Samsung BD-P2500 manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Samsung BD-P2500. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Samsung BD-P2500 o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Samsung BD-P2500 se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Samsung BD-P2500, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Samsung BD-P2500 debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Samsung BD-P2500
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Samsung BD-P2500
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Samsung BD-P2500
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Samsung BD-P2500 no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Samsung BD-P2500 y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Samsung en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Samsung BD-P2500, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Samsung BD-P2500, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Samsung BD-P2500. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive more complete service, please register your product at Blu-ray Disc Player user manual BD-P2500[...]

  • Página 2

     English key features of your new Blu-ray Disc Player Player Features Sup por ts a V ari ety of Di sc Typ es Sup por ts Blu -ra y ( BD- ROM , B D-R E, BD- R), DV D V ide o, DVD -RW /-R (V mo de and n ali zed on ly) di scs an d A udi o CD. HDM I ( Hig h D en iti on Mul tim edi a I nte rfa ce) HDM I r edu ces pi ctu re noi se by all owi n[...]

  • Página 3

    English  Men u g rap hic s Sup por t f ull co lor re sol uti on gra phi cs and an ima tio n, the reb y g rea tly su rpa ssi ng the ca pab ili tie s o f D VD- Vid eo. Unl ike DV D, Men us can be ac ces sed du rin g v ide o p lay bac k. Men u s oun ds Whe n y ou hig hli ght or se lec t a me nu opt ion on a dis c, sou nds ca n b e h ear d s uch [...]

  • Página 4

     safety information safety information WARNING TO RED UCE TH E R ISK OF EL ECT RIC SH OCK , D O N OT REM OVE TH E C OVE R(O R B ACK ). NO USE R-S ERV ICE ABL E P ART S A RE INS IDE . R EFE R S ERV ICI NG TO QUA LIF IED SE RVI CE PER SON NEL .  RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN The li ght ing a sh and Ar row hea d w it[...]

  • Página 5

    English  ● SAFETY INFORMATION Not e: Thi s u nit ca n b e u sed on ly whe re the po wer su ppl y i s A C 1 20V , 6 0Hz . I t c ann ot be use d e lse whe re. Thi s B lu- ray Di sc Pla yer is de sig ned an d m anu fac tur ed to res pon d t o t he Reg ion Ma nag eme nt Inf orm ati on. If the Re gio n n umb er of a B lu- ray Di sc/ DVD di sc do[...]

  • Página 6

     safety information safety information Handling Cautions Bef ore co nne cti ng oth er com pon ent s t o t his Bl u-r ay Dis c P lay er, be su re to tur n t hem al l o ff. Do not mo ve the Bl u-r ay Dis c P lay er whi le a d isc is be ing pl aye d a s t he dis c m ay be scr atc hed or br oke n, or the Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r’s in ter nal pa[...]

  • Página 7

    English  ● CONTENTS contents    2 3 What’s included  4 4 Warning 5 Precautions  9 9 Before Using the[...]

  • Página 8

    contents  contents  39 39 Setting up the display Options  42 42 Setting up the HDMI setup options  44 44 Setting up the Parental Lock  46 46 TCP/IP Setting 47 Proxy Setting 47 NTP Se[...]

  • Página 9

    English  ● GETTING STARTED getting started BEFORE USING THE USER’S MANUAL Mak e s ure to ch eck th e f oll owi ng ter ms bef ore us ing th e u ser ’s man ual . Icons that will be used in this manual Ico n Ter m De nit ion h BD- ROM Thi s i nvo lve s a fu nct ion av ail abl e o n a BD -RO M. g BD- RE Thi s i nvo lve s a fu nct ion av [...]

  • Página 10

    getting started  getting started DISC TYPE AND CHARACTERISTICS Disc types that can be played Dis c T ype s Dis c L ogo Rec ord ed con ten t Dis c S hap e Max . P lay ing mi nut e BD- ROM BD- RE/ BD- R AUD IO + V IDE O Sin gle si ded Pla yin g t ime de pen ds on the Ti tle DVD -VI DEO AUD IO + V IDE O Sin gle si ded (5 inc hes ) 240 Dou ble[...]

  • Página 11

    English  ● GETTING STARTED [No te] Som e c omm erc ial di scs an d D VD dis cs pur cha sed ou tsi de you r r egi on may no t b e p lay abl e w ith th is pro duc t. Whe n t hes e d isc s a re pla yed , e ith er “No di sc. ” o r “ Ple ase ch eck th e r egi ona l c ode of th e dis c.” wi ll be dis pla yed . If a D VD- R/- RW dis c h[...]

  • Página 12

    getting started  getting started Disc Types BD- ROM Blu -ra y D isc Re ad Onl y M emo ry. A BD- ROM di sc con tai ns pre -re cor ded da ta. Al tho ugh a BD- ROM may co nta in any fo rm of dat a, mos t B D-R OM dis cs wil l c ont ain mo vie s i n H igh De ni tio n f orm at, fo r pla yba ck on Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r's . T his un it[...]

  • Página 13

    English  ● GETTING STARTED “AV CHD ” a nd the AV CHD lo go are tr ade mar ks of Mat sus hit a E lec tro nic In dus tri al Co. , L td. and So ny Cor por ati on. Som e A VCH D f orm at dis cs may no t p lay , d epe ndi ng on the re cor din g c ond iti on. AVC HD for mat di scs ne ed to be na liz ed. “x. v.C olo r” off ers a wid [...]

  • Página 14

     description description FRONT PANEL POW ER BUT TON Tur ns the Bl u-r ay Dis c P lay er on and of f. DIS C T RAY Ope ns to acc ept a dis c. PLA Y/P AUS E B UTT ON Play s a di sc or pau ses pl ayb ack . SEA RCH /SK IP BUT TON S Goe s t o t he nex t t itl e/c hap ter /tr ack or go es bac k t o t he pre vio us tit le/ cha pte r/t rac k. STO P[...]

  • Página 15

    English  ● DESCRIPTION FRONT PANEL DISPLAY Pla yba ck- rel ate d, Ope n/C los e i ndi cat or Lig hts wh en pla yba ck- rel ate d a nd ope n/c los e b utt ons ar e s ele cte d. In Dis c I ndi cat or Lig hts wh en a d isc is in th e t ray . Dis c T ype in dic ato rs Lig hts to in dic ate th e d isc ty pe in the tr ay. USB In dic ato r Lig [...]

  • Página 16

     description description REAR PANEL USB HO ST It can be us ed as loc al sto rag e m edi a w hen co nne cte d t o B D-L IVE . I t c an be als o u sed for r mwa re upg rad e. LAN I t c an be als o u sed fo r c onn ect ion to BD -LI VE or rm war e u pgr ade . HDM I O UT Usi ng a H DMI ca ble , c onn ect th is HDM I o utp ut ter min al t[...]

  • Página 17

    English  ● REMOTE CONTROL remote control TOUR OF THE REMOTE CONTROL    ?[...]

  • Página 18

     remote control remote control SETTING THE REMOTE CONTROL You ca n c ont rol ce rta in fun cti ons of yo ur TV wit h t his re mot e c ont rol . Con trol fu nct ion bu tton s i ncl ude : TV POWE R , TV CH , / . , T V VO L + /– , TV MU TE , TV INP UT SEL . b utto n. To det erm ine wh eth er you r t ele vis ion is co mpa tib le, fo llo w t [...]

  • Página 19


  • Página 20

     connections connections This section involves various methods of connecting the Blu-ray Disc Player to other external components such as a TV. CONNECTING TO A TV WITH AN HDMI CABLE (BEST QUALITY) Usi ng an HDM I-H DMI ca ble (n ot inc lud ed) co nne ct the HD MI OUT te rmi nal o n t he rea r o f t he Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r to the HD MI [...]

  • Página 21

    English  ● CONNECTIONS HDMI AUTO DETECTION FUNCTION The pl aye r's vi deo ou tpu t w ill au tom ati cal ly cha nge to HD MI out put re sol uti on whe n c onn ect ing an HD MI cab le whi le pow er is on (se e pag e 4 1 ). Dep end ing on yo ur TV, ce rta in HDM I o utp ut res olu tio ns may no t w ork . Ple ase re fer to th e u ser &a[...]

  • Página 22

     connections connections CONNECTING TO A TV WITH DVI CABLE (BEST QUALITY) Usi ng the HD MI- DVI ca ble (n ot inc lud ed) , c onn ect th e H DMI OU T t erm ina l o n t he rea r o f t he Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r to the DV I I N t erm ina l o f y our TV . Usi ng the au dio ca ble s, con nec t t he AUD IO (re d a nd whi te) OU T t erm ina ls o[...]

  • Página 23

    English  ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO A TV (COMPONENT) (BETTER QUALITY) - C onn ect ing to yo ur TV usi ng Com pon ent vi deo ca ble s. - You wi ll enj oy hig h q ual ity im age s w ith ac cur ate co lor re pro duc tio n. Com pon ent vi deo se par ate s t he pic tur e ele men t i nto bl ack an d w hit e(Y ), blu e(P b ), re d(P r ) sig na[...]

  • Página 24

     connections connections CONNECTING TO A TV (VIDEO) (GOOD QUALITY) Usi ng vid eo/ aud io cab les , c onn ect th e V IDE O ( yel low ) / AU DIO (r ed and wh ite ) O UT ter min als on th e r ear of the Bl u-r ay Dis c P lay er to the VI DEO (y ell ow) / AUD IO (re d a nd whi te) IN te rmi nal s o f y our TV . Tur n o n t he Blu -ra y D isc P[...]

  • Página 25

    English  ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (2 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER) Usi ng the au dio ca ble s, con nec t t he AUD IO (re d a nd whi te) OU T t erm ina ls on the re ar of the Bl u-r ay Dis c Pla yer to th e A UDI O ( red an d w hit e) IN ter min als of yo ur Amp li er. Usi ng the vi deo si gna l c abl e(s ), con nec t t he HDM [...]

  • Página 26

     connections connections CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (7.1 CHANNEL AMPLIFIER) Usi ng the au dio ca ble s, con nec t t he 7.1 AN ALO G A UDI O O UT (Fr ont R, Fr ont L, CE NTE R, SUB WOO FER , Sur rou nd L, Sur rou nd R, SUR R.B ACK L , S URR .BA CK R) ter min als on th e r ear of th e B lu- ray Di sc pla yer to the 7. 1 C han nel AN ALO G[...]

  • Página 27

    English  ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (DOLBY DIGITAL, DTS AMPLIFIER) Using th e o pti cal ca ble (n ot inc lud ed) , c onn ect th e D IGI TAL AU DIO OU T ( OPT ICA L) ter min al on the re ar of the Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r t o t he DIG ITA L A UDI O I N ( OPT ICA L) ter min al of you r A mpl ie r. Usi ng the vi deo si g[...]

  • Página 28

     connections connections CONNECTING TO AN AUDIO SYSTEM (HDMI SUPPORTED AMPLIFIER) Usi ng the HD MI- HDM I c abl e ( not in clu ded ), con nec t t he HDM I O UT ter min al on the re ar of the Bl u-r ay Dis c Pla yer to th e H DMI IN te rmi nal of yo ur Amp li er. Usi ng the HD MI- HDM I c abl e, con nec t t he HDM I O UT ter min al of th[...]

  • Página 29

    English  ● CONNECTIONS CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK You ca n u se a L AN ada pto r t o c onn ect to ne two rk ser vic e o r u pgr ade th e c urr ent r mwa re. Usi ng the Di rec t L AN Cab le (UT P c abl e, not in clu ded ), con nec t t he LAN te rmi nal on th e r ear of th e B lu- ray Di sc Pla yer to th e L AN ter min al of you r m ode [...]

  • Página 30

    basic functions of your Blu-ray Disc Player  basic functions basic functions of your Blu-ray Disc Player This section introduces basic playback functions and playback by disc type. BEFORE PLAYING Tur n o n y our TV an d s et it to the co rre ct Vid eo Inp ut (th e i npu t t he Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r i s c onn ect ed to) . If you co nne c[...]

  • Página 31

    English  ● BASIC FUNCTIONS ON-SCREEN MENU NAVIGATION PLAYING A DISC Pre ss the OP EN/ CLO SE ( ) b utt on. The ST AND BY ind ica tor li ght go es out an d t he tra y o pen s. Pla ce a d isc ge ntl y i nto th e t ray wi th the di sc’ s l abe l f aci ng up. Pre ss the PL AY ( ) but ton or OPEN/ CLOSE ( ) butt on to close the di sc tra y.[...]

  • Página 32

    basic functions of your Blu-ray Disc Player  basic functions SETTING THE POWER ON / OFF MELODY SOUND Whe n y ou tur n t he pla yer on or of f, a m elo dy sou nd is pro duc ed. Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de, pr ess th e M ENU bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲% bu tto ns to sel ect Se tup , t hen pr ess th e E NTE R o r ▶ bu tto n. Pre ss the ?[...]

  • Página 33

    English  ● BASIC FUNCTIONS SLOW MOTION PLAY/STEP MOTION PLAY Slow Motion Play hgfZCV Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he SLO W b utt on on the re mot e c ont rol . If you pr ess th e S LOW bu tto n, the pl ayb ack sp eed is re duc ed to * 1/8 * 1/ 4 * 1/ 2 To ret urn to no rma l s pee d p lay bac k, pre ss the PL AY ( ) but ton. Thi s ( ) [...]

  • Página 34

     system setup system setup For your convenience, you can set this player’s features for the best use in your home environment. SETTING THE CLOCK Choose your time zone Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de, pr ess th e M ENU bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲% bu tto ns to sel ect Se tup , t hen pr ess th e ENT ER or ▶ bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲% bu tto[...]

  • Página 35

    English  ● LANGUAGE SETUP language setup SETTING UP THE LANGUAGE OPTIONS Onc e y ou set th e a udi o, sub tit le, di sc men u a nd pla yer me nu lan gua ge opt ion s, the y w ill be ap pli ed aut oma tic all y eve ry tim e y ou wat ch a m ovi e. If you wa nt to cho ose a dif fer ent au dio an d s ubt itl e l ang uag e w hil e p lay ing a[...]

  • Página 36

     audio setup audio setup SETTING UP THE AUDIO OPTIONS All ows yo u t o s et up the Au dio de vic e a nd sou nd sta tus de pen din g o n t he aud io sys tem be ing us ed wit h t he pla yer . Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de, pr ess th e M ENU bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect Se tup , t hen pr ess th e ENT ER or ▶ bu tto n.[...]

  • Página 37

    English  ● AUDIO SETUP If you ha ve sel ect ed a L PCM so und tra ck on a d isc , t he out put wi ll aut oma tic all y b e s et to PCM . Be sur e t o s ele ct the co rre ct Dig ita l O utp ut or you wi ll hea r n o s oun d o r a lo ud noi se. If the HD MI dev ice (R ece ive r, TV) is no t c omp ati ble wi th com pre sse d f orm ats (D ol[...]

  • Página 38

     audio setup Speaker Setup If you ha ve con nec ted th is pla yer to an Am p/R ece ive r o r H ome th eat er via th e 7 .1 cha nne l A nal og out put s y ou nee d t o s et the Sp eak er Opt ion s f or the be st sou nd. To set up, fo llo w s tep s 1 to 3 in "Se tti ng up the Au dio Op tio ns" on pag e 3 6. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto[...]

  • Página 39

    English  ● DISPLAY SETUP display setup SETTING UP THE DISPLAY OPTIONS Thi s f unc tio n a llo ws you to se tup th e T V s cre en set tin gs. Th is fun cti on dep end s o n t he dis c o r T V t ype . I t m ay not wo rk wit h s ome di scs or TV s. Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de, pr ess th e M ENU bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲% bu tto ns to se[...]

  • Página 40

     display setup display setup Movie Frame (24 Fs) Mov ies ar e u sua lly l med at 24 fr ame s p er sec ond . S ome Bl u- ray di scs ha ve the ca pab ili ty of pla yin g b ack at th is fra me rat e. Set tin g t he Mov ie Fra me (24 Fs) fe atu re to ON all ows yo u t o adj ust th e B lu- ray Di sc Pla yer 's HDM I o utp ut to 24 fra m[...]

  • Página 41

    English  ● DISPLAY SETUP Res oluti on acc ordin g t o the ou tpu t mod e Blu -ra y D isc pl ayb ack Out put Set up HD MI Co mpo nen t (HD MI& Com p. con nec ted / Com p. con nec ted on ly) VID EO 108 0p, Mo vie Fr ame (24 Fs) of f 108 0p@ 60F 108 0i 480 i 108 0p/ 108 0i, Mo vie Fr ame (2 4Fs ) o n 108 0p@ 24F 480 i / 10 80i 480 i 108[...]

  • Página 42

     HDMI setup HDMI setup SETTING UP THE HDMI SETUP OPTIONS Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de, pr ess th e M ENU bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect Se tup , t hen pr ess th e ENT ER or ▶ bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect HD MI Set up , th en pre ss the EN TER or ▶ bu tto n. HDM I s etu p m enu wi ll be dis pla [...]

  • Página 43

    English  ● HDMI SETUP TV Any net + M enu Whe n y ou pre ss the An yne t+ but ton on yo ur Sam sun g T V's rem ote co ntr ol, th e f oll owi ng On- Scr een Di spl ay (OS D) wil l b e sho wn. Blu -ra y D isc Pl aye r M enu - W hen pl ayi ng a m ovi e : br ing s u p t he dis c’s me nu (sa me as DIS C M ENU bu tto n o n t he Blu -ra y[...]

  • Página 44

     parental setup parental setup SETTING UP THE PARENTAL LOCK The Pa ren tal Lo ck fun cti on wor ks in con jun cti on wit h B lu- ray Di sc/ DVD s t hat ha ve bee n a ssi gne d a ra tin g w hic h hel ps you co ntr ol the ty pes of Bl u-r ay Dis c/D VDs th at you r f ami ly wat che s. The re are up to 8 rat ing le vel s o n a di sc. hZ Wit h[...]

  • Página 45

    English  ● PARENTAL SETUP Setting the Rating Level Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect Ra tin g L eve l , the n p res s the EN TER or ▶ bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect th e r ati ng lev el you wa nt, the n p res s t he ENT ER but ton . F or exa mpl e, if you se lec t up to Lev el 6, dis cs tha t c ont ain Le vel 7, [...]

  • Página 46

     network setup network setup You can update your player via Samsung’s server. Follow the steps below to ensure the best connection to Samsung's server for your player. To obtain information on the proper settings, check the network settings on your computer or contact your Internet provider. TCP/IP SETTING Wit h t he uni t i n S top[...]

  • Página 47

    English  ● NETWORK SETUP Whe n y ou sel ect an it em, us e t he num ber an d ▲ ▼◀▶ bu tto ns. If the au tom ati c s ett ing s d on’ t w ork , c ont act yo ur ISP . Whe n d one , u se the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect Sa ve , th en pre ss the EN TER bu tto n. If you do n’t wa nt to sav e y our wo rk, us e t he ▲▼◀ ▶ bu t[...]

  • Página 48

     network setup network setup MAC ADDRESS Dis pla ys the MA C a ddr ess of th e p lay er. A M AC add res s(M edi a A cce ss Con tro l a ddr ess ) i s a un iqu e i den ti er att ach ed to mos t n etw ork ad apt ers . It is a a ddr ess th at act s l ike a nam e f or a p art icu lar ne two rk ada pte r. It can not be ch ang ed. Wit h t he u[...]

  • Página 49

    English  ● PERSISTENT STORAGE MANAGEMENT persistent storage management Persistent Storage (Internal Flash Memory : Approx.1G Byte) is built-in memory on the player for storing Blu-ray Disc content. Persistent Storage (Internal Flash Memory : Approx.1G Byte) is where additional content such as trailers and other special features downloade[...]

  • Página 50

     system upgrade system upgrade Sam sun g m ay off er upg rad es to you r B lu- ray Di sc Pla yer 's rm war e i n t he fut ure . T o u pgr ade th is rm war e y ou mus t : Go to sam sun g.c om and re fer to th e ‘ SUP POR T’ pag e t o d own loa d t he lat est r mwa re. You ca n u se a C D-R or a USB a sh dri ve to per fo[...]

  • Página 51

    English  ● SYSTEM UPGRADE To per for m t he sys tem up gra de, pr ess th e ◀▶ bu tto ns to sel ect St art an d t hen pr ess th e E NTE R b utt on. The sy ste m u pda te get s s tar ted . If you se lec t C anc el dur ing th e d own loa d p roc ess , y ou are pro mpt ed to con rm yo ur sel ect ion in a mes sag e b ox. If you wa nt t[...]

  • Página 52

     system upgrade system upgrade SYSTEM INFORMATION Whe n t he rm war e u pgr ade is do ne, ch eck th e  rmw are de tai ls by fol low ing th e s tep s b elo w. Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de/ No Dis c m ode , p res s t he MEN U b utt on. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect Se tup , t hen pr ess th e ENT ER or ▶ bu tto n. Pre ss [...]

  • Página 53

    English  ● WATCHING A MOVIE watching a movie USING THE DISPLAY FUNCTION hgfZCV Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he INF O b utt on on the re mot e con tro l. If the cu rre nt tit le of a B lu- ray Di sc has th e B ONU SVI EW fea tur e, pre ss the IN FO but ton in th e B ONU SVI EW sec tio n t o d isp lay BO NUS VIE W-r ela ted in for mat io[...]

  • Página 54

     watching a movie watching a movie USING THE DISC MENU & POPUP/TITLE MENU Using the Disc Menu hZ Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he DIS C M ENU bu tto n o n t he rem ote co ntr ol. Pre ss the ▲▼◀ ▶ bu tto ns to make t he des ired s electi on, the n p res s t he ▶ or EN TER bu tto n. The Di sc men u s etu p i tem s m ay var y f[...]

  • Página 55

    English  ● WATCHING A MOVIE Using the Popup Menu h Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he POP UP MEN U b utt on on the rem ote co ntr ol. Pre ss the ▲▼◀ ▶ bu tto ns or ENT ER but ton to se lec t the de sir ed men u. The Po pup me nu set up opt ion s m ay var y f rom di sc to dis c. Dep end ing on th e d isc , t he Pop up Men u m ay no[...]

  • Página 56

     watching a movie watching a movie SELECTING THE AUDIO LANGUAGE hgfZ You ca n s ele ct a d esi red au dio la ngu age qu ick ly and ea sil y w ith th e A UDI O b utt on. Using the AUDIO button Pre ss the AU DIO bu tto n d uri ng pla yba ck. Th e A udi o cha nge s w hen th e b utt on is pre sse d r epe ate dly . The au dio la ngu age s a re [...]

  • Página 57

    English  ● WATCHING A MOVIE SELECTING THE SUBTITLE LANGUAGE You ca n s ele ct a d esi red su bti tle qu ick ly and ea sil y w ith th e S UBT ITL E b utt on. Using the SUBTITLE button hZ Pre ss the SU BTI TLE bu tto n. The su bti tle ch ang es whe n the bu tto n i s p res sed re pea ted ly. Th e s ubt itl e l ang uag es are re pre sen ted[...]

  • Página 58

     watching a movie watching a movie BONUSVIEW SETTINGS The Bo nus vie w f eat ure al low s y ou to vie w a ddi tio nal co nte nt (su ch as commen tar ies ) i n a sm all sc ree n w ind ow while the mo vie is pl ayi ng. If the cu rre nt Blu -ra y D isc fe atu res th e B ONU SVI EW fun cti on, yo u c an use th e B ONU SVI EW but ton to tu rn B[...]

  • Página 59

    English  ● WATCHING A MOVIE USING THE BOOKMARK FUNCTION Thi s f eat ure s l ets yo u b ook mar k s ect ion s o f a Bl u-r ay Dis c/D VD, so yo u c an qui ckl y  nd the m a t a la ter ti me. Using the MARKER button h gf ZCV Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he MAR KER bu tto n o n t he rem ote con tro l. The Bo okm ark sc ree n a ppe ars [...]

  • Página 60

     watching a movie watching a movie Playing back a bookmark Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he MAR KER bu tto n o n t he rem ote co ntr ol. Pre ss the ◀▶ bu tto ns to sel ect a boo kma rke d s cen e. Pre ss the EN TER or PL AY ( ) but ton to st art pl ayi ng fro m t he sel ect ed sce ne. Clearing a bookmark Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t[...]

  • Página 61

    English  ● WATCHING A MOVIE USING THE INSTANT STREAMING FEATURE PROVIDED BY NETFLIX Thi s B lu- ray Di sc Pla yer su ppo rts th e N et ix str eam ing se rvi ce whi ch ena ble s y ou to enj oy var iou s m ovi es via net wor k c onn ect ion . Wit h t he uni t i n S top mo de/ No Dis c m ode , p res s t he MEN U b utt on. Pre ss the ▲?[...]

  • Página 62

     watching a movie watching a movie Mov ies yo u a dde d t o t he Ins tan t Q ueu e f rom th e w eb are lis ted . Pre ss the EN TER bu tto n o f t he rem ote co ntr ol and se lec t a m ovi e t o d isp lay th e n ext sc ree n. To add th e m ovi e i n I nst ant Qu eue li st of thi s B lu- ray Dis c P lay er, yo u c an sel ect "A dd to In[...]

  • Página 63

    English  ● LISTENING TO MUSIC listening to music PLAYING AN AUDIO CD(CD-DA) B Ins ert an Au dio CD (CD -DA ) i nto th e d isc tr ay. The r st tra ck wil l b e p lay ed aut oma tic all y. To mov e t o t he Mus ic Lis t, pre ss the ST OP or RET URN but ton . The Mu sic Li st scr een is di spl aye d o n y our TV . Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tt[...]

  • Página 64

     listening to music listening to music BUTTONS ON THE REMOTE CONTROL USED FOR AUDIO CD (CD-DA) DISC PLAYBACK PAU SE ( ) b utt on: Pa use s p lay bac k. SKI P ( ) bu tto n: Dur ing pl ayb ack , p lay s t he nex t t rac k. Mov es to the ne xt pag e i n t he Mus ic Lis t o r t he Pla yli st. PLA Y ( ) bu tto n: Pla ys the cu rre ntl y s ele c[...]

  • Página 65

    English  ● LISTENING TO MUSIC Playlist You ca n c rea te a p lay lis t w ith up to 99 tr ack s. Ins ert an Au dio CD (CD -DA ) i nto th e d isc tr ay. For an au dio CD , t he rs t t rac k w ill be pl aye d a uto mat ica lly . To mov e t o t he Mus ic Lis t, pre ss the ST OP or RET URN but ton . The Mu sic Li st scr een is di spl aye d[...]

  • Página 66

     troubleshooting troubleshooting troubleshooting Bef ore re que sti ng ser vic e, ple ase ch eck th e f oll owi ng. PRO BLEM SO LUT ION No opera tio n c an be pe rform ed wit h the rem ote c ont rol . • Check th e b atter ies in t he rem ote c ont rol . The y m ay ne ed rep lacin g. • Opera te the remo te contr ol at a dis tan ce of no[...]

  • Página 67

    English  ● TROUBLESHOOTING PRO BLEM SO LUT ION For got p ass wor d • Press the ] but ton (i n fro nt panel ) f or more tha n 5 s eco nds with no di sc ins ide. All se tting s i nclud ing th e pas swo rd will re vert to the fact ory set tings . D on' t use th is un les s a bsolu tel y n ecess ary . • Whe n t he fa cto ry de fau l[...]

  • Página 68

     appendix appendix SPECIFICATIONS Gen era l Pow er Req uir eme nts AC 120 V, 60H z Pow er Con sum pti on 36 W Wei ght 6.8 Ib s Dim ens ion s 16. 9(W ) × 10 .6( D) × 2 .3( H) inc hes Ope rat ing Te mpe rat ure Ra nge +4 1°F to +95°F Ope rat ing Hu mid ity Ra nge 10 % to 75 % Dis c BD (Bl u-r ay Dis c) Rea din g S pee d : 4. 917 m/s ec D[...]

  • Página 69

    English  ● APPENDIX COPY PROTECTION Bec aus e A ACS (A dva nce d A cce ss Con ten t S yst em) is app rov ed as con ten t p rot ect ion sy ste m f or Blu -ra y Dis c f orm at, si mil ar to use of CS S ( Con ten t Scr amb le Sys tem ) f or DVD fo rma t, cer tai n res tri cti ons ar e i mpo sed on pl ayb ack , a nal og sig nal out put , e t[...]

  • Página 70

     appendix Network Service All content and services accessible through this device belong to third parties and are protected by copyright, patent, trademark and/or other intellectual property laws. Such content and services are provided solely for your personal noncommercial use. You may not use any content or services in a manner that has [...]

  • Página 71

    LIMITED WARRANTY TO ORIGINAL PURCHASER This SAMSUNG brand product, as supplied and distributed by SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. (SAMSUNG) and delivered new, in the original carton to the original consumer purchaser, is warranted by SAMSUNG against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the following limited warranty period: ?[...]

  • Página 72

    Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDE If you have any questions or comments relating to Samsung products, please contact the SAMSUNG customer care center. Region Country Contact Center  Web Site North America CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) MEXICO 01-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864)[...]

  • Página 73

    AK68-01588A QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS?     IN THE US 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) Samsung Electronics America, Inc. 105 Challenger Road Ridgeeld Park, NJ 07660-0511[...]