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Cat. No. 43- 964 A OWNER’S MANUAL Pl ease read bef o re usi n g thi s eq ui pme nt. CALLER ID SYST EM 310 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 1 M on day, Aug us t 16, 19 99 3:4 9 PM[...]
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2 FEA TURES Your Rad ioShack Caller ID Syst em 310 is the la test i n tele- phone c aller ident ificat ion t echnol ogy. I f Caller ID ser vice is avai lable in your area a nd you sub scribe to i t, th e telephone com pany sends the cal ler’s t elephon e number ( and na m e, i f avai lable in your area) and the time of the cal l betwee n the fir [...]
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3 Time and Date D ispl ay — d is plays the curren t time and date as provi ded to Cal ler I D servi ce subscr ibers by your l ocal te le- phone c ompany. Message Receive d Indicat or — f lashes when yo u have re - ceived at lea st one new call you have not reviewe d. Long Distance Call Ind ica tor — tells you when i t is a long d is- tance ca[...]
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4 Ea sy In s t al la t i o n — the module eas ily conne cts t o your t ele- phone li ne so you can quic kly begi n u sing it. You can also use the supp lied br acke t to mount the module on the wall. This module has been tested an d found to c omply wit h al l appli - cabl e UL and FCC standar ds. Imp o r ta n t In f or m a t io n : • T o use t[...]
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5 FC C INFOR MA TION Your modul e has b een desig ned to confor m to feder al regu la- tions , and y ou can con nect i t to most tel ephone l ines. However, each modu le ( and each devi ce, such as a tel ep hone or answer - ing machi ne) t hat you con nect to t he tel ephone l ine dr aws pow- er fr om the l ine. We refe r to t his p ower dra w as t[...]
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6 Note : You m ust not co nnect your module to: • Coin- operat ed systems • Part y-li ne systems • Mos t el ectroni c key telepho ne system s In t he unli kely event t hat your module c auses pr oblems on the tel ephone li ne, the te lephone c ompany no rmal ly att empt s to no- ti fy you in adva nce. If advance notice i s n ot practic al, th[...]
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7 This modul e comp lies wit h the lim its for a Clas s B device as specif ied in Part 15 of FCC Rules . Thes e limit s provide r eason - able prot ecti on against radio and TV in terfe rence in a resid ential area. Howev er, your m odul e might cause TV or radio int erfer - ence even when it is ope rati ng prop erly. To eli minate int erference, y[...]
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8 If your m odul e is not per formi ng as i t sho uld , chec k the connec- ti on to the t elephon e li ne. Cal ls are aut omatic ally swi tched and rout ed throu gh complex equ ipmen t, so you might occasio nally hear no ise on t he line . W hen a c all i s t oo noisy, hang up and r e- dial the number. If you st ill have p roblems, immedi ately dis[...]
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9 CONTEN TS Pr e par ati on .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... . 10 Ins t al ling Ba t te ri es .... ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... . 10 Re se tti n g th e Di sp l ay. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... . 12 P[...]
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10 PR EP A R A TI ON INST ALLING B A TTERIES The modul e requi res fo ur AAA b atterie s for po wer. For th e long- est operat ion, we reco mmend y ou use alkal ine ba tteries (such as RadioSh ack Cat. No. 23-555 ). Foll ow the se steps to i nst all t he batt er ies. 1. If t he phone l ine is alr eady connec ted, unp lug it fr om the modu le. 2. Us[...]
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11 3. Bef ore the di splay di ms, place fr esh batte ries in the com- partment as in dicate d by the polarit y symb ols (+ and –) marked i nside the compar tment. Caution : Do not force the batteri es into th e com partment . 4. Repl ace the b atter y compa rtment cover and secure i t with th e s crew . The module aut omat ically t ests the batt [...]
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12 Cauti on : Always remov e old or weak batter ies. They can leak chem icals t hat c an damage el ectro nic c ircuit s. Note : When yo u r emove t he batter ies, even for a shor t time, the modu le’s ti me is lost. However, t he caller I D inf ormati on re- main s i n the m odul e’s memo ry. RESETTING THE DISPLA Y Befor e you use th e module t[...]
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13 PLACING THE MODULE ON A DESK, SHELF , OR T A BLE You can place t he module dir ect ly on a desk, shelf , or table. (add il- 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 13 Monday , Au gust 16 , 199 9 3:49 PM[...]
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14 MOUNTING ON A W ALL To mou nt the modul e directl y on a wall, you need two sc rews (not suppli ed) wi th heads that fi t int o the key hole slot s on the back of the suppli ed m ount ing brack et. 1. Snap t he mounti ng brac ket on to t he mo dule. (add illus showing sn ap pi n g t h e m o d- ule onto t he m od- 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 14 Monday , A[...]
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15 2. Dri ll two 1 / 8 - inch d iameter holes , 1 3 / 8 inches apart, into the wall. 3. Thr ead a mount ing screw int o each hole , letti ng the head extend 1 / 8 i nch fro m th e wa ll . 1 3 / 8 inches 1 / 8 inch (il- 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 15 Monday , Au gust 16 , 199 9 3:49 PM[...]
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16 4. Ali gn the keyhole sl ots on the bac k of t he mountin g b rac ket with the mount ing scr ews and sl ide t he module do wnward to secu re it. (add i l- 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 16 Monday , Au gust 16 , 199 9 3:49 PM[...]
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17 CONNECTING TO THE PHONE LINE The module conne cts to a modul ar phone li ne jack and you r telep hone. I f your telephone wi ring does not have a m odula r phone lin e jack , you can update th e wiring your self using the necessar y jac ks and adapt ers, availabl e at y our l ocal Ra - dioShack stor e. Or, you can ha ve the t elephon e company u[...]
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18 1. Unplug the tel ephone line cord from your tel ephone and plug i t i nto the modul e’ s T E L. LI NE jac k. 2. Plug one end of the sup plied li ne cord int o the modul e’s PHONE jac k. 3. Plug th e othe r end of the line cor d into t he tel eph one. (il- 43-9 64 .f m Pag e 18 Monday , Au gust 16 , 199 9 3:49 PM[...]
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19 ADJUSTING THE DISPL A Y CONTRAST 1. If the disp lay is showi ng any call infor mation , continuous ly pres s eithe r REVIEW s or REVI EW t unt il appears on the dis- play . 2. Press and hold either REVIE W s or REVIEW t until appears on t he displ ay . 3. Q uickl y press an d releas e REVIEW s or REVIE W t to in c re a se or decreas e the disp l[...]
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20 Notes: • Th e display goes blank when you set the contr ast to 00 and gets completel y dark when you set it to 15 . • If y ou incr ease the contra st h igher than , the dis play ret urns to . If you decre ase the cont rast lower than , the dis play ret urns to . 4. When you f inish adjus ting the di splay co ntrast, press DELE TE . CONTRAST:[...]
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21 OPE RA TI ON RECEIVING AND STORING CALLS When y ou re ceive a c all, the mo dule a utoma tically displa ys and al l c al ler I D i nfo rm a tio n s en t b y th e ph on e com - pan y, in cludi ng th e calle r’s te le phone num ber and t he c all’s ti me an d dat e. I n some area s, the cal ler ’s na me is als o sent . As it re ceives ca lls[...]
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22 REVIEWING CALLS While receiv ing a cal l, the mod- ule di splay s the cal ler’ s info r- mati on and flas hes. If yo u choose not to ans wer the c all, aft er the cal ler hangs up, the disp lay sho ws t he call er’s i nfor- mati on for an addi tion al 30 s ec- onds. Th en the displ ay r eturns to t he ti me displ ay, and and t he message i n[...]
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23 The displ ay shows th e total n um- ber of ca lls sa ved and the num- ber of new cal ls re ceived since your l ast revie w. Repeatedl y press REVIEW t to see inf ormati on about t he most recent calls or REVI EW s to see infor mation about pr evious c alls. The module shows the call infor - mation. Notes : • If there ar e no calls s tored i n [...]
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24 In addi tion, the module might al so displ ay: Indic ator Inform ation x Appears t he firs t time you revi ew call infor mation from someon e who has call ed more than o ne t ime f rom th e same number and s hows h ow many times the ca lle r trie d to call yo u . CALL-Fd Appears inste ad of t he phone numbe r if the call was fo rwarded t o you b[...]
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25 CALL Fd BUSY Appear s inst ead of the ph one number i f the call was f orwarde d to you by a tel e- phone set to f orward busy cal ls a nd the numb er the caller dialed was busy . The phone num ber of the ori ginal caller appear s alternat ely o n the displ ay . Ap pea rs the firs t tim e you re vie w a ca ll’s info r ma tion #XX Indi cates th[...]
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26 UNKNOWN NAME Appear s if the ca ller is withi n a Cal ler I D servi ce area tha t supplies t he phone number , but not the name. PRIVATE NUMBER Appears if t he cal ler c hose not to sen d the phone number . The sys tem fi rst dis- plays the ca ller ’s name, then di splays PRIVATE NUMBER . LDC Appear s i f the call is long- dist ance . Indic at[...]
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27 PRIVATE NAME Appear s if the cal ler chose not to s end the name. • If o nly th e name is bl ocked, the sys - tem dis plays th e call er’ s number . • If bot h the name and number are bloc ked, t he syst em al terna tely dis- play s PRIVATE NAME and PRI- VATE NUMBER . ? Ap pea rs w it hin the C alle r ID in fo rm atio n if one or mor e let[...]
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28 –LINE ERROR– Appear s if th e Call er I D inf ormati on was garbl ed. It is normal for this to oc casi on- ally happen. If thi s happen s oft en, c on- tact you r local p hone ser vice pr ovider and ask them to cor rect t he prob lem. – MESSAGE – If you su bscri be to the pho ne company ’s voice mai l servi ce and you have new vo ice m[...]
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29 DELETING CALL INFORM A TION When t he modul e’s mem ory is full , i t automa ticall y dele tes t he oldest cal l inform at ion when a new call arr ives. To manua lly dele te a cal l fr om memory , repea tedly press RE- VIEW s or t unti l the call you want to del ete a ppears on the displ ay. Then quickl y press DEL ETE twice . The cal l is del[...]
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30 CARE AND MAINTE NANCE Your RadioShac k Ca ller I D Syst em 31 0 is an exam ple of su pe- rio r design and cr aftsmans hip. The fol lowing sugge stions will help yo u care for t he syst em so you can enj oy i t for year s. • Kee p the sys tem dry . If it gets wet, wipe it dry immedi ately . • Han dle t he syst em g ently and ca reful ly . D r[...]
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31 Modifyi ng or tamper ing wi th you r syst em’s i nter nal compo nents can cause a mal funct ion and might i nvalidat e the s ystem ’s war- ranty. If your s ystem is n ot oper ating as it shoul d, tak e it to you r local RadioShack s tore f or assista nce. If the troubl e is harmi ng the t elephon e li nes, the t elephone comp any migh t ask [...]
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RadioShac k A Divi sion of T andy Co rporation Fort W ort h, T exas 7 6102 5 A6 Pr int ed in Ho ng Ko ng RadioS hack Limit ed W arrant y This tel ephone pr oduct is warr anted a g ainst man ufacturin g defects in material and workman - ship for one ( 1 ) y ear from the date of pur chase from RadioShac k compan y owned store s and authori zed RadioS[...]