Maxtor D540X-4G manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Maxtor D540X-4G. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Maxtor D540X-4G o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Maxtor D540X-4G se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Maxtor D540X-4G, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Maxtor D540X-4G debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Maxtor D540X-4G
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Maxtor D540X-4G
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Maxtor D540X-4G
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Maxtor D540X-4G no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Maxtor D540X-4G y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Maxtor en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Maxtor D540X-4G, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Maxtor D540X-4G, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Maxtor D540X-4G. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1


  • Página 2

    © Mar ch 5, 2 002 Maxtor Cor poration. All r ights r es er v ed. Pr inted in U . S .A. This publ ic ation could include tech nical inaccuracies or typo graphica l er rors. Changes ar e per iodically made to th e in f or matio n herein – wh ich will be incor pora ted in r evi sed edit ions of the publi cation. Maxtor ma y mak e changes or impr ov[...]

  • Página 3

    Cor porate Head q uarter s: 510 C otton wood Driv e Mi lpitas , C alifor nia 95 035 T el: 408 -43 2-1 700 Fa x: 40 8- 4 32- 45 10 Resear c h and De vel o pmen t Center: 2452 C lov er Bas i n D r iv e Longmont, Colorad o 80503 T el: 303 -65 1-6 000 Fa x: 30 3- 6 78- 21 65[...]

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    Revisi o n-A 20 04052 All Initia l Relea s e Mar ch 5, 20 0 2[...]

  • Página 5

    Thank you f or y our inter est i n Maxtor har d di sk dr iv es. This man ual pr o vides tec hnical in f ormation for OEM engineers and systems i ntegrators re g ar ding the i nstal lation and use of Ma xtor har d dr iv es. Dr iv e r epair sho uld be perfor med only at an a u t hor iz ed r epair cent er . For r epair infor mation, cont act the Ma xt[...]

  • Página 6

    Ma xto r D5 40X -4 G v 1.1 Maxtor Corporat ion ........... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..... 1- 1 1.2 Manual Or ganization .................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............... 1- 1 1.3 Abbreviations ........... .................... ...........[...]

  • Página 7

    Table o f Contents vi Ma xtor D 540X- 4G 4.1 Hard Drive Handling Precau tions .................. .................... ..................... ................... 4-1 4.2 Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) ........... ..................... .................... ..................... ......... 4-1 4.3 Unpacking and Inspection .................. ............[...]

  • Página 8

    vii Ma xto r D5 40X -4 G Figure 2-1 PCBA Jumper Location and Configuration .............. ..................... ................ 2- 6 Figure 3-1 Outline and Mount ing Dimensions ............... ..................... .................... ...... 3- 4 Figure 4-1 Multi-pack Sh ipp ing Container . .......... .................... ..................... ..[...]

  • Página 9

    Ma xtor D540 X-4 G 1- 1 Maxtor Corporat ion has been provid i ng hig h-qualit y computer st orage produc t s s ince 1982 . Al o n g th e wa y, w e ’ ve see n many c hanges in data stor ag e needs. Not l ong ag o, only a handful of sp ecific users needed mor e tha n a c ouple hundr ed megabytes of storage. To d ay, downlo adin g fro m the Intern e[...]

  • Página 10

    Introduction 1-2 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G If there is a c o nflict between text and t ables, the table shall be accepted as being corr ect. The names of abbre via tion s, c omm ands , fields and acronyms us ed as sign al na mes a r e in all uppe r case t ype (e. g ., I DENTIFY DRIVE). Fields cont a ining only one b it are usu a lly ref erred to as th e ?[...]

  • Página 11

    Introduction Ma xtor D540 X-4 G 1- 3 Signal na mes are sh own in all uppe rcase ty pe. All signals a r e either high active or low activ e signals. A dash character (-) at the end of a s ignal name in dicates that the sig n a l is low ac tive. A low active signal is true wh en it i s below V iL an d is false when it is a bove ViH. A signal wit hout[...]

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    Introduction 1-4 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G[...]

  • Página 13

    Ma xtor D 540X -4G 2- 1 Maxtor hard di sk drive s are 1- inc h hig h, 3.5-inch di ameter r andom acc e ss stor age devices which in corporate an on-board Ultra ATA/133 in terface control le r. Hi gh capaci ty is a chi e v e d by a balanced combina t ion of high areal r e cordi ng densi t y an d the la t est data encoding and servo tec hniques. Maxt[...]

  • Página 14

    P rod uc t Des cri pti o n 2-2 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G Note : Maxt or de fine s 1 Gig ab yte ( GB) a s 10 9 o r 1 ,000, 000,0 00 byt es of dat a. T otal a c cess ib le capacity var ies depending o n operating envir onment. Maxtor hard dr ives cont ain al l necessar y mechanica l and elec t ronic par ts to int erpret control si gnals a nd commands f rom [...]

  • Página 15

    Produ ct De scr ipt ion Ma xtor D 540X -4G 2- 3 The Logical Block Address ( L BA) mode c an only b e utiliz ed in systems that support this f orm of tra nslation. Th e cylinder , head an d sector geometr y of the drive, as presented to the host, diff ers from the actual phys ical geometry. The host AT computer ma y access a drive of se t parameter [...]

  • Página 16

    P rod uc t Des cri pti o n 2-4 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G Th e d a ta b u ffe r i s or g ani ze d i n to tw o seg men ts: th e da ta b uffe r and th e m i c ro controll er sc r atch pad. The data buffer is dynamically a lloc ated for r ead and write data d epending on the commands r eceived. A va riable number of read a n d wri te buffers may exist at t h [...]

  • Página 17

    Produ ct De scr ipt ion Ma xtor D 540X -4G 2- 5 An integr at ed cir cui t mount ed wi t hin t he sealed hea d dis k assembly (n ear t he r e ad/ write heads) provid es up to e i g ht head selection dep ending on t he model. It also provides read pre-amp lif ication and write driv e circuitry. Lo w mas s, l ow fo rc e gi ant magn eto -res is tive re[...]

  • Página 18

    P rod uc t Des cri pti o n 2-6 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G Two drives may be a c cess ed via a comm o n in terface c able, us ing t he same range o f I/O addre sses. The dr ives have a jump er conf igurat ion as devi ce 0 or 1 (Master/ Slave), and are selec t ed by the drive select bit in the Device/Head regist er o f the tas k file. All Task File registers[...]

  • Página 19

    Produ ct De scr ipt ion Ma xtor D 540X -4G 2- 7 On some olde r BIOS', pr ima rily t hose that a uto-config ure the disk drive, a ha ng may occur. The Cylinder Limitation ju mp er reduces the c apac ity in the Ident ify Drive allowing large capaci t y drives to w ork with older BI O S. The capac it y reported when J4 5 :J4 6 is c lo sed w ill b[...]

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    P rod uc t Des cri pti o n 2-8 Ma xtor D 540X- 4G[...]

  • Página 21

    M axt or D5 40 X-4G 3-1 Th e D 540X -4 G a t 16 0GB cap a c ity (4 G1 60J 8) e xc eed s the 13 7GB c apaci ty barri er imposed by t he 28 bit addressing sc hem es c ommon to many c urrent BIOS and drivers. If you r syst em has 28 bi t addr essing logic your drive will appea r to o nly have 137GB of capacit y. You can upgra de your system to break t[...]

  • Página 22

    Produc t Specifications 3-2 Maxto r D5 40X -4 G Da t a Surf ac es /N um be r of H ea d s 6 8 Number of Di sks 3 4 Sector s per Drive (max LB A) 240,121,72 8 320,173,056 Integrated Interface Maxtor Ultra A T A/ 133 (A T A-5/A T A-6) R e cord ing Me t hod PRML Ser v o T y pe Em bedded Numb er of Servo S e ctors 224 Data Z ones per S urfac e 16 Data S[...]

  • Página 23

    Product Spec i f ications M axt or D5 40 X-4G 3-3 S eek Tim es (t ypi cal r ea d, m s) Tr a c k - t o - Tr a ck 1 Average (normal seek) 1 1 Full St rok e (norm al seek) 20 Average Latency (ms) 5.5 Con troll er Overh ead (ms) <0.3 Rotation Speed (RPM ±0.1%) 540 0 Data T ransfer S pee d (MByte/sec max) T o/From Inte rfac e (Maxtor Ultra A T A/133[...]

  • Página 24

    Produc t Specifications 3-4 Maxto r D5 40X -4 G Ou tlin e and Mou nti ng Dime nsi on s[...]

  • Página 25

    Product Spec i f ications M axt or D5 40 X-4G 3-5 The driv e is spinning up following initia l a pplicat ion of po wer and has not yet reached full speed. A random a ccess o peration by the driv e . Data i s bei ng r e a d fr om or writ te n to th e d ri ve. The drive i s spinning, t he actuator is pa r ked a n d power e d o ff and a l l other circ[...]

  • Página 26

    Produc t Specifications 3-6 Maxto r D5 40X -4 G T emperatu re 0 ° C to 6 0 ° C low te mpera ture ( -40 ° C) high temp eratur e (65 ° C) per MIL - STD-81 0E, metho d 50 1 .3, c li matic cate go ry; hot -in duce d co ndit io ns. Ther mal Gradien t 30 ° C per ho ur (max imum ) Relative Humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing) We t B u l b 3 0 ° C ( m[...]

  • Página 27

    Product Spec i f ications M axt or D5 40 X-4G 3-7 <1.0 % Ann u a lize d Re tu r n Ra te ( A RR) indic ate s the av era g e again s t produc ts ship ped. <750 D PPM The qua lit y accept anc e rate indic ates the per c entage of Maxto r produc ts success fully ins t alled b y our custome rs, and/or t he number of def ective part s per million ([...]

  • Página 28

    Produc t Specifications 3-8 Maxto r D5 40X -4 G The hard dis k drive mechanism is designed as a subassembly for in stallation i nto a suitable enclosure and is therefore n ot subj ect t o Subpart J of P art 1 5 of FCC Rules (47CFR15) or t he Canadian D epartment of C ommunicatio ns R adio I nte rfer e nce Regulation s. Althoug h not requir ed, the [...]

  • Página 29

    M axt or D5 40 X-4 G 4-1 • If the ha ndling precautions ar e not foll owed, damage to the h a rd drive m ay re sult whichmay void the warr a nty. • During handling , NEVER drop, jar, or b um p a drive. Ha ndle t he drive by its sides a nd avoid touc hing the print ed circuit boar d assembly (PCBA ). • Hard drives are sensitive to electrostati[...]

  • Página 30

    Handling and I nstallation 4- 2 Ma xtor D54 0X-4 G Multi-department c ommittee Evaluate and improve Employee t raining E d uc ate and inf o rm ESD program suppl ies typica lly include: wrist- a n d foot-worn groun ding straps; counter- t op and f loor antist atic matting ; wrist st rap te sters; ESD video and training materials. Sources for such su[...]

  • Página 31

    Handling and Installation M axt or D5 40 X-4 G 4-3 Multi -pack Shipping Co ntaine r[...]

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    Handling and I nstallation 4- 4 Ma xtor D54 0X-4 G Singl e Pack Shippi ng Containe r (Optio n A)[...]

  • Página 33

    Handling and Installation M axt or D5 40 X-4 G 4-5 Singl e Pack Shippi ng Containe r (Optio n B) If a Max t or drive requires return, repack it using Maxtor packing mate rials, i ncluding th e a nti s tat ic ba g. The detailed installation ins t r uctions f o r Maxtor har d dr iv es ar e pro vided in the Install ati on Guide . T o obt ain a cop y o[...]

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    Handling and I nstallation 4- 6 Ma xtor D54 0X-4 G[...]

  • Página 35

    Ma xtor D 540X- 4G 5 -1 This chapter desc ribes the interfac e between M ax tor D540X-4G hard disk drives and the ATA bus . The commands t hat are i ssued from t he host t o control the drive ar e listed, as well as the electrical and mechan ical char acteristics of the interface . Maxtor D540X-4G hard disk dr ives use the standar d ATA/ATAPI i nte[...]

  • Página 36

    ATA Bus Int e rface and ATA Comman ds 5-2 M axt or D5 40 X-4 G The Maxtor D540X-4G h ard disk drives allow t heir host syst em s to address the full set of command and con t rol reg isters as specifi e d in cl ause 7 of t he ATA/ATAPI-6 standard . This includes t h e 48-bit Address f eature set described in cla u se 6. The µP rocessor, Disk C ontr[...]

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  • Página 38

    ATA Bus Int e rface and ATA Comman ds 5-4 M axt or D5 40 X-4 G 1. As def ined in the ATA/ATAPI -6 stand a rd. SMART R EAD DATA B0h D0h SMART R EAD LOG B0h D5h SMART RE T U RN STAT U S B0h DAh SMART SAVE ATTRIBUTE VALUES B0h D3h SMART W RITE LOG B0h D6h STANDBY 96h, E2h STANDBY IMMEDIATE 94h, E0h WRITE BUFFER E8h WRITE DMA CAh, CBh WR ITE M U LTIP L[...]

  • Página 39

    Ma xtor D 540X- 4G 6 -1 If a c ustomer disc overs a def ect in a Maxtor har d drive, Maxtor will , at i ts option, repair or r eplac e the disk drive at no charge to the customer, provided it is ret urned during the war ra nty period. Dr ives must be pr operly pack a ged in Maxtor pac kaging or Maxtor-a ppr oved pa c kaging to obtai n warr ant y se[...]

  • Página 40

    Serv ice an d Support 6-2 M axt or D5 40 X-4 G[...]

  • Página 41

    Ma xtor D 540X- 4G A -1 This appen dix provide s inf or mati on abou t the 137GB st or age ba rri er. It disc usse s t he histor y , cause and the solu tion to over co me this barrier. Capacit y barri ers have be en a fact of the personal computer wo rld since it s begi nnings in the early 1980 ’ s. At least 10 d iffer ent capacity barriers have [...]

  • Página 42

    Brea king the 137GB Stora ge Barrier A-2 M axtor D540X-4G Past ba rriers often frust rated people t r ying t o add a ne w hard di s k to an o lder sys tem when they discovered t hat not all of t h e designed capacity of t he hard disk was accessible. This i nability to a ccess t he entir e dr ive is referred to as a “ capa city ba rrier ” and i[...]

  • Página 43

    Breakin g the 137G B Storage Barrie r Ma xtor D 540X- 4G A -3 As descri bed earlier, t he issue causing t he 137-gigabyte bar rier is t he 28-bit addressing method of the origi nal ATA specif ication. A change to e xpand this met hod was required to provide mor e address bit s f o r the interf ac e, a llowing signific a nt growt h for many years to[...]

  • Página 44

    Brea king the 137GB Stora ge Barrier A-4 M axtor D540X-4G The BIOS c ompanies will also have to perform some work to recog nize the inc re as e d capacity of t h e devices atta ched to the bus an d allow the extended 48-bit c o mma nds to pass on to the device s. Boot partit ions will also b e an issue f or t he capacity of t h e drive if t he BIO [...]

  • Página 45

    Breakin g the 137G B Storage Barrie r Ma xtor D 540X- 4G A -5 • Maxt or “ Big Drive ” web site f or resour ce informa t ion: ht tp:/ /ww w.m axtor . co m/b igdriv e • ATA/ATAPI-6 :[...]

  • Página 46

    Brea king the 137GB Stora ge Barrier A-6 M axtor D540X-4G[...]

  • Página 47

    Max tor D 540 X- 4G G-1 A ACCESS – (v) Read, write, or u pdat e infor mation on some storage medium, such as a di sk. (n) One of th e se oper ations. ACCESS T IM E – The interval bet ween the time a r equest for data is made by the sy ste m and the time the dat a is available from the drive. A cce ss time includes t he actual seek time , ro tat[...]

  • Página 48

    Glos s a ry G-2 Max tor D 540 X-4 G BLOCK – A sect or or gr oup of sec to rs . By defa ult, a bloc k of dat a co nsists of 512 byt e s. BPI – Abbr eviatio n for bits pe r i nc h . A measur e of how de nsely information i s pac ked on a st o r age mediu m. Flux chan ges per inch is also a term comm only used in describing stor age de nsity on a [...]

  • Página 49

    Glos s a ry Max tor D 540 X- 4G G-3 DI SK CONTROLLE R – A plug-in board, or embedded c ircuitry on the d r ive, tha t pass es information to and from the disk. The Maxtor di sk drives all have c ontrollers embedded on the drive printed- circ uit board. DIS KW ARE – The prog ram instruc tions and dat a stored o n the disk fo r use by a proc esso[...]

  • Página 50

    Glos s a ry G-4 Max tor D 540 X-4 G G GI GABYTE (G B) – O ne bil lion b ytes (one thousan d megabytes) . GUIDE RAILS – P lasti c st rip s at tach ed to the si des of a dis k drive mounted i n an IBM AT an d compatible comput er s so that the drive easi ly slides into pla ce. H HALF HEIGHT – Te rm us ed to d es cr ib e a drive that occupi es h[...]

  • Página 51

    Glos s a ry Max tor D 540 X- 4G G-5 K KI LOBYTE (K) – A unit of measure consist ing of 1 ,024 (2 10 ) bytes. L LAN DI NG ZON E – A pos itio n in sid e th e disk ’ s i nne r cylinde r in a non dat a area reserv ed as a place to rest th e heads durin g the time that po w er is of f . U si n g this ar ea prevent s the he ads f rom touc hing the [...]

  • Página 52

    Glos s a ry G-6 Max tor D 540 X-4 G MTTR – Mean Time To Rep a i r. The average time it t akes to repair a dr i ve t hat has fai led for some r eason. Thi s onl y takes i nt o conside rat ion the cha ng ing of t h e major sub- assemblies su ch as ci r cuit board o r sealed housi n g. Component level repa ir is not included in this number as th is [...]

  • Página 53

    Glos s a ry Max tor D 540 X- 4G G-7 any order desired, and t he address of one storage location is as readily accessi ble as any other . RAM DISK – A “ ph a n tom disk drive ” for which a sec tion of sy st em memory (RAM) is set asid e to hold d a ta, just as if i t were a number of disk sec t ors. The a ccess to this data is extremely fast b[...]

  • Página 54

    Glos s a ry G-8 Max tor D 540 X-4 G fluct ua t ions or noise spi kes. SOF T SECTORED – Dis k s tha t m ark th e begi nning of ea c h sect or o f data within a trac k by a magn et ic pattern. SPINDL E – The center shaft of the disk upon whi ch the dr ive ’ s pla t ters a re mount ed. SPU TTER – A type of co a t ing process u sed to ap ply th[...]

  • Página 55

    Glos s a ry Max tor D 540 X- 4G G-9 V VO IC E C O IL – A ty p e of m o to r u sed t o mo v e th e disk rea d / w rite hea d i n a nd o u t to th e r igh t track . Voi ce -coi l act uato rs w ork lik e loudspeakers with the force of a mag netic coil causi ng a proport ionate movement of the head. Maxtor' s actuat or uses voice-c oil technolog[...]

  • Página 56

    Glos s a ry G- 10 Maxt or D54 0X- 4G[...]