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C ommunicat or User guide Events Edition R9806075 R5976790/00 09/0 7/2004[...]
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Barco nv Events Noordlaan 5, B-8 520 Kuurn e Phone: + 32 56.36.89 .70 Fax: +32 56.36.8 8.24 E-mail: events@barco.com Visit us at the web: www.bar co.com Printed in Belgi um[...]
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Changes Barco provides thi s manual ’as is’ w ithout warrant y of any kind, eithe r expressed or impli ed, including but no t limited to the implie d warranties o r merchantability an d fitness for a particu lar purpose. Barco may m ake im- provements and/o r changes to the product (s) and/or the pro gram(s) descri bed in this publi cation at a[...]
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Table of contents T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . I n t r o d u c t i o n ............ ................................................................ ..............3 1 . 1 G e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n ............................................................................................ 3 2 . S o f t w a r e i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d s [...]
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Table of cont ents 6 . P r o j e c t o r C o n f i g u r a t i o n ............................................................. ............ 3 9 6 . 1 S e t u p o f t h e S e r i a l B u s A d d r e s s ............................................................................ 3 9 6 . 2 S e t u p o f t h e N e t w o r k P r o p e r t i e s .....[...]
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1. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General introduction XLM configuration tool A uniquely powerful and easy to use confi guration progr am for the Barco XLM projector , Communicator , Events Edition, provide s all of the tools necessary fo r the total proj ector set-up and control . A compre- hensive array of easy t o access menu pages provide con[...]
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1. Introduction 4 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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2. Software installation and start up 2. SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION AND ST ART UP Overview • Required Conf iguration • Installing the So ftware • Upgrading the S oftware • Removing the Communicator software 2.1 Required Configuration PC requirements • Windows 2000, Windows NT , Win95, Win98 and WinME • 266 MHz, 64 MB Ram • Minimum disk [...]
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2. Software installation and start up 2.3 Upgrading the Software How to update 1. Downloa d or copy the upd ate zip file locally . 2. Unzip the updat e file in the commu nicator instal l directory .. 3. Run Setup. exe . The window s install shield opens. 4. Click on Next to continue. The install shield check the PC for an old version of the Comm un[...]
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3. Projector Connection 3. PROJECT OR CONNECTION Overview • Introducti on • Network connection • Serial Network Connect ion • Disconnect ing from the XLM project or • Controllin g one or mo re projecto rs • Shortcut keys 3.1 Introduction Overview The Communicator can be con nected to the XLM projecto r in one of the f ollowing ways: •[...]
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3. Projector Connection MONIT OR OUT 2 1 3 PUSH 2 1 3 PUSH HARDWIRED REMOTE 10/100 BASE T SERIAL NETWORK MONITO R OUT RS232/422 OUT RS232/422 IN WIRELESS REMOTE CTRL 3 CTRL 2 CTRL 1 PORT 1 PORT 2 BI-DIRECT IONAL UNI-D IRECTIONA L Image 3-1 Ethernet connection The projector mu st have an IP address and t he IP address of the co nnected PC must be wi[...]
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3. Projector Connection Image 3-2 Add projector Image 3-3 Projector settings 3.2.4 Delete a projector W h a tc a nb ed o n e? Any projector in the list can b e deleted o ut of the list. How to delete ? 1. Right clic k on the projector which has to be remo ved. A pop-up men u appears. (image 3-4) 2. Click o n Delete . The proje ctor will be rem oved[...]
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3. Projector Connection Image 3-4 Delete projector 3.2.5 Edit projector settings How to edit 1. Right click on a projector name. (imag e 3-5) 2. Click on Edit. The projector settin gs window opens. (image 3-6) 3. T o change the name, click i n the input fi eld next to Project or Name and enter the new name. Note: The projector name must be unique i[...]
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3. Projector Connection 3.2.6 Making connection What should be done ? Before a connecti on can be made with one or more projectors, these projecto rs should be check. Making connection 1. Check first the projectors t o which the Communi cator should make a c onnection (1). (image 3-7) 2. Click on Connect (2). When a connection is possi ble, the con[...]
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3. Projector Connection MONIT OR OUT 2 1 3 PUSH 2 1 3 PUSH HARDWIRED REMOTE 10/100 BASE T SERIAL NETWORK MONITO R OUT RS232/422 OUT RS232/422 IN WIRELESS REMOTE CTRL 3 CTRL 2 CTRL 1 PORT 1 PORT 2 BI-DIRECT IONAL UNI-D IRECTIONA L Image 3-8 Serial connection, physical location Necessary parts Straight serial cable Software connection 1. Cli ck on th[...]
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3. Projector Connection 3.5 Controlling one or more projectors T o control only one projector 1. Go to Connections ,s e l e c t Network connections and check only those proj ector you want to contro l. Now it is possible to fully cont rol these project or . T o contro l different projectors at the same time. 1. Go to Connections , select Network co[...]
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3. Projector Connection 14 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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4. Projector Setup 4. PROJECT OR SETUP Overview • Control Interf ace Set up • Internal Pa tterns Shortcuts •L a m p O N / O F F • Shutter Open or Close • Lens shift • Lens Focus 4.1 Control Interface Set up Overview of the layout All the setti ngs and setups are visual ized in this control i nterface. The following is v isualized from l[...]
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4. Projector Setup T o se t a pattern 1. Click on o ne of the predefi ned icons. (image 4-2) The selected pa ttern will be disp layed by the project or when the lamp is on and the shut ter is open. The following patt erns are available: - Full screen white - Full screen green - Co lor bars - Focus - Outline - Full screen red - Full screen blue - Ch[...]
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4. Projector Setup T oggling the lamp status 1. Press lamp on ico n ( ). The lamp will be sw itched ON. The interface w ill indicate lamp ON . 2. Press lamp o f f icon ( ). The lamp w ill be switched OF F . The interface will in dicate lamp OFF . Comm and will be send to all “write ” projectors 4.4 Shutter Open or Close W h a tc a nb ed o n e? [...]
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4. Projector Setup How to shift the image ? 1. T o shift the i mage horizo ntally , click on the l eft and rig ht red arrow un der Lens shift .( i m a g e 4 - 4 ) 2. T o shift the image vertically , click on the up an d down red arrow under Lens shift . Image 4-4 Lens shift Comm and will be send to all “write ” projectors 4.6 Lens Focus W h a t[...]
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5. Adjustment 5. ADJUSTMENT Overview • General introduct ion • Create a new layout • Edit an existing layout • Renaming a layout • Deleting a lay out •W i n d o w i n g • Settings • Input slot confi guration 5.1 General introduction Overview With the XLM it i s possible to connect up to four sources which can be mi xed to one image.[...]
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5. Adjustment 6. Click in the Filename inpu t field and ent er a new nam e for the layout. (image 5-3 ) 7. Click o n Save . The new layout will be saved. Image 5-1 Create new layout Image 5-2 Save as layout Image 5-3 20 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.3 Edit an existing layout How to edit 1. Click on Layout file on the menu b ar . The menu drops down. 2. Select Open . An overview window wi th the existing l ayout files wil l be displayed. 3. Select the file you w ant to edit o ut of the list a nd click Open . The selected la yout will be loade d. If this fil e exists on the other[...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-5 Rename layout file 5.5 Deleting a layout How to delete 1. Click on Layout file on the menu bar . (image 5-6) The menu drops down. 2. Select Delete (1). The layout fi le selection window opens (2). 3. Sele ct the layo ut file you wan t to delete (3). 4. Click on Delete (4). The Delete confirma tion window opens (5). 5. Click [...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-6 Delete l ayout 5.6 Windowing Overview • Window s election • Enabling or d isabling a Windo w • Moving W indows • Scaling W indows • Z-orde r •F u l l s i z e • Aspect Ratio All window manipulations wi ll be executed on all “write” proj ectors. 5.6.1 Window selection When a certain window is not visi ble in [...]
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5. Adjustment Using the mouse 1. Move your mouse over the wi ndow you want to select. 2. Click with the left mouse butto n on that window . The border color c hanges to yellow . (image 5-7) Image 5-7 Select a window Using the menu bar 1. Click Vie w to pull down the select ion menu. (image 5-8) The input sel ection menu opens. 2. Select t he window[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.6.2 Enabling or disabling a W indow How to disable a window 1. Sel ect the win dow . (image 5-9) The border colors wi ll change to yel low 2. Remove the checked symbol next to enable by clicking on it. The window representa tion will be r emoved from the layout pane . Image 5-9 Disabling a window How to enable a window 1. Select the[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.6.3 Moving W indows Moving via drag and drop 1. Click on the window you want to move. (image 5-1 1) The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Hold down th e mouse button to gra b the selected wi ndow . 3. Move the window to the required po sition. The coordi nates in the right p ane will cha[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.6.4 Scaling W indows Scaling via drag and drop 1. Click on the window you want to scale . (image 5-13) The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Mo ve your cursor to corner . The cursor chang es in a two arrow cur sor . 3. Hold down your mouse butt on and drag the corner to the d esired posi[...]
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5. Adjustment How to order 1. Sele ct the window you chan ge the order . The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Change the Z-value in the right pan e by clicking on the + or - button (i mage 5-15) Or , by entering t he desired val ue with the keyboar d. Image 5-15 Z-order The higher the value, the more t[...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-17 Reset to full size 5.6.7 Aspect Ratio Aspect ratio horizonta l & vertic al dimension in which the win dow will be displayed , e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9. How to change 1. Select the wi ndow o f which you want to chang e the aspect ratio. The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Rig[...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-18 Aspect rat io via right cli ck Image 5-19 Aspect ratio via button Image 5-20 Fixed aspect ratio selected 5.7 Settings Input File ma nipulation s are not automatical ly executed on all “write” projectors. Overview • Introducti on • Load a file • Save a file • Save all file • Rename a fil e • D e l e t eaf i l[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.7.2 Load a file H o wt ol o a daf i l e 1. Sel ect a window . (image 5-21) The input number and the associated file name wil l be indicat ed in the setti ngs pain. 2. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Load [All] (1) or Load [Fi t] (1). (ima ge 5-22, image 5-23) The Open an input file window opens (2). When the f ollowin[...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-22 Load file [All] Image 5-23 Load file [fit] Image 5-24 Load file message 32 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.7.3 Save a file How to save 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Save . (image 5- 25) The settings of the actual input will be saved. Image 5-25 Save actual settings 5.7.4 Save all file How to save all files 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and s elect Save all . (image 5-26) The settings of th e 4 active input fi[...]
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5. Adjustment Image 5-27 Rename input file 5.7.6 Delete a file How to delete 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Delete (1). (image 5-28) The Select Input F ile to delete window opens (2). 2. Select an input file (3) and clic k on Delete (4). The delete i nput file confirmation wi ndow opens (5) . 3. Click Ye s to delete. Image 5-28 D[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.7.7 Auto Load Enabled W h a tc a nb ed o n e? When this funct ion is enabl ed, the ACSAR 2 will creat e by itself a new custom file when i t detects a relevant input signal . How to enable ? 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and check Auto Load Enabl ed (1). A check mark will appe ar in the box just before the Auto Load Enabled[...]
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5. Adjustment 5.7.9 Input Settings How to change 1. Cl ick on the Input setting s tab. The input set tings values wil l be displ ayed 2. Click in the inpu t field of a sett ing and change the valu e with the keyboard. Or , click on the up or down arrow key t o change the value. 3. When the source is Int erlaced, check the ch eck box in front of Int[...]
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5. Adjustment Ve r t i c a l T o t a l Lines already filled w hen an active file is s elected to be edited Ve r t i c a l A c t i v e Lines number of hori zontal lines d etermining the hei ght of the proje cted image. This value is norma lly given in the specificatio n of the source. If not, adjust until full image height is displayed (no mi ssing [...]
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5. Adjustment 5.8 Input slot configuration W h a tc a nb ed o n e? Each of the input slots c an be configured wit h the correct se tting. How to configure ? 1. Click on Installati on and select Input slots . (image 5 -33) The Input slots co nfigurati on menu appears. (image 5-34) 2. Click on the drop down box next to the slot which must be configur[...]
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6. Projector Configuration 6. PROJECT OR CONFIGURA TION Overview • Set up of the Serial Bus Address • Set up of the Network Properties 6.1 Set up of the Serial Bus Address Do not change the se rial bus address when connected over a serial l oop. How to set up 1. Click on th e + or – button next to the address i ndication. (image 6-1) 2. Click[...]
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6. Projector Configuration Default Gateway A router that serves as an entry poi nt into and exit point out of a network. For example, a local network (LAN) may n eed a gateway to connect it to a wide area network (W AN) or to the Internet. DHCP Dynamic host con figuration pr otocol. DHCP i s a communications p rotocol that l ets network administr a[...]
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6. Projector Configuration Image 6-3 Network settings w indow , Barco controller 6.2.3 Manually assign an Ethernet address How to set up 1. Click on the BARCO butt on. The Network se ttings window will ope n. (image 6-4) 2. Check the check box next to Use the following IP address 3. Click in the inpu t field of the IP address and fill ou t the 4 fi[...]
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6. Projector Configuration Image 6-4 Network settings, Barco controller If no router is present , then the PC’ s IP Address MUST be within the same subn et as the projector’s IP Addr ess in order for communica tion to be possible. This requires checking the PC’ s and projector ’ s Subnet-Mask set tings. IP address examples First example •[...]
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6. Projector Configuration Remark : Communicati on possible. PC address is in the subn et range of the proje ctor ’s IP addr ess. The third group in th e IP¨ addresses can be any val ue as the third group in th e subnet mask is 0. R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 43[...]
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6. Projector Configuration 44 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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7. Projector Status 7. PROJECT OR ST A TUS 7.1 General overview Summary This interface gi ves feedback on any item that can be red ou t in the XLM projector . Image 7-1 Overview status If the Statu s indication is NO K, follow the description in the error message windo w and check the read outs to fi nd out what is wr ong with your proj ector . 7.2[...]
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7. Projector Status • Lamp run time : expressed in hours. Time lamp is run ning since first start up of this lamp. • Lamp strikes : number of strikes si nce first start up of the lamp. • Active cooling Red (activ e - not active) : when activ e, Peltier cooling is activated fo r Red DMD. • Active cooling Gre en (active - not active) : when a[...]
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7. Projector Status Image 7-4 Status overview voltages 7.3.2 T emperature statuses Status overview When one of the te mperatures ar e out of specif ication, the indicati on will b e red. R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 47[...]
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7. Projector Status Image 7-5 Status overview temperatures W ARNING : Servi cing only allowed by a Barco auth orized service techni cian. Sensor locat ions Image 7-6 Ambient temperature sensor Image 7-7 Sensors on modules AS e n s o r o n P F C B Sensor on heatsink SMPS 48 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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7. Projector Status Image 7-8 Lamp house sensor 7.3.3 Fan statuses Status overview If one of the fans fai l, the correspondin g indication wi ll be displaye d in red. Image 7-9 Status overview fans W ARNING : Servi cing only allowed by a Barco auth orized service techni cian. R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 49[...]
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7. Projector Status Fan locations Image 7-10 Cold mirror bottom fan Image 7-1 1 Cold mirror top fan Image 7-12 F a n1–4e l c abox Image 7-13 Lamp fan cathode Image 7-14 Lamp fan anode Image 7-15 Start pulse generator fan 7.4 Projector log information Overview When clicking on t he Log button i n the tab bar , a log overvi ew window will be displ [...]
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7. Projector Status Image 7-16 Log information R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 51[...]
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7. Projector Status 52 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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8. Version Inf o 8. VERSION INFO Overview • V ersion Information 8.1 V ersion Information Overview The version informati on pane gives an overview of the fi rmware versions used in the boards. The following b oards are list ed: • Formatter Boar d • Modules/Devices • Settings Image 8-1 V ersion information R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 53[...]
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8. Version Info 54 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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Glossary GLOSSAR Y Aspect rat io horizontal & ve rtical dim ension in which the win dow will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9. Default Gateway A router that serves as an entry point i nto and exit point out of a net work. For example, a local network (LAN) may need a g ateway to conne ct it to a wi de area network ( W AN) or to the In terne[...]
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Glossary 56 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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Index INDEX A ACSAR 2 25–29, 33–36, 38 Input slots 38 Configur ation 38 Settings 33–3 6 Auto load enabled 35 Delete file 3 4 Image s ettings 35 Input settings 36 Rename fil e 33 Save all file 3 3 Save file 33 Windowing 25–29 Aspect rati o 29 Disabling 25 Enabling 2 5 Full size 28 Move 26 Scale 27 Z-order 27 Add new projector 8 Adjustment 19[...]
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Index V oltages 46 R Remove projector 9 S Settings 37 Apply to all projectors 37 Shortcut keys 1 3 Shutter 17 Software 5–6 Installation 5 Removing 6 Start up 5 Updating 6 U Updating 6 Software 6 V Ve r s i o n i n f o 5 3 Informa tion 53 58 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004[...]
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Revision Sheet To : Barco nv Events/Documentation Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne Phone: +32 0, Fax: +32 E-mail: ant oon.dejaegher@ba rco.com, Web: www .barco.com From: Date: Please correct the follo wing points in this document ation ( R597679 0/00 ): page wrong correct R5976790 C OMMUNICATOR 09/07/ 2004[...]