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STARPLUS 2700-Ser ies Telephones User Guide with Caller ID Featu res TM[...]
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I Issue Relea se Da te Descri ptio n 1 05-99 Last Re visi on 2 08 -00 Document c ontai ns new produ ct inform ation . LIFE SU PPORT APP LIC A TIONS PO LICY VODA VI T e chnology , Inc. products are not authoriz ed for and should not be u sed within Life Sup por t applic ation s. Life Support syst ems a re equip ment intende d to support or sustai n [...]
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Contents Important Safety Ins tructions ....... ...... .......... ....... ......... ....... ...... 1 2700-Se ries Features . ....... .......... ...... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... ...... 2 Installati on ........ ...... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... ...... .......... ...... ....... ...... 4 Teleph one Checklis t ... ....[...]
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ii A ugust 20 00 Caller ID Operation & Programming .......... ....... ......... ....... .... 18 Before You Begin ... ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... . 18 General Cal ler ID In formation ............... ....... ...... .......... .... 19 Caller ID Displ ays ....... .......... ...... ....... .......... ...... .[...]
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Im p o r t a n t Sa f e t y In s t r u c t i on s 1 I mportant S afety Inst ructions When using your te lephone equip ment, basic safety prec autions (inclu ding the follo wing) shoul d always be fo llow ed to red uce the risk of fire, el ectric shock, an d injury to persons. Read and under stand all inst ruct ions. Follow all warnin gs and[...]
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2 2700-Series F eatures 2700-Series F eatur es This table lists the features avail able for each of the 2700-Series Telep hones . Feat ure 2701 27 03 270 5 2702 2704 270 6 A-Le ad ▲ ▲▲▲ Caller ID ▲ Conf erence Button ▲▲ Data Jack ▲▲▲▲▲▲ Desk/W all Moun table ▲▲▲▲▲▲ Flash Butto n ▲▲▲▲▲▲ Handset Vo lu[...]
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2700-Series F eatures 3 Message Wait Lamp ▲▲▲▲▲▲ Mute Butt on ▲▲▲▲▲ Mute with LED ▲▲▲▲▲ Numb er M em or y (R edi al) 11111 1 0 0 Pa u s e ▲▲▲▲▲ P ositive Disconnect Hookswitc h ▲▲▲▲▲▲ Programmabl e Flexib le Buttons 10 10 10 10 12 Programmable T imers ▲▲▲▲▲ Red ial B utton ▲▲▲▲[...]
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4I n s t a l l a t i o n I nstallati on T elephone Checkl ist The 2700-Series Telephones come with the following parts necessary for operation of your telephone. Verify that the followin g items h ave been inc luded prior to s tartin g the insta llatio n p rocess: Vodavi 2700-S eries Telephone Hand set Hand set co rd 12 ’ line co rd ([...]
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In s t al l at i o n 5 W all Mounting Your tele phone is desi gned f or GTE- and AT&T-typ e RJ11 W wall jack mounting. If desire d, the telephone can be converted for wall mounting by performing the following steps (refer to Figure 1 ): 1. When ins talled in t he desk mode , u nplug the line co rd and remo ve t he p ed est a l. 2. Recon figure [...]
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6I n s t a l l a t i o n Figure 1: Bottom of 2700-Series Telephones 2706 POWER PL UG[...]
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In s t al l at i o n 7 A-Lead A-Lead is availabl e on the 2701, 2702, 2703, and 2706 models. The A-Lead C onne ction i s done via t he LINE1 jack o uter pairs. Figure 2: A -Lead Connect ion Dat a J ack The data jack on the 2704 and 2705 models is wired to LINE2 from the fact ory. Thi s ca n be chang ed so that LINE1 c an be used f or da ta applicat[...]
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8I n s t a l l a t i o n Connecting a M odem to Y our T elephone All mode ls have the cap abili ty to pr ovide a c onnec tion t o a modem. This connection may be es tablished by means of a computer equipped wit h modem function or a modem connected by hard -wiring. This featu re al lows d ata tran smis sion v ia the D ATA jack on the right side of [...]
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In s t al l at i o n 9 Speakerphone Volume Switch Speakerp hone model s are equi pped wi th a slid ing volu me swit ch to adjust the speakerphone volume. Sli de the switch to ward you for lower volu me or away from you for hi gher volume. Handset Volume Each model has a volume but ton(s) that can be press ed to increase or decrease the handset volu[...]
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10 Operation Ope rati on If you have a two-line model, press the appropriate line button before lift ing the handset or pressing t he SPKR button. The green LIU indi cato r will th en i llumina te on your phone (as wel l as extensio n phones wi th LIU in dication ) when you lift th e handset or press the SPKR bu tton. Each line bu tton h as two ind[...]
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Operation 11 Ho ld (2704 and 270 5 models) To place a call on hold : Press the HOLD button (the Line indi cator will illumi nate red fo r that line). To retrieve a call from hold: 1. Lift the handset or press the S PKR button on your telephone or an extension tel ephone. 2. Pr ess the line butt on where the call is on Hold (Line indicator will tur [...]
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12 Operation Last N u mbe r R edial To dial t he last number dialed from your pho ne (2701/ 2702/ 2703/2706 mod els): 1. Lift the handset or press the SP KR button (2702/2703/2706 models ). 2. Press the REDIAL button. The num ber wi ll automatical ly dial- out on the phone. To dial t he last number dialed from your pho ne (2704/ 2705 model s): 1. P[...]
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Operation 13 M emory Dialing (2702, 270 3, 2704, 2705 models ) Ten frequentl y dialed telephone nu mbers can be stored in the telephone memory. A number stored in memory can be accessed with one-to uch of a speed dial butt on. A lithiu m battery is used to retain the telephone n umbers stored in memory when the telephone is unplugged. Therefore, no[...]
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14 Operation Confer encing (2704/2705 models ) To initiat e a c onferen ce call: 1. Select the desire d line and dial firs t part y ’ s telephone nu mber . 2. When first part y answers , advise that a c onference call is being established an d then press the C ONF button once . Th e red Conference LED wi ll bli nk at a 60-IP M rate. 3. Press the [...]
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Pr ogramming 15 To term inate a confere nce, p lacing b oth lin es on Hold: 1. Pr ess the HOLD button. 2. The red C onfer ence LED will extinguish; the LIU LEDs will illum inate stea dy red. 3. Both first an d second par ti es will be p laced on HOLD. Pr ogramming To enter programming mode: 1. Th e telep hone line c ord must be in stall ed fi rst. [...]
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16 Prog ramming Flash T iming The default setting is 500 Msec. To set the tel epho ne to a diffe ren t settin g: Pr ess the appropriate sequ ence on the keypad that corresponds to the desired setting. A confirm ation tone is h eard foll owing the program sequen ce. P ause T iming Default setting is 2 sec. For th e Setting (Msec) Program Sequ ence ([...]
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Pr ogramming 17 P ositive Disconnect Default setting is E nabled . 1. Enter P rogramming Mo de. 2. T o change sett ing to Disable, press 0. 3. T o change sett ing to Enable, pr ess 1. S/W Reset To clear all da ta: 1. Hang-up. 2. Pr ess and hold the keypad but tons 1, 4, and 7 si multaneously . 3. Whil e stil l holdin g the but tons , lift the hand [...]
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18 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng C aller ID Operation & Pr og ramming Befor e Y ou B egin The Caller ID Phone must be on-hook in order to access the programming functions. Bot h the telephone line cord and the p o w e r c o r d m u s t a l s o b e i n s t a l l e d . I f e i t h e r c o r d i s d i s c o n n e c t e d , the teleph[...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 19 Gen e r a l C al l er ID I nfo r ma ti on Caller ID Displays When a call is received, the display will show the caller ’ s n ame and number after the second ring . If you have Call Waiting and you are on a ca ll, the displa y will show the new c aller I D in format ion. Caller ID … Caller ID with Cal[...]
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20 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng Operation Memory Dialing To Stor e a Num ber in Mem ory: 1. Lift the handset. 2. Pr ess the PROGRAM button for one second. 3. Press the desire d direc t access M EMO RY button. A conf irmation tone will be he ard. 4. Dial the number to be stored using the keypad (up to 32 digits). Pr ess the REDI A[...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 21 For n um bers outside your lo cal ar ea code( s): 1. P er form steps 1- 3 as shown above. 2. Pr ess the OP TION button . 3. Select t he desi red d ial ing method . (Default = 10-d igit diali ng) 4. Press the MEMO RY button. A confirm ation ton e will be heard. T o clear an entry : 1. Lift the handset. 2.[...]
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22 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng Marking a Call T h e M A R K b u t t o n i s u s e d t o d e s i g n a t e a c a l l a s N E W o r O L D . T o keep track of a call that has already b een reviewed, change its desig nation fro m OLD to NEW. 1. Scroll th rough th e Call Histor y li st. 2. When the desired number shows on the display , p[...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 23 Home Area Code To program your home area code, enter the number and press the PROGRAM but ton to save th e entry. To chan ge an area code, e nter a new n umber and press the PROGRAM butt on to save the en try. The standa rd format for Caller ID is 10 digits. When any of the thr ee (3) Area C ode [...]
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24 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng Calle r ID wit h Call Wait ing The default setting is Enable . When this feature is enabled , and you are currently on a call: The display will show the cal ler ID for the new incomin g call. ( Y o u m i ght n o ti ce yo u r l i ne go i n g m u te f or 1 se co n d as t h e n ew call i s bei ng con [...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 25 Repeated Calls The de fau lt sett ing is Sepa rat e Ent ry. Separate Entr y -- Li sts all repeat calls individuall y . Combined Entr y - - Combines all repeat ca lls and u pdates the date an d time. Visual Message Wait ing The d ef ault se ttin g is L amp OFF . The light is enabled by a CO FSK si[...]
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26 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng Special Ring Alert When a number is s aved on a MEMORY but ton, Caller ID w ill: Recognize that number on the sec ond ring . Give a special ring tone to aler t the user of a priorit y call. ( The power adapter mu st be pl ugged i n to ac tive this feature.) LCD Contrast The LCD Contrast is adju[...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 27 Posi tive Di sconne ct The default setting is Enable . Flash Time The default setting is 600ms . Pause Time The de fau lt se ttin g is 2 se c. Software Reset and Memory Initialization To reset all d ata to their def ault value s: Hang up the hand set; press and hold the OPTION bu tton for tw o seconds. A[...]
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28 Call er ID O pera tion & P rog rammi ng T roublesh ooting G uide If this teleph one do es not work properly, try the foll owing suggestion s. Cond ition S uggest ion No Di al T one Check all cabling to make sure that all connec tio ns a re secure and not dam aged. Chec k hook sw itch. Does it full y extend w hen handse t is lift ed f[...]
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Cal ler ID Oper ation & Pr ogrammi ng 29 Speakerpho ne do es n ot work If the other pers on canno t hear you, make sure the MUTE ligh t is off . Difficulty s toring nu mbers in memory Make sur e y ou are p res sing the corr ect sequenc e of butt ons for storing m emory . NEW call li ght sta ys on Make sure you have revie wed the entire call his[...]
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REGU LA TOR Y INFO RMA TIO N FCC P art 68 Compliance These telep hones are hear ing-a id compa tibl e and co mply w ith Par t 68 of the Federa l Commu nic ations Commis sion (FCC) r ules. On th e bottom of the phone is a label that contains, among other inform ation, t he FCC regis tratio n numbe r and Ring er Equ ival ence Number (R EN) f or the p[...]
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FCC P art 15 Compliance These te lephones have been t ested and found to comp ly with th e limits for a Cl ass B di gita l devi ce, purs uant to Part 15 of the FCC Rule s. These li mits are designed to provide reason able prote ction agai nst harm ful int erfer ence in re side ntial in stallati on. Thi s equi pmen t m ay g enera te, use, an d/or ra[...]
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VODA VI TECHN OL OGY , INC. 8300 East Raintr ee Driv e Scottsdal e , AZ 85260 Issue 2 - August 2000 P/N: 2750-00[...]