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Teledyne Analytical Instruments OPER A TIN G INSTRUCTIONS FOR Model 6750 T o t al Organic Carbon Analyzer DANGER To xic g ase s and o r fl ammabl e li quids ma y b e pr es en t i n t h i s mon ito ri ng syst e m. Personal protective e q uipment may be required when servicing this instrument. Hazardous volt ages exist on certain components internall[...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments ii Copyright © 2005 Teledyne Instruments/ Analytical Instruments All Right s Reserved . No par t of this m anual may be r epro duced, tra nsmitted, transcribed , stored in a retriev al system, or translated into any o th er lan guage o r computer language in whole or in p art, in any f orm or by an y mean[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Teledyne Analytical Instruments iii Speci fic Model Info rma tion Instrument S erial Nu mber: _______________________ Instrument Ra ng e: _______________ Calibrated for: _______________ Background Gas: _______________ Zero Gas: _______________ Span Gas: _______________[...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments iv Safety M e ssages Your safety and the saf ety of others is very important. We have provided ma ny important safety messages in this manual. Please read these me ss ages carefully. A safety message alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Eac h saf ety message is associated with a s[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Teledyne Analytical Instruments v IF YOU USE THE ANALYZER IN A MANNER OTHER THAN THAT FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED, UNPREDICTABLE B EHAVIOR COULD RESULT POSSIBLY ACCOMPANIED WITH HAZARDOUS CONSEQUENCES . This manual provide s infor mation designe d to guide you through the installation, cali br ation operation and mai[...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments vi T ab le of Contents List of Fig ure s .............................................................................. ix List of Ta bles ............................................................................... xi Introduc ti on ......................................................................[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Teledyne Analytical Instruments vii 3.3 Electrical Connections 23 3.3.1 Power Connection 23 3.3.2 Analog Outputs 24 3.3.3 Alarm Connections 25 3.3.4 RS-232 Serial Connection 25 3.4 Gas/liquid Conne ctions 25 3.4.1 Liquid Connection s 25 3.4.2 Gas Connection s 26 3.5 Checking the System 27 Set up and Oper ation ....[...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments viii 5.3.8 UV Power Suppl y 58 5.3.9 Mass Flow Controller (P/N ST18001 A) 59 5.3.10 Metering Val ve (P/ N ST16 050) 60 5.3.11 Sparger (P/N ST20025) 61 5.3.12 Pumps 63 Pump Mo tor Replacem e nt 63 Pump Head Tubin g Replacement 65 5.3.13 4-20 mA Adjustmen t Procedure 67 Setting 100[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Teledyne Analytical Instruments ix List of Figures Figure 1-1 : The Model 6750 TOC Ana lyzer (Front door remo ved) . 3 Fig ure 2-1 : NP OC o r TOC – Di re ct Metho d .................................... 6 Fig ure 2-2 : TOC – Tru e Me tho d ..................................................... 6 Fig ure : 2-3 : [...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments x Fig ure 5-6 : DC Powe r Sup pl y Modu le........................................... 5 4 Fig ure 5-7 : Rep laci ng CE Co mpute r ............................................. 55 Fig ure 5-8 : UV Lamp Repl acem en t .............................................. 56 Figure 5-9 : Removing the UV Reactor Asse[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Teledyne Analytical Instruments xi List of T ables Tab le 4-1 : Prep ara tion o f Sta nda rds (TOC/TIC ) ............................37 Tab le 5-1 : Troub le shoo ting ...........................................................44[...]
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Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments xii DANGER COMBUSTIBLE GAS USA G E WARNI NG This i s a genera l purpo se instrument designed for use in a non-h a zardous area. It is the custome r's responsibili ty to ensure safety especially when combustib le gases are being analyzed since the potential of g as lea ks always exist. The customer sho[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Introdu c tion Teledyne Analytical Instruments 1 Introduction Tele dyn e Model 6750 Total Organic Carb on Analyzer provi d es accurate and reliable on-line TOC analysis with Windows™ CE Operation, using t h e UV/Heated Persulfate Oxidation Method. This manual includes all necessary information t o h elp you insta[...]
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Introdu c tion Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 2 • RS-232C and RS-485 outputs • Separate electronics and liquid compartments 1.2 Options The foll owing op tions are available for the Model 6750 TOC Analyzer a nd are described in Appendix A .3: • Correlated BOD/COD • Dual NDIR Analyzers • Benchma rk /Auto Validation • Auto-C[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Introdu c tion Teledyne Analytical Instruments 3 All other t yp es of usage beyond the intended use stated above, are considered a s m isuse of the analyzer. The supplier assumes no responsibilit y for d amage incurred as the r esult of mi s use of the product. 1.5 Operat or Interface The Model 6750 Anal y zer is h[...]
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Introdu c tion Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 4[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 5 Theory of Ope ration 2.1 Over view The Model 6750 Anal y zer uses the UV/Heated Persulfate method of analysis and i s w ell-suited for many ap plications involving accurate TOC analysis. The b asic analyzer is confi gured for maximum utility using an advanced Mi[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 6 To perform c orr ect TOC analysis, the analys is system must be capable of measuring all constituents of organic carbon pre s ent in the sample: N on-Purgeable Organic Carbon (NP OC) and Purgeable Organic Carbon (POC). Correct TOC analysis must also exclude t h e Total Inorg anic Ca[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 7 (sparges) the CO 2 converted from the TIC and it i s m easured by an independe n t CO 2 detector as “TIC”. POC is also stripped from the sample i n the sparger as HC, but the HC is undetected by the CO 2 detector and does not interfere with the TIC measureme[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 8 Figure: 2-3: TOC Measurement Basics Figure 2-4: UV/Persulfate M ethod[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 9 2.3 The UV/Heated Persulfate Method of Ana lysis In the UV/Heate d Pe rsulfate Method as us ed by the Model 6750, the sample is initially mixed wit h acid and directed to t h e sparger. For TOC-Direct (NPOC) analysis, the CO 2 c o nverted from the inorganic carb[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 10 Figure 2-5: Comparison of TOC Measurement Technologies[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 11 2.4 Subsystems Principl es of Operation The Model 6750 T OC A nalyzer is comprised of five subsystems: 1. Sample Handling 2. Inorganic Ca rbon R emoval – OR – Inorganic Ca rbon An a lysis/TOC-True Me thod 3. Oxidation 4. NDIR CO 2 G as Det ection 5. Electro[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 12 actual measurement of the TIC, a more accurate TOC is achieved since (TOC = TC - TIC). “TOC-Direct” mode is preferred for accuracy when no or little volatiles are pr esent. In this mode, the car bonate-free sample is extracted from the organic carbon reactor and measured direct[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 13 Figure 2-7: Sample Handli ng TO C-True G AS P HASE S AMPL E H ANDLING Referencing Figure 3-5 and “As Built” drawings in the Appendix, a carrie r g as of (99.8%) pure oxygen or CO 2 and hydrocarbon-free air is required. E rron eous TOC analysis will [...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 14 TOC analysis in a continuous, on-line TOC analyze r. The CO 2 generated by the oxidation of carbon in the react o r is read by the NDIR as a percentage concentration of the CO 2 in the carrier gas. CO 2 (TOC) CO 2 (TOC) + Carrier Any increase or decrease of the carrier flow rate wi[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 15 be reduce d to approximately 2.0 to 3.0. If the sample pH is not properl y reduced a s d e scribed in Figure 2-8, increas e the norm a lcy of the acid reagent un til the water exiting the sparger drain is between 2.0 and 3.0. Figure 2-8: Relati onship Between T[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 16 The construction of t h e patented UV reactor in the Model 6750 affords superior oxidation by precisely controlling the sample tempe r ature, adding a precise amount of u ltra-pure p ersulfate reagent (P/N ST40000) and precisel y controlling the carrier gas flow rate. Pump (P-1) co[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 17 2.4.4 NDIR CO 2 Gas Detection The key c o mponent for reliable TOC anal ysis is the preci s e and interfe r ence-free detection of CO 2 . The M odel 6750 NDIR unit require s very little maintenance because of its ability to handle the corrosive gases generated [...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 18 requires no wall r eflectivity and is completely resistant to corrosive gases. The NDIR unit requi r es no optical chopper motor or mechanical device s but u tilizes a single flashing infrar ed source to optically “chop” the infra r ed (IR) beam, which equally irradiates CO 2 /[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Theory of Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 19 B ENCHMARK /A UTO -V ALIDATION Benchma rk is the European NAMUR* s pecified validation techni qu e, whereby on command a chemical calibration standard is automaticall y introduced to the analyzer and the response is compared to the previ ous an alyzer c[...]
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Theory of Operation Mo del 675 0 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 20[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Installation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 21 Installation This manual contains “AS BUILT” drawings and a parts list to aid in the i ns tallation and operation of the ana lyzer. T h ese drawings should be referred to when orde r ing spare parts, operating or servicing the equipme n t. See the Appendix for the[...]
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Installation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 22 Figure 3-1: Analyzer Dimensions Figure 3-2: Re qu ired Door Clearance[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Installation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 23 All operat or controls and serviceable components are mounted on the cont ro l panel, which is hinged and doubles as the door that provides acce ss to those components not normally requiring maintenance. Internal components of the Model 6750 TO C Analyzer a r e shown [...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Installation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 25 3.3.3 Alarm Connections The Model 6750 i s equipped with two concentration alarms and one anal y zer malfunction alarm. The three alarm-circuit connectors use spring termi n als for making connections t o internal alarm relay connect s. E ach alarm provides a set of F[...]
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Installation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 26 • Reagent s • Drain (s) Connect t h ese lines as per Figure 3-4 and the AS -BUILT drawings in the Appendi x. M ake sure there are no r estrictions or kinks in the sample lines. Figure 3-5: Gas and Liquid Connections to the Analyzer 3.4.2 Gas Connections The gas connections include: • [...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Installation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 27 Wi th th e e x c ep ti o n of the v ent and carr ier g as in le t, a ll o th er ga s co n ne ct ion s ar e mad e o n th e s am e b otto m p anel as th e l iq u id co nn ec t ion s an d a re s ho wn in F ig u re 3- 5. Th e N D IR v en t a n d ca r r ier ga s c o nn e c[...]
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Installation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 28[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 29 Setup and Operation Once the a n alyzer has been installed, it ca n be configure d to your applicati on. To do this you will: • Set system parameters • Calibrate t h e instrument • Define the analysis range. Then choose auto-ranging or select a fixed rang[...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 30 Figure4-1: Drain Connections 5. On initial start –up or after UV Reactor or Glass Liquid Separator (GLS) servicing, fill the U-Tube with D. I. water as indicated in Figure 4-2. 6. After all of the above checks, turn analyze r ON by acti v ating the facility power switch. The sys te[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 31 Figure 4-2: Gas Liquid Separator D. I. Filling After reagents and DI have f illed all tubing lines, it is recommended t o p roceed with IR Calibrat ion followed by cal (liquid cali br ation) of the system. Then the analyzer may be placed in service. 4.2 Menus T[...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 32 • The curre n t TOC value, • [IR] IR response • [Flow] Carrier Gas Flow rate • [m] Availa b le Memory (kb). 4.2.2 Parameter Menu Although your anal y zer has been optimally configured for your applicati on, on initial startup the setup par ameters should be verified Consult F[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 33 2. From this menu, select:[Parameters] The foll owing s creen appears: This is the Parameters menu from which the anal y zer may be configured t o sui t the requirements of the operator Verify the following settings are correct or select the desired settings: ([...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 34 From this menu ve r ify or change the concentration alarm setpoints using the onscree n scro ll arrows. 4.2.4 Stream Sequencer If your analyzer has been confi gur ed for a multi-stream sequencer (P/N ST200009), from the [Edit] Menu, select [Sequencer]. The following me nu appears: Fr[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 35 4.2.5 D/DBPR This optional utility allows conve n ient ex ternal pH c alibration and input of al k alinity data consistent with the D/DBP R requireme nts If your analyzer has been confi gur ed for the D/DBP R option, from the foll ow ing [Edit] Menu, select [D/[...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 36 The foll owing window is illustrative of th e D/DBPR [Run] screen. 4.3 Detail ed Calibration Procedures 1. Although the i ns trument has been calibrated to your specificati ons a t the factory, it should be r echec k ed after satisfact ory installation and periodically calibrated as [...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 37 Table 4-1: Preparation of S tandards (T OC/TIC) ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 100 mg/Liter TOC (AS CARBON) 1000 mg/Liter TOC (AS CARBON) Ethylene Glycol .233 ml/L H 2 0 2.33 ml/L H 2 0 Methanol .337 ml/L H 2 0 3.37 ml/L H 2 0 Ethanol .242 ml/L H 2 0 2.42 ml/L H 2 0 Acetone[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 39 Note: On the initial Startup, IR gas calib ration should be performed prior to liquid calibration a. Selec t [CALIBRAT E] from the main menu. The following scree n wi ll appear: b. Select [ TOC]. The foll owing s creen appears: c. Flow “ZERO” (D. I. Wa t er[...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 40 f. If the calibration i s a cceptable, select [OK ] or [CANCEL] if not acceptable. The analyzer is now calibrated and ready for ana lysis. 4.4 Operation After proper installation and calibration, the instrume n t is ready to be placed “ON-LINE” for conti nuous operation. Note: Fo[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Setup and Operation Teledyne Analytical Instruments 41 4.5 Shutdown Prior to shutdown of the analyze r o r performing service on the react or, f lush D. I. water through all sample and reagent lines for at least 30 minute s to clean all tubing. CAUT I ON: FAILURE TO OBSERVE ADEQUATE FLUSHING COULD R ESULT IN HARMFU[...]
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Setup and Operation Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 42 To view the d ata produced in the last 24 hours , select [LAS T 24 HOURS ]. The foll owing screen will appear: Using the Scroll Ba r, s elect the data to be viewed. Selecting [HISTORICAL DATA] allows you to view any archived data wit h in the memory limits of the computer. A screen a[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 43 Maintenance 5.1 Compupter-aided T es ting Prior to performi ng d etailed troubleshooting procedures listed below, first perform computer-aided testing of the analyzer, as follows: 1. From the scree n, se lect [TEST]. The follow ing menu appears: 2. Select [S YSTEM DIAG[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 44 From this screen t h e operator may perform individual testing of c o mponents related to functionality and settings. 5.2 T roub l eshooting If you are experiencing trouble with your instrument, refer to Table 5-1: Trouble shoot ing. Table 5-1: Troubleshooting PROBLEMS SOLUTION Analyze r wil[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 45 5.3 Module Service 5.3.1 NDIR (Gas Calibration) 1. From the Menu, select [CALIBRATE]. The foll owing s creen will appear: 2. Select [INF RARED ANA LYZER]. The following Screen will appear: 3. Disconnect t ub ing from reactor output and connect IR cali br ation adapter [...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 46 Figure 5-1: Disconnecting Tubing f rom Reactor Figure 5-2: IR Calibration A dap ter P/N ST20026 IR Calib ration Adapter[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 47 Figure 5-3: Installing Cali br ation Adapte r 5. To set IR “Zero”, fl ow 200 c c/minute oxy gen (or CO 2 - free ai r) for 5 minutes. Allow NDIR reading to stabilize. Select [ ZERO]. NDIR reading is reset to 0. 6. To set IR “Span” for the 6 inch (shorter) IR ben[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 48 Figure 5-4: Re mov ing the NDIR Unit P/N ST36000 To Replace t h e NDIR Unit: 1. Turn off power. 2. Remove i n let tube from NDIR Assembly. 3. Remove ve n t tube from NDIR As sembly. 4. Unplug interface cable from NDIR Assembly. 5. Remove NDIR Assembly from ca b inet.[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 49 • Remove insula t ion from IR Cell. • Remove lock-tight from three thumbnuts and remove . • Slide ou t and remove Source Assemb l y .[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 50 • Remove IR Ce ll Assembly Note: a. ‘O’-Rings in each of Detector Assemb l y (l eft) and Sou r ce Assemb l y (r ight). b. Sapphire windows loca t ed under ‘O’-Rings[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 51 • *Remove ‘O’-Ring and Sapph ire window taking care t o avoid scratching S apphire window. *Recommend usin g toothpick. • Clean s apphire windows with a soft, lintless tissue (use DI water, if necessa r y ). To Reassemb le • Install IR Cell. • Install Sourc[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 52 • Tighten three thumbnuts un ti l Source Assembly bottoms out on squeeze nuts. • Recommend : Use a lt ernate tightening sequence • Insert lock -t ight on three thumbnuts to prevent backoff. • Install insula ti on. Replace assembly as before. • Recalibrate NDIR (Section 4 . 3). Note[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 53 5.3.3 Master Interface Board (P/N ST130 42-1). The Master Interface Board h as no field a djustment . If malfunctioni ng, r eplace the module P/N ST13042-1 using the instructi ons below. See Figure 5-5. Figure 5-5: Re mov ing the Master Interfac e Board To Remove the P[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 54 5.3.4 D. C. Power Supply The power supply has no field adj ust ment. If malfunctioning, replace the module (P/N ST15083) using the directions below. See Figure 5-6. Figure 5-6: DC Power Supply Modu le To replace the module: 1. Turn off power. 2. Remove plastic cover. 3. Disconnect c onn ecto[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 55 5.3.5 CE Computer (P/N 13039) If malfunctioni ng, r eplace the Computer M odule using the directions below. See Figure 5 -7. Figure 5-7: Re p lacing CE Computer To Replace t h e CE Computer: 1. Turn off power 2. Disconnect electrical connectors. 3. Remove scre ws holdi[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 56 5.3.6 UV Lamp (P/N ST20009) Normal lamp replacement frequency is suggested a t least every 12 months, however, if a lamp is “burned-out” (weak or no blue glow), replace with UV Lamp (P/N ST20009), per directions in Figure 8. Figure 5-8: UV Lamp Replacement To replace the UV lamp: 1. Turn[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 57 CAUT I ON: THE UV LIGHTED LENGTH MUST BE AT LEAST 12 ½ INCHES FOR PROPER OPERATION. DO NOT USE STANDARD 1 2 INCH LIGHTED LENGTH UV LAMPS. 2. Turn off power all ow 10 m inutes for cool dow n. 3. Disconnect electrical connectors. 4. Loosen fittings as ill us trated. 5. [...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 58 well as the sa mple inlet line and submerse all three (3) lines int o D . I. water to completely flush system. CAUT I ON: FAILURE TO DO SO M AY RESULT IN ACID BURNS, CLOGGED REACTOR, ETC. FLUSH FOR 30 MINUTES . 2. Turn off power. 3. Disconnect electrical connectors. 4. Disconnect t ub ing. 5[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 59 Figure 5-10: Re mov ing the UV Power Supply 5.3.9 Mass Flow Controller (P/N ST1800 1A) If proper flow is not detected by the computer, a n a larm will be acti v ated and displayed. The fault may be in the O 2 /Air supply (c h eck for 20 psi and flow of the supply by di[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 60 Figure 5-11: Mass Flow Controller 5.3.10 Metering Valve (P/N ST16050) If no O 2 /air flow to t h e sparger (P/N ST20025) is obs erved (no bubbles), chec k for tubing and fitting leaks , restrict ions and adjust mete r ing valve (be careful to return to previous indicated bubble rate). If flo[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 61 Figure 5-12: Metering Valve 5.3.11 Sparger (P/N ST20025) The sparger may be removed for cleaning with dete rg ent and subsequent flushing with DI wate r. If the sparger inner glass body is observed to be leaking (cracked glass, etc.), or is clogged be yond clea n ing, [...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 62 1. Turn mac h ine OFF. 2. Turn carrier gas (Air/O 2 ) OFF. 3. Remove a nd dr ain tubing and sparger. 4. Remove sparge r fro m spring clips. To clean the sp a rger: 1. Run warm water t hrough tubing to flush out any solid contamination. 2. Reinstall sparger i n r everse order. Figure 5-13: Sp[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 63 5.3.12 Pumps If any of the pum ps ar e not pumping (liquid flow is not observed moving up the tubing), check to see if the motor is turning the pump heads and the motor is not binding. Check for proper power and connections to the pu mp motor. If the motor has failed ([...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 64 3. Remove p ump as illustrated to gain access to pump mounting screws. 4. Remove t wo thumbscrews for pump p anel removal. 5. Disc o nnect Pump Motor Connec t o r.[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 65 6. Remove 4 p ump mounting screws for pump remova l. 7. Rep la ce motor and reassemble in reverse step s equence. Figure 5-14: Re mov ing the Pump Note: Actual mounting panel may appear somewha t different but mounting hardware is the same. P U MP H EAD T UB I[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 66 3. Place tu bing in the right groove and against the first two rollers. 4. Hold tub in g with thumb. 5. Nea r groove, insert smaller prong of loading key be tw een the top of the rotor and t ubi ng. 6. Push key in as f ar as possible. 7. Push do w n and turn key counterclockwise (ccw) co m p[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Maintenance Teledyne Analytical Instruments 67 11. Pos ition th e other end bell on top and press the end bells together. 12. Be c aref ul not to pinch the tubing. 13. If end be ll s do not snap tightly together, reload tub i n g. 14. If nece s sary, turn key in slot on rotor shaft to adjust tubing (as i n next ste[...]
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Maintenance Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 68 S ET TING 100 M V C ONT ROL V OLTAGE 1. Using a DC voltmeter, connected to measure DC voltage, connect the black lead to the (-) side of capacitor C1. Located near the lower left corne r of the circuit board. Connect t h e (+) lead to the top of resistor R19, located slightly t o th[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 69 Appendix A.1Specifications Measurement Me thods: TC (Total Carbon) – UV/Persulfate Oxidation T OC (Total Organic Carbon) acidification and sparging to eliminate inorganic carbon interfe r ence. Tempe r ature: 25 o C ± 5 o Measurement R anges: 0-10 through 0-10,000 ppm,[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 70 Sample requireme nts : Inlet Pressure: Atm ospheric to 3 psig Flow Rate: 20c c/min. (nom) Drai n: Gravi ty drain vented to atmosphere Suspended Solids: 1,000 microns (ma x.) Re agents (TOC Mode): Sodium Persulfat e : 4.0 gal/month Phosphoric Acid, 10% v/v: 4.0 gal/m on th (nom.). Calibration: O[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 71 A.2 Parts Listing Part # Description Image ST16002 ST16003 ST16004 ST16004 ST16005 ST16006 #7013 Pump Head #7014 Pump Head #7015 Pump Head #7016 Pump Head #7017 Pump Head #7018 Pump Head ST18002-1 2 RPM 110V ST18003-1 2 RPM 220V Pump M otor Assembly ST16007 ST16008 ST1600[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 72 Part # Description Image ST15083 12V DC Powe r Supply ST13069-1 Distribution Boa r d ST13070-1 Interface Board ST13039 CE Computer ST100001-6 6” NDIR Assemb l y ST100001-15 15” NDIR Asse m bly[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 73 Part # Description Image ST100006-1 NDIR Detector Assemb l y ST100009-6 6” NDIR Cell Assemb l y ST100009-15 15” NDIR Cell Asse m bly ST100008-1 NDIR Sou r c e Assembly ST17007 ST20001 NDIR O-Ring NDIR Sapph ir e Window ST20025 Sparger[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 74 Part # Description Image ST16050 Metering Va l ue ST200026 IR Calibration Adapter ST20009 UV Process Lamp ST13066-1 AC Boa r d Assembly[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 75 Part # Description Image ST200003-1 UV Reactor Assembly ST15000- 110V ST15002- 220V UV Power Supply ST18050 Flow Switch ST20024T Gas L iq uid Separator[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 76 A.3 Opti ons A.3.1 Option 200008 BENCH MARK (with sin gle point autocal) This option a u tomatically determines analyzer performance to specifie d limits. It is accomplished by introducing a known chemical standard soluti on to the analyzer and performing a computation and analysis to ve r ify [...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 77 A.3.4 Option 200016 EXTERNAL RANGE CHANGE This option provi d es for local or remote a nalyze r r ange change by contact cl osur e . A.3.5 Option 200017 TRUE DUAL RAN GE OPT ION (not an electronic scaling) A.3.6 Option 200009 MULTI-STREAM SEQUENCER This option allows time[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 78 Since COD & BOD analysis may va ry wi th s easonal infl u ences or other particular conditions, correlations for those conditions would be used at those time s . After obtai n ing a representative amount of TOC/COD/BOD data, the operator enters those factors into the analyz er computer. The[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Appendix Teledyne Analytical Instruments 79 A.4 AS-BU IL T Dra w ings[...]
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Appendix Model 6750 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 80[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Index Teledyne Analytical Instruments 81 Index accuracy, 12, 39 acid, 6, 9, 11, 14, 19 ACID IN por t , 30 acid preparation, 38 air, 70 air gap, 29 air purifier, 13 air supply pr es sure, 29 alarm, 1, 18, 19 concentration, 25, 69 failsafe, 25 high, 25 latching, 25 low, 25 master fault, 1, 25, 69 setpoint, 34 setting[...]
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Index Model 67 50 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 82 enclosure, 3 end bell, 65 end-to-end method, 36 EPA, 9 exhaust connection, 27 external pH calibration, 35 fail-safe, 18 features, 1, 17 figures listing, ix flow rate, 13, 29, 70 Form C conta ct, 25 fuse, 44 gain. See automatic gain control gas connection, 26 gas/liquid separator, 12, 14 general p[...]
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Total O r ganic Car bon A nalyzer Index Teledyne Analytical Instruments 83 parameters menu, 32 parts listing, 71 persulfate, 15, 16, 19 persulfate line, 30 pH , 6, 11, 14 phosphoric acid, 38 POC, 5, 7 potassium hydrogen phthalate, 36 power connection, 23 power requirement, 70 power supply, 23 preferred method of analysis , 6 pressure swing absorpti[...]
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Index Model 67 50 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 84 UV/Heated Persulfate Oxidation Method, 1, 5 . See valve, 19 view window, 3 VOC, 5, 7 volatile hydrocarbon, 11 volatile organic carbon. See VOC volatile organic loss, 9 , 14 volatile organics, 1 voltmeter, 68 wall mounting, 21 warning sign, iv warranty, i i water vapor int er ference, 18 website a[...]