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10707 Stancliff Road Phone: (281 ) 933-7673 Housto n, T exas 77099 WWW.ROSE.COM ULT R A M A TRIX 4X, 8X, A ND 16X INSTA LL A TION A ND O PERA T IO NS M A N U A L[...]
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LIMITED W A RR A N TY Copyright Rose El ectron ics 199 0 – 2002 . All rights res erv ed. No part o f this manual may be reprod uced, s tored in a r etrieval sys tem, or trans cribed in any f or m or an y mean s, electron ic or mechanica l, i nc lud ing photocopying and reco rding, without the pr ior w ritten per miss ion of Rose Electronics. [...]
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FCC/IC STA TEM ENTS, EU DECL A R A TION OF CONFORMITY FEDERA L COMMUNICA TIONS C OMMISSION A ND I NDUS T RY CA NA DA RA DIO-FREQUENCY IN TERFEREN CE STA TEMENT S This equip ment gene rates , uses, and can radiate radio freq uency en ergy and if not installed and use d properly , t hat is, in strict accorda nce w it h the manu facturer’s instruct [...]
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TA BLE OF CONTENT S I Contents Dis clai me r ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Abo ut th is man ua l .......................................................................................................................[...]
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II Figures Figur e 1 . Ultra Ma tr ix mod e ls ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Figur e 2 . UM4 E xpa ns ion ca rd.................................................................................................................................. 6 [...]
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INTRODU CTION ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 1 Dis c laim er W h ile every pre caut ion has be en taken in the pre paration of t h is manua l, the manu f ac turer ass umes no resp onsibilit y f or errors or o miss ions . Neither does the m anu facturer ass ume any li ab ility for da mages resu lt ing fro[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 2 Feature s Upgradability Free lifet ime bas e f ir m w are upg rades, bas ed on f l as h me m or y techno logy, provide ne w features an d improve m ents . Base fi rmw are upgra des are a v ailable from ou r web site at www .rose.com. Security ?[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 3 Cable requirem ents The cable req uirements for your s ystem wil l v ary depen ding on the type s of CPUs connected to the UltraMat rix sw it ch and the eq uipmen t used f or the KVM s tations. A KVM ad apter cable is neede d for each KVM s tati on, a CPU adap ter cable i[...]
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MODELS ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 4 Ult ra Matri x models UltraMatrix – Rea r pane l Model nu mber 4X m odel UM4-aX bU/E a = # us ers (0-4) b = # CPUs (4, 8, 12, 16) /E = expans ion card ins talled 8X m odel UM8-aX bU/E a = # us ers (0-4) b = # CPUs (4, 8, 12, 16) /E = expans ion card ins talled 16[...]
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OVERVIEW ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 5 System overview The UltraMatr ix sw itch i s des igned w it h the lates t i n KVM s w it ching technology . It has the capab ility and flexib ility to configure to most keyboa rds, v ideo m on itors, mice , servers and computers . The m odular des ign of t he U l[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 6 To expand the UltraMa trix sw itch in an expand ed con figuration, an expans ion card mus t be instal led in each UltraMatrix s w it ch. Figure 2 show s the expans ion card use d f or the “4X ” mode l, Figure 3 sh ows the ex pans ion card us ed f or the 8X and 16X mod[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 7 Fi gure 3. UM8 or UM16 E x pans ion card UM8 expans ion card and lowe r ex pans ion card on the UM16 model IN1 Recei v es a ll keyboard, mous e, sys tem data and video signa ls f or KVM 1 and KV M2 OUT1 Trans mit s al l keyboa rd, mouse, s ystem data and v i deo signa ls [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 8 Jumpers JP1 and JP2 s et the KVM as signments for the UM8 and UM16 mode ls. On the UM8 model, s etting jumpers JP1 and JP2 in the “DO WN” position s ets the KV M ports f or tha t Unit to KVM 1-4. In the “UP” pos ition, the KV M ports are s et to KVM 5-8. On the UM[...]
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SITE PLA NNING ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 9 Site planni ng Organizing your s ite and planning the p lace ment o f the computers, the KVM stat ions , t he UltraMa trix s w it ches , and the routing of the cables i s a key part in the ins tallation and con fi gurat ion proces s . Care sh ould be taken [...]
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INST A LL A T ION ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 10 Swi tch installation – Single uni t The bas ic installation o f a single U ltraMatrix s w it ch is a n eas y and s traightf orwa rd procedu re. To ins tall a single sw it ch, per f or m the below s teps f or all co m puters /ser v e rs that w ill be c[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 11 Per f or m the f o llow ing i ns tallation s teps f or each co mpute r/ser v er that w ill be conne cted to the U ltraMatrix. Seque ntially connect the co m puters /se rv ers starting with computer #1. (Refer to Figure 4) Refer to the troub l esh ooting section f or help[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 12 M ulti-switch installation – Gene ral The UltraMatr ix sw itch can be installed in a vari e ty of e x pand ed topolog ies. The BUS , RING , Split BUS, and Staggere d BUS are the most co mm on con f igura tions. I n any e xpanded s ystem , ea ch expans ion port pair ( O[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 13 Steps : 1. Conn ect a KVM station to Unit #1’s KVM #1 po rt. Turn on the KVM monitor and Un it #1. (Wait for the i n ternal diagn os ti c check is complete) 2. Call-up the “Ma in” menu by pres sing and releasing the left control [Ctr l] key, then the F12 key . 3. F[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 14 W hen all co mputers are connected to the U lt raMat rix sw itches and f unct ioning proper ly, the bas ic BUS ins tallation is complete. KVM s tations conne cted to Unit #1 can sw itch to any co mputer in the s ys tem . Other con figurat ion parameters can be se t-up fo[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 15 M ulti-switch installation – RIN G topo logy Refer to F igure 8 for a typ ical RING topology for the U M4 model, Figure 9 f or the UM8 mode l, and Figure 10 for the UM16 model. The “RING” installat ion procedure i s very s imil ar to inst alling a “BUS” con f i[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 16 10. Switch the KVM stat ion to the ne xt seq uential CPU port as ex plained in step 6 and per f or m steps 7 – 9 for this computer and for the re maining co mputers. 11. Connect other KVM stations as nee ded to the UltraMat rix sw i tch and ver ify they ope rate proper[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 17 Fi gure 8. UM4 R ing topo logy Fi gure 9. UM8 R ing topo logy Fi gure 10. UM16 Ring topo logy[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 18 M ulti-switch installation – Split BUS topol ogy Refer to F igure 11 f or a typ ical sp lit BUS topo logy f or the UM4 model, and Figure 12 for the UM8 model. A split BUS topology is not reco mm ende d for the UM16 m odel. In a split BUS topo l ogy, the KV M stat ions [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 19 Next, connect the compu ters to the U ltraMatr ix sw i tches. 11. S w itch t he K VM station to CPU port #1 on Un it #1 by pr ess ing and releas ing the le f t contro l [ C trl] key, type in “1” and pre ss [Enter]. 12. P re-con fi gure the CPU por t #, if need ed, as[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 20 M ulti-switch installation – Staggered BUS topol ogy A stagg ered BUS topology is one o f the most fl e xible co nfigurations . A s taggered BUS can start on any U lt ra Matrix sw it ch in the s ystem and end on an y other sw itch. Figu re 13 sh ows a typical UM4 Stagg[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 21 Follow ing ex p lains the additional e xpans ion cabli ng need ed f or each m odel i n a Staggered BUS topology . Steps 1-6 route the signa ls from a ll UltraMatri x sw itches to Unit #1, K VMs 1 and 2. The ne xt step is to prope rly route all signals to the other K VM s[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 22 Fi gure 13. UM4 Staggere d BUS Fi gure 14. UM8 Staggere d BUS Fi gure 15. UM16 Stagge red BUS[...]
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CONFIGURA T ION M ENUS ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 23 UltraMatri x Menu Structure System s ettings Computer nam e KVM na m e Us er name Configure pa ssw ord Keyboa rd Res olution Passw ord Starting co mputer nu mber Mous e Start Pro f ile Maximum co mputers Us er Keyboa rd se tti ngs PC keyboa rd rate[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 24 M enu S ys tem Main Menu UltraMatrix version MX22 Rose Elec tronics Copyrig ht 1990- 2002 Main Menu Configure Syst em Computer KV M User Prof ile Group Language Status Save Exit Use up/down arr ow ke ys to choose sel ection then press the Enter key or the Escape ke y to [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 25 Configure sy stem Configure sys tem System set tings Configure passw ord ******** Starting compu ter number 1 Maximum co mputers 64 Keyboard set tings PC keyboard rate (char./se c) 20 PC keyboard delay Fast Sun keyboard lang uage US Appearance Menu color sche me Night sk[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 26 Maximum c omputers (De f aul t: 64) The “Ma xim u m computers ” value is ca lculated by multiplying the nu m ber o f RS232 ports on all s w itches by 4. This v a lue must be en tered from KVM stat ion #1 be f ore all Un it s are connected in an e x pans ion topology.[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 27 Scree n saver (Defau lt: W ea ving) A scree n sa v er reduce s monitor burn- in and add s an additional le v e l of secu rit y . The scre en s av er auto matical ly activates wh en there i s no keyboard or mouse activity for an adjustab le period. To chan ge the scree n [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 28 Configure com puters Configure c omputer Computer name Keyb oard Mouse 1 Computer 1 PC2 PS/2 2 Computer 2 PC2 PS/2 3 Computer 3 PC2 PS/2 4 Computer 4 PC2 PS/2 5 Computer 5 PC2 PS/2 6 Computer 6 PC2 PS/2 7 Computer 7 PC2 PS/2 8 Computer 8 PC2 PS/2 9 Computer 9 PC2 PS/2 10[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 29 Mouse (De fault: PS/2) To change the mouse type for a se lected co mputer, us e the up/dow n arrow key s to s elect t he co m puter w hose m ous e nee ds changing. Use the ri ght arrow keys to s el ect the m ous e fi eld and pres s [Enter]. A s election bo x w il l displ[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 30 Configure KVM Configure KV M ID Bus KVM name Resolution Start User 1 1 KVM sta tion 1 640x4 80@60 0 User 1 2 2 KVM sta tion 2 640x4 80@60 0 User 1 3 3 KVM sta tion 3 640x4 80@60 0 User 1 4 4 KVM sta tion 4 640x4 80@60 0 User 1 Name of keyb oard-video-m ouse stat ion (KVM[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 31 Start (De fault: 0) Ass igns the CPU port nu mber the KV M stat ion will conn ect to on start up and login. 0 = no con nection. To cha nge the value, s elect it fro m t he menu and pres s [Enter]. Ty pe in the CPU port nu mber the se lected KVM station wi ll conne ct t o[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 32 Configure user Conf igure User U ser name Password Profile U ser 1 * * * * * * * * Profil 1 U ser 2 * * * * * * * * Profil 2 U ser 3 * * * * * * * * Profil 3 U ser 4 * * * * * * * * Profil 4 U ser 5 * * * * * * * * Profil 5 U ser 6 * * * * * * * * Profil 6 U ser 7 * * * [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 33 Configure Prof ile Co nfigure Profile N ame Access Mode Share Scan Logout Prof il 1 Group 1 Share 2 5 240 Profil 2 Group 2 Share 2 5 240 Profil 3 Group 3 Share 2 5 240 Profil 4 Group 4 Share 2 5 240 Profil 5 Group 5 Share 2 5 240 Profil 6 Group 6 Share 2 5 240 Profil 7 G[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 34 Share (De fault: 2 se conds ) This feature a llow s othe r users to take keyboa rd and mous e control of a co mputer after a sp ecific time of no keyboa rd or mous e activity by a us er. To change the S hare time f or a gi v en pro fil e , select the pro file, then the S[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 35 Configure Gr oup C onfigure Group Co mputer Group 2 1 Computer 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 Co mputer 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 Co mputer 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 Co mputer 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 Co mputer 5 + + + + + + + + + + + [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 36 Configure la nguage UltraMat rix version MX22 Rose Elec tronics Copyrig ht 1 990-2002 M ain Menu Configure System Computer KVM User Profile Group Language Status Save Exit Use up/down arr ow ke ys to choose sel ection then press the Enter key or the Escape ke y to exit L[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 37 System status System s tatus Compu ters Power Pos Ve r KVM CPU User Statu s 1-4 1 22 PC 1 User 1 Vie w mod e 5-8 2 22 PC 2 User 2 Share mode 9-12 3 22 PC 3 User 3 Share mode 13-16 4 22 Sun 4 User 4 Share mode 17-20 No response 21-24 No response 25-28 No response 29-32 No[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 38 Save me nu UltraMat rix version MX22 Rose Elec tronics Copyrig ht 1 990-2002 M ain Menu Configure System Computer KVM User Profile Group Language Status Sav e Exit Use up/down arr ow ke ys to choose sel ection then press the Enter key or the Escape ke y to exit Sen ds co[...]
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OPERA TION ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 39 User operating i nstructions The followin g instruct ions apply to all UltraMatrix switc hes. This se cti on e xplains the ope rating f unc tions o f the on- scre en displays , the l ogin procedu re, connect procedu re and other co mmands ne eded to easily us [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 40 Login Contro l Roo m User ID P assw ord Fi gure 27. Log in screen Once you ha ve access to a KVM s tation, you ca n sw itch to any of the co nnected computers pro v ided your secu rit y profile a ll ow s acce ss to that computer . To con nect to a co mputer, you can us e[...]
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SERI A L PORT ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 41 Serial port usage (RS232) The follow ing procedure for es tabli s hing a connect ion fr om your stan dalone co mputer or Noteb ook co mputer to the UltraMatrix s w it ch’s se rial port use s W indow s HyperTermi nal™. Refer to your us ers m anua l if a [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 42 Fi gure 30. Ser ial menu Serial menu options Option 3, 4 and 5 are not a v ailable wh en using a displa y terminal. Option 1. Cha nge Starti ng Com puter (From card #1 on ly) Select th is option to chan ge the start ing co m puter nu mber. To chan ge the current v a lue [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 43 You m us t change or verify that the co mputer’s baud rat e matches the UltraMatri x baud rate. If you are us ing W indo ws Hype rTermi nal on your co m pu ter, firs t disconne ct f ro m the UltraMa trix sw itch by clicking on the HyperTer mi na l discon nect ICON. Ch [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 44 Option 4. Se nd this Un it’s Main Pr ogram to other Units. Option 5. Se nd this Un it’s Kernel t o other Un its. The ma in progra m or kern el progra m updates (Option 3 ) only ha v e to be done on on e port. Make su re pow er to all UltraMatrix s w it ches is “ON?[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 45 Swi tching using the serial port From any RS2 32 port on any s w it ch, you can s w it ch any KVM s tation in the s ys tem to any co mputer. Connect a se rial cable to the RS232 po rt on an y UltraMa trix and to the CO M port on the standa lone co m puter . Start a commu[...]
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SERI A L DEV ICE SU PPORT ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 46 Serial device support The se rial device s uppo rt f ea ture is a vailab le on mode ls with an OSD (on-scre en-disp lay) chip revis ion of O5.0 or greater, fi rmw are progra m MXP21B or gre ater, and kern el M X K20 or greater. I f t he ch ips, [...]
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SERVICE ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 47 Service Informati on M aintena nce and Repair This Unit does not contain any interna l use r-se rv iceable pa rts. I n the e v ent a Unit needs repa ir or ma intenan ce, you m us t first ob tain a Return Autho rization (R A) nu mber fr om Ros e Electronics or an [...]
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S A FETY ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 48 Safety This UltraMatr ix sw itch has been tes ted f or con f or manc e to safety regu lations and requirem ents , and has been certified f or interna tional us e. Like all electronic eq uipment , the UltraMatr ix sw i tch shou ld be used with care. To protect yo[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 49 Safety and EMC Regulatory Statem ents Informations concern ant la sécurité Symbole de ré f érence à la docu mentation. Si le produi t es t marqué de ce s y m bole, rep ortez-vous à la docu m entat ion du produi t afin d’ obtenir des i n f or m a tio ns plus dét[...]
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TROUB LESHOOTING ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 50 Tr oubles hooting Computer d oes not b oot, keyboar d or mouse err or re ceived CPU cable is l oos e. Re-s eat cable and h it F1 to cont inu e or reboot co mputer. W ro ng cable plugged in . Keyboard and mouse cables r e v[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 51 Video not sy nchronized or wrong color Cable is loose. Re-s ea t cable. W ro ng co m puter (CPU) cab le use d. If you ha ve a 951 5 , 9517, 9518, X GA mono or s imilar mon itor you m us t us e sp ecial cables or adapters . [...]
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A PPE NDICES ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 52 A ppend ix A . Initial fact ory default sett ings Function Setting Default value System Passw ord None Starting Co mputer Nu m ber 1 Maximum Co mputer 64 PC keyboa rd rate (cha rs/s ec) 20 PC keyboa rd delay Fast Sun keybo ard languag e US Menu Co lor Sc he [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 53 A ppend ix B. General spec ifications Specification UM4 (4/8/16 CPU Por ts) UM8 (4/8/16 CPU Por ts) UM16 (4/8/16 CPU Por ts) Dimens ions (W x D x H) 16.7 x 7.0 x 5.25 in. 42.4 x 17.8 x 13 .3 cm. 16.7 x 7.0 x 5.25 in. 42.4 x 17.8 x 13 .3 cm. 16.7 x 7.0 x 7.0 in. 42.4 x 17[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 54 A ppend ix C. Parts an d cables KVM Cables Part number Description CAB-CX 0606 Mnnn Coax – VGA /PS2 Kybd /Mous e CAB-ZX06 06Mnn n Stand ard – VGA/PS2 Kybd/Mous e CAB-CX V0800 Mnnn Coax – Sun V ideo/Kybd- mouse / HD15 /MD8 CAB-SBX0 800Mn nn Coax – Sun V ideo/Kybd-[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 55 A ppend ix D. Status Co nnect / Fail ure Reason Sum mary Reas on Description Action Can’ t F ind Co m puter Una ble to communica te to the computer that’s being conne cted to. Chan ge inv a lid start ing computer nu mber, incorrect e xpans ion cable place ment or pow[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 56 A ppend ix F . KVM place ment / conf licts In an e x pand ed s ystem with multip le UltraMatrix s w itches, no us er conflicts w il l occur pro vided the KVM s tati o ns are on differen t KVM ports. That is one KVM station on KVM po rt #1, and on e on KV M port #2 , one [...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 57 A ppend ix H. D iagnost ic check / err or messages The pow er on diagn os ti c scree n that appears whe n the UltraMatri x sw itch is first turned on, checks the s w itch and pro vi des the i n f or mation s how n on the scre en. W elco me to Ul traMatrix Pow er on diagn[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 58 Kernel halt err or messages Message Descriptio n BAD Addres s = nn Kernel memory is corrupt, hardw are failure. Res etting to f a ctory defaults A memory erro r is de tected dur ing a read from con figur ation memory. This als o indicates a hardw are f ailure, but the sy[...]
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ULTRAMA T RIX “UMX” SER IES INS T A LLA T ION A ND OPERA T IONS MA NUAL 59 A ppend ix K. Video dista nce table The limitat ion on dri vi ng d istance is us ually due to the q uality of the vi deo . The tab le below shows the distances , res oluti on and quality o f video that can be e xpected. Letters sh ows the cable type , and a nu m ber that[...]
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10707 Stancliff Road Phone: (281 ) 933-7673 Housto n, T exas 77099 WWW.ROSE.COM[...]