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Cat. No. 43-1204 O WNER’S MANU AL Fax Machine with Automatic C utter Please read bef ore using this equipment . TFX-1032 43-1 204.fm Page 1 Wedne s da y, Augu st 18, 199 9 8:45 AM[...]
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2 © 19 95 T a nd y Corp o rati on . All Rights Reserved. Radio Sha ck i s a re gis tered t r adem ark used by T andy Cor por ation. READ THIS BEF ORE INSTALLA TION We hav e design ed your fax m achine to conform to f ederal regulation s, and you can conn ect i t to most telephone li nes. Howe ver, each device t hat you connect t o the p hone line [...]
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3 FEATURES Your Radi o Shack T FX-1032 Fa x Ma- chine with Auto matic Cutter is perfect for your home or office. Because it is compliant with international standards, you can send and receive faxes virtu- ally anywhere in t he world. It also h as t hese features: 10-Page Automatic Doc ument Feed — lets you place up to ten pages of your documen t [...]
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4 F CC ST ATEM ENT Your f ax machi ne compli es wi th Part 68 of FCC Rules . You m ust, upon re- quest, provide the FCC r egistration number and the REN to your phone company . Both nu mbers a re shown on the bo ttom of you r fax m achine . Note: Y ou must not connec t your fax machine to: • Coin-operated system s • P ar ty-l in e syste ms • [...]
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5 CONTENTS Unpacking the Fax Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Choosing a Locati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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6 UNPACKING THE FAX MACHINE Be sure t o u npac k t he f ollowing ac cessorie s bef ore you dispos e o f the pac king ma- ter i al . Ha ndset T ele ph o ne C or d Fax M achine Re cordin g Paper On e- T ouc h Memor y Car d 43-1 204.fm Page 6 Wedne s da y, Augu st 18, 199 9 8:45 AM[...]
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7 IN STALLATI ON CHOOS ING A LOCATION Sele ct a lo catio n f or y our fax machi ne tha t: • Is not in di rect sunlight. • Is near a n AC power outlet and modular phone line j ack. • Is at l eas t 4 inches from other objects. • Is not near he ating or ai r condi - tioner units. • Does not bloc k the ventilation openings. • K eeps cords o[...]
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8 CONNECTING TO PO W E R Plug the power cord into a standa rd grounded t hree-pin A C outlet. Cautio n: The pola rized 3 -pin plug onl y fits in 3-pin outlets. If the AC outlet does not have holes for all three pins, have a n electrician install a properly grounded outlet for you. CONNECTING THE HANDSET Plug the hand set’s modul ar plug into the [...]
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9 SET TING UP THE F AX MAC HINE INSTAL LING THE P APER Follow these s teps to install the pap er roll. Note: Use only Radio Shac k Cat. No. 43-1260 or 43-12 64 T hermal F ax Pa- per i n your fax machi ne. 1. Open t he operation p anel. 2. Press OPEN to open the paper co v er . 3. Remov e any slack from t he roll and place it in the paper holder in [...]
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10 • A v oi d app lying tap e to image areas on copi es. The chemicals in some transparent tape ad hesives could f ade the ima ge. • A v oi d stori ng two copi es with the images toget her . The printed image can transf er from one c opy to the other . • Do not touc h the ther m al pap er with sw eaty or dir ty h ands. SETTI NG T HE DIALING M[...]
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11 SETTI NG T HE RINGER VO L U M E Set on the fax machine’s left side to OFF , M (m edium) , or H (hi gh ) to c o n- trol the ringer v olume. Note: W hen you s et to OFF , th e ringer does not sound. Howev er, t he fax mac hi ne s t ill answ er s c all s and re- ceive s fa xe s. SETTI NG T HE SPEAKER VO L U M E Set on the left side of the fax ma-[...]
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12 ENTERING BASI C INF ORMATIO N Sett ing th e Dat e an d Ti me Set the date and t ime so they appear in the top margin of all transmitted faxes. Note: To cancel the date and time set- ting procedure, press STOP/CLEAR any time before you press SET i n S t ep 5. 1. Press MENU f o u r t i m e s . T h e f a x machine displays: 2. Press SET . The f ax [...]
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13 1. Press MENU f o u r t i m e s . T h e f a x machine displays: 2. Press SET . The n pr ess ME NU once . The f ax machine d ispl a ys: 3. Press SET . The f ax machi ne dis- pla ys the first 10 characters of the name (or not hing if no name is set) and the letters A-E . The blinking bl ock in the left of the displa y indicates where t he next let[...]
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14 4. Press . This ent ers the M . 5. Press 5 once. 6. Press 2 tw i c e. 7. Press 4 once . 8. Press . This ent ers the y . 9. Press 0 . This enters the space. 10. Pr ess 5 tw i c e. 11. Pr ess 6 tw i c e. 12. Pr ess . Th is enters t he C. 13. Pr ess 5 once. 14. Pr ess 8 tw i c e. 15. Pr ess 4 once. 16. Pr ess . Th is enters t he o . 17. Pr ess 5 on[...]
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15 A utomati c Receptio n In this mode, when a call comes in, your f ax machi ne automatical ly an- sw e r s . Note: Y ou us e feature s witch 07 ( see “Setting the F eature S witches” on Page 27) to set how m any rings occur before the fax machine answers. After the f ax machine answers : • If the f ax machine de tects fax t o ne s, i t r e [...]
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16 T ELEPHONE OP ERAT ION MAKING CA LLS Note: You m ust conn ect the pow er cord to an A C outlet t o make c alls from th e fax machi ne. 1. Press DIAL , or lift the hand set. 2. Dial the n umber you w ant to c all. 3. If you pressed DIAL in Step 1, lif t the h andset an d talk when t he call is answered. ANSWERING A CAL L When the telep hone rings[...]
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17 ONE-T OUCH DIAL ING You can st ore u p to eight telephone numbers in the o ne-touc h mem ories. You can the n dial a stored number at the touch of a single button. Storin g a Number in a One- To u c h M e m o r y 1. Press MENU three times. The fax machine displays: 2. Press SET . The f ax machi ne dis- pla ys: 3. Press the one -touch ke y (1–8[...]
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18 When storing or making test call s to emerg ency n umb ers: • Remain on the line and briefly e x plain to the dispa tcher the rea- son for the ca ll. • P erf orm such ac tivities in the o ff- peak hours, such as ear ly mor n- ing or l ate eveni ng. SPEED DI ALING You can sto re up to 20 teleph one num- bers in mem ory then dial a stored num-[...]
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19 9. Repeat Step s 3–8 to program other numbers. Otherwise, press ST OP/CLEAR . Dial ing a Spee d-Dia l Memory Number 1. Press DIAL or li ft the h andset. L is- ten f or a dial tone. 2. Press SPEED DIAL , t hen e nter the two-digit speed-dial memor y num- ber (0 1-20) you want to c all. CLEARING ONE-T OUCH / SPE ED-DI AL MEMO RIES 1. Press MEN U[...]
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20 F AX OPERATION PREPARING A DOCUMENT The qua lity of the copy at the receiving fax machi ne de pends on the qua lity of the o riginal do cument y ou send. Do not try to send docu men ts that are: • Wet or damp • Cov ered with wet ink or paste • Chemicall y processed (such as pressure-sensitiv e paper o r car- bon-coated paper) • Coa ted ([...]
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21 SENDING A F AX 1. Place the or igi nal docu ment (up to 10 pages ) f ace do wn in the pap er tra y . The fax machine autom ati- cally dr aws in t he first page. 2. Select a co ntrast/resolution mode if necessar y . S ee “Setting the Contrast/Resolution. ” 3. With the handset on hook, either manually enter , redial, one-tou ch memor y dial, o[...]
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22 Notes: • Superfine only works with fax machines that hav e t he ITU-T standard superf ine feature . If the receiving fax machine do es not hav e t his f eature, t he f a x is sent using fine resolution. • Y ou can s et the f ax machine to remain in th e selected m odes or to return t o the default modes after each fax. Se e “Setting the F [...]
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23 RECEIVING FAX ES USING AN EXTENSION T ELEPHO NE This feature lets yo u receive a fax aft er answering a t elephone c all on an ex- tension telephone, e ither conne cted to the fax machine or to a j ack that uses the same line as the fax machine. Co nnecte d to the F ax Mach i ne Before you use this feature, you must: • Confir m f ea ture s wit[...]
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24 V O ICE CONTAC T Re qu es t i ng a V o i ce C o nt ac t After you receive or send a docum ent , you might want to talk to the person at the transmitting/recei ving fax machi ne. To do so, simply lif t the handse t whil e the f a x m a chine is s ending or receiving t h e d ocum ent . When sen ding or receiving is com - plete, the other f ax mac [...]
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25 LI MIT IN G FAX RECEPTION You can set t he fax machine to check the other party’s fax number and only receive a fax if the num ber exactly matches one stored in your f ax ma- chine’s one-tou ch or speed di aling me mor ie s. Note: Even a stored nu mber cann ot be received if the other fax mac hine do es not have a fax i dentification feat ur[...]
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26 Error Cod es The following error codes print on the activity and transmission reports to help you troubleshoot problem s. ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION OK • N o error encount ered. E-10 • O ther fax machine di d not res pond. Con tact th e ot her par ty and c onfir m you are dialing the correct f ax number . • B e sure you connected the telephone[...]
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27 SETTING THE FEATURE S WITC HES Your fax machine has seve ral features y ou turn on and off using the built-in f eature switches. The following table lists t he feature switches, available settings, default settings, a nd the page whe re the feature is d iscussed . Feature Switc h Descri pt ion Settings (*De faul t) See P age 00 Di al Mo de *00 ?[...]
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28 09 Nu mbe r of simulated rings that the f ax machi ne sounds when se t to automa tic reception before switc h ing to f ax rec eption 00 —O f f 01 —3 r i n g s 02 —5 r i n g s *03 —7 r i n g s 04 —9 r i n g s 05 — 11 rin gs 15 10 M us ic on hold 00 —O f f *01 — On (Greenslee ves) 16 17 Ke y entr y tones 00 —O f f 01 —L o w *02[...]
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29 Follow these steps to change featu re swit ch se tti ngs. 1. Press MENU f o u r t i m e s . T h e f a x machine displays: 2. Press SET . The f ax machi ne dis- pla ys: 3. Press ME NU t wice. T h e fax machine displays: 4. Press SET . The f ax machi ne dis- pla ys: 5. Enter the number o f the switc h you want to chan ge . F or e xampl e , press 2[...]
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30 PR OBLEM SOLV ING If problems occur during op eration, check below be f ore takin g the fax mac hine for service. If t he problem still exists, contact your local Radio Shack store for help. Symptoms P ossible Ca use/ Solu ti on F ax machine does not oper at e. A C pl ug not connec ted. T he f a x mac hi ne d ispla ys CH EC K PAPER R OL L . P ap[...]
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31 Er ro r indi cat or l igh ts . Pr e ss ST O P/C LEAR to t u rn o f f th e err or l ig ht. Print an acti vi ty r eport and chec k th e error code . No di al tone . The t elephone l ine i s not prop erly c on- nected . Sound fr om speak e r is too low . Monito r v ol ume s wi t ch is set to L . Cannot he ar rings . Ringer v olume i s set t o OFF .[...]
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32 CLEARING A DOCUMENT JAM The f ax mac hine bee ps and di splays ORIG IN AL J AM if the document you are sending jam s. If the ERROR indi - cator lights, press ST OP/CLEAR fi r st . Then follow these s teps to clear the jam . 1. Lift t he cov er . 2. Raise the documen t release le v e r . 3. Rem ov e the jamm ed document while pressing the green r[...]
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33 CLEANING D OCUMENT FEED ROLL ER ONE If docume nt jams frequen tly occur or if the fax machi ne feeds m ore than one sheet at a ti me, clean do cu ment feed roller one with a c otton swab dam p- ened with a s mall amou nt of a deter- gent. 1. Open the cov e r then pull the docu- ment release le v er as shown in the figure. 2. T o rot ate do cumen[...]
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34 CARE AND MA INTENA NCE Your Radi o Shack TF X-1032 Fax Machine w it h Au tomatic Cutter is an exampl e of superior design and cr aftsmanshi p. The follow ing suggestion s will help you care for your fax machi ne so you can enjoy it f or years. Keep the f ax machi ne dry. If it gets w et, wipe it dry. Liqu ids might con- tain mine rals that can c[...]
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35 SPECIFICATIONS P aper Siz e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 / 2 inches × 98 f eet 216 m m × 30 meters Eff ec t ive Scanning Widt h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 / 3 Inches (212 mm) Eff ectiv e Recor ding Wi dth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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RADIO S HA CK A Divis ion of T andy Corporation For t W or th , T exas 76102 7A5 Pri nted in Japan RADIO SHA CK LIMITED W ARRANTY Th is te leph one pro duc t is wa r ra nted a gain st ma nuf actu ring d ef ects i n m at eria l an d work m an s hip for 90 d ays f ro m th e dat e of purc ha s e from Rad io S h ack c o mp any own ed st ore s an d a ut[...]