Sony PEG-N770C/E manual


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Buen manual de instrucciones

Las leyes obligan al vendedor a entregarle al comprador, junto con el producto, el manual de instrucciones Sony PEG-N770C/E. La falta del manual o facilitar información incorrecta al consumidor constituyen una base de reclamación por no estar de acuerdo el producto con el contrato. Según la ley, está permitido adjuntar un manual de otra forma que no sea en papel, lo cual últimamente es bastante común y los fabricantes nos facilitan un manual gráfico, su versión electrónica Sony PEG-N770C/E o vídeos de instrucciones para usuarios. La condición es que tenga una forma legible y entendible.

¿Qué es un manual de instrucciones?

El nombre proviene de la palabra latina “instructio”, es decir, ordenar. Por lo tanto, en un manual Sony PEG-N770C/E se puede encontrar la descripción de las etapas de actuación. El propósito de un manual es enseñar, facilitar el encendido o el uso de un dispositivo o la realización de acciones concretas. Un manual de instrucciones también es una fuente de información acerca de un objeto o un servicio, es una pista.

Desafortunadamente pocos usuarios destinan su tiempo a leer manuales Sony PEG-N770C/E, sin embargo, un buen manual nos permite, no solo conocer una cantidad de funcionalidades adicionales del dispositivo comprado, sino también evitar la mayoría de fallos.

Entonces, ¿qué debe contener el manual de instrucciones perfecto?

Sobre todo, un manual de instrucciones Sony PEG-N770C/E debe contener:
- información acerca de las especificaciones técnicas del dispositivo Sony PEG-N770C/E
- nombre de fabricante y año de fabricación del dispositivo Sony PEG-N770C/E
- condiciones de uso, configuración y mantenimiento del dispositivo Sony PEG-N770C/E
- marcas de seguridad y certificados que confirmen su concordancia con determinadas normativas

¿Por qué no leemos los manuales de instrucciones?

Normalmente es por la falta de tiempo y seguridad acerca de las funcionalidades determinadas de los dispositivos comprados. Desafortunadamente la conexión y el encendido de Sony PEG-N770C/E no es suficiente. El manual de instrucciones siempre contiene una serie de indicaciones acerca de determinadas funcionalidades, normas de seguridad, consejos de mantenimiento (incluso qué productos usar), fallos eventuales de Sony PEG-N770C/E y maneras de solucionar los problemas que puedan ocurrir durante su uso. Al final, en un manual se pueden encontrar los detalles de servicio técnico Sony en caso de que las soluciones propuestas no hayan funcionado. Actualmente gozan de éxito manuales de instrucciones en forma de animaciones interesantes o vídeo manuales que llegan al usuario mucho mejor que en forma de un folleto. Este tipo de manual ayuda a que el usuario vea el vídeo entero sin saltarse las especificaciones y las descripciones técnicas complicadas de Sony PEG-N770C/E, como se suele hacer teniendo una versión en papel.

¿Por qué vale la pena leer los manuales de instrucciones?

Sobre todo es en ellos donde encontraremos las respuestas acerca de la construcción, las posibilidades del dispositivo Sony PEG-N770C/E, el uso de determinados accesorios y una serie de informaciones que permiten aprovechar completamente sus funciones y comodidades.

Tras una compra exitosa de un equipo o un dispositivo, vale la pena dedicar un momento para familiarizarse con cada parte del manual Sony PEG-N770C/E. Actualmente se preparan y traducen con dedicación, para que no solo sean comprensibles para los usuarios, sino que también cumplan su función básica de información y ayuda.

Índice de manuales de instrucciones

  • Página 1

    N CLI É Operat ing Inst ruct ions PEG-N7 70 C /E[...]

  • Página 2

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Re ad th is fi rst 1 nN Read this first Not ice This product co nta i ns software own e d b y Sony a n d l icense d b y third parties. Use of such so ftware is subject to th e ter m s and c o nd ition s of license a gre em ents enclo se d with this product. Software s p ecifications are subject to change without [...]

  • Página 3

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Re ad th is fi rst 2 nN Pu mat ech ® , the Pu mat ech logo , I ntellis ync ® and I ntellis ync ® Lite ® are trademarks of Pumatech, Inc.that may b e registered in some jurisdictions. Quick Time ® and th e Qu ickTime lo go a re tra demar ks of Apple Compu ter , Inc and a re us ed und er lic ense. Q uic kT i m[...]

  • Página 4

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Re ad th is fi rst 3 nN War n i n gs General T o preven t fire or sho ck haza rd, do no t e xpos e th e unit to rain or mois ture. T o avoi d electric al shock s, do not open th e cabin et. Refe r s ervicin g to qual ified perso nnel on ly . The socket - o utlet will be inst alled near the eq uipment and w ill be[...]

  • Página 5

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Re ad th is fi rst 4 nN Regulatory information This pro duct co nforms to the follo wing Euro pea n Directiv es: 73/23/EEC (Low Voltag e Directive) 89/336/EEC, 92/3 1/EEC (EMC Directives) 93/68/EEC (CE Marking Directive) This product com plies with EN 55022 Class B and EN 55024. This pro duct ha s b een tested an[...]

  • Página 6

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Welcome 5 nN We l c o m e Cong ratu lations on your latest S ony purc hase! Th e Personal Ente rtainme nt Organ iser ( hereafter r eferre d to as 'CLI É handh eld') func tion s as a perso nal d igital o rganis er wher e you ca n record add resses, e vents, me mos, expen se report s and m uch more . As [...]

  • Página 7

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting Star ted 6 nN Getting Started This se ctio n is desi gned to co mpl emen t the pri nted R ead Th is F irst do cument. Please refer to t he gettin g started ex plana tions th ere for more deta ils. T ur ning y our CL IÉ ha ndhel d on a nd o ff To tu rn on your CL I É h and held, pro ceed as f ollo ws: 1 [...]

  • Página 8

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting Star ted 7 nN Using the sty l us Wi th yo ur CL I É handh eld, you c an use th e supp lied sty lus to en ter ch aracters or to sp ecify an ap plicati on y ou wa nt to run. The sty lus i s stored in th e hol der at the b ack o f your CLI É h and held. A s show n belo w, s imp ly pull i t out w hen needed[...]

  • Página 9

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting Star ted 8 nN Dragging Ju st as you ca n dr ag the mous e t o m ove obj ec ts or text on yo ur compu ter , you can use th e s tyl us to dra g a n item o n the sc reen o f yo ur CLI É h andhe l d. To dr ag, p ress the s tylus l ightly on the item an d move it alon g the sc reen s urfa ce to its new p osit[...]

  • Página 10

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting Star ted 9 nN Using the Jog Dial ™ Your C LI É han dhe ld is e qui pped wi th a J og D ia l ™ , wh ich al lows you to perf orm al l major ope ration s wi thout the st ylus . You ca n oper ate you r CLI É ha ndhe ld using the Jog D ial ™ wi th just o ne han d. The icon of any applic ation that sup [...]

  • Página 11

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting Star ted 10 nN Adjusting the frontlig ht You ca n turn the fro ntli ght on the sc reen on or of f, or adjust the brightn ess acco rding t o the lighti ng cond ition s or temp eratu re of th e env ironme nt in w hic h you are us ing y our CLI É hand hel d. To turn the front light on an d off, pres s and h[...]

  • Página 12

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Resetti ng your CL I É handhel d 11 nN Resetting y our CLI É hand held Und er norm al circumst anc es, you wi ll not hav e to reset you r CLI É ha ndhel d. On ra re o ccasi ons, ho w ever, y our CLI É hand held m ay no long er resp ond to bu tto ns or the scre en du e to insuf ficient m emor y or othe r r eas[...]

  • Página 13

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Resetti ng your CL I É handhel d 12 nN Performing a h ard reset Please be fu lly aw are that fo llowing the pro cedure b elow will mak e yo u lose all the data you have saved on your C LI É h and hel d! If there is a probl em tha t a so ft reset c annot res olve, you ne ed to pe rform a ha rd reset to r estar t[...]

  • Página 14

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Entering data 13 nN Entering data There a re three wa ys to enter data on y o ur C LI É h and hel d: Using G raffiti ® wr iting Using the o nscreen k eyboa rd Usin g y our c omp uter k ey boa rd. Gr a ffi ti ® writ ing Your C LI É hand hel d in clud es G raff iti ® writing softw are as the prim ary system fo[...]

  • Página 15

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Entering data 14 nN The he avy dot on each sh ape show s where to beg in the stro ke. Certa in c haracter s h ave simi lar shapes, bu t di ff er ent be gi nnin g and e nd po ints . Alway s beg in the s trok e at th e h eavy d ot (yo u sho uld no t create th e heavy dot; i t is only t here to show you where to b e[...]

  • Página 16

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Entering data 15 nN Alphab etic keyb oard On an y keyb oard screen, t ap ab c t o go to t he alphabeti c keybo ard (1). The main bu ttons are as follow s: Bac kspace ( 2) Carriag e return ( 3) Caps s hift (4) Ca ps lock (5) Ta b ( 6 )[...]

  • Página 17

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Entering data 16 nN Inte rnationa l keyboar d On an y keyb oard screen, t ap Int ’ l (1) to go to the internation al keyboard. Numeri c keyboard From any keybo ard screen , tap 123 (1) to go to the n umeric keyboard , as shown bel ow.[...]

  • Página 18

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Entering data 17 nN Us ing your comp uter key boar d If you have a lot of data to en ter, or simply prefer to us e t he compu ter keyboard , y o u can use Palm ™ Deskt op for C LI É so ftware o r any othe r sup ported person al inform atio n mana ger (PIM), such a s Micro soft ® Outlo ok ® , to e nter in for[...]

  • Página 19

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 18 nN Manag ing applic ations This ch apte r expla ins how to sw itch bet wee n applica tio ns on the CL I É hand held , how to p erso nalize applica tion sett ings, a nd ho w to categori ze app licatio ns into re lated gro ups. The App lic ation Launcher The Application La u nch er displa [...]

  • Página 20

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 19 nN Open ing a pplica tions To open an appl i c ation, proce ed as follows: Tap the icon of the app lication you want to o pen. If you h ave m any app licat ions instal led on the CLI É h andhel d, ta p the scro llbar to se e all th e availab le applications. Or 1 Ta p t h e Home ic on . [...]

  • Página 21

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 20 nN Open ing applicat io n s o n the Memory Stic k ™ To open an applicati on on the Mem ory Stick ™ , p roceed as follow s: 1 Fr om the Application Launcher sc reen, tap t he arrow in the u ppe r -ri ght c orner of th e scre en and select Card (or a categ ory with the Car d icon ). 2 T[...]

  • Página 22

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 21 nN Ca tego ri zin g ap pl icat io ns The catego ry fe ature enabl es y o u to manage the nu mber of applicatio n i c ons that appear on screen in th e Application Laun cher . Yo u can a ssign an ap plication to a c ategory and then displa y a single cate gory o r all your application s. T[...]

  • Página 23

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 22 nN 9 Ta p OK ag ai n . 10 Ta p Do ne. So rting app licati ons To disp lay app lica tions by cat egory , proce ed as fol low s: 1 Ta p t h e Home ic on . 2 Do on e of the fo llowin g: Ta p t h e Home icon re peate dly to go thr ough al l the categ ories. T ap in th e top ri ght-han d cor n[...]

  • Página 24

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 23 nN Usi ng t he F ind opti on The Find op tion le ts you search for text in any or all appl ication s. For examp le, if the text app ears in the Add ress Bo ok an d the D ate B oo k, th e Find opti on d isplays both occ urrenc es in the Find dial og box . To us e F ind , procee d as follo [...]

  • Página 25

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 24 nN 2 Ta p t h e Me nu icon. The men u of th e application ap pears. 3 Ta p Op tions , t he n Phone L ookup . The Pho ne Nu mb er Looku p scr een appears. 4 T ap a phone numbe r yo u want to ad d. 5 Ta p Add . The Phone Lookup s creen closes and the n ame and pho ne number are ad ded to th[...]

  • Página 26

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 25 nN 5 Ta p OK . The set t in g is m ad e. Only ap plica tions start ed from t he Appli cation Launc her screen will be remembered as the last-used application . Switchin g be t w een applications To switch b etween ap plications, you can either: T ap the icon of th e appl icati on yo u wan[...]

  • Página 27

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 26 nN Un do: R everses the ac tion of th e last edit c omma nd. F or ex ample , if you used Cut to remo ve te xt, Undo restores th e text you rem oved . Undo also rev erses del etion s d one by usin g backsp ace. Cut : R emoves t he selected t ext and stor es it temporari ly in the me mory o[...]

  • Página 28

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Managing applications 27 nN See t he Sof twa re Gu ide t o find out what yo u c a n do with thes e ap plication s. Th e Sof twa re Gu id e wi ll also provid e e xplanation s on the f ollowing p re-installed Son y application s: MS Gate MS Backup MS Autorun MS A udi oPlay er .[...]

  • Página 29

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 28 nN Us in g y our CL I É handhel d Using the basi c Palm ™ OS applications Your C LI É handhel d is pre-in stall ed with the fol lowing Palm ™ OS ba s ic ap pl ic ati on s: D ate B oo k, A dd res s Book , To Do List, Mem o Pad, Ex pense and Cal culat or. Thi s s ection exp lains[...]

  • Página 30

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 29 nN 3 If the event i s one hour long, ski p to Step 6. If the event is lon ger o r short er than one hour , tap the ti me of the even t to open the Se t Ti me dia log box . 4 T o set the d uration of th e event, eith er: T ap the tim e co lu mns on th e ri ght s ide of t he Set T ime [...]

  • Página 31

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 30 nN To sc hedule a n untimed e vent, proceed as fo llows: In st ep 2, tap Ne w and the n tap No Tim e . Then fo llow the ste ps in Sche duli ng an eve nt for tod ay (pag e 28) . Y ou can create a n ew untimed event by making sure no event is selected and th e n wr iting letter s in th[...]

  • Página 32

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 31 nN To sche dul e a contin uous e vent , proce ed as follo ws: 1 Ta p Da y . 2 In th e Every line, enter a nu mber statin g how often the eve nt takes place. 3 T o speci fy an en d date for th e re peated or cont inuous event, tap the down arr ow next to End on to displ ay the dro p-d[...]

  • Página 33

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 32 nN Displa ying even t views As well as displaying t he time for a specific d ay, you can display t he current time , a wh ole week, a month , or an agenda. To disp lay the Date B ook vi ews, pr ocee d as foll ows: 1 T ap the b lank area on your screen, so that no event is selected. 2[...]

  • Página 34

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 33 nN Week view We ek view d isplays a ca lendar o f your events f or an entir e week . This view lets you quick ly review your appointm ents an d available tim e s lots. In additio n, th e graphica l display helps you sp ot overlap s and con flict s in y our schedu le. To go to Week vi[...]

  • Página 35

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 34 nN Mo nth v iew The Mo nth view sh ows w hic h day s have events s chedu led. Dots and lin es in the Mont h view i ndicate events , recurri ng e vents, and untim ed ev ents. To go to Mon th view, proc eed as follows: 1 Press th e Dat e B oo k butt on on t he f ron t pan el. The D ate[...]

  • Página 36

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 35 nN Agenda vi e w The Age nda view le ts you view appoin tment s, un timed event s, and To Do List items in a single screen . Alt hough it is p rimar ily a vie wing opti on, you can al so us e th e Ag end a view to check off To Do List items. To go to Agenda v iew, proc eed as follows[...]

  • Página 37

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 36 nN Edit ing events Chang ing the date and time of an even t To change the da te or time of an event, pro ceed as follows: 1 In th e Da te Book screen, tap the event yo u want to ed it. 2 Ta p De tails . 3 The Ev ent Det ails dialog b ox app ears. T o chang e the time, tap th e Time b[...]

  • Página 38

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 37 nN De let i ng an e ven t You ca n del ete eve nts in th e D ate Book. To de lete an event, proceed as follows: 1 Press th e D ate Book button on th e fron t pane l. The D ate Book starts up . 2 Select the de script ion of th e event you w ant to dele te. The Star t Ti me and t he de[...]

  • Página 39

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 38 nN Se tt ing th e al arm The Al arm setting enab les yo u to set an au dible a larm to remi nd you abo ut even ts in your Da te Boo k. You can set an ala rm to sound m inutes, h ours, o r d ays before an ev ent. The defau lt Alarm setti ng is 5 minutes before th e time of the e vent.[...]

  • Página 40

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 39 nN Da te Bo ok men us This sec tion e xplai ns the men u co mmand s spec ific to Da te Book. The Rec ord and Op tion s menus diffe r dep endin g on the scree n disp layed . Record m enu s New Even t : Creat es a n ew ev ent. Dele te Eve nt : Dele t es the curre ntly s electe d even t[...]

  • Página 41

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 40 nN Pla y Ever y : Def ines how ofte n the alarm sound s. Disp lay O ptions : Allows y ou to chang e the Date Book appear ance. Sho w Tim e Bar s : Activ ates the tim e bars that app ear in the Day View. The time bar s show th e d uratio n of an event and illustr ate event conflict s.[...]

  • Página 42

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 41 nN To op en th e Addr ess Bo ok, proceed as follows: 1 Press th e A d dres s B ook button o n the fr ont p anel . Add ress Book op ens and di splays the list of all your rec ords. 2 Press th e A d dres s B ook but ton repeat edly to c ycle thro ugh the c ategori es in which yo u have[...]

  • Página 43

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 42 nN Disp layi ng e ntri es To display a spec ific entry, proceed as fo llows: 1 Rot ate the Jo g Dia l ™ to se lect the addres s reco rd y ou w ant to view . If the addres s rec ord you wan t is not displayed , rotate the Jog Dial ™ agai n to scroll u p or down th e enti re list. [...]

  • Página 44

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 43 nN 3 Ta p Op tions , t he n Pref erenc es . The Add re ss B ook Pr ef er enc es dial og bo x ap pea rs. 4 In th e List by field, tap Company , Last Na me to s ort alphabet ically by the compan y name, and then an individual ’ s last nam e. 5 Ta p OK . The items of address records a[...]

  • Página 45

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 44 nN Ad di ng an i mage You ca n past e an imag e to the addres s i nform atio n. Paste a photog rap h of a per son or resta uran t, for exampl e, to r emind you of a n add ress rec ord. To paste an ima ge, you need to instal l the Pi ctureG ear Pocket softw are onto you r C LI É h an[...]

  • Página 46

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 45 nN Duplicating entries If you w ant to use part of an e xisti ng recor d in a new on e, you can copy add ress entri es. To copy an existin g entry, proce ed as follows: 1 In th e Addr e ss Book lis t scre en, tap the en try you wa nt to copy . The Addr ess Vi ew screen o f the selec [...]

  • Página 47

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 46 nN 5 Ta p OK . The record y ou sel ected is delet ed. If yo u sele ct Save archiv e cop y o n PC , t he deleted data f ro m your CLI É handh eld is sa ved to Pa l m ™ Deskt o p fo r CLI É s oft wa re du ri ng t he n ex t Ho tSy nc ® . Cate gor i zing en tri es You ca n catego ri[...]

  • Página 48

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 47 nN Beam C ateg ory : S e nds all the A ddress Bo ok entries in th e c urrent ly selected categ ory to anoth er CLI É handh eld via the i nfrared co mmun ication s port. Bea m Business C ard : Sen ds the c urrent busi ness c ard to a nother CLI É ha n dh eld vi a t h e inf rar e d c[...]

  • Página 49

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 48 nN To D o L i s t The To Do List is a conven ient p l ac e to create r eminder s and pr ioritize the th ings that you have to do. A To Do List item is a remi nder of a task y ou have to comp lete. Use the To Do List to: Make a quick and conven ient list of thin gs to do. Assign a pri[...]

  • Página 50

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 49 nN 4 T ap any whe re o nscree n to dese lect the T o Do List item . The i tem is deselected and the ne w item is rec orded i n the T o Do List. If no T o Do List item i s cur r ently selected, writing in the Graffi t i ® writing area automati cally creat es a new item. Displaying it[...]

  • Página 51

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 50 nN Show Onl y Du e It em s: Show s o nly the i tems th at are c urre ntly due , over du e, or have no du e date spec ified. W hen this settin g is active, item s that are not yet du e do not appe ar in the list un til t heir due da te . Re cord Co mpl eti on Date : Replaces th e due [...]

  • Página 52

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 51 nN 2 Ta p De tails . 3 T ap the dow n arro w n ext to Due Date and then make a selection f rom the drop-do wn list. 4 Ta p OK . If you tu rn o n t he Show Due Date s opti on i n th e T o Do Li st Options dial og bo x, y ou ca n tap di rec tl y on th e due da te i n T o Do Li st t o s[...]

  • Página 53

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 52 nN Optio n menu s Font: Yo u can select the fo nts of th e To Do List . Phone Lookup: If the re is an Add ress Book entry , you can look up the ph one num ber of the selec ted item . Se curi ty: H ides the c urrent it em u nless th e p asswor d is entered . About To Do List: Shows t [...]

  • Página 54

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 53 nN Cr eat ing memo s To create mem os, proce ed as follows: 1 Ta p Ne w . A new memo is created . 2 Ente r t he memo text. T o start a ne w l ine , either use the <Enter> key on the keyboard or u se Graf f iti ® wr it ing . 3 Ta p Do ne o r us e the B ACK bu tt on wh en you h [...]

  • Página 55

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 54 nN Edit ing memos and lists Assign ing a categ ory To catego rize you r mem os, procee d as follo ws: 1 In th e Memo Pad screen , tap the memo you w ant to delete. The content of th e m em o you tapped appe ars. 2 Ta p De tails . The Memo De tai ls dialog b ox app ears. 3 T ap the do[...]

  • Página 56

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 55 nN Sor ting memos To ch ange the orde r in wh ich Mem o Pad sho ws y our m emos , procee d as fol low s: 1 Ta p t h e Me nu ic on. A menu of commands appear s . 2 Ta p Op tions , an d then Pref erenc es . The Memo Pr efer en ces dialo g box appears. 3 Selec t the pre ferre d order of[...]

  • Página 57

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 56 nN Memo Pad me nus This section ex plains the men u c o mmand s specific to Mem o Pad. The Re cord and Option s me nus di ffe r dep endin g on the scree n disp layed . Record m enu s Beam C ateg ory : S e nd s all th e memos i n the curren tly selected c atego ry to anothe r CLI É h[...]

  • Página 58

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 57 nN Ex pense You can u se E xpens e for m any d isburs ement pu rposes such as r ecording exp enditu res for bu siness trips an d person al expenses as a cas h book. You can sort Ex pense items in to categorie s o r add other info rmation to an item. Expense allow s you to: Record dat[...]

  • Página 59

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 58 nN 3 Ta p Ex pen se T ype a nd make a select ion from the d rop-do wn l ist box . The i tem you entered is now sav ed. If yo u do no t sele ct an E xpen se type, th e ente red da ta wi ll n ot be sav ed. Y ou c an a lso cre ate a new Exp ense i tem i n the Exp ense screen by writing [...]

  • Página 60

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 59 nN At ten de es : Exp ense opens the At tende es screen , which l ooks lik e a memo screen of Memo Pad. In thi s scre en, yo u can en ter the n ames of att endees and p urposes of ex penditur es. T o disp lay th e a ddress info rmati on in Address Bo ok , tap Addre ss Lookup . 4 Ta p[...]

  • Página 61

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 60 nN Custom izin g th e curr ency list You ca n ch ange t he cu rrenci es and c urrenc y symb ols to be used in Ex pe nse. To change the cu rrency list, pro ceed as follows : 1 In th e Expe nse s creen, ta p the Expen se item for whi ch you wan t t o chang e t he curren cy type. 2 Ta p[...]

  • Página 62

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 61 nN To create a new cur rency symbol, pr oceed as follows: 1 In th e Expe nse scre en, t ap the Me nu icon . The men u i s disp layed. 2 Ta p Op tions and t he n Custom Curr encies . The Custom Curr encies d ialo g box appears. 3 Selec t one o f t he fou r count ry box es. The Cur ren[...]

  • Página 63

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 62 nN Usin g E xpen se re por t tem pla tes Palm ™ D eskto p for C LI É sof twa re in clude s sev eral exp ense re port t empl ates. When you use one of these tem plates, you can edi t yo ur expense dat a in Mi crosoft Excel . To view your e xpense d ata usi ng a M icrosoft Excel te [...]

  • Página 64

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 63 nN Ca lcul ator The Calc ulato r lets y ou perfo rm gen eral mathem atical fu nctions, such as add ition, subtr actio n, mult ipli cation , and divisi on. To start the Calcu lator, procee d as follows: 1 Either: T ap the Calc ulato r butt on, or Rot ate the Jo g Dial ™ to select Ca[...]

  • Página 65

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 64 nN Cal cu lat or menu s Copy, Paste : Copies a n umber fro m Cal culator and pas tes it into another app licati on. Simila rly, you can also pas te nume ric value s yo u copi ed from an oth er appli catio n such as Expe nse into Calcul ato r. Rece nt Cal culation s : Dis plays the la[...]

  • Página 66

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 65 nN As signi ng a pa sswor d You ca n assi gn a passw ord t o protect your pri vate rec ord s and to lock your C LI É h andhe l d. To en ter a p assw ord, p roceed as follow s: 1 Rot ate the Jo g Dia l ™ to select Sec ur i t y and then p ress the Jog Dial ™ . Alternat ively , tap[...]

  • Página 67

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 66 nN If yo u forget you r passw ord If you forg et yo ur passw ord, you have no opt ion b ut to d elete i t. Note , how ever, that d elet ing a forg ott en passwo rd also de let es all e ntries an d records m arked as Pr iva te . Av oid this by synch ro nizing w ith y our com puter bef[...]

  • Página 68

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 67 nN To disp lay private rec ords, p roceed as fo llows: 1 In step 2 above, select Sh ow R eco rds . I f you ha ve a pa ss wor d, the Sho w Reco r ds scree n app ears. 2 Ente r t he passwo rd and then tap OK . Loc kin g y ou r CL I É handh eld You ca n lo ck you r CL I É ha ndhel d w[...]

  • Página 69

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 68 nN Set tin g yo ur CL I É handheld t o lo ck automatically You ca n set y our CL I É handhel d to lock when ever you tu rn it off. To lo ck yo ur ha n dh eld au to ma ti cal ly, p roc eed a s f oll ow s: 1 Ba ck up yo ur da ta and ass ig n a pass wor d as de sc ribe d i n A ss igni[...]

  • Página 70

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 69 nN Ent erin g owner in forma tion You ca n enter a name, com pan y name , or phon e numb er of the CL I É han dhe ld owne r. If yo u hav e us ed the Secu rity ap plicati on to turn off and lock your CLI É hand he ld w ith a p assw ord, the informa tio n th at yo u ent er in Pr efer[...]

  • Página 71

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 70 nN 5 Ta p Unlock . The Un lock Me ssa ge dialog box ap pears. 6 Ente r yo ur curren t passwo rd (the one you en tered in the Sec urity app lication) . 7 Ta p OK .[...]

  • Página 72

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 71 nN Using the Pa lm ™ Desktop for CLI É soft ware The Palm ™ Deskt op fo r C LI É so ftw are is delive red o n the C D-ROM which a ccomp anies you CL I É han dhe ld. For instru ctio ns on how to in stall it onto yo ur compu ter, please see the printed Re ad T h is Fir st G uid [...]

  • Página 73

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 72 nN Main fea tures of th e Pal m ™ Des ktop fo r CLI É s oftwa re The basic ope ration s f or each applicat ion are the same as th ose of the corres ponding C LI É applicati on. For details, see th e Pal m ™ De sktop on line hel p (cli ck Help and then Palm Desktop Help .) He re[...]

  • Página 74

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 73 nN 3 Ins tal l T ool ico n Displays the Insta ll T ool dialog box to sele ct the applic ation you want to ins tall on your CLI É handheld the next tim e y ou perform a HotSync ® oper ation . 4 User name displ ay Displays the user name of the owner of the i nformation being displaye[...]

  • Página 75

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 74 nN Using HotS y n c ® opera tions What is a HotSync ® operati on? HotSync ® is a t ech nolo gy whic h au tom at ical ly sy nchr oni ze s CL I É hand held ap plic ation d ata w ith th e Palm ™ Deskt op for CL I É software dat a on the c omputer . Y ou ca n red uce th e ti me r [...]

  • Página 76

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 75 nN When th e Ho tSync ® opera tion is comple te, a messag e is dis played on your CLI É ha ndh eld. Do not rem ov e yo ur CL I É hand held from the c radle u ntil th e Ho tSync ® operati on is c omplet e. Oth erwise th e Pa lm D esk to p for C LI É soft ware m ay not quit no rma[...]

  • Página 77

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 76 nN 3 Enter a new us er name and then click OK . Y o ur CLI É han dheld user nam e is cha nge d at the ne xt Ho tSync ® operation . Advanced HotSync ® optio ns Setting th e Ho tSyn c ® setu p opt ion s You ca n chang e t he settin gs for a loca l HotSync ® o r on ho w to start th[...]

  • Página 78

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 77 nN Cust om iz ing Ho tSyn c ® applic atio n sett in gs (C onduit ) What is a Conduit ? For eac h app licat ion, yo u can defi ne a set of op tions that det ermi nes ho w recor ds are han dled during sync hroniz ation. Each se t o f these opti ons i s cal led a cond uit . By def aul [...]

  • Página 79

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 78 nN Cre at in g a user profile t o control mult iple CLI É h and held s If y ou r co m pan y di str ib ut es mu lti ple CLI É handhel ds to its emplo y e es, for exam ple, you can create a user profi le (such a s a c omp any pho ne list ) to load the data into seve ral CLI É ha ndh[...]

  • Página 80

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 79 nN T ran sferring a created pro file To transfer a cr eated profile, p roceed as follow s: 1 Place a CLI É hand held wi th out a use r name i n the cr adle. 2 Press th e H otSync ® butt on on t he cr adle. The Users dialog box appears. 3 Clic k Pro f iles . The Profiles dialog box [...]

  • Página 81

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 80 nN Whic h port nu mber is alloc ated to the in frared po rt. Chec k t he infrare d port num ber in t he Infrar ed Monit or in the Contr ol Panel . For informati on on th e Infrared M onitor , see the manual of th e comp uter you are us in g or the Win dow s ® on lin e h elp . Prepar[...]

  • Página 82

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 81 nN To perfor m a Hot Sync ® operatio n, proc eed as follows: 1 Rot ate the Jo g Dia l ™ to select HotS ync ® and then press the Jog Di al ™ . Or tap the HotSync ® ic on on the Applica tion L auncher screen. The HotSync di al og b ox ap pea rs. 2 Ta p Loc al . 3 T ap t he a rro[...]

  • Página 83

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 82 nN Cond uc ting a H otS ync ® operatio n via a n etwork When you use the Network HotSync ® application, you can tak e advantage o f the LAN and WAN connec tivity available in m any office environm ents. The Netw ork HotSync ® applica tion enabl es you to p erform a HotSync ® oper[...]

  • Página 84

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 83 nN 5 Place your CLI É han dheld i n the crad le an d perform a HotSy nc ® o pe ra tio n. The HotSync ® operation record s n etwork infor mation abo ut yo ur co mput er on you r CL I É handhe ld . Wi th this i nformati on, yo ur CL I É hand held c an locate your com put er whe n [...]

  • Página 85

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 84 nN 4 Ta p Ne twork . 5 Ta p OK . The HotSync screen app ears again. 6 Ta p Modem and then select Servi ce . The Pre ference s screen is display ed. 7 T ap the arrow next to Serv ice and t hen se lect a se rvice f rom th e drop -down l ist. 8 Ta p Do ne. 9 T ap the Me nu icon . 10 Ta [...]

  • Página 86

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 85 nN Im port in g data fr om a Wi ndo ws ® ap plication If you h ave data sto red i n W indow s ® comput er applicatio ns such as spread sheets and d atabases, yo u can transfer th at data to y our CLI É hand hel d. Import able fil e forma ts Save d ata in one of the file for mats l[...]

  • Página 87

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using your CLI É handheld 86 nN 3 If you are impo rting re cords th at contai n a field wit h catego ry names, se lect All in the Cate gory box. Make sure that th e s ame categor ies that appear in th e import ed fi l e also exist in the applicati on. If the categor ies do not ex ist, c reate t hem now; oth erwi[...]

  • Página 88

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Communicating using your CLI É handheld 87 nN Commu nicating using your CLI É handheld This part de scribe s h ow t o comm uni cate w ith another Palm ™ OS ® PDA via th e infrared comm unicatio ns port or the Mem ory Sti ck ™ . Fo r infor mation on h ow to use the M S G ate appl ication softwa re fo r man [...]

  • Página 89

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Communicating using your CLI É handheld 88 nN Be amin g in form a ti on You ca n beam a rec ord, busin ess card, or catego ry of reco rds betw een you r C LI É ha ndhel d and a nother Palm ™ OS PD A. To be am data fro m yo ur CLI É h and held to an oth er P alm ™ OS PDA, p roceed as foll ow s: 1 Loca te t [...]

  • Página 90

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Communicating using your CLI É handheld 89 nN R ecei vin g beam ed i nfo rmat io n To receive be amed inform ation, pr oceed as follow s: 1 T u rn on yo ur CL I É h andheld. 2 Point th e I R port direc tly at the IR po rt of the othe r Palm ™ OS ® PD A hand hel d tra nsmi tting the data . The Beam dialog bo [...]

  • Página 91

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 90 nN Using the Me mory Stick ™ Introd uc t ion Your C LI É handhe ld is desi gned to sup port the Memo ry Stick ™ . Th e Me m ory St ic k ™ is a c om p ac t, po rt ab le, and versati le device especiall y d e signed f or exchangin g and sharing digi tal data with compa tible pr[...]

  • Página 92

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 91 nN Why Memo ry Stick ™ ? Sony' s vision is to expan d th e w orld of commu nica tio n, promo ting the por tabil ity of digita l data. The Me mo ry S tic k ™ is th e re sulti ng m edium , th rough whic h dig ital d evice s can be ins tant ly conn ec ted. W ith i t, you can d[...]

  • Página 93

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 92 nN Gene ric Memory Stick ™ The original Me mory Stick ™ , b lue in colour , can b e used to record image data taken w ith digital s till came ras, etc. or data fro m the PC. Wi th it, you can rec ord, play back and tra nsfe r va rious ki nds of data at any g iven time . Beca use[...]

  • Página 94

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 93 nN MagicGate Memor y Stick ™ The MagicGate Memory S ti c k ™ , whit e in col our, rec ords PC and imag e da ta just li ke its blue co u n terpa rt; the d ifferenc e is it uses the M agicGa te copyright prote ction t echno logy. With this typ e of Memo ry S tick ™ , al so ca ll[...]

  • Página 95

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 94 nN a pr otr udi ng dot lo cate d on the bac k. MagicGate is a co pyr ight protection technology th at c o mpl ies w ith t h e st and a r ds s et by SDM I ( Secu re Di gital Music Initiativ e, a n orga nizat ion wo rking to d r aw up i ndustr y sta ndard speci fica tions in o rd er t[...]

  • Página 96

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 95 nN In the musi c world, however, illegal ac ts of dist ributing m usic wi thou t t he perm ission of the artist, particul arly on the Inter net, have recentl y b een on the increase. T hat is why th e R ecording In dustry Assoc iatio n of Ameri ca ( RIAA) took the init iativ e to o [...]

  • Página 97

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 96 nN V AIO n otebo oks VAIO d esk to ps CLI É Han dh eld E nter tainme nt O rga niser Sony mob ile pho nes[...]

  • Página 98

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 97 nN Inserti n g and removin g a M em ory Stick ™ Inse rting a M em ory Stick ™ Insert the M emor y Sti ck ™ into the Mem ory Stick ™ sl ot w ith the arr ow f acing u p and tow ard th e s lot. In se rt the Mem ory St ick ™ i n the righ t dire ct ion. If the Mem ory Stick ™[...]

  • Página 99

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 98 nN Removi ng a Memory Stick ™ Before rem ovin g a M emory Stick ™ , m ake sure that dat a is not bein g w ritten to or r ead fro m t he Mem ory Sti ck ™ . To remov e a Mem ory Stick ™ , proceed as follows: 1 Gent ly push t he Me mo ry Stick ™ i n to the slot (1). The Memor[...]

  • Página 100

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 99 nN En a b ling wri te- protec tion You ca n wr ite-p rot ect you r Mem ory Sti ck ™ , so that imp ortant dat a w ill not be delet ed by mistake. At th e back of your Memory St ick ™ , you w ill find the write-p rot ect tab. W ith thi s t ab you c an enab le or disable write-pro [...]

  • Página 101

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 100 nN Sta rti ng an ap plica tion on t he Memory St ick ™ To op en an a pplication o n the Mem ory Stick ™ from the Application Lau n ch er scree n, tap th e arrow i n the top r ight-h and co rner o f th e Applicat ion Launche r sc reen and s elect Car d (or a ca teg ory wi th the[...]

  • Página 102

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Using the Me mory Stick ™ 101 nN Mak e sure y ou use you r CLI É ha ndhel d to for mat a M emor y St ick ™ if you i ntend t o use it with your CLI É han dhe l d. If you use th e co mp ute r t o f orma t a M em ory S tic k ™ for use with a CLI É ha ndh eld , s ome data may not be ac ces se d cor rec tly .[...]

  • Página 103

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 102 nN Custo mizing your CLI É hand held Changing preferences You ca n cu stomi ze your C LI É hand hel d ’ s o pera tion settin gs a nd d efau lt set tings b y ch angi ng th e Pref eren ces . Gene ral: Set the date a nd ti me, th e auto s hut-off i nterval, the Stay on i n c[...]

  • Página 104

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 103 nN Date and T ime p references Se tting the time To set the time, pro ceed as follows : 1 From the drop -dow n list in the corne r of the Pr efer enc es scre en, ta p Dat e & Time . 2 Ta p Se t Tim e . The Se t Tim e screen ap pears. 3 T ap the or arro ws to set the hour [...]

  • Página 105

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 104 nN Se tting the time zo ne and dayl igh t savin g time To set the time zon e, proceed as foll ows: 1 Ta p Da te & Time from the d rop -down l ist on the Pr efer enc es scr e en. The Da te & Time Pref erences screen is d isplaye d. 2 Ta p t h e Set Ti me Zon e fi eld .[...]

  • Página 106

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 105 nN Choo sing di ffe rent formats You can sele ct the preferred for mats of the tim e, date, week star ting, and number s. These format s a ppear in al l a p plic a tio n s. To ch oose time , dat e and nu mber fo rmats , proce ed as fol low s: 1 Ta p t h e Time drop -down li s[...]

  • Página 107

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 106 nN Se tting the sound You c an se lect the so un ds for syst em ale rts, ala rms, gam es, o r choo se the tur n the so und of f for operati ons. To set so unds, proc eed as follow s: 1 From the drop -dow n list o f the Pref erence s screen , tap Ge ne ra l . 2 Ta p t h e Sy s[...]

  • Página 108

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 107 nN To assign app licatio ns to butto ns, pro ceed a s follo ws: 1 In th e Preferen ces sc reen, s elec t Bu ttons fr om the dro p-d own l ist i n the t op ri gh t-h and co rne r . 2 T ap the applic ation yo u want to assi gn to the button. When y ou ha ve assi gned a not her [...]

  • Página 109

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 108 nN Keyboar d: Open s the onsc reen keyboard for enteri ng text chara cters. G raffi ti ® He lp: Open s a series of scre ens that sho w the comp lete Graffiti ® charac ter set (only in a pplicat ions that s uppor t te xt en try). Tu r n O f f & L o c k : tu rns off and l[...]

  • Página 110

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 109 nN Changing the Jo g Dial ™ p r ef er en ce s The Jog Pref eren ces scr een ena bles you to c hange the Jog D ial ™ and BA C K button fu nct ions. Wi th the JogA ssist feature, yo u c an use the Jog Dial ™ to o perate a thir d-pa rty a pplicati on t hat i s not desig ne[...]

  • Página 111

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 110 nN Network preferences I n ord er to u se yo ur CLI É hand hel d with a ne two rk (suc h as using the We b Clip ping applic ation or per forming a netw ork Ho tSync ® ope ration ), you mus t s et the Netw ork P referenc es setting s. T he Network settin gs preferences provi[...]

  • Página 112

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 111 nN Ent erin g a passwo rd The Password box identif ies the passw ord you us e to log in to your serv er or ISP. Your entry in th is field det ermine s wheth er your CLI É han dhe ld prom pts you t o enter a passw ord ea ch time y ou log into your net work: If you do not ente[...]

  • Página 113

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 112 nN Ad ding t elepho ne set ting s When you selec t the Phon e fi eld, your CLI É ha ndh eld opens a d ialo g box in whi ch you d efine the teleph on e num ber you use to co nnect w ith your IS P or dial -in serv er. In add ition, you can al so defin e a prefix, d isabl e Cal[...]

  • Página 114

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 113 nN Cre ating ad dition al serv ice temp lates You can crea te add itional serv ice tem plates from scra tch o r by d upli cating existin g tem plate s and editing infor mation. A fter y ou c reate a ne w or dupl icate temp late, y ou c an ad d and e dit s etting s. To ad d a [...]

  • Página 115

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 114 nN Ad ding det ailed in for mation to a servi ce temp late If you a re using one of th e p red efined servic e t empl ates, yo u proba bl y only nee d to ent er your u ser name and telepho ne number . I f you a re creating a new s ervice template, you may need to provide addi[...]

  • Página 116

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 115 nN 7 If you need to en ter the CLI É ha ndhel d's IP Add ress, ta p the IP A ddr e s s che ck bo x to d ese le ct it and displa y a perman ent IP add ress field bel ow the check b ox. Norm ally , you do not hav e to enter th is. If you are not sure, select Au toma tic a[...]

  • Página 117

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 116 nN Wait For P ro m pt : De tects a chall enge-resp ons e prom pt comin g fro m the server and t hen displ ays the d ynamical ly generated challeng e value. Y ou then e nter the c halleng e v a lue into yo ur token card, wh ich in turn gener ates a respons e v alue fo r you to[...]

  • Página 118

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 117 nN No n-ASC II Ch aract er s for Lo g in Sc ript s The follow ing i nformat ion ena bles y ou to crea te custom l og in scri pts that req uire non- ASCII c haract ers. It is prov ided for adva nced us ers wh o under stan d the us e a nd req uirem ents of su ch c hara cters in[...]

  • Página 119

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Customizi ng your CLI É handheld 118 nN Us ing th e network prefe rence s menus This section e xpla ins th e me nu com man ds spec ific to netw ork pr eferen ces. Fo r the Edi t menu, see Using the Edit m enu . Service men us New : Cr eates a new service temp late. Delete : Del etes th e cur rent se rvice t empl[...]

  • Página 120

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 119 nN Getting help Sony pro vid es severa l sup port opt ions for y our CL I É h andhel d. If y ou h ave a ny q ues tions ab out yo ur CLI É handh eld and i ts related so ftware, che ck these opt ions for answers: This guide ex plai ns h ow to use you r CL I É handh eld. The CLI É handhe ld su p[...]

  • Página 121

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 120 nN T ro ubles hooting This s ect ion d esc ribes how to sol ve c omm on p robl ems y ou m ay encou nte r when u sing your CLI É h and held. Man y prob lems hav e simple sol utio ns, so try thes e su ggesti ons befo re you c all Sony Cus tome r Inform atio n Servic es Center. T ho usand s of th i[...]

  • Página 122

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 121 nN I get a warning me ssage telling me there is not enough memory Purge reco rds from Date Book an d T o Do L ist. This deletes T o Do List ite ms and p ast Date Bo ok event s from th e m em ory of you r C LI É handh eld. Dele te u nused mem os and records. If necessary , you ca n save these re [...]

  • Página 123

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 122 nN Ap pli catio n probl ems The r ecords I c reated d o not ap pear in th e appl ic a tion Che ck the catego ries d rop- down list ( top r ight-h and c orner) . Ch oose All to disp lay all th e r ecords for th e application. Che ck Se cur ity an d co nfirm that P riv ate Rec ords is set to Sho w [...]

  • Página 124

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 123 nN HotSync ® p roble ms I ca nno t per form a H otSy nc ® operation Ch ec k the Wi nd ows ® system tra y to mak e sure the H otSy nc ® Manag er is r unnin g. If it is not, open t he HotSyn c ® Man age r from the St art menu. Make sure the cr adle is c o nnected sec urely . Af te r a Ho tSyn [...]

  • Página 125

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 124 nN Make sure HotSy nc ® Manager is runnin g. If it i s, exi t, a nd t h en resta rt i t. Make sure you sel ected Local from th e HotSy nc ® Manage r m enu or the Palm ™ Des ktop for CL I É soft ware m enu. Che ck the c able co nne ction betw een the cradle and the USB conn ec tor on yo ur co[...]

  • Página 126

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 125 nN Close an d restart the H otSyn c ® Mana ger on yo ur co mpu ter . Make a copy of your CLI É Handhe l d fo lder . Unin stall, and t hen re install th e Pa lm ™ Desk top softw are. T u rn on yo ur CL I É h andheld, ta p t he HotSync ® ic on, a nd then t ap Local . When I pe rform a HotS yn[...]

  • Página 127

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 126 nN I wa nt to syn chr oni ze my compu ter with mo re th an o ne CLI É ha ndheld If th e com pute r r unnin g th e Pa lm ™ De sktop for CLI É software sy nchr onizes w ith more tha n one C LI É ha ndhe l d, e ach ha ndhe l d mus t h av e a uni que na me. Ass ign a u se r na me to you r C LI ?[...]

  • Página 128

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Getting help 127 nN Pas sword prob lems I f org ot th e pa sswo rd: My CL I É handh eld is not lock ed Y ou c an us e Se curi ty to del ete the passw ord , but your C LI É handh eld deletes all ent ri e s marked as priv ate. Ho weve r , i f you per form a H otSyn c ® operatio n before you dele te the passw ord[...]

  • Página 129

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Preca ution s 128 nN Pr ec aut io ns This chapte r provides info rmation on how to corr ectly use and charge y our CLI É ha ndhel d. No te s o n u se Your C LI É handh eld is well design ed to provide years of reli able use. To make the m ost of its dura bility, follow these precau tions. Do not sc ratch or da [...]

  • Página 130

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Preca ution s 129 nN Not e s on c hargi ng Plea se note the follow ing w hen c hargi ng you r C LI É ha ndhel d: It takes abou t th ree hours to ch arge for the fi rst time. Y ou can usual ly use the CLI É handhe ld for ab out fifteen d ays, at 30 minute s a d ay , with a full charge. I f y o u charg e yo ur CL[...]

  • Página 131

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Specifi cations 130 nN Specific ations Mo de l PEG-N770C/E Operating sy stem Palm ™ OS 4.1 CPU Mot orol a Drago nBa ll EZ 33M hz Powe r req uirem ent s - s uppli ed AC p ower ad apte r - D C5.7V (de dica ted c onnec tor) - built- in a nd non -rem ovab le lith ium po ly mer ba ttery B atte ry l ife 15 da ys ( ba[...]

  • Página 132

    CL IE O pe rat ing In st ruc t ions Specifi cations 131 nN T he b atter y life s pa n varies depend ing o n th e tem perature a nd condit ions of use. D esi gn a nd s pec if ic atio ns a re su bje ct t o cha n ge wit h out n oti ce . Mas s 160g (in cluding supp lied s tylu s) A cc e ss o r i e s Optional extras: - U S B c r a d l e - Mobile Kit for[...]