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T O A MIXING CONSOLE Operating Instruction Manual Model RX-7-164, RX-7-248, RX-7-328 T O A ELECTRIC CO., LT D. KO B E, JAPAN[...]
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Precautions .................................................. 2 General Description ............................................ 3 Features .................................................. ..... 4 Specifications & Characteristics ............................... 6 Input & Output Specifications ................................ 7 Level Diag[...]
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Precautions 1 . Power Supply Unit (RPS-7) The RPS-7 is separate f ro m the console. I f the power switch on the RPS-7 is turned " o n " without a connection between the RPS-7 and t h e board usin g the accessory cable packed i n the RPS-7, p o w e r is n o t supplied to t he board. The power switch must be "o n " after the conne[...]
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General Description TOA's R X - 7 is a modular 1 6 , 24 or 3 2 input channel, 4 group output, 4 to 8 program output mixing console. It is designed t o meet a wide variety o f requirements in professional sound reinforcement an d recording applications. It is wel l designed to withstand th e rigors of " o n the road" use. Modular cons[...]
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GROUP/FOLDBACK a n d GROUP/ECHO MODULES 1 . AUX INPUT (Group/Foldback Module) an d E CH O I N ( Gro up /E cho Module) are both balanced (transformer-isolated), with Low, Mid and High-EQ provided for bo th types o f inputs. 2. ACCESSORY SEND/RECEIVE jacks a r e located on the rear o f the modules f or inserting signal processing devices. 3 . Group O[...]
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PROGRAM MODULE 1 . Group 1 , 2, 3 and 4 controls p ick up t he signal from t he four group out busses and assign them to the program output. Th e program output i s therefore suitable fo r feeding the signal t o t h e house sound system. 2 . Program On/Off pushbutton determines whether the individual program output signal is t o be f e d to t h e r[...]
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Specifications & Characteristics GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS RX-7-164, RX-7-248 A ND RX-7-328 Frequency Response (Measurement o f source impedance 1 5 0 ohms) +0dB, -0.5dB; 50Hz to 20kHz +0dB, -2.0dB; 20 Hz to 30 k H z Total Harmonic Distortion Les s t ha n 0 .5 % at +4dB* output a t 1kHz Hum and Noise (20Hz to 20kHz, input termination o f 1 5 0 ohm[...]
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Input & Output Specifications **All XLR connectors are floating (balanced) and transformer-isolated. TR S phone jacks ar e unbalanced. Sensitivity is the level required t o produce a nominal output o f + 4 d B (1.23V), or t h e specified nominal output level if other than +4dB. R X - 7 OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Connection GROUP O U T 1 — 4 PROGR[...]
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Characteristics Diagrams EQUALIZER CURVES FILTER CURVES Level Diagrams (Fig. 1 ) (Fig. 2) — 8 —[...]
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1 . XLR type INPUT connector i s balanced, transformer-isolated and accepts low impedance sources f r o m -60dB t o + 10dB. P r o p er adjustment o f bot h the I NPUT LEVEL Swi tch and TRIM Knob mak e i t possible to provide the optimum setting fo r each input. 2 . GROUND (G ND ) LIF T Switch is fo r P in 1 , which m akes i t easy to avoid ground l[...]
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1 3 . Ec ho knobs provide for two independent echo mixes. The No. 1 echo k no b mixes t he signal post-fader, but the No. 2 echo kn o b is associated wi th t he Pre-Post fader selector switch. 1 4 . PAN P O T adjusts the relative output level (balance) to the f ou r mixing busses. I t i s operated in conjunction with the group assign pushbuttons to[...]
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Group/Foldback Module (GFM-7) 1 . AUX INPUT connector (XLR typ e ) is balanced, transformer-isolated. The nominal level and impedance are +4dB and 60 0 ohms respectively. 2 . GROUND (GND) LIFT switch i s f or pin 1 , which i s used to avoid ground loops that ar e often ca us ed in connection with other equipment a nd that may induce hum. Sliding t [...]
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1 . ECHO IN co nnector (XLR type ) i s balanced, transformer-isolated. T he nominal level and impedance are +4 dB and 6 00 ohms, respectively. 2 . GROUND (GND) L I F T Switch is f o r pi n 1 , which i s used to avoid ground loops that are often caused i n connection with other equipment a nd that may induce hum. Sliding th e ground lift switch fro [...]
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Ea c h program module incorporates two program output channels (programs A and B) and each program channel can be controlled independently. 1 . PROGRAM OUT PU T B connector (XLR t ype) i s balanced, transformer-isolated. Th e nominal level and impedance are +4dB and 60 0 ohms, respectively. T he program output B signal is derived from o n e o f th [...]
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1 . AIR MONITOR (Ceiling Microphone) inputs, XLR type connectors (L and R) ar e balanced, transformer-isolated. Th e nominal levels and impedances are —70dB and 6 0 0 ohm s, respectively. 2. PHONES OUT jacks (L an d R) ar e unbalanced. T he nominal levels an d impedances are +4dB and 1 0 k ohms, respectively. The jacks provide the signals selecte[...]
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1 . TALKBACK OUT connector (XLR type) i s balanced, transformer-isolated, an d its nominal level and impedance are +4dB and 6 0 0 ohms, respectively. T he talkback output includes the oscillator/pink noise generator signal or talkback m ic input, depending on th e switch status on the m odule. The oscillator/pink noise generator function i s us e d[...]
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1 . DC POWER I NPUT connector accepts D C power fr o m the power supply unit ( RPS-7). The PSM-7 is connected to the RPS-7 w i t h an accessory umbilical cable. T he power switch on the R PS - 7 w i l l n ot turn on with out this connection between the RPS-7 and PS M- 7. 2 . Ground (GND) terminal for the chassis of t h e RX-7. 3 . PHANTOM POWER M A[...]
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Meter Panel ( RXM-7-25, RXM-7-35, RXM-7-43) METER PANEL ( RXM-7-25) 1. Group I/Program 1 VU Meter An illuminated VU meter provides a visual indication of either Group 1 output le v e l (Post Group 1 Master Fader) or Program 1 output l ev el (P o s t Program 1 Master C ontrol), depending on the position o f the a dj a c en t selection switch. 2. V U[...]
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1 0 . VU meter selector switch ( Foldback 1 or Echo 1) 1 1 . Foldback 2/Echo 2 VU meter An illuminated VU meter provides a visual indication of either Foldback 2 out pu t level, (Post Foldback 2 Master Volume Co ntrol) or Ec ho 2 output level (Post Echo 2 Master Volume Control), depending on the position o f the adjacent selector switc h. 1 2. VU m[...]
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METER PANEL ( RXM-7-35) 1 . Group 1 V U Meter (Group 1 output level) 2. Group 2 VU Meter (Group 2 output level) 3. Group 3 V U Meter (Group 3 output level) 4. Group 4 VU Meter (Group 4 output level) 5. Program 1/Program 5 V U Meter An illuminated VU meter provides a visual indication o f either Program 1 output level or Program 5 output level, depe[...]
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1 . Group 1 V U Meter (Group 1 output level) 2. Grou p 2 V U Meter (Group 2 output level) 3. Group 3 VU Meter (Group 3 output level) 4. Group 4 VU Meter (Group 4 output level) METER PANEL ( RXM-7-43) 5. Program 1/ P rogram 5 V U Meter An illuminated VU meter provides a visual indication o f either Program 1 ou t pu t level or Pr o gr a m 5 output l[...]
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1 . AC Fuse The f us e should be replaced with one o f identical value and type. 2. Pilot Lamp 3. Power Switch Pushbutton alternately s w itches AC p ow er o n and of f. 4. D C output connector With the accessory umbilical cable, t he DC ou tp ut i s connected to the PSM -7 (Power Supply Module). 5. Ground Terminal 6. A C Inlet Plug an accessory AC[...]
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General Information o n using th e mixing console * Impedance Generally speaking, there ar e two rules to follow when connecting equipment o utp uts to the inputs o f other equipment. 1 . T ry to properly match the impedances o f the outputs an d i nputs. 2. Connect low impedance outputs to hi g h im pedance input. T h e above rules about impedance[...]
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* Ground loops AC ground i s provided to the RX-7 and al l associated equipment, an d this may cause an increase in h u m noise if care is not taken in connecting other equipment to the mixer. This is because a ground loop is m ade through the shields of th e connection cable and the AC line as shown in F i g. 1 5 , increasing hum noise. To solve t[...]
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The RX-7 i s a sophisticated mixer with many functions. Details on important functions a r e shown below in order f o r you to get the best operation and performance an d al s o t o avoid mistakes in operation. * Phantom Power Swi tc h Th e switch on th e front panel o f b o t h IPM-7 and PHM-7 provides f or 48 V DC phantom powering for condenser m[...]
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The tri m control changes the negative feedback volume, so that the ga in o f the head amp can al so be changed. T HI S FUNCTIONS T O YIELD TH E B E S T COMBINATION OF MAXIMUM HEADROOM AND MINIMUM NO IS E CHARACTERISTICS. The level in d ications (—60dBm, —40dBm a n d — 20dBm) of t he i n pu t level switch are nominal levels when t he trim con[...]
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* Equalizers The RX-7 equalizers provide lo w and hig h frequency shelving and mid-range peaking, both boost a nd attenuation. T h e m id-range E Q center frequency c a n b e s e t a t a ny frequency between 200Hz a nd 5kHz w it h a continuously variable frequency knob. F i g. 1 9 indicates each instrument a nd frequency band. Th e equalizer operat[...]
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INSTRUMENT EQUALIZATION CHART Acoustic guitar Electric guitar Ba s s guitar Human voice Piano (Acoustic) Piano (Electric) Organ Violin Brass in st r u m ents Bass d r um Snare dr u m Tom Tom Floor Tom Hi Hat Cymbal overhead Talk Box Bass strings resonate between 7 0 to 120Hz, b od y around 300Hz. Avoid boosting these to stop feedback. 3kHz and 5kHz[...]
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* Equalizer IN/OUT Sw it ch Precise equalizer adjustment c a n b e ma de w hile comparing th e equalized sound ef fe c t wit h the flat sound by use o f the Equalizer IN/OUT switc h. *Foldback 1, 2 an d Echo 1 , 2 Th e block diagram indicates the overall signal f lo w of th e FB and Echo circuits. The F B circuit i s basically designed t o derive t[...]
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* R X - 7 Signal Flow Th e overall signal flow of t he RX-7, f r o m input to output, i s shown below. (Fig. 21) — 29 —[...]
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*Air Monitor (Ceiling Microphones) In some cases t he mixer control roo m i s independent from th e hall requiring sound reinforcement, but the mixer operator must monitor the sound in the hall for mixer operation. F or this purpose, air monitor (ceiling m icrophones) inputs are provided o n the phones module and incorporate 4 8 V D C phantom power[...]
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Portable Entertainment Sound Reinforcement Set-Up TOA's R X -7 consoles are designed to help out when you're out on th e road. We're sure you'll find j u s t the r ig ht set-ups f o r each show, but we w anted to s how o ne wa y i t migh t be done. Th e balanced, low-impedance connectors o n the RX-7 can handle t he widest possi[...]
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Multi-Track Recording or Track-Down The TOA RX - 7 series of mixing consoles allows better recordings as w ell a s better concerts. F or multi-track recording, direct outputs o n ea ch input channel can be connected to multi-channel recorder inputs. T here are further optional connections, such as monitoring to a control room or to the performers, [...]
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How t o remove modules 1 . Remove the armrest from th e cabinet in the following manner. *Pu t both hands under the armrest and lift it straight up to remove. (Fig. 24) 2. Loosen t he t wo captive screws on th e front o f the meter panel and lif t panel straight up. Module Replacement (Fig. 25) — 33 —[...]
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(Fig. 26) 3 . Rem ove the tw o binding screws on each module. Put your fingers i n the two holes o n t h e to p a nd bottom o f th e module and lift t he module straight up to remo ve it from the cabinet. * When putting the module back into the cabinet, align it along th e guides of the frame, making the connector o n the rear o f the module mate w[...]
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1 . Input M odules (IPM-7) 2 . Group/Foldback Modules (GFM-7) 3 . Group/Echo Modules (GEM-7) 4. Program Modules (PGM -7) 5 . Phones Module (PHM-7) 6 . Talkback Module (TBM-7) 7 . Power Supply Module (PSM-7) 8 . VU Meters for Group and Program Outputs (Switchable) (Fig. 27) RX-7-164 APPEARANCE Dimensional Diagrams 9 . VU Meters fo r Foldback and Ech[...]
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1 . Input M odules (IPM-7) 2 . Group/Foldback Modules (G FM-7) 3 . Group/Echo Mo du le s (G EM-7) 4 . Program Modules (PG M-7 ) 5 . Phones Module (PHM -7) 6 . Talkback Module (TBM-7) 7 . Power Supply Module (PSM-7) 8 . VU Meters for Group Outputs 9 . VU Meters fo r Program Outputs ( 1— 5 , 2—6, 3—7, 4 —8 Switchable) 1 0 . VU Meter fo r Fold[...]
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RX-7-328 APPEARANCE (Fig. 29) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Input Modules (IPM-7) Group/Foldback M odules (GFM-7) Group/Echo Mo du l es (G EM-7) Program Modules (PGM-7) Phones Module (PHM-7 ) Talkback Module (TBM-7) Power Supply Module (PSM-7) VU Meters fo r G roup Outputs VU Meters fo r Program Outputs (1 —5 , 2—6, 3—7, 4—8 Switchable) 10. 11[...]
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Armrest Bus Chassis Wood Sid e Panel Metal Si d e Panel Main Rear Panel Meter Panel VU Meters f or Group an d Program Outputs (Switchable) VU Meters f or Foldback and Echo Outputs (Switchable) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. VU Meter fo r C ue and Talkback (Switchable) Meter S i d e Pa nel Foldback Outputs Group Outputs Echo Send[...]
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RXM-7-35 APPEARANCE (Fig. 31) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Armrest Bus Chassis Wood Si d e Panel Metal S i d e Panel Main Rea r Panel Meter Panel VU Meter fo r Group Outputs VU Meter fo r Program Outputs (1 — 5, 2—6 , 3—7, 4 —8 Switchable) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. VU Meter f or Foldback and Echo Outputs (Switchable) VU Meter for Cue and Ta[...]
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RXM-7-43 APPEARANCE 1 . Armrest 2. Bus C hassi s 3 . Wo od S i d e Panel 4. Metal Side Panel 5 . Main Re ar Panel 6 . Meter Panel 7 . VU Meters f o r Grou p Outputs 8 . VU Meters fo r Program Outputs (1—5, 2—6, 3—7, 4— 8 Switchable) 9 . VU Meter f o r Foldback 1 1 0 . VU Meter for Foldback 2 1 1 . VU Meter f o r Echo 1 1 2 . VU Meter fo r E[...]
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RPS-7 APPEARANCE (Fig. 33) 1 . AC F use Holder 2. Power On/Off Indicator 3 . Power On/Off Switch 4. D C Power Output Connector 5 . Ground Ter min al 6 . AC Inlet — 41 —[...]
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Block Diagram (Fig. 34) — 42 —[...]
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T O A ELECTRIC CO., LT D. KO B E , JAPAN Printed i n Japan 133-02-476-20[...]