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Revision Date: S ep. 08, 2008 Renesas M icrocomput er Developm ent Environm ent System H8SX Family / H8SX/ 1500 Ser ies HS1582EC H61HE Rev.3.00 H8SX/1582 PLQP0120 LA-A User System Interface Cable HS1582ECH61H User’s Manual REJ10J1396-0300[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2 008 Page ii of vi REJ10J139 6-0300[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2 008 Page iii of vi REJ10J139 6-0300 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor g r[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2 008 Page iv of vi REJ10J139 6-0300[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page I of VI REJ10J139 6-0300 IMPORTANT INFORMATION READ FIRST • READ this user's manual be f o re using this user system interface cable. • KEEP the user's manual handy for future reference. Do not attem pt to use the u ser system in terface cable until you fully understand its mec h an is m. User Syst em Int[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page II of V I REJ10J1396-0300 LIMITED WARRANT Y Renesas warrants its user s ystem inte rface cables to be manufac tured in accordance with published specifi c ations and free from defe cts in material a nd/or workmanship. Renesas will repa ir or replace a n y user system inter face cables determine d to be defective in mat[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page III of VI REJ10J139 6-0300 State Law : Some states do not allo w the exclusion or li mitatio n of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential da ma ges, so the above limitation o r exclusion may not apply to you. Thi s warra n t y give s yo u spec i fic lega l ri ght s, a nd you ma y ha ve othe r ri[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page IV of VI REJ10J139 6-0300 SAFETY PAGE READ FIRST • READ this user's manual be f o re using this user system interface cable. • KEEP the user's manual handy for future reference. Do not attem pt to use the u ser system in terface cable until you fully understand its mec h an is m. DEFINITION OF SI GNAL WOR[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page V of VI REJ10J139 6-0300 W ARNING Observe the pr ecautions list ed below. Fai lure to do so will result in a FIRE H AZARD and will damage the us er system and the emul ator product or will r esult in PERSONAL INJURY. The USER PROGRA M will be LOST. 1. Do not repair or remodel the emul ator product by yourself for e lec[...]
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Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 Page VI of VI REJ10J139 6-0300[...]
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Preface The HS1582ECH61H is a us er sy stem interface cable th at connects an H8SX/1582 E6000H emu lator (HS1527KEPH 60H; herein after ref erred to as th e emu lator) to the IC socket f or an PLQP0120LA - A (f orm er packag e: FP-120B) pack age f or th e H8SX/1582 MC U on t he us er sy s tem .[...]
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Contents Section 1 Configuration ........................................................................................... 1 Section 2 Connection Procedures ............................................................................ 3 2.1 Connecting User System Interface C able to Emulator Station ............................................. 3 [...]
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Secti on 1 Configurati on Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 1 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Section 1 Configuration CAUTION Use an NQPACK120SE-ND socket and an HQPACK120SE cover (manufactured by Tokyo Elet ech Corporation) fo r the PLQP0120LA-A package IC so cket on the user syst em. Figure 1 and table 1 s how the ex ternal appearance and com pon ents, respe[...]
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Secti on 1 Configurati on Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 2 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Table 1 list s the HS1582ECH 61H components. Pl ease make sure you have all of thes e components when unpacking. Table 1 HS1582ECH61H Com ponents No. Component Quantity Remar ks 1 Cable body 1 Cable 2 Cable head 1 3 IC socket 1 For the PLQP0120LA-A package 4 Socket co[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 3 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Section 2 Connection Procedures 2.1 Connectin g User System Interface Cabl e to Emulator Station W ARNING Observe the precautions listed below. Failure t o do so will result in a FIRE HAZARD and will damage the user system and the emulator product or will resu[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 4 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2. After making sure the directi on of the cable body connector is correct , firmly insert t he cable body connector into the emulator s tation s ocket (figure 2). E6000H HS1527KEPH60H emulator station RENESAS Cable body connector User system interface cable F[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 5 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.2 Connectin g User System Interface Cabl e to User System W ARNING Always switch OFF the user syst em and the emulator product before the USER SYSTEM INTERFACE CABLE is connected to or removed from any part . Before connecting, make sure that pin 1 on bot h [...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 6 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Use the gu ide pins prov ided to determin e wh ere to install th e IC socket, as s how n in f igure 3. User system IC socket (NQPACK120SE-ND manufactured by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) Guide pins 4 projections to apply epoxy resin adhesive to Bottom view of IC [...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 7 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.2.3 Inserting Cable Head CAUTION Check the location of pin 1 before inserting. Alig n pin 1 on th e IC socket for an PL QP0120LA -A pack age on t he us er sy stem w ith pin 1 on t he user sy stem in terface cable head, and ins ert the user sy stem interf ace[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 8 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Fasten th e user sy stem interf ace cable head to the IC socket for an PLQP0120L A-A package on the user sy stem w ith th e f our s crew s (M2.0 x 10 mm ) provided. Each screw should be tightened a little at a tim e, alternat ing betw een screw s on oppos ing [...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 9 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.2.5 Fastening Cable Body Connect the cable body t o the cable head. Cable body Cable head Unfastenin g ji g Push the unfastenin g ji g Removin g User system Figure 5 Fastening Cable Body[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 10 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.3 Recom m ended D imensions for User Syst em Mount P ad Figure 6 sh ow s th e recom m ended dim ension s f or th e m oun t pad (footprint) for the user sy st em with an IC s ocket for an PLQP0120LA -A packag e (NQPACK120S E-ND: m an ufact ured by Tokyo Elet[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 11 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.4 Dimensions f or User System Interface Cab le Head The dimens ions f or the user sy stem interf ace cable head are sh own in fig ure 7. Unit: mm Tolerance: ±0.5 mm 63.5 66.04 20.25 23.0 20.25 23.0 Figure 7 Dimensions for User System I nterface Cable Head[...]
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Secti on 2 Connection P rocedures Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 12 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 2.5 Resulting Di mensions af ter Connectin g User System Interface Cabl e The resulting dim ens ions, af ter connecting the user s ys tem in terface cable head to th e user sy stem , are show n in fig ure 8. 13.3 21.5 Cable head User system Unit: mm Tolerance[...]
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Secti on 3 Inst alling t he MCU to the Us er Sys tem Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 13 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Section 3 Installing the MCU to the User System CAUTION 1. Check the locat ion of pin 1 before inserting. 2. Use a screwdriver whose head matches the screw head. 3. The tightening torque must be 0.054 N•m or less. If the applied torque ca[...]
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Secti on 3 Inst alling t he MCU to the Us er Sys tem Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 14 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 MCU Pin 1 IC socket (NQPACK120SE-ND manufactured by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) User system Screws (M2.0 x 6 mm) Socket cover (HQPACK120SE manufactured by Tokyo Eletech Corporation) Figure 9 Installing MCU to User System[...]
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Secti on 4 Verify ing Operation Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 15 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Section 4 Verifying Oper ation 1. Turn on the em ulator according to th e proced ures described in th e H8SX/1650 E6000H Emu lator User' s Manu al (HS1650EPH60H E). 2. Verify th e user sy stem interf ace cable connections by ch ecking th e pin states w ith[...]
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Secti on 4 Verify ing Operation Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 16 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300[...]
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Secti on 5 Notic e Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 17 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 Section 5 Notice 1. Make sure that pin 1 on the user s ystem IC socket is correctly ali gned with pin 1 on the cable head before inserting t h e cable head into the us er system IC socket. 2. This user system interface cable is specifi cally des igned for the HS 1527KEPH60H[...]
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Secti on 5 Notic e Rev. 3.00 S ep. 08, 2008 P age 18 of 18 REJ10J 1396-0300 P4 short connector. F or details on t he differen ces between the target MCU and the emulator, refer to the H8SX/1650 E6000H Emul ator User's Manual (HS1650EPH60H E). For the ranges of input voltages of AVcc0 and AVcc1, refer to the H8S X/1520 Group Hardware Manual . C[...]
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H8SX/1582 PLQP0120LA-A User System Interface Cable HS1582ECH61H User's Manual Publication Date: Rev.1.00, June 15, 2004 Rev.3.00, September 8, 2008 Published by: Sales Strategic Planning Div. Renesas Technology Corp. Edited by: Customer Support Department Global Strategic Communication Div. Renesas Solutions Corp. © 2008. Renesas Technology C[...]
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Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan http://www.renesas.com Refer to " http://www.renesas.com/en/network " for the latest and detailed information. Renesas Technology America, Inc. 450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) [...]
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H8SX/1582 PLQP0120 LA-A User System Interface Cable HS1582ECH6 1H User’s Manual[...]