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SC835 Chassis Series SC835TQ - R 8 00B USER’S MANUAL 1.0 S UPER ®[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual ii Manual Revisi on 1.0 Release Date: Januay 18, 2008 Unless you request and receive wri tten permiss ion from SU PER MICRO C OMPUTER, you may not copy an y part of this d ocument. Information in t his doc ument is subject to change without notice. Ot her pro ducts and compan ies referred to here in are trademark s or registere[...]
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iii Preface Preface About Thi s Ma nual This manua l is writ ten for p rofessiona l system integrators and PC technicia ns. It provides inf ormation fo r the instal lation and u se of the SC8 35 3U chassi s. Installa- tion and m aintenance sho uld be pe rformed by experienced techni cians only . Supermicro’s SC835 3U chass is features a unique an[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual iv Manua l Or gani zati on Chapter 1: Introduction The first chapter provides a che cklist of the m ain comp onents in cluded w ith this chassis a nd descr ibes the main features of th e SC835 chassis. This chap ter also includes contact inform ation. Chapter 2: System Safety This chapter lists war nings, precaut ions, and sys[...]
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v Preface T able of Contents Chapter 1 Introdu ction 1-1 Overview ................. ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... .... 1 1-2 Shipping List ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ..... 1 Part Numbers ..................[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual vi Removing Hard Drive Trays F rom the Ch assis ......... ........... ........... ........... ....... 3 Installing a Hard Drive into the H ard Drive Tray ........... ........... ........... ........... .... 4 5-4 Installing the Motherboa rd ................ ........... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... [...]
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1-1 Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Over view Supermicro’s SC83 5 3U chassis features a u nique and h ighly-optim ized design. The chassi s is equip ped with a re dundant hig h efficienc y power s upply . High p er- formance fans provide ample optimized coolin g and 8 h ot-swappabl e drive bays offer maxi mum storage capacity [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 1-2 1-3 Chas sis Feature s The SC835 high p erformance cha ssis includes the following feature s: CPU S uppor t The SC835 Ch assis suppor ts Intel and AMD Qu ad processo rs. Please re fer to the motherb oard speci fications pa ges on our Web site for up dates on s upported processors for this chassis Hard Drives The SC835 Chas[...]
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1-3 Chapter 1: Introduction 1-4 Contacting SuperMicro Headquart ers Address: Super Micro Computer, I nc. 980 Rock Ave. San Jose, CA 95131 U.S.A. T el: +1 ( 408) 503-8000 Fax: +1 ( 408) 503-8008 Email: marketing@s upermicro.c om (General Information ) support@sup ermicro.com (T echn ical Support) Web Site: www .sup ermicro.com Europe Address: Super [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 1-4 Notes[...]
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2-1 Chapter 2: System Safety Chapter 2 System Safety 2-1 Over view This chapt er provide s a quick setup ch ecklist to get your chassis up and running. Following the steps in order given should enable you to have your chassis setup and operational wit hin a mi nimal amount of time. Th ese instruction s as sume that you are an e xperienced tec hnici[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 2-2 2-4 Elect rica l Sa fety Pr ecaut ions Basic electr ical safety precautions should be fo llowed to pr otect yours elf from harm and the SC 835 from damage: Be aware of the loc ations of the pow er on/off swit ch on th e chassis as well as th e roo m’s emergen cy po wer-off swi tch, disconnect ion s witch or electrical out[...]
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2-3 Chapter 2: System Safety DVD-ROM Laser: CAUTION - Thi s server may have come equip ped with a DVD-ROM drive. T o pre vent direct exposu re to the laser beam and hazardou s radiation exposu re, d o not open the enclo sure o r use the unit in any uncon- ventional way . 2-5 Gener al Safety Precaut ions Keep the a rea around the chassis clean and f[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 2-4 T ouc h a groun ded metal object b efore remo ving any board fro m its ant istatic bag. Do not let c omponents or PCBs come into contact with y our clothing, which may retain a c harge even if y ou a re wearing a wr ist strap. Handle a b oard by it s edges onl y; do not touch its components, peripheral chips, memory modules[...]
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3-1 Chapter 3: Chassis Components Chapter 3 Chassis Components 3-1 Over view This chapter describes the m ost c ommon components included with your chassis. Some c omponents listed may not be in cluded or co mpatible with your particula r chassis mode l. For more information, s ee the insta llation inst ructions de tailed later in t his manual. 3-2[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 3-2 Mount ing Ra ils The SC835 can be pla ced in a rack for secur e storage and use. T o setup your rack , follow the step-by-step in structions includ ed i n t his manual. Power Suppl y Each SC835 c hassis model includes two redundant high-efficiency "hot-swappable" power supplies ra ted a t 800 Watts. In the un lik[...]
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4-1 Chapter 4: System Interface Chapter 4 System Interface 4-1 Over view There are sev eral L EDs on the control panel as well as oth ers on the drive carriers to keep you con stantly info rmed of the ove rall status of the system as w ell as the activity a nd health of specific comp onents. Mo st SC835 models have two buttons on t he c hassis con[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 4-2 4-2 Contr ol P anel But tons The re are tw o push - but t ons loc a ted on the fron t of t he chas si s. Thes e are (in or der fr om lef t to r i ght) a r es et but to n and a powe r on / of f bu t to n. Reset: The re set button is us ed to reb oot the sy stem. • Powe r: T he ma in p ower sw it ch is u sed t o a pp ly or [...]
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4-3 Chapter 4: System Interface Powe r: I ndi c ates p ower i s b ein g s upp li ed to the syst em's po wer sup ply uni ts . Thi s LED sho uld no r mal ly be il lumi nate d wh en the sy stem i s ope rat in g. • Ove r h ea t / Fan Fa il : W h en t his L ED fla she s it i ndi c ate s a fa n fa ilur e. W hen co nt inu ous ly o n (n ot fl ash [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 4-4 4-4 Driv e Ca rrie r LE Ds Each SAS d rive carrier has two LEDs. Blue: W hen i llum inate d, t his b lue LED ( on t he f ro nt of the drive c ar r ie r) i ndi cat es dr ive ac ti vi t y . A c onn ec ti on to th e S AS bac kp la ne e nab le s t hi s L ED t o b lin k o n and of f w hen t hat pa r t ic ula r d r ive is bei ng [...]
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5-1 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Chapter 5 Chassis Setup and Maintenance 5-1 Over view This chapter detai ls the basic steps requi red to install compon ents to the chassis. The only tool you wil l is a Philli ps screw driver . Print this p age to use a s a r eference while setting up your chassis. When coupled with an SC8 33 series ba ckplane, thi s c[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-2 5-2 Remo ving the Ch assi s Co ver Removing the Chassis Cover Press the release tabs to r emove the cover from t he locked position. Press both tabs at th e sa me time. If nec essary , you m ay need t o re move the chas - sis cover screw . Once the top co ver is rel eased from the locked position, slide the cover toward the[...]
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5-3 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Remov ing H ard D rive T ray s Fro m the Chas sis Removing the Hard Drives Press the release button on the dr ive tray . This extends the drive bay handle. Use the ha ndle to p ull the dr ive out o f th e c hassis. 1. 2. 5-3 Insta llin g the Ha rd D rive s The dri ves are mounted in drive t rays to simpli fy thei r inst[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-4 Insta lling a Har d Dri ve in to the Hard Driv e T ra y Installing a Hard Drive Remove the two screws securing the dummy drive to t he d rive tray . Lift the dummy drive out of the dr ive tray . Place the hard drive tray o n a flat, stable surfac e s uch as a desk, table, or work bench. Slide the hard drive into t he t ray[...]
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5-5 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Hard Drive T ray SAS/SA T A or SC SI Hard Drive Figure 5-3: Installing an SAS or SA T A Drive to Hard Drive T ray Use a hard , s table surface when installing the hard drive 4 6 6[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-6 5-4 Insta llin g the Mo therb oard Perma nent and Optio nal S tando ffs Standoffs prevent short c ircuits by securing space b etween the motherboard and the chassis s urface. The SC835 c hassis inclu des permanen t standoffs in locat ions used by most motherboard s. These standoffs a ccept the rounded Philli ps head screws [...]
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5-7 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Figure 5-4: Installing the Motherbo ard Mothe rboar d Ins talla tion Installing the Motherbo ard Review the documentatio n t hat came w ith your motherboard. Become famili ar with component placemen t, requirements, and precauti ons. Confirm that the power supply is di sconnected and la y th e c hassis on a flat surfa[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-8 Insta lling an Add -On or Expa nsion Card Installing Add-o n o r Ex pansion Cards Remove the chassis cover . Locate the motherboard port aligned wi th t he card s lot you wa nt to ins tall. Each slot is sec ured by o ne s crew located on the t op (inside) the chassis. Remove this screw . Gently slide the expansion/ad d-on c[...]
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5-9 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Insta lling an I/ O Port Pane l Installing an I/O Port Panel Remove the chassis cover . Locate the I/O p ort panel. Depending on your motherboard , y ou m ust remove the existing port shield and replace with the n ew one or use th e ex isting the shield to slide the po rts through. Connect the port panel to th e m other[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-10 5-5 Insta llin g the Air Shroud, Rea r F an, and Che ckin g Air Flow Figure 5-6: Installing the Air Shroud Air shrouds conce ntrate airflow to max imize fan efficien cy . The SC83 5 chassis air shroud does not require screws to set it up . Installing the Air Shroud Remove the chassis cover . If necess ary , r emove the r[...]
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5-1 1 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Syste m Fan s Five heavy duty fa ns provide cooling for the chassis. These fans circ ulate air through the chassis as a means of loweri ng the chassis ' internal tem perature. The SC835 Chassis includes three front fans and two rear fans. SC835 chassis fans are full y ho t s wappable. In other word s, f ans may b[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-12 The SC8 35 chas sis incl udes th ree fro nt fans and two rear fans. The front fans a re pre-install ed. The rear fans must be installed after mothe rboard and air shroud setup. Rear System F ans Insta lling the R ear S yste m Fan s Installing a the Rear System Fans Confirm that the air sh roud is c orrectly placed. Slide [...]
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5-13 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Check ing t he Se rver' s Air Flow Checking the Air Flow Make sure there are no ob jects to o bstruct airflow in and out o f th e s erver . If necessary , route the cables through the cable rack. Do n ot operate the server without drives or drive trays in th e dr ive bays. Use only r ecommended ser ver parts. Mak[...]
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5-13 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup The power supply for the SC835 Chassis is redundant and hot swappable, meaning the power supply can b e c hanged without powering do wn t he system. 5-7 Power Sup ply Repla cing the Power Supp ly Replacing the Power Supply The SC835 chassis includes a redundant power supply (at least two power modules), you can leave t[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-14 Repla cing the Power Dist ribut or Redundant server chassis that are 2U or higher , require a power distribut or . The power distrib utor provides fa ilover and power su pply redundan cy . In th e u nlikely event you must r eplace the power distributor, do following Installing the Power Distribu tor Power down the s erver [...]
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5-15 Chapter 5: Chassis Setup Repla cing the DVD o r CD- ROM Dr ive SC835 chassis models support either a slim 8x D VD-ROM, 24x CD, DV D-ROM, or an optional fl oppy disk dri ve. Use these in structions in th is section in th e u nlikely event that you m ust replace any of th ese components. Figure 5-10: Installing th e DV D-ROM, Front Panel, or CD[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 5-16 For more i nformation , se e t he m anual for your backplane in the a ppendix. Repla cing or Instal ling the Optio nal F loppy Drive Installing a Floppy Drive Power down and unplug the s ystem Remove the chassis cover . (If you ar e n ot i nstalling a new front port panel) Re move the m ini-bezel (grate) from the drive bay[...]
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6-1 Chapter 7: Rack Installation Chapter 6 Rack Installation 6-1 Over view This chapt er provide s a quick setup ch ecklist to get your chassis up and running. Following th ese steps in the o rder given sho uld enable you t o h ave the system operational wi thin a min imum amount of time. 6-2 Unpac king the Sys tem Y ou should ins pect the box the [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 6-2 Ensure that the leveling jacks on the bottom of the rack are fully extended to the floor w ith the f ull weight of th e r ack resting on t hem. In s ingle rack installatio n, s tabilizers should be att ached to the ra ck. In m ultiple rack installat ions, the racks should be co upled together. Always make s ure the rack i [...]
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6-3 Chapter 7: Rack Installation Rack Mounting Consider ation s Ambient Opera ting T emp erature If insta lled in a clos ed or multi-unit rack a ssembly , th e ambien t operat ing tem- perature of the rack enviro nment ma y be g reater t han the ambient temperature of the room. Therefore, consideration should be given to ins talling the e quipment [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 6-4 6-4 Rack Mou nting Ins truc tion s This section prov ides information on installin g the SC83 5 ch assis into a rack unit with t he rai ls pro vided. Ther e are a v ariety of rack units on th e mark et, wh ich ma y mean th e asse mbly p rocedure will differ slig htly . Y ou should also refer t o the instal- lation instructi[...]
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6-5 Chapter 7: Rack Installation Figure 7-2: Outer Rack Rails Insta lling the O uter Rack Rai ls Outer rai ls attach to the server rack and hold t he serve r in pl ace. The oute r rails for the SC835 chassis extend between 30 inches and 33 in ches. Installing a the Outer Rails Begin by m easuring the distance from the front rail to the re ar r ail [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual 6-6 Figure 7-4: Installing the Chassis into the Server Rack Insta lling the C hass is int o a Ra ck Installing into a Rack Confirm that the inner and o uter rails are i nstalled on the rack. Line chassis rails with the front of th e ra ck rails. Slide the chassis rails into the rack r ails, keeping the pressure even on both si[...]
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A-1 Appendix A Appendix A SC835 Chassis Cables A-1 Over view This app endix li sts supp orted ca bles for your chassis syste m. It only includes the most commonly used comp onents and configura tions. For more compati ble cables, refer to the man ufacturer of the motherboard you are us ing and our Web site at: www .sup ermicro.com . A-2 Cable s I [...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual A-2 Description : This cable has one SFF-8484 ( 32 pin) co nnector on one end and 4 SAS connectors (7 pins each) at the ot her . This cable conn ects from the Host (motherboar d o r ot her controller) to the backplane SAS hard drive port. Cable Name: SAS Cable Quantity: 1 Part #: CBL-0175L Alt. Name: "Big Four" Descri[...]
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A-3 Appendix A Casca ding/ JBOD SAS C ables Use the fo llowing cables when setting up a cascading or JBOD system. Description : Intern al casc ading c able. Connects the backplane to the Hos t Bus Adapter (HBA) or external port. Used in Dual p ort environments . Cable Name: SAS Cable Quantity: varies by setup Part #: CBL-0168L Ports: Dual Placement[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual A-4 Description : External cascadin g cable. Connects ports b etween ser vers. With most connectors, use one cable for single port connections and two cables for dual port c onnections . Cable Name: SAS Cable Quantity: varies by setup Part #: CBL-0166L Ports: Single or Dual Placement: External cable[...]
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A-5 Appendix A Exten ding Powe r C ables Although Supermicro chassis are designed with to be efficient and cost-effective, some compatible motherb oards have power connectors located in different are as. T o use these motherboards you may have t o extend the p ower cables to the mot her boards. T o do this, use the fo llowing chart as a gui de. Po[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual A-6 Notes[...]
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B-1 Appendix B Appendix B SC835 Power Supply Specifications This appendix lists power supply specifica tions for your chassis system. SC835 TQ-R8 00B 800W (Redundant) MFR Part # PWS-801-1R Rated AC V oltage 100 - 240V 50 - 60Hz 10A - 4 Amp +5V standby 4 Amp +12V 66 Amp +5V 25 Amp +3.3V 12 Amp -12V 0.5 Amp[...]
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SC835 Chassis Manual B-2 Power Supply Cables Name Num- ber Connects to: Description 20-pin or 24-pin power cable 1 mother- board 20-pin or 24-pin power cable provides electricity to the motherboard. Has 20 - 24 yellow , black, gray , red, orange, green and blue wires. HDD (Hard Drive) power cable 3 backplane Each cable has 3 connectors (two Hard Dr[...]
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C-1 Safety Informatio n a nd T echnical Specific ations Appendix C SAS-833TQ Backplane Specifications T o avoid pers onal injury and property damag e, carefully follow all the safety s teps listed below when accessing your system or handling the component s. C-1 ESD Safety Guideli nes Electric S tatic Disc harge (ESD ) can da mage elect ronic com[...]
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C-2 Backplane Specific ations C-3 An I mport ant Note t o Us ers All images an d layouts sho wn in this user's guide are based upon t he latest PCB Revision av ailable at t he time of p ublishing. The ca rd you have received ma y or may not lo ok exactly the same a s th e g raphics shown in this manual. Jumper S ettings and Pi n Definitions [...]
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C-3 Safety Informatio n a nd T echnical Specific ations C-5 Front Con nect or a nd P in D efini tions 4. MG9072 Chip The MG9 072 is an enclosure management chip that s upports the SES-2 controll er an d SES-2 protocols. 2. I 2 C Connectors The I 2 C Connectors, designated JP37 and JP95, are used to monitor HDD activity and status. See the table o[...]
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C-4 Backplane Specific ations Backplane Main Power 4-Pin Connector (JP10 and JP13) Pin# Definition 1 +12V 2 and 3 Ground 4 +5V 5. Backplane Main Power Connectors The 4-pin connectors, designated JP10 and JP13 provide powe r t o t he backplane. See the table on the ri ght for pi n d efinitions. 6. Fan Connectors Th e 3- pi n co n ne c to r s, des[...]
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C-5 Safety Informatio n a nd T echnical Specific ations JP 18 C-6 Front Jum per Locatio ns a nd P in D efini tions Explan ation of Jumpe rs T o modify the operation of the backplane, jumpers can be used to choose between optional s ettings. Jumpers cr eate short s between two pins to change the funct ion of th e conn ector . Pi n 1 is i dentifie[...]
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C-6 Backplane Specific ations Jumper Settings Jumper Jumper Settings Note JP35 1-2: Reset 2-3: No Reset MG 9072 Chip Reset Socket Settings Socket Socket Setting Note JP18 Connected to front panel Buzzer Reset Press once to disable buzzer; Press twice to enable buzzer Fan Ju mper Sett ings This backpl ane can us e up to th ree fans. T o utilize e a[...]
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C-7 Safety Informatio n a nd T echnical Specific ations I 2 C and SGPIO Mod es an d Jum per Se tting s This backpla ne can utilize I 2 C or SGPIO. SGPI O is the defau lt mode and can be used without making changes to you r jumpers. The following information details which jumpers must be configured to use I 2 C mode or re store your backplane to S[...]
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C-8 Backplane Specific ations Front Pane l LEDs LED NORMAL ST A TE SPECIFICA TION Fan #1 Fail OFF Failure in Fan #1 Fan #2 Fail OFF Failure in Fan #2 Fan #3 Fail OFF Failure in Fan #3 Alarm #1 OFF Overheat/Drive Failure +5V ON Backplane power failure. Light is on during normal operation. +12V ON Backplane power failure. Light is on during normal o[...]
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C-9 Safety Informatio n a nd T echnical Specific ations C-7 Rear Con nect ors and LED Ind icat ors Rear SAS/SA T A Connectors Rear Connector SAS Drive Number SAS #0 SAS/SA T A HDD #0 SAS #1 SAS/SA T A HDD #1 SAS #2 SAS/SA T A HDD #2 SAS #3 SAS/SA T A HDD #3 SAS #4 SAS/SA T A HDD #4 SAS #5 SAS/SA T A HDD #5 SAS #6 SAS/SA T A HDD #6 SAS #7 SAS/SA T [...]
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C-10 Backplane Specific ations Notes[...]