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BitStorm ™ 2600 IP DSLAM Installatio n Guide Docume nt No. 2600-A2-G N20-10 Janu ary 2004[...]
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A January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Copyright © 2004 Paradyne Corporatio n. All righ ts r eserve d. Prin ted in U.S. A. Notice This pu blicatio n is p rotected by feder al copyright law . No part o f this pu blication may be copie d or distri buted, transmi tted, trans cribed, sto red in a retrieval sy stem, or tran slate d into an y hum an or co mput[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 B Import ant Safety I nstruc tions 1. Read and fol low all warning not ices and instru ctions mark ed on the product or inclu ded in the manual. 2. This pr oduct is inten ded to be used with a 3-wire grounding type plug — a plug that has a grou nding pi n. This is a safety feature. Equipmen t groundin g is vita l to[...]
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C January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 13. T he po wer supp ly co rd for count ries othe r than North Ameri ca is t o be a mini mum H0 5 V V -F type , min. 0 .75 mm 2 , 2-co nductor a nd eart h groun d termin ated i n an IE C 320 con nector on one end, a nd a plu g which is cer tified for us e in the c ountry of i nstallat ion at the other en d. 14. Do no[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 D Japan Class A ITE This is a Clas s A produc t base d on the s tandard of the V olunt ary Contr ol Council for int erferenc e by Info rmatio n T echnolog y Equipm ent (VCCI). If thi s equipm ent is u sed in a domest ic envi ronmen t, radio d isturbanc e may a rise. When such tro uble occurs , the use r may be re quir[...]
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E January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 i Contents About This Guide Document Purpose and Intende d Audien ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Document Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Related P roduct Docu ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv 1 [...]
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Conten ts ii January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 3 LEDs LED Loca tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 LED Meani ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 4 Configurati on Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 iii About Th is Guid e Document Purpose and Intended Audience This documen t is wri tten for tec hnicians w ho instal l the BitS torm 2600 IP DSLAM. Document Summary A master gloss ary of te rms and acrony ms used i n Parad yne docu ments is availab le on the Wor ld Wide Web at www .pa radyne.com . Select Suppo rt →[...]
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Abou t This Gu ide iv January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Related Product Documents Documenta tion fo r the BitSto rm 2600 IP DSLAM i s avail able on th e World Wide Web a t ww w .paradyn e.com . Selec t Sup port → T echnical Man uals. T o order a p aper cop y of a Par adyne docum ent, or to talk to a sal es repres entative, please cal l 727-53 0-2000.[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-1 1 Installation Overview The BitSto rm™ 2 600 is a f amily of stacka ble IP D SLAMs d esign ed for in stallati on in a Centr al Office (CO ), multi-te nant unit ( MTU), multi-d welling u nit (MDU), or remote te rminal environ ment. The BitStor m 2600 is availab le wit h or witho ut internal POTS spli tters. The R[...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Bit Stor m 260 0 IP DS LAM mode ls an d f eatur es ar e li sted in T able 1- 1, BitStorm 2600 Mode ls and Features . Pr eparation Consider th e foll owing befor e instal ling the BitSt orm 2600 IP DSLAM: Installat ion Site Y our instal lation si te sh ould be wel l ventil ated, cle an, and fre[...]
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1. Inst allation 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-3 Cables Required Ta b l e 1 - 2 shows al l the c ables tha t may be requir ed for y our ins tallatio n. T able 1-2. Cable Descriptions Connector Name Connector and Cable For Connecting . . . DSL POR TS 1–24 POTS 1–24 50-pin RJ21X T elco-type straight c onnector a nd 50-wi re ca ble. T wo cab le[...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-4 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Unpacking the Hardware HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR ST A TIC-SENSITIVE DEV ICES This product is designed to protect sensitive components from damage due to electrosta tic discharge (ESD) during normal operation. When performing installation procedures, however , take proper static control precautions [...]
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1. Inst allation 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-5 T able 1-3. Contents of Hardware Ki t Shipped with the Bit Storm 2600 Appearance Descri ption Quantity Flat-head screw f or attachi ng 19" mo unting brackets to unit 6 Machin e screw wi th captiv e starwash er (6-32 x 1/4 ″ ) for attachin g 23" mounting brackets to uni t 6 Self-retain [...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-6 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Mounting Configurations Three bas ic ins tallation confi guration s are avai lable : Rack m ount – see Installin g the Bra ckets for R ack Moun ting on pag e 1-6 and Installi ng the BitStor m 2600 Into a Rack on pag e 1-8. W all moun t – see Install ing th e BitStorm 2600 on a Wall on [...]
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1. Inst allation 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-7 3. Identify six flat -head screws ( for 19-i nch rack s) or si x mach ine sc rews (fo r 23-inch r acks) prov ided with the mou nting bra ckets in th e hardwar e kit. 4. Attach the brac kets ap propria te to your rack si ze. Tighten all s crews fir mly . 02-17324 23-inch (584 mm) EIA and Bay Netw o[...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-8 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Installing the BitStorm 2600 Into a Rack T wo types of mounting s crews are provi ded. Use: #10-32 m ountin g screws fo r rail s with thr eaded sc rew hole s #12-24 m ounting s crews and s elf-retai ning nuts for rails wi th unthrea ded scre w ho les Proc edur e T o inst all the Bi tStorm [...]
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1. Inst allation 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-9 3. Insert and tigh ten the sc rews in the top sc rew positi ons, then t ighten the bottom screws . 03-17436 P O R T 1 - 1 0 / 1 0 0 B T C O N S O L E P O R T 2 - 1 0 / 1 0 0 B T P O R T 3 L IN K A C T G i g E S T A T U S A L A R M T E S T A L A R M 1 2 2 3 D S L P O R T S 1 - 2 4 1 0 0 0 B T 2 4 3[...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-10 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Installing the BitStorm 2600 on a W all W all mou nting requ ires two wood scr ews suitab le for the w eight of the full y cabled unit. Th ese are not i ncluded . Use at a m inimum 1/ 4-inch (6 mm) d iameter sc rews in 3/4-i nch (19 mm ) ply wood (not drywall ). Proc edur e T o inst all the BitSt[...]
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1. Inst allation 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 1-11 6. Install two wood screws (not pr ovided) a t the s ame he ight abov e the floor and 18.75 inc hes (476. 25 mm ) apa rt. Do no t complete ly tighte n the sc rews. Lea ve them so th eir head s are ab out 1/4 inc h (6 mm) fr om the wall. 7. Hang the unit f rom the woo d screw s to verif y that the[...]
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1. Insta llatio n 1-12 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Installing the BitStorm 2600 on a Shelf or Desktop If the BitS torm 260 0 will be placed on a shelf o r deskt op, insta ll the prov ided rubber feet befor e putting th e unit in positi on. Proc edur e T o inst all the BitStorm 2 600 on a s helf or de sktop, as a stand alone uni t or in a stac k: [...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-1 2 Cabling Cabling Overview The BitSto rm 26 00 has a l arge va riety of pos sible c abling con figur ations. Thi s chapt er describes all pos sible con nections , not all of which a re requi red: DSL Ports on page 2-2 GigE Upli nk (Port 3 ) on page 2-3 10/100 BaseT U plink (Po rt 2) on page 2-4 Cha[...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 DSL Ports The BitSto rm 2600 DS L con nector sup ports the tip and r ing conn ections of u p to 24 DSL ports over a 50-po sition c able. A POT S (plai n old tele phone servic e) splitte r conne ctor is also provid ed, for CO applica tions only . T he intern al sp litter incl udes an ANSI T 1.413-c ompl[...]
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2. Cabli ng 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-3 4. T igh ten the ca ble tie around t he con nector an d trim th e excess. 5. If you use an inter nal POTS spli tter , repeat Step 1 through Step 4 , sub stituting POTS 1–2 4 for DSL PORTS 1 –24. 6. Secure the cables as requi red f or stra in reli ef. GigE U plink (Po rt 3) Port 3 c omprises two int[...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-4 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 2. Connect the ot her end of the uplin k cab le to the up link in terface, such as an Etherne t switc h. 3. Port 3 (eth3) is the de fault upli nk. If yo u have chang ed the d efault, us e the configure uplink CLI comma nd or the Configura tion / U plink scree n of the web inter face to s pecify e th3 a[...]
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2. Cabli ng 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-5 Chaining BitStorm 26 00s Up to eight BitStor m 2600s c an be cha ined toget her to use a si ngle upli nk. The same por t (eth2 o r eth3) u sed as th e uplink for one u nit must b e used as the downlink for the n ext. For exampl e, in this illustr ation: The top u nit has P ort 3 (eth3) defined as i[...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-6 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Management P ort Port 1 c an be use d to co nnect the B itStorm 2600 t o a network m anagem ent system using a 10Bas eT or 10 0Base T LAN. A straight- through cabl e can be used regard less of t he destin ation i nterface , since the port automati call y distin guish es between an MDI and a n MDIX. Pro[...]
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2. Cabli ng 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-7 Console Port The CON SOLE po rt norma lly ser ves as the prim ary user interfac e with the BitStor m 2600 durin g install ation. Y ou can connect a termina l or PC directl y to the CONSOL E port usin g a DTE c able (s ee procedu re below) . Y o u can also use the CONSOL E port to attach a mo dem to the[...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-8 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Connecting a M odem to the C onsole Port Proc edur e T o conne ct a mode m to the CONSOLE po rt: 1. Dete rmin e and pro cure the pr oper DCE c able ty pe for yo ur modem. The CONSOL E port require s a DB9 plug conne ctor . The other connecto r depend s on the ser ial por t on your m odem, b ut normal l[...]
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2. Cabli ng 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-9 Alarm Interface The ALAR M inter face cons ists of fiv e con tacts. Thr ee of the c ontacts provide access to alar m relay s that that can be used to s et off Major an d Minor physic al alarms. T he o ther two c ontacts provi de acce ss to a sense circui t that ca n be used to detect t he open or close[...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-10 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Ground Proc edur e T o conne ct the uni t to a g round: 1. Cr imp a ri ng termi nal onto th e stripp ed end of 14 AWG or heavie r copper ground wi re. 2. Rem ove the screw m arked by th e ground symbo l ( ) at the right si de of the front panel. 3. F asten the ring termi nal to t he front p anel using[...]
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2. Cabli ng 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 2-11 Connecting to Power The BitSto rm 26 00 can be powered by any AC power sou rce su pplying 90–265 V A C at 47– 63 Hz. Proc edur e T o conne ct the BitStor m 2600 to a power source : 1. Ins ert the s upplied power cor d into th e power s ocket on the back of the un it. 2. If th e BitStor m 2600 i s [...]
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2. Ca bli ng 2-12 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 3-1 3 LEDs LED Locations The locati ons of the System and DSL Port LE Ds on t he front pa nel of the BitStorm 2 600 ar e shown i n Figu re 3- 1, F ron t Pane l LE Ds . Figur e 3- 1. Front Panel LEDs 03-17454 PORT1-10/100BT CONSOLE PORT2-10/100BT PORT3 LINK ACT GigE ST ATUS ALARM TEST ALARM 1 2 23 1000BT 24 3 4 5 6 7 8[...]
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3. LE Ds 3-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 LED Meanings When power is first appl ied to the unit, it perf orms a powe r-on self-t est. When th is test is suc cessfu lly com pleted, the Status LE D blin ks. The mea ning of all the LEDs is show n in T able 3 -1, F ron t Pane l LE Ds . T able 3-1. Fr ont Panel L EDs LED Color State Mea ning Link* * Th[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 4-1 4 Configuration Overview The BitSto rm 26 00 is desig ned to r equire minimal configur ation bef ore it can be access ed by a Ne twork O peration s Center (NOC). Initial co nfigur ation is performed using the Command Line Interfac e (CLI). The CLI is avai lable fr om a te rminal o r PC con nected to the CONSO LE p[...]
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4. Co nfig ura tion 4-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Using the CLI A comm and line inte rface (C LI) can be us ed to c onfigu re and monit or the unit. The CLI is av ailable from a PC or term inal con nected to th e Console port, or from a T elnet s ession with the dev ice. The followi ng commands are available: Descripti ons of so me es sentia l [...]
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4. Conf igurati on 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 4-3 Confi gure Managem ent I nband Ad dress The configur e management inband address comma nd specif ies the IP add ress of the u nit. Confi gure Managem ent Out- of-Band Address The configure management out-of-band addr ess com mand spe cifie s the I P address of the uni t that will accept manageme[...]
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4. Co nfig ura tion 4-4 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 BitStorm 2600 Startup Procedur e Y ou c an in itialize y our Bit Storm 26 00 via a P C or ter minal co nnecte d to the unit’s CONSOL E port. The n, using a series of CLI co mmands, G randVIE W EMS or another E lement Ma nageme nt Syste m, or the w eb interf ace, you can c onfigure the unit acc[...]
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4. Conf igurati on 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 4-5 Startup Procedur e for Inband Management With inb and man agemen t, the BitS torm 2600 is mana ged using the upl ink p ort. Proc edur e T o start up the Bi tStorm 2 600 using inban d manageme nt: 1. Specify the upl ink p ort usin g the configure uplink comm and. It must be eithe r eth2 (P ort 2)[...]
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4. Co nfig ura tion 4-6 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Using the W eb Interface T o access th e web inter face: Proc edur e 1. O pen yo ur web brows er . (Interne t Explor er V ersion 6 or above is recomm ended.) 2. T ype http: // and th e IP addr ess of the BitStor m 2600 in to the A ddress fie ld of your brows er wind ow . For examp le: 3. A login[...]
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4. Conf igurati on 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 4-7 System / Users For sec urity reason s, it i s a good idea to change th e defaul t password the firs t time you use the sys tem. Proc edur e T o change th e defau lt password for user admin : 1. Cli ck o n the Syst em menu t ab, then click on Users . The fol llowing screen appears . 2. In t he Co[...]
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4. Co nfig ura tion 4-8 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 manage ment syst em addr esses, and trap m anager addres ses can be se t using the Sys tem/Man agemen t/SNMP screen . Proc edur e T o set SNMP paramete rs: 1. Cli ck on th e Config uration menu ta b, then clic k on SN MP . The System /Manage ment/SNM P screen appears . 2. E nter new S NMP para m[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 A-1 A Connectors and Pin Assignments Overview The foll owing se ctions provi de pin as signmen ts f or: DSL Ports and POT S Splitter Connec tors on page A-2 Port 1 a nd Port 2 10/100Bas eT Conne ctors o n page A- 3 Port 3 1 000BaseT Connecto r on page A- 3 Port 3 G igE SFP Connec tor on pag e A-4 C[...]
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A. Conn ectors an d Pin Assignm ents A-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 DSL Ports and POTS Splitter C onnectors The 50-pi n RJ21X T elco conne ctor lab eled DSL P orts 1– 24 provide s the 2-wi re loop inte rface fr om each D SL port to the MDF f or CO app lica tions, or the in-buil ding wir ing for customer premis es appl ications . (The Cana dian[...]
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A. Conn ectors an d Pin Assignm ents 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 A-3 Port 1 and Port 2 10 /100Bas eT Conn ectors Port 1 an d Port 2 are 8-p in unkey ed modu lar jac ks for a 10/100Ba se in terface. Port 3 1000BaseT Connector Port 3’s 100 0BaseT in terface is an 8- pin unkey ed mo dular ja ck. T able A-2. Port 1 and Port 2 Pinouts Sign al Pin T[...]
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A. Conn ectors an d Pin Assignm ents A-4 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Port 3 GigE SFP Connector Port 3’s GigE interfa ce is a s tanda rd SFP s ocket. T able A-4. Port 3 GigE Connector Sign al Pin Ve e T 1 TXFault 2 TXDisable 3 MOD-DEF(2) – I2C_DA T A 4 MOD-DEF(1) – I2C_CLK 5 MOD-DEF(0) – SFP_PRESENT _L 6 Rate Select 7 LOS 8 Ve e R 9 Ve e R[...]
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A. Conn ectors an d Pin Assignm ents 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 A-5 Console Port Connector The CON SOLE po rt connecto r is a DB 9 socket c onnector th at supp orts an EIA-232 -E circ uit as s hown in Ta b l e A - 5 . T able A-5. Console Port Connector RS-2 32 Si gnal Direc tion Pin Data Carrier Detect Out 1 Receive Data Out 2 Send Data In 3 Da[...]
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A. Conn ectors an d Pin Assignm ents A-6 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 ALARM Connector The ala rm rela y reports major a larms th rough the ALARM connect or . The ala rm cont acts ar e closed d uring no rmal op eration. They o pen in respon se to loss of power , hardware failure, or other alarm cond ition s. The ma ximum rate d load f or the ala rm[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 B-1 B Equipment List T able B-1 . BitS tor m 2600 Equipm ent Lis t (1 o f 2) Description Model Number BitStorm 26 00 and Gr anDSL AM 4200 IP Co mman d Line Inte rface Reference (paper copy) 2600-A2-GB2 1 BitStorm 26 00 and Gr anDSLAM 4 200 IP SNM P Reference (paper copy) 2600-A2-GB2 2 BitStorm 2 600 ReachD SL without [...]
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B. Equipment List B-2 Jan uary 2004 2600 -A2-GN20 -10 BitStorm 26 00 ADSL2 wi th 900- Ohm POTS Splitter and North America p ower cord Includes BitStorm 26 00, 19- an d 23-inch mount ing brack ets and hardware , and Inst allati on Guide . 2621-A1-430 BitStorm 26 00 A DSL with 600-Ohm PO TS Splitter a nd UK pow er cord Includes BitStorm 26 00, 19- an[...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 C-1 C T echnical Specifications T echni cal spec ificati ons are subject to change without notice. T able C-1. BitStorm 2600 T echnical Specifications (1 of 2) Specifications Criteria Alar m Con tac ts Maxi mum Rat ed Load 30 VDC: 1.0 Amp 60 VDC: 0.6 Amp 60 V A C: 0. 6 Amp Coolin g and Air Handli ng Each Bit Storm 26 [...]
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C. Techni cal Specific ation s C-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Operatin g Environm ent Ambien t T emperature: 0 ° to 5 0 ° C (32 ° to 122 ° F) Relat ive Humid ity: 5% to 95% no nconden sing Storage T em peratur e: – 40 ° to 85 ° C (– 40 ° to 185 ° F) Shock a nd vi bration tol erance suff icient to withsta nd normal shipp ing Physical [...]
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2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 IN-1 Index Numerics 10/100Ba seT pi nouts, A-3 1000Bas eT pinouts , A-3 A AC po wer , 2-11 Activity L EDs, 3-2 admin ist rato r, lo gin, 4 -4 Alarm connec tor pinouts, A-6 LED, 3 -2 port cab ling, 2-9 port connec tors, A-6 port des cription, 1-3 audienc e for th is docum ent, iii autosen sing, 2-4 , 2-6 B BitStorm 2 6[...]
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Index IN-2 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10 Electrom agnetic Co mpatibil ity (EMC), C -1 EMS, 4-4 Ente r key, 4-1 env ironm ent , C -2 equipm ent lis t hard ware prov ided , 1-5 packag e con tents, 1-4 part numbe rs, B- 1 ESD prec autions, 1-4 Ethernet LEDs , 3 -2 pinouts , A-3 F fast ener s pro vid ed, 1- 5 feature n umbers, B-1 features , 1-2 feet, [...]
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Index 2600-A2-G N20-10 January 200 4 IN-3 pin as sign men ts, A-1 Alarm, A-6 CONSOLE port, A-3 Console port , A-5 Manage ment port, A-3 Port 3, A-3 Ports 1 an d 2, A-3 RJ21X co nnectors, A-2 SFP socket, A-4 Telco c onnectors , A -2 Port 1 cablin g, 2-6 des cript ion , 1 -3 pinouts , A-3 Port 2 cablin g, 2-4 des cript ion , 1 -3 pinouts , A-3 Port 3[...]
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Index IN-4 January 2004 2600-A2-G N20-10[...]