion [%] W i t h h i g h e r s e t t i n g s o f t h i s v a l u e , t h e w a v e f o r m w i l l c h a n g e a t hig h gai n l evels , te nding to c ause d istor ti on. L ower s ett ings of this value will produce linear r esponse. c: T ube1 Bias T h i s e x p r e s s[...]

  • Página 125

    123 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) Advanced Chorus, F langer , and Phaser (C ho/Fln Phaser) 29: Stereo Chorus This eff ect adds thic kness and w armth to th e sound b y modulat- ing the dela y time of the in put signal. Y ou can add sp read to the sound by offsetting th e pha se of the left an d right LFOs f ro m each o ther .[...]

  • Página 126

    124 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) 31: Black Chorus/Flanger This mo dels a Dani sh-made stere o chorus + pitch modu lator & flanger . Although this ef fect was orig inally intended for guitar , it wa s als o u se d by n um er o us ke yboa rd pl a ye rs . U se d wi th e lec tr ic piano, it pro duce s a d isti nc tive ton e.[...]

  • Página 127

    125 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) Advanced 33: St. Biphase Mod. (Stereo Biphase Modulation) This s tereo ch orus effect a dds two diff erent LFOs tog ether . Y ou can set the Frequency and Depth parameters for each LFO indi- vidually . Dependi ng on the setting o f t hese LFOs, ver y com plex waveforms wi ll cre ate an ana lo[...]

  • Página 128

    126 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) 35: Ensemble This En semble effect has three ch orus block s that use LFO to create sub t le shimmering, and gives three d imensional depth and sp read to t he sound, because the signal is out put from the left, right, and cen ter . c: Shimmer This para meter se ts t he amou nt of shi mmer in[...]

  • Página 129

    127 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) Advanced 37: Stereo Flanger This effec t gives a signif icant sw ell and movement o f pitch t o the sound. I t is more effect ive when applied to a sound with a lot of harmonics. This is a stereo flanger . Y ou can add spr e ad to the sound by offsetting th e pha se of the left an d right LFO[...]

  • Página 130

    128 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) 39: St. Random Flanger (Stereo Random Flanger) The stereo effect us es a step-shape wa veform a nd random LFO for mo dulati on, c reati ng a un ique f lang ing ef fe ct. 40: St. En v . Flanger (Stereo En velope Flanger) This Flang er uses an env elope generato r for modula tion. Y ou will o b[...]

  • Página 131

    129 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) Advanced 41: Stereo Phaser Th is e f fe c t c re ate s a s we l l by sh i f ti ng t he p ha se . It i s ve r y ef f e ct i ve on electri c piano sounds. Y ou can add spread to the s ound by offs ett ing t he ph ase of t he le ft an d ri ght LF Os f rom ea ch othe r . h: Resonance i: W et/Dr y[...]

  • Página 132

    130 Effects Chorus, Flanger, and Phaser (Cho/Fln Phaser) 44: St. Random Phaser (Stereo Random Phaser) This is a stereo phaser . The ef fect uses a step-shape wav eform and ra ndom LFO f or modula tion, cr e ati ng a unique p hasin g effect. 45: St. En v . Phaser (Stereo Env elope P haser) This stereo phaser uses an enve l ope generato r for modulat[...]

  • Página 133

    131 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced Modulation and P itch Shif t (Mod./P .Shif t) 46: Stereo V ibrato This effec t causes the pit ch of the input signal to shimmer . U s ing the A utoF ade allo ws yo u to i ncrease or decr ease the s himmerin g speed. a: A UTOF ADE Src b: F ade -In Del ay [msec] b: F ade -I n Rate d: LFO[...]

  • Página 134

    132 Effects Modulation and Pi tch Shift (Mod./P.Shift) 47: St. A u to F ade Mod. (Stere o Auto F ade Modulatiom) This st ereo cho r us/flan ger effect enab les you to con trol the LFO speed and effect balan ce using aut o fade, and y ou can s pread the sound b y offsettin g the phase of th e left an d right LF Os from each o t her . 48: 2V oice Res[...]

  • Página 135

    133 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced a: Contr ol Mode f: Voice 1: Reson ance h: V oice 2: Resonance This p arameter d eter mines the res onance i ntensity . When “ Control M o de ” = Man ual, the “Resonance ” parameter sets th e in tensi ty of r esonan ce. If the “Reso nance ” para meter h as a negative value,[...]

  • Página 136

    134 Effects Modulation and Pi tch Shift (Mod./P.Shift) The effect is off when a value for the modula tion source specified for the “ Src” parameter is smaller than 64, and the effect is on when the value is 64 or higher . The Doppler effect is triggered when the value changes from 63 or sma ll er to 64 or hig he r . e: Pitch Depth W ith the Dop[...]

  • Página 137

    135 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced 51: Grain Shifter This e f fect cuts ex tremel y short sa mple s (“ grain s”) from the inpu t signal waveform and pla ys them repeatedly , giving a mechanica l character to t he sound. a: Duration c: LFO Sample C ycle [Hz] Durat ion sets the len gth of the sa mpled gr ain, and th e[...]

  • Página 138

    136 Effects Modulation and Pi tch Shift (Mod./P.Shift) 53: Classic T remolo This model s the highly-accla imed tremo lo circuit tha t was built into a US-made com b o am p . T he Sp read s etting lets you crea te a pan effec t that wavers between left and rig ht. 54: St. En v . T remolo (Stereo En velope T remolo) This eff ect uses the in put s ign[...]

  • Página 139

    137 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced 55: Stereo Auto P an This is a stereo-in, stereo-out au to-p anner . The Phas e and Shape pa ra me ter s l et s y ou cr ea te va rio us p an nin g e ff ect s, s uc h as ma k- ing the left and rig ht in puts se em to chase ea ch other around the stereo f ield. a: LFO Shape Y ou can chan[...]

  • Página 140

    138 Effects Modulation and Pi tch Shift (Mod./P.Shift) a: T ype a: LFO Phase [degree] Select the type o f phaser L FO and tre molo LFO f or the “T ype ” parameter . How the effe ct sound moves or rotates depends on the type of LFO . S electing “LFO Phase ” enables you to o f fset the timing o f t he ph aser peak and con trol a sub tle movem[...]

  • Página 141

    139 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced 58: Detune U sing this effec t, you can ob t ain a detune effect t hat offsets the pitch of t he ef fec t s oun d sli ghtly f rom th e pitc h of t he i nput si g- nal. Compared to the chorus effec t, a more na tura l sound thick- ness will b e created. d: Input Level Dmod [%] d: Src Th[...]

  • Página 142

    140 Effects Modulation and Pi tch Shift (Mod./P.Shift) value for the F e edback parameter , t he pit ch wil l be raised (or low ered) mor e and mo re each time feedback is r epe a ted. If Fe e db a ck Positi on is set to Po s t , the feedbac k signal will no t pass t hrough t he pitch shifter again. Even if you specif y a hig her value for t he F e[...]

  • Página 143

    141 Effects Modulation and Pitc h Shift (Mod./P.Shift) Advanced 62: Organ V ib/Chorus ( Organ Vi bra to/Chorus) This effect simulates the cho r us and vib r ato circuitr y of a vintage or gan. The m o dula tion speed an d depth can be custo mized. b: Control Mode c: Preset T ype d: Custom Mix e: Custom Depth f: Custom Speed [Hz] I f Co n tr ol M od[...]

  • Página 144

    142 Effects Delay b: Speed Switch This para meter con trols ho w the ro tation speed (slo w and fas t) is switc hed via the modula tion sour ce. When Mo d e = To g g l e , the speed will swit ch between slo w and fast eac h time you pr ess the pedal or mo ve the jo ystick. V ia MIDI, the speed will switc h each time the modulatio n amoun t exceeds [...]

  • Página 145

    143 Effects Delay Advanced 65: Stereo/CrossDela y This is a stereo d elay , and can by used as a cr oss-feedbac k delay effect in which the delay sounds cross o ver between the left and righ t by cha nging the feedbac k rou ting. 66: St. Multitap Delay (Stereo Multitap Dela y) The left a nd righ t Mul titap Dela ys ha ve two ta ps respectiv ely . C[...]

  • Página 146

    144 Effects Delay 67: St. Mod Delay (Stereo Modulation Delay) This stereo dela y us es an LFO to sweep the delay time. The p itch also varies, creatin g a delay soun d w hich s wells and s himmers. Y ou can also co ntrol th e delay time using a modula tion source . b: D-mod Modulation When th e modula tion sourc e is used fo r contr ol, this para m[...]

  • Página 147

    145 Effects Delay Advanced a: Control T arget This parameter selects no le vel con trol, delay o utp ut contro l (effect bala nce), o r feedback a moun t contr ol. a: Polarity b: Threshold b: Offset c: Attack d: Release The “ Of fset” parameter specifies the va lue fo r t he “ C ontr ol T ar- get ” parameter (that is set to No ne), expresse[...]

  • Página 148

    146 Effects Delay 70: T ape Echo This eff ect simula tes a ta pe echo uni t with thr e e pla yback heads. The distor ti on and tonal change typi ca l of magn eti c t ape are als o repro duce d. a: Delay (T a p1) [msec] a: Src a: Amt b: T ap2 Position [%] b: T ap3 Position [%] The delay time for T ap 2 and 3 is specified as a proportion (%) rela t i[...]

  • Página 149

    147 Effects Delay Advanced a: Rec Mode b: Reverse T ime [msec] When “ Rec Mode ” is s et to Single, yo u can set up to 2,640msec for “Re vers e T ime. ” If re cordi ng star t s dur ing the rever se play- back, the playback will be in terrup ted. Wh e n “ R e c Mo d e ” is s e t to Mu lt i, y o u c a n m a k e an o t h e r r e c o rd - i[...]

  • Página 150

    148 Effects Delay 74: L/C/R BPM Dela y The L/C/R d elay enables yo u to matc h the delay tim e with the song te mpo. Y ou can also synchr onize the dela y time with the arp eg gi ator or se quen cer . If you prog ram t he tempo b efore p er- fo rmance, yo u can achiev e a delay effect that synchr onizes wi th the song in real-time. Del ay time is s[...]

  • Página 151

    149 Effects Delay Advanced 76: St.BP M Mtap Delay (Stereo BP M Multi tap Delay) This four -t ap dela y enables yo u to select a tempo and rhythm pat tern to set u p each tap . 77: St.BP M Mod. Delay (Stereo BP M Modulation Delay) This is a stereo modulatio n delay tha t lets you synchr onize the dela y time to the tem po of the so ng. aM o d e Norm[...]

  • Página 152

    150 Effects Delay i: Time Ov er? L, R Y ou can set t he delay time up to 2,550mse c. If the delay time exceeds this limit, the error mes s age “ OVER!” a pp ears in the dis- pla y . S et the dela y time para meters so tha t this messa ge will not appear . “ T ime O ver? ” is only a display paramete r . 78: St.BPM AutoP anDly (Stereo BPM Aut[...]

  • Página 153

    151 Effects Delay Advanced 79: T ape Echo BPM This is a tape echo that lets you synchr onize the del ay time to the tempo of the song. a: T ap1 Dmod Src b: T a p1 Delay Note b: Ti mes c: T a p1 Dmod Note c: T imes I f “T a p1 Dmod Sr c ” i s Of f o r th e se lec ted mod ul ati on is at 0, the delay time will be the length specified by “T ap1 [...]

  • Página 154

    152 Effects Reverb and Early Reflections (Reverb ER) Rev erb and Early Reflec tions (Rev erb ER) 80: Reverb Hall This hall-type reverb simulates the reverbera tion of mid-size concert halls or ensemble halls. 81: Reverb SmoothHall This hall-typ e reverb simula tes t he reverberation of la rger hal ls and stadiums, and crea tes a smo oth release. 82[...]

  • Página 155

    153 Effects Reverb and Early Reflections (Reverb ER) Advanced 85: Rev e rb BrightRoom This r oom-type rev erb emph asizes the ea rly r ef lectio ns that make the sound brighter . c: ER Level d: Reve rb Leve l These parameters set t he e arly refl ec tion le vel and reverb level. Changing these parameter values allows you to sim u late the type of w[...]

  • Página 156

    154 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Mono-Mono Serial (Mono -Mono) 88: P4EQ - Ex citer (Parametric 4-Band EQ - Exciter) This effec t com bines a mono four-band para met ric equalizer and an e xciter . 89: P4EQ - W a h (Par ametric 4-Band EQ - Wa h / A u t o Wa h ) This effec t combines a m ono four - band parametric equalizer and a w a h. Y ou [...]

  • Página 157

    155 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 90: P4EQ - Cho/Flng (Par amet ric 4-Band EQ - Chorus /Fla nger) This effec t combines a mono fo ur-band parametric e qualizer and a chorus/flanger . i: Output Mode Wh en W et I nve r t is select ed, the righ t chann el phase o f the cho- rus/fl anger effect sound is inverted. This creat es pseudo-st[...]

  • Página 158

    156 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 92: P4EQ - Mt. Delay (P arametric 4-Band EQ - Multitap Delay) This effec t com bines a mono four-band para met ric equalizer and a m ultita p delay . 93: Co mp - W ah ( C o m p r e s s o r - Wa h / A u t o Wa h ) This effect combines a mono co mpressor a nd a wah. Y ou can change the o rder of the connection[...]

  • Página 159

    157 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 94: Comp - A mp Sim ( Compressor - Am p Simulation) This ef fec t combine s a mono compressor and an amp simu la- tion. Y ou can change th e orde r of th e ef fec ts. 95: Comp - OD/HiGain ( Compressor - Overdrive/Hi.Gain) Thi s ef fe ct combin es a mono compress or and an ove rdr ive/ hig h - gain d[...]

  • Página 160

    158 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 96: Co mp - P4EQ ( Compressor - P arametric 4-Band EQ) T hi s e ff ec t c o m b i n es a m on o co m p r es so r a n d a f o u r - ba nd p a ra - metric eq ualizer . Y ou can c hange the order o f the effects. 97: Co mp - Cho/Flng (C ompressor - Chorus/F langer) This effec t comb i nes a mono co mpressor and[...]

  • Página 161

    159 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 98: Comp - Phaser ( Compressor - Phaser) This effect combines a mono co mpressor a nd a phaser . Y ou can change t he order of th e ef fe cts . 99: Comp - Mt . Delay ( Compressor - Multita p Delay) This effec t comb ines a mono com pressor and a mul t itap dela y . Y ou can chang e t he or der of th[...]

  • Página 162

    160 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 100: Limiter - P4EQ (Limiter - Parametric 4-Band EQ) This effec t combines a mo no limiter and a four-band parametric equalize r . Y ou can cha nge the o rder of the effects. a: [L]Ratio a: Threshold [dB] c: [L]Gain Adjust [dB] This pa rameter sets the signal comp ressio n “[L]Ratio ” . Com pres- sion is[...]

  • Página 163

    161 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 101: Limiter - Cho/Flng (Limiter - Cho rus/Flanger) T h i s e f f e c t c o m b i n e s a m o n o l i m i t e r a n d a c h o r u s / f l a n g e r . Y o u can ch ange the or der of the eff ects. 102: Limiter - Phaser This effect combines a mono limiter and a phaser . Y ou can change th e order of t[...]

  • Página 164

    162 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 103: Limiter - Mt.Delay (Limiter - Multitap Delay) This effect combines a mono limiter and a multitap delay . Y ou can change the order of the effects. 104: Ex citer - Comp (Ex citer - C ompressor) This effect combines a mo no exciter a nd a comp ressor . Y ou can change the o rder of the effects. LIMITER a [...]

  • Página 165

    163 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 105: Ex citer - Limiter This effect combines a mono ex citer and a limiter . Y ou can change t he order of th e ef fe cts . 106: Ex citer - Cho/Flng (Excit er - Chorus/Flanger) This effec t comb ines a mono limiter and a chorus/flanger . EXCITER a [X]Ex citer Blend –100...+100 Sets the intensity ([...]

  • Página 166

    164 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 107: Ex citer - Phaser This effect combines a mono limiter and a phaser . 108: Ex citer - Mt.Delay (Ex citer - Multitap Delay) This effect combines a mo no exciter and a m u ltita p delay . EXCITER a [X]Ex citer Blend –100...+100 S ets the intensity (d epth) of t he Exci ter effect b [X]Emphasis Freq u en [...]

  • Página 167

    165 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 109: OD/HG - Amp Sim ( O ver drive/Hi.Gain - Amp Simulation) This effect combines a mono ov erdr ive/high-gain distortion and an amp simul ation. Y ou can ch ange the order of t he effe ct s. 110: OD/HG - Cho/Flng ( O ver drive/Hi.Gain - Chorus/F langer) This effect combines a mono o verdrive/high-g[...]

  • Página 168

    166 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 111: OD/HG - Phaser (Ove rdr i ve/ Hi .G a i n - Ph a se r) This effec t combines a mono o verdrive/high -gain distortion and a phaser . Y ou can chang e the order of the effects. 112: OD/HG - Mt.Delay ( O verdriv e/H i.Gain - Multitap Delay) This effect combines a mono over drive/high-gain distortion and a [...]

  • Página 169

    167 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 113: W a h - Amp Sim ( W ah - Amp Simulation) This effe ct combines a mono wah and an amp si mulati on. Y ou can ch ange the or der of the eff ects. 114: Decimator - Amp (Decimat or - Amp Simulation) This effect comb i nes a mono decimator and a n amp sim ul ation. Y ou can chang e t he or der of th[...]

  • Página 170

    168 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 115: Decimator - C omp (Decimator - C ompressor) This effec t comb ines a mono decimato r and a com pressor . Y ou can change the order of the effects. 116: AmpSim - T remolo (Amp Simula tion- T remolo) This effect combines a m ono am p simulation and a tremolo . DECIMA TOR a [D]P re LPF Off, On T urn th e h[...]

  • Página 171

    169 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) Advanced 117: Cho/Flng - Mt.Dly (Ch o r u s / Fl a n g e r - M u l t i t a p D e l ay ) This effect combines a mon o chorus/flanger and a m u ltita p delay . 118: Phaser - Cho/Flng (Phaser - Chorus/Flanger) This effec t combin es a mono phaser and a chorus/f langer . CHORUS/FLANGER a [F]LFO Freq u en c y [ H[...]

  • Página 172

    170 Effects Mono-Mono Serial (Mono-Mono) 119: Reverb - Gate This effect combines a mono r e verb and a ga te. f : [G]En velope Selec t f : Src g: [G]Inp ut Reverb Mix g: Threshold The “[G]Env elope S elect” para meter enables yo u to s elect whether t urning the ga te on an d off is trigger ed by the in put si g- nal level or con trolled direct[...]

  • Página 173

    171 Effects Double Si ze Advanced Double Size Double-size effects take two processing unit s, t herefo re “ steal- ing” one u nit to th e fo l low ing F X pro c ess or s. 120: St. Mltband Limiter (Stereo Mltband Limiter) This is a stereo multiband limiter . 121: PianoBody/Damper (PianoBody/Damper Simulation) This effec t simulates the resonance[...]

  • Página 174

    172 Effects Double Size 122: OD/HyperGain W ah (Ove rdr i ve/ Hy pe r G ai n Wah) This dist ortion effect has two m o des: ov erdriv e and hyper -gain that produces a st rong distortion. A highe r high -gain s etting is required fo r t his effect relative to a normal-size effect. 123: GuitarAmp + P4EQ ( Guitar Amp Model + P arametric 4-Band EQ ) Th[...]

  • Página 175

    173 Effects Double Si ze Advanced a: Amp T ype d: Presenc e If the Am p T y pe is V OX A C15...VO X AC30TB , t his sets the at tenuatio n of the high-freq uenc y range . For o t her types, this sets the boos t of the high- frequency ra nge. This co rrespo nds to the Cut kno b contr ol of amps made by the VOX C o r p o r a t i on . e: Post P4EQ By c[...]

  • Página 176

    174 Effects Double Size 128: Bass T ubeAmp+Cab . (Bass T ube Amp Model + Cabinet) This simulat es a bass amp (with gain a nd drive) and speaker cab- inet. a: Amp T ype i: Cabinet T ype Recommended C ombinations of Bass Amp Models and Cabi- nets: 129: St. Mic + PreA mp (Ster e o Mic Modeling + P reAmp) This is a stereo mic and pr e amp sim ulator (S[...]

  • Página 177

    175 Effects Double Si ze Advanced b , c, d, e, f , g: Status These parameters set t he out put status o f ea ch T ap. Always On : Outp ut is always on. (N o modulation) Always Off : Outp ut is always off. (N o modulation) On → Off (dm) : Output level is switc he d from on to off depend- ing on t he mo dul ation s ource. Off → On (dm ) : Outp ut[...]

  • Página 178

    176 Effects Double Size 132: St. P i tchShift BPM (Stereo P itch Shif ter BP M) This stereo pitch shi fter enable s you to s et t he del ay time to match the s ong tempo. 133: Rotary SpeakerOD (Rotar y Speaker Overdriv e) This i s a stereo rota r y speak er effect. I t has a n int ernal speaker simula tor that simula tes overdriv e (recreating the [...]

  • Página 179

    177 Effects Double Si ze Advanced a: Sw This parameter determin es how to switc h on/o f f the over drive via a modulation sour ce. W h e n “ S w ” = T o g g l e , o v e r d r i v e i s t u r n e d o n / o f f e a c h t i m e t h e pedal or joystic k is operated. Overdrive will be switched o n/off each time the value of the modulatio n source e[...]

  • Página 180

    178 Effects Double Size 136: Hold Delay This effec t record s the input signal and plays it back repeatedly . Y ou can con t rol the sta r t of recor ding and reset via a modula tion source. Easy to use for real-time performances. a: Loop T ime [msec] W ith A uto , the loop time is auto matically set. Othe r wise, you can s p ecify the loop ti me. [...]

  • Página 181

    179 Effects Double Si ze Advanced The effect is off when a value for the modula tion source specified for the “RST Control Sr c” parameter is 63 or smaller , and the effect is on when the value is 64 or higher . 137: L CR BPM Long Dly The L/C/ R delay en ables yo u to mat ch the dela y time with th e son g tem p o . a: Time Over? Y ou can set t[...]

  • Página 182

    180 Effects Vocoder 139: Early Reflections This ea rly r eflection effect h as more pr ecise early r eflections with twi ce the m aximum le ngth o f a normal-s ize effect (See “Earl y Ref lections ” on page 153.). Y ou can cr eate a very smooth and dense sound. Vo c o d e r The V oco der can only be assigned to the FX B - Mast er 2 proces- sor [...]

  • Página 183

    181 Effects Vocoder Advanced e: Fo rmant Shif t By o ffsetting the Carri er f ilt er , you ca n adjus t the height of the frequency range to which the vocoder ef fect is applied. The to nal qua lity w ill change si gni fi cantly . g: Noise Lev el This parameter enab les you to mix white noise with the Carrier . h: Modulator High Mix This p aramete [...]

  • Página 184

    182 Factory data Styles Styl es Note : Y o u c a n r e m o t e l y s e l e c t S t y l e s o n t h e P a 3 X , b y s e n d i n g i t Bank Select MSB (CC#0), Bank S elect LSB (CC#32) and P ro- gram Change me ssa ges on t he C ontrol channel (se e “MIDI: MIDI I n Channels ” on page 211 o f the U s er’ s Ma nual). Fa c t o r y d a t a # CC0 CC 3[...]

  • Página 185

    183 Factory data Styles Advanced 17 16 Slow Band 18 17 Big Band Jump 19 18 Big Band F ox 20 19 Big Band 40's 21 20 F ox Shuffle 1 22 21 F ox Shuffle 2 23 22 Italian T a ngo 1 24 23 Italian T a ngo 2 25 24 Easy Listening 26 25 T wist 27 26 Hully Gully 28 27 50's F ox 29 28 Italian Fox 30 29 Irish Fox Bank: Dance 1030 7 0 ' s D i s c o[...]

  • Página 186

    184 Factory data Styles 23 22 Unplugged Swing 24 23 Unplugged 3/4 25 24 Ac oustic Bld.3/4 Bank: C o untry 1 0 6 0 Easy Countr y 2 1 Countr y Blues 3 2 Slow Countr y 4 3 West Coast 5 4 Countr y Hit 65 F i n g e r P i c k i n 7 6 Countr y Strum 8 7 Countr y QuikStep 9 8 Countr y Beat 1 10 9 Country Beat 2 11 10 Country Ballad 1 12 11 Country Ballad 2[...]

  • Página 187

    185 Factory data Styles Advanced 9 8 Sambalegre 10 9 Samba Dance 11 10 Disco Samba 12 11 Mambo Party 13 12 Mambo 2000 14 13 Modern Bachata 15 14 Classic Beguine 16 15 Modern Beguine 17 16 Bayon 18 17 Modern Bossa 19 18 Disco ChaCha 20 19 Calypso 21 20 Reggae 1 22 21 Reggae 2 23 22 Latin Club 24 23 Andean Bank: Jazz 1 0 10 0 Swing Ba nd 2 1 Modern B[...]

  • Página 188

    186 Factory data Styles 27 26 Groo ve Funk 28 27 Cool V ocal Bank: World 1 0 13 0 Sp anish Dance 2 1 Flamenco 4/4 3 2 Flamenco 3/4 43 C a s a t c h o c k 5 4 Greek Rumba 65 X a s a p i k o 76 S i r t a k i 87 Z o u k 9 8 Hawaiian 10 9 Mexican Waltz 11 10 Norteno 12 11 Kebradita 13 12 Bolero Ranchero 14 13 Mariachi Polka 15 14 Mariachi V a lz 16 15 [...]

  • Página 189

    187 Factory data Style Elements Advanced Style El ements Not e: Y ou can remotely s elect the var ious St yle E leme nts on the Pa3X, by s en ding it P rog ram C hang e mess age s o n t he C ontro l ch annel ( see “ M IDI: MIDI I n Chan nels ” on page 211 of the U s er’ s Manu al ). Not e: The above Pr og ra m C han ge nu mbers are given acco[...]

  • Página 190

    188 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) Sounds (Bank order) Th e fo l low in g t ab le li st s a l l Pa 3X Fac t or y S oun ds as t he y appe a r in the banks accessed by p ressing the SOUND S ELECT butto ns on the control p anel. Legen d: The table al so includ es MI DI data us ed to re motely selec t the Sound s. CC00: Con tr ol Cha n ge 0 , or Ba n[...]

  • Página 191

    189 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 121 12 21 Cassotto 16' 121 9 21 Cassotto 121 23 21 M aster Accor d ion 121 11 21 Sweet Musette 121 18 21 French Musette 121 16 21 2 Voices Musette 121 17 21 3 Voices Musette 121 3 23 Accordion16,8,4' 121 13 21 Cassotto Or .Tune 121 19 21 Acc.Clarinet OT 121 8 21 Fisa Master 121 3 22 Harmonica[...]

  • Página 192

    190 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) 121 33 25 Real 12 Str ings 121 8 24 Nylon Gtr Pro1 121 11 24 Nylon Gtr Pro2 121 14 24 Nylon Slide Pro 121 19 25 Steel Guitar Pro 121 17 25 12 Strings Pro 121 5 25 Steel 12 Strings 121 31 25 Real Steel Gtr 121 32 25 Real Folk Gtr 121 28 27 Real El. Gtr ST1 121 29 27 Real El. Gtr ST2 121 30 27 Real El. Guitar1 121[...]

  • Página 193

    191 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 121 19 48 Orchestra Tutti2 121 16 48 Orch. & Oboe 1 121 17 48 Orch. & Oboe 2 121 20 48 Orchestra&Flute 121 15 48 Strings & Horns 121 18 48 Strings & Glock . 121 1 45 Pizz. Ensemble 121 2 45 Pizz. Section 121 8 48 Oc tave Strings 121 4 49 Spiccato Strings 121 10 48 Symphonic Bows 121[...]

  • Página 194

    192 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) 121 5 62 Synth Brass 1 121 4 62 Elec trik Brass 121 31 61 Brass Section 121 26 61 Brass Fall 121 4 55 Brass I mpact 121 25 61 Brass Hit Fa c t o r y : S a x 121 13 65 Jazz Sax 1 DNC 121 14 65 Jazz Sax 2 DNC 121 12 65 Alto Sax DNC 121 12 66 T enor Sax DNC 121 9 65 Alto Sax Expr . 121 10 65 Alto Sax RX 121 1 66 T [...]

  • Página 195

    193 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 121 6 97 Rave 121 5 98 M oving Bell 121 10 89 Analog Pad 3 121 12 90 Big Sweep Stab 121 2 91 Fr esh Ai r 1 121 11 91 Fresh Air 2 121 4 91 Pop Synth P a d 1 121 12 91 Pop Synth Pad 2 121 2 93 80's Pop Synth 121 3 96 W ave Cycle DNC F ac tory: Synth Lead 121 12 87 Bass Phat Saw 121 3 80 Old Portamen[...]

  • Página 196

    194 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) 121 3 32 Acous. B ass Pro1 121 4 32 Acous. B ass Pro2 121 9 32 Jazz Bass 121 8 32 Acoustic Bass 121 6 33 Finger Bass 1 121 7 33 Finger Bass 2 121 10 33 Finger Bass 3 121 15 33 Finger Bass 4 121 12 33 Finger Slap 121 5 37 The O ther Slap 121 1 37 Thumb Bass 121 7 34 Pick Bass 1 121 8 34 Pick Bass 2 121 1 36 Super[...]

  • Página 197

    195 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 120 0 118 T urkish K it 120 0 119 Oriental P ercKit 120 0 64 Percussion Kit 120 0 65 Lati n Perc.Kit 1 120 0 68 Lati n Perc.Kit 2 120 0 66 Tri nity P erc.Kit 120 0 67 i 30 Perc . K it 120 0 60 SFX Kit 1 120 0 57 SFX Kit 2 Legacy: Piano 121 2 2 M1 Piano 121 2 1 Piano Pad 1 121 3 1 Piano Pad 2 121 3 2 90[...]

  • Página 198

    196 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) Legacy : Strings & Vocal 121 21 48 Strings Ens. 1 121 3 49 Strings Ens. 2 121 5 48 i3 Str ings 121 3 48 Stereo Strings 121 2 89 Master Pad 121 6 48 N Strings 121 7 48 Arco Strings 121 4 48 Legato Strings 121 3 45 Double Strings 121 13 48 Arabic Strings 121 1 49 Sweeper Strings 121 2 50 Analog Strings 2 121 1[...]

  • Página 199

    197 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 121 6 84 Arp T wi ns 121 7 84 LoFi Ethnic Legacy: Ethnic 121 2 77 Shakuhachi 121 10 25 Mandolin Key O ff 121 1 109 W ar Pipes 121 7 104 Sitar Sitar 121 5 55 Hit in I ndia 121 6 104 T ambra 121 3 104 Indian Stars 121 2 112 Bali Gamelan Legacy: Bass 121 1 32 Ac. Bass Buzz 121 6 36 Slap Bass 1 121 6 37 Sl[...]

  • Página 200

    198 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) 121 1 16 D et.Drawbar Org 121 2 16 I t. 60's Organ 121 3 16 Drawbar Org. 2 121 0 17 Perc.Organ GM 121 1 17 Det. Perc. Organ 121 2 17 Perc. Organ 2 121 0 18 Rock Organ GM 121 0 19 Church Organ GM 121 1 19 Ch urch Oct. Mix 121 2 19 Detuned C hurch 121 0 20 R eed Organ GM 121 1 20 Puff Orga n 121 0 21 Accordio[...]

  • Página 201

    199 Factory data Sounds (Bank ord er) Advanced 121 0 63 Synth Brass 2 GM 121 1 63 Synth Brass 4 121 2 63 Analog Brass 2 GM2/X G: Reed 121 0 64 S oprano Sax GM 121 0 65 Alto Sax GM 121 0 66 T enor S ax GM 121 0 67 Bar itone Sax GM 121 0 68 O boe GM 121 0 69 English Horn GM 121 0 70 Bassoon GM 121 0 71 Clarinet GM GM2/X G: Pipe 121 0 72 Piccolo GM 12[...]

  • Página 202

    200 Factory data Sounds (Bank order) 121 3 124 Door 121 4 124 Scratch 121 5 124 Wind Chime 121 0 125 Helicopter GM 121 1 125 Car En gine 121 2 125 Car Stop 121 3 125 Car Pass 121 4 125 Car Crash 121 5 125 Siren 121 6 125 T rain 121 7 125 Jetplane 121 8 125 Starship 121 9 125 Burst Noise 121 0 126 Ap plause GM 121 1 126 Laughing 121 2 126 Screaming [...]

  • Página 203

    201 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced Sounds (Program Change or der) The f ollow ing t able list s al l Pa3 X Fact or y S ound s in order of Bank S ele ct-P rogram Change numb er . Legend: The table also includes MI DI data u sed to remotely selec t the Sound s. CC00: Co nt r ol C ha ng e 0, or Ba nk Se lec t MS B. CC32: Cont rol [...]

  • Página 204

    202 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) 121 16 5 FM Stack EP Legacy: E. Piano 121 17 5 VPM E. Piano F ac tory : E. Piano 121 0 6 Harpsichord GM GM2/XG: Piano 121 1 6 Harpsi OctaveMix GM2/XG: P iano 121 2 6 Harpsi Wide GM2/X G: Piano 121 3 6 Harpsi Key O ff GM2/XG: Piano 121 4 6 Harpsi Korg Legacy : Piano 121 5 6 Harpsi 16' RX Legacy : P[...]

  • Página 205

    203 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced 121 11 18 Rock Organ 2 Legacy : Organ 121 12 18 BX3 Rock 4 V . Factory : Organ 121 13 18 Jimmy Organ DNC Factory : Organ 121 0 19 Church Organ GM GM2/XG: Organ 121 1 19 Church Oc t. Mix GM2/X G: Organ 121 2 19 Det uned Church GM2/XG: Organ 121 3 19 Pipe M ixture Factory : Organ 121 4 19 Ch urc[...]

  • Página 206

    204 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) 121 10 25 Mandolin Key Off Legacy : Ethnic 121 11 25 Mandolin T rem. F actor y: Ethnic 121 12 25 Reso Guitar L egac y: Guit ar 121 13 25 Steel Slide P ro1 F ac tory: Guitar 121 14 25 Steel Slide P ro2 F ac tory: Guitar 121 15 25 Steel Guitar RX1 F actor y: Guitar 121 16 25 Steel Guitar RX2 F actor y: G[...]

  • Página 207

    205 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced 121 4 29 Lead Guitar DN C F actor y : Guitar 121 0 30 Dis tortion GtrGM GM2/XG: Guitar 121 1 30 Feedback DistGtr GM2/XG: Guitar 121 2 30 Dis t. Rhythm Gtr GM2/X G: Guitar 121 3 30 Joystick Gtr Y - Legac y: Guitar 121 4 30 P ower C hords Factory : Guitar 121 5 30 Mute Mons ter F ac tor y: Guita[...]

  • Página 208

    206 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) 121 7 38 Bass Square Le gac y : Bass 121 8 38 Syn Bass Reso F actor y: Bass 121 9 38 Digi Ba ss 1 F ac tory : Bass 121 10 38 Digi Bass 2 F ac tory : Bass 121 11 38 Digi Bass 3 F ac tory : Bass 121 12 38 Blind As A Bat Legac y: Bass 121 13 38 Jungle Bass Factory : Ba ss 121 14 38 Auto P i lot 1 Legacy: [...]

  • Página 209

    207 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced 121 7 52 Aah Choir Legacy : Strings & Voc. 121 8 52 Wuuh Choir F ac tory : Strings & Voc . 121 9 52 Oh-Ah Voices F actor y : Strin gs & Voc. 121 10 52 Slow Choir Legacy: Strings & Voc . 121 11 52 Grand Choir Factory : Strings & Voc. 121 12 52 Choir Light F actor y : Strings[...]

  • Página 210

    208 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) 121 0 61 Brass Section GM GM2/X G: Brass 121 1 61 Brass Section 2 GM2/X G: Brass 121 2 61 Tight Brass 3 F actor y: Brass 121 3 61 Glenn & Friends Factory: Brass 121 4 61 Big Ba nd Brass 2 F ac tory : Brass 121 5 61 Sa x & Brass F ac tory : Brass 121 6 61 Glenn & Boys F actor y: Brass 121 7 [...]

  • Página 211

    209 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced 121 12 71 Klarnet 2 Factory : Ethnic 121 13 71 Clarinet DNC F ac tor y: Woodwind 121 14 71 RealClarinet DNC F ac tor y: Woodwind 121 15 71 JazzClarinet DNC Factory : Woodwind 121 16 71 SoloClarinet DNC Factory : Woodwind 121 17 71 Clar & Sax Ens.1 Factory : Woodwind 121 18 71 Clar & Sa[...]

  • Página 212

    210 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) 121 1 89 Sin e Pad GM2/X G : Synth Lead / Pad 121 2 89 Master Pad Legac y : Strings & Voc. 121 3 89 Power Synth F ac tory : Synth Lead 121 4 89 The Pad F ac tory : Synth Pad 121 5 89 Money Pad F ac tory : Synth Pad 121 6 89 Dark Pad F ac tory : Synth Pad 121 7 89 Freedom Pad Legacy: Synth Pad 121 8[...]

  • Página 213

    211 Factory data Sounds (Program Change order) Advanced 121 0 105 Banjo GM GM2/XG : Ethn ic 121 1 105 Banjo Key Off F actor y : Ethnic 121 2 105 Oud 2 F ac tory : Ethnic 121 3 105 Jaw Harp Factory : Ethnic 121 4 105 Banjo RX F ac tor y: Ethnic 121 5 105 Oud 1 F ac tory : Ethnic 121 0 106 Shamisen GM GM2/XG: Ethnic 121 0 107 Koto GM GM2/XG: Ethnic 1[...]

  • Página 214

    212 Factory data Drum Kits Drum Kits The fo llow ing t able lists al l Pa3X Fac tor y Dr um Kit s in order of Ban k S ele ct- Prog ram C hange numb er . Legen d: The table al so includ es MI DI data us ed to re motely selec t the Dr um Kits. CC00: C o n t r o l C h a n g e 0 , o r B a n k S e l e c t M S B . CC32: C o n t r o l C h a n g e 3 2 , o [...]

  • Página 215

    213 Factory data Drum Kits Advanced 127 0 32 Jazz Kit 1 XG GM2/XG: Drum 127 0 48 Jazz Kit 2 XG GM2/XG: Drum 127 0 40 Brush Kit XG GM2/XG: Drum 127 0 17 Classic Kit XG GM2/X G : Drum 120 64 0-127 … User DK CC00 C C32 PC Name Bank[...]

  • Página 216

    214 Factory data Multisamples Multisamples The followin g t able lists all Pa3X F actor y M u ltisam ples. * OrigT une: Origina l T une, i.e., sam ples use the nat ural t unin g of the original i nstrumen t, instead of t he equal tu ning. Be ating m ay occur at the extr eme pitch, when the sound is used in con junction with o ther sounds. 0 Grand P[...]

  • Página 217

    215 Factory data Multisamples Advanced 114 Roto r Noise LF L 115 Roto r Noise LF R 116 Roto r Noise LS L 117 Roto r Noise LS R 118 H Organ Leakage 119 H Or gan 2nd H armo nic 120 H Or gan Click Kon 121 H Or gan Click Koff 122 ON-Click (Organ) 123 OFF -Click (Organ) 124 Pipe Flu te L 125 Pipe Flu te R 126 Pipe P ositive 127 Pipe Mixt ure 128 Pipe F [...]

  • Página 218

    216 Factory data Multisamples 249 A ccordion V olkst. 250 A ccordion Bass 251 A ccordion N oise KeyOn 252 A ccordion N oise KeyOff 253 A ccordion Chang e V oice 254 H armonica 1 255 H armonica 1 Fall 256 H armonica 2 257 H armonica 3 W ah 258 M elodic a 259 M elodic a Key On 260 M elodic a Key Off 261 Highland Bag Pipes 262 Highland Dro nes 263 U i[...]

  • Página 219

    217 Factory data Multisamples Advanced 384 Ac.G tr D wn1 L 385 Ac.G tr D wn1 R 386 Ac.G tr D wn2 L 387 Ac.G tr D wn2 R 388 Ac.G tr D wn3 L 389 Ac.G tr D wn3 R 390 Ac.G tr SlideHT U p p L 391 Ac.G tr SlideHT U p p R 392 Ac.G tr SlideHT U p f L 393 Ac.G tr SlideHT U p f R 394 Ac.G tr Harmo nics L 395 Ac.G tr Harmo nics R 396 Ac.G tr R X noises L 397 [...]

  • Página 220

    218 Factory data Multisamples 519 Dist. Gui tar1 Harmo . 520 Gtr H armonic GM 521 Dist. G uitar2 H armo P1 522 Dist. G uitar2 H armo P2 523 Dist. Gui tar2 Mu te1 524 Dist. Gui tar2 Mu te2 525 El. Gui t ar DistM uted p 526 El. Guita r DistM uted mp 527 El. Gui tar Po werChord1 528 El. Gui tar Po werChord2 529 El. Gui tar Po werChord3 530 A c.B ass N[...]

  • Página 221

    219 Factory data Multisamples Advanced 654 Detuned Su p er 655 Detuned PWM 656 Syn t h Brass 657 P opSynth-2 658 An.Strings1 659 An.Strings2 660 Analog V intage 661 Whit e Pad 662 N1 Air V ox 663 Syn t hBel l 664 Ether Bell 665 Ether BellLP 666 Lore 667 Lore NT 668 Space Lore 669 W ave S weep1 670 W ave S weep2 671 W ave S weep3 672 Syn Ghostly 673[...]

  • Página 222

    220 Factory data Multisamples 789 T impani 790 T aiko 791 Djembe Open 792 Djembe M ute 793 Conga 794 Quinto & Bongo 795 Oko n kolo 796 T imbales 797 Cowbell & Clave 798 Cabasa 799 Shaker 800 Cabasa & Shaker 801 Dumbek - Dja mbe - Ud u 802 Caxixi 803 T abla & Baya 804 W oodBloc k & Castan et 805 Mix Latin P ercussion 806 Kanga ro[...]

  • Página 223

    221 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced Drum Samples The followin g table lists all Pa3X F actor y Drum Samp les. #N a m e F a m i l y 0 BD 22 Inch Std1 Bass Drum 1 BD 22 Inch Std2 Bass Drum 2 BD 22 Inch Std3 Bass Drum 3 BD 22 Inch Std4 Bass Drum 4 BD 22 Inch Std5 Bass Drum 5 BD 22 Inch Std6 Bass Drum 6 BD 24x14 p Bass Drum 7 BD 24x14 mf Bass Drum 8[...]

  • Página 224

    222 Factory data Drum Samples 147 SD Crv+Rim Stage f Snare Drum 148 SD Crv Open Stage pp Snare Drum 149 SD Crv Open Stage p Snare Drum 150 SD Crv Open Stage mf Snare Drum 151 SD Crv Open Stage f Snare Drum 152 SD Crv OpRim Stage pp Snare Drum 153 SD Crv OpRim Stage p Snare Drum 154 SD Crv OpRim Stage mf Snare Drum 155 SD Crv OpRim Stage f Snare Dru[...]

  • Página 225

    223 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced 306 SD Pop1 p GM Snare Drum 307 SD Pop1 mf Snare Drum 308 SD Pop1 mf GM Snare Drum 309 SD Pop1 f Snare Drum 310 SD Pop1 f GM Snare Drum 311 SD Pop1 +Rim mf Snare Drum 312 SD Pop1 +Rim mf GM Snare Drum 313 SD Pop1 +Rim f Snare Drum 314 SD Pop1 +Rim f G M Snare Drum 315 SD Pop2 p Snare Drum 316 SD Pop2 mf Snare [...]

  • Página 226

    224 Factory data Drum Samples 465 SD Syn.2 Snare Drum 466 SD Syn.3 Snare Drum 467 SD Syn.4 Snare Drum 468 SD Electro Snare Drum 469 SD Orchestra Snare Drum 470 SD Orch. Roll Snare Drum 471 SD JBrush Loop1 Snare Drum 472 SD JBrush loop2 Snare Drum 473 SD JBrush mid Snare Drum 474 SD JBrush open p Snare Drum 475 SD JBrush open mf Snare Drum 476 SD JB[...]

  • Página 227

    225 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced 624 T om5 Low T om 625 T om6 Vintage Hi p T om 626 T om6 Vintage Hi mf T om 627 T om6 Vintage Hi f T om 628 T om6 Vintage Mi d p T om 629 T om6 Vintage M id mf T om 630 T om6 Vintage M id f T om 631 T om6 Vintage Low p T om 632 T om6 Vintage Low mf T om 633 T om6 Vintage Low f T om 634 T om Processed T om 635 [...]

  • Página 228

    226 Factory data Drum Samples 783 Claps Natural 2b Low Per c. 784 Claps Natural 2c Lo w Perc. 785 Claps Natural 2d Low Perc. 786 Claps Natural 2e Low P erc. 787 Claps Natural 3a Low P erc. 788 Claps Natural 3b Low Per c. 789 Claps Natural 3c Lo w Perc. 790 Claps Natural 3d Low Perc. 791 Claps Natural 3e Low P erc. 792 Claps Natural 3f Low P erc. 79[...]

  • Página 229

    227 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced 942 B ongo2 Lo Open a Low P erc. 943 B ongo2 Lo Open b Low Perc . 944 B ongo2 Lo Mute Low Perc . 945 B ongo2 Hi Open a Low P erc. 946 B ongo2 Hi Open b Low Perc . 947 B ongo2 Hi Muffled Low Perc . 948 B ongo2 Hi Slap Lo w Perc. 949 B ongo2 Lo Heel Low Perc . 950 B ongo2 Lo Muffled Low P erc. 951 B ongo3 Lo Ope[...]

  • Página 230

    228 Factory data Drum Samples 1101 Cab asa 1 L b Up Hi P erc. 1102 Cab asa 1 S a Do wn Hi Pe rc. 1103 Cab asa 1 S a Up Hi P erc. 1104 Cab asa 1 S b Do wn Hi P erc. 1105 Cab asa 1 S b up Hi P erc . 1106 Caba sa 2 L Stac k b Hi Pe rc. 1107 Caba sa 2 L Stac k a Hi P erc. 1108 Caba sa 2 L Roll Hi P erc . 1109 Cab asa 2 S St ack a Hi P erc . 1110 Cab as[...]

  • Página 231

    229 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced 1260 M.E .2 Asagum Lo w Per c. 1261 M.E .2 Asmat ek Lo w P erc. 1262 M.E .2 Bendirg um Low P erc . 1263 M.E .2 Bendirtek1 Low P erc . 1264 M.E .2 Bendirtek2 Low P erc . 1265 M.E .2 Dm1 L ow Pe rc. 1266 M.E .2 Fin dik Lo w Per c. 1267 M.E .2 Gum Low P erc . 1268 M.E .2 Hollot okat Low Perc . 1269 M.E .2 Islik1 [...]

  • Página 232

    230 Factory data Drum Samples 1419 Grv HH Clos ed8 HiHa t 1420 Grv HH Clos ed9 HiHa t 1421 Grv HH Clos ed10 HiHat 1422 Grv HH Clos ed11 HiHat 1423 Grv HH Clos ed12 HiHat 1424 Grv HH Open 1 HiHat 1425 Grv HH Open 2 HiHat 1426 Grv Hi T om1 T om 1427 Grv Hi T om2 T om 1428 Grv Low T om1 T om 1429 Grv Low T om2 T om 1430 Grv Ride Cymba l 1431 Grv Crash[...]

  • Página 233

    231 Factory data Drum Samples Advanced 1578 99 Rid e Cym bal 1579 99 Rid e Dance Cymba l 1580 99 C rash1 Cymba l 1581 99 C rash2 Cymba l 1582 99 C rash3 Cymba l 1583 99 C abasa Hi P erc. 1584 99 Bong o Hi Low Pe rc. 1585 99 Bong o Low Low P erc. 1586 99 A gogo Hi Hi Pe rc . #N a m e F a m i l y 1587 99 A gogo Lo w Hi P erc. 1588 99 C onga Hi Low P [...]

  • Página 234

    232 Factory data Pads Pa d s Y ou can assign the following H its or Sequences to the four Pads. Older sounds might be still assigne d to the Pads when loading mus i c a l resources g enerated with an older operating system (see the follo w ing section). # HIT - Drum # HIT - Percussion # HIT - W orld 1 # H it - W orld 2 # HIT - Orches tral 1 88 Cowb[...]

  • Página 235

    233 Factory data Pads Advanced # HIT - Synth&P ad HIT - Voice # HIT - Bl ocks # HIT - Misc&SFX 1 # HIT - Misc&SFX 2 1 Cosmic 1 Aah ! 1 Blk Funk 1 A 1 Applause 1 Bubble 2 VCF Mo dulation 2 Hit it ! 2 Blk Funk 1 B 2 Bird 1 2 Car Crash 3 Planet Lead 3 Laughin g 3 Blk Funk 1 C 3 Bird 2 3 Car E ngine 4 Bright ness 4 S cream 4 Blk Funk 1 D 4 [...]

  • Página 236

    234 Factory data Pads 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 # SEQ - Guitar # SEQ - Orchestral # SEQ - Solo # SEQ - Synth&Pad # SEQ - Misc&SFX 1 Gtr Steel Strum1 1 Timpani Roll 1 1 Solo Marimba 1 Synth Seq 1 1 Mili tary 1 2 Gtr Steel Strum2 2 Timpani Roll 2 2 Solo Kalimba 1 2 Synth Seq 2 2 [...]

  • Página 237

    235 Factory data Effects Advanced Effec ts The following table lists al l Pa3X Factory Ef fects. D etaile d infor- ma tion on eac h effect’ s param eter ar e conta ined in the “Eff ects ” cha pter (see page 106). # FX Name 0 No Effect 1 Stereo Compressor 2 D y n . C o m p r e s s o r 3 Stereo Limiter 4 Multiband Limiter 5 St.Mast eringLimtr 6[...]

  • Página 238

    236 Factory data Effects 95 Comp - OD/HiG ain 96 Comp - P4EQ 97 Comp - Cho/Flng 98 Comp - Phaser 99 Comp - Mt. De lay 100 Limiter - P4EQ 101 Limiter-Cho/Flng 102 Limiter - Phaser 103 Limiter - Mt .Delay 104 Excit er - Comp 105 Exc iter - Li mite r 106 Exci ter-Cho/Flng 107 Excit e r - Phaser 108 Ex citer - Mt.Dela y 109 OD/HG - Amp Sim 110 OD/HG - [...]

  • Página 239

    237 Factory data MIDI Setup Advanced MIDI S etup Default Master Kbd Player1 Player 2 Accordion 1 Accordion 2 Accordion 3 Ex t. Seq MIDI IN Channel 1 P1_Tr 1 Global P1_T r 1 P2_Tr 1 Global Up p1 Upp1 P1_T r 1 2 P1_T r 2 Control P1_T r 2 P2_Tr 2 Lower Lower Lo wer P1_T r 2 3 P1_Tr 3 - P1_Tr 3 P2_Tr 3 Bass - Bass P1_T r 3 4 P1_Tr 4 - P1_T r 4 P2_Tr 4 [...]

  • Página 240

    238 Assignable parameters List of Assignable Foot switch / Pedal functions List of Assignable F ootswitch / Pedal func tions The following functions can be assigned to a footswitch or a con- tinu ous pedal. Assignable parameters Function Meaning Off No function assig ned Style Sta rt/ Stop Same func tions of t he control panel buttons with the same[...]

  • Página 241

    239 Assignable parameters List of Assignable Footswitch / Pedal functions Advanced SubScale Preset 1 (SC1)…4 (SC4) Same functions of the SC Pres et buttons in the disp lay . Chord Lat ch Holds the rec ognized chord unt il the pedal is rele ase d Chord Latch + Damper Holds the recogni zed chord until the ped al is released, and sustains the tracks[...]

  • Página 242

    240 Assignable parameters List of Assignable Slider functions List of Assignable Slider functions The f ollowi ng functio ns c an be a ssigned to the As signabl e Slid- ers. List of Assignable S witch functions The following functions can be assig ned to t he Assignable Switch es . Function Meaning Off No functio n assig ned Master V olume Keyboard[...]

  • Página 243

    241 Assignable parameters List of EC5 functions Advanced List of EC5 func tions The follo w ing functions can be as sig ned to a K org EC5’ s switc h pedal. T ext Page Down These options let you move to the previous or next page, when reading a text file loaded with a Song or Song Book ent r y (see “ T ext files loaded with Standa rd MIDI Files[...]

  • Página 244

    242 Assignable parameters List of EC5 functions Perform. Down Selects the previous P er formance Style Ch ange St yle number Sound Up Selects the next Sound Sound Down Selects the pr evious Sound T ransp ose Down Same funct ions of the control panel buttons with the same name T ransp ose Up Upper Octave Up Upper Octave Down Punc h In/Out T urns Pun[...]

  • Página 245

    243 Assignable parameters Scales Advanced Scales The following is a list o f scales (or tunings) you can select in var- ious operating modes. Equal Equal tuning, th e standard scale f or modern W e s t e r n m u s i c . I t i s m a d e o f 1 2 i d e n t i c a l s e m i - tones. Pure Majo r Ma jor chords in the selected key are perfec tly tuned. Pur[...]

  • Página 246

    244 MIDI Data MIDI Controllers MIDI C ontrollers The fo llowing is a tab le including all Con trol Cha nge message s, and t hei r e ffe c t on var iou s Pa3 X fu nc ti ons. Note t hat n ot al l c on- trollers ar e available in all operati ve modes. (*) The follo w ing NRPN messages a re recognized by Pa3X in Song Pla y and Sequencer mode only: Not [...]

  • Página 247

    245 Recognized chords Advanced The following pages sho w the most important chor ds recogn ized by the P a3X, when the sele cted Chord Recognition mode is Finger e d 2 (see “ C hor d Recog nition M ode ” on page 135 of the U ser’ s Man ual ). Recognized chor ds may vary with a differ ent Chor d Recog nitio n mode. No te : Fin g ered 2 is sele[...]

  • Página 248

    246 Recognized chords T = constituent notes of the chord = can be used as tension 4-note TT Minor 7th 3-note T 4-note T T Minor-Major 7th 3-note T 3-note T T Diminished 4-note Diminished 7th 4-note TT Diminished Major 7th 4-note TT T Minor 7th 5 3-note T T Augmented 4-note T T T T Augmented 7th 4-note T T T T Augmented Major 7th No 3rd, no 5th No 3[...]

  • Página 249


  • Página 250

    © K ORG Italy 20 1 1 . All rights reser ved Address KORG IT ALY SpA Via Cagiata, 85 I-60027 Osimo (An) Italy We b www .korgpa.com www .korg.co.jp www .korg.com www .korg.co.uk[...]