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REVOLAB S EXECU TIVE HD ™ Wireless Microphone Sy stem Models: 01 - H DEXEC - NM , 01 - HDEXEC 4- NM, 0 1 - HDEXEV - NM - AE S , 01 - HDEXEC4 - NM - AE S , 03 - HDEXEC EU - NM , 03 - HDEXE C4 EU - NM, 03 - HDEXECEU - NM - AES, 03 - DEXEC 4EU - NM - A ES, 03 - HDEXECCN, 0 3 - HDEXEC4CN, 03 - HDEXE CJP , 03 - HDEXEC4JP , 03 - HDEXECJP - A ES & 0[...]
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© 200 9-2013 REVOLABS, INC. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without express written permission from Revolabs, Inc. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Revolabs Executive HD ™ Ma nual 01 - HD EXE C MAN - PAP - 11 F ebru ary 20 13 ( Rev 2.3 )[...]
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Conte nts Safety and General I nformation .................................................................................................................... 4 FCC Not ice to User s ................................................................................................................................ . 4 IMPORT ANT NOT E: Federal Com muni[...]
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- 4 - Safety and Genera l Informa tion Please read the follow in g inf ormat ion to ensure safe and e f f icient use o f your Revolabs system. FCC User Inform ation FCC I D: T5V01 HDEX EC Revolabs Exec utive HD ™ Base Station FCC I D: T5V01 HDEX EMIC Revolabs Exec ut ive HD ™ Microphone FCC Notic e to Users Users are not permitted to make chan [...]
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- 5 - product to certain destinations. For further in f ormation contact the U.S . Department of Commerce or the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and In t ernational Trade. The use of wireless devices and thei r accessories may be prohibi t ed or restrict ed in certain areas. Always obey the law s and regulations on the use of these products.[...]
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- 6 - Introduc tion Congratulations on your purchase of a Revolabs digital wir eless microphone system! T his system utilize s 1.9 GHz DECT techn ology, and high band-width audio from multiple wireless microphones , enabling clear, reliable, u n-tethered communication s in r ecording, audio/ video conferencing, speech recognition, VOIP communicatio[...]
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- 7 - • Mixing • Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) • Feedback elimination • Level control • Equalization • Noise cancellation The system is designed to optimize audio capture/reproduction by providing: • Consistent audio input from all participants • Minimum room noise • Mute control • Wireless encryption • Automatic channel se[...]
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- 8 - Control s a nd Conne c t i ons: 1. Channel LED indicators: Displays microphone mu t e and pairing states. 2. Diversity Antenna: One or t wo sets (4 channel or 8 channel). 3. Pairing Push Buttons: For pairin g microphones t o Base Station. 4. Two Line LCD Displ ay f or front panel operation, command and control. 5. Navigation Buttons for menus[...]
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- 9 - Revo labs Executiv e HD ™ Audio Connections There are ( 8) 3.5 mm mini - Phoenix input s and (8) 3 .5mm mini - Phoenix output s on the b ack panel of the unit ( four on th e 4 - channel system) pr oviding ac cess to eac h channel ’s audio si gnal. The provi ded mini - Phoenix connectors ar e designed for easy w iring. The three terminals [...]
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- 10 - The three t erminals o f the BUS connect or should be w ired in parallel via either a daisy chain connecti on or terminal block spli t. The three contac ts of the pho enix conn ector are as follo ws from left to right. 1. Sync 2. Master Mut e 3. Gr ound Set one Base Station as the Prim ary device by putting DIP switc h #1 to the ‘O ff’ p[...]
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- 11 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 on off Using the R e ar P an el Conf iguration DI P Swit ches 1 – Operati on Mode - Primary ( off )/ Seco ndary ( on) U sed w hen connecting several base stations t ogether for op eration i n the same area. One sys tem must be s et to ‘Primary’, and all others mus t be set to ‘ Secondary ’ . 2 - future us e 3 - futu[...]
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- 12 - system. The Rev olabs HD Control Panel can operat e with eit her a lock ed or unlock ed Executi ve HD Base Stati on. W hen t h e HD Contr ol pan el is connected to an unloc ked Executi ve HD Bas e Station, the Gold feat u r es will then appear on t he screen and be con trollabl e by the user. All feat ures mention ed below w ith a ‘ * ’ [...]
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- 13 - Note: If the ‘ Equipment Li st’ does not appea r after a ne twork scan has been per form ed, no devic es or networ k connecti ons were found or th e connecti on is not conf igured cor rectly . Sy stem - Set Box Name : A Box N ame may be assi gned as a Network ID for each dev ice . This name w ill be display ed both on the fro nt screen o[...]
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- 14 - Note: Changes to the IP C o nfigu ration will take place onc e the Bas e Station’ s power is c ycled . Sy stem – Ena ble Gold : Each Exec utive HD B ase Station has tw o sets of features . There are the stan dard featu r es that are included w ith the sy stem and the Gold features that require a 16 dig it unlock code to enable the additi[...]
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- 15 - Config - A udio Mode : There are t wo audio mod es to choose from when us ing an Exec utive HD Sy stem. ‘High De f initi on’ mode (default ), wh ic h provides 50H z - 14KHz audio , and ‘Max Density’ mode, w hich prov ides 50Hz - 12KHz audio. W hile ‘H igh Definition’ mode prov ides the highest audio bandwi dth, ‘Max De nsity’[...]
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- 16 - Note: When a M aster m ute is enabled ei ther throug h the control system or by usi ng Tablet op Master Mute m ode, all Base Stations connected with a bus cable and ass igned t o the same m ute group w ill be affect ed. Config - Lock Front Pane l : The Front Panel dis play can be loc ked to kee p the front p anel con trols from c hanging any[...]
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- 17 - Monitor – Microphone Loc k: * Each mic rophone has indiv idual lock ca pabiliti es. By turning on the lo ck for a s pecific mic rophone, t he microph one mute bu tton wi ll deactiv ate leaving the user w ithout the abi lity to indi vidually control th e microph ones mute s tatus at the micropho ne. Howev er, the HD Con trol Panel Softwar e[...]
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- 18 - Monitor – Ve rsion s: This win dow prov ides the curre nt firmwar e versions found in the B ase Stat ion. Monitor – DIP Switches : This displ ays the cur rent state o f the b ase station D IP switches . W he n a DIP sw itch is in the ‘OFF ’ position t he DIP functi on wil l remain “greyed out ”. When a D IP switch is in th e ‘O[...]
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- 19 - W he n using a c ontrol sy stem, the microph one mutes ca n be confi gured to “int. mu te”, which mu tes the micr ophone audi o inside o f the b ase station, or “ext. mute”, whi ch allows the contr ol sy stem to choose ano ther locati on for the mute to t ake place. When “ex t. mute” is selec ted, the micr ophones will always pas[...]
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- 20 - set fp 0 = Fro nt Pan el Displ ay L ock OFF 1 = Fro nt Pan el Displ ay L ock ON set pair* 0 = Base P airing Lock OFF 1 = Base Pairing Loc k ON get lo ck* 1-8 = ch 1-8 A = All Mics (Mute Lo ck Status) get mut e 1-8 = ch 1-8 (Individual or Master Mute Status) A = Maste r Mute B = All Mi cs get gai n* 1-8 = ch 1-8 A = All Mics (Mic Ga in Status[...]
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- 21 - val fp 0 = Front Pane l U nloc ked 1 = Front Panel Lock ed val tm 0 = Table Top Mu te Inactiv e 1 = Table Top Mu te Ac tiv e val um 0 = Mic U nMute @ Startup Ina ctive 1 = M ic UnMute @ Sta rtup Activ e val fw xxxxxx = xx.xx.xx Channel #: The optio ns for the <Chann el#> portion o f the s erial stri ngs are “1 - 8” si nce each Base[...]
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- 22 - Biamp A udia & Nexia W he n using t he Base St ation along with a Biamp DSP, you must select t he corres ponding DS P product li ne from t he “ Serial Control Pro cessor ” menu i n the Revol abs HD Control Panel s o f tw are. You must al so set t he RS - 232 or Netw ork setting s of the Bas e Station t o match the c ommun icatio n se[...]
Página 23
- 23 - So for example, if y ou se t the ‘A udio chann els’ for t he microphones to 1- 8 in the C ontrol Panel , then the Base Station w ill use th e instance ID tag of “MU T E1” , and cont rol the firs t 8 mutes i n that fa der block. Note: Instanc e ID tag s are case se nsitive a nd must be e ntered corr ectly in or der to func tion proper[...]
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- 24 - So for ex ample, if y ou set the ‘Au dio channel s’ range for the microphones to 1-8, in the Contr ol Panel , then th e Base Stati on will use the DSP c hannel name o f “Revo 1” to contr ol mute for t he micr ophone paired t o channel 1 of the B ase Statio n. Note: Channel names ar e case sensi tive and m ust be enter ed corr ectly t[...]
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- 25 - 4. Change t he Low Pas s Filter 5. Select D HCP or Fix ed IP mod es 6. Select R edundancy Mode 7. Select Power Scal ing Mode 8. Select M ute Group Note: Swit c hing bet ween High Defi nition, M ax Density, and Redun dancy modes will caus e the Base Statio n to autom atically reboo t. A change in the IP configura tion will r equire a pow er c[...]
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- 26 - Revol abs HD W earabl e Microph ones turn o n and mute automatic ally w hen removed f ro m Charger Base, to r educe nois e whi le being attach ed. To use t he HD W earab le Microphon e: 5. Remov e the micr ophone fro m the Charg er Base. 6. Attac h the mic rophone to cl othing or to a lany ard, positi on micropho ne just abov e the stern um [...]
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- 27 - Using the HD Omni - Di r ectional Table t op Wi reless Boundar y Microphone s The HD Omn i - dir ectional Tabletop W irel ess Bound ary Mi crophones enabl e multipl e conferenc e attende es to use a si ngle micr ophone. 1. LED display — v isual st at us for mute, un - mute, and pairing. 2. Mute button — pre s s to m u te, un - mute and p[...]
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- 28 - If the micro phones are placed too far fro m the Base Station ( ~300 feet or 91 meter s) the connecti o n will be dropped (LED flashes all colors) and the mi crophone w ill mute. After 15 se conds the microph one wil l beep 5 times, and wil l continue bee ping every 30 seconds to indicati ng it’s out of range. Mov e the microphone closer t[...]
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- 29 - 5 4 3 2 1 15. W ith t he microp hone in posi tion, un - mu te the micr ophone by pressing and releasing the Mut e button ( confirm by a flashi ng GREEN LED) . 16. T o turn mi c rophone o ff, return the micro phone unit to the Char ger Base or press and hold the Mute but ton for ~ 10 seconds until the LED turns sol id RED and release bu tton.[...]
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- 30 - 5 4 3 2 1 Note: The Adapter does not provi de phantom power or bias current s o it cann ot be used wi th condenser or electr e t mi c r ophones . 18. W ith t he micr op hone attached, un - mute the Adapt er by pr essing and releasing the Mute bu tton (conf i rm by a flashing GRE EN LED). Note: If the m icrophone has an on - boar d mute s wit[...]
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- 31 - 4. LED display — v isual st at us for mute, un - mute, and pairing. 5. TA4M connector — connects to Coun tryman micr ophone cable. To use t he HD W ireles s Adapter for Co untry man Micropho ne : 20. Remove the Mi crophone A dapter fro m the Char ger Base. The adap ter turns o n and mutes automatic ally when r emoved from Charger Bas e ([...]
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- 32 - 1 2 3 4 To pair a n indivi dual micr ophone to the B ase Statio n: 1. Turn the micro phone OFF ( no LED activ ity). If th e microph one is ON, press and hol d the M ute button for 10 seco nds unt il the LED turns solid RED then release the butto n to turn t he unit of f . ( do not rele ase the b utton w hen you hear tw o beeps) . 2. Plac e t[...]
Página 33
- 33 - Note: A 4 - chan nel Charger must be us ed with a 4 - c hannel Base Station and an 8 - chann el Charger mus t be used with an 8- channel B ase Statio n for an ex press pair to be succes sful. Power Module The Charg er Base requi res 9 - 24VDC pow er, provided by t he AC Adapter. Plug the supplied A C adapter i nto an approp riate power outle[...]
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- 34 - 1. Go to w ww.Revol abs.com/dow nloads , downl oad the la test firmw are file and save it to your PC. The firmw are file must rem ain in its .z ip format i n order to function corr ectly. 2. Connec t the Charg er Base t o your co mputer using the Mini - U SB cable prov ided. Make sure th at the charg er is plug ged in and powered on a nd tha[...]
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- 35 - Revolabs Execu tive HD ™ Indic ator LE Ds The follow ing tables show activit ies associate d with the v arious stat es shown by the LEDs: Equipment U s e Microphone LED Base Station Channel LEDs Mean ing Microphone in Char ger Base Solid RED OFF Charging in Progr ess Solid G RE EN OFF Charging Com plete Microphone not in Charger Base OFF O[...]
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- 36 - Revolabs Execu tive HD MaxSecure T he Rev olabs Execut ive HD M axSecure pro duct ver sion provi des AES 256 encryption o f the data sig nal betw een HD Max Secure microp hone s and Max Secure rec eiver s . Encr yption k eys are automat ically and s ecurel y negotiated between th e micropho ne and the r eceivers during lin king, and re - neg[...]
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- 37 - Warrant y Revol abs, Inc. w arrants this product to be free o f manufactur ing de fects. Repair or replac ement of any de f ective par t or unit (at t he discr etion of the S eller) w ill be free of charg e for the per iod defi ned in the Rev olabs Pro f essi onal Products Limited W ar ranty . Any attem pt by the user to alter the eq uipment[...]
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- 38 - Specifications Dimensions, (L, W, H) and We i ght : Executive Base Stat ion 16.9” (43.03 c m) x 8.0” (20.32 cm ) x 1.7” (4.42 cm), 6.5 lbs. (2 .95 kg) Charger Base 8.3” (21. 1 cm) x 4.3” (10.9 cm) x 1.0” (2.56 cm ), 1.0 lb. (0.45 k g) W ireless Microphones W earable: 0.9” ( 2.3 cm) x 0.8” (2.0 cm ) x 2.6” (6.6 cm) , 0.05 lb[...]
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- 39 - Recommended Maximum A udio Channels : Revolabs recomm ends the f ollowing max imum number of active audio chan nels in one area (ro om / auditor ium) at an y given tim e. This recomm endation is bas ed on exper ience usin g our m icrophones in dense inst allations . The recom mended num ber of m aximum audio ch annels i s not bas ed on ph ys[...]
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- 40 - Index . Mini - Phoenix C onnectors , 8 . On/Off Sw itch, 8 Adjusting the Volu me, 26 Base Stati on, 7 Back Panel , 7 Front Panel , 7 Channel LED indicat ors , 8 Charger Ba ys , 32 Charg ing the Batter ies, 33 First - time use , 33 Recharg ing , 33 Connect ions , 9 DB25 Co ntrol Port, 18 Pin - out Status, 18 Div ersity Antenna e , 8 Earpiece [...]
Página 41
- 41 - Revolab s Executive HD ™ Manual 01 - EXEMAN - PAP - 11 F e bru ary 2013 ( Rev 2 . 3 ) N ot e: Microphones must be fully charged a nd pai re d to the Base Station prior to fir st use.[...]