Brother Printer manuel d'utilisation


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Un bon manuel d’utilisation

Les règles imposent au revendeur l'obligation de fournir à l'acheteur, avec des marchandises, le manuel d’utilisation Brother Printer. Le manque du manuel d’utilisation ou les informations incorrectes fournies au consommateur sont à la base d'une plainte pour non-conformité du dispositif avec le contrat. Conformément à la loi, l’inclusion du manuel d’utilisation sous une forme autre que le papier est autorisée, ce qui est souvent utilisé récemment, en incluant la forme graphique ou électronique du manuel Brother Printer ou les vidéos d'instruction pour les utilisateurs. La condition est son caractère lisible et compréhensible.

Qu'est ce que le manuel d’utilisation?

Le mot vient du latin "Instructio", à savoir organiser. Ainsi, le manuel d’utilisation Brother Printer décrit les étapes de la procédure. Le but du manuel d’utilisation est d’instruire, de faciliter le démarrage, l'utilisation de l'équipement ou l'exécution des actions spécifiques. Le manuel d’utilisation est une collection d'informations sur l'objet/service, une indice.

Malheureusement, peu d'utilisateurs prennent le temps de lire le manuel d’utilisation, et un bon manuel permet non seulement d’apprendre à connaître un certain nombre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires du dispositif acheté, mais aussi éviter la majorité des défaillances.

Donc, ce qui devrait contenir le manuel parfait?

Tout d'abord, le manuel d’utilisation Brother Printer devrait contenir:
- informations sur les caractéristiques techniques du dispositif Brother Printer
- nom du fabricant et année de fabrication Brother Printer
- instructions d'utilisation, de réglage et d’entretien de l'équipement Brother Printer
- signes de sécurité et attestations confirmant la conformité avec les normes pertinentes

Pourquoi nous ne lisons pas les manuels d’utilisation?

Habituellement, cela est dû au manque de temps et de certitude quant à la fonctionnalité spécifique de l'équipement acheté. Malheureusement, la connexion et le démarrage Brother Printer ne suffisent pas. Le manuel d’utilisation contient un certain nombre de lignes directrices concernant les fonctionnalités spécifiques, la sécurité, les méthodes d'entretien (même les moyens qui doivent être utilisés), les défauts possibles Brother Printer et les moyens de résoudre des problèmes communs lors de l'utilisation. Enfin, le manuel contient les coordonnées du service Brother en l'absence de l'efficacité des solutions proposées. Actuellement, les manuels d’utilisation sous la forme d'animations intéressantes et de vidéos pédagogiques qui sont meilleurs que la brochure, sont très populaires. Ce type de manuel permet à l'utilisateur de voir toute la vidéo d'instruction sans sauter les spécifications et les descriptions techniques compliquées Brother Printer, comme c’est le cas pour la version papier.

Pourquoi lire le manuel d’utilisation?

Tout d'abord, il contient la réponse sur la structure, les possibilités du dispositif Brother Printer, l'utilisation de divers accessoires et une gamme d'informations pour profiter pleinement de toutes les fonctionnalités et commodités.

Après un achat réussi de l’équipement/dispositif, prenez un moment pour vous familiariser avec toutes les parties du manuel d'utilisation Brother Printer. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont soigneusement préparés et traduits pour qu'ils soient non seulement compréhensibles pour les utilisateurs, mais pour qu’ils remplissent leur fonction de base de l'information et d’aide.

Table des matières du manuel d’utilisation

  • Page 1

    NETWORK USER’S GUIDE M ulti- P rotoc ol On- boa rd E the rn et M ul ti-fun ct ion P rint Se rver a nd Wi re less (I EEE 802 .11b /g) Et herne t Mu lti -func ti on Pr int Se rver Pl ease read this man ual thoroughly be fore using this machine on you r network. You can print or view this manual from the CD- ROM at an y t i me, pl ease ke ep t he CD[...]

  • Page 2

    i Definitions o f warnings, ca ution s, a nd not es W e use the follo w ing icon t hr ougho ut this Us er’s G uid e: Trade marks Bro th er a nd the B rot he r lo go ar e regi s tered tr ad ema rk s and BR A dmi n Pr of essio na l is a trad em a rk of Bro the r Industr ies, Ltd. UN IX i s a r eg is tered tr ad ema rk o f T he O pen Gr oup . Lin ux[...]

  • Page 3

    ii IMPORTANT NOTE  Th is pro du c t is ap pro ved fo r use in the c ou ntry of pur c hase onl y. D o n ot us e this prod uc t out side th e country of pur chase as it ma y viola te th e wire less telecommunica tion a nd power regula tions o f tha t country.  W ind ows ® XP in th is d ocument re presents Wi ndows ® XP Pr ofes sio na l, Wi nd[...]

  • Page 4

    iii Brother numbers IMP ORT ANT For te chni ca l an d op er at i on al ass is t ance, you m u st c al l th e cou nt ry w he r e y ou pu r cha sed t he mac hin e. Ca lls m ust be made from w it hin that co untry. For Cust omer Se rvice  Service ce nter l ocat or (USA) Fo r the lo c ation of a Br othe r aut h orize d ser v ice c en ter, call 1-8 7[...]

  • Page 5

    iv O rder in g ac ces so r ies and su pp lie s In USA: 1-87 7-5 52 -M A LL (1 -877 -55 2-6 25 5) 1-80 0-9 47 -14 45 ( fa x) http://www.brotherma In Canada: 1-87 7-B R O TH ER[...]

  • Page 6

    v Tabl e of Co nt en ts 1 Int ro du cti o n 1 Over view .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ..... .... ..1 Netwo rk f ea ture s.. .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ....[...]

  • Page 7

    vi 3 Configu ring your m achine fo r a wire less n etw ork (Not available for DCP- 365CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295 CN) 19 Over view .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ..... ....19 Wirel ess net wor k terms[...]

  • Page 8

    vii 5 Wi rele ss Co nfi gur at ion fo r M aci n tos h u sing the Br other ins talle r a ppl icati on (For DCP-3 73CW, D CP -375C W, DCP-3 77CW, DCP-593 C W, DCP -5 95CW, DCP- 597CW, MF C-49 5CW and MF C-79 5CW) 72 Conf igura t ion in In frast ructure mode .... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. ..[...]

  • Page 9

    vi ii 9 Ne two rk pr int ing fr om a Ma cintos h 125 Over view .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ..... ..125 How to cho ose the pri nt ser ver ( TCP/IP).... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .[...]

  • Page 10

    1 1 1 Ov ervie w 1 Th e Br othe r m ach ine ca n be shar ed on a 1 0/10 0 M B wired or IE E E 80 2.11 b/ 80 2.1 1g w ir ele ss E th er ne t network using the in ternal n etwork p rint serve r. Th e print serve r suppor ts var ious fu ncti ons and me thods of connectio n dependi ng on t he operati ng s ystem you a re ru nning o n a n etwork su pport[...]

  • Page 11

    Intr oducti on 2 1 Fo r Wire les s U ser s: To ach iev e o ptim um re su lts wit h nor m al eve ry da y do c ume nt p rintin g, p lac e the Br ot he r ma c hine as clo s e to th e ne two rk ac ce ss p oin t (o r rout er ) as po s sible wi th m ini mal o bs truc tio ns. Lar ge o bje cts a nd w a lls be tw een the t wo devices a s wel l as inter fere[...]

  • Page 12

    Intr oducti on 3 1 Network features 1 You r Br ot he r mac h ine has t he fol low ing ba s ic net wo rk func tion s . Ne tw or k pr in tin g 1 The p ri n t s e rv er p r ovi d es pri nt in g ser vic es f or Wi nd ows ® 2000/XP, W indows Vista ® and W i ndow s Se rv er ® 2003/2008 supporti ng the TCP/IP pr otocol s and Macin tosh (Mac OS X 1 0.3.[...]

  • Page 13

    Intr oducti on 4 1 Mana gement ut ilit ies 1 BRAdmin Light 1 BRAdmin Lig ht is a util ity for initi al s etup of networ k conn ected Bro ther d evices. T his u til ity can sear ch for Brother products on your networ k, view the statu s and configure basic ne twork setti ngs, such as IP address. Th e BR Ad m in Li gh t utili ty is av a ilab le for W[...]

  • Page 14

    Intr oducti on 5 1 Types of N etwor k Conne ctions 1 Wi re d ne tw o rk c on n ect io n e xa m pl e 1 Pe er- to- Peer pr int ing usin g TCP /IP 1 In a P eer -to-P ee r en v iro nme nt , ea ch c omp ut er dir ect ly s end s an d re ceiv e s dat a to ea c h d evic e. T h ere is no ce ntra l se rver co ntro llin g file ac ce s s or prin t er sha rin g[...]

  • Page 15

    Intr oducti on 6 1 Netwo rk Shared Printi ng 1 In a Network Shared environment, each computer sends data via a central ly control led compute r. This type of comput er is o ft en calle d a “S erver” o r a “Print Server” . It s job i s to contr ol the prin tin g of al l pri nt j obs. 1 Client computer 2 Also known as “S erver” or “P ri[...]

  • Page 16

    Intr oducti on 7 1 Wir el ess networ k conn ectio n exam pl es 1 Connect ed to a com pute r with a n ac cess point on the net work ( Infrast ructu r e mo de) 1 This type of network has a central access point at th e heart of the n etwork. The a ccess point can also act as a brid ge or a ga te way to a w ire d netw ork . W hen the Br ot he r wirel e[...]

  • Page 17

    Intr oducti on 8 1 Protocol s 1 TC P /IP p rot oc ol s and f un ct i ons 1 Pro to cols are the s tand ard ized se ts o f rules for tr an sm ittin g da ta on a netw or k. Pr otoc o ls allo w users to gai n access to network connected resources. Th e pr int s erve r us ed on this B roth er pr od uc t supp ort s th e TC P /IP (Tran s mis sion C ontro [...]

  • Page 18

    Intr oducti on 9 1 Custom Raw P ort (D efault is P ort 910 0) 1 Ano t her com mon ly used pri nt ing pro toc ol o n a TC P/IP net wor k. mDNS 1 mDNS allows th e Brothe r pri nt serve r to aut omaticall y con figur e itsel f to wo rk in a Mac OS X Simple Ne twork Configur ed syst em. (Mac O S X 10.3.9 - 1 0.5.x) TELN E T 1 Th e Br othe r pri nt serv[...]

  • Page 19

    10 2 2 Ov ervie w 2 Bef o re usin g yo ur Br othe r m achin e in a ne two rk env ir onm en t, yo u mus t ins tall th e Bro ther soft war e and als o config ure the a ppropr iate TCP/ IP netwo rk set tings o n the ma chine itself. In this ch apter, you wil l l earn the basic ste ps req uired t o pr int over th e network usin g TCP/IP p rotocol. W e [...]

  • Page 20

    Configu ring your machi ne for a networ k with an Ethe rnet cabl e connect i on ( Not available f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 11 2 How th e IP add ress is as sig ned to you r p ri nt ser ver: 2 If you have a DHCP/BOOTP/RARP serve r in yo ur ne twork (t yp ically a UNIX ® /Li nux ® , W ind ow s ® 20 00 /X P, Windows Vi sta ® or W ind [...]

  • Page 21

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 12 2 Step by ste p chart 2 a Configure t he TCP/ IP se ttings. b Cha nge the pri nt se rver se tt in g s.  Con fi gur e th e I P add r ess  Co nfigu re the subn et mas k  Con fi gur e th e gat eway i i i Se[...]

  • Page 22

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 13 2 Setting up th e IP addres s an d sub net m ask 2 Usin g the BRAdm in L ight uti lity to co nfig ure your machin e as a n etwork p rin ter 2 BRAdm in Light 2 Th e BR Ad m in Li gh t utili ty is de s ign ed for i[...]

  • Page 23

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 14 2 c Do ub l e- cl i ck th e un co nf ig ure d d e vic e. Windows ® Macintos h Note • If th e print serve r is set to it s facto ry defaul t setti ngs (i f y ou don’t use a DHCP/B OOTP/RARP server) , the dev [...]

  • Page 24

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 15 2 d Choose STAT IC from Boot Method . Enter th e I P Address , S ubnet Mask an d Gate wa y (if nee de d) of your p rint server. Windows ® Macintos h e Click OK . f With th e cor rectly progra mmed IP ad dress, y[...]

  • Page 25

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 16 2 Changing the print server settin gs 2 Note For wirele ss netwo rk user s, you ne ed to confi gure the wir eless se ttings t o change the print server setti ngs. (See Conf igu ring your m achin e for a wi rel es[...]

  • Page 26

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 17 2 Usin g the BRAd min P rof ess iona l 3 utilit y t o ch an ge th e wirel ess se tt ings (W indo ws ® ) 2 Note • Ple as e u se th e la tes t ver sion of the BR Adm i n Pro fes sion al 3 ut ility that is av ail[...]

  • Page 27

    Configu ring your machine for a network wit h an Etherne t cable conn ection (N ot availabl e f or MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-257CW) 18 2 Us in g the R e mot e S e tu p to ch an ge th e prin t s er ve r set tin g s (N ot avai lab le fo r Wind o ws Ser ve r ® 20 03/ 200 8) (N o t ava ila bl e f or D CP mo d els , MF C -253C W, MF C -255 C W, M F [...]

  • Page 28

    19 3 3 Ov ervie w 3 To connect y our machine to your wi rele ss net work, you need t o foll ow th e steps i n th e Quic k Setup Guide . We recommend th at you u se th e Setup Wi zard fr om the ma chine’s c o ntrol p anel Ne tw or k men u. By usi ng this method, you can easily connect your machine to your wirele ss network. Please foll ow the inst[...]

  • Page 29

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 20 3 Wirele ss n etwork te r ms a nd co nce pts 3 If you want to use your machine in a wirel ess network you mu st configure the machine to match the settings of the existi ng wir eless network. Th is sect ion provid es some of the main terms[...]

  • Page 30

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 21 3 Encrypt ion metho ds 3 Encryptio n is used to secure the data th at is sent over th e wire less ne twork. The Broth er wir eless ma chine supports t he fo llowi ng encryp tion me thods:  None No encrypti on meth od is u sed.  WE P [...]

  • Page 31

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 22 3 Step by ste p chart for w irele ss n etwork c onfiguration 3 For In fr as tr uc tu re mo de 3 a Confirm y our network environm ent. (Se e pa ge 2 4. ) b Confirm y our wirel ess network setup m ethod. (S ee pa ge 25. ) c Configure y our m[...]

  • Page 32

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 23 3 For Ad-h oc mode 3 a Confirm y our network environm ent. (Se e pa ge 2 4. ) b Confirm y our wirel ess network setup m ethod. (S ee pa ge 25. ) c Configure y our mac hine f or a wirel ess network. (Se e pa ge 2 8. ) Wirele ss configurati [...]

  • Page 33

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 24 3 Confirm your ne twork environm ent 3 Co nne ct ed to a co mpu te r wit h a n acc es s p o int in th e ne tw or k (Inf rast ru ct ur e mo de) 3 1 Acc ess po int 2 Wireless network printer (your machine) 3 Wireless capable compute r connec[...]

  • Page 34

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 25 3 Confirm your w irele ss netw ork s etup metho d 3 There ar e four methods to confi gure your machi ne for a wi reless network ; by u sing th e mach ine’s contro l pan el (r ec omm ended ), usin g SE S, WP S or A OS S fro m the c on tro[...]

  • Page 35

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 26 3 Con figu ratio n us in g the PIN Met hod of W i-F i Pr otect ed Set up™ (Inf ra st ru ct ur e mo de o nl y) 3 If you r wirel ess access p oin t (A) suppor ts Wi-Fi Prote cted Set up™, you ca n also config ure usin g the PI N M etho d[...]

  • Page 36

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 27 3 Con figu ratio n us in g the Bro ther inst alle r ap pl icatio n on t he CD-RO M to con fi gur e y our wirel ess n et work mach in e 3 You c an a lso us e the Bro ther in s talle r a ppl ic ation o n th e C D -R OM w e hav e p rovid ed w[...]

  • Page 37

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 28 3 Configuri ng yo ur machine for a wireless network 3 IMP ORT ANT • If you are g oing t o connect yo ur Brother machine to your n etwork, we recommend th at yo u contac t your system admi nistra tor prior t o in stal latio n. You must kn[...]

  • Page 38

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less net work ( Not ava ilable for DCP-365CN, DCP-39 5CN and MFC-295CN) 29 3 d For DCP-37 3CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW and MFC-495CW Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Se tup W izar d . Press OK . f (F or DCP -37 3CW, D CP- 37 5CW , D CP- 37 7CW , M[...]

  • Page 39

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 30 3 k If yo ur wir eless d evice i s con nected s uccessfu lly, t h e displ ay shows Conn ecte d for 60 seconds and conf igurati on is complete d. If the connectio n failed, the display shows W rong P as sw ord or C onn ec ti on F ai l for 6[...]

  • Page 40

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 31 3 Configuring your machine when the SSID i s not broadcast 3 a Befor e confi guring your machi ne we recommend yo u write down you r wire less ne twork sett ing s. You wi ll need t h is i nf orm at ion bef o re you co ntin ue wit h th e c [...]

  • Page 41

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less net work ( Not ava ilable for DCP-365CN, DCP-39 5CN and MFC-295CN) 32 3 f (F or DCP -37 3CW, D CP- 37 5CW , D CP- 37 7CW , M FC-2 53CW , MFC- 255CW an d MFC- 25 7 CW) Wh en C ha nge t o WL AN ? or W LA N En ab le ? i s disp layed, press a or 1 ac c ept. This will sta rt the wireless setup wizard. To ca ncel[...]

  • Page 42

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 33 3 q If yo ur wir eless d evice i s con nected s uccessfu lly, t h e displ ay shows Conn ecte d for 60 seconds and conf igurati on is complete d. If the connectio n failed, the display shows Conn ecti on F a il o r Wro ng Pass wo rd for 60 [...]

  • Page 43

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 34 3 For T ouchs creen m odels 3 Configuring your machine for a n exi sting wireless ne twork 3 a Befor e confi guri ng your ma chine we r ecommend you wr ite down th e SSID an d Passwo rd (i f re quired) for you r w ire less ne two rk. Yo u [...]

  • Page 44

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 35 3 Note • If the LCD disp lays Wro ng P as swo rd , the pas sword you e ntered d id no t match with your acc ess po int. Verify yo ur ne twork setti ngs col lect ed in step a o n page 34, th en r e peat ste p e to step i to make sure you [...]

  • Page 45

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 36 3 Configuring your machine when the SSID i s not broadcast 3 a Befor e confi guring your machi ne we recommend yo u write down you r wire less ne twork sett ing s. You wi ll need t h is i nf orm at ion bef o re you co ntin ue wit h th e c [...]

  • Page 46

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 37 3 h Enter the S SID name. (For informati on how to enter text, see Entering Text on pa ge 1 54 .) Press OK . i Press Ad-ho c or Infra st ru ct ur e when ins truct ed. Do one of th e foll owing: If yo u cho se Ad-h oc , go to ste p k . If y[...]

  • Page 47

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 38 3 r Press . (Windows ® ) You have compl eted the wir eless network setup. If you would li ke to continue ins tall ing drive rs and s oftware ne cessary for ope rating y our devi ce, pl ease choose Install MFL- Pro Sui te or Initi al Ins t[...]

  • Page 48

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 39 3 Us in g SE S , W PS or A O SS from t he con tr ol pa ne l me nu to c on f i gu re y ou r ma ch ine f or a wir el ess n etw ork 3 If you r wirel ess access p oin t sup ports e ither SecureEasyS etup™, Wi- Fi Pro tected S etup™ (PBC 1 [...]

  • Page 49

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less net work ( Not ava ilable for DCP-365CN, DCP-39 5CN and MFC-295CN) 40 3 e (F or DCP -37 3CW, D CP- 37 5CW , D CP- 37 7CW , M FC-2 53CW , MFC- 255CW an d MFC- 25 7 CW) Wh en C ha nge t o WL AN ? or W LA N En ab le ? i s disp layed, press a or 1 to a ccep t. This will sta rt the wireless setup wizard. To ca n[...]

  • Page 50

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 41 3 Note • If you encounte r a pr oblem duri ng setu p, te mporari ly pla ce you r machi ne clo ser t o the wi rele ss acces s point, and go b ack to step d . • Y ou can also manuall y con figure t h e wir eless se ttin gs foll owing the[...]

  • Page 51

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 42 3 For T ouchs creen m odels 3 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press SES/W PS /A OS S . This f ea ture wil l auto m atic al ly det ect whic h m od e (S ecur eE as ySe t up™, Wi -Fi P rote cte d Se t up™ or AOSS™) yo[...]

  • Page 52

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 43 3 Note • If you encounte r a pr oblem duri ng setu p, te mporari ly pla ce you r machi ne clo ser t o the wi rele ss acces s point, and go b ack to step d . • Y ou can also manuall y con figure t h e wir eless se ttin gs foll owing the[...]

  • Page 53

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less net work ( Not ava ilable for DCP-365CN, DCP-39 5CN and MFC-295CN) 44 3 Us in g the P IN Me th od o f Wi -F i Pr ot ect ed Set up ™ 3 If you r wire less access point supports Wi -Fi Protected Setup™ (PIN Method), yo u can conf igure t h e machine eas ily. The PI N (P ers o na l Iden tifica ti on Num be [...]

  • Page 54

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 45 3 g Using a compute r th at is on the network , ty pe “htt p://a ccess poi nt’ s IP add ress/” i nto your b rowser. (Where “a ccess po int’s IP ad dress” is the I P addr ess of the device that is us ed as th e Regist rar 1 .) G[...]

  • Page 55

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 46 3 For T ouchs creen m odels 3 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press WPS w /P IN Cod e , and then pre s s WP S w /P IN C ode . e Wh en S wi tch N et wo rk i nt erf ac e to w ir el ess ? is di sp la yed, pres s Yes to acce[...]

  • Page 56

    Configu ring your machine for a wire less network ( Not avail able for DCP-365 CN, DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) 47 3 h If the LC D s hows Conn ec te d , the ma chine has successfu lly connected to your rout er or access point. You ca n now use yo ur mach ine i n a wir eless n etwork. If th e LCD sh ows No Ac ce ss P oi nt or Co nn ec tio n Fail , t he [...]

  • Page 57

    48 4 4 IMP ORT ANT • Th e foll ow in g inst ru cti ons w ill inst all you r Br othe r m ach ine in a ne t work env iro nme nt using th e B rothe r ins talle r ap pli ca tion fo r Wind ows ® fou nd o n t he CD - ROM we hav e provid ed w ith the m a chin e. • Y ou can also setu p your Brother machi ne usi ng the machine’ s contro l pane l wh i[...]

  • Page 58

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 49 4 Configurat ion in Infra s tructure mod e 4 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 4 IMP ORT ANT • If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir [...]

  • Page 59

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 50 4 Conf i gur e t he wire less s ettin gs 4 a Tur n on your c om put e r. b Put the s upplied CD- ROM into your CD- ROM dri ve. The o pening screen will a ppea[...]

  • Page 60

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 51 4 e Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next . f Choose With cable (Recomm ended) and then click Next . g Read t he I mporta nt Notice [...]

  • Page 61

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 52 4 h Temporar ily connect the Brother wirel ess device to yo ur access point using a network cable (not inclu ded) and click Next . i Choose the machin e you w[...]

  • Page 62

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 53 4 j The wiz a rd will s e ar ch f or wire less netw o rks ava ila ble f rom you r m a chin e. Ch oo s e the a cce ss po in t yo u wish to associ ate the machi[...]

  • Page 63

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 54 4 l Then e nter th e Network Key an d Conf irm Network Key , and then click Next . m Click Ne xt . The set ting s will be se nt to your ma chin e. T he Net wo[...]

  • Page 64

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 55 4 n Check the pr inted Network Co nfigura tion p age. Choos e the sta tus a s it i s shown for t h e Wirele ss Link Status on the Net work Con f igu ratio n p[...]

  • Page 65

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 56 4 p Di sc o nn ect the netw o rk cab le be twee n you r ac ces s point (hu b or r oute r ) and t he mac hin e, an d cli ck Next . q Check the box after y ou c[...]

  • Page 66

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 57 4 Configurat ion using SES, WPS o r AOSS from the control panel me nu (Automatic w ireles s mode) 4 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 4 IMP OR[...]

  • Page 67

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 58 4 d The C D -ROM ma in me nu w ill ap pe ar. Clic k A dva nc ed . Note • If the Br othe r s cree n do es no t app ear aut o mat ical ly, go to My Computer ([...]

  • Page 68

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 59 4 g Re ad th e Im portant Not ice . Che ck the box afte r you co nfi rm the wi rele ss setti ng is enabl ed, an d then click Ne xt . h Confir m the on-scr een[...]

  • Page 69

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 60 4 l If the LC D s hows Conn ec te d , the ma chine has successfu lly connected to your rout er or access point. You ca n now use yo ur mach ine i n a wir eles[...]

  • Page 70

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 61 4 m Click Ne xt . n Check the box after y ou co nfirm th at yo u have completed the wir eless se tt ings, a nd then cl ick Fin i sh . You have compl eted the [...]

  • Page 71

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 62 4 Configura tion i n Ad-hoc Mode 4 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 4 IMP ORT ANT • If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir eless se t[...]

  • Page 72

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 63 4 d The C D -ROM ma in me nu w ill ap pe ar. Clic k A dva nc ed . Note • If the Br othe r s cree n do es no t app ear aut o mat ical ly, go to My Computer ([...]

  • Page 73

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 64 4 g Choose Without cable ( Advanced) and then cl ick Next . h Re ad th e Im portant Not ice . Che ck the box afte r you co nfi rm the wi rele ss setti ng is e[...]

  • Page 74

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 65 4 i You n eed to temporaril y c hange your computer's wi rel ess set tings. Fo ll ow the o n-screen inst ructio ns. Make s ure to take note of all t he s[...]

  • Page 75

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 66 4 j To co mmunicate wi th t he u n-conf igured wirel ess mac hine, temporar ily change th e wi reles s setti ngs on your P C to ma tch machi ne’s defa ult s[...]

  • Page 76

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 67 4 k Choose the machin e you wi sh to config ure, a nd cli ck Next . If the list is blank, check i f the m achine is pow er ed o n, and th en click Re fresh . [...]

  • Page 77

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 68 4 Note • If the li st is bla nk, check i f the mach ine i s with in ra nge for wi rele ss communi cation. Then, cl ick Ref res h . • If your targ et Ad- h[...]

  • Page 78

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 69 4 o Click Ne xt . The set ting s will be se nt to your ma chin e. T he Net work Con f igu ratio n pa ge will be prin te d. The set tings will re m ai n un cha[...]

  • Page 79

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 70 4 p Check the pr inted Network Co nfigura tion p age. Choos e the sta tus a s it i s shown for t h e Wir eless Lin k St at us on t he Netwo rk Co nfig ur a ti[...]

  • Page 80

    Wirele ss confi gura tion fo r Windows ® usi ng the Broth er inst aller appl icati on (For DCP- 3 73CW, DCP-375CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 71 4 r To co mmunicate wi th th e confi gured wi rele ss device , y ou must co nfigure your co mputer to use t h e same wirele ss setti ngs. Manual ly chan ge th[...]

  • Page 81

    72 5 5 IMP ORT ANT • Th e foll ow in g inst ru cti ons w ill inst all you r Br othe r m ach ine in a ne t work env iro nme nt using th e B rothe r ins talle r ap pli ca tion fo r Mac into sh f ou nd o n the C D-R OM we hav e p rovid ed with the m a chin e. • Y ou can also setu p your Brother machine u sing th e mach ine’ s contro l panel whic[...]

  • Page 82

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 73 5 Configurat ion in Infra s tructure mod e 5 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 5 IMP ORT ANT • If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir e[...]

  • Page 83

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 74 5 Conf i gur e t he wire less s ettin gs 5 a Tur n on your M a cint osh . b Put the s upp lie d CD -RO M into yo ur CD -RO M dr iv e. D oub le -clic k th e MFL[...]

  • Page 84

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 75 5 e Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next . f Choose With cable (Recomm ended) and then click Next . g Re ad th e Im portant Not ice [...]

  • Page 85

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 76 5 h Temporar ily connect the Brother wirel ess device to yo ur access point using a network cable and click Next . i Choose the machin e you wi sh to config ur[...]

  • Page 86

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 77 5 j The wiz a rd will s e ar ch f or wire less netw o rks ava ila ble f rom you r m a chin e. Ch oo s e the a cce ss po in t yo u wish to associ ate the machin[...]

  • Page 87

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 78 5 l Then e nter th e Network Key an d Conf irm Network Key , and then click Next . m Click Ne xt . The set ting s will be se nt to your ma chin e. T he Net wor[...]

  • Page 88

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 79 5 n Check the pr inted Network Co nfigura tion p age. Choos e the sta tus a s it i s shown for t h e Wirele ss Link Status on the Net work Con f igu ratio n pa[...]

  • Page 89

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 80 5 p Di sc o nn ect the netw o rk cab le be twee n you r ac ces s point (hu b or r oute r ) and t he mac hin e, an d cli ck Next . q Check the box after y ou co[...]

  • Page 90

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 81 5 Configurat ion using SES, WPS o r AOSS from the control panel me nu (Automatic w ireles s mode) 5 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 5 IMP ORT[...]

  • Page 91

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 82 5 d Dou ble -clic k Utili ties . e Dou ble -clic k t he Wi rel e ss De vi ce Setup W izar d . f Choose Aut o ma tic i nsta ll (A dv ance d ) and cli ck Next .[...]

  • Page 92

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 83 5 g Re ad th e Im portant Not ice and cl ick Next . h Confir m the on-scr een message a nd cli ck Next . i Press Menu , a or b to choose Ne tw ork and pre ss O[...]

  • Page 93

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 84 5 l If the LC D s hows Conn ec te d , the ma chine has successfu lly connected to your rout er or access point. You ca n now use yo ur mach ine i n a wir eless[...]

  • Page 94

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 85 5 m Click Ne xt . n Check the box after y ou co nfirm th at yo u have completed the wir eless se tt ings, a nd then cl ick Fin i sh . You have compl eted the w[...]

  • Page 95

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 86 5 Configura tion i n Ad-hoc Mode 5 Befo r e con fi guri ng t he wirel ess s ett ings 5 IMP ORT ANT If you have pre viousl y conf igured the wir eless se ttin g[...]

  • Page 96

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 87 5 d Dou ble -clic k Utili ties . e Dou ble -clic k t he Wi rel e ss De vi ce Setup W izar d . f Choose Step by S tep install (Recommended) and then cl ick Next[...]

  • Page 97

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 88 5 g Choose Without cable ( Advanced) and then cl ick Next . h Re ad th e Im portant Not ice . Che ck the box afte r you co nfi rm the wi rele ss setti ng is en[...]

  • Page 98

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 89 5 Fo r exa mple : j To co mmunicate wi th t he u n-conf igured wirel ess mac hine, temporar ily change th e wi reles s setti ngs on your co mputer to mat ch th[...]

  • Page 99

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 90 5 k Choose the machin e you wi sh to config ure, a nd cli ck Next . If the list is blank, check i f the m achine is pow er ed o n, and th en click Re fresh . N[...]

  • Page 100

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 91 5 Note • If the li st is bla nk, check i f the mach ine i s with in ra nge for wi rele ss communi cation. Then, cl ick Ref res h . • If your targ et Ad- ho[...]

  • Page 101

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 92 5 o Click Ne xt . The set ting s will be se nt to your ma chin e. T he Net work Con f igu ratio n pa ge will be prin te d. The set tings will re m ai n un cha [...]

  • Page 102

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 93 5 p Check the pr inted Network Co nfigura tion p age. Choos e the sta tus a s it i s shown for t h e Wirele ss Link Status on the Net work Con f igu ratio n pa[...]

  • Page 103

    Wirele ss Configu rati on for Macin tosh usi ng the Broth er inst aller applic ation (F or DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW, DCP-377CW, DCP-593 CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW, M FC-4 95CW and MFC-795CW) 94 5 r To co mmunicate wi th th e confi gured wi rele ss device , y ou must co nfigure your co mputer to use t h e same wirele ss setti ngs. Manual ly chan ge the[...]

  • Page 104

    95 6 6 Network me nu 6 Before u sing yo ur Broth er pr oduct i n a net work en vironment , you need to co nfigu re the correc t TCP/IP setting s. In this ch apt e r, yo u will le arn ho w to conf igu re the net wo rk set tings u sing the co ntro l pa nel , lo cat ed on the front o f t he machin e. Th e Net wo rk menu se lect io ns of the c ontro l [...]

  • Page 105

    Control panel set up 96 6 d Press a or b to choose TC P/ IP . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose BOO T Met ho d . Press OK . f (For DCP-365CN, DCP-373CW, DCP-375 CW, DCP-377CW, MFC- 253CW, MFC-255 CW, MFC-257CW and M FC -2 95 CN ) Press a or b to choose Au to 1 , S tat ic 2 , RARP 3 , BOOT P 4 or DH CP 5 . Press OK . (For DCP-395CN, DCP-593CW, DCP[...]

  • Page 106

    Control panel set up 97 6 IP A ddress 6 This fi eld di splays the cu rren t IP a ddress of th e machine. If you have ch osen a BOO T Me tho d of Stat ic , enter the IP address tha t you wish to as sign to t he machine (chec k with your ne twork ad ministrat or for the IP address to use). If yo u have chosen a method other t han Static , the machine[...]

  • Page 107

    Control panel set up 98 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press IP Addr es s . f Enter the IP address. Press OK . g Press S top/Exit . Subnet M ask 6 This f ield displ ays th e curren t subnet mask us ed by th e machine. If you ar e no[...]

  • Page 108

    Control panel set up 99 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press Subne t Ma sk . f Enter the Subnet Mask address. Press OK . g Press S top/Exit . Gateway 6 This fi eld displ ays th e curr ent gateway or ro uter a ddress used by the mach[...]

  • Page 109

    Control panel set up 100 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press Gatew ay . f Enter the Gateway addr ess. Press OK . g Press S top/Exit . Node Name 6 You c a n r eg is ter th e mach i ne na m e on the N etw o r k. Thi s nam e i s of t [...]

  • Page 110

    Control panel set up 101 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press a or b to dis play No d e Na me and t he n pr ess Node Na me . f Enter the No de N ame. Press OK . g Press S top/Exit . WI NS C o nf i g 6 Th is se le ctio n con tr ols h[...]

  • Page 111

    Control panel set up 102 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press a or b to dis play WI N S Co nf ig and t he n pr ess W INS C on fi g . f Press Auto or Stati c . g Press S top/Exit . Auto 6 Automatica lly uses a DHCP request t o determ[...]

  • Page 112

    Control panel set up 103 6 d Press a or b to choose TC P/ IP . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose WIN S Ser ve r . Press OK . f Press a or b to choose Pr im ary or Seco nda ry . Press OK . g Enter the WINS Server ad dress. Press OK . Note • Fo r DCP- 365CN, DCP-3 73CW, DCP-37 5CW and DCP-377CW, p ress a or b re pe at ed ly t o en te r th e f ir [...]

  • Page 113

    Control panel set up 104 6 DN S Serv er 6 Pri mary D NS S erv er I P Ad dre ss 6 This f ield specifi es th e IP address o f the primary DNS (Domai n Name Syst em) serv er. Secondary DNS Se rver I P Address 6 This fi eld spe cifie s the IP ad dress o f the secondar y DNS serve r. It i s used a s a backu p to t he Prima ry DNS server ad dress. I f t [...]

  • Page 114

    Control panel set up 105 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press a or b to dis play DN S S er ve r an d the n pres s DNS S erve r . f Press Prima ry or Se co nd ar y . g Enter the DNS Server address. Press OK . h Press S top/Exit . API[...]

  • Page 115

    Control panel set up 106 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c (Fo r W ire d) P res s Wi re d LAN . (For Wireless) Press WLAN . d Press TCP/I P . e Press a or b to dis play APIP A and th en pr e ss APIP A . f Press On or Of f . g Press S top/Exit .[...]

  • Page 116

    Control panel set up 107 6 Se tu p W izard (F or w ir eless m odels ) 6 The Setu p Wi zar d gu id es yo u thro ug h th e wire les s ne two rk conf igura t ion . For more in fo rma ti on, s ee Using the Set up Wizard from the cont rol p anel o n page 2 8. SES/WPS/AOSS (Fo r wireles s m odel s) 6 If you r wirel ess access p oin t sup ports e ither Se[...]

  • Page 117

    Control panel set up 108 6 e Press a or b to choose St at us . Press OK . f The curre nt wire les s ne two rk s tatu s w ill be displ ay ed; Acti ve (1 1 b) , Acti ve (1 1g ) , o r Conn ec ti on Fa il . g Press S top/Exit . For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press a or b to dis play WL A N St at us and t he[...]

  • Page 118

    Control panel set up 109 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press MENU . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press a or b to dis play WL A N St at us and t he n pr ess W LAN S ta tu s . e The curre nt wire les s ne two rk sign al s tren gth w ill be di spla ye d; St ro ng , M edi um , Weak or No ne . f Press S top/Exit . SSI D 6 This fi eld di splays th[...]

  • Page 119

    Control panel set up 110 6 Comm.Mode 6 This f ield displ ays th e curren t wir eless n etwork co mmunicatio n mode; Ad -h oc or In fras tr uc t ur e . a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne tw ork . Press OK . c For DCP-373CW, DCP-375CW, DCP -377CW, DCP-593CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW and MFC-495CW Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . d Pres[...]

  • Page 120

    Control panel set up 111 6 Et he rnet (N ot av aila b le f or M FC -25 3C W, MF C-2 55 CW an d MFC -257 C W) 6 Ethernet li nk mode. Auto all ows th e pri nt serve r to operate in 100BaseTX full or half d uplex , or in 10Bas eT fu ll or ha lf dup le x mo de by auto n eg otiat io n. You ca n fix the s erve r lin k mo de to 100 BA SE -T X Full D uplex[...]

  • Page 121

    Control panel set up 112 6 MAC Add ress 6 The MAC addre ss is a uniq ue number a ssigned fo r th e machine 's n etwork i nterfa ce. Y ou can check your machine's MA C address f r om the control p anel. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne tw ork . Press OK . c For DCP-373CW, DCP-375CW, DCP -377CW, DCP-593CW, DCP-595CW, DCP -597CW a[...]

  • Page 122

    Control panel set up 113 6 Ne tw ork I/F (For wir ele ss mod els , not avai lab le fo r MFC -2 53C W, MFC -25 5C W and M FC -25 7CW ) 6 You can ch oose the n etwork co nnecti on ty pe, wir ed networ k connec tion o r wire less network connectio n. If you want to use t he wi red netwo rk conn ection, choose Wi re d LA N , and if you w ant to us e th[...]

  • Page 123

    Control panel set up 114 6 Restoring the network setti n gs to facto r y defa ult 6 If you wish to rese t the prin t server b ack to its d efau lt f actory se ttin gs (re setti ng al l info rmatio n such a s the password a nd IP a ddress in formati on), p lease follo w these st e ps: Note This fun ctio n resto res al l wired and wire less network s[...]

  • Page 124

    Control panel set up 115 6 Printing the Network Configu ration List 6 Note No de Nam e : No de Nam e ap pe ars in the N etw o rk C onfig ura t ion List . Th e defa ult N od e Na m e is “BRNxxxxxxxxxxxx” for a wire d network or “BRWxxxxxxx xxxxx” fo r a wireless n etwork ( “xxxxxx xxxxxx” is your machi ne’s MAC Address / E thernet Addr[...]

  • Page 125

    116 7 7 Ov ervie w 7 Th e Driv er Deplo y men t Wiz a rd sof tw are can be use d to ease t he insta llatio n or ev en aut o mat e the in sta llat io n of netwo rk connecte d pri nters.Th e Dr iver De ployment Wi zard ca n also be used to cre ate se lf ru nni ng exe cu tabl e fi le s w h i ch wh en r un o n a re mot e PC, co mple tel y au tomat e th[...]

  • Page 126

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( W indows ® onl y) 117 7 Net w o rk S hared 7 Th e de vic e is c on nect e d to a ne two rk and a c en tral p rint qu eu e is us ed to m an age all p rin t jo bs. 1 Client computer 2 Also known as “S erver” or “P rint Server” 3 TCP/IP or USB 4 Printer ( your mac hine)[...]

  • Page 127

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( W indows ® onl y) 118 7 How to ins tall t he Drive r Deploy men t Wizard s oftware 7 a Put the sup plied CD- ROM into your CD- ROM drive. I f the model name screen a ppears, ch oose yo ur mac hine . If the lan gu ag e s cree n ap pe ar s, c hoos e yo ur la ngu ag e. b The C D -ROM ma in me nu w ill ap pe ar. Clic k N [...]

  • Page 128

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( W indows ® onl y) 119 7 Using the Drive r Deployment Wiz ard s oftware 7 a Wh en you run th e Wiz a rd for t he firs t time you w ill see a w elco m e sc re en. C lick Next . b Choose MFC , and th en cli ck Next . c Choose your connection type to the machin e that you want to p rint to. d Cho ose th e op tion y ou req[...]

  • Page 129

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( W indows ® onl y) 120 7 e Choose the machin e you wi sh to inst all.  If th e pri nter d river you wish to u se i s inst alled o n you r comput er: Check the box of Currently i nstalle d dri vers and choose the machine you wish to install , and then click Next .  If th e dri ver you wish to use is not ins talle [...]

  • Page 130

    Driver De pl oyment Wi zard ( W indows ® onl y) 121 7 Note If yo u wo rk in a “q ue ue ” base d ne t work an d y ou crea te an e xec utab le f ile fo r ano the r us er who do es no t have access t o the same printer queue th at yo u defi ne int o the e xecutable fil e, th e dri ver when insta lled on the remote c omputer wi ll default t o LPT1[...]

  • Page 131

    122 8 8 Ov ervie w 8 To connect y our machine to your n etwork, yo u need to foll ow th e steps i n th e Quic k Setup Guide . We rec om m en d that you us e the Brot her in s talle r app lic a tion on the C D-R O M w hi ch w e ha ve pr ov ided w ith the machine. B y usi ng thi s applica tio n, you ca n easi ly co nnect yo ur machin e to y our netwo[...]

  • Page 132

    Network pr inti ng from Windows ® basic TCP/IP Peer- to-Peer printing 123 8 Configuri ng the stan dard TCP/IP port 8 Pr inte r d rive r not yet in st all ed 8 a Put the sup plied CD- ROM into your CD- ROM drive. I f the model name screen a ppears, ch oose yo ur mac hine . If the lan gu ag e s cree n ap pe ar s, c hoos e yo ur la ngu ag e. b The C [...]

  • Page 133

    Network pr inti ng from Windows ® basic TCP/IP Peer- to-Peer printing 124 8 Pr inte r d rive r alrea dy inst all ed 8 If you have already i nstall ed the printer driver and wish to confi gure it for ne twork prin ting, fo llow th ese steps: a (Windows Vista ® ) Click t h e bu tton, Control Panel , Ha rdware and Sound , an d then Pr i nte rs . (Wi[...]

  • Page 134

    125 9 9 Ov ervie w 9 Th is ch ap ter ex p lai ns ho w to print from a M acin to sh on a Net wor k u sing the Simp le Ne tw ork C on figu ratio n capabil iti es on Mac O S X 10.3.9 - 10.5.x. Fo r up da ted in fo rma tio n on pri nt ing from a Ma ci ntos h , visit the B rot he r Solut io ns C en ter at : http: //soluti ons. brother .com . How to cho [...]

  • Page 135

    Network pr inti ng from a Macintosh 126 9 g Choose Brother MFC-XXXX (XX XX is yo ur mode l na me), an d the n c lick Ad d . (Mac OS X 10.4.x) 9 h Click t h e prin ter, then cl ick Make Default to set th e pri nter a s the default p ri nter. Th e pri nter i s now ready. Mac OS X 10.5 .x 9 a Tur n on th e m ach ine b y p lu ggi ng in th e pow er co r[...]

  • Page 136

    Network pr inti ng from a Macintosh 127 9 e Choose Brother MFC-XXXX (XX XX is yo ur mode l na me), an d the n c lick Ad d . f From the Default Printe r po p-u p m e nu choo se y our mode l t o set as th e de faul t p rinte r. Th e pr inter is now rea dy.[...]

  • Page 137

    Network pr inti ng from a Macintosh 128 9 Changing the print server settin gs 9 Cha ngi ng th e co nfi gurat ion u sing the Remote Se tup (N ot a vai labl e fo r DC P m odel s, M F C-2 53C W, MF C- 255 CW , M F C-2 57CW and MFC-295CN) 9 From a Macin tosh, you can change th e machi ne or pr int server parameters u sing t he Remote Setup app lic atio[...]

  • Page 138

    129 10 10 Ov ervie w 10 This cha pter e xplai ns how to re solve typ ical n etwork proble ms you may e ncounter when u sing th e mach ine. If, afte r reading this chapte r, you are unable to resolve your proble m, please visit th e Brother Solution s Center at: h ttp://s oluti ons.b m . This cha pter i s divi ded into th e foll owing sect[...]

  • Page 139

    Troubl eshoo ting 130 10 Note Af ter t he B roth er s oft war e pa c kage is ins talle d, re- ena bl e you r Fi rewa ll. Windows Vista ® us ers: 10 a Click th e butt on, Co ntr ol P an el , Ne twork and Inte rnet , Windows Firewall an d cl ic k Change s ettings . b Wh en the User Account Control sc ree n appe ar s, do the fo llo wi ng .  Users [...]

  • Page 140

    Troubl eshoo ting 131 10 Networ k print softw are insta llatio n probl ems 10 The Brother p rint s erver is not found duri ng setup of the network print s oftware i ns talla tion or f rom the print er driv er of the Brothe r machine in Windo ws ® . The Brother p rint server is not found us ing the Simple Ne twork Conf igurati on capabili t ies of [...]

  • Page 141

    Troubl eshoo ting 132 10 e If yo u hav e trie d ste ps a to d ab ove and i t does n ot work, then reset t he prin t ser ver back to th e defaul t facto ry setti ngs and t ry from the in iti al setu p agai n. Fo r infor mation how to reset to the def ault fa ctor y settin gs, se e Resto ring the ne twork s etti ngs to fa ctor y default on p ag e 114[...]

  • Page 142

    Troubl eshoo ting 133 10 Printing problems 10 Print job is not print ed 10 Make sure th e sta tus a nd config urati on of th e pri nt se rver. Ch eck th e foll owing : a Make s ure th at the ma chine is powere d on, i s on-l ine a nd read y to p rint. b Print th e Network Confi guratio n List of the machine and check if th e setting s such as IP ad[...]

  • Page 143

    Troubl eshoo ting 134 10 Sc a n ni n g an d PC Fa x pr ob l e ms 10 The network scanning feature does not w ork in Windows ® The network P C Fax fe ature doe s not work in Windows ® 10 Firewall se ttin gs on your P C may reje ct the nece ssary network connectio n for n etwork p rinti ng, network sc anni ng and PC Fax . If y ou a re usi ng W i ndo[...]

  • Page 144

    Troubl eshoo ting 135 10 h Add po rt 13 7 for b oth Netwo rk sca nning and Network P C-Fax re ceivin g by ent ering th e i nformatio n below : 1. In Des cri pti on o f s er vice : Enter a ny descr ipt ion, fo r e xample, “Brother P C Fax r eceivi ng”. 2. I n Name o r IP address (for example 2) or t he computer ho sting this service [...]

  • Page 145

    Troubl eshoo ting 136 10 Wireless n etwork troubles hootin g 10 Wir ele ss setu p probl e ms 10 The Brother p rint server is not found duri ng s etup by t he Wire less Devic e Setup Wi zard. 10 a Make s ure th at the ma chine is powere d on, i s on-l ine a nd read y to p rint. b Mov e yo ur com pu ter c lose r to the Br ot he r mac h ine and try ag[...]

  • Page 146

    137 A A Using servi ces A A service i s a reso urce th at can b e accessed b y computers th at wi sh to pr int t o the Bro ther pri nt se rver. Th e Brot her print se rv er p ro vi des t he fo ll owi ng p r ed efi ned se r vi ces (do a SHOW S ERV I CE com ma nd i n th e Brother print server r emote consol e to see a l ist o f ava ilable service s):[...]

  • Page 147

    Appendix A 138 A Usin g BOOTP to c onfi gu re t he IP a ddress A BO OT P is an alt e rna tive to rar p th at ha s the ad vant a ge o f allow i ng con f igur atio n of t he su bne t mas k and gateway. I n order t o use BOOTP to config ure th e IP address make su re that BOOTP is insta lled and runnin g on your host comput er (i t sho uld a ppear i n[...]

  • Page 148

    Appendix A 139 A Usin g RARP to c onfigu re the IP add ress A Th e B ro ther pri nt ser ve r’s I P ad dres s c an be con f igu red usin g the R e vers e A RP ( R ARP ) f acil it y on your ho s t comp uter . Thi s i s done by e diti ng th e /et c/e th er s fi le (if this fil e doe s not exi st, you can cre ate it) with an entry simi lar to t he fo[...]

  • Page 149

    Appendix A 140 A Usin g ARP to con fig ure the IP add ress A If you are u nable to use t he BRAdmin a pplic ation and your network does not u se a DHCP server, yo u can als o u se t he A RP c o mm an d. The ARP c o mman d i s av ail ab l e on Wi nd ows ® systems th at ha ve TCP/ IP ins talle d as we ll as UN IX ® s yste m s. To us e arp ente r th[...]

  • Page 150

    Appendix A 141 A Us in g the T E LNE T c on so le to co nfig ur e th e I P ad dr e ss A You ca n al so us e the T EL NET com ma nd to chan ge the IP ad dre ss . TELNET is an effect ive method t o change the machine’ s IP a ddress . But a va lid I P addres s must a lr eady be prog ramm e d in to t h e pri nt s er ve r . Type TE LN ET i pad dr es s[...]

  • Page 151

    Appendix A 142 A Installati on when usin g a Network Print Q ueu e or Sha re (printer d r iver on ly) A Note If you are goi ng to co nnect to a shared print er on y our network, we recommend th at you a sk your syst e m administr ator a bout th e queue or share name fo r th e printe r pri or to i nstall ation. a Start the CD- ROM insta llati on men[...]

  • Page 152

    Appendix A 143 A Installati on when usin g Web Servic es (Windows Vista ® ) A Note • Y ou must config ure th e IP address o n your machine b efore you pr oceed with t his s ection. If you ha ve not con fi gur ed the IP ad dres s , see Conf iguri ng y o ur ma c hin e for a net wo rk w ith an Et he rne t ca ble conn ect ion (N ot av ai lab le for [...]

  • Page 153

    144 B B Print se rver specif ications B Wi re d ne two rk ( Not av ail ab le fo r MF C-2 53C W , M FC- 25 5CW a nd M FC- 25 7C W) B 1 No t av ai la ble f or D CP m od el s. 2 No t av ai la ble f or D CP m od el s an d M F C- 29 5CN 3 I f y ou req ui re m o re a dv an c ed pri nte r man ag em e nt, us e t he la tes t B roth er BR Ad mi n Pr ofe ssi [...]

  • Page 154

    Appendix B 145 B Wir el ess networ k (Not a vailable for DCP-365CN , DCP-395CN and MFC-295CN) B Network Board Model name NC- 200w LAN You can co nnect yo ur mach ine to a netwo rk for N etwork Pri nti ng, Netwo rk Sc an ni n g, an d PC Fax Sen d 1 , PC Fa x Receive 2 (Win do ws ® onl y ) and Remote Setu p 2 . Al so inc l ud e d is Br ot her BRA dm[...]

  • Page 155

    Appendix B 146 B 1 No t av ai la ble f or D CP m od el s. 2 Not ava il abl e for DC P mo dels , MFC-25 3CW, MFC- 25 5CW an d MFC -25 7CW 3 I f y ou req ui re m o re a dv an c ed pri nte r man ag em e nt, us e t he la tes t B roth er BR Ad mi n Pr ofe ssi on al 3 u til ity v ers io n t ha t is av a ila bl e a s a d own lo ad f rom h ttp :// solu tio[...]

  • Page 156

    Appendix B 147 B Function ta ble and defaul t factory se ttings B For DCP-365CN a nd MFC-295CN B Level 1 Level 2 Level3 Options 5.Network 1.TCP/IP 1.BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP 2.IP Address [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 3.Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[...]

  • Page 157

    Appendix B 148 B For DCP-395CN B Level 1 Level 2 Level3 Options1 Network TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Gateway [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[[...]

  • Page 158

    Appendix B 149 B For MFC-253CW, MFC-255CW and MFC-25 7CW B Level 1 Level 2 Level3 Options 5.Network 1.TCP/IP 1.BOOT Method Auto / Stati c / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP 2.IP Address [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 3.Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 4.Gateway [000-255].[000-255][...]

  • Page 159

    Appendix B 150 B For DCP-373CW, DCP -375CW and DCP-3 77CW B Level 1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Options1 3.Network 1.Wired LAN 1.TCP/IP 1.BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP 2.IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 3.Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 4.Gatewa[...]

  • Page 160

    Appendix B 151 B 3.Network (Continued) 2.WLAN (Continued) 1.TCP/IP (Continued) 5.Node Name BRWXXXXXXXXXXXX = (your Ethernet address) (up to 15 characters) BRWXXXXXXXXXXXX * 6.WINS Config Auto / Static 7.WINS Server Primary / Secondary [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 8.DNS Server Primary / Secondary [000-255].[000-2[...]

  • Page 161

    Appendix B 152 B For other ma chines B Level 1 Level2 Level3 Options1 Options2 Network Wired LAN TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto / Static / RARP / BOOTP / DHCP IP Address [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Subnet Mask [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[000-255]. [000].[000].[000].[000] 1 Gateway [000-255].[000-255]. [000-255].[...]

  • Page 162

    Appendix B 153 B  The facto ry se ttings a re shown in b old. 1 On co nn ecti on to the ne twork, th e ma chin e will aut o mati cally se t the IP ad dress an d Subne t Mask to val ue appr op r iat e f or you r n et w ork . Network (Continued) WLAN (Continued) TCP/IP (Continued) Node Name BRWXXXXXXXXXXXX= (your Ethernet address) (up to 15 charac[...]

  • Page 163

    Appendix B 154 B Entering Tex t B For Tou ch scre en mode ls B When you are setti ng cer tain me nu sel ections , you may need to enter text i nto the mach ine. Pre ss to choose numbers, ch aract ers or specia l char acters. Up t o four let ters are assig ned to each butto n on th e To uch scr ee n. By press ing th e corr ect butto n r epeatedly, y[...]

  • Page 164

    Appendix B 155 B For MFC mo de ls B When you are setti ng cer tain me nu sel ections , you may need to enter text i nto the ma chine. Most n umber keys have three or f our l etters p rinte d on ke ys. T he keys fo r 0 , # and l d o no t hav e p rin ted le tter s b eca use they ar e used for s pecial ch aracte rs. By press ing th e corr ect number k[...]

  • Page 165

    Appendix B 156 B Repeating lette rs B If you need to enter a letter that is on the same key as the letter before, pre ss c to move the cursor to the right bef o re you pr ess th e key ag ai n . Sp ec ial char a cte rs an d sy mb ol s B Pres s l , # or 0 , and then p ress d or c to move the curso r und er the special ch aracter or symbol yo u want. [...]

  • Page 166

    157 C C Op en Sou rce Li cens ing Re marks C Pa rt o f t he soft wa re emb ed ded in th is pr odu ct is gSOA P so ftwar e. C Port ion s crea ted by gS OAP a re Co pyri g ht (C) 2 00 1 20 04 Ro ber t A . va n En ge l en , G en i vi a in c. A ll Righ ts Reserved. THE SOFTWARE IN THIS PRODUCT WAS IN PART PROVIDED BY GENIVIA I NC AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMP[...]

  • Page 167

    Appendix C 158 C O penS SL st at emen ts C Open S SL Lic ense C Co pyri gh t © 199 8-200 5 T he Op en SS L Pr ojec t. All righ ts re serv e d. Redistri bution and u se in so urce a nd binary fo rms, with or with out modifi cati on, are per mitted p rovid ed that th e follo w ing cond it ion s are m et : 1. Redi stribu tions o f sou rce code mu st [...]

  • Page 168

    Appendix C 159 C Original S SLeay L icen se C Copyright © 1 995-1998 Eri c Youn g (eay@crypt m) All r ights r eserve d. This pa ckage i s an SSL imp lementa tion writt en by E ric Y oung (e ay@cryptsof . The imple mentati on was written so a s to co nform wi th Net scapes SSL. Th is libr ary is fr ee for co mm er cial a nd n on -com[...]

  • Page 169

    I nde x 160 D D A Accessori es and suppli es .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ....i v AES .. ..... ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .. .. 21 AOSS™ ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. .25 , 39 , 57 , 81 , 107 APIPA ... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... ..[...]

  • Page 170

    Ind ex 161 D S SecureEa sySet up™ . ....... ..... .. ... .. .. .25 , 39 , 57 , 81 , 107 Servi ce ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. 137 Shared key ... ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. .. 20 Simple Network C onfiguration .. .. .. ... .. ..... ....[...]